Hi and welcome to my channel!

    My name is Patrick and my plan is to cycle from Sweden πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ to South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦

    Hope you like it!
    Enjoy 😊.

    Instagram: pehrenholm

    Good morning guys it is uh finally time to start cycling in cairo and uh yeah i’m quite excited i’m a little bit nervous it’s 6 30 in the morning i’m trying to get up quite early to avoid the traffic and hopefully the police as well this is where i stayed

    I’m not the only one who stayed here i think there’s also like a stable here for horses or something and just over here on the other side of that wall there’s the pyramid area so there’s a lot of horses and camels here to take tourists for yeah rides along the

    Uh by the pyramids um okay uh we’re gonna start cycle out of cairo on small roads and hopefully we’ll find a canal that i’m looking for that i will try to follow that one um south for how long i don’t know but uh probably i don’t know 150 kilometers or something

    We’ll see i’ll let you know let’s go okay so the first thing we see is the police there’s a lot of things around this area by the pyramids make sure it’s safe casey didn’t say so much didn’t say anything at all actually so yes foreign yes yes

    I’m always working with people on bikes never not one dog i’ve heard worked here in egypt until you get on your bike [Applause] just like that damn all right go this way actually cycling is sand it’s not easy it’s almost impossible oh the sand and the trash so let’s see right or left

    Right or left i think left those wheels there’s also a flat tire on the front Me i guess you gotta go for it [Applause] so yesterday at the sudanese embassy i met three other cyclists also cycling carriage cape town and a couple called robin anna in a span a guy from spring his name is tony and uh yeah we shared a lot of information with each other and i accidentally

    Ran into rob banana again this morning i kind of knew what group they were gonna take so [Applause] yeah so uh there’s rob banana now we’re cycling together at least for today we’ll see me [Applause] [Applause] who did i’ve not been to i’ve not found myself i might find myself haven’t found yourself yet so um yesterday i met rob and anna at the sudanese embassy and today we found each other again on the road so uh just by coincidence and now we cycled for uh

    What was it 43 kilometers yeah 43 kilometers so far and uh how do you guys like it so far smooth tarmac yeah yeah not too hot absolutely fine it’s nice yeah yeah i agree hello Oh they’re quiet finally so quiet that’s quite a good road uh yeah so so far people are quite friendly waving cheering uh some some of the younger kids are a little bit annoying to be honest only one was really annoying trying to beg for money but so far so good in egypt Some crops some corn palm trees a cow yeah the canal is over there some people doing some fishing in there yeah i like it so far Oh they’re bringing chairs give me a spoon [Applause] oh yeah we stopped for lunch that small small little town about 80 kilometers south of uh cairo and as you saw we quickly became the highlight of the town everyone was really friendly we were offered tea like instantly we bought as you saw

    There was some uh lentils and maybe some beans in there in that bread as well it’s quite delicious actually i’ve also bought some cold drinks it’s about 30 degrees at the moment and it’s one o’clock so i mean it’s it’s hot believe me but it’s not unbearable hot which is good

    We’re going to try to reach the city of benny swift i think it’s called today and it will be around 120 kilometers i think but so far it’s been really good really good road most of the time and friendly people again [Applause] Look at this i really enjoyed egypt so far today i really enjoyed it so far it’s been really good i just wished that we could continue until the sun went down and then just make a wild camp somewhere but it’s not really possible here so now we’re going we’re going to bendy swift

    Where we stay at the hotel for tonight and continue tomorrow we arrived at the hotel and as you can see my hotel room here i just had a chow shower a shower and just relax a little bit uh we’re gonna go out and eat something because i’m quite hungry at the moment

    Rob and anna is sleeping in that room and we cycled today 120 kilometers it’s quite a lot it was a long time since i did 120 kilometers so good morning we’re in uh benny swift uh just recycled 120 kilometers and today we’re gonna try to do uh 140 so what was the name

    Almenia almenia we’ll try to do it to reach there because there is uh there’s supposed to be hotels there which we need in egypt so um yeah it’s six seven seven o’clock in the morning we’re trying to beat the heat a little bit because at like 11

    11 11 ish it starts to get really warm so yeah we stayed at city center hotel and there was no problem all right hey [Applause] And we’re out good morning egypt This just a big truck going the wrong way on the highway and the police just passed us and they they just gave us some yeah smiles that’s a fully loaded uh truck trap with timber as well so we just passed the police checkpoint it was for the others for the other side

    Of the road though uh but they didn’t care they just let us go through and didn’t even stop us or anything so it’s very random with the police we met the police today as well they just waved and say hello Just so random with the police and we met two guys in their 50s cycling in uh egypt yesterday at our hotel and they were stopped just outside of cairo i don’t know how far they cycled maybe 30 40 kilometers they were stopped and held for an hour and then told to cycle back

    Uh which they started to do but then they got off the road and took some smaller roads to pass the checkpoint again yeah we’ll see we know that we have a checkpoint uh like 10 kilometers up ahead because it’s uh our on uh i overlander app someone pointed it out uh yeah sometime

    So we will try to get off the road and cycle uh on smaller road just to pass that checkpoint and then continue on the highway again i think oh nice thank you very much thank you very much thank you very much 60 kilometers so far today we’ve been exactly for three hours now so yep and still 73 kilometers left to al eminia i don’t know what people are talking about please start to escort you sorry how old are you huh [Applause] For lunch and it’s delicious it’s pasta rice lentils and some chickpeas and some tomato sauce and you can make a little bit spicier if you want And how much is it is it like one or something a portion Hey Uh We made it to our i don’t even remember the name now but uh yeah we did uh 130 kilometers today and apparently i also broke a spoke which uh Robin um and the other guys and the guy from a bike shop helpless repair today so yeah we’re gonna go out for something to eat and then uh relax after this 130 kilometers day okay good morning it’s the third day here in uh egypt and uh today the police i mean yesterday

    The police came to the hotel asked for our plans and even called us in the middle of the night to ask for more information but we said that we were asleep so yeah they were here this morning as you can see maybe in the background uh they will not allow us to cycle

    Further on so we will have to take uh we will have to take the train to the next stop which would be in aseat that was supposed to be 120 kilometers cycling today but uh it says uh we cannot cycle we are not allowed and uh

    We tried to argue a little bit with him but uh he was quite firm that uh we will have to take the train so now they’re gonna escort us to the train put us on the train yeah and we’ll see we’ll see all right let’s go all right the police there’s a police

    Cycle in front of us and uh police car behind us so they said we cannot cycle this stretch to because of security reasons and it’s uh supposed to be 120 kilometers cycling today but from there we’re supposed to be able to cycle again so that’s probably just what they say so

    They can get us out of their uh Precinct or something to get their problem out of their hands this is just waiting for the train we’ll see when it arrives we’re having some chai and the girl on the left is our little translator and the guy sitting behind rob it’s a policeman on the bikes and other policemen as well

    But it takes a long time the train is a little bit late like two hours late yesterday we cycled from penny swift we asked the goal to get some chairs yeah eventually we got we were able to get off the train and suit and uh now we’re in this room waiting for

    Next step big biscuits which is the code name for a kind policeman here and uh we we’re just waiting for some information i guess and at least they gave us some water so it’s good next yeah in the beginning they want us to send us to the next cities

    Yeah it’s another 100 kilometers but hopefully we can cycle that tomorrow uh being escorted instead of being on a train which would be ideal that’s i mean yeah best case now we’re waiting on the outside for the police to to escort us to a hotel this side yeah okay so we

    Arrived at the hotel that the police escorted us to it’s uh wasn’t far from the train station so um yeah looks uh quite okay actually even with a decent bathroom um price 16 euros for the night which is fine no problem um we are in azut we were supposed to

    Cycle here today it’s uh maybe 120 kilometers cycling but the police yeah they put us on the train as you saw and for tomorrow um we don’t really know if they what they will do if we are allowed to cycle and they will escort us or if they put

    Us on the train again i have no idea really we will just um yeah see what happens tomorrow one one thing that is sure is that definitely the police will be will be waiting for us so um we asked to get escorted to sohog so we can cycle instead of at least going

    On a train which would be a lot nicer all right we need some food because uh haven’t eaten anything really proper today so quite hungry it’s almost uh maybe five o’clock soon so yeah let’s go for dinner and uh go to sleep okay so update

    As soon as i ended the the last clip that you just saw from the room uh the phone rang and uh there was reception asking me to come down uh the police wanted to speak with us so i went down met two detectives uh super friendly they asked some questions about

    When we came to egypt our plans and yeah some questions and then basically informed us that we will not be cycling until the first city we could cycle in is uh cana kena or something which is uh quite close to luxor and uh from here to kena it’s 270 kilometers so

    Yeah we’re basically losing um three days of cycling in egypt i mean it’s quite uh boring but they say that it is for our safety and they don’t want anything to happen to us we’re not allowed to cycle between the cities it’s not just not it’s it’s not loud basically it’s not allowed

    So what can we do we um we’re going to take the train tomorrow to kenna and then cycle from kena to luxor which will be 60 kilometers 70 kilometers yeah that’s the that’s how it is at the moment i mean i was prepared for this because uh

    Egypt is very uncertain how it is for a cyclist if you will be sent back to cairo straight away or if you will be escorted or an hour in our uh case they they put us on the train and um yeah that’s uh we have to i mean we have to

    Of course uh respect the police and it was super friendly as i said they really take care of you and yeah and that’s what it is okay good morning we’re at the train station 6 30 in the morning um yeah we have i think six police officers here around us to help us

    Help us get on the train Okay yeah i’m listening [Applause] just let us go now i said luxor this way just let us just let us go it feels good to be cycling again it’s damn good Okay so we had our freedom for two kilometers then there was a checkpoint again police checkpoint and they stopped us a quick check now we have a police car escorting us behind us which is fine because at least we can cycle that’s main priority Now we have a police car in front of us as well In front and behind see that oncoming traffic [Applause] there’s our two exporters keep a nice road for us at least Let’s checkpoints I don’t know how many police cars that was i don’t know if they’re gonna follow us again but at first they wanted to throw our bikes in the back but i think they’re starting to escort us again it’s even here already luxor temple in the middle of this city [Applause] all right

    I’m in my hotel room as you can see um finally we we were on the train for um what was it like three hours maybe a little bit more because we went uh 270 kilometers with train to canal which which is the first city with that we were allowed to cycle from

    And uh yeah as you saw we did we cycled 65 kilometers with the police escort and nowhere in luxor so we’re going to stay two nights here this night and have the full day off tomorrow and we’re going to go explore a little bit in the area with all the ancient temples

    And everything so it’s going to be quite nice to have some relaxed time as well yeah good night well we’re at the valley of kings exploring the tombs here so we’ve been into three tubes and the less visited tombs which is much more enjoyable because there are a lot of tourists here um

    But we were almost alone in this one so i mean we were alone it was very quiet oh well i’m not really allowed to film here i think if you don’t pay for it just a big valley here with a lot of tombs going in like different directions there’s another tomb and it’s

    Another tomb ramsay’s this guy is called city 32nd the second all right let’s go Um all right that makes a lot more sense how are you doing This is the karanak temple here in luxor and this is uh really impressive this is really impressive i mean they’re huge all right guys uh i’m gonna end the video here this is the first episode in africa uh cycling in egypt is very very very different and very

    Yeah you don’t really know what’s coming for you when you cycle here in egypt as you saw in the video um thank you for watching like and subscribe and see you in the next video


    1. Hello Patrick. And again a great adventure. Holy moly .. the traffic in the cities. Thats crazy !!

      You get scared while watching… Regards from germany, Helge

    2. Are they worried about your safety? Or are they worried that you represent a security risk? If the former then OK, at least they are concerned about keeping travellers to Egypt safe. The rubbish is unbelievable. Makes Albania look pristine.

    3. FruktansvΓ€rd trafik inne i stΓ€derna och allmΓ€nt skrΓ€pigt ΓΆverallt. LΓ€gg dΓ€rtill att ett fattigt land som Egypten lΓ€gger en massa pengar och resurser pΓ₯ att ΓΆvervaka cykelturister istΓ€llet fΓΆr att fΓΆrsΓΆka fΓΆrbΓ€ttra fΓΆr sina egna medborgare. Lika inspirerande som dina tidigare videos varit att cykla runt i Europa lika avskrΓ€ckande var denna om att besΓΆka Egypten.

    4. Ha! You looked so excited at the beginning of the video. =).Β 
      Rough cycling in Cairo. Bumpy, rough roads with trash it looks like. No fun.
      5:07. OH MY GOSH. Ooooooohhhhh my gosh! Nope nope nope nope nope nope. Holy Toledo. Yikes.
      The quiet parts of Egypt are really lovely. The busy parts though, look like a nightmare.

      19:27. That's one little kid driving! I couldn't make out how old he was, could you?
      Bizarre. Why wouldn't he let you cycle? Is there a law against cycling? If so, what is that law? And if there's no law banning cycling, where does he get off telling you you can't cycle? Was he making it up that it's unsafe to cycle, or was he telling the truth? At least they were friendly, which is always a plus.
      30:00. Haha, at least six police officers to "help you" get on the train. Lol. =D.
      Fascinating to see all the Temples.
      What a journey. Very different to Europe, but that's to be expected I suppose. I hope this week is going a little more smoothly for you.

    5. Hey Patrick!

      Congratulations for making your first video in Africa and for making it to Luxor

      Sorry for the inconvenience when the police asked you guys to get on the train. Asyut is known for arms dealers (On its way out thanks to government efforts) and not used to seeing tourists on bikes so they just wanted to keep you safe from conflicting any hard situations in case you couldn't reach the city in daylight. Police usually will not allow Egyptians on bikes to these routes as well.

      Enjoy your adventure!

    6. Infrastrukturen Γ€r ju helt vΓ€rdelΓΆs i Egypten dΓ€r , sopor och skrΓ€p pΓ₯ marken och ser ju vΓ€rre ut Γ€n Indien till och med

    7. Great episode. That is what Egypt is known for. Bureaucracy and police make work projects. Drinks failing off the back of the truck – nice bonus.Must be interesting smells in the back streets of Cairo. Excellent work on the maps.

    8. This is not Cairo, it's the countryside of Giza which is a villages of farmers, there's no tourists take this roads that's why people was mobbed on them.
      I don't recommend talking this roads, if you're a tourist stuck with the main roads, there's a waste problem in Giza and a lot of infrastructure work in such villages, as an Egyptian i wouldn't go through this roads tbh.

      The kid was about 10yo and yeah many villagers teach them to drive at this age, he was asking Patrick if he's going well or he's causing problem to the bike, and then he told him that he's from this village.

      And of course it's a different from Europe, it's a sahara sunny climate while Europe is a forest rainy climate, as for urbanization level, well Egypt was better than a lot of European countries back in the day 1930s when ruled by monarchy rule (you can search it) but since 1952 coup, and communism military regime ruled Egypt, we slowly start to become another India, since then the communism lectures and teachings through tv, radio and entering many wars, brought us chaos, misery and poverty for sure, all of this has contribute to shaping the mindset of people, the later regimes didn't differ much from its predecessor, but did more damage, that's why revolution of 2011 has happened.

      A few days ago, the government banned the importing of tuk tuk and there's a plan to replace the recent ones with minivans, which is a step on the right way, there're many new cities, roads and museums being built now, but we hope that the state will take a more serious look at the current problems of the old cities!

      Thanks for visiting, and you're welcome anytime!

    9. Why the police escolt you and said that you couldn't cycle and interrogate you about your plans, and call you in the midle of the night at the hotel?? @Patrick ehrenholm
      The best luck to you!!!

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