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    Entertainment Report (00:00:02)

    Junk Drawer (00:25:43)

    The Bizarre Files (01:03:15)

    Can Truckers block the shoulder during Traffic?(01:18:44)

    The Connoisseur (01:49:23)

    The Bizarre Files(02:26:57)

    Hollywood Trash & Music News(02:34:35)

    Wrap Up(02:44:53)

    We have some stories to R by you uh we’ll start with this one um in March of 2019 Luke per the actor passed away he was only 52 years old so freaking sad had a massive stroke at his home in Los Angeles and his longtime friend Beverly Hills 9021 co-star Brian Austin Green

    Had a hard time accepting that his death was real he was in interview recently and they were uh talking about you know Luke passing away and he said that there was a part of me that couldn’t really process um that that was real and he

    Said I texted him the day after he died just because there was a part of me that was like no he’s going to answer back he’s hiding somewhere or Something’s Happened I’ll bet you people do that I’ll bet you people will text numbers of someone who passed away just to on the

    Off chance yeah or just to send out a message into the world or I don’t know I know that uh Dak Prescot I think uh because his mother passed away and he would text his mom before every game I can’t remember which comian had a bit

    About that that’s right uh it was Jake Mata is it Jake yeah and and because uh Jake would say that Dak would text that that number ended up with the with somebody else eventually yeah so Dak Dak Prescott the quarterback for the Cowboys would text somebody in the Middle lake

    Kansas who had the number his deceased mother number do go with you you know and that’s kind of the punchline is that you know the the number doesn’t go to heaven with right so he went on to say to me in my mind Luke was the strongest

    Of everyone he was the constant guy he was exactly who he was at all times uh they worked together for 10 years between 1990 and 2000 of course they remained good friends afterwards let me ask you this because I have never removed a phone number of somebody who

    Has passed away in my I have a few of those yeah and I just won’t I don’t know why it’s well because it seems it it seems so final even though things already are final you know what I mean it seems it it almost is it it feels

    Like a process of of washing them from your memory which you know what I mean yeah I don’t I don’t think that’s something that people immediately jump on like like um that’s why Facebook pages and and uh you know X accounts or Instagram they all stay active because they think people

    Say just let it let it serve as a memorial yeah yeah and and and when you do delete a contact from your phone number there’s a there’s a feeling of finality to that you know so I can I can see and you can’t crank call from that

    Number that’s true yeah uh Brian cranon would like to see a reboot of the office but as a movie instead of a show uh the Breaking Bad actor appeared on Wednesday’s episode of Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey’s office ladies podcast and floated the idea to them uh he said

    So let’s say there’s not a reboot series but let’s say that there’s a movie something where we can see where these people are uh these people in the entire cast that we’re curious about uh Kinsey compared this idea to Downtown Abbey uh their movie and added I would do it I

    Would do it for my kids cuz I think that they would would think that it’s fun it’s interesting that Brian Cranston yes talking about this would bring this up not just that he’s into the office but the fact that he’s an actor and you know You’ think actors would be in on you

    Know the story ended let’s just let it go and and and it will live on in no he wants more of this I would love a Breaking Bad the office crossover be called God could you imagine Walter White comes into that that as a paper salesman yeah oh my God I think people

    Forget to buy this paper they forget how funny Brian cranon is I mean he was hilarious on the middle you know and he did obviously did Breaking Bad for so long that that sometimes people forget that he’s uh you know that he is also a very great comedic actor well Malcolm in

    The Middle he he um displayed his roller skating abilities and it was amazing hey did he I never saw the movie why him uh did you guys see it I did was he guil pleasure it’s a guilty pleasure it is not a great movie okay but there are

    Funny scenes that really made me laugh out loud at the end kiss makes an appearance really you know because James FR uh Franco is this super wealthy you know uh Tech Guy and so he hires them to pay play during his proposal uh but it’s very

    Funny uh but yeah he pulls off the comedy for sure so fiser said she would do it yes uh she said as long as Greg Daniels is in charge of it and he’s the only one that she would trust to get the project right uh Cranson said enough

    Said let’s get Greg on the phone I just want to be an extra in it uh I’d be like crossing guard or something like that he says but he would like to see that tenen fish is in the Mean Girls movie uh is she yeah because Tina Fe said her kids

    Are massive fans of the office oh that’s great uh so Selma Blair says that she is feeling lucky as her multiple sclerosis remains in remission though the actress says that she continues to experience constant pain and stiffness she gave fans followers a health update in a new Instagram video that was posted this

    Week telling fans that she’s doing well and she addressed the camera from bed while undergoing intravenous uh immunoglobin uh M globulin therapy I believe it’s called igiv uh she said I hurt all the time I say that only for you people that hurt also I get it uh

    Igiv or IVIG is a quote pulled antibody and biological agent used to manage various amuno deficiency States and plethora of other conditions including autoimmune infectious and inflammatory States of the ultimate goal of the therapy is to normalize a compromised immune system so from the i’ I’ve been following her all throughout this right

    From the beginning when she you know discovered she had it and the Very debilitating nature right after that the the the transformation through her through these past couple years has been amazing because you would look at her now and you would never know that she was suffering this way yeah um she has

    Apparently she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2018 and in 2021 she revealed that uh she was in remission with it uh in her recent update video she shared that she remains in remission although she continues to suffer from distonia which is a condition that causes involuntary muscle

    Movements and she has noticed that she moves and walks better when she is by herself versus when she is in public like she said when I go out it’s still very pronounced when I go into different rooms hallways or meeting new people or even focusing on talking about it um but

    She said that she still experiences fatigue and is stiff all the time and seems to be doing fine and she is due for another MRI and more blood work Ms is one of those things it’s just like it there’s like a host of things going on I can’t say I completely understand what

    What happens when you have it it seems as you said there’s a lot that can go on I didn’t know you could go into remission with them I didn’t either I had no idea I thought once you had it you had it for life it’s not always

    Active Okay well Montel Williams has it as well and he um he had a long period where he was basically in remiss he probably is still in remission I haven’t heard anything else I know he was managing it well but I haven’t heard anything about or from him so does that

    Mean essentially that you have it but it’s not going to kill you I believe that’s the case yeah yeah wow I think it can though it can come back yeah okay I bet you Sky Rizzy could take care of it sky is there anything that stuff can’t

    Do what about I mean nothing is everything what about the the stuff that makes you dance oh the Jian that’s for diabetes about a [ __ ] might work for a cockail of all of those drugs and then some of that stuff that seals the screen

    Door so you can turn it into a boat we dog we should be doctors uh Larry David and we might have uh audio of this Larry David Larry not that audio Larry David mustered up an apology to Elmo on The Today Show on Thursday uh after he

    Attacked the Sesame Street star during a live taping uh they were a part of separate segments but David interrupted Elmo segment in order to Ambush him uh we have both Clips y attacking the apology this is him attacking all right let’s go over to Alfred check of the weather wait wait wait wait

    Wait oh my gosh you love Elmo don’t you you just a lie Elmo liked you before ask permission before you touch people Larry’s let’s let’s get back on the couch and let’s talk about how you feel all right lar you’ve gone too far this time yes Larry somebody had to do it is

    Anybody really surprised so we started strangling him okay oh no and then he apologizes later do you have something you want to say to Elmo and look at look at the camera and please and from your heart from where go ahead say you’re sorry Elmo Mary I just want to apologize thank you

    Larry Elmo accepts your apology Larry accept Okay cool El thank you you are such a sweetheart thank you Elmo Larry you are not oh my gosh I love the line someone had to do it someone had to do it Elmo made the news recently he uh he

    Tweeted out a did you see this it was it was just uh Elmo wants to know how everybody’s doing and I don’t know why but apparently that took off and caught as everybody was saying how horrible they were doing oh in response to it so well

    Let’s uh and then sorry I asked I I just don’t I I don’t know why I was telling Casey about it the other day I’m like why why do some things Goen take off and why so you know what if I asked how’s everybody doing let do let’s let’s a

    Picture of you and just Preston loves you with your AR L you Marissa Oh I thought it was hilarious cuz it wasn’t just like Elmo I’m horrible but like people were being real about it and then Elmo responded back at the end and was

    Like well now I see that and this is a good reminder to ask your friends and check on them every once in a while I know but I just don’t know why it went it made the national new why you know okay it’s Elmo huh cuz it’s Elmo no it’s

    Not cuz it’s Elmo it’s you know it’s just you don’t know you don’t you don’t know what’s going to take off and what’s not so jaay wants to be a YouTube Star I’ve told you guys this before right you know and so he creates this YouTube channel I’m like listen buddy that

    That’s not how it works you know what I mean like you can’t just tell me the kid does not post a video second video that he ever posted gets 10,000 views what what I was like he goes yeah Mom he goes see I go uh that’s not really how it

    Goes what was what was he doing it was Preston it was nothing it was it was this key this new keyboard that he got for his gaming computer and he he put some like audio to it because one of the little pieces broke off and he was like

    Horrified by it and like all these Gamers were like we feel you bro you know it was ridiculous when when Tik Tok was still musically was that what it was called yeah Caroline posted a video and it got over a 100,000 views and it was

    And and and I love that kid but it was nothing special and I’m like why did this I have no idea it’s a Confluence of events if you have to fall into the right algorithm a b like in this case perhaps a slow news day perhaps not a

    Lot going on in social media Elmo’s an iconic character everyone everyone sort of views Elmo as a um as a therapist in a way yeah did you guys all post a photo of yourself as 21 years old no no with what it’s a something that’s going around on Instagram it was just like

    Post yourself at 21 years old so everyone’s digging through their archives and finding ones or people are saying my archives don’t go back that far if you want to see a photo of me 21 I’m standing behind Lincoln at the Lincoln Douglas debates I know we’d have to go through physical photos actual

    Photos I don’t have time for that yeah me either ain’t nobody got time for that depressing it’s it’s it’s me like a civil war shot like just looking at should do that should do one of those CIA toned yeah I did one yesterday but it was just me

    Sitting at the dining room table my dearest today I turned 21 uh yeah I and I always find about find out about those things way too late oh yeah yeah yeah they last a week and then they’re over yeah and before you know what I’m back

    To eating my time know by the time I get to posting it it’s like it’s gone is oh you posted your 21st birthday we’re on to how many posts does it take for you to uh finally realize that this is a trend it’s a thing you know I’m like oh

    Wait hang on a second you know what you know when I find out when you guys tell me it’s a thing that’s it I I I can see stuff oh yeah I say they post that blah blah blah oh that’s a thing now I did not know that until you guys tell me

    About it and then by that time it’s not a thing anym it’s over yeah all right so I have a few other celebrity stories to pass along how about this variety report said Idris Elba made his debut as a Calvin Klein model earlier this week ah

    Me too uh the actor strolled through the Streets of London and showcased items such as the classic trench coat and new slim suit from the spring collection slim suit he said I don’t want to reinvent the wheel I wanted to be in classic Calvin Klein looking ad and

    Wanted to just be Idris you know and he said uh just to I want to be Idris just to be me and not try to be a kiss you try to be a mod or whatever just be myself in these shots um yeah can’t get

    Enough of ID ala when he had that that story arc on the office and every one of the office ladies fell love with the president’s hilarious they were just dying for him and he’s as smooth as can be yeah but he was also you know mechanically funny he was he

    Wasn’t he wasn’t the guy who was going to be the yuck guy but he was able to pull off stuff that was very funny they would find any excuse to coming into his office and just like you know get bered or whatever nice uh let’s see what El

    For you how about I thought this was kind of interesting this is from earlier this week I didn’t get a chance to get to it but Chrissy Deegan uh was on the Drew Barrymore show earlier this week and admitted that her mind wanders all the time time during sex uh she’s of

    Course married to John Legend and so she says she’s thinking like things is the door locked is my spray tan coming off uh she shared examples that cross her mind while they’re having sex she also commented on how wonderful her husband is of course wonder the crock are still On uh she said of her hubby uh he’s as good and as pure as you can imagine a man to be he he in bed he really is that good but he sucks seriously but really lousy in bed otherwise my mind would not wander uh she said everyone’s like oh

    He’s so nice and I’m like yes he’s nice He’s Sweet hor way but he’s great in bed but he’s like brilliant she said his levels of empathy for other people and he’s just like I don’t know a sponge of kindness and goodness she say you’re a

    Good sponge so much so that she thinks of other things while they are having sex you know what Legend was really good in watch it again la la L he’s great in it I I think he’s wonderful in that we actually we were in the same room with

    Him uh Steve and I went and we received the um Service to America award in Washington DC uh and it was a wonderful uh Accolade to receive and he was receiving an award that same night and was uh one of the you know he got up and

    Gave this wonderful speech but we were we were honores along with him that he said was very nice he said uh I was going to blow this off and then I heard President Steve were recipients and he didn’t have to say that he did not have

    To say and Ned Benning was in that audience as well that night yeah yeah so that was pretty cool all right so a few other things uh Steve you’ll know who this guy is uh character actor William oconnell oh yes uh he portrayed the villain uh thiv or thev I’m not sure how

    You pronounce it on the classic Star Trek TV show uh he was 94 years old he just passed away um his other television roles included uh small appearances on the Twilight Zone Dennis A menis and The Lucy Show but I remember him from uh I

    Pulled up some pictures of him uh he was in the Every Which Way but Loose and Every Which Way UK uh movies he was one of the the black widows the the motorcycle game that follows him around he was also in um another um he was an high Plaines

    Drifter with uh with Clinton as well and the outlaw Josie whale so obviously all over the place he and Clinton got together and uh he was uh yeah he’s just one of those guys who if you see him you might go oh yeah I remember him from this they were usually smaller character

    Roles oh yeah for some reason I remember that can the uh the one where they uh I think it was the second one where they get something that makes them all bald they’re wearing tpay yeah yes it’s a stupid Visual and then I cracked up it’s

    Great uh so sad news but a long uh full life 94 years old let me ask you a question about because I watch any which way you can and and lose what was the plot of those movies I can’t I can’t even remember in the one he’s he’s going to do bare knuckle

    Boxing and remember he had he was going to fight this other guy and it was really just kind of these encounters with these yeah both both of them were about him being a essentially a barroom Fighter for money and uh and the in the first movie I think he was uh that was

    Just them traveling around and then he meets the girl and she she tried they tries to hustle him and all this stuff but I think the whole thing was uh him to take on the the biggest baddest guy of that genre Fighters his name was tank

    Murdoch I remember and and at the end he’s fighting him and he’s going to win and he realizes that he doesn’t want this he doesn’t want to be known as the guy that everybody comes after and he he he bails on the fight and or he gives on

    The fight the one with William Smith he his arm gets broken and he’s fighting this guy with one arm and it’s uh but listen you didn’t go for the accuracy you went for the they were for the oranging they were they were you did you did go for Clyde absolutely what was the

    Point of the rangon just to have one just yeah it was comic relief you know and Ruth Gordon was dating him at the time uh was Ruth the mother the mother she was hilarious in those movies by the way all right um let’s see we got time

    For a couple more things how about this uh people reports that um yesterday or Wednesday actually um the ABC released the official trailer for The highly anticipated third season of abot Elementary uh Ava in the trailer says uh I went to Harvard this summer and I’ve

    Learned what it truly takes to do the job of a principal and later reveals that she’s installed cameras around the school meanwhile Janine is uh trying out cursing and Gregory is referred to as Jeremy Allen black in reference to the bear actor Jeremy Allen White right uh

    So the new season premieres on February 7th so it’s coming up I like the show a lot I don’t get to see it all the time and uh but when I do it’s very funny it’s in that office style and that doesn’t appeal to everybody but I the

    Show is really well done all right these last two stories you’re going to love Steve uh variety reports that Brad Pit and Quinton Tarantino might be pairing up again for the Pulp Fiction director’s 10th and what he says is his final film so I’m thrilled about this because once

    Upon of time in Hollywood is my favorite Quenton Tarantino film and Brad Pit was fantastic and he won the Oscar uh but I’m sad honestly he better not follow through with the final film thing because we need quent and Tarantino making movies uh Tarantino’s new movie the movie critic is reportedly said in

    Southern California in the 1970s again and centers on a movie critic believed to be inspired by the late New Yorker writer Pauline kale yeah uh pit and Tarantino of course were together on in glorious bastards in 2009 and then 10 years later in Once Upon a Time in

    Hollywood and then this last thing Steve I know you’ll love this Mira svino spoke to US Weekly at the American Heart Association Go Red For Women event on Wednesday about where things stand with the Romy and Michelle’s High School reunion sequel because I know you love

    That movie I love it uh Robin Schiff she said the writer is working on it she says she’s currently working on Emily and Paris so she’s finishing up her draft to present to the studio uh she also added uh Lisa and I are wrapping up our deals as executive producers on it

    With the studio and we are full force ahead have have we all seen Romy and Michelle it’s great I love that dance sequence at the end to time after time I love Alan [ __ ] in that movie oh he’s great he’s terrific and they have him

    Wearing sort of the uh this the the in the in the dream sequence he’s wearing this prosthetic sort of you know angular jaw and all this stuff it’s very funny all right so we got uh movies opening this weekend uh we’re gonna get to now All we will begin with argile and action and comedy it stars Bryce Dallas Howard s Sam Rockwell and Henry cable and uh Ellie Conway is a reclusive author of a series of best-selling Espionage novels whose idea of bliss is a night at home with her computer and her cat Alfie but

    Uh when the plots of Ellie’s fictional books which sent her on secret agent Argyle and his mission to unravel a global spy Syndicate begin to mirror the covert actions of a real life spy organization quiet evenings at home become a thing of the past accompanied by Aiden a cat allergic spy uh Alli

    Races a Ross the world to stay one step ahead of The Killers as the line between Ellie’s fictional world and her real one begins to blur uh it’s 2 hours 19 minutes long straight to PG-13 it’s a wide theater release and gets a pretty low score with Rotten Tomato Rotten

    Tomatoes at 35% yeah I like this director he’s Matthew vaugh he’s really good but the movie’s getting [ __ ] slapped also opening is Orion in the dark animated kids comedy Stars Jacob tremble Paul Walter Hower and wner Herzog uh the thing Orion fears the most is the dark when the embodiment of his

    Worst fears play pays a visit dark whisks Orion away on a roller coaster ride around the world to prove there’s nothing to be afraid of at night hour and 32 minutes long rated PG and it is streaming today Rotten Tomatoes gives it 87% pretty solid and then finally Bosco open

    Yes it’s a mystery thriller Stars Aubrey Joseph Nikki biansky and DC Young Fly uh quante Bosco Adams plays an ingenious escape escapee from a federal Maximum Security Prison for the chance to be at his first child’s birth I think he plans it’s in oh he plans one okay it’s an

    Outer and 30 minutes longest rated uh TV ma uh streams today Rotten Tomatoes has not given it a uh final scor were you a BOS fan as a kid uh I I was I didn’t we didn’t have BOS we were a quick yeah oh

    I love Qui but but I have had Bosco and it’s quite tasty yes I still have the quick rabbit Cup oh you still have that I love that cup a man that’s cool I know that’s uh that is childhood embodied right there all right and that is uh the

    Last of the oh yeah we got to do Clips sorry sorry about that Y how about this uh Ted the miniseries travels back to 1993 when the washed up bear forms his friendship with John and in this clip Max Burkholder and Georgia wigam talk about acting with a faux bear it was

    Really funny whenever there’s a moment where you have to interact physically with the bear like handing him a bong or something uh there was a woman named Ally who would be like hiding under a bed there’s like a contortionist like she would like and she would have like a

    Ted glove on her hand and she would like reach out and contort and you would hand it to her it’s cool Dam uh Ted is streaming now by the way I watched it all I watched all the episodes uh very funny very wrong I mean it it retains

    Absolutely uh the aggressive comedy of the movies and then some and there’s a ton of bong smoking all right and then we’ll do the next clip uh Bosco is the true story of uh quante Bosco Adams who was sentenced 35 years for possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute and escaped to

    Be at his first child’s birth uh in this clip actor Aubrey Joseph describes his relationship with the real BOS ever since I you know first got the role I was calling him while he was still uh in prison and we were talking on you know

    15 minutes at a time and we just noticed how alike we were and that really set the tone for our relationship and when he got out we became even closer so by the time we even called action on the first shot we had already became Brothers it became something of a

    Responsibility like I have to tell my brother’s story shut up dummy so it’s based on a true story so there you go and that is all that I have then it became a chocolate syrup entrepreneur entertainment report this morning all right let us uh go ahead and take a

    Break uh come back in a moment uh keep in mind we are going to get to The Connoisseur at some point we’ll do some giveaways with the movie clips that we always do in conjunction with that we do some invites for the galentine’s day party with us coming up and we’ll get to

    The details on the return of the soup bowl which we announced yesterday we’ll come back in a second stay with Us to you 933 WMMR I know what I was going to mention uh we made the announcement it was yesterday uh that it’s the return of the President Steve soup and so we are we’re going to we’re going to have restaurants pitted against each other in this competition a week

    From today so if you are a restaurant owner or manager or know someone that is let them know and we want to know it’s soup is got to be one of your Specialties it’s not just something you have on your menu it’s something that you’re proud of on your

    Menu and we want to find out about you can enter and it’s just for bragging rights and you’ll come by the studio here next Friday bring your soup we’re going to have a panel of guest judges that are going to sample these and in honor of the big game the big game we’re

    G we are are going to be uh crowning the uh the champion of soup here show it’s a return we’ve done it before yeah it’s our third time soup bowl but it’s been a long time tremendous amount of time and forget you’re getting nice exposure on

    The show uh you know and uh we are soup Fanatics and we’re proud of it godamn it damn right we are so uh go to prent if you’d like to sign up for that Steve you want to mention something just a quick thing president very

    Generous of the whoever did this I don’t know who did it but you know the edible fruit arrangements um someone sent a a very really a lavish one to the station for me I it’s to me says we are all here for you love the rest of the world I

    Assume this has to do with the my dad passing and it was a wonderful gesture thank you whoever sent it and we are all enjoying it it means a lot thank you for your generosity already eaten a fair amount of it this morning so thank you

    Pineapple man Nick and I were having to talk I well I told Steve um my my son loves pineapple I love pineapple and Andrea is like either allergic to it or just has reaction to it so so she can’t have it which sucks I feel bad for you

    And I feel bad for her she loves it but she just can’t have it so I went to the grocery store yesterday and picked up a whole bunch and she saw it in the fridge she’s like you know I can’t have that I was like yeah I can my son can we love

    It sorry yep yep yep all right well thank you for that and also I received a gift too and I would like to thank Ron uh damiani Jr and he sent me a whole bunch of paper clips awesome delicious colored paper clips okay and he said uh

    Here’s a few more clips for all of the other stat you where The noticer Connoisseur junk drawer stream of Consciousness ner they actually tried to he actually tried to write that out and he says from listener Ron so thank you we do appreciate that my man all right

    Speaking of those hats that we wear uh it’s time to clean out the junk pressing cleaning out his chunk drawer getting things out of a chunk drawer finding stuff here in a chunk Drawer all right let’s dive into the drawer and see what we can find quiet a I got it all right so online jobs Marketplace uh in mood imoodle is that how you pronounce this un mudl not familiar they wanted to find out which occupations are the most common across

    The United States so they analyze detailed employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to identify the top three jobs in all 50 states so this is interesting if someone were to say what is the most most common job in the country I my mind’s reeling yeah what

    Would you guys have any guess as to what the most common job would be according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the most common job yeah oh man I mean it’s just like asking that question are there more doors or wheels in the world right right I’m going to say something in like

    Customer service okay teacher teacher Nick says all right Elvis impersonator that’s uh not on the list but man I wish it was I’ll dive right into this if you can’t think of something the most common job wait drum roll I have to here retail sales I was going to say

    That you should I swear to God I swear to My Savior Jesus be afraid of your feelings next time and just’re you’re in a safe space I’m tripping on the pineapple um uh it ranked the highest in 15 of the country’s States the job also appears in the top three occupations for

    60 4% of the states overall so if you’re a retail salesperson you have the most common job in the United States so yeah okay and I wonder how office like like sales like a salesperson I wonder but is that tangential to retail what you say you’re working in retail

    Sales different it’s different because retail is you know direct to customer product so uh the second most common workers in the US are those employed in fast food and counter rolls yeah yeah and I love rolls lots of not those kind r o l e s can I have seen these counter

    Rols they look great I’ve had uh over the years I’ve had both of those jobs retail and uh fast food and um I preferred fast food over retail I I found retail to be just abysmal I I could not take that work it drove me

    Crazy enjo it I could not Nick I could not work in retail I had a few jobs over like when I when I was younger in high school um I worked at the wall at the ox Valley mall and then I worked at Express over the holiday season I was like

    Holiday help and my best friend has been in retail since we were 16 years old and she that’s still you know part of her industry and she loves it and I could never understand it like I was there for very short periods of time in these

    Stores and I’m like this is the most boring job I’ve ever had Kathy a family member just got a uh a job at um TJ Maxx she a mom has a couple of kids wanted to bring a littleit little extra money in for you know whatever uh and um and she

    Loves it she loves it she she’s a she’s a people person she interacts with the people really well they’re already offering her like managerial um you know uh options and uh so it’s one of those things where I think you have to be the right person for that you know you have

    To have the right mental attitude it’s either for you or or it’s not and and listen I like I remember thinking I love shopping I love clothes like I love picking stuff out can help people do it and I was like wait I hate people I was

    Like God I love the clothes but I hate the people yeah I uh I thoroughly enjoyed I work at American Eagle and uh it was one of those Kaka uh I worked there it was one of those um like I worked there Christmas during college

    Yeah and I loved it so much and I excelled at it so much that they asked me to work there like all the time and I was like I can’t and then in the summertime when I’m back I’m a lifeguard so I so I never was able to go back to

    You have the right sort of Personality for that you are a people person and you’re outgoing so I think if if you have that you’re going to dig the retail thing a little bit more looking at the states in our region um both New Jersey and Delaware the most common job is

    Retail sales person but in Pennsylvania it is a personal care Aid oh wow so these are people that state for like someone who can’t take care of themselves like U hospice nurses and things of that nature yeah at home B nurses and I guess not only at home

    But personal care I guess maybe that they would work in nursing homes and things like that yeah there’s also CU my mom was also a volunteer um it was at Our Lady of Fatima and it was uh it was basically like adult uh daycare for for adults with special needs and stuff

    So that’s all I got that um so yeah so that those are among the most common uh jobs uh in the country I was surprised that the teacher wasn’t on there Nick I thought that was a really good guess I wonder how many people Walmart alone employees I’ll look

    It up but like when you talk about retail Walmart has a lot of employees dude I was telling Casey I saw a story the other day Walmart’s uh stock just split the other day into three I yeah I saw that I’m not familiar with stock splitting triple like that split stock

    Yeah I had never seen a headline like that before and I was telling Casey I’m like they’re still doing that much business oh my god well and it was through the roof that and that’s why they split yeah it has Walmart has 2.1 million employees oh my God so I believe

    And and correct me if I’m wrong Nick maybe you can check on this I believe the largest employer in the world is the United States government okay I believe uh Preston there are now Walmart influencers Walmart influencers like you know how you know everyone goes to

    Target they find what they you I put dis ointment in the crack of my ass feel good you know whatever like the Stanley Cups like you know everybody’s showing the stuff at Target so uh I mean Walmart has their own influencers too and and people have these influencers there’s

    There’s one that I follow who now has her own line um of rugs and like home decor in Walmart did I tell I I didn’t tell you guys I am BEC you work in Walmart no no no I’m becoming an influencer um and it’s do leg presses uh

    Yeah um possibly if uh if anybody wants to send me a leg press machine pre-or uh I’m open for uh and by the way uh that was more uh a video that I posted to highlight my lame playlist anything else I like the music but no no

    I’m starting with swim Spas I haven’t found a I haven’t found a buyer yet but if you are a swim spot manufacturer or retailer I will uh you haven’t found this you haven’t found a swim spot that you like you’re waiting for the companies to come forward and say this

    Is the one this is the one test this out tell us about it think of the power that that uh that Casey will wield as an influen will Corner the market he he will be the uh the king of swim spas uh so Steve uh two answers to your question

    Largest employer in the world um is the US Department of Defense with 2.86 million people then that’s the largest um uh government employer in the world the largest private employer in the world is Walmart ISM and then where do the the Elvis impersonator schools where last that last yeah they really need

    More they really need more of a push maybe they can get with Casey third is the people’s Liberation Army uh the pl the pla yeah people’s Li what’s the pl Liberation Organization and number four is McDonald’s wow okay you never you tend not to as you’re probably by the

    Fry machine at the McDonald’s today think you’re part of a of a collective that’s that large they use it as an ad campaign for McDonald’s like you know the number of people and myself included you’re it’s like six degrees of of Kevin Bacon or six degrees of separation um

    You are connected to somebody who’s worked in McDonald’s one way or another that’s how many employees it’s had over put together we could beat up a country right you have that many people all right uh let’s see something else in the junk okay how about this one Valentine’s

    Day is on the way and it’s Valentine’s and and it’s Valentine thank you Jackie bamb bam 40% of women say that their period would prevent them from being intimate that day why who doesn’t like a little crime scene action only 40 40% the other 60 are on board are you I

    Thought you were saying like 40% would have it no no only 40% of women that it would say that it would prevent them from being in on that day gent let me ask you does that prevent you from okay I have my Red Wings yes I do yes wait

    What okay but so are you okay with it like all the time or does it like a no no I would prefer not okay uh and and and and I had and that was in my younger days where I’m like I don’t care yeah uh

    But yeah it’s kind of it’s it’s a bit messy there yeah there was I mean honestly it looked like the the OJ murder scene and I didn’t realize it many years ago was it was low lit and we it’s okay we can do it and then oh oh

    The lights came on and I was like dear God what just happened yeah call the CSI team we’re looking for splatter patterns here uh bring out the luminol yeah uh just over half of women are willing to get between the sheets during the cycle but 40% are embarrassed about suggesting

    It I think I think uh yeah you guys just take the queue from you know the the the the woman you’re with and and whatever they’re comfortable with um that’s that’s it that’s all you need to know let them lead the way yeah yes uh it’s a

    And you clean it up it’s Valentine’s Day I think nothing is more romantic than a guy going wait here I’m getting a bucket yeah so it was a survey done by kex uh they surveyed 2,000 women great Apache really Co yeah it’s fine yeah keep doing

    It more product so 18 women between 18 and 45 also found that 25% of women who started their flow while being in bed with their partner have been shamed for it oh come on come on ridiculous no you you quietly Snicker when they step out of the room uh the to normalize intimacy

    During that time of the month codex has released a set of complete uh chocolates and thin pads well you can’t put chocolates in there uh purchase this Valentine’s Day kit at Orco if you’re interested I am like textbook like that time I I want no I like I want

    Chocolate but that’s oh yeah is that your craving that’s like yep when you see me stuffing my face with chocolate you know what’s happening my wife is a chocaholic so you know you know would never have been the case but yeah so so

    Do you also do you will do you do I used to be able to speak would you do this uh salty as well would you go for something like uh sweet and savory would you do both uh I mean sure if it had chocolate on it it’s only chocolate just chocolate

    Chocolate I’ve never been a pinpointed Michelle’s Cravings or crutches or whatever she uses during that time I can never really even tell if unless it’s obvious and I know for sure but until hindsight I’m like man she was really [ __ ] that the last week or so and then

    Like oh that’s why yeah it Happ but don’t ever oh my God don’t you dare ever suggest in a conflict one time one time youate with that’s a rookie mistake so delicate yeah just cuz you’re on your period I thought you said on the rag

    Maybe I did I think you did I think you did it’s just cuz you’re on the rag oh I love that term on the rag came out yeah I there’s that and never never say anything disparaging about the mother either because that’s uh that can go bad too they the their mother your

    Motherinlaw your your wife’s or your your significant others mother correct never right like they can do it like I can absolutely you can beat mom up verbally but the but the man cannot do it even if you agree with me wow how’ you ever put up how’ you ever put up

    With that [ __ ] what you just called her a [ __ ] I had a girlfriend time I’m like yeah that sounds like something your mom would say and it was just like wa I’m going to kill you I didn’t know yeah it’s just rookie mistake things like that that you have to know and you

    Just have to accept and live with Cal down let’s let’s let’s have some period sex yeah all right uh let’s see what else we got here I thought this was kind of a fun story I almost put this in bizarre file but I have some legitimately weird stuff

    In there but a man uh successfully used a nearly 50 year old ticket to gain access into Walt Disney World at the Magic Kingdom yeah I love it Matthew Ables uh who has more than 600,000 followers on Tik Tok discovered a 46-year-old ticket in his family’s home

    Uh in a video uh he said it was from 1978 and was originally worth $8 $8 to get into Disney World he said it’s been collecting dust since before I was born and I just assumed it was an old family Keepsake until I realized that it’s never been used and there’s no

    Expiration date date so to settle the question whether he had a golden ticket or was being delusional he flew to Orlando to see a giga entry the video shows him approaching guest relations with the Vintage ticket after a worker stamped void all over the ticket and

    Left the booth uh he said he felt nervous however the Disney worker returned with a yellow pass granting him access to the park yeah uh an entry for an adult currently starts around $109 for the day that’s the lowest ticket the lowest adjusting for inflation the 1978

    Ticket would have a current value of around $38 on its website Disney World says it honors all unexpired tickets as a matter of policy well that’s a good policy it is good PR move I saw I mean on a similar note there was a guy who

    Belonged to a gym not going to say the name of the gym uh but he was scanning in to the gym with using a barcode with with anything but his actual gym pass so the last one I saw and it was like day 18 of scanning in and he used a box of

    Cereal and the the barcode on the box of cereal and it was like beep it just let him through what’s the purpose of having that device if you’re not going to scan yeah yeah for the actual membership card right I I wonder how many places do that like don’t don’t leave just assume

    You’re going to come in with the count you know with a with a proper card to scan now what I what I don’t know is was was it actually working or was he just doing it because it makes a beep sound and there was nobody standing that’s a

    Good question I see what you’re saying yeah I was wondering if it was it was yeah it just simply might make a a scan because it’s a beep scan and that’s it but everyone hears that and Figures it’s legit that’s probably it I can see that

    Being it and just because it audibly you know says it is red the the uh the enjoy your cereal yeah all right uh let’s see um here’s something or let me hold on I have to dig in and find it in our imaginary drawer oh look what it is oh look who it

    Is look who it is um Philly Jesus oh yeah I saw this he’s back he’s he’s a lift driver yeah he is a lift driver in Philadelphia uh and that’s really Moses during the ride he he plays gospel music on his sound system he has a Bible on

    The dash and rosary beads and his name is Michael Grant and he said it’s like a church on Wheels you know that’s how I look at it now Philly Jesus I pick up a passenger and they see me dressed like this and I turn back and I say Jesus is

    Taking the wheel today I love it he said and then I play gospel music on the radio uh nearly a decade ago uh Philly Jesus became a fixture in the city in Center City and he was arrested for trespassing at an Apple Store back in 2016 and that prompted him to ex exit

    The social media scene a few years later after a divorce and the deaths of his dad and grandmother uh however uh he felt that he needed to put the robe on again and hit the road with his message but now he’s he’s driving uh for Lift I

    Think so I I I’m trying to think would in my mind did I perceive Jesus as being an Uber or a lift driver and I thought maybe more Uber personally oh you know what no he’s a taxi driver guys he’s he’s more of a man of the people okay

    You think so okay I would say Lift cuz he lifts you he lift you up oh he lifts you up well there’s also a song called he Ubers you up yeah okay and he will you so I was I took a couple of uber I don’t use Uber that often I don’t use

    Any ride shares that often but I was in uh Florida and I had to uh to get in in Uber and I think that later on in life when retirement someday I could maybe do be a driver I thought the same thing I because because it it is a your work

    Changes yeah I like being in the car you know and uh you’re Your Own Boss you’re Your Own Boss anyone I’ve ever talked to who’s doing it who’s is a little bit older Preston it’s like yeah it’s great so there was a woman who was probably

    Around my age that gave me a ride to the airport and she had a really cool setup and it was it was Uber X it was just a standard regular car it wasn’t anything fancy it was just like a a Mazda or whatever and I get in the back seat and

    On the head rest of the passenger side was a tablet and it had uh it trivia questions that were constantly circulating through and games you could play and I’m like there you go great idea there you go great idea and just sat there and I just and they were

    Stupid easy questions so it made you feel really really smart was she dressed as Mary Magdalene uh no she was not but uh but it I’m like this is entertaining I believe the Uber drivers and lift drivers that have those get extra money for having those in there because

    There’s ads running on those tablets oh you know what yeah there were a couple ads that popped up so I uh I always make it a habit to ask people who are doing that sort of stuff I was um I forget where I was I was a restaurant and there

    Was a guy there from Uber Eats and I go so how how is this he goes I love it and again an older gentleman pressing he says I make my hours and I said I’m always working and it’s you have a little bit more control over you know

    What you’re doing and I think that’s sort of the enticement of it yeah my cousin is and he just kind of does it as a uh a side like a side side side hustle and so when he was like down the shore uh there weren’t a whole lot of Uber

    Drivers down there he’s like all right I got a couple hours to kill let go out and go knock out a few bucks was he a former special operative skills that made him able to solve people’s problems Denzel yeah oh okay uh so the

    But the the guy that I gave me a ride from the airport when I got there I pop in and I go I go uh cool paint job on the car and he just looks at me he goes no engl and I’m like oh man I want to

    Tell you how cool your car was but then once we started riding I was like this actually is kind of nice I don’t have to talk to anybody while I’m riding along so it was shut up there’s a uh online trivia thing that I’ve talk talked about a couple times in

    The past it’s called trivia night in your place uh trivia night at your place and so basically you can sit at home do this trivia game while at home one of the guys that runs it is an Uber driver and he came out to an event where I was

    Steve one time and um he likes it too uh it does take its toll on your car after a while true like he has to as part of and it’s it’s basically his full-time job at this point um but uh the way that he does it he has to take into um you

    Know the income that he’s making car repairs he yeah wear and tear and new tires every so often because he’s just on the road all the time but they listen to President Steve constantly and it was it was really cool conversation I think what I’d do is I’d purchase a very sort

    Of suspect car something sort of rickety maybe not that safe just to save money and drive around that way I would just steal a car you know sure do like what Dalton did in Road House you just buy you know keep buying the cars and move

    Through that way by the way if you’re in a ride share right now and you’re uh your Uber driver or liftt driver your ride share driver has the President Steve show on uh send us a text and we we’ll give them a little give them a cash priz we’ll give him a cash

    You give them a cash uh so Philly Jesus is back around he’s driving lips aesome gotor all right I have two more things I want to get to I have the same thing what is that dude I’ve had post-nasal drip I kid you not for like 3 years now and I haven’t

    Really talked to Dr Mike about it yet it’s constantly right here right near kind of where my Adams apple is I’ve got I’ve got you know fromunda in there whatever it is from from cheese something in there and it’s it drives me crazy so all right anyway you know what

    Fix that Minnie Mouse yes and we’re going to get that in a little while uh so I bring this story up because we were just talking about sleep apnea and uh um cat machines uh medical device manufacturer Phillips will halt all sales of its sleep apnea machines amid fears about

    The devices link to cancer I think mine’s a Philips machine in 2021 the company CPAP machines were found to be blowing gas and foam into users Airways as they slept putting them at an increased risk of tumors the discovery led to the company recalling more than 5 million machines 5 million

    But attempts to repair and replace affected machines has been dragging on for years and now the fdaa FDA and justice department have forced Phillips to Halt all new sales until they address the problem with the old devices Dr Mike you better not be calling me to tell me

    To do the Neil Med all right anyway go ahead uh yeah you go to Dr mik I’m sorry uh Dr Mike is on the phone so let’s go to him right now Dr Mike cigano Fox 29 and Pen medicine hey man I want to the dud in the Neil

    Man I do it it doesn’t help me with that but yep but are you putting beeside in it have I given you the liquid steroid you have and you’ve given youve also given me the other squeezy steroid to put in there not the the budesonide but

    The anyway I’ve done a variety of them and that that hasn’t helped me but do you do it on a regular B Dr Mike let me step in here for a second do you do it on a regular basis I did I did it for like a month and I’m like this isn’t

    Helping I’m freaking not doing this anymore don’t get mad at me I’m just asking questions now didn’t you have wait am I allowed to talk about can tell them all stuff in my butt whatever you even put pictures up online go ahead Dr Mike so weren’t you seen by ear nose and

    Throat and we’re going to have sinus surgery at one point yes he had it scheduled me and and and my insurance company wouldn’t cover it so yes I still want to do that and I know you’re not a big fan of that but I still want to do

    It well no if you have to do it you have to do it but why did your insurance those bastards those Bast we we had scheduled the same date when I had my a my poem surgery move for the aasia mic um Preston was going to go in at the

    Exact same time yeah cuz we need to have vacation days off to recover right and and they Dr Palmer and his staff Call like about a week before they’re like your insurance isn’t going to cover it and I’m like you got to be kidding me I have I have a respected doctor saying

    That I need this to get done anyway because you have a deviated sectum or a nasal poop or something don’t you yep I got a couple things I both of those things yeah all right so look if the Neil Med isn’t working and you gave it

    The best shot yeah we have no choice I mean but you and I need to readdress this yes you need to come in for a good he needs to come I need to come in I’ve been peeing a lot lately too I want you to cover that as well all right well

    It’s on the menu all right well but but uh the other thing is you have a HEPA filter in your bedroom or any kind of uh air filter uh not in my bedroom no how about a humidifier to to uh increase the moisture especially when you’re

    Sleeping that that may help uh but do you have itchy eyes and runny nose it’s uh yeah actually big of the time of year for that but um all right well I’ll come in we’ll work it out by the way did you hear about this Dr Mike this other thing

    That Phillips has been uh told to recall their uh CPAP machines because it may cause cancer well I’ve been dealing with that for that’s not a new new thing that’s that’s old news and the fact is that uh it was the the foam uh that that

    Was an issue and and and going through the whole process of getting and I have a ton of people that have sleep apnea that needed machines and and it was very challenging but look you know uh uh you can’t be doing stuff that’s that’s harmful and just just for the record

    Mike we love you just you know no I love you all so much I’m a P1 yeah you are baby I listen to you and then and then Brent and then everybody you’re the best rock you rock you rock driver I’m sure you would have us blaring in

    Your car as you driving I am driving and I have it blaring in the car nice we love you Dr Mike we’ll see you he actually call he called me yesterday not to check on me but to ask about my mom is that not amazing that is the kind of

    Guy he is I love this guy dearly he just wanted to say how’s your mom doing and I told him and he’s like well she’s not getting the kind of care she needs to get I mean like he’s like he’s like he he he gets into our lives and and he’s

    An amazing person he’s we hope you find a doctor as wonderful as Doctor could only be so lucky but you can’t have ours by the way Phillips is uh facing over 700 lawsuits claiming that their devices contributed to patients Cancers and other health problems so now there’s a

    Recall stop think about this so you you got this thing which you’ve been advised to use for your condition and it’s like you can’t win I makes your penis fall off my my dad’s been in and out of medical care places a lot over Le last couple of weeks and he’s doing better

    Now which is great but Steve there was a stretch where when he was in the hospital he didn’t have his cpad machine so not only are you trying to sleep in the hospital but you have to have the seat pad machine in order to do so and

    It just it was it’s a terrible cycle to get in and you’re absolutely right like if you need this thing and that’s being recalled like what the hell are you going to do at night um I’d say eat fresh pineapple all right real quick before we go back uh to

    To another story because there’s one more I want to get to uh text come in Uber driver Sean from Delco here only Preston and St my car driving right now in Drexel Hill so thank send him a C Machine and he says also I have sleep apnea hahaa you guys

    Are speaking to me this morning uh and then we have Tyler who is an Uber driver wants to check in real quick hey Tyler morning buddy hey how’s it going guys great man how you doing I’m doing great I actually am in the middle of driving

    When Nick Nick texted me and let me know that you guys were and I was listening and the I my passenger just said she goes oh they didn’t get to you before you dropped me off I wanted to be on the radio go back and pick her up give it

    Give get in the goddamn car hey Tyler I’m sorry go ahead and give a plug for your trivia company oh okay yes so I host trivia night at your place it’s a live game we do every Thursday night at nine o’clock uh it’s two teams of two

    Head-to-head we do a bunch of different things we do video rounds and picture rounds uh it’s free to sign up so if anybody ever wants to do it it’s on Zoom we do it quick and it’s easy Tyler Tyler is Uber your full-time job yes sir I do

    Uber and lift and how long are your days uh actually surprisingly not that bad I work during the daytime um I start a little early and then I end probably around three between three and 5 okay and so we’ve heard and we were talking about this uh Tyler a lot of the people

    That I encounter whenever I’m talking to them just casually seem to really like that aspect that you can tail your schedule you know uh and and U make your work day what you want it to be do you agree with that I agree yeah the the

    Only only downfall is they kind of like they they started taking more money from us I’m not going to get into it too much but they you know they hide the the Seas and stuff and they don’t give them to the drivers but we’re the ones spending

    All the money but the but you’re right the good part is yes we get to go you know I can drop somebody off and then go oh look there’s a new restaurant I can turn off and go eat and do whatever I want and start up again right Tyler what

    Navigation system do you use uh it’s actually I just used the Uber and The Lift app okay the navigation that they give if I’m using navigation normally for myself it’s just the Apple Maps really Apple Maps Okay I was just curious I didn’t know if you had a choice to use

    Your own want to use ways or something like that you could or yeah they can do that I just I just use the app because that way they can track it and I don’t get in too much trouble I’ve had plenty of crazies so okay good man that’s

    Awesome excellent all right buddy thanks and thanks for listening we appreciate it a thank you huge fan love you guys awesome we love you thank you Tyler actually a lot of the guys are both Uber a lot of people not guys anyone’s driving drive for both Uber and all

    Right uh One More Story let me dig in here and find this all right if you want your teens or adult kids to listen to your advice yeah uh yeah I know right uh support their independence and Viewpoint first yeah this cor University just put it at the end of the foot

    University of California Riverside study found that using phrases like because I said so or get over it are likely to push your young adult away uh and the study included 194 participants between 1825 the sample was diverse and included predominantly Asian Latino participants parents who supported their kids autonomy could also give unsolicited

    Advice and still be listened to uh past studies found that uh young adults typically disregard unsolicited advice uh from older people are the parents right right but that’s since time began that’s sort of the progression yeah we I’ve I’ve evolved as a parent and and have uh you know over time have gotten

    Away from things like because I said so or get over it or anything like that and try to talk to them like a not necessarily a full grown adult as their kids but be don’t talk down to them too much and your beatings are now

    Open-handed yeah no and it it I I think it’s smart I think it works well you you do listen and then there times I’m sure you’re all parents where you you just have to come on yeah she said what was your father saying I’ll put I’ll knock

    Your ass up between your shoulders I love that that’s what he said that’s a great line I used to use cuz I said so all the time when my kids were little and so much so that I I I would sing it to the Bob the Builder theme and be like

    Cuz I said so cuz I said so uh so this is more for teens and you know as they’re maturing I mean now um my um my stance with those guys are this is your life you know so like I I can all I

    Can do is just sort of guide you and and drop a little wisdom from time to time but like you know whatever decisions you make you have to live with those right so simple as that they either going to be good or they’re going to be dog water

    And I’ll cut you off when was the last time either you guys or Kathy got angry like uh and audibly angry at your child uh yesterday uh that is a good question it’s been a while I go to the mall and I’ll just randomly get angry what are you doing yeah my son

    Uh he hurt me accidentally and we met him for that yeah okay what did he do um I’m trying to think of how how this all played out we were no we were playing we were having a football catch and the bastard acted like he intercepted a pass

    He did not intercepted it was perfectly thrown yeah um I I get your point yeah yeah uh but then he was coming at me and he tried to do you know like little shake and bake but I I I caught him and cuz he didn’t get past me and then he

    Like jumped up and he hit his shoulder into my chin and it it actually felt like he dislocated my Jaw so mad wa I got sing like to Bob the Builder Nick I live with a 12-year-old male version of myself ah and who is responsible for that this is stupid yeah yeah last summer Ben wandered off and and we were hiking I think I related

    This and I was terrified and angry at the same time I had no idea where he was and we were in the middle of the national park and in Chenoa Valley and I got really angry uh and I was embarrassed at how angry I got afterwards but at the time I couldn’t

    Control it you said a bear came up Nick you might have overreacted Cal calm down buddy the voice of reason walk with me let’s have some salmon but I think that was the last time I got really really mad all right well uh you need to if you

    Can uh support their independence and Viewpoint first yeah or just a military academy and then tell them their way wrong all right uh that’s it in the junk tour today gu we got wrap it Upk cling up junk there’s nothing left here in the junk until next time that was the junk Kyle Kyle Mack vocalist extraordinaire from the FM band and our wonderful jingle for the junk drawer all right we’re going to break and come back in a second I got great stories via the

    Bizaar file to get to later on this morning uh we will also get into The Connoisseur how about I give away some galentine’s day passes right now I tell you what I will take four ladies who can join us for this event at 25263 WMMR

    It’s going to be a week from this coming Tuesday and we are headed uh to Rivers Casino Philadelphia we’re going to be at Jack’s Bar and Grill we’re going to have some cocktails we’re going to have some apps we’re going to have uh some some activities and games and we’re just

    Going to hang and have a good time go crazy let’s do this for galentine’s day you have to be at least 21 and available to join us 25263 WMMR we’ll be right back wmr before we do the bizarre file I’ve been asked uh if someone could borrow the microphone because they need

    Help with something and then I realized you know what I need help with something too so if there anything you guys need no they’re going to be the helpers our listeners are so if you guys if there’s anything you need help with real quick think about it we’ll knock them all out

    All right Marissa go ahead all right do you need help reaching for something actually in in life generally yes um all right two weeks ago my friend posted something on Instagram that was like you know it’s free to help a small business like something share something whatever

    It was it was very sweet and it inspired me so I put it on my story and I put it out there and I said if you have a small business send me the name of the company and I’ll go in and like a bunch of your

    Posts just just to help you out like I was happy were just sitting there watching TV as very sweet well apparently Instagram didn’t like it because I liked too many things and now my account is frozen what a man so I can post things I just can’t like anything I

    Can’t comment on anything like total first world problems I know that um but it’s really getting annoying it’s been two weeks well it’s also party are you in Instagram jails I’m in Instagram probation is what I’m calling it right inst jail I don’t know why Instagram

    Would have an issue with you liking too many things I guess they they looked at it like it was robot robotic yeah so they called it a bot and so I can po I can I have like half of my privileges so if anybody knows anybody

    At meta it is very hard to get a hold of people at meta but I’m sure some people out there listening work in the social world work in businesses that have connections with meta please help me please you think you got problems oh I

    Can’t wait to hear yours my HBO Max I am not able to play video on it and I don’t know what to do are you able are you a are you able to log in yeah okay so you see them there you just simply can’t play videos yeah it says there’s a

    There’s a problem and and and so not only have I logged out logged in deleted the app reloaded it doesn’t work okay iy that the whole thing go ahead guys no no no I’m having the same exact issues and uh it started on my one Roku and then it

    Uh but it didn’t uh wasn’t do anything on my other Roku have you tried it off of your Roku uh I’ve tried it even on my phone and it won’t work there either interesting yeah anybody else sure I got one uh I don’t have enough members on my

    Team for Polar Plunge next week that’s important and uh so that’s Saturday at the Ballpark uh February 10th is the date the information is up on precent it’s a Special Olympics Polar Plunge and uh we really want to raise a lot of money for an awesome cause an

    Awesome organization but they just not of people who have signed up yet so you can sign up and not actually take the plunge if you want they they have what’s called a chicken out plunge member so you can still participate without taking the plunge exactly and you they’ll count

    As a team member that’s exactly right so yeah we just don’t have many people on our team so if you want to be a part of team wmr and benefit a great organization February 10th at the BK thanks Steve it’s um all the information is up on President okay all

    Right so Marissa Marissa needs somebody at meta uh Casey and I need help with our HBO Max app Nick needs people for Polar Plunge Kathy I’d love a private plane on a private plane and we need a live chicken to take the curse off of the guy’s bat right uh

    And and I’m worried my penis is too big we all have our problems yeah uh so yeah email any of us with our respective issues if for some reason you think you can help out yes so yeah the and the issue with the max app is that there’s

    No like person you can call about it Johnny Max yeah same for Instagram what do you call yeah I hate that I hate that about all these things the ability to actually reach out to someone and feel like they can hear your issue and maybe help you out I reached out to somebody

    Yesterday who was on the phone for 2 hours oh my God I would say the company but I had terminated business with them they were wonderful Company hours two hours build and and uh I but here’s what I did and I advise anyone who is engaged in some sort of thing where you’re

    Getting bills and you should not be every time you talk to a person get their name get their supervisor get the point I had all that information going into it down to the minute I had the person confirmed to me um on you know that all the services re terminated and

    I would not be getting further bills and so I was able to give it to the new person but there was this twice lost the connection twice didn’t get the call back even though I’d given the number in case we lost connection so uh yeah it’s uh I’m glad they’re not getting your

    Business anymore yeah yeah but overall I was happy with the business and so I said this is if you ever want someone to return to your service Serv please you need to conduct this end of it better all right very quickly uh and then we

    Got to do bizarre F it’s quarter after 8 uh Dom you’re on the line go ahead man hey man uh so last week I was having the same problem with my HBO Max yeah uh so I’m gonna I called them and spoke to them what they said you need to go

    Through your account settings and just wipe everybody off your uh your account just sign out of all the devices then also to look at your subscription base tier and see what’s subscription that you’re paying for um and that should be able to fix that too as well once I

    Booted everybody off and logged everybody out I was able to play videos again and log back in on my HBO Max and did you have to recreate all those uh accounts again or you know no no no no those accounts stay there um sorry I got sort thri this morning those accounts

    Stay there you just log up uh log everybody off so log out on every device that you have it on makes sense all right I’ll try it yeah give it a shot D appreciate it brother thank you what about Kathy’s plane yeah yeah get to

    Work on Kathy’s plane oh God we hung up with him all right we’re good good I just one one little thing I want I need some help with uh I wanted to hear the froggy song the Friday song oh my God I want to be kind of got all the no SC for me I don’t want to go just want ready W 93.3 w33 no bro no s no bro no it’s Friday music from frogy this morning to bring in our weekend Oh and I would like to remind you that after we do the bizarre file and do the commercial break we’re going to play the brand new Billy Joel song for you to

    Check up but in the meantime let’s do this wmr present PR and St bizar brought to you by Helium Comedy Club bringing the laughs to Philly for many years Helium Comedy has the best comics of today and tomorrow live every week tickets in lineup at Helium ComEd well harrowing video shows a girl in Australia swinging around an 8ot python as she desperately tried to free her guinea pig from its grass yeah 12-year-old Rosie Whitman was peering in the bush bushes from her backyard when she noticed a large snake was about to eat her pet named maxibon and that’s

    When Rosie grabbed the python and she started swinging it around to loosen the snake’s grip on her guinea pig her father says that she was screaming the whole time during the tery encounter kudos to this girl for not flinching to go over and pick up this big ass snake

    To give me my effing guinea pig save her pet yeah Rosie eventually tossed the python into a neighbor’s yard but she was able to save her pet when it was all over and yes little Maxi bond is alive and well and then the guinea pig bit her

    In the throat but is pretty funny video uh South Carolina man is set to make his first court appearance next month after he was accused of slapping a teenage hostess at Walt Disney World Resort Restaurant three times in the forehead happiest place on Earth while Under the

    Influence after she had refused to seat him during the restaurant’s uh due to the restaurant’s dress code up John Monroe who is 64 years old was arrested and charged with battery after an altercation involving a 19-year-old hostess at uh citric Crocs inside of or or Citra Citra Co inside of the Grand Floridian

    Monroe uh no stranger to luxury hotels is the vice president of hospitality sales and marketing at the prestigious Sea Pines Resort in Hilton Head where he lives and thought it was fine to slap this Hostess a preliminary investigation revealed restaurant Hostess was checking the family who had a reservation for

    Three however the group arrived with four people two women and two men uh Monroe was not dressed in accordance with their dress code he was wearing swim shorts and a t-shirt and their website states that the guests are expected to dress accordingly in a tire that respects restaurant sophisticated

    And upscale aesthetic because Moro was wearing the swimsuit shorts and a t-shirt he was told by the hostess he wasn’t allowed to dine with his family he seemed to understand but said he would wait with his group until they were seated well she started to show

    Them to the seat and he followed them over uh and apparently he was told not to do this right so one of the women that was with him actually told the hostess please don’t allow him to sit with us he is really drunk underdressed it’s my birthday and I’m embarrassed so

    The his own family is saying this so when the hostess told Ro that he couldn’t sit with the group uh he began to quote repeatedly slap her forehead three times while stating her name which he read from the tag on her shirt Deputy stated uh the hostess sustained no

    Injury and declin medical treatment uh but she did wish to pursue charges yeah well yet she was assaulted deputies caught up with him they said he was apparently intoxicated based on his slurred speech glossy red eyes where Pluto and constant repeating that he was going to quote Sue Disney uh he was

    Arrested released on a ,000 bond he has also been placed on administrative leave from no kiding from his job a mid- review of the personal a great PR work by the way over the weekend yep so the city of San Diego announced Tuesday it’s taking legal action to shut down a

    Massage parlor accusing it of being a front for prostitution so the ocean spa massage parlor was located in an office complex and according to police it operated out of tun units but for a while it was located right next to a youth Bible study group uhoh and police

    Said some of the illegal acts that were going on there were so loud that they actually disrupted the study group imagine going into the wrong place according to police uh yeah I saw a guy in investigation they uncover numerous things uh workers were caught offering to sell sex to undercover police

    Officers on four different occasions online they said detectives found more than 1,200 advertisements offering sex acts at the massage parlor uh listen to this according to court commits complaints about the business started back in 2018 oh my God I’m just getting around to this now they complain about

    Traffic at all hours of the day seem so bad Philly Insurance sexual sounds coming from the premises which are audibly audible to nearby businesses and female employees wearing sexually explicit clothing uh the the San Diego Police Department said it spent 125 hours investigating prostitution related crimes at the property and they are just

    Now getting to this it’s crazy crazy yeah uh let’s see we got to do another one and then wrap it up uh but I want it to be a good one let’s go to um hang on a sec here oh yeah how about this one we’re going to need this

    By the way gotta uh an Australian man has escaped jail for visiting a Hungry Jack this in Australia Hungry Jack drive-thru with a visible erection after claiming he was suffering from the effects of Super Viagra Super Viagra yeah David Richardson a faer from Humpty do a little Dipsy dooo pleaded

    Guilty last week uh Richardson’s lawyer Peter malie told the court that his client had taken a substance known as Pitbull super Pitbull super which is a Super Viagra he said why look he has a boner uh yeah’s he’s got uh he’s got a a little Dipsy do uh the substance which

    Contains multiple erectile dysfunction medicines promises on the packet to give a man an erection that lasts for days look he’s got a boner and for days his loger said it had the desired effect after enjoying his time with quote a number of young ladies 51-year-old Richardson reportedly remain

    Hungry remain rigid and uh it said his his unit began to split oh my godm it says he started to panic so he went for a bite to eat all right wait a second when your penis starts to split your first notion is to go get a corn

    Dog for this guy was uh his lawyer explained Richardson’s genitals were too sensitive to wear shorts so he do two women at once he draped a towel over the affected area and went through the drive-thru of Hungry Jacks God uh they reported that uh his uh tence was

    Witnessed by a 16-year-old worker who was reduced to Tears by the experience the judge agreed that the medicine looked dangerous and suggested that Richardson should have considered Uber Eats when he was hungry I wouldn’t give you a boner uh so he has uh he’s apparently getting you have a massive

    Erection and that is what I have in the bizar F I’m trying to figure out how how that how the split would occur I don’t know I do not know all right um couple of quick things man there was something I wanted to mention at the end this oh

    Yeah I know we’re running late but I I I promised a couple of guys I would mention something our friend Paul mrio has got a show tonight in Sellersville at the Sellersville theater he is a very funny man he’s a good friend of ours and

    You never know you could end up be part being part of the show it’s crowd work like you’ve never experienced it the whole concept of the show is awesome and is a show that is produced by Frank Oz Frank Oz Frank fraking Oz Miss Piggy Grover uh Yoda all those characters this

    This this show is is probably and he’s talked about as being the Pinnacle of his uh of his live performances he loves it if you’re looking for something cool to do go and support Paul see him tonight at the Sellersville theater and then our buddy Todd Glass yeah has got

    Some shows coming up at bman and Bank he’s doing he’s playing 13 shows uh February 21st through the 24th it’s in a really small fre fny he’s the best and he wants to sell him out and we love him we’ve got the information at if you want

    To see yeah please go see him because and especially in that that setting uh he’ll be on his on his game the 20th 20th 1st through the 24th goer buddy Todd Glass at bourbon in Bank in Fishtown right Marissa or is that Northern Liberties Northern Liberties

    All right we’re going to take a break we’ll come back in a second and uh we’re going to play brand new Billy Joel for you and we’re probably going to get into the conour we’ll see about that that means new ice cream flavors and we might

    Are we having Joe Watson on Joe doesn’t have a cell phone so we’re working on it right now we might have Joe Watson the Flyers on we’ll be back in a moment stay with us wmr so Kath the reason I I think that uh that he took time off like that and

    Didn’t write anything is is he had said there was a quote from he doesn’t really it writing music is hard yeah it is and he really wrestled with every song that he wrote and it took a lot out of him like all of those are you know it’s it’s

    An artist baby you know and they they work really really hard on it and he would he would wrestle with ideas and and and he only until he felt it was exactly the way he wanted it would he be finished with it and so he just kind of

    Got tired of working that hard on it because he had done it for so long he has a massive song book oh God I mean I’m it’s been over 30 years I’ve been working on my rock opera okay how close how close are we I’ve I’ve got a concept

    Uh but I wonder why now I guess maybe this just came to him you know maybe he was like all right this is coming pretty easy let’s do it so the song is apparently about a couple that’s been together for a number of years and one half of that couple is expressing regret

    Of perhaps uh getting too complacent over their time together uh and then it says I haven’t had a chance to to really digest it lyrically it says uh the chorus evolves over the course of the song So it it kind of the chorus changes I love songs that do that they’ll you

    Have a chorus you know the melody and some of the words are the same but but it start change it Alters itself kind of an example of that uh is Margarita Ville where he says it’s nobody’s fault and he says hell it could be my fault and the

    Last course is it’s my own damn fault I love those uh those type of slight changes but that’s classic Billy Joel man he sounds fantastic his voice sounds wonderful somebody had text in saying there was autotune on that I didn’t hear I didn’t sniff a tiny bit of

    Auto it could be it doesn’t matter I mean everyone’s listen he’s he’s obviously he’s still is performing in front of huge groups um you know and uh uh he said but that Billy Joel sound again how many times in the past year Preston have we said that’s the Rolling Stones you know

    And on and on with artists that are releasing music that you figure cuz a lot of times you know and you point it out you hit a point in your career we talked about it with sting Sting’s releasing great music but Sting’s not hoping for yeah right that’s not that’s not

    What he’s in it for he’s doing more for himself to here I mean Pierre played the extended version of The Lady Gaga the rolling stone song that that he was there for that performance played it yesterday sweet mother God that’s that’s like in my top three favorite Rolling

    Stone songs ever and it just came out I love Steve as you said the word sting I pulled up a post on Instagram and it’s Billy Joel and sting they’re performing together in Vegas but it was just so weird like the instant you said it I pulled this up but they’re they’re in

    Vegas together uh in um November of this year um and tickets go on sale today at 10 a.m. Billy Jo sting yeah wow oh that would be a hell of a night yeah I remember going to those uh the Billy Joel and John shows and Kathy I know you

    Went to those too just amazing we talk about people of that caliber and sting Falls in that category as well of people who just have this huge body of work and just can sit down and take a dump and a great song comes out uh but that there I

    Was very happy to hear that song yesterday and and it’s um you know it’s it’s a ballad which I was hoping he was going to come out with and it’s a what a voice on that guy s awesome wish you could sing like that so it was you were

    By law required to listen to Billy Joel growing up on Long Island so that was uh you know but um yeah uh he’s again he’s that’s Billy Joel that’s all you can say well and he’s also said that he’s written a few songs out in mon talk as

    Well he used to there and that love song for that woman that delusive woman Kathy did you know that uh Captain Jack came out 51 years ago wow that was the coolest song ever when it came so that was the song that MMR played right uh that brought him back and and the

    Story’s been told many many times that first album that he put out was recorded at the wrong speed so when people bought the album took it home and put it on their record player it sounded like uh you know sing us a song You’re Piano Man exactly sounded like that and it nearly

    Drove him out of the business he was so distraught and so upset and that’s when he kind of left town right it’s almost where Piano Man the song came from because he just went and he’s I’m going to go you know just be a a bar guy but I

    Gave it a second try and I sat down and I committed myself to making sure everything was fixed well what happened what happened is he is in prep preparation for that album he was doing uh some radio tours and and he came by and he played Captain Jack live on the

    Air on MMR so MMR essentially had the only recording of one of his new songs that was not sped up wow and banged it on the air here got huge response and then Billy was like hang on a second yeah people actually like this and it brought him back into the career now

    Listen his massive Talent he would have come back around anyway but but MMR was part of the Catalyst to uh to bring that back in it was Ed shaki right yeah and it was it became the most requested song in the station’s history in 1972 so there’s your direct connection to us

    Exactly is this the version yeah was it Sigma sound yeah wow by the way this song is just Captain Jack I remember kind of being like a halfway fan of it when I was younger but I listen in one time in particular I heard it and I and

    I heard it you know what I mean like this is brilliant this is April 15th 1972 wow wow and this is what uh this is what got him take to be the the incred music my first agent in comedy in standup was uh had been a drummer with

    His original group which was the Hassel okay and knew Billy and said it was just great you know and said oh boy I’m so glad I’m no longer associated with that guy no he always goes what why why why uh but uh but yeah he said it was always

    Um like a great guy to to work with and to and you know to uh to be with and everyone around in that sphere knew this guy’s going to go the distance and just be one of the Legends that’s cool I’m sure Pierre will probably spin it again

    Later on today so if you came in on the tail end of this you’ll be able to check it out it’s new song from Billy Joel turn the lights back on uh real quick if you guys don’t mind I got a sh out I’m going to pass this along uh we’re going

    To we’re going to do The Connoisseur in a little while we’re going to do it after 9 o’ we kind of switch gears here a little bit tease that we were going to do it now we’re going to do it later I got this text says uh or email good

    Morning it [ __ ] and a yooo to all my name is Autumn and I’ve been listening to you guys since I was a junior in high school in 2008 for 16 years every single morning you guys are the only people to get me to smile at 6: a.m. and I never

    Got the nerve to ask but I always wanted a birthday shout out for my birthday so we’re going to give her a sh uh for my 33rd birthday I figured I’d give it a shot it’s on February 4th so it’s over the weekend so we’re have to do it today

    But it’s cool if you get to it whenever you get a chance rock on ladies and gentlemen and happy Black History Month from a loyal black listener that is Autumn so here’s a sh birthday to you Autumn and then uh this one is I’m going to get to

    This now it’s not until the 8th but uh it says I will be uh no I’m going to do it next week yeah they’ve got a time they’re going to be listen why don’t you do a few words at a time over the course of the next

    Couple days I’ll I’ll that’s okay by the way Preston yeah this isn’t February 8th oh okay oh I wrote the wrong thing down you wrote the wrong okay yeah I wrote I wrote down 38 and I meant to do 28 all right so I’ll I’ll correct that Kathy

    You said that you had something you wanted to share with our listening audience this morning oh well I wanted to yeah I want yes okay so yesterday I texted you guys on the way out not to get on the Skool there was uh I think it was a vehicle fire truck fire or

    Something uh past the kah hawen curve uh and it was stopped back to getting on here and sometimes I’ll see it and and you know I’ll just I’m like is it just kind of slowing down so I got on the schole no it it wasn’t moving and it was

    Taking a very long time uh so I got about probably maybe I don’t know exactly maybe a half a mile a little more before the Gladwin exit right so I was going to exit there and take the back roads and people were just sitting I mean it really was not moving and so

    People started to use the shoulder right where I was to get to that Gladwin exit and get off and a bunch of people are going so I I followed along I went off to the shoulder and I started going but what I noticed which I’ve never seen

    Before now of course you’re not supposed to do that I get it was it a llama no many you know there could be people that were annoyed with it or or whatever but I noticed that the truck trucks all of the big huge like semi-tractor trailers

    Started to uh merge over and block the shoulder okay and so I was like okay I don’t know what this is but I got to a point where I like I didn’t feel safe um passing the the truck so I got back into the lane and waited until I got to the

    Exit to exit but what now I’m behind a truck and I saw him he he sure enough once the last car passed by he moved over and he blocked that shoulder there was a truck behind me he pulled over halfway so there half in the left lane

    Half on the shoulder so these cars can’t pass by and then there was another truck so I saw three trucks another one a little ways up did saying trucks or tractor trailers uh tractor trailers big yeah big tractor Trail yeah and I don’t know what the you think they were

    Talking to each other on the CB I don’t know but why buddy why were they doing that yes I understand you’re not supposed to do that and maybe there’s you know some maybe police wouldn’t be able to get through if there was something up ahead that they needed to

    Get to but like what what was it it with these truckers that you know they were talking to each other it’s just a guess on my part but I I think they they started talking to one another and they were doing it because they can Casey and

    They didn’t want people to cheat and so they they shifted over into the right hand uh the shoulder to prevent people from kind of I me let me ask you a question was the was the exit in view could you see it from where you were uh you could see

    Um no not at first not at first but then it was a little way it wasn’t that far away like we had passed qu mile maybe I said like about probably about a half a mile maybe a little more yeah I mean listen i’ I’ve done that as well and

    It’s only because I’m strictly annoyed at you tip over a little bit to done because it’s not it’s not fair now mind you there’s a point case where you’re coming down um 76 so you’re getting off on the Kelly Drive exit and there is there is a long run up to that where

    It’s just common for people to cut over on the shoulder and and bypass that’s often because everyone is stuck going forward and not that many people are getting off but when uh when I see that happen and somebody will cut you know a whole line of traffic it just pisses me

    Off CU everyone’s sort of waiting it is illegal to ride on the shoulder if you know an exit is shortly up there I think you have a c blunch but if it was far enough away maybe they were just like screw you man we’ll get in line with the

    Rest maybe and you know what but it it was like I said it was it was not moving it was traffic and normally I’d be like wow what an a-hole but because there was so much traffic and obviously these people including myself knew that the exit was right up there did you have

    Your ears on would you have your CB out your ears on no but I’m telling you it made me so uh it made me a little nervous that I yeah you got the sexy Sala Queen who we got what’s your 1040 no it made me nervous that I got back

    Into the lane I was like I don’t know what they’re doing but I’m just going to wait in the traffic all right let me go to Chris is in a truck right now hi Chris good morning hey oh you’re breaking losing you Chris all right hello yeah now we can hear you go

    Ahead buddy yeah the thing is we see it so much that people even if they’re behind a truck they don’t want to be behind the truck they’ll go up that right side and then they’ll pass all the traffic and then Jam over to the left right and you see it constantly so you

    Move over and you stop everyone from buting actually yeah so is this like a truck thing then it’s a truck thing yeah okay so that then that’s common I mean that’s what I saw I was like this this has got to be a truck thing yeah hey

    Chris let me ask because I I I feel like there is a little bit of a difference between butting in line and doing what Kathy was doing which was you know basically just getting off the exit early right like because and she ended up because the trucks ended up going

    Into the shoulder she ended up budding in line do you know what I’m saying oh yeah yeah it depends on if you know there’s an exit up there yeah but there’s n out of 10 people go around you just to cut in front yeah and I agree

    And I think anybody it pisses me off when I’m not in an 18wheeler when we you’re all kind of waiting in line everyone’s in the same thing yeah and and so they’ll just ride down as if that is an additional Lane that suddenly opened up and it pisses me off so I’m

    All for that when you want to do that in those cases yeah and what it this people are privileged not everyone can ride on the shoulder oh man one time it really irritated me there was uh was on the blue rout Southbound just bumper-to-bumper traffic and it was a ways away from uh

    You know the the Villanova exit and then I see like a Jaguar just go flying down I’m like you rich mother they they probably say jaguar yeah yeah yeah all right so uh I was driving uh because of Kathy’s text and thank you for letting me and presson know Kathy I took back

    Roads to get home and uh there was a lot of construction there is a lot of construction on Montgomery as you’re heading towards um like the ardore area area and Preston there was a dude um the left lane is closed in one of uh one of the Lanes on Montgomery Avenue a dude

    Tried to go around the closed left lane to make a a left further up I and in in BMW SUV a lady directing traffic you know where the construction zone was stopped him puts her hands up and and starts whistling at him and says no no

    No and I I was I wasn’t in a hurry I was fine but I was s was laughing my ass up and he rolled his window down and started yelling at her and she was like you back up you and I was like she she

    Did not take any gut from this guy I was so proud of her it was awesome I we got a lot of calls and a lot of truck drivers but you see the one we have to go to right yeah Gang This is soup bone soup hey soup what’s up hey um that’s

    Called a rolling roadblock and what the reason they do that is because people will run up to the shoulder get as far as sh head and cut back into traffic back in which perpetuates the backup yeah know you’re exactly right right maybe but had you known that there was

    An exit up ahead do the are the trucks still doing like did they not know there was an exit up ahead or they didn’t care that’s a common sense thing most most truck drivers don’t have that no so I understand I understand the mindset I understand the mindset of you

    Like you said if you can see it if you know that that’s the exit up there then that’s a gray a and I don’t think most truck drivers would would do this but in this case and because I think we all get pissed off by the person who’s running

    That like it’s their own lane and their and and their jaguar and it and so that that’s your reaction against that right supone yep y all right all right thanks thanks good buddy we’ll see you it’s I I hate it I I haven’t uh and then I I do a

    Quick moral check uh am I going to block them or not know I mean am I going to pull out and be that guy dude in the day and age road rage get shot is it worth it you agree with this text Preston because I I don’t think I do all right

    Text says dick move By Truckers uh they are slow to accelerate compared to the way any normal size vehicle can so if the cars go around them they won’t lose much uh they won’t lose much time at all if any in a jam that said I would only

    Do it to take an exit this person would no I disagree like he said it it exacerbates the uh the traffic problem uh they they move up ahead but then they still got a merge back in and it’s still contributing to the traffic problem you’re causing confusion and you’re

    Causing uh what could be a potential accident they are just looking to save a minute or two on their own time and you know oh I saw I literally saw the and right in front of me on City Line because there’s you’re talk there’s a lot of construction up there yeah yeah a

    Two guys in two separate cars I’ve never seen a more um dangerous weaving in and out I mean Mouse where they they were going after each other weaving in and out highspeed inches from the cars that they’re darting in and out of and then you know the thing my my perception is

    They won’t they be an accident they will cause the accident yeah probably you got you just got to hope that somebody who does that does it a lot and that they’re eventually going to get so Chuck when comes in to work in the morning uh he

    Comes down 76 and he gets off at the Montgomery exit and he says every single morning he uh people will go down the right shoulder of the exit and then cut over and make a left onto uh I guess it’s Montgomery or whatever he’s he’s like every single morning it happens man

    I can’t stand that’s why we all need CB radios we got to get back on that good buddy what’s your 20 I I feel like cuz I have made mistakes uh and I’ve um regrets you’ve had a few I’ve had a few no I’ve accidentally been the a-hole

    Right and and I I feel like we need to sort of give everybody Grace because you don’t the the the a-hole move that so and so just made it might have been an accident you know what I mean I have a perfect example what you’re talking

    About going up Bridge you know when they when they strip the road down and then the manhole covers become inordinately high right so I’m I’m going up Bridge uh you know going up Bridge into rockboro and this guy is like comes weaving around me and and I’m like I’m on his

    Ass I’m like you son of a [ __ ] and and I get up I get up to the uh to the light and he’s right next to me and and I go you know I roll another what the f and he goes I I I couldn’t figure out where

    To go and I’m like yeah yeah and then I actually said to him and said okay we’re good because yes I get it now mhm you know what though like We complain all the time about you know truckers on the roads and the things that they do that

    Piss us off like this is their thing with us yeah yeah oh when you’re driving something that’s that many tons and you’re and I for the most part if you work with the truckers road travel will be much easier yeah so we we got a video yesterday from Nick Murphy I’m not going

    To say the name of the company right yeah but Nick Murphy was in a situation in South Philadelphia where he was at an intersection where listen it’s the law in Philadelphia don’t block the box that’s what they say don’t block the box and so he showed a picture of the

    Situation that he was in where uh he was at the intersection and he chose not to go into the intersection there were already cars blocking the Box blocking the box and he didn’t want to block the Box guy behind him took exception to that right and he gets out

    And starts screaming and yelling at him we know who the guy is we know who the guy is we know who the guy the guy in the we knew the guy yeah yeah he owns he owns a business and down wait but don’t put it on camera I

    Won’t okay won’t hold it up to the camera yeah uh-huh Steve Steve oh no kidding yes and I was like man like this guy got out he was yelling at him and he’s like point you can go through there go you know and just like I saw the

    Video when he posted it I didn’t recognize him but other people did and they let Nick know and it’s just like man you you run that risk I I was I was in the exact same situation heading over to I think it was to the to the man and

    And so I had to leave space so that people could get through that intersection guy um guy behind me gets out comes up to the car you know I tend I look like a serial killer in life in general yeah but I you know I I get out

    And he’s he’s looking at me and I’m like you you’re going to yell at me and he’s coming up to the side of the car and at the same time I’m wearing a t-shirt for my wife’s charity and I’m like if I if I throw down here you know and then you

    Know Steve Morrison the president that has crossed my mind there’s been a couple of times when I wanted to make a stink about something I’m like you can’t a charity that benefits animals slit the throat of a man caught in traffic it’s and listen technology in

    Cars these days is so it’s so crazy there there’s so much technology out there I just want automakers please create two different horn sounds so that the nice one the nice one just a little you know when the light turn hey hey because even if you are just

    Kind of trying to alert the person in front of you that the light turned green it sounds aggressive and they you know our manufacturers really need to change that you try the little tap like the gentle tap yeah yeah you try but like dude or re them yeah well unfortunately we we

    Have a Jeep and when you hit it no it’s not that it’s not that but but it doesn’t it it’s got it a half second longer length on it than I want yeah it’s not a beep it’s like a and I’m like I I don’t I little less than that I

    Didn’t mean that I didn’t mean that how quick are you on the horn I try to give a good gra spirit I give a great spirit yeah I absolutely give a Grace we all had that and and yesterday I had to give a little uh A little nudge and uh and

    And I made sure that it was the short tap but uh yeah I’ll I’ll wait I’ll make sure would there be some would should car dealers and stall one of those clown horns on the side of the car so you you physically squeeze it would look cool

    Too I haven’t done it I remember being with friendo at one time and just for fun like the second the light turn screen also people that have that on their cars this the the actual train horn you’re anle oh my God I hate it oh yeah it’s terrifying it’s terrifying

    Pretty funny yeah it is kind of funny the videoos out there people being scared by him it’s pretty funny all right well um anyhow listen don’t don’t go on the on the shoulder unless you absolutely have to just your gun and also if you are one who normally pulls

    Out and blocks people from doing that try to look ahead and see if there’s an exit they may just be trying to get off to avoid the traffic and they’re actually going to loosen up things behind as well and it is the law you cannot block the interest section you

    Can’t do that yeah you don’t get people don’t get mad at somebody uh quickly I want to move on to something else and then we’re going to then we’re going to break and come back and get to the uh connoisseur uh but um Punk’s Tony Phil

    Yes it’s done what happened he he’s dead uh the it has been finished and he no he’s not dead they took him off life support rest in peace on Widow was by oh man he did not see his shadow which means that means that uh no he didn’t die oh he

    Did uh means country can expect above average temperatures for the next six weeks which is actually panning out I saw the I think it was cesley was talking about the long-term uh remaining weeks of February and that we’re supposed to have a slightly higher temperature we should have cesal crawl

    Out of a hole Yeah Yeah right more people want to watch hat I would definitely be much more attentive if it were CES tinan uh coming out of the I look a mess by the way they have a new uh they have a new weather gal over

    There oh yeah what’s name 6abc I don’t know I saw it was when we had Victor in here from Philly mag yesterday we pulled up their social media and it’s one of their uh posts uh she’s a new gal very uh attractive blonde girl garina laer no

    It’s not Gina low that sounds like Gary low Payton uh damik I guess is how DKI yeah okay that’s how you pton Dy I love that name pton well we had an intern it was one of our favorites pton is a wonderful name love that name pton but

    She was named after pton Place Walton Walter pton Walton goggin no not Walton Walter pton Walter matth she was named after one of the football play Walter Peyton was it Walter pton it was yes but I totally tripped over what I was trying to say wal gogin R pton was named after

    This pton weather pton yeah pton was named after Walter gogin pton I love that name where did you get that oh my parents were big fans of Walter goggin what oh and they’re also LSD addicts oh my I smell a lesson question all right that one

    Down uh so yes uh he he saw his shadow and or did not see a shadow and that means that uh winter is going to end early right supposedly um by the way Steve had pulled up and I’ll do this very quickly there are a couple of other

    Um uh groundhogs in our area oh really oh yeah there’s the Long Island one right even closer there’s one called tinum Tim tin Tim yeah okay just a guy how many teeth does he have just a guy uh so tinum it says hundreds of people stood around a hole at the John

    Hines Wildlife Refuge in Southwest Philly on Saturday to serenate a groundhog puppet named tinkin Tim out of his burrow shut up by singing wake up little Timmy I was not familiar no h I do love that that nature preserve it is phenomenal you’ve all been have you been

    Out there it’s just it’s amazing there’s bald eagles in that there a um and apparently I kid you not Steve sent this over Harleyville Hank oh my God Is it real A real one or a puppet it’s something that they it’s not even a puppet it’s a stuffed animal groundhog that they have

    At the at the metanite Heritage Center you should go do it I love it MC it you could be the uh oh my God you would yeah the bill Murray of the event yeah you’d be like the uh I don’t know if the celebrity the menites probably don’t

    Like us very much I don’t know uh but it’s at the at the nice Barn at the menite heritage center and nice bar he’s a um uh let me see here he is a yeah he’s like a stuffed uh groundhog I don’t know I think Menan nights might like us

    You think so yeah I mean we have priests that like us any you delivering sermons about us and whatnot that’s true but he’s a stuffed animal groundhog uh Harleyville Hank and I think it’s kind of funny there’s uh p pagot in Reading Patty Pagoda uh which is a groundhog

    Mascot named after the pagota in Reading you guys know that like up on the hill so if you’re driving 422 uh West and um reading will end up being on on the right hand side of the road if you look back and over your shoulder yes yes

    There’s a there’s a hill there and there’s the reading pagota it’s like a landmark for reading I’ve always wondered what that was yeah yeah you can it’s um a tourist attraction at this point I think Ste one point point there was a restaurant up there I’m not sure

    What it is now it might have closed during the pandemic but anyway bestl in town you can hike up there and explore the pagota and that’s who this creature’s name was that where the piercing pigot uh started piercing pigot and then there’s uh do Doug okay yeah

    Dog Delware in do Delaware uh he is in a red t-shirt and adorned with his name he’s a groundhog mascot he’s a pantsless hobo delivers his prediction look at my balls so I don’t know what I don’t know what all of them saw but is that the

    Reading yeah it’s it’s really cool my God that’s like a real looking Japanese P yeah it’s very visible so next time you drive out that way you can you can see yeah wowow that’s beautiful you can hike up there and everything okay all right and then there’s the Owen Wilson

    In skookul oh I don’t see my shadow all right uh oh you know what in honor of uh Punk’s tonny Phil let us not forget about this tonight on extra an exclusive interview with groundhog patani Phil you know man in the beginning it was different you know there was there was

    Importance to it you know if I saw my shadow it it made a difference it meant something it meant something to the to the farmers and to the you know to the people who relied on this information and uh you know it could make a break people that was before though and now

    It’s it’s changed you know I mean I I can’t complain because it’s just the nature of things but uh now it’s uh you know it’s entertainment it’s a big uh it’s a big deal you know lights and media and all the coverage and uh it’s just it’s just not the same

    You know I come out hey comes the groundhog I look at my shadow whoa it’s there you know oh it’s not there whoa I’m going to do a little pette for you applaud whoa I’m furry love me and then I’m might go back in the hole and that’s

    What it’s all about you know it’s a gig it’s a good it’s a good gig and I you know I just it’s just not like it used to be the introspective side of patani Phil tonight on extra don’t miss that special on extra tonight by the way all right

    We’re going to take a break we’ll come back in a second and uh we will do connoisseur with giveaways all that good stuff uh and what mini M and yes we have to try our new flavor of Mini Melts we’ll be back in a moment stay with

    Us CH that your traffic on 933 WMMR all right thank you very much Kath uh let’s see just a reminder and you know what first I will announce the fact that we are now going to do The Connoisseur segment and I thought it might be an opportunity time to reiterate the fact

    That we have the Preston and Steve third soup bowl taking place one week from today and you can enter in this if you are a restaurant and the soup’s got to be your thing it’s got to be like the star on your men men that’s what we want

    Uh and you can enter and possibly stop by here be one of our finalists next Friday and bring your soup with you we’re going to have a panel of judges in the studio oh yes and we’ll Crown the winner of the soup bowl and learned judges and I would say this Preston with

    The way this Eagle season broke more people will be interested in the soup bowl yes than the actual Super Bowl the Super Bowl totally and the whole thing started because you can’t when when it comes to Promotions and things you can’t actually say the word Super Bowl so we

    Decid all right do the Super Bowl we did it we we suck it we’ll do the Super Bowl we’re working on maybe like a halftime show and some other things so we’ll see how it all uh rolls out but that’s going to be next week but you go to

    And enter and if you own a restaurant or a manager or you know you can uh make that call we would like for you to do that and be a part of this whole thing uh I would like to mention The Connoisseur is brought to you by mini

    Melt Mini Melts ice cream we have a new flavor are we going to do we want to try it now I want it I I I apologize Marissa I didn’t let you know we were doing this I would like to apologize he wants it to Marissa and today straight ahead it’s wonderful

    We’re just having chocolate ice cream foundation that’s my J cannot go wrong with the mini you can throw the Mini Melts around all right keep shaking that thing man that way I can have a bite you going to have a bite while we shake shake shake shake your mini M shake your Mini

    Melts it’s fantastic it’s just yummy Rich awesome chocolate ice cream that’s all there is to it so you know well now that I finally know where the the freezer is which you can find in in your 7-Elevens and Wawas that um you uh I’ve actually picked up a few M very good all

    Right I love it what that I love it it’s so good it is really you know it was pathetic because um like we look at each other we go really like it yeah I know yep uh Mini Melts by the way uh is glutenfree soy free egg free Sesame free

    Peanut and tree nut free so it is free of the most common food allergens but what it’s full of is Flavor my friends so velvety smooth because it’s made from some of the finest chocolate around and if you’re a purist and you love chocolate this Mini Melts ice cream

    Flavor is the one for you and you can find their chocolate flavor in locations such as remember we were going to have music underneath this do you still we say yes okay uh find it I forget what I did with it how about well yeah it’s Ted lasso music why

    Not why not uh you can find it in 7eleven stores and uh Gloucester Premium Outlets in their vending machine we know last so the original side read believe in Mini Melts that he put up over his door oh it wasn’t just believe that would believe in

    Me one of you guys needs to talk when go ahead ma’ we’ll talk Kathy tell us about your truck driving years and what your handle was on the CB we could we could have saved that for here while you guys I could have told my story Kathy is the

    Large Marge of the President Steve dude this is wonderful and keep in mind they’re single servings they come with the spoon inside but you’ve got to get it um at its own special freezer uh because it’s it’s frozen at at a much much lower temperature than your average ice cream

    Well so you may walk past it not realizing what it is but it’s usually right up front uh it is a top opening freezer yep and fortunately we have one here about to get a second one I he right that’s what I heard wow okay well thank thank thank you Minnie melts we

    Love you all right now I have some connoisseur stores that we can get into so we’ll start with this a poll by youu go ranked the most popular dining brands in the fourth quarter of 2023 and the results were quite surprising I was surprised uh oh man why it’s an ice cream

    Place and we just had Min melts as our sponsor yeah yeah what’s that lie no y uh Number One Mini Melts no Basin Robbins I was quite surprised which which blow which blows me away because they’re mostly food places like um standard meal places yeah these are just

    Straight up uh you know most popular dining Brands and number one actually the top few are ice cream Baskin Robbins and then Dairy Queen so um tell me how Baskin Robbins is related to Dunkin Donuts oh I don’t know yeah they they’re in the same store a

    Lot of the time there’s a they always split right and that’s a good question because it’s like the like we used to call the the Kentucky Fried Taco Hut when you would to find the three Kentucky Fried Chicken Taco Bell and Pizza Hut locations that were all in one

    Shot um they’re they’re probably owned by the same company it says say sibling brand is Dunkin Donuts yeah I don’t know I don’t quite know what that means Duncan’s in the list uh so in the 1970s uh Baskin Robbins went International and open locations in Japan Saudi Arabia

    South Korea and Australia as well uh but they um you know what I did not know is that the 31 Flavors anybody know why they came up with 31 Flavors um Stations of the Cross no 32 would have seemed desperate nope because you could have no you could always have a different flavor

    Every day of the month and it was founded by uh Bert Baskin and Irv Robbins they were brothers-in-law do they come in handy little containers with their own spoon they don’t they they’re not frozen at a at a super low temperature either so suck it third on this list was Wendy’s

    Oh then you have Cinnabon Crispy Cream Taco Bell KFC Subway McDonald’s you don’t get down till 16 on this list which if you’re going to throw Wendy’s and these other places around I’m surprised at that number nine is Olive Garden there’s your first kind of sit down restaurant that’s

    A real Italian restaurant that’s on here followed by Duncan then Chili’s IHOP Outback Steakhouse Denny’s number 15 is the Cheesecake Factory number 16 is McDonald’s and then you have Five Guys A&W Restaurants Red Lobster and Pizza Hut and that makes up the top 20 do you there’s a big full-throated uh press to

    Get in and out um in you know on the East Coast I love that that’d be great use another good burger joint yeah but I kind of like having some separation in the country like I like Regional yes because like there’s something special about having Wawa around here and when

    It expands everywhere like I applaud them as a corporation because I like them but like Steve you know I know exactly where the two In-N-Outs are when I go to Los Angeles when I get off the plane I know if I go in One Direction I’m going to it’s it’s four blocks and

    If I go in the other direction it’s three and so I like sort of having the specialty even if it’s a fast food place have it be in only in one spot and there’s only sort there’s also waa is our thing also in the perception will

    Now will the quality drop no Wawa is is there’s a uniformity that’s why they succeed in and out I and I love in and- out I think they’re they’re they’re great as well but yeah I guess there’s something to be said for that yeah okay well anyhow um Inspire Brands owns are

    These the people that own Basin Robbins uh they own Arby’s Buffalo wi Wings Jimmy John’s Sonic andon and basan Robbins and Dunkin Donuts okay so uh they yeah they’ve got their hands in a whole bunch of stuff so but nonetheless that’s apparently the uh the most popular dining brands of uh the last

    Part of last year it’s pretty wild I mean when you during the um the pandemic period certain places just skyrocketed Wendy’s I I remember be blown away seeing the lines in the Drive-Thru for Wendy’s I’m like I had no idea it was that popular okay all right well um

    Let’s play a movie clip that has to do with food and see if we can identify what movie it is is listen closely here we go B tree no we’re just setting up B tree Larry take your pick thanks pH raspberry great all right 25263 WMMR

    What movie is that from order up um okay this isn’t working for some reason what happened oh okay oh man it’s Frozen Do you want a smoochie just like our man there thank you Casey you were going to sing it for me all right Chipotle is hiring 19,000 workers for in preparation for burrito season burrito season is that all year when’s burrito no burrito season runs from March through May Kathy so outside of that time you can’t get a burrito at

    Chipotle nope according to square data burrito sales increase 20% during that time it’s not that you can’t get it I think they’re hiring more employees you can get a burrito at Chipotle whenever you want yeah I’m saying that just sales of burritos go up 20% in this time frame

    Time frame so that’s why they call a natural Sal burrito season yeah that’s probably the restaurant that my family and I go to the most often really yeah and it’s because my my daughter uh is a vegetarian and she likes a sreda bowl and the vegetarian uh Casey are you a

    Fan overall cuz you’re also little Taco Bell guy I am um yeah I’m a fan and uh to be quite honest with you um I’m not going to be honest with you so never mind uh but I am a fan um I like it less today than I liked it when I

    First started going there tell me lies tell me Sweet Little Lies uh as according to Kyle Murray of the University of Alberta he said as you get more sunlight on a particular day or week people’s negative Mo emotions this has to do with happier moods linked to Burrito sales people’s negative emotions

    Start to decrease and then they spend more money and why do burrito sales dip after May it could be because Chipotle locations near colleges Do Better Business during the academic makes makes sense wow when you talk about location and where they where they will place these things uh

    There’s so much science that goes into that you know that it started at the University of Denver uh Chipotle Chipotle did yeah and um and the reason why is because it was a college town so um they had success as a result I wonder Nick to that point what are the what are

    The what are the restaurants or fast food places that benefit the most from being in proximity to colleges right I I remember I didn’t realize until several years ago a friend of mine whose um daughter was his daughter his daughter was um about ready to she was like a

    High school senior age and something like that and apparently Chipotle was the place to go and hang out yeah sure because it was number one it was casual but it had seating and good inexpensive food and you could sit down and spend some time there and I didn’t know it was

    Like a hang for that age very much so it become a huge thing we had a burrito place at Westchester and I remember when it Berg’s Place yeah it was called Burrito Loco and I remember when it opened like it was the the place was packed starting probably I mean I’m they

    Were open all day but like 2 a.m. it was like a new hang it was right by the rat was it was next to you left the rat you walked just slightly around the corner and went through their door there a LIC huge line hug lines we would hang out

    Afterwards and outside of Pennsylvania aren’t don’t most Chipotle serve alcohol like you can go into a Chipotle and get a beer I don’t know they Margaritas they should cat I hope so they um all right so I’m a burrito bowl guy are you guys Bowl I like bowls I’m

    Not a good bowler no yeah you’ve been practicing though yeah I like the bowls yeah yeah I don’t do the regular torpedo burrito oh I see you’re saying yes so I probably do I do a classic burrito I do like regular burrito but I also like the

    Bows case I like the burrito Casey because you can guarantee you’re going to have every bit of the food that’s been served to you if you get the bowl uh there’s going to be scraps alongside you’re just lying to yourself yeah it’s like having uh CC and a BB

    You’re getting a clam Chow in a bread bowl you know you’re going to eat all of it CC and BB CC and BB uh so by the way burrito season again is uh March through May so it’s coming up in a month or so just adds up on that so excited all

    Right let’s see if somebody knows what movie this clip BR B tree no we’re just setting up B tree Larry take your pick thanks pH raspberry great all right let’s go to Noel hey Noel good morning good morning guys how are you wonderful sir what movie is that from a very

    Timely movie it is from Groundhog Day well done sir that means you win a prize here’s what we have for you for you n or Noel you have a pair of tickets to see the Impractical Jokers the dve drive drive drive drive tour and that’s

    Going to be the 600 pm. show on Saturday July 13th at Ovation Hall at Ocean Casino Resort now tickets for the two shows that evening go on sale today at 10:00 a.m. via the ocean all right here’s our next clip what movie is this food clip from my friend I have

    Been stabbed shot poisoned Frozen hung electrocuted and burned oh really every morning I wake up without a scratch on me not a dent in the fence I am an immortal special today is blueberry waffles all right 215 263 w m order up get out of my way all right um You

    Guys heard of burnway cakes no this is really interesting and it’s become a trend on social media yeah I’ve seen it you’ve seen it okay so it is the top layer of a cake they actually light it on fire and it burns away and it reveals another benath it like Jesus could be

    Whatever you want yeah uh burnway cakes have gotten over 174 million views on Tik Tok uh not only does the trend offer an immediate sense of drama but the reveal also lends itself to all kinds of occasion including birthdays New Years and yes gender reveals as well uh so an

    Antario based Baker uh namaya naan Tara or t creates content as cake by nams popularized the trend on Tik Tok although she clarifies that she didn’t invent the decoration style I didn’t invent it I saw a car fire but there was no hidden picture or message so she

    First saw the idea from cak maker Denise Stewart who made a New Year’s themed burnway cake for a partnership with the edible Inc and paper brand paper to eat in mid December so other videos show that the technique has been around for at least a few years but now it’s

    Catching on so uh and in fact there was um Ellen degenerous had a burnway cake uh during a uh write up not that long ago in people so so we’re looking at one right now yeah pretty cool right and so yeah the pictures revealed underneath there’s writing to yeah where you can

    Have another image under a few in this in L of candles yeah right well you can’t blow this out it’s got to burn all the way out yeah but right instead of lighting the candles you just like the whole cake I’m going to predict Nick write this down okay uh that this Fades

    Away very quickly oh why house fires no I just don’t think it’s as glamorous as the elaborate cake decorating and you know all of that this isn’t really that this isn’t pretty and how are they achieving this yeah but something really pretty could be underneath there maybe

    Maybe I’m just listen just let me give a prediction I think I think this isn’t going to actually become a huge thing well how do we uh determine whether or not you’re correct uh just kicker word for Casey I mean Nick I’m going to be right okay so here’s how this works the

    Frosted cake is first topped with an image that’s printed onto a white icing frosting sheet which is when you get you know a like a photo or something like that put on the cake that’s what they put it on this is the image that will be

    Revealed the cake is in piped with a frosting border and then topped with a thin sheet of rice paper or wafer paper onto which the primary image is printed and this two-layer design allows the reveal to unfold the wafer paper burns easily because it’s made of starch oil yeah while the thicker sugar-based

    Frosting sheet will remain uneffective interesting is it going to taste like um no that no I don’t think so burning yeah it burns away okay uh the frosting border between the two layers not only attaches them to each other but also leaves a slight Gap so that the wafer

    Paper has room to burn and this Gap is also why burnway cakes tend to have an additional ring of decorative frosting on the outside of the cakes since that frosting fills the Gap in could they do that with like a Tbone steak I don’t know they haven’t tried that yet is this

    A picture if you could do it like with a marshmallow um topping yeah and burn it like you would burn a marshmallow that you you know at a campfire or whatever and have it burn away that way those definitely catch on fire yeah yeah I could you use this honestly if you had

    To subpoena someone or like that’s the way serve them yeah serve them we have something for you just burn the top of the cake and we’ll wait here yep I like that all right let’s see if you know what move yeah it’s okay what movie what

    Movie this is from I have been stabbed shot poisoned Frozen hung electrocuted and burned oh really every morning I wake up without a scratch on me not a dent in the fender I am an immortal special today is blueberry waffles all right we’re going to go to Debbie hi

    Debbie hi [ __ ] hey [ __ ] what movie is that from Groundhog oh my God you’re right crazy look at that here’s what we have for you you have our final pair of tickets to see the Impractical Jokers the drive drive drive drive drive tour and these are for the 6 p.m show on

    Saturday July 13th at Ovation Hall at Ocean Casino Resort tickets for that show and the other show goes on sale today at 10:00 a.m. at the ocean all right Kathy Preston speaking of cakes and cupcakes and bakeries did you see that um creel’s Bakery closed what

    What no they supplied the the cupcakes for the wedding I know so she closed I believe it’s completely shut down um she is going back to wherever she went to school School uh she’s now going to be an in instructor at that school culinary school yeah so she closed down or Bakery

    I Bakery school I don’t know um so she shut down so that she said this was something she always wanted to do and it they came to her and so that’s what she’s going to do now wow put their cream post are so good oh my God colen

    I’m sorry to hear that I love her oh man that’s too bad she on like Cake Wars and all that stuff okay all right well so I would say thanks for sharing but no you’re up how dare you freaking aspirations right all right well we’re going to play another clip and see if

    Somebody can identify what movie this is from yeah uh three cheeseburgers two large fries uh two chocolate shakes one large Coke and some flap Jacks too early for Flapjacks all right 25263 WMMR what moving all right order up let’s talk restaurants I know we had Victor fiello in here yesterday and we

    Talked about uh Philadelphia restaurants top 50 restaurants in Philly mag which is a great article a great um um not the wor no what uh SAA issue is you know the the word that when you when you want it it’s not there it goes away that’s what

    I wanted it’s a great issue all right so uh nation’s restaurant news ranked gen Z’s top restaurant chains Jen Z’s top and this is different obviously than the earlier list you had correct so these are these are more sit down restaurants right all how old are you for Gen z uh I

    You know what I don’t know somebody want to look that up T to Z born between 1996 and 2010 okay 1996 and 2010 all right so oh that’s me so it’s the young the younger crew and they did it in two categories full service which are sitdown spots with a server or limited

    Service which is more of a fast food counter drive-through play so J’s top full service restaurant chains are drum roll uh are uh Seasons 52 Seasons 52 that is number one by the way I like that place I’ve never been it’s good is in King of

    Prussia yes that’s the only one I that’s the only one I know of yeah U so yeah uh then you have First Watch oh I dig me some First Watch I don’t I don’t know First Watch in lunch mostly um brunch yeah there’s one in Winwood case there’s one

    In Villanova there’s one in Gateway Shopping Center that’s good good breakfast spot uh Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse that’s a gen Z popular one yeah I guess so genen Z wow it’s not really that good shut up man it’s their their Stakes are fantastic I know you’re

    Doing it just to nudge me oh she’s good at that man their Stakes are good uh Cracker Barrel is next after that wow then you have chewy texme uh kaba’s Italian Grill I do like kabas Cheddar’s scratch kitchen oh I want to go there see some of these I don’t know cheddar

    Uh Chili’s Grill and Bar And The Brass Tap so a few of these aren’t this area yeah uh Jen’s favorite Quick Serve restaurants and there’s a bunch on here I don’t know Dutch Brothers Coffee no not familiar I I assume was started by Dutch Brothers Tropical Smoothie Cafe oh

    Sure yeah there’s a few of those around here okay torches tacos what the hell get out of here yeah nukes eery that’s everything’s made with radiation spell nwk l lach nuke nuke oh nice uh Smoothie King now there’s only one of those around here that I’m aware of it’s uh on

    Westchester Pike in in htown but I didn’t realize they were big enough of a corporation to I mean they sponsor the where the the New Orleans Pelicans play right that’s right they have an arena I think Casey maybe they had a Bowl this year too College footb Smoothie King B wow uh

    Cold Stone crey there used to be a whole bunch of those is is there still that one in the king I I don’t think so I I don’t think it’s there anymore I may be way off on that but I I thought that it had moved on but I’m not 100% sure

    There’s one in Lansdale I know that uh Jamba smoothie Jamba Juice right yep uh Rubio’s Coastal grill and then Jason’s Deli so these are the ones according to this particular surve it was the uh the mall near y 100 um gr Run Mall gr Run Mall oh oh was it Bain

    Bain yeah we had that in the ox Valley Mall too they were good what would you like sandwich afraid I cannot Supply that it’s part of my new world order ph up we got a new world order here New World Order New Order see what was yours is now everyone

    I remember at the time and we were working at y 100 and uh it was second pie can we get some more pickles up here it was in the beginning of our uh career together and I just remember Baines being like almost out of my price I’m sorry for you poor radio man

    Perhaps the new world alar will benefit you more all right let’s see if someone knows what movie this is from yeah uh three cheeseburgers two large fries uh two chocolate shakes one large Coke and some Flapjacks too early for Flapjacks all right we’ll go to John hi

    John yes what movie is it from Brown Hogs day you’re kidding me yeah that’s correct absolutely see what we’re doing here all right case what do we have John you got a pair of passes for an advanced screening of Lisa Frankenstein the latest coming of Rage film from Focus Features and our friend

    Diablo Cody is the one who wrote this film uh and the screening is going to be on Monday February 5th at 700 p.m. at the PFS East theater on Second Street and you can go to for another chance to win tickets well I wonder what

    Movie this clip will be from can I buy you a drink okay Jim Beam ice water for you miss sweet verou in the rocks with the twist please I love the way he orders that cuz he puts his hand up next to the glass he goes Jim Beam ice water

    I love that all right we will go through another story here all this is pretty weird uh if you need a reason to order a Bloody Mary this is a surprising study that will cause you to get one from Cornell University they found that drinking tomato juice could help defeat salm

    Manilla which is a raging problem across United States uh about one in 25 packages of chicken contains salmonella but cooking the meat at a proper temperature kills that bacteria however drinking tomato juice stops the tyy type of salmonella which causes vomiting and diarrhea so I um I’m a big

    Fan of tomato juice and often have it if I’m if I’m not um you know I I always eat my vegetables as well but if I’m not really that up for the vegetables at a particular meal I will have my tomato juice yeah so also tomato juice if you

    Get sprayed by a skunk if you bathe yourself with tomato juice it’ll get rid of the smell yeah it takes a few times okay yeah you like the first but it’s a way it’s an effective way to eliminate the oil and I also heard well what is

    The other you’re supposed to bathe in with u SC if you gets sprayed by like a whole bunch of I don’t think any of it actually works the tomato juice is the acidity in there supposed to counteract that but yeah I don’t know I was walking

    Into the orthodontist with my uh with my daughter the other day and we when we got out of the car it smelled like skunk and I was like oh there’s a skunk around here and we’re walking past this bush and I just was like oh my god there it

    Is and I scared the absolute hell out of her it was so funny this has been memories with KY um record those please before you do it so he can see it yes definitely well it was it was so impromptu okay Sal Manila infects 1.3 million people every year

    Last year the United States experienced a salmonella outbreak as you were saying Steve it’s been a problem uh linked to pre-cut fruit I don’t know how salmonella gets in the pre-cut stuff how loses up and then the other stuff you salmonella with the um with like the

    Bagged salads yeah MH yeah what in the who it’s always some kind of um some uh produce that it ends up in so uh but I I now I don’t know if it’s a cure like if all of a sudden you have salmonella and you just drink tomato

    Juice you have a boner but uh why I’m just I’m always looking for a plus okay um but try it if you find your next time you have salmonella try that all right let’s see if somebody knows what movie this clips from can I buy you a drink

    Okay Jim Beam ice water for you miss sweet ver in the rocks with the twist please all right we’ll go to Mary hi there Mary hi hi hi Mary what movie um I’m going to say Groundhog Day well where did you get that from yes Mary correct hang on here’s what we got

    By Mary’s going to join us and she’s got a pair of passes for prent Steve sari galentine’s day party that’s going to be Tuesday February 13th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Jack bar grill inside rivers casino Philadelphia you can enjoy she can enjoy a complimentary first drink

    And happy hour Buffet activities and prizes this is a 21 plus event ladies only and you can go to for another chance to win we’ll see you there Mary all right let’s do one more movie clip and case you going to pick one yeah I got this one here all right

    What movie is uh yeah what movie is this from oh my God he is having a heart attack do something 411 law anything my SC if you’re going to eat steak get some sharper teeth all right enjoy your oh thank you all right 25263 WMMR let’s see if you know order

    Up all right we’re going to end with this one uh Burger King confirmed the release of two new menu items with more big news to come next week one limited time product and actually this sounds pretty good A sweet bacon heavy Twist on the classic Whopper it’s already

    Available at restaurants uh it started just two days ago while a spicy update to its crispy fish fish sandwiches set for next month so the news of the new items was anticipated by fans after the popular food and snack news account snack alator posted about the upcoming burger along with food influencer Mary

    Dvo Mary dvo of course and for now here’s what we know about the new candied bacon Whopper all right man right yeah I was I do like Candi bacon Candi bacon is so yummy yeah and it has all the stuff that’s good for you candy and bacon uh it features the classic Whopper

    Flame grilled beef patty tomatoes lettuce and sesame seed bun crispy fried onions garlic aoli sweet bacon jam and brown sugar candied bacon topping the new sweet meaty sandwich you know the funny thing is um so I end up more at McDonald’s and I haven’t been to

    McDonald’s in quite a while but and I I I I love them both but I I tend to think I’m more a fan of the Whopper yeah and Burger King’s like I would get I get a Double Whopper Junior the junior is I like the Whopper Junior I don’t think I’ve ever

    Had a Whopper in my life yeah what know who you are I know I I worked at McDonald’s for I’m not a fast food Burger guy and and that’s just my own I like if I’m going to fast food I normally get a chicken sandwich for whatever reason I lived off of Whoppers

    In my spring break break we were down in uh we stayed at Boyd’s Campground in uh Key West and I had no money and all of my money needed to go towards alcohol so there was it was 99 cent Whopper week and I literally ate whoers breakfast

    Lunch dinner I mean they were so again they’re both both are great I I but I I would say that I I’m more inclined to like the taste of the the grilled yeah uh thing and actually and and learning about the the the people who fed America

    That series on HB uh on the History Channel the Burger King’s Whopper preceded the Big Mac and you know there was all they were sort of leading the way if there was a a Burger King did you just gurgle over there no Kathy I get

    BL if there was a Burger King and a McDonald’s right next to each other I would go to Burger King and get my Whopper Jr and then I would drive over to McDonald’s and get my French P yeah all right never never had I agree Steve

    Never really have been a big fan y so uh but I I would definitely do the double trip yo G to your head all right overall Burger King or McDonald’s Burger King although I go to McDonald’s way more there’s there’s way there’s more unfortunately there the Burger Kings are fewer and further

    Between these are I you know that so I’ve had so much McDonald’s over the years you know what I mean sure that almost border line burnout but I know exactly what I’m getting so reliable what are you getting at burger at McDonald’s I would either get uh two

    Cheeseburgers a double cheeseburger or a Big Mac those are my go-tos for sure so I do a Double Quarter Pounder naked yeah and I get my fries and um and uh I do love their shakes however I don’t like the shakes with the with the I know a

    Lot of people like with the whipped cream and all that stuff I like a no just a plain vanilla shake gets it done man or or you might be a chocolate shake um yeah it’s just a double cheeseburger for me please no and Burger King you’re you’re you’re a double double whopper

    Kids Whopper right Preston uh just did Whopper junior Whopper Jun straight up Whopper Jun yep yep exactly straight something uh by the way the classic big fish sandwich will be getting the spicy treatment for limited time just in time for Lent spicy app participating locations customers can get a the fiery

    Big Fish it sounds pretty good uh Twist on the classic that comes with lettuce pickles tartis sauce and a spicy glaze on a Brio style bun and that starts on February 14th fish sandwiches were created for Lent they were created that you know to have something to sell

    During that period it was brilliant they were created for my dad the only man that ever ordered them really no no no no no I I I would get fla fish year round not the whaler there weren’t any Burger Kings nearby yeah the um uh chicken fries have you guys had those at

    Burger King they’re they’re basically they’re they’re they’re just long chicken fingers but um they used to have and they don’t have them anymore it the spicy ones spicy ones were way oh I never had those yeah Steve do you think Jean would find Long chicken fingers sexy it’s an aberation desecration Oh I

    Thought he would find them attractive it’s not to a pure chicken man it’s an a front okay all right we’ll see if someone knows what movie this is from oh my God he is having a heart attack do something1 law anything oh my God if you’re going to meat steak get some sharper tooth all right enjoy your oh thank you all right let’s go to Rob hi Rob hey okay put your thinking cap on what movie is that from Brown hard oh my God yes you’re exactly correct hang on

    Rob here’s what we have for you rob you just won yourself Wonka on digital you can buy it now and get $3 off the digital movie at Candy I’m going to play the uh we we’re not giving any more away but I’ll just play one more Groundhog Day Cliff cuz uh

    Why not finished out cuz we had an extra would you like to try some white chocolate yeah don’t to make me sick no white chocolate there is something so familiar about this no white chocolate and then also another one that we didn’t play this one I think uh Pierre plays

    Pretty oh wait this one no we we did home no no we did uh the Jim Beam one okay can I buy you a drink okay uh sweet for M rocks with a Twist please for you miss the same that’s my favorite drink mine too mine too oh all right well that’s it

    Gang The Connoisseur connoisseur’s got to go yes I don’t know what the hell you expect from me but connoisseur’s got to go uh just two quick reminders the soup bow yes we are doing it again uh been many many years we’re dusting it off and we’re going for it we’re going to find

    Who the king of soup is in the area soup bowl is next Friday and if you’re a restaurant and soup is your specialty and you’ve got one you want to enter let us know about it at pressent we’ll make a I need you to stop talking

    Wow we will uh we will make a decision on who gets to come in and join us for the soup bowl and we’ll have a uh a legion of guests that will join us as the judges that particular morning uh and I also want to thank Minnie melts ice cream chocolate sponsoring the

    President C show connoisseur segment and the chocolate favor is wonderful we’ve tried all these all these you know uh unique flavors this was the straight core flavor chocolate do yourself a favor in the next couple days when you’re in your WWA or your 7-Eleven or wherever pick up one and you can eat

    It’s it’s an on thee-o thing and and then uh you’ll see that we’ve been telling you the truth they’re they’re effing great and don’t worry about the spoons right there inside of it and you get it in the Mini Melts ice cream freezer and you can find the chocolate

    Favor in location such as 7-Eleven stores and Gloucester Premium Outlets in their vending machines Mini Melts we’re gonna take a break we’ll come back in a second bizarre pile on the way wmr all right thanks Kath we’ll dive into the bizarre file one more time here we go wmr presents Christin and star

    F we’re brought to you this morning by Special Olympics Pennsylvania inviting you to join Nick MC Wayne and team MMR at the Philadelphia polar plunge February 10th at citizens Spang Park info@ Philly and Nick told us he needs volunteers for that come hang out sign up now for that at all

    Right so we’ll start with a messed up story out of Pennsylvania a woman who uh has been arrested for allegedly moving to New Jersey and leaving her child to live on their own for about a month what yeah officers from Lancaster County say they responded to a welfare check and

    Found the child living alone Tiffany Chanel bogu 45 years old is facing charges of endangering the welfare of a child mommy’s just going out to move away for a month police said the child had no access to gas water or heat aside from a space heater uh the child said

    That they had access to food as their mother sometimes sent money via cash app oh my gosh uh the child told police that his mother moved to New Jersey to live with her boyfriend and then left them behind the child sociopathic said B Returns on occasion but they never knew

    When the child also told police that they sometimes attended school but found it difficult to wake up in the morning since they were alone that’s horrible they had a cat and two dogs uh in the home as well so I don’t know how old the child is or anything like that but

    That’s just that’s crazy okay a South Carolina couple described as Bonnie and Clyde wannabes uh were arrested after leading police on a chase in a spray painted car with a dog a cat and four chicken inside I don’t remember the Bonnie and Clyde doing that uh deputies

    It’s a mobile Farm first sported Joshua Harvey driving a black Honda sedan with expired tags Harvey was allegedly driving erratically and appeared to have trouble staying in his Lane when deputies attempt to pull him over he refused to refused to un let officers on Pursuit all the way across to the

    Greenville County Line where deputies decided to call off the chase give the gun to the chicken they encountered the car recklessly driving again around 2:45 p.m. after canvasing the area around his house the vehicle however was spray painted white to trick the authorities I mean they just got cans of

    Spray paint and sprayed down the car short look professional the driver again refused to pull over when deputies attempted the second traffic stop and leted officers on a chase officials said the chase ended again for safety reasons due to school traffic at that time of day deputies picked up the chase again

    On Highway 14 where officers observed the driver passing cards unlawfully and recklessly the spray painted sedan was eventually disabled on the inter State and the driver was identified as Rosie Smith whom the Sheriff’s Office described as Harvey’s Paramore uh when deputies took Harvey and Smith into custody uh the officers found one dog

    One cat and four chickens inside the vehicle the animals were handed over to Animal Control Officers and by the way I saw the mug shots they look like people that would have four chickens in the car with them yes they did and the Paramore Federal authorities planted a phony

    Advertisement seeking a yoga instructor to capture the Texas woman later convicted of murdering an elite bicyclist and perceived romantic rival and it took this ad to bring her in when detectives suspected that Caitlyn Armstrong was the person who murdered 25-year-old uh Mariah Mo Wilson their most daunting task was simply finding

    The suspect who had vanished from Austin where the slaying had happened tips eventually LED them to Costa Rica where deput US Marshall Damen Fernandez and Amir Perez still had a needle in a hastac challenge finding their suspect in the Tropical Paradise uh filled with Americans living uh relaxed expat lives

    Uh they found a businessman with connections with Armstrong who was now going by the name Beth and according to pictures provided by that contact she had also changed her appearance and even when the search narrowed to the small mountain town of Santa Teresa was still

    A tough search a lot of women in that area just look like Caitlyn a lot of them uh officer Fern Fernandez said but with a little hope uh with a little hope of finding her authorities threw a hail Mar path he said we decided we were

    Going to put an ad out or multiple ads for a yoga instructor and see what would happen I assume this woman was a yoga instructor yes yeah it paid off he said we got a bite somebody that identified herself as a yoga instructor and said they wanted to meet with us at a

    Particular hostel and we said this is our chance Perez met Armstrong and got close enough to see bandages on her face later connected to cosmetic surgery that she had to allegedly change her appearance and evade capture uh still the changes weren’t enough to throw Perez off the trail uh he said the eyes

    Are the same ones that I saw in the picture and this is her 100% local police moved in for the arrest and receipts were later found at Armstrong’s hosital showing payments made for plastic surgery and some good police work there a jury on November 16th last year convicted Armstrong of Murder She

    Was sentenced to 90 years in prison the following day so they tracked her down wow when she gets out she’s going to be pissed all right one last story a dying Thief who confessed to stealing a pair of ruby slippers that Judy Garland wore in the Wizard of Oz because he wanted to

    Pull off quote one last score was given no prison time at his sentence hearing on Monday Terry John Martin 76 years old stole the slippers adorned with sequins and glass beads in 2005 from the Judy Garland Museum in Grand Rapids Minnesota he gave into temptation after an old

    Associate with connection to the Mob told him that the shoes had been adorned with real jewels to justify by their $1 million insured value if you’ve ever seen them they’re just sequins that’s all they are clearly that yeah Martin showed little emotion as a judge handed down the sentence and was physically

    Unable to R fully rise from his chair as a judge adjourned for the hearing uh the defense attorney Dane deae uh said the resolution of the case should bring a measure of closure to the government the museum the slippers owner and to Martin himself the government was able to hold

    One person accountable uh while the museum and The Collector who owns the slippers got to find out what happened and Martin was able to CL this chapter in his the final months of his life instead of taking his secrets to the Grave good news the straw man is going to find you a

    Brain uh the FBI had recovered the shoes in 2018 when someone else uh tried to claim a reward Martin wasn’t charged with stealing them until last year investigators use phone records to Zer on A Martin and use his wife’s immigration status to leverage search to

    His home and get him to confess how much you want to bet that when the police were closing in on him he tried clicking them together oh dude he said he could go to Kansas he plead guilty but his motivation remained mostly a mystery until he revealed it in court uh Martin

    Hoped to remove what he thought were the rubies rubies from the shoes and sell them but a person who deals in stolen goods known as a fence informed him the rubies weren’t real Martin said so he got rid of the slippers million dollars is because it’s one of the legendary

    Screen artifacts of all time exactly it’s you know it’s its role in in cinematic history alone makes it worth that but not the actual quote unquote rubies on it and there you go that’s what I have in the bizarre file for you all right we will take another break uh

    We’ll return and we’ll get the lesson question the trash the music news as well so stay with us cuz we will be with that shortly yeah Ever Clear the song is called Santa Monica 933 WMMR it’s everything rocks 10:21 uh Friday morning still looks a little damp out and uh

    We’re going to be cloudy today not really Rain early you know than this morning and uh then after that once we get past today we have Sunshine the rest of the weekend uh Saturday Sunday Monday even Tuesday calling for sunny skies and temperatures hovering in the mid-40s

    Finally going to get to take down some of my exterior Christmas stuff because we keep it up later for a family gathering that happens after Christmas and then the snow came and now uh now everything is clear going to get that stuff away it’ll make me feel so good Steve I read the

    Other day I and I don’t know if this is 100% accurate but that there were only four sunny days in all of January like days where it was just completely Sun of the whole time I mean we we need it believe it somebody in my neighborhood

    By the way has a full Christmas tree lit up in the windows still same full lit up right across the street from me no I I take it down well I’ve looked I I think it looks pretty I think it it looks because they’ve taken all the ornaments

    Off of it so it’s just the tree with the lights but I’m I enjoy it and now waiting to see how long they go before they do actually take it down so to that point there like lighting things or lighted faux trees or stuff in the house

    I think is always a warm feeling so I’m thinking of looking for different ways to light things yeah in the house that are not necessarily Christmas related sure sure you know a lot of um if you look at a lot of YouTubers and you know Gamers and stuff like that sometimes

    They’ll accent light things in the background you can do that with plants and stuff the it’s really cool I like that look all right uh oh by the way a thank you um a soup bowl isn’t for a week but Embers Smokehouse and tap and sha font uh drops off some of their

    Tomato bisque I grabbed some uh for us this morning I haven’t had mine yet but that’s definitely my lunch when we’re done and uh if you’d like to enter for the soup bowl uh you can do that through so we’ll have that uh coming along next

    Week all right we’re going to do uh we’re going to pose the lesson question for you and and the question today will the winner will get a four pack of tickets for the Philadelphia Golf and travel Expo uh travel show which starts today through Sunday at the Philly Expo

    Center at Oaks uh the question yeah we got to go with this who is pton Dy named after 25263 WMMR she’s new over at 6abc uh her name is pton damsky who is she named after according to us okay yeah 25263 wmm the trash business is a gold

    Mine 933 WMMR with Preston and Steve’s Hollywood trash well we’s see what Steve’s got today what’s up maam well Terry Hatcher revealing she was once kicked off the popular dating site hinge Hatcher believe she was done in by her quote rabid desire for anal that’s pretty weird Darius Rucker

    Getting busted on a minor drug offense in Tennessee Rucker is out on tour with his new band hoodie and the blow oh my God ABC confirming that Avery pole who plays Esme on General Hospital has exited the show following a major Cliffhanger it was revealed that the

    Character of Esme had been eaten by a chin Chilla what trash all righty we’ll see if somebody knows the answer this question who was pton DKI named after 25263 WMMR our first caller in was Mark so we’ll go to him hey Mark good morning oh God zook oh God zook to you

    All right uh Mark who is Payton named after oh the goggin that Walter goggin Mister close Walton Walton but we’ll take Walter uh yeah Mark hang on the line we are going to give you a four pack of tickets for the Philadelphia Golf and travel show uh it’s this

    Weekend through Sunday at Philly Expo Center and you get unbelievable deals on golf equipment and accessories and you can visit Philadelphia golf all right uh time for music news now Preston and Steve’s music news on 933 [Applause] wmr Ro youi family and Company jewelers and if you are ring shopping this

    Valentine’s Day you can visit family and Company jewelers on Route 70 in Marlton New Jersey online at Family South Jersey Diamond destination I’m leave with this we uh played this earlier this morning Billy Joel has new music out gearing up to perform this weekend at the Grammy Awards as well and

    Presumably he’ll play the new song it’s called turn the lights back on we all loved it it’s a beautiful song and it is classic as you can hear classic Billy Joel dude sounds fantastic uh so it’s his first new song in 17 years to track a mid Tempo piece dominated by Joel’s voice and piano was released yesterday and his first new composition position to be released since Christmas in fuia with fellow Long Island singer Cass Dylan back in 2017 he

    Said that despite his productivity especially during the 70s and 80s songwriting is difficult for me said I was I’ve never enjoyed writing I always enjoyed uh having written uh when I would get to the end of a song I was writing I was rung out cuz I wanted it

    To be a certain quality I have high standards and if I don’t meet those standards I’m really angry myself and I’m really hard on myself and I beat myself up so maybe that’s part of the reason why he hasn’t done that much as of lately he famously stopped releasing

    New pop music after his 1993 album River of Dreams so that storm warning uh album right that was the name stormr Stormfront mhm that that is I think that was one of the when I got my first CD player I think that’s the uh the CD that

    I got I played the hell it that’s just a great album that’s got the We Didn’t Start the Fire track on it yeah it’s a great album uh Disturbed is gunning for its first ever Grammy Awards this weekend badman single from the groups badman 2021 album uh divisive is

    Nominated for best metal performance and of course the gr is of this Sunday has been nominated twice they’ve been nominated twice for in 2009 2017 they didn’t win either time gr van Fleet is hoping to capture it their second Grammy award for best rock album uh their third

    Full length star catcher is up in that category uh GRE event Fleet previously won in that category in 2019 for its debut album from the fires Metallica has multiple nominations they’re up for three uh best rock album for last year’s 72 Seasons best metal performance for the title track and best rock

    Performance for the single Lux etera uh they have won nine gramys from 23 previous nominations and Queens of the Stone Age is hoping to score their first Grammy Award uh they have been nominated three times before for without taking home a trophy uh Ander up for best rock

    Album for in New Times Roman and best rock song for the band written emotion sickness so we’ll seeck it’s on Sunday so we’ll see how they Faire when we get back on Monday Steve as you men in the trash Darius Rucker was arrested Hoody and the Blowfish uh frontman and also

    Solo country performer arrested on a minor drug offense in Williams uh Williamson County Tennessee on Thursday uh the musician was arrested on two counts of simple possession casual exchange of a controlled substance and one count of a violation of Ten’s vehicle registration law we got to be talking something just pot right I’m

    Thinking so I I don’t know what the legality is in Tennessee I don’t think it’s legal and it’s got to be it because it’s just a it’s just a misdemeanor and it’s a it’s what they call Simple possession authorities did not identifi the controlled substance Rucker was

    Taken to the custody booked on three charges he was released on $10,500 Bond wow no longer in custody uh it’s not known what led to the arrest in December he was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame by the way so and then finally I’m going to mention this

    Uh Neil Pierz 2010 Aston Martin DBS uh was recently uh put up for sale uh it has remained registered in California since new now showing 34,000 Mi the car is finished in storm black over obsidian black leather uphol and powered by a 5.9 L V12 engine so how

    Much is it going for maybe I’ll get it well so I was talking to a friend of mine who who likes luxury cars and car auctions and things like that he sent me this listing and I said it’s an auction and it’s only I go well it’s only going

    For 40 Grand right now he said yeah but yeah the last five minutes it’ll go way up watch it shoot up this is no no effing way that car is going for 40 Grand yeah the carfax report notes no accidents or other damage and list the history in California there is uh

    Currently a lean on the car and the owner’s lender uh will need to be paid off before the title can be transferred to the next owner will he bid on it your buddy no I don’t think so no no he doesn’t buy them this is a different

    Buddy I know who you’re thinking okay yeah well then get that guy to B I should I’m going out with him tonight so I’ll see if he wants to buy oh that guy yeah and then the final uh bit of music news is uh Kyle’s got a gig this week

    Hey how the presses Kyle m singer of the FM band is playing tomorrow night at the Eden Lounge in Harris Atlantic City it shows at 900 p.m. you want to have a good time go see these guys they’re super versatile Kyle’s great great singers all around

    Kyle is one of many great singers in that band so uh FM band tomorrow night Eden Lounge at Harris AC 9:00 is when the show is all right let’s hit music news that means one more break to take and then we wrap the thing up we’ll come

    Back in a moment to get the letter of the day for the word of week prize stay with us been around in there uh he actually came to the camp out for Hunger good dude which was really cool very nice guy gave us this autographed guitar and

    Everything made this nice video for Bill Weston at his uh retirement party so cool along with a bunch of other rock stars which is cool the name of that song is called artificial artificial these are artificial and uh now with nice my daughters no thank you daughter are not

    Artificial uh 10:39 on this uh Friday no sad bro morning and uh we’re coming to a close here it’s been fun it has been we got to eat some new Mini Melts uh chocolate ice cream it’s it’s sort of deranged how much we’re into this stuff

    The mini Ms we gave away we did only uh groundhog date movie clips yes uh for the connoisseur we heard new Billy Joel music today pretty miraculous which I think we all really liked a lot and uh yeah just had some good conversations with you it was a good time today Pier

    Oar is here I uh I did not hear the Billy Joel but I’m going to play it during my program and I just heard that little clip he played in music news uh but it’s really cool that he’s got something out that you you know and it’s

    Good when these artist Steve came in when I was playing the stones the other day yeah I’ve got the live version of the club Set uh and I’ll play it again today um but um he came in and said something to the effect of isn’t it amazing that these artists can still

    Make great music yeah at point I vote it up on the air this morning that I walked in and I said to you I said the stones have just released two of my favorite Stone songs ever how miraculous is that so don’t you’re not down for the count

    You know I I thought Billy was done I thought for sure he was just finished he’s he’s he can sell out night after night after night after night no matter where he plays and he’s still going to make money and all that and and he had

    Said years ago that he was just he didn’t feel relevant with his new music putting out new music he didn’t expect anything from it so I I didn’t think he’d ever do it again so this is really cool this a nice thing to happen it’s great very cool you know what I totally

    Failed to mention in uh music news I printed the story up I don’t know what happened to it where it is but uh Springsteen’s mom died oh yes 98 years old yeah that that is on that story uh but yeah that is a sad thing I believe she had suffered from

    Alzheimer’s in her last few years uh but um he wrote a touching tribute to her with lyrics from one of his songs clearly loved her and uh as you would imagine but was she held the family together had wonderful things to say about her missed opportunity she should

    Have released an album called gave birth in the USA like that in the USA that works he brought her on stage one time and danced with her which was very cool I think it might have even been in Philly um and um yeah very neat nice all right uh shall we get the

    Letter yes here we go Preston and Steve on 933 wmr now the daily letter all right and the Preston Steve show is brought to you today by the letter K is in kangaroo all right that means we have a word we need you to identify it caller number three at

    25263 WMMR give us a call right now cuz we got a prize over here for you if you can get that correct Friday edition of the Piero bear experience is that a picture from Phil yeah there’s a photographer that I really like and his name is is uh Danny clinch and he he

    Posted that photo that you were just referring to oh of Bruce with his mother with his mom and it was in Philly um on the program today we will have uh blocks of Crosby Stills Nash and Young graah Nash’s birthday is today and The Big Show that both Brent and Jackie have

    Been giving away tickets for uh is the Rob Zombie Alice Cooper show that just went on sale this morning uh we’ll do blocks of that and um also play that live Stone some more uh try to get that Billy Joel in and vinyl cut and much

    More all right we got oh and Jackie bamb bam tonight doing the black lives matter he kicked it off last night it was astoundingly good at 8:00 and he will do that again tonight hi Nancy you’re on the air good morning good morning uh do

    You know what the word of the week is prank great day in the you got it right n and guess what we got for you Nancy a $500 Joseph Anthony gift C card that’s great awesome you shall enjoy this congratulations hang on the line we’ll get your information and don’t forget

    It’s the ultimate destination for all things beauty and wellness it’s closer than you might think you can treat yourself to a day of relaxation at Joseph Anthony in Glen Mills Springfield and Center City Philadelphia thank you to the Fine sponsors of this radio show the presidency program brought to you by

    Duncan President Steve show runs on Duncan also brought to you by Trinity Rehab locations all over Trinity – uh next week lot going on uh soup bowl 3 oh yeah is taking place on Friday love that our good friend Adam Ferrara is going to be by on that same

    Day so I think he’ll be sampling some soup we also have uh latest flyer Jamie Dale joining us cool uh comedian Kelsey cook Steven crer Kramer Glickman from Big Time Rush if those Disney fans are out there and we’ll have the cast from Mrs outfire the live stage show in our

    Studio which is going to be cool so we got a bunch next week that’s it we are done so you just rage on and have a great weekend and we’ll see you later gang [Applause] Bye-bye

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