Watch live the finals session from Day Two of the 2024 Tissot UCI Track Nations Cup in Adelaide (AUS) on Saturday 3 February.

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    You [Applause] [Applause] Deceleration the Adelaide super Drome the home of the UCI track Nations cup beautiful venue here in Adelaide South Australia the first round of the three series Nations cups Hong Kong is up next then it goes to Milton in Canada but for now to kick off 2024 and the road to Paris the Olympic

    Games all of the qualifying starts here in Adelaide at the UCI track Nations cup and Adelaide South Australia famous for the wine region so many varied wine regions all around Adelaide north east and south of the city and of course this wonderful vome that sits just north of

    The CBD itself at Jeep’s cross built in 1993 it’s been a long time since we’ve had a Nations cup or a World Cup as it used to be known but the second night of competition is about to get under way and the first night was a sensational

    Evening of track racing we have 19 World Champ Champions here in Adelaide for the track Nations cup and this is the specs of the Vel Drome itself 250 M of course in length is the standard length for Olympic size vres these days nice wide 7 m and

    43.9% is the gradient in the main bands my name is Scott mcgi I’m joined in comment in commentary by Kate Bates Kate it’s a warm night this is what’s on offer for the evening program day two of competition but it’s very hot inside the V Drome tonight well day one was

    Spectacular this evening we’ve got the omnium uh for the men that means four different races The Men’s curean finals uh the women’s Sprint finals and for the endurance women the women’s Madison which will be Sensational but you’re right Scott it is very hot in fact I’m

    Sitting here with a big bucket of ice trying to cool myself down uh in the middle I can tell you uh despite the pictures of riders warming up with long uh sleeves and long pants on uh that gives me shutters I have to say there’s

    Aot lot of fans going in the inside and the ice truck uh was getting a pretty good workout there’s a couple of teams who have Slushy machines uh in their smart to keep their Riders cool but especially the men’s omnium with four long events uh they will have to ensure

    That they preol so that the conditions don’t get the better of them well the men are just about to come onto the track now get themselves ready for the first of the four discipline event that is known as the omnium and in the overall medal standings after the first

    Night of compet ition Great Britain lead the way with two gold one silver and one bronze for total of four medals and New Zealand doing extremely well with two gold medals as well as one bronze for three overall medals Alli walliston involved in both of New Zealand’s gold

    Medals so they’re doing very well Canada is the Other Nation with a gold medal to their name and that’s thanks to Dylan bibic who is in the omnium we’ll be seeing the Canadian there number seven racing tonight in the omnium he was very very strong in the elimination that he

    Won on the first night of competition well the Riders able to just do a lap or two if they are then riding to the fence we have a divided start list half start on the fence half start on the blue band uh with Team support and holders Ayah

    Viviani there for the Italians Olympic champion in 2016 that was one of the most Sensational races uh he and Mark coming down to the absolute wire and it was the first time the omnium was held at the Olympic Games and it was certainly a monumentous moment he’s gone away and

    Had a pretty Sensational Road career Scott uh but you can still tell from the way that he speaks about track cycling that uh he’s got a very soft spot his heart beats for the vome absolutely also won two elimination World Championships the first two World Championship editions of the elimination were won by

    IIA viviani and yesterday on the opening day of competition here in Adelaide he was in the Italian team Pursuit team because of the tight quots on offer for the Olympic Games OT Vivian if he wants to ride the Madison and the omnium at the Olympic Games May indeed need to

    Slip in to the very small quarter of riders to do the team Pursuit for Italy in Paris it’s quite complicated but it’s great to have him here a big star and we see the top of the left there that is Dylan Biby youngster from Canada he was fifth in

    This omnium event at the World Championships last year and won the the elim elimination gold medal last night we also have the silver medalist from last year’s World Championships on the track we don’t have the Portuguese Rider that won the gold medal but olle wood from Great Britain there’s Aaron Gate New Zealander

    Just sitting in behind Roger kuger so we’ve got some fantastic names on the start line Dylan bibik we saw how wonderful uh the form that he is in in the elimination last night the Australians are starting young olle bedon he’s wearing number one tonight he hasn’t got International a lot of

    International omnium experience but sometimes that can play in their favor they’re almost don’t know what to expect so go out there uh with nothing to lose at all now if we look at a rider like viviani uh now he finished at the World Championships last year in sixth position but it was the

    First scratch race that brought him a little bit undone because he finished in 11th spot and he lost a lot of points even in that first race we do expect the big names to be or the more favored names if you will to be very cautious of their positioning going into uh the

    Final of this scratch race we just see the British colors going through there that is Ole wood I mentioned second in the omnium last year he was second in the scratch race as the first discipline within the omnium last year so just faded slightly towards the end of the overall

    Classification finished down in ninth place at the World Championships but second in this particular one so we’ll see how he plays out this time handy at the world championships in the scratch race let’s see how we can go now in the first of the omnium disciplines 40 laps

    Of the track scratch race first of the Finish gets the win but if you take a lap on the field it gets a little bit more complicated and it’s a big field they did have qualification points races in the afternoon program today so all of these Riders have already had to get

    Themselves into the top 12 in each of their hits in the points race just to get into the omnium so five Bunch races for them in total today even though the Point Race doesn’t count for any points overall that’s what they had to do to

    Get into the series itself so we have 24 Riders out on track the reason that they have qualifying rounds is because purely from a safety perspective you can’t have 40 Riders out on the track in a final event it is not safe unfortunately we’ve seen some Falls you can I’d like to see

    That no from a safety approach you can’t I mean logistically yes you can fit that many people on a bell Dr I mean that’s a bit like what the warm-up is and it’s terrifying quite frankly uh but earlier we did see a few falls in the men’s

    Kierin um and a few nail biting moments we try and avoid that and uh obviously safety is an important consideration so 24 Riders out on track and if you are at the back of a 24 long Bunch you’re nearly a quarter of a lap behind the

    Front so the back is not somewhere that you want to sit they will be riding an elimination as race three or four um but we will notice as we progress through the omnium the difference styles of bunch races in the scratch race you can sit down the backat cons serve some some

    Energy and just hope that it uh comes to the final in a bunch and see how your Sprint is uh a lot of the Riders who don’t fancy themselves in a Sprint we might see them sitting back early on and then launching some attacks later there’s some Riders who don’t

    Necessarily fancy themselves in a Sprint nor a breakaway and they often put do their best to keep the pace quite High to put off any um potential attacks and to Stave off that risk but also to perhaps laps knock the Shine off the sprinter’s legs it’s 40 laps in total 10

    Km of course four laps for a kilometer it goes very fast and the winner of the scrunch race will receive 40 points second will be 38 then 36 34 all the way down to 24th and 24th R across the line will score two points I think it is at

    The end and for the four different disciplines Tempo race elimination and finishing with the points race the rider with the most number of points across all four disciplines will be awarded the winner and in the points race you get the points that you win in each Sprint so it

    Isn’t even necessarily overall it’s uh each point that you crew adds up so that it is arguably a bit more weighted to a points race Rider but you can lose a lot early on and they have to be quite diligent I am noticing that Vivani uh where in the beautiful blue colors of

    Italy he’s swinging up going all the way to the back but he’s not missing any turns he is ensuring that he comes through and pulls his weight and so far that’s what we’re seeing a fairly conservative race we haven’t seen any attacks yet uh at all but you might

    Notice Scott that we’re starting to see Riders take very short turns so it might only be a matter of 5 or 10 MERS before they’re swinging up and not really wanting to take any responsibility for the pace saving energy that’s the name of the game in that situation and the

    Average speed of the peleton quite High to start with so very difficult to go on the attack and there are riders in this race that are not very fast when it comes down to a bunch Sprint they are the ones that need to attack to try and maximize their endurance Advantage but

    There hasn’t been any attacks just yet 27 laps to go started with 40 getting close to the halfway point and the closer we get towards the end the more likely it will be a big big bunch Sprints and that will favor the fast men Aaron Gates Point Race world

    Champion from New Zealand in there as well many of the Riders racing in the team Pursuit rounds yesterday so a little bit of tiredness coming into the legs olle bedon just swinging up for Australia and again as you mentioned Kate lots of short turns people just

    Doing a little bit on the front then swinging up out of the way there’s Aaron gate the New Zealander one of the favorites for this in the overall must be said he’s formed last year and the Comal games a couple of years ago absolutely extraordinary to New Zealand and it’s considered reasonably

    Bad form I mean bad etiquette by that not form on the bike but reasonably bad etiquette uh as well as a little bit dangerous if you do swing up from second wheel because often if there are some Wheels overlapping that can cause um a little bit of danger out

    There but if you don’t want to do much of a turn at the front the polite if we can use that word polite I’m not sure that there’s a lot of manners going on out there but there is etiquette to swing up shortly after you hit the front

    Rather than just swinging up uh from that second wheel position we’re starting to see Riders congregate up the top of the track so when they are swinging up they’re not moving straight to the back there’s no longer just one single Pace line that usually indicates that people starting

    To test the waters about whether it might be a good time for an attack because a lot of the time in these bun traces the attacks come from from up on the track where they can gain speed alongside the pelaton and the speed off the banking uh to open up a gap

    Initially we haven’t seen any antagonistic moves yet though halfway through the race with 20 laps to go nobody making any attacks nobody doing too many turns Fanning up the track very quickly as they come around now to get 19 laps to go and both first and second Riders

    There both swinging up the track everyone doing everything they can to try and just save energy for that final Sprint and looking on it looks as though the Riders aren’t too labored they don’t look to be working too hard at all but for context these races usually at this

    Level average around 55 km per hour so it’s shy of 11 minutes for the 10 km distance make no Illusions they are traveling very fast and that is also a reason why we don’t see as many attacks when it’s neutralized a bit by the pace if they’re already traveling at around

    55 to 60 km an hour it is quite difficult to really increase the speed from there uh in order to cause any fractures or any attacks Hollywood it is from Great Britain through and up very quickly and Roger kuger going through this is Aaron gate from New Zealand familiar black

    Colors dilda Lindsay dilda from Belgium high on the track now as well again very short turns of pace by all of these Riders and coming around to get 14 laps to go so we’re getting a little bit too close towards the Finish now for any L last minute attacks to actually survive

    All the way to the end so it is looking likely to be a big bunch Sprint now for the scratch race to open up the omnium the four discipline series known as the omnium and has changed and evolved over the years since it first came in at a

    World championship level now settled on the four Bunch races the omnium in including the scratch race the tempo the elimination and the points race there’s Roger kuger the big man multiple world champion in the Madison event very handy Road Rider as well it’s great to see him

    Out and back on track uh headed toward the Olympic Games in Paris he certainly achieved a lot on the track but I think in Olympic gold medal he’s got a bit of a glint in his eye to see if he could achieve that in the Madison he’s not

    Alone in that there’s a lot of riders out there as we come into this final with 11 laps to go toward this final back end less responsibility is being taken as you said Scott it’s almost too late for any attacks unless we’re talking about the last ditch the two and

    1 half laps there’s always danger in that for the first time we’re seeing the majority of the bunch now up the top of the track refusing to really be the ones to push the pace well we did see just as viviani and the Italian blue colors dive

    Down the track Pina from Mexico was on the bottom coming through so maybe that was a half-hearted effort at going on the attack but it was squashed very quickly by viviani and now they are all back together with nine laps to go and as a rider it’s easier if you’re at the

    Top or if you’re at the bottom because otherwise it’s like watching a tennis match your head has to be going left and right to anticipate other Riders as well as ensuring uh you’re not overlapping any Wheels it’s certainly not the easiest of environments out there it’s

    Not just all about the legs there’s a lot of strategy and a lot of nerves that go into this kind of racing if you look at the blue colors at the top of the track five riders or so back just behind him is the rider from Switzerland valer

    Tibo now I’ve noticed that he’s glued is trying to glue himself to the back wheel of Elia viviani thinking perhaps he’s one of the big favorites but now in the washing machine that is a pelaton he has sort of had that that seal broken from viviani’s back wheel it is a really good

    Tactic if you know that there’s somebody in the bunch who is fast to try and hold on to their wheel P it is that’s gone on the attack I mentioned him before that maybe was going to try and sneak off the front and the Mexican was indeed hoping

    To do that previously viviani squashed it P has gone on the attack again but it did not last very long and they will have five laps to go with Lindsay dilda high on the track for Belgium right up around the outside just to make position

    Not to go on the attack and it’s a swarm now as we get into the last kilometer he did look as though he may go on the attack but viviani reacted so quickly that he neutralized it just got his position but you need to maintain it now and that

    Becomes the challenge because we’ve just seen Tim baffler from Austria come to the front he’s been pushed back now washing machine is the perfect description Yan Vons it is from Cheta coming through now with three laps to go and you can see see how packed it is Riders caught on the inside desperate

    Trying to get themselves out get some clear air and they’ll come around now to get two laps to go and it is Vivani the Olympic champion from 2016 Roger kuger from Germany over the top of him and with half a lap and a half to go now the

    Big man from Germany Roger kuger he will hear the Bell first before everyone else and IIA viviani sits in behind him final lap now kuger he’s gone very early can he hold on now the move comes from viviani we’ve got Japan and also Great Britain there as well but kuger this is

    Incredibly strong from the big man from Germany viviani gets over the top though so the Italian viviani the former Olympic champion comes away with the win in the scratch race maximum of 40 points for him job well done and a strong ride by Roger kruer that was a sensational

    Ride of Patience by the Italian viviani he’s all class we spoke at the very beginning about how now this was going to be an important race for him because historically when he has featured on the podium in omniums he’s had a good scratch race to start he didn’t have a

    Good scratch race at the world championships and he struggled after that to regain his position he’s on a mission he knows he has to have a strong start as for Roger kuger we know that he is just a diesel he gets on the front and he can just have incredible staying

    Power but what he doesn’t have is the acceleration that viani has also a very accomplished Road Sprinter viviani that little bit more acceleration really made the difference it might be a diesel but I’ll say it’s a V12 diesel because that was a strong ride from Big Roger

    Kuger kaboki from Japan third across the line so good solid ride from him as well Dylan bibik the elimination gold medalist from last night the youngster from Canada in fourth and William tidball from Great Britain in the green British colors the trade team for great Britain was fifth so very very strong

    Ride there from Roger kuger from Germany leading down the back straight viviani perfectly placed to come out of the slipstream pop up around the outside and there’s kaboki from Japan trying to get over the top of Roger for second third it was for the Japanese Rider you see

    Tibull in the green colors sitting back in fourth place just a perfect execution for viviani we saw how many times he went to the front then tried to find position he got swamped at one point a couple of laps to go found the way out

    And around the outside to get the win in the scratch race great way to start no no attacks nothing really split up but still a fantastic bunch spr in the end yeah Ricardo Penna from Mexico was the only real antagonist trying to break it up kaboki the Japanese Rider I’m very

    Impressed by him he almost very nearly uh rolled kuga for second there but he just held on very tight took a nice ride on the viviani train to come in third B in fourth William tidball the British Rider he came in fifth remember we’ve got 24 Riders oie Ole bedon he was in

    16th and down to 24th Ricardo Penna it’s almost a bit sad that he finished in 24th after he did such amazing uh attacks but isn’t that part of the game it doesn’t really matter who’s the strongest out there it’s not about showing how strong you are it’s about

    Crossing the line first at the end and especially in an omnium rather than a standalone scratch rates you have to be more conservative you can’t take the same risks onto the women’s Sprint semifinals and we saw something quite special this afternoon Minato from Japan knocked out Emma fukan the current world

    Champion in the Sprint so that was in the quarterfinals so Sato has found her way into the semi-finals up against the Kieran world champion from last year Alise Andrews from New Zealand so Sato didn’t qu qualify as quickly as the top seed obviously in fukan but was

    Able to tactically outsmart her in the quarterfinals brilliant riding from Mina Sato to get to this position now now Alise Andrews she has just really come on strong the last couple of Seasons after switching from track endurance T purit Rider now a sprinter and a Kieran world champion this should be a

    Fantastic race best of three here in the semi-finals so they’ll get another chance at if they do go down in this first race well Sato really is a rising star she qualified in 10.61 4 this morning but at the World Championships last year she qualified in 16th Place so each time

    She’s jumping on the bike she’s seeing really great improvements and I can’t help but think that Emma fakin perhaps underestimated her ability to accelerate we’ve seen a few upsets today Elise Andrew as we know uh because of her skills in the Kieran Kieran world champion that she can ride long she has

    A very long acceleration in her and that is what Sato needs to be mindful of I’ll come around to get the Bell this is the first race in the best of three series women’s Sprint semifinals and it’s Minato that comes to the lap to go right

    In front and Andrews has closed it down significantly into the slipstream now she steps out down the back straight and she’s gone down unfortunately at least Andrews just clipping the back wheel there of mina Sato and going down at full speed so Sato comes across the line to score

    The Unofficial win but we’ll have to go back and have a look to see exactly what happened there with Elise down into the back straight and just there she got a little bit out of balance clipped the back wheel of Sato so that was user error unfortunately for

    Elise Andrews I just hope that she is okay and can come back to race the second heat she’s gone down very heavily it’s something a lot of people ask me about what’s it like to fall on a Vel drone when you fall on the wood it’s

    Actually a bit nicer than when you fall on the shoulder of the track which is down the bottom there on the blue which is concrete so the track sometimes does absorb a bit of the Fall because it is it’s Timber it’s got a little bit of flex um but generally if you watch

    Something like um motorbike Sports you see when they fall they have a very long area to roll and when they roll they roll off the Speed and it’s a bit better um sometimes these Falls that are just straight impact and there’s not a lot of sliding can be a little bit harder on

    The body I do really hope Elise Andrews uh is okay they are helping her off she looks quite tender um certainly a little bit winded just looking at the face of matild Gro from France world champion two years ago in this discipline but it’s a big year for her she is starting

    2024 Paris Olympic Games home soil she really wants to do well she’s going to be up against also a former World Sprint champion in Emma hinza and she is the current team Sprint and 500 meter time troll world champion Emma hinza so a couple of Champions here’s Emma couple

    Of Champions up against each other in the second heat of the women’s Sprint semi-finals well the last time these two Riders met was at the European championships in apple Dawn on the 14th of January Emma hin she took the bronze Matilda she took the BR um she took fourth

    Spot and uh that was in a two from two heat one by hinda so let’s see if Gro can turn it around uh for this competition 1044 was her qualifying time Emma hinza 10497 so we’re looking at our second and our third fastest qualifiers which is

    How it should be at this stage but because of some upsets that’s why we’re seeing Sato and Andrews riding for gold very cruel to put them side by side right before they do battle I think they might like it I think that might be part

    Of the head game someone has to be a winner someone has to be a loser unfortunately that’s a harsh word a runner up second place first loser always yeah we’re getting a headshake from Scott mcgi Yan van Iden former world champion in the Kieran as the coach of Germany

    Long time within the British program and now back to his home land of Germany and Gregory bour former Sprint world champion team Sprint world champion is the coach for mati de Gro so lots of decorated athletes and coaches here on the V Drome in Adelaide the first of the UCI track Nations cup

    Thanks to tiso been doing a fantastic job of all of the timing at these events and this is the first opportunity we get to see the new French look bike quite a special machine we see all the new equipment coming out in the Olympic year and with the wide Forks wide rear

    Stains and also the double seat tube you can see how far back the seat post is and the theory behind the split seat tube and seat post is to allow the air flow between the leaks and straight back through the bike itself not being hindered At All by the traditional one

    Seat post see if it does there any good in the race Mel grow up against Emma hinza Emma hinza fourth place at the World Championships last year but third at Europeans on most recent form she’s got a slight Edge over gross despite the fact that gross actually qualified ever

    So slightly faster than her today this will be the tightest it should be on paper the tightest uh ride that we have that we will see tonight in the women’s Sprint competition heat two of the women’s Sprint semi-finals the first race in the second heat mati Gro up against Emma hinza

    Two former World Sprint Champions and this is going to be interesting emah hinza in the quarterfinals beat Leah Friedrich her German training partner and friend and Leah over the last couple of seasons has been a little bit better outperformed Emma hinza so that’s great confidence booster for hinza knowing that she was

    Able to beat Leah her teammate but now out of the saddle getting nice and high in second position as they go to one and a half laps to go mati Gro getting high and Emma hin counteracting that by accelerating at the bottom of the track that dragged the French lady down to the

    Bottom as well to try and catch her one lap to go now this is race number one hit two of the women’s Sprint finals semi-finals and it’s hza so far in complete control with mil Matti Gro trying to get to the back wheel but Emma Hiner is showing incredible form here in

    The Sprint competition that was a really comfortable win for her to go one up in the best of three competition against CH the gro well in the most recent competitions Gro has been beaten by a German Rider uh on each occasion not just Emma hinza but Leah frish beat her at the World

    Championships last year I hope she doesn’t feel a bit of a hex when she’s up against a German Rider it is the best of three so sometimes uh they are able to Rally but it was 2 nil at this stage uh for the riding for the bronze medal so stage

    Further than this uh at the European championships in Aron Emma hinza in complete control mati Gro essentially backs off gives up says I’m not going to make it and it’s a clear win for the German rer wishing best wishes of course to Elise Andrews hopefully she’ll be able

    To come onto the track for her second race they will have a little bit of a rest now though as we get into the kieran’s second round for the men and as you mentioned earlier Kate in the first round in the reper charges there were a couple of nasty crashes this afternoon

    We now have two more races tonight for the Kieran before we get into the medal round itself so Matthew Richardson one of the big favorites here tonight coming out onto the track so you’ll get a lot of support from the local crowd he is from Western Australia but spends a lot

    Of time here in Adelaide as this is the AR Australian national team training facility he’s got his family in the crowd tonight so sitting just past the Finish Line uh to be able to cheer him on now they said they don’t quite look away when he’s racing but during a

    Kieran certainly they might be some hands covering the eyes for a few moments uh when it gets a little bit hairy out there but Matthew Richardson certainly uh one of our big hopes here in Australia uh but I must say based on the earlier r rounds today it’s very hard to go past

    Yamasaki uh the Japanese Rider who was so comfortable in the earlier rounds as was azazul a wang he’s got such an incredible reputation as a Kieran Rider hit number one men’s Kieran second round we are down to 12 Riders have to get down to six for the finals Matthew

    Richardson chenzi zuo from China Max dbak from Germany Kento yamasaki from Japan Andre chugay from Kazakhstan and from Malaysia former world curan champion in azazul arang now I know that azazul has come into this with some health concerns he’s trying to build himself back up to 100% wouldn’t know it

    In the early rounds he looked really really good he got the better of Matthew glater in the first round of the Kieran in his heat so Aang looks good on the track but I do know from his coach John Beasley that he has had some health issues that he’s still trying to get

    Back to full fitness he’s the type of Rider that even when he’s not at full fitness strategically uh and from a patience perspective he really is a step above I say patience because you do need to have a little bit of patience a little bit of waiting game in a Kier and

    If somebody goes earlier than you’re ready to you have to be reactive but you can’t be overreactive Marty Richardson’s second wheel just feeling it out and the bike comes off with three laps to go it’s maximilan dabach from Germany that leads the way very slow pace Richardson

    In second position then it’s Zoo from China then it’s the Asian Continental champion in azazul awing that we mentioned former Kieran world champion no moves from behind just yet first one perhaps yamasaki trying to move up but dorar is counteracting that at the front he’s already started to pick up the

    Pace first three Riders will go into the final and now Matthew Richardson goes over the top of dorar comfortably blasting past the German down the back straight Richardson he will go through to the final there is no doubt of that it’s still a race between arang and Zoo

    For second and third and I think those two will also go through yamasaki from Japan very tight down on the inside of the track so I wait for the official confirmation but I think it is Aang and zo from China joining Matthew Richardson in the final later tonight well Matthew

    Richardson second at the World Championships last year our world champion Kevin Quintero he is also here but he is out of the competition already so Richardson the highest rank going in and very dominant ride he just wanted to stay out of trouble there had been a few Falls he doesn’t want to get

    Caught up in any of that very clean ride from Richardson well two world champions out of the competition today we mentioned Emma fukan in the the Sprint world champion got beaten in the quarterfinals by minao and Kevin quto the Kieran world champion for the men also not making his

    Way into the medal rounds doruk went very very long even though I was slow to start with when they came off the bike he was on the front for a long time and absolutely got buzzed by by Matthew Richardson really dominant ride by him couple of close calls

    Further back as well dorar almost a wheel it’s a really comfortable ride and look at that fist pump for Matthew Richardson man on a mission let’s see if he can get the job done in the next one hit number two another Australian he’ll be coming up next but there’s your

    Qualif qualifiers Richardson Zoo and arang very well credentialed Riders those three making their way into the final hit number two now of the men’s Kieran second round with another Australian in Matthew glater Jack Carlin from Great Britain two Japanese Riders Nano and UTA and also lendel from

    Lithuania and New Zealand’s Sam D so the black colors of Sam D and there’s Matthew glater former Sprint world champion and two years ago team Sprint World Champ as well had some health scares a couple of years ago with cancer overcame that came back to the Tokyo

    Olympics and he in fine form now it’s great to see him back he was he just missed out on the final uh the Cur at the world championships last year but he did win the bfal and finished in seventh place now Jack Carlin he was fifth in the Kieran at the World Championships

    Shinji Nano the Japanese Rider he was third Kaa OT he was eighth this is a very very highly ranked Kieran semifinal second round vilus lendel he didn’t even ride the World Championships last year so he’s put himself in an exceptionally top race like this is a

    Hard race for him but isn’t it great to see the new Riders emerging and we see that each season Sam D the New Zealand Rider uh he just missed out on the second round at the World Championships but it’s good to see that he gets the

    Experience uh at this level here in the Nations cup here in Adelaide if it plays out like it did in the last round where we saw Matt Richardson uh Prevail so easily we will be seeing Matt gler move up he will not want to get St amongst

    The mess in the back end of this race when the accelerations really happen in Earnest four laps to go the bike comes off next time around and it’s Shinji Nano that leads the way ahead of Sam D in the black colors of New Zealand then it’s Jack Carlin from Great Britain

    Lithuania is lindel and there’s the first move going over the top of mat glater is K Oto he has the black shorts the two Japanese Riders but Oto is wearing the black shorts and the man at the bottom of the track at the front that’s his teammate Nano in the blue

    Shorts and a real fight for Carlin and ot to get to the first position as they get two laps to go this is a little bit different to the last Heat they’ve gone really early when the bike came off at three laps to go and k ot has had to put

    In a huge effort to get this far up around the outside and here comes Matthew glater one lap to go he’s going to be three or four wide though through this first Bend this is going to be hard for glater to try and come around for

    There the first three go through to the next round OT Carlin Nano and D trying to come through as well and Matthew glater misses out so it will be Nano OT and Jack Carlin that will go through Matthew glater in a photo finish with Sam D doesn’t matter though because

    That’s for fourth place only the top three make their way through to the final Japan they have two Riders up there now fantastic ride by the Japanese certainly uh not necessarily colluding but aiding each other certainly uh protecting each other to a degree Carlin and Nano we did expect them to make the

    Final based on recent form OT perhaps it was a bit hit and miss especially uh he and Matt glater are very close in form uh in this event but glater lefties run a little bit too late we did say that he would need to move up a little bit

    Earlier he wasn’t able to do that and the Japanese they were smart they knew that if they went early and kept the speed very high it was going to be incredibly difficult uh for any of the Riders no matter even if you are Matthew glater uh to be able to come from the

    Back and move into that top three now we are just hearing that at leise Andrews will be unable to continue in the spring competition so really unfor fortunate for her as we see the qualifiers Nano caran and OT as we saw across the line two Japanese Riders

    Into the final that gives them a fantastic opportunity to get themselves in the middle of the Kieran here at the UCI track Nations cup Jack Carlin Mr consistency from Scotland Great Britain great performance from him as well to split the difference in the Japanese sandwich we can see some Fanning going

    On there in the middle it is quite hot it has been 35° C here in Adela today tomorrow is supposed to be uh even warmer uh but the crowd they’ve got they’re in good spirits despite the Heat and as are the athletes nothing a big bag of ice and a

    Cool drink won’t help now with the lease Andrews out that is a real shame uh we won’t see another race uh there but we will see another ride from semifinal two to see who progresses through to ride for that gold medal one less race at least one less race now

    For mina Sato to freshen up a little bit for the finals so she will be going in to the race for the gold and silver medal minao two men into the Kieran final and Minato into the women’s Sprint final fantastic evening so far for Japan this

    Is heat to Emma Hiner is one up in the best of three she wins this race against matild Gro former world champion the Sprint from France then she will be joining Mina Sato and Racing for gold and silver later tonight so mati really needs to do something special now to get

    The better of Emma hinza to at least force a deciding race but Emma was just so strong in that first race that was incredible how strong she was considering the credentials of mati well she’s riding with a lot of confidence and so well she should uh a bronze medal at the World

    Championships last year a bronze medal at the European championships and directly up against um mati Gro so she beat her a couple of weeks ago in two clean rounds that was for a bronze medal here it is to go Gris for a gold medal but riding with confidence makes so much

    Difference it can completely change the strategy and the Outlook to the race race two heat two women Sprint semi finals Emma hinza one up in the best of three competition she wins this and she’s Racing for gold and silver later tonight mati Gro with Elise Andrews unable to

    Continue until Gro will be awarded the bronze medal without having to come up and race the finals later she doesn’t want to do that though she wants to force a deci here and race for the gold later on tonight she has the front position certainly not willing to give that up

    Either so emah hinza in second position a lap and a half to GA he The Bell the next time around and matild Gro really musling that first position but hinza she wants to get over the top nice and early and as they come to one lap to go

    It’s Emma hinza out in front again we saw this in the first heat she was so difficult and unable to be run down from this spot and mati Gro too far behind in the final Ben there’s no chance of getting back up for the win so really convincing performance there from Emma

    Hinza two straight wins and she’s into the final a seated acceler a when Emma hinza moved to Matilda Gro had no opportunity to even accelerate and match the pace and that meant a very commanding victory for the German rer hinza third at the World Championships third at the European

    Championships she will be racing for a gold medal tonight and that will give her even more confidence anticipated the move emah henza mati Gro wanted that first position but hinza went nice and early lap and a quarter to go forced the move around the outside and then once she got that distance in

    Front there was no coming back from there so really two strong rides from the German Champion I don’t want to put the mocker on or put the pressure on but an Olympic year in Paris on a home track it does add extra pressure and expectations as

    Well for those you know when it’s a home games it does add a little bit more to it so hopefully M can manage that for our International listeners Scott what do put the mocker on mean um Jinx is another word Jinx is another put the hex on put the hex yeah commentator

    Curse and the omnium Riders will be back out on track for the tempo race that’s what we’ll see soon there’s the armadillo the super Drome here in Adelaide and jeets cross just north of the CBD it’s only about 8 10 km or so into the city itself the ad Hills in the

    Background very well laid out city Adelaide nice big rectangular block uh for the central business district very easy to navigate to the east is the hills to the West is the beautiful beaches a lot of sunshine in summer very hot as it is here today and this weekend

    Here in Adela as Roger kuger from Germany makes his way onto the track to get ready for the next event in the men’s omnium it’s the tempo race and this one looks it sounds and looks straightforward to start with but then it gets really complicated it’s the second discipline within the four Bunch

    Race discipline omnium series and after the first couple of laps Runing all together as we see the overall standings after the scratch race it’s only the first Rider across the line each lap that scores one point right down until the very last Sprint where you get 10 points to win but uh

    It’s really difficult because you go for a big sprint effort to try and pick up a point if you get second you put in this huge effort and then you’ve got nothing left to go on to try and pick up a Sprint the following lap it really

    You’re so close to the red line in this race that if you don’t pick up the points when you put in the big efforts there’s a a possibility that you end up exploding um I thought you said a pop sibility and I thought that was very that matched the explosion part

    It’s one of those races that’s very interesting uh for the fans very interesting for the commentators um pretty torturous for the athletes themselves they do get four laps Grace at the beginning uh so the first kilometer out of the 10 km uh they do not have to worry about their positions

    So much but this suits a rider like a Roger kuger who can sit on the front like a Diesel and pick up the tempo and continue uh to really keep the speed high enough that it’s hard for the Riders further back they don’t have a

    Lot of hope uh of of getting up for too many points but it is all about consistency even if you only come forward every 10 laps and na a point uh that can leave you finishing a lot further ahead 24 Riders theoretically most of them can get two points but uh

    The reality of how it plays out is rarely as clean as that if we look at the World Championships Vivani who is the man that we’ve sort of highlighted at the moment uh coming in in great form he was only ninth in the tempo race and

    That was better than the 11th he was uh in the scratch race but we’ve seen that when he’s on form he starts well and and uh those races are very important he’s having a good uh tactical discussion on the start line William tidball the rider from the Great Britain

    Team he doesn’t have a lot of international omnium experience but he is a really talented upand cominging writer and he looks pretty calm I must say that his body language his demean on the start line uh this nation’s cup has been like a rider who doesn’t feel too

    Intimidated by the big names around around him that’s Roger kuger there in an arrow style helmet getting in some fluids before this next race very hot here as well and considering they did start with that qualifying points race then into the scratch now the tempo then at the elimination and then the longest

    Of the disciplines the scratch race still to come be very mindful of what they drink and eat throughout the afternoon and evening session to make sure that they’re at their absolute best for that final event The Man Standing on the top of the track in the black shirt

    Was Morgan keski who is a French Champion former world champion he’s looking after the Swiss team here in Adelaide only recently retired was working with this in the broadcast of the Glasgow World Championships and they’re now managing as we see ELO Vivani number 21 top of the track Roger

    Kuger down the bottom so the leader of the omnium at the top second place overall down the bottom and we are underway 40 laps in total but they do have several neutral laps to start with before they will get the bell for the first of the Sprints

    Four laps to start before that happens so one km of Grace in 40 laps in the 10 km race positioning is everything uh you don’t want to get to stuck too far back because it takes a lot of energy to travel nearly a quarter of of a

    Lap to get from the back of this 24 strong bunch to the front and you can take a lap on the field in this if you do you get 20 points it’s extremely handy considering it’s only one point per lap in the Sprints it’s a more

    Efficient way to do it but it’s a difficult things yeah uh the rest of the bunch is typically not just letting Riders uh dot off the front um it’s much riskier than it is in a points race or even a scratch race nervously circulating no points on these first couple of

    Laps the next discipline will be the elimination we saw that one as its Championship on its own right last night for we will finish off with the final points race and there’s the first attack it’s often a very good move to go on the attack before we hear that first

    Bell so the next time around it will be the first of the points on offer and V from cheter is going to easily get the first point he does have a couple of riders here they are coming through trying to get out there in front as well but there’s only

    One point on offer each time around in these early laps so Von picks up one he has a big enough Gap to make sure he can be out there again for another one or two maybe perhaps more left and he will be our early leader well

    Given the with 24 Riders the Pelon is so long when it’s drawn out uh that he actually uh vs is only about a quarter of a lap behind the back of that leading Pelon it won’t be too long before he gets on if he continues his push viviani is pushing

    The pace in the bunch but we can see very clearly that Von is motivated to get this lap he’s still going going he’s still going very strong he hasn’t slowed down there has been no indication uh that he is fatiguing too much and in fact just out of picture the pelaton has

    Set up gone off the pace well that’s the tactic that they sometimes employ that there’s only one or two Riders out in front picking up all the points sometimes their best tactic is just to back right off and force them to take a lap on the field then they can at least

    Have a chance to go out and pick up some points themselves but V has been collecting all the points so far five he has already to his name he’s starting to slow down you can see him really starting to hurt a little bit there as he was coming around that bend behind

    Him he has Gavin Hoover from the United States and Tim buffler from Austria so they’re putting in a big effort but they’re not getting any points until they catch Yan V up in front which is by the looks of it just about to happen the pelaton just went through the bottom of

    The pitcher and they have backed off slightly as well so the catch is about to happen in front Jan Vons picks up one more point before he gets joined by Hoover and buffler well a very big effort from bons joined by Hoover and buffler the three have a much better

    Chance of continuing on uh and being able to actually lap that Pelon they’re now closer than they ever have been uh and Vons has all the points at this point buffler just collecting one sneaky point there but at this point uh for the Pelon there’s just no points to be

    Collected it will come down to how they cross the finish line in the manner of the scratch race uh for them to get any ranking and that is they will just get zero points at the end of the day if the most number of points is how you win the

    Omnium 25 26 laps to go as they went here 25 on our screen but there is 26 on the lapboard here at the track itself delon’s gone through and yeah it’s now picked over to 2 five here inside the track as well as they come through so three Riders off the front they’re

    Picking up the points Hoover with two points waffler for two points and bonds with seven the lap board on the inside is reflecting the main peleton at the moment they are not changing it for that uh Trio out the front who are now very close and Hoover looking very

    Comfortable the American sitting on the back of the group there Pelon has eased off there is another that’s gone off the front of the Pelon and that is kobby Langer that has dropped off the front running four and then a little bit of movement at the back here as they’re just about to

    Rejoin the Pelon and Yan Vons is the first to make contact so he gets 20 points added to that fantastic T that he already had and he’s been joined by Buffa who was actually just at the back there just off the back so they giv him

    That point that time but you can see how he’s trying to hang back from the Pelon he doesn’t want to get there just Jett he’s hoping they’ll let him stay there close to the back to pick up one point each time eventually he will be told he

    Has to rejoin the pelaton that’s kobby Langer who’s the next Rider on the track he’s also about to come around and get a lap on the field as well they are still the commiss are still pointing to Hoover as the front of the race all be it he is

    Sitting just off the back of the bunch now he will has already got onto the back of the Pelon now so the ostan has picked up a lap on the field 20 points Gavin Hoover from the USA is now the leader that’s the second time that he’s

    Been in that position he’s about to be joined by his compatriot in ler as well but he has to be careful cuz the pelaton has picked up the pace this is where you flirt with danger if you don’t make contact they could ride away again he’s

    Led the race now just at the back by five five times so he’s got five points uh in the meantime as the Pelon are speeding up it looks to me as though he will join he will do the safer thing and take those 20 points join the back

    Of the bunch but not before getting another point now this is a little bit of a sneaky way to do it it it is dangerous it can be very dangerous but if he manages to do it for another lap or two he will actually vult himself

    Above V when he gains that extra 20 they have done the switch now so Hoover has made contacts and they’ve given the first position now to Corby ler who’s just off the back of the peleton as we look at it here so he’s been out there for a long time

    As well because he came across with no points at all and he’s about to pick up his first point so he’s at second point now so they gave the last lap to him as well so Kobe langa with two points and the leaders 28 26 24 Yan Vons Gavin

    Hoover and Tim buffler not the pre-race favorites Vivani and Co biik so pellon still not able to pick up the extra points it’s Kobe L the is still off the back or just off the front how do you want to put it he’s off the front and

    Just off the back of the Pelon picking up these one point for each lap 13 laps to go there’s kobby just popping through at the bottom of the screen and there’s the race leader Yan Vons well we talked at the very beginning about how it’s not easy to

    Take a lap in this kind of race and then they proved us wrong pretty quickly there was quite a tolerance within the bunch to let them go and now that’s what we are seeing attack after attack ensuring that they can get back up Lindsay deida he is now trying his luck

    Only 11 laps to go so it’s a bit of a last ditch effort but if he manages to do it he’ll pick up uh the potentially eight or n points on the on the uh journey to get to the back of the bunch well the vilda really flying

    Around the track here so he’s put in a huge gap to the Pelon bit of an acceleration back on the main field as as well and it’s still kobby Lang who’s now also just as you can see at the top of the screen so he’s just made contact with the

    Pelaton so he picks up 20 points for the lap game along with Vons Hoover and buffler and now it’s Lindsay dilda picking up the one point he’ll be doing the same thing he doesn’t want to close this gap down too soon he wants to try

    And pick up as many points as he can while he’s out there because he’s been out there for three or four but so long as Lang was just hanging off the back of the Pelon he wasn’t actually getting any points of course you only get a point if

    You are the very first across the line unlike a points race but divida is now picking up a couple along the way he’s got two he’s hoping we’re assuming he will make it across to the bunch uh and get the 20 points he’s still being pointed

    To by the commiss as the front of the race so that’s the third lap now uh that he is is acur points fourth lap uh pardon me he’s picking them up we only have five Riders out of the 24 who have any points at this uh stage of the race

    Only five laps left to go well we’re Shar five on our screen but yes I was about to say it’s seven on the lap board on the inside of the track and he’ll be coming round to get six laps to go so six laps for Lindsay

    Dilda and the Gap has open up a little bit to the back of the group but he’s been out there for six laps now picking out points so five laps left to go our screen is now matching the lapboard it is a bit difficult when Riders are

    Taking laps sometimes it can look as though it’s jumping laps uh but they will come around now the main bunch to get the five the Builder to get the four and a huge effort on front of the Pelon so dilda he needs to be really careful here because

    They are really going for this final few laps now and it is buffler that is attacked off the front so deffler is buffler from Austria put in a huge effort with Dylan bibik behind him this could cause dilda all sorts of pain as they come around with three laps to go

    It will cause him all sorts of pain but he won’t lose his overall Place uh in the classification he’s acur eight points so far he’ll so long as he’s still out there he’ll continue to acrew and uh he won’t jump above Von Lang Hoover and buffler who are the top four

    But he will still be in fifth but he’ll come around and get the double points for the final Sprint as well but the Pelon is really coming now so he does need to get a rigle on as he comes through he’ll get one lap to go and the

    Pelon is absolutely motoring behind Ole bedon it is from Australia with one lap to go they’re looking for the minor placings here because there’s still so much to race for they all have to try and get themselves as close to the front as possible as the builda gets rolled

    Coming into the final straight and olle bedon picks up the final Sprint double points to him so he picks up 10 points for that and Rockets up to sixth place overall so great finish for olle bedon but it will be Jan Vons that takes out

    The win in the tempo race the second of the omnium disciplines so fantastic finale and I’m not sure why Lindsay didn’t put in a little bit more if he could to try and stay away for that final Sprint no indeed he he could have potentially uh won the whole race but he

    Still finishes in fifth Australia’s olle bedon gets points on the final Sprint only six Riders out of the 24 getting any points in a 40 lap Race So a pretty hard fought and that will make quite a big impact uh on the standings overall it was only the one point I

    Actually had it as 10 points for the final Sprint but it mod so L still finishes sixth place is the only other Rider to pick up a point Lindsay dilda fifth on 10 points that’s how many times he crossed the line in front just behind the pellaton

    Tim buffler fourth Gavin Hoover in third Colby l in second so USA second and third so good riding by the American Riders and Yan Bons from cheter first place to him ellia viviani finished seventh so just behind Ole bedon Dylan bibik behind him and Leah Vivani with that seventh place

    In the tempo will keep him in the overall classification lead so he had biik just behind him Roger kuger kaboki as well so kuger and kaboki were second and third in the scratch race they were ninth and 10th here in the tempo race so that keeps them very high in the overall

    Classification as well after to wait for the dust to settle after these races to work out and calculate what points went where and who sits well in the overall classification I’ve done a bit of back of the napkin uh calculations here but we’ll wait until the final uh update

    Comes through and we’ll let you know how it is looking they’ve got the elimination next and then the points race after that beautiful sunset here in Adelaide it has been beautiful conditions a little bit hot perhaps uh but certainly we are at the tail end of a very nice hot

    Summer here in Australia nice and toasty and the next race coming up is the women’s Madison so another big bunch race longest race in the on the Vel drone for the women so looking forward to that also another one that is Fast and Furious so many things happen in the women’s

    Madison but Ellie vvani leads the way after two disciplines in the men’s omnium and these are all the teams 171 teams represented in the women’s Madison so a big start list for them that will get really confusing out on the track very hectic the more Riders you can put out there in the

    Madison but certainly a wonderful event as the ladies are preparing to head out onto the track for the Madison they get to roll a few at the bottom before finding uh their spot one Rider will be sitting on the fence one on the duck total distance of the

    Women’s Madison 30 km which is 120 laps with four laps to the kilometer 12 Sprints it comes every 10 laps is a Sprint if you watch the Madison back in the day it was a different format than this it was 20 every 20 laps now it’s

    Every 10 so they do come thick and Fast 5 3 2 and one points for the Riders across the line first four and 20 points for taking a lap on the field you lose 20 points if you lose a lap on the field and the final Sprint does offer double

    Points so 1064 and two for the r the first four teams across the line in that final Sprint well the world champion combination last year was Great Britain Evans and Barker Evans not on the line today but Barker is riding with Katie Arch the ball Fair replacement KY Arch ball herself former

    World Champ there she is oh I certainly uh would not decline riding in Madison with K archol second at the world championships was the Australian team Georgia Baker and Alexander Manley they are both out on track tonight so that should be a pretty tight competition it

    Was 28 points to 25 points only three points separating the Brits and the Australians at the world Champs the French team were third they are not here tonight but we do have a Polish team now at the World Championships it was sisters Daria and Victoria Kulik um Daria also won the first stage

    Of the tour down under last year uh here the Women’s World Tour very good Sprinter riding for an American team now they are in Australia but they’re not riding the Madison tonight they’re trying out a different pairing of Patricia loasa and Olga vovi USA is strong as well

    Jen Valente Lily Williams as we focus on them and you’ll notice what they have started to do the bricks were the first to do it with the different color helmet so they’ve got yellow helmets so that they can really look across the track and identify where their teammates are

    In the field sometimes the jerseys or the skin suit national colors can be quite similar between the countries so that’s why they’ve gone to distinguishable helmets to make it a bit easier to find their Partners well I mean let’s be honest you’re a little bit cross side when you’re racing this kind

    Of event as well and uh too bad if you’re color blind and crosy oh heavens we don’t need any more obstacles uh but certainly they do look to make it as easy to recognize as possible and uh the Brits know all the tricks they seem to

    Be very uh top of their game in all of those one percenters women’s Madison is underway first neutral lap before they will get the starters pistol to get them going 120 laps Sprint every 10 53 2 and one points double points on the final Sprint

    106 4 and two 20 points if you take a lap silver medalists from last year we spoke about the Brits it’s a different combination compared to the World Championships but Elena Barker current world champion is out there she’s the rider on the front right now about to change with Katy

    Archal the Aussies is the combination it is the pairing that picked up the silver medal in a very very competitive race in Glasgow last year uh and to note that if both of the world championship pairing aren’t out there uh together they don’t wear rainbow stripes and so that’s why

    Bara is not wearing her Rainbow Band so that she and archb uh have matching skin suits on is Katy archal from Great Britain we’ve been talking about and we saw the lovely hope Lotus bike and unfortunately one of the crashes in this afternoon the Kieran they one of them you’ve had two

    Breakages now of those very Splendid machines one of the Malaysian bikes also very expensive machines that were developed for the Tokyo Olympics coming towards Paris also that was broken I think it’s $60,000 or so was the price tag they had on that particular bike for the Malaysians and it’s in the rubbish

    Bin now yeah strong until they’re not strong until they hit the track uh traveling at 60 km an hour it is a washing machine as you described in the scratch race that’s got a Madison is like it’s got a lot of skills are needed the change over is so important the

    Italian pairing fanza and Alini a very clean style if a scratch race is a washing machine the Madison’s a washing machine full of nuts and bolts so much going on inside 114 laps and I’ll now start to be thinking about that first of the intermediate Sprints do not want to

    Start this race on the back foot and that’s where little flick of the elbow there from Ellena Barker to signify to the Riders behind that she’s about to swing up and that’s just to let them know that if you don’t want to be overlapping my wheel because I’m about

    To swing up if you are you’ll be going over the back of it and crashing so safety concern Barker immediately back to the front and you know now that she’s really looking towards this first intermediate Sprint 112 laps to go they’ll get the first Bell next time

    Around and she’s looking for her partner Katie archol just about to come in as she’s coming down towards the end of the back straight she really has the Str the field strung out with Georgia Baker from Australia in second position here’s the first intermediate Sprint 12 of them in

    Total every 10 laps and it’s Katie archal that leads into the lap for the points the first time Alex Manley from Australia in second position she’s too far behind to pick up that Gap So ktie archall Great Britain will pick up the first five points for winning that first

    Sprint ahead of Australia New Zealand and then Ireland in fourth place they’ll get one point well we saw quite a big gap open up there between Arch bald and Baker especially coming into the change with Alex Manley so the Brits exceptionally good timing uh for that

    Change with one lap to go and timing can make such an incredible difference there we go 5 3 2 and one Great Britain taking out the five Australia New Zealand coming through next and then the pairing from Ireland english- speaking first Sprint that one the top four teams yeah Mia

    Griffin and Alice sharp uh from I recycling it’s been really good over the last number of years to watch I recycling uh put a bit of investment into their female track Riders and we really have seen the growth uh we’ve got a team foro team uh from Ireland and

    Certainly both Griffin and sharp earning themselves uh quite handy reputations in the bunch riding uh events and they a really great pairing if they can get themselves on the podium here tonight I might flip the names around to be sharp Griffin 106 laps to go and a move from Italy up

    Around the outside the peleton did ease off after that first Sprint and that’s an opportunity they haven’t really gone on with it though quick flip up around the outside more about making position rather than actually going on the attack look like a great opportunity there though yeah fidanza is a very well

    Established Madison Ryder she’s very handy on the road as well she’s I’ve been around for a long time now they were fifth last year but that was fidanza and Kiara consone consone is here but she is not riding the Madison a lot of the teams are trying out

    Different combinations uh at the using the Nations cup to try different combinations and also uh the riters have to have enough points to even be entered uh in these events so a little bit of juggling between some of the Nations to get the pairing out on

    Track and they’ll come around to get and two laps to go so the next Sprint is almost upon us and there’s a real fight to get to the front position again it’s Switzerland that’s in first position Great Britain about to make the change Ela Barker comes in Archer ball gets to

    Rest Italy about to make their change in third position and the Americans a little bit higher up as well so Italy will sneak through underneath and stay in third place Switzerland good place to change with one lap to go but Great Britain go through first as they go down

    The back straight Italy over the top as well there has has been a crash in the background we’ll focus on the Sprint for now this is the second of the intermediate Sprints 12 in total and Italy will pop up over the top of Great Britain and pick up the five points

    Ahead of Great Britain USA and Switzerland and there is a mad Scramble for team mechanics with spare bikes to get to their Riders and try and get them back onto the track as quickly as possible now they don’t have to neutralized no one’s on the track Italy

    Taking the five points ahead of Great Britain United States taking the two points ahead of Switzerland it’s Bry B uh from New Zealand is one of the riders that has fallen there uh she’s back on her feet but they’re madly trying to get her equipment and it was very clear that the

    Swiss team were trying to have a bit more impact and get some points and that’s the pairing of Michelle Andreas and alen sits they were pushing the pace leading into that Sprint they only ended up with one point for their effort um but it was a bit more of an aggressive

    Move compared to what they they were doing in the first 20 laps just sitting back so they’ve shown their intention the Americans starting to move up ever so slightly just in the general state of being not just uh when it comes into Sprint lap now you’ll notice that some

    Of the Riders on each pair one will have a red number and one will have a black number and that is how we can identify uh and you can identify TI two between the separate Riders well one of the riders that did go down talk about Elena Barker as the

    World champion but her teammate Ina Evans she’s riding with the the second pairing for it’s a trade team registered in Great Britain she crashed in the green colors the green British racing green colors she’s back into the race now that’s her in what third position in

    The green colors team number 14 so good to see that she was able to quickly get herself back up and going and from what I can see everyone that did go down has been able to get back into the race so that was near Evans running for team

    Inspired and also bnie buffer from New Zealand she is back on her back as well mechanics doing a sensational job Italy are doing such a good job of very clean changes even when they’re quite low on the track but the Americans are certainly starting to really increase the aggressive nature of their riding

    Lily Jennifer Valente uh she has just become an incredible Force at International level leading the way they’ll be coming around for the next of intermediate Sprints that’s why the Australians have tried to move up around the outside but it’s USA that will lead into this next Sprint at 91 laps to go

    Australia making a really late change and that gives the opportunity for the second team from Britain team inspired to come over the top and Alex Manley nowhere to go to try and get up around the outside to pick up the maximum points so USA get five the second GB

    Team team inspired will get three Australia two points Belgium fourth place one point for them 189 laps to go there’s confirmation USA team inspired Australia and Belgium if we look overall it’s Great Britain who are leading at the moment they have eight points and that is the

    Main team uh from Great Britain Cad archal and Elanor Barker trying and tell team inspired that the others are the main I mean Main in so far as they’re wearing British colors but you’re right the world champions and Evans have kind of divided and conquered right um I think this

    Could be the big test for them is to see what combination might be best suited for Paris yeah just a little bit of uh mental torment to add on to the physical torment second at the moment overall is the United States they’re on Seven Points Italy and Australia are tied in

    Third on Five Points team inspired are on the board with three points new Zealand have two Ireland Switzerland and Belgium have one so there are seven teams uh nine teams pardon me with points out of the 17 and the Tashkent City track cycling team have been docked 20 points so they

    Are minus 20 for losing a lap on the field 85 laps to go as they come through they’ll start thinking again of the next Sprint it’s not too far away and Ellena Barker leads them through for teamgb really tied at the bottom of the track as we see Team inspired trying to

    Get into position to make their change with the Americans coming over the top and it’s such a squeeze when the teams are all clustered like this trying to find their Partners well the the Brits need to be careful not to race domestically and against each other and

    Make it a nation’s cup because the British team and team Inspire they’ve divided the world champions in Barker and Evans between both of those teams they know each other very well they don’t want to be looking at each each other too much once again the Swiss team

    They are prepared to take up a bit of responsibility in order to get some points Michelle Andreas this is similar to what happened last time Katie archal she wants none of it SC she says we want the points and we’re prepared to ride from the front to get them 82 laps to go

    Bell will sound once more when they come around and archal about to make the change down the back straight to ELA Barker Italy at the same time but not as good a change I must say March better performance there from Team GB look at the Gap that they’ve opened up that was

    All in the technique of the change so much better from Team GB as they fly down the back straight they’ll pick up the Five Points here Italy will just get rolled I think when they come down to try and get third a second so third for them as Nia Evans with Team inspired

    Comes flying through to pick up second place well she says to Katie archeal I don’t think you’re taking my Madison spot for the Olympics I am coming at you because May well be what’s on the line now overall Great Britain the team of Archbold and Barka they just picked up

    Five Points team inspired three Italy two United States one Great Britain at the top of the table on 13 points now they’ve pulled away because the United States team they are on eight and that is the pairing of Lil Williams and Jennifer Valente Lily Williams it’s one

    Of her first track events actually she’s a very talented uh Young American but they’re giving her a little bit of exposure here and she’s handling the pressure exceptionally well I saw uh her and Valente on the inside of the track before and had a bit of a chat to them

    They seemed pretty relaxed actually they’ve got Gary Sutton an Australian coach looking after them and he’s he was also pretty relaxed I think they’ve got nothing to lose here G Sutton very accomplished Madison and points race Rider back in his day that’s Alex Manley from Australia Switzerland go through the front it’s 76

    Laps to go they’ll come around to get 75 the pace has slowed up in between Sprints it’s not quite as Furious as it was in the first uh 30 or 40 laps it’s not surprising but this is where some accidents can happen when people just relax a little bit and take their eye

    Off the ball it’s unusual to see the British team and you can the leading overall you can see them very easily with the yellow helmets further back than fourth or fifth wheel they’re starting to sit a bit further back they’ll need to be careful with that the

    Australian team they started well but if they want to get toward the podium they will have to start picking up some sneaky points uh here as well the Americans they want to really solidify their spot they Five Points of drift of Great Britain at the moment on eight

    Points and with 73 laps to go they’re just ensuring that they’re in a good strong solid position to pick up some points Georgia Baker from Australia leads at 72 laps to go she’s looking for Alex Manley trying to get their timing right for this next Sprint they’ve been coming on

    The back foot a little bit both British teams and the Americans looking really strong so far so Baker still on the front trying to find her partner Alex Manley as they come to 71 laps to go on the bell rings and it’s team Inspire that goes straight over the top it’s

    She’s had to wait too long Baker to get to Alex Manley New Zealand comes over as well so it’s team inspired USA then it’s the kiwis in the black colors trying to come up over the top to pick up the maximum points and they get there fantastic Sprint from New Zealand to

    Pick up the five and perhaps some willingness to go on with it look over the shoulder to see what damage has been caused and there are gaps all through the field now well Michaela Drummond did a sensational job there if you notice if you cast your eye to the very back of

    Screen here we haven’t even seen them come through yet the British team that are leading the distinctive yellow helmet they’ve lost some distance you can only see them in the very back of shot uh while the other teams are sprinting for the points there this is a

    Real danger point and it was an opportunity but it’s an opportunity loss because they backed off after the Sprint and everybody has come quite comfortably back together this was a clean chain from the New Zealand here now considering that Botha had crashed a few laps earlier this is a really good show

    Of Confidence from them what I also noticed there was the Belgian team going under the change of the Australians that’s the third time I have seen them do that in the last 10 laps or so so Belgium really riding quite dangerously they need to be very careful about going underneath those

    Changes it could come back to bite them they did also miss almost Miss A Change previously as well so 66 laps to go and it’s Great Britain that lead the way on 13 three points ahead of the United States on 10 and while the British have appeared to be quite dominant they only

    Have a three-point lead over the United States the second British team team inspired in the green Union Jack colors the British ring green colors they sit there in third place on nine points they’re only four points off the race lead so this is still tight well Barker

    And Evans uh rode together at the European championships they won the first Sprint uh and then there was an accident and they had to dnf they weren’t able uh to finish that race so there may be a few nerves out there certainly when I see uh teams undertaking and changing uh underneath

    You’ve got to have a pretty strong Constitution both as a rider and as a fan uh to watch this event skills come in very handy uh pretty high risk tolerance I’ll say that too so long as they’re not too risky overall Great Britain still holding the lead the

    United States on 10 points but team inspired the second team from Great Britain they’re now up to nine points it’s a tighter bike race Switzerland lead at 62 laps to go GB are about to change that though because they’ve changed and they’re about to go straight round the outside it’s Elena Barker that

    Leads down the back straight Switzerland trying to go with them but it’s not going to be possible Alex Manley from Australia now she goes into second 61 laps to go and another intermediate Sprint they come so fast between these every 10 laps and it’s going to be an

    Easy one this time for GB Australia fighting to try and finish second they should be able to can ity hold on for third that’s a question Belgium is coming towards the back of them and Italy will get third Belgium fourth Australia second with GB getting another Sprint win and extending their overall

    Lead United States and team inspired not in the points that time so that was great riding from Team GB it’s really great to see the Belgian team moving up cine de cler she was part of the Madison pairing that got second at the European championships now they’re trying to find

    Some new pairing somebody to ride with L keki uh who who has found herself without a Madison partner for the Olympics and that’s what they’re on the March their performance at the European championships was very promising uh Katherine D clerk here is riding with Helena Hesters but she rode with keki uh

    At the European championships for that silver medal so Del clerk is the one that looks to be uh the new pairing for keki and they will certainly uh come close to challenging some of the more dominant teams that we’ve seen Elizabeth Salazar from Mexico on the

    Attack it’s team GB that’s picked up the tempo and the peleton though so this will be a real challenge for the team from Mexico to try and stay away with 56 laps to go and you can just see them there only about 20 30 m off the front Belgium are

    Leading the pelaton with New Zealand behind them GP have gone off the front thankfully for Mexico that’s the only way you can really have a chance of getting away from the Pelon is get Katie archal off the front of the Pelon chasing yeah well unfort fortunately uh

    It looks to be coming back fairly rapidly for the Mexican team but kudos to them for trying because you can’t sit in try and Sprint against the teams not get any points and wonder uh why you’re not getting results in the end the pairing of urelia seedo and Elizabeth

    Salazar now still about 20 M off the front of the pelaton but the pelaton they almost toying with them led by New Zealand the Americans say I’m not playing this game anymore they will come around still three laps to go until the Sprint but the march from the Americans

    Has begun and the catch has happened Mexico the danger for them now is trying to pick up the pace and stay in the bellaton and not go straight out the back it’s 52 laps to go Bell next time around team inspired lead their way through ahead of

    USA and then it’s there they are team inspired green colors really picking up the pace so the Sprint is on now they’ll come around to get the next Bell 51 laps remain team inspired lead their way through then it’s USA team GB up over the top so Great Britain looking really

    Strong three wide down into the back straight here comes New Zealand Drummond doing really well and let’s get ourselves out of that situation that was tight underneath the change of Great Britain and Elena Barka off the sling with the extra speed comes through to get the win that was really messy and I

    Pulled myself in and out and around and underneath those Wheels as I was watching it yeah that was messy but a great performance from the British team they are timing their changes exceptionally well Michaela Drummond just outpaced there to be relegated to second in that Sprint but we’re starting to form a real

    Picture of who is the most dominant forces Great Britain team inspired New Zealand America uh they are the big teams at the moment the Australians they’re all thereabouts but just missing out on points they’re finishing in fifth and sixth uh in quite a number of Sprints and they they need to just move

    Up a wee bit if they want to score some more they scored two on that one overall Great Britain are leading on 23 points ahead of United States on 11 New Zealand on 10 Australia on 10 this a little bit of a friendly competition between us and our friends

    Across the ditch well the four englishspeaking nations of Great Britain United States New Zealand and Australia it looks like it’s an english- speaking dominated event it not traditionally is however the Madison of course does come from where it was invented this event was invented at Madison Square Garden in

    New York before it really did become a dominant race in Europe itself it’s been held for the men for a very long time the women it’s a relatively new event they’ve only had a couple of Olympic Cycles so it’s still coming along um in Development A lot of the older

    Generation Riders didn’t even have the chance to ride any Madison so the development is a bit different but I must say that the skill level uh has really risen and there is no real difference between watching um the females racing in Madison and the men racing in Madison anymore uh a few years

    Ago they were still catching up just on experience now we do see the Mexicans off the front having another attack so the good thing is they didn’t get dropped after being caught from the previous attack and now they’ve gone straight to the front again but there are they have actually they’ve gone 20

    Points down so unfortunate for the Mexicans and I did see another bubble from the Belgian team so almost a crash from the belgians they need to be really careful 42 laps to go now Elena Barker for Great Britain comes to the front once again and Australia in second

    Position they start looking for their Partners around the track they’ll hear the Bell when they come around again this time Alex Manley changes to Georgia Baker so it’s Great Britain then it’s Australia Switzerland looking ducking diving and weaving trying to find each other so they can make their hand change

    They go down the back straight and Katie archal now comes in Great Britain looking really strong here tonight they are absolutely dominating in the overall point standings and Great Britain pick up the five three points go to Australia two points go to Switzerland they’ve been handy as well the Swiss minor

    Points but they’ve been at the front quite a bit showing a really good performance this is excellent riding from the Great Britain team uh of archal and Barker who are really starting to be a dominant Force they’re leading at the moment 28 points to 13 from Australia Australia picking up another three there

    Two to Switzerland one to Belgium but Australia was tied on points with New Zealand New Zealand not gaining any points that’s put three points between them the USA have not scored points in the last couple of Sprints that leaves them on 11 Great Britain and Australia this is what happened at the World

    Championships we saw Great Britain taking the gold Australia taking the silver this isn’t uh a Podium that is too surprising but we’ve still got 37 laps left to race and the second British team not to say they’re second ranked but the second team out on track at the moment they have been incredibly

    Impressive when they have been in a position to Sprint uh but they’ve had a few how I can describe hairy changes that have put them uh backward a bit and they’re now back in fifth or nine points but it’s still fairly tight 13 points uh to Second and then uh United States New

    Zealand Italy and team inspired um all between 9 and 13 points so the medals are very much open with a pretty dominant lead 15 points in front for the Great British combination of Archer bald and Barker 35 laps to go or 34 and A2 in fact they’ll get 34 as they come around

    And that’s the first time for quite some time but they’ve actually backed off a little bit starting to feel a bit tired it’s been very hectic this women’s Madison final here in Adelaide it’s the first round of the UCI track Nations cup talk about USA haven’t seen them for a

    Little while well they were listening because here they are they’ve gone a little bit earlier before this Sprint but they’ve opened up a gap and if you can make the Riders behind hesitate you might have a chance to keep that gap opening up all the way through to this

    Next Sprint it’s team inspired that also need to pick up a bit they’re down in fifth place but only on nine points equal with Italy what’s happened to the Italians they were fantastic in the opening couple of laps and Sprints but they have faded as well a little bit of

    Work for them to do well Valente and Williams from the USA putting themselves in a position to get the points out in front they’re not negotiating the bunch uh too well they’re needing to be in that top two to keep those points Sophie Lewis it is from Team

    Inspired that leads through USA in second place then it’s Ireland they they figured in some points very early on as well trying to pick up some more now as they come around to get 30 laps to go and Sophie Lewis will pick up the Five Points USA second Ireland third and then

    Cater in fourth place that’s the first points that they’ve been able to collect Belgium cross the line in fit no points for them well and this starts to change around the podium from second uh downwards Great Britain they’re able in their distinctive yellow helmets to sit

    Back a bit because they are in the lead 14 points currently ahead of the next team which is the United States and team inspired so the other teams have to be careful not to look out too much for Great Britain because they’re now on completely different tactical Journeys

    Move now from Japan Australia are the losers from that last Sprint they’ve gone down to fourth place they were in second going into it now they’re down in fourth Japan off the front we haven’t seen much of them and because they’re not up in the overall standings the pellaton aren’t treating them too

    Seriously so this could be fantastic opportunity for Japan if they can keep the pace on remember if you gain a lap on the field it’s 20 points to the tally second place at the moment is USA on 14 so they would go straight right to the top in second position it’s only the

    British team on 28 that have a commanding 14-point lead at this stage of the race 26 laps to go the Japanese team now were e at the World Championships last year but we do have a new combination we’ve got Mizuki aita and mahu kakita uh up there it would be

    Quite silly of the bunch to overlook the Japanese team considering that they were in the top 10 at the World Championships last year but at this point in the race everybody is quite fatigued and they’re often just trying to hold on to the position that they’ve managed to get

    Into so far not necessarily having the energy or the ability uh to respond to such moves like this this is dangerous the furthest uh attack we’ve seen to date they’ve got over half a lap Advantage the Japanese team but the Pelon are not just letting them ride

    Away well the peleton will start to pick it up for the next intermediate Sprint 23 laps to go as they come through and it’s Mayo kakita that was looking across the track really dropping the head as well so it’s really starting to hurt now this effort to try and stay away from

    The field I can tell you the pelaton are starting to look at this next Sprint so the speed has gone up and it could be to the Doom of the Japanese team I’ll just try and hold on can they get the five points if they can stay away for another

    Two laps it’s going to be a big question look what’s happened back in the mainfield a big split has happened four teams have gone off the front USA New Zealand Great Britain and Australia Bell soundso for Japan I think they might be able to hold on for the Five Points here

    But there is a big scramble coming from behind by the top four teams here in tonight’s racing Japan will be able to save themselves the Five Points here but it has been a huge effort for them to collect five Great Britain with elano Barker crossing the line in second will

    Get three I think Australia might have just pipped New Zealand for two points kiwi is getting one and USA big effort from them but no points finishing in fifth and we’re getting th those four teams are really pulling away Japan taking the points there but it is the

    First five that they score Great Britain were next across the line Australia were next and then New Zealand overall that means the Australians now back in second place Great Britain are leading on 31 points now 16 points ahead of second so they’ve increased their lead the race

    Now is for the minor medals Australia the United States and the second British pair team inspired on 15 and 14 points so that is where New Zealand back on 11 I think we need to look at those four teams and see how are they going to score their points they’ve got two

    Sprints left at the 10 lap to go and the final lap double points on that final Sprint 10 6 4 and two that can change everything for now Great Britain looking unbeatable such an advantage 16 points in the front so they are unbeatable on points even if they don’t collect any points

    Now they just need to stay out of trouble stay ight and given that uh at the European championships they did have a fall and weren’t able to finish it would be fresh in their mind that they do need to stay out of trouble now if a

    Lap was taken by one of those other top teams short 20 points for gaining a lap that would be enough to beat them but with 15 laps to go and with the ability of the British team that’s highly unlikely to happen now it is a Sprint Fest here tonight the women’s Madison

    There’s Katie archal in a commanding position gold medal looks as if it is definitely perhaps definitely perhaps is that a sentence it’s certainly looking as if it’s going to be around the necks of the British team incredible race though for for second and third so close between Australia United States team

    Inspired and New Zealand well the Japanese team it was a great move by them to try and take a lap they got rewarded with Five Points winning the Sprint uh but they were unable to make that life they only just got the Sprint in the end the Americans

    Here they are once again they did this in the last Sprint all be it with the Japanese team up the track but wanting to lead from the front Valente and will Williams Valente the more experienced rider she’s really taken Williams under her wi she’s teaching her how to race

    But team inspired they know that they’re not too far away from a silver medal if they can get some points the penultimate Sprint now 11 laps to go and it’s team inspired that will lead into this lap USA in second position late change again from Australia Switzerland might pop up

    Over the top Alex Manley will fight back Switzerland do get the better of Australia they both look to try and go past team inspired meanwhile out in front Team USA pick up the five points they were in third place they now go into second just ahead of Australia so

    This is going to go right down to the final Sprint Switzerland up there again they are riding very well they’re not dominant and high in the standings they are sitting in seventh place but they’ve been there or thereabouts they have lots of potential and that what’s coming up

    On screen they’re not the points there the positions now these are the points United States gaining that five Switzerland three austral two team inspired one team inspired were in the perfect position but they had quite a rubbish change real technical term for you there they they didn’t have a great

    Change going into that and unfortunately they dropped right back uh to fourth in the Sprint now that has damaged them in terms of looking for the podium the United States on 19 points Australia on 17 team inspired on 15 the leaders very clearly Great Britain and that is the

    Combination of archbald and Barker they are on 31 points seven laps left to go it will all come down for the podium for second and third to this final Sprint Great Britain just need to get there safely six laps to go Great Britain virtually had this one in the bag but

    What a race it’s going to be for second it can all change 10 six four and two points on offer in this final Sprint and the riders that are not in the race at the moment are also thinking about where they need to get to on the track to make

    Sure they come in at the right time to give themselves the best opportunity for maximum speed off the change in the final Sprint USA it is that’s on the front team inspired second Belgium popping over the top now Australia sitting in in third Great Britain back

    In fourth place timing has been can be critical and the Great Britain team they have timed it so perfectly for so many Sprints but that is a big consideration for the United States Australia and team inspired the Australian team more experienced in a Madison than the United

    States can they use that to their advantage on a home track well they’re not going to have it all their way it’s the Belgian team that are looking to knock themselves up a few points they’re only back on four but they’re leading the charge two laps to go and it’s all

    To be raced for great Brit and now Will Come Away with the gold medal that is clear who is going to get silver and bronze that’s the big question now as they come around the get the final Bell of the women’s Madison it’s team inspired that hit out first the green

    Color is near Evans she’s crashed tonight she’s regained the track and she’s flying on this final lap USA in second place then it’s Australia Belgium New Zealand trying to come past as well but here come the Aussies Georgia Baker up around the outside if she can get to

    The line first you’ll get second that’s a fantastic result for Australia picks up the 10 points the double points on offer in the final Sprint and it was all the teams that needed to get that win all racing each other in the end but Australia with the 10 points that should

    Be enough to put them into second place as I said the final Sprint everything can change and that’s what happened Australia Come Away with the silver medal behind Great Britain well the Brits in an unbeatable position on the 31 points but the Australians got close now on 27 the United States will finish

    With the bronze on 23 bced by the reaction of the crowd you would have thought that the Australians just won the gold medal but we are on home soil uh for that team the Brits they went in as the favorites Katie archal she has got neara Evans in her sights to take

    Her madison spot at the Olympics she goes home with a gold medal in the pairing of Archer Bal and Barker and Baker and Manley they fought to the very end they got a bit lost in the middle they were losing out on some minor points but putting in a lot of effort

    But in the end they came home with the goods to take that silver medal team inspired to finish just off the podium in fourth on 21 points Katie archal looks like she could go out again and do another Madison looking very composed so the final points tally looks

    Closer than it really was in the end Great Britain really did dominate that race 31 points total they didn’t need any points at the end they didn’t pick any up it didn’t matter to them Australia with the silver medal on 27 all came down to that final Sprint with

    The United States 23 points in third place bronze medal for them team inspired good ride as well fourth place for them the two British teams Great Britain and team inspired just showing the depth of talent in that British program yeah Sensational racing and what a fantastic result three teams unable to complete

    The race unfortunately for them and a couple losing points by losing Laps on the pelaton but what a thrilling result that was Great Britain with a really dominant performance that’s sending a real clear message to all of the other nations about the Olympic Games Madison still to come and the silver medalists

    From last year at the World Championships Australia again with the silver medal here as well so they are really putting themselves in contention for that Olympic Games Podium later this year also well on the Brits I wouldn’t like to be a selector on that team I

    Must say yeah that’s going to be really tough decision for Choice yeah really tough decision for sure just looking back at some highlights from The Sensational women Madison from the very first lap we had some teams who were really showing their colors the British pairing of archal and Barker who went on to win they took the first Sprint the Italian team started very strong the pairing of fanza and Alini both Martinez uh and they had some

    Beautifully clean changes early on but then they struggled the British team one thing that really stood out to me Scott was just how well timed and how clean their changes were Ellen abaka and Katie archal what a combination world champion elaka with NI Evans last year you throwing in Katy

    Archall they’re still the strongest team in on the track so that’s going to be a big question for Australia United States New Zealand Italy once we get to the Olympic Games you still have two more Nations cups to come Hong Kong and Milton in Canada so they can fine-tune their tactics and their

    Performances unlike events like say perhaps the team pursuit or the individual Pursuit team Sprint where you can do lots of training to prepare for the competition the competition itself isn’t that much different to the actual training the Madison is really difficult you have to do competitions to gain the

    Experience and alleviate the nerves that come with so many riders and so many things happening throughout a really difficult race you have to watch a lot of Madisons to alleviate the nerves that come from watching the Madisons now we’re looking at the uh women’s Sprint finals uh it should have been Matilda

    Grow against Elise Andrews and Elise has not been able to come back onto the track after that crash in the semi-final so mati Gro only has to present to the starting line and then she is the wed the bronze medal she would have been like she would have

    Liked to have been Racing for the gold or silver but was unable to get the better of Emma hinza so matild Gro with the bronze starts off her season reasonably well by her standards absolutely and and she was great at the European Championship she was fourth so

    She’s improved one here she the athletes at this point in the season especially in an olympic here they like to get some experience and do as much racing as they can that being said they’ve got the Kieran tomorrow and I have a feeling that grow is not too disappointed to be

    Able to get a a little bit of extra recovery to get a bronze medal but not have to do uh two potentially three races uh in order to get it and that leaves us with a gold medal final to race between Sato and hinza but Matilda

    Gr can go home with a bronze medal and a smile on her face and uh that’s the easiest bronze medal lap that you’ll ever do didn’t even need to raise a sweat really unfortunate for Elise Andrews with the medical withdrawal after that crash unable to come through

    And race against mid Grove for the bronzo bronze medal going to France as we look at the sunset over the wonderful Adelaide super Drome the Tio UCI track Nations cup here in Adelaide to start off the 2024 season as I mentioned Hong Kong and Milton in Canada

    Still to come that is the final qualification event before the Olympic Games all of these nations at these events to try and maximize their points to get the full quota through all the different disciplines to compete in Paris the race for the gold medal women’s Sprint final Mina Sato up

    Against Emma hinza Sato qualified a little bit further down but she did what people thought was impossible in the quarterfinals in a best of three competition she took out the world champion Emma fukin so fantastic form minao brings into this final and we saw how strong Emma hinza was up against

    Matio in the semi-final Jason niblet holding up Minato come games champion and former Kieran world champion Yan Biden doing the coaching honors for Emma hinza now they don’t need to start that close to each other that’s a bit of a mental tactic Jason niblet rolling

    Sato up there next to H very tight up at the top of the track wasn’t it too comfortable we do hope that uh Alise Andrews recovers well if we have any updates we’ll pass those on shame to see her not be able to uh start so let’s take a look

    At this final now now hinza was third at the European championships and in quite dominant fashion quite dominant rides also making the final tonight looking very very comfortable but Sato would have gained quite a lot of confidence uh by taking out fuken in the earlier rounds to be world champion uh in the

    Sprint rounds is something that inspires quite a lot of strength the first in the best of three competition women’s Sprint final here and it’s Emma hinza that will hear the Bell first with minao in second position Germany versus Japan and hins it is that goes down the back straight and Sato

    Really coming at her as they go into the final Ben inside shorter distance hinza with the advantage but Sato with the extra elevation comes over the top of hinza so Mina Sato so she is full of upsets here tonight in Adelaide what a performance she goes one up in the best

    Of three against the former world champion Emma hinza minao from Japan absolutely flying she has improved astronomically from the World Championships last year and her progression is really wonderful to watch every time she gets on the track she goes a little bit faster now she qualified in 16th at the World

    Championships last year she was eighth here today it was a 10834 she’s improved to 1061 and she’s riding as though she qualified in a 103 or a 104 it’s really wonderful to see the confidence that will have knocked the confidence of hinza though when a rider like Sato you

    Can no longer go back and look at the other races they’ve done because they’re no longer that Rider they’re improving so rapidly that they’re a little bit of an unknown it’s it’s a bit tough for the coaching staff because because they don’t really know what they can expect

    They have to go out there with a handbag full of different plans and strategies well that was a sensational ride from Minato Emma hinza will be scratching her head now talking to the coaches back to Yan van Iden what do I need to do I went to the first position

    I that did me Justice in all the other races Why didn’t it work this time so they’ll try and sort out the tactics they’ll have another opportunity to come back and perhaps force a decider that is the race for gold in women’s Sprint and the men’s elimination just does not stop

    Because their Elimination race is the next to come onto the track we saw the outright elimination final yesterday in the first night of competition three days of competition here in Adelaide for the track Nations cup and it was Dylan biik who sits in fourth place here in the overall omnium standings that came

    Away with the gold medal ahead of local lad from the boy from Bendigo Blake agnoletto is not in the omnium he has olle bedon his friend and teammate sitting in 11th place but ell viviani the former Olympic champion in the omnium different format you mentioned him racing head-to-head

    Against Mark Cavendish in Rio 2016 but it was a different format to what they’re racing now but viviani is such an accomplished Road and track cyclist that he’s always in the hunt at whatever type of race he puts himself in on the B Drone well he likes Australia too he won

    His first ever World Tour race here at the tour Down Under uh out at Victor Harbor from memory or they started out at Victor Harbor he was Sensational and it was the first time uh on the road that I’d seen the same kind of spunk that we saw at the real

    Olympics when he did win uh that Olympic gold medal now he leads but only marginally four points ahead of Tim buffler the Austrian Ro kuger the big German he is in third on 62 points Dylan biik the Canadian who rode so well in the elimination last night

    He is in fourth he’ll be a real danger uh in this race so we’ve seen a scratch race we’ve seen a Tempo race now we have an elimination before a points race it’s this new format of the omnium is a bit Gladiator just survive Last Man Standing Last Man Standing absolutely

    Thunderdome which well two people entered one man left in that one this is 24 enter well let’s hope 24 leave in one piece there’s the leader I viviani right for inos grenadiers on the road Sensational professional team you’ll notice on his handlebars he’s got little horns of sorts uh right on the

    Hoods that he can tuck his hands into there’s been a bit of conjecture over whether these handlebars will remain legal but for now they are and they’ve trended towards much narrower handlebars for both the sprinters and the endurance Riders uh and in fact far narrower than shoulders

    And so it creates a very good aerodynamic profile but there are questions around the safety because when uh you are trying to steer especially through the washing machine of a bunch race with such narrow handlebars it can be a little bit different Roger kuger he’s got very distinctive flare on his

    Bars but you can see he also has uh those little hoods little handles and also pads on the bars uh where he can put his forearms now that’s questionable to me um I’ve done a bit of a deep dive through the UCI regs in the past uh and

    I would say that he’s uh flirting with illegality with that setup but they do do bike checks the UCI um check the bikes for the wait for the measurements um and also for uh electronic doping so for Motors they check about 25 bikes a day for that with x-ray so there are the

    Bars I was talking about for Vivani the little horns that he can sit on to get into a more Arrow position Tim buffler from Austria sit in second position I went for a ride today and the um I’m not on an ebike but the motor on my bike

    That I do have is a bit broken oh is it not installed or are you talking about yourself to myself that’s unfortunate Aaron gate from New Zealand another Rider that uh would be little bit perhaps disappointed as where he sits overall he’s in 13th Place and we’ll see him really come on

    Strong o imagine in the points race for now the elimination this is a difficult one really difficult race and so many times we’ll see riders that are right up there in the overall standings making a silly mistake getting in the wrong position and getting eliminated early on

    And getting no chance of getting maximum points so you really have to pay attention and they’re getting tired have to really think positively now with all the racing they’ve already had many of them in the team Pursuit rounds on day one a couple of rolling laps and then

    The last Rider across the line every second lap will be eliminated and down all the way down till there are two Riders remaining sprinting for the win once again going for 40 points for the winner 38 36 and so on down to 24th Place and the race is underway the men’s

    Elimination the third discipline within the four discipline onum event and this is going to be really fast olle bedon the young South Australian running for Australia coming through and that was the first Bell being rung it’s not that loud I can must say pretty hard to hear the Bell tonight

    Big crowd in the stadium here in Adelaide this is an elimination lap and Swedish Rider is the first one that might be in a lot of trouble here Gustaf Johansson down the bottom of the track I’m not sure if you heard the Bell being rung but he is the first one to

    Go he has been sitting at the bottom of the chart so far he only got one point in both the scratch race and the tempo race and only another one point now rer number 23 Ras dinov from Kazakhstan he is the one is in trouble at the back there in the

    Middle the middle is a dangerous position to be number 10 right down at the bottom Yan Vons so Vons was the winner of the tempo race he was in 10th Place overall and he’s the next one out so that’s going to be a disaster here’s overall

    Chances he will not be in 10th Place anymore he’ll have to acur a lot of points in the points race to make up for that positioning error he clearly has the legs but he did not have the position to maintain that that’s Ahmed Almanor from the UAE who

    Looks to be in danger now and he will be eliminated that laado number 42 Al manuri Marell from Spain now in the last position but there has been a big crash so there about three four Riders have gone down so they will neutralize the race they will all be given five laps to

    Get themselves back into the race they don’t have to take five they can come out quicker if they can but the race will be neutralized and they all get the opportunity to have five laps to rejoin the race no eliminations for this next period Roger kuger was one of the guys

    That had gone down so sitting third overall in the big man from Germany he’s laying on the side of the track so the yellow flag indicating neutral it’s important in an elimination to do that to allow them to re-enter the race Roger kuger he’s up on his feet but

    He’s taken off a lot of skin he rolled like a Cho roll down the track uh there by both sides of his shoulders and his skin suit are scuffed and Valerie t-o swissman no one has come back onto the track just yet so still just sorting out

    Their bodies see from where we are that everyone seems to be standing upright but they really quickly need to get themselves back into the race otherwise they’re going to have a problem here and they will be eliminated now Roger kuger is about to come back onto the track so

    As they come back past where the crash was you see kuger at the bottom of the there now coming on they have one more lap until the race gets underway again so at least the rider in third place overall kuger from Germany has rejoined the race valair TBO from Switzerland has

    Rejoined the race now kazzy yaji koki the Japanese Rider he is not back in the race yet they have they are back underway so that means that kaboki is out t-bo he’s not even getting back on Scott yeah we can see the pace out in front had not L up they’re not waiting

    For him kuboki is just now coming back onto the track but that could be a real issue because it’s after the five laps that we given so the Japanese Rider will have to go out of the race and we see T TBO from Switzerland still on the

    Elimination lap trying to get back to the Pelon so this has been a disaster for him as well like any crash is there’s no way two ways about it so the Japanese Rider kuboki has come back in but he will has been toy must leave

    The race now this is a replay of the crash right in the middle and it looked like perhaps kuboki might have been one of the first Rider to go down so there we go right in the middle towards the back and you can see the Clash of shoulders many riders going

    Down so the race back happening kuboki went into the race he has to come out he’s still in there I must say tbol didn’t get himself back in so he was the next one to be eliminated and they are neutralizing the race until kuboki comes out and off the

    Track and this is a difficult situation for the Japanese Rider who tried to get back in time but wasn’t able now the bell sounds they are back onto an elimination now Roger kuger finds himself little bit worse for wear some splinters and some skin off but uh back in the front half

    Of the bunch well a little bit of confusion there and I have seen the Swiss coach Daniel gizer complain ings or swiss men I should say but he works for Japan so he’s come down to complain about kuok’s elimination regardless he’s off the track now unfortunately for

    Him Pina from Mexico the next one to go onto the next elimination lap now wow so much happening well the Australian Oliver bedon is riding a very conservative race at the front keeping out of trouble Dylan biik moving right up there got a very clear out that time from

    Clever Martinez from Venezuela great name very clever clever to this point not clever enough or strong enough to make his way deep into the elimination next elimination lap now Roger kuger you can see all of the dust and dirt on the inside of H ginu on the front of the

    Pelon at the back though right down the bottom there Oly Woods in a bit of danger from Great Britain if those Riders flip up around the outside he could see himself in trouble there’s too many above him it’s okay roer from Kazakhstan I think yes it is kov from Kazakhstan is out

    Now you have to keep riding if you don’t realize it’s you that is gone oh now this was interesting we’re seeing a few hands flying around by my estimation we’ve just seen Gavin Hoover uh at the back but they have not called an elimination in that one

    It will be this time around is the elimination he will survive again but that is Rider Number 18 and that is Vernard V who is eliminated now from Indonesia Aaron gate comes around to the front trying to look after himself and at the back it’s kuger who was on the front

    Before now is in a dangerous position trying to Stave off the elimination he has given himself a little bit of room so smart riding by kuger to get himself out of the elimination area and that was really tight Alan Banas from Poland number 33 he is out he’s not happy about

    It though and he’s put the Spaniard in a little bit of a pickle by dropping him off the back there that was a bit of a tough move and that’s Eric Marell and he’s really having to hustle to get himself back into the position it looks like Gavin Hoover’s in trouble

    Here the American down the bottom Hoover is the next to go but for matell that was really unfortunate for him there was effort he shouldn’t have had to put in so banek not very that not that Sportsman like I must say but Hoover gone he was in seventh place overall so

    Be disappointed by that we’ve seen a few arms flying around uh in this race um Tim buffler had his arm up before a little bit concerned about what was going on in the middle of the bunch both hands on the bars Lindy dilda from Belgium up around the outside he’ll be

    Okay and o looks like Tim Tim buff oh now that’s a big name to go he was sitting in second overall just behind Vivani Vivani will be rubbing his hands together uh at that elimination well viviani has seen Buffalo go he’s seen kuger crash Dylan biik who sits in fourth place still K

    From Canada haven’t seen him so he’s up in front looking after himself ollywood from Great Britain up around the outside he has Marell on the inside and it will be Marell Marell this time from Spain he had to make that big effort earlier to get himself out of trouble which was a bit

    Unfortunate olle wood from Great Britain he needs to make sure he doesn’t get in trouble they’ll come around with the bell and once again it’s intensifying Dyan is finding himself at the back he’s going to have to really increase the tempo around the top and he does he’s

    Comfortable and we look at the back and right on the bottom could be in danger no might have been the British Rider yes it was Will tidb tidball in the British racing green boxed in nowhere to go you’ll be disappointed because I think he still had good legs but that’s the nature of

    The elimination next elimination lap olly wood who was in danger last time has gone to the front now it’s ellia viviani at the back in the Italian Colors quick look over the shoulder just to make sure there’s no one else there and then a moment of desperation as he

    Uses the banking to his advantage to keep himself in and it’s Roger kuger that’s out the big German Roger kuger third in the overall standing so Vivani doing a wonderful job seeing second and third in the overall classification eliminated but Vivani had to go six wide he will not want to

    Continue to do that because that is a very big effort just to stay in Aussie Oliver bedon is really in the bad position at the moment because viviani we know he’ll pop around the outside Vivani bleden and viviani will be the next to go so the top three are out for

    Now this has just blown it wide open and Canadian Dylan bibbit he won the elimination last night he is in the plum position this point 60 points going into the race biic dilda wood Lang bedon imamura gate and Nisco and it could be the Portuguese rer in trouble this time Diago Naro and he will be the one to go6 nisso is now out and we are left with seven Riders left builda wood Lang bedin imamura and Aaron gate who is tucked in the bottom

    In the black colors now he is perhaps in the most dangerous position Aaron gate if he can’t move through he might be in a bit of trouble here I think he has been able to get through so imamura is the one that might be in danger and he

    Is the next to go nowhere to move for chanuka imamura the Builder number five able to just sneak around the outside the most dangerous position isn’t the top it’s in the middle when you’re not able to pop over the top even if you do have the legs olle wood is just saying

    I’ll just go as hard as I can and good luck getting around me Aaron gate olle bled and they are the ones who are having to push at the moment but Colby Lang it looks like he’s self- selecting here yep the American he’s had enough ready to go out thanks

    Guys it’s been good I’m off then we were down to five Ole wood Dylan bibik Lindy dilda Ole bedon and Aaron gate and gate getting a little bit of distance here so he wants to come up around the outside bedon now in danger so Aaron gate making

    Good position Ole bedon with a little bit of work to do he’ll have to go three wide around the outside if he wants to stay in this race he’s dive down underneath that’s a dangerous thing to do but if you can pull it off it’s a brilliant performance great ride there

    From ole bedon to keep himself in the race that was a cringe moment dilda the Belgian was called out there but olle blon’s got another life will he use it well there are a lot of groans and sides from the crowd now it looks like wood has self- selected himself here he has

    Sat up and he is now going to be eliminated we are down to three bedon bibik and Aaron gate well this is the unfortunate thing is with wood pulling out so early the Riders In Front don’t quite know and they don’t haven’t gone too hard that’s okay so this is still

    The elimination lap but it’ll wait till olle wood comes all the way around before he’s eliminated now it’s down to those three out in front Ole bedon smart racing from the young man from South Australia to get down to the top three here in the omnium elimination only the

    Points race still to come Dylan biik now the winner of the elimination last night outright event he was the gold medalist Aaron gate the world points race champion goes over the top this is an elimination lap and it’s a bit too much for young olle bedon third place for him

    So really good ride from olle bedon but now Aaron gate perhaps wants to go on with it as bedon crosses the line to be eliminated down the back straight we can see Aaron gate pushing forward and they’ll come around to get their elimination lap this

    Time so here we go Aaron gate backed off swung up the track Dylan bibik now on the bottom and Gat a gain goes over the top so I think Aaron Gates the man with the legs at the end of this as we can see Dylan bibik he’s done a great job

    He’s seen biani waffler and kuger all eliminated so bibik has a fantastic effort to finish second which will put him right up to the top of the standings as Aaron gate wins the elimination he’ll also move up quite a bit with the big mover now is Dylan bibik well gate was

    In 13th coming into the event so he certainly catapult himself up but what a changing standings we’ve just seen the points race turns everything on its head to a degree because whatever points you earn in the points race you get to keep to add to your total so it can be

    Definitely uh the the most important and influential event but it’s a bit of a mental game too when you’ve won an event like Aaron gate just has and you’re trying to Sprint alongside him in a points race you know that he’s on form and you know that he’s comfortable and

    Uh that will only give him confidence Dylan Bick from Canada the scratch race world champion from a couple of years ago is now leading the omnium on 98 points with only the points race to come IIA Vivani goes from first to second on 92 so Sixpoint buffer that Dylan has

    Over IIA and Lindsay dev dilda has done a great job to be in third place on 88 points only 10 points off the overall lead Roger kuger and Tim ruffler they drop down to fourth and fifth Aaron gate with that performance he moves up to seventh so good performance it as I said

    It was the Canadian that gained the most out of that result now for the first three disciplines they’re Racing for those first second third 40 points 38 32 and they start on scratch again each time but the overall standing points is what they carry they start with those

    Points when they go into the points race itself then they have the opportunity to collect and accumulate more points throughout the points race so these are the points that they will start the final event with so a six-point buffer that Dylan will have over IIA going into the final Point Race

    An elimination so much can an elimination is a really exciting event to watch when you add the omnium into the elimination uh or the elimination into the omnium it just makes it that extra bit interesting again doesn’t it it really the UCI have come to a very

    Good spot with the omnium where it’s a really good format they can race it all in one program in one evening session uh and it is really a battle of the fittest out there but it’s very entertaining to watch the men’s Kieran uh is coming up

    As well as the women’s Sprint final and then we have the final race of the omum the points race uh will finish us off for this evening unless there are Sprint rounds go to three women Sprint final but with the crashes we saw in that previous race as we see

    Minao big smile on her dial because she is in Sensational form one up in the best of three for the gold medal here against Emma hinsa so she is very pleased with how she is performing but they are going to be checking the track after the crash that happened in the

    Elimination so uh we can just see the ladder has been brought out so they can get right to the very top they’re just looking to see if uh any parts of the bike have gone into the track that may have brought up some splinters they have they’ll rip those out maybe get the

    Sandpaper onto them and then typically the quick Quick Fix is just to put some tape down over the top they might repair the track in coming days but for now put some tape over any of the damage parts and then we can get back into racing if it is too severely damaged

    Then they will have to replace a section of board and that’ll take much longer Sato looking very relaxed no she’s got a bit of extra time 1993 World Championships in hamama Norway they used to have the big motorace events with the big motorbikes on the track and there

    Was a nasty crash where one of the motorbikes went down and damaged the boards and uh Eurosport living in in Europe Eurosport at the time just stuck with the repair of the track for the next hour so I know how to repair a track cuz I watched it live on Eurosport

    All those years ago that’s uh quite a commentary experience minao versus emah hinza that’ll be the next race on the track if Mina can get the the win she will be the gold medalist here at the first UCI track Nations cup for 2024 mahiner is showing good foro she

    Did get the better of her teammate Leah Friedrich in the quarterfinals and Leah over the last couple of seasons has been uh has been certainly the more dominant Sprinter of them we saw Emma hinza in her pit area while minant is up here just in the where they have just before the start

    Line area but it’s only because they’re repairing the track but uh Emma doesn’t isn’t required to go over into the staging area because they’re still repairing the boards but we did see when they went out on track before uh led by Aussie Sprinter who’s coaching the Japanese Jason niblet he uh took sat

    Right up next to hin didn’t need to well there’s 11 me of track or 7 and A2 met of track that he could have popped her on but no right up to make sure uh she could have that psychological advantage now this is what you were discussing we

    Got the little handheld uh Makita sander out he’s just giving it a bit of a sand to make sure uh that there aren’t any splinters that come up that can cause crashes can cause flat tires and certainly if there was another incident at that part of the track uh can cause

    Some pretty devastating splinters uh going through now I have to say Scott after we finish our broadcast tonight very excitingly the cycle across worlds are on so you can turn those on uh the women’s Juniors um um are racing first up so it’s a big weekend it is it is and

    As we look over the the armadillo the super Drome here in Adelaide looking across to the West as the sun sets over the beaches of Glenelg and Henley Beach there was another big event here in Australia road racing Victoria today it’s the second oldest race in the world

    Behind Leb on leage which is the melbour to warnable I’ve got to give a shout out to Mark O’Brien who came away with the win I joked today that it may have been his 75th attempt he’s not quite that old but he certainly has had tried so many

    Times and finally got the win today in the Melbourne toal so good on to congratulations to Marco for that one well since we’re talking about all the different disciplines um he is an excellent Esports racer I’ve commentated um on him racing uh Esports qu quite a

    Bit and whenever he’s in the race you can almost see the avatars giving a big sigh because he is Relentless in his attacks it’s actually quite cool what we’ve seen over the last um couple of years with a lot of athletes it went through a period where the athletes

    Really specialized and only did one discipline now it’s gone out the other direction a little bit we have a lot of the athletes going across disciplines uh certainly the very obvious one that we see is cyc across and road cyc across and mountain bike Mountain Bike and Road

    Uh but Esports is coming into it more and more and in fact uh Jason Osborne who won the first ever Esports World Championship he then got a professional contract on the back of that he was a former uh world champion rower for from Germany so great German name that isn’t

    It Jason osor it is I must admit I was a bit I thought they had the the British and the German flags mixed up at first uh but no he he was a just a sensational athlete some movement in the center because from our position we can see

    That the ladder and all of the hardware equipment has come off the track fans are still being put to good use here though it’s very toasty here in the vran Adelaide but that makes for good racing conditions little bit sticky and uncomfortable for all of us but it’s

    Fantastic for the track itself and the Riders minao getting herself ready she’s in a a very good position one up in the best of three and Emma hinza has it all to ride for now has to win this to force a decider she has the experience former Sprint world champion

    One year she won three gold medals at the world Sprint Kieran and the team Sprint she’s the current team Sprint world champion and also the 500 meter time Trail so from long Sprint she’s very fast the absolute maximum speed combined with brilliant tactics is what’s required right now though to get

    The better of minao and force that third Race once again we see Yan Biden and Jason niblet the Wimmer Wanderer who also from the same area as Marco bran he you chuff to hear that Marco got that wind today in the mour to warn a bit Jason nibblet holding up minao Yan Biden holding up Emma hinza and now the

    Positions have been changed on track with Sato now at the top instead of in second Yan van Iden has said to can play at this game he’s taken hinza right up there to the point where Jason niblet is going to have to uh suck in that chest

    Of his hold his breath so that his his lungs don’t get in the way of emah hinza well they know which After Shave they’re using that’s how close they are to the arm pits and three laps to the track to go three laps to a gold medal here in

    The women women’s Sprint final Minato wins this he gets the gold Emma hinza must win to force a third and deciding race lot of pressure on Emma hinza Sato can’t relax too much though against a rider of the caliber of hinza old school cat and mouse tactics in the

    Sprint it was four laps previously 1,000 M now it’s gone back to 750 m so we don’t see as much of this at play and also the increased gear ratio they ride on the bikes means they don’t like to go too slow in the fear of getting

    Outwitted or Out jumped well hinza 2/10 of the second faster in the qualifying 10447 versus 10 681 but Sato has knocked off the world champion not literally figuratively beat her in the Sprint emuk starting to pick up the pace now they’ll hear the Bell when they come

    Around and Emma hinza has control she wants to stay in that first position now the pace starting to come Sato high on the track and the full access acceleration now comes with a Lap to go hins are in control she must win this one to stay in the fight for gold but

    Sato shoulder toh shoulder into the final Bend long way around the outside with the extra elevation she might be able to get there but no she cannot Emma hinza forces a deciding match for the gold medal so one a piece in the race for gold and that’s a great fight back

    From Emma hinza that was a sensational right she’s the more experienced Sprinter and that’s what we just saw from her she can take some confidence out of that she certainly has looked a little bit more nervous on the start line than Sato but we’ve just had a change in circumstances she’ll take some

    Confidence out of that and we are set for an absolute ding-dong finale looking for that gold medal and hinza the acceleration in the seat we saw this uh in the round in the semifinal it is very hard to match Sato gives up unable to match the speed in

    The first ride Santo was able to get up around the outside and use the higher elevation and the downhill run into the finishing straight to get the win and Emma hin just judged her acceleration a little bit better this time to avoid that from happening so great riding from

    Both of them it’s going to be do or die in the next one Sato versus hinza this is the lineup for the men’s Kieran 7eventh to 12th placing later dbak yamasaki Chay and lindel and D vasilius lindel from Lithuania he wasn’t riding at the World Championships he’s progressed

    Really well another young Talent who’s really coming through the sport Sam d uh the New Zealand is now they’ve got pretty strong history in the Sprint stables and it’s great to see Sam D in pretty good form Matthew glater was seventh at the World Championships last

    Year he found himself in the exact same position just missing out on the final but he was able to win the B final the seventh to 12 Matthew glater on the bottom Sam D is next vilus lendel from Lithuania there he is big MD glater very distinctive position on the

    B it’s then Andre chugay from Kazakhstan above him is maximilan dornbach and yamasaki Kento Kento yamasaki you see he did have the yellow card against his name so he does have a warning from the previous round so that means if there’s any infringment this time he will be disqualified from the

    Competition needs to play by the rules yamasaki this time through but when you’re Racing for the chocolates at this level you put caution to the wind sometimes Matthew glater Drew position number one must go behind the bike and that is a rule change that’s been around

    Now for a good four five years but they draw for their position and they must stay in that position on the M for the first half lap then you’re allowed to go on change position but we don’t actually see it as often as we did in the past

    Where Riders would move up in these opening couple of laps and try and fight for the position some very valuable UCI points qualifying points for the Olympics on the line here Kento yamasaki uh with a warning against his name will be extra cautious because he doesn’t want to lose uh his position in

    The top 12 and his UCI points the PO along with that that would be uh a very big disaster so he’ll be playing it safe sitting at the back Matthew glater he got himself in a bit of trouble in the semi final in the second round that’s

    How he finds himself in this seventh to 12th this is a better position from him leading out dwn back now he has not found himself in even a seventh to 12th final in the last two years so one of the least experienced out there vasilius lendel in the same position two and a

    Half laps to go the bike is off the track and it’s glater now allowing Sam dayon to go over the top it’s one of those things if someone’s coming from behind but you know you can slip into second position you might let them go but lendel has gone right round the

    Outside of them so glater now in real D trouble and getting boxing on the inside as doruk goes over the top as well as we come to one lap to go Max doruk will lead through into the final 250 M yamasaki from Japan in his position

    Second spot as he comes up to the back wheel of dabach dwn back on the inside looks like he might be strong enough just holds on to finish seventh overall in the men’s Kieran just ahead of yamasaki lendo glater Taken and chugay well so close they thought it was

    A photo finish they have given it uh to Dawn they were able to see it by eye a quick look at the photo yamasaki holds on to his UCI points comes in in eighth lendel in ninth glater in 10th Sam D from New Zealand in 11th this was an

    Incredibly strong show by Dawn Buck now he got himself in trouble in the world championships last year by getting stuck up the back wasn’t going to make that same mistake out there tonight leading the way and a really strong ride by yamasaki the Japanese Rider to just be

    Able to follow him through Aussie Matt glater Scotty got himself in a bit of trouble he was in the perfect position up the front but relegated back by way of rer error into 10 when the bike comes off with three laps to go previously the

    Old rules it was 2 and 1 half laps to go you could think possibly about going all the way from there two and a half laps now it’s three it’s a little bit more difficult and it’s not a great spot to be in first position the latest data on

    The Kieran since that rule change is that most victories come from third or fourth position of the six when the bike comes off so keep an eye on that now the race for the go medal though men’s Kieran Matthew Richardson chenji Zoo from China then it’s Jack Carlin he’s

    Just coming to the track now up to the lineup from Great Britain chinji Nano from Japan Kaa OT also from Japan and as is all Aang former world champion in this discipline there’s Jack Carlin Jason Kenny his coach too many gold medals at the Olympic Games to mention to or too many

    To mention too many to mention I don’t think they think too many now Richardson was second at the World Championships uh last year but thanks to some relegations or some losses in the earlier rounds today he finds himself the highest ranked rider in the final he’s got his

    Family uh in the crowd who are we can see them from our commentary position I got to say they’re looking a little bit nervous which all parents do a wang is the one with the most pedigree over over the years you say third or fourth is the hot

    Spot to be Matthew Richardson in as the favorite and currently uh sitting at Fourth wheel as is nice and close to the back of the motorbike in the Asian Continental Champions skin suit looks like the thinned down World Championship colors and then you have Nano in second

    Position OT right behind him so k ot with the black shorts Shinji Nano with the blue shorts way to you differentiate the two Japanese Riders thenn it’s Matthew Richardson Jack Carlin second from the back look over the shoulder just to see where Zoo from China was still sitting

    There in sixth position and they’ll come around and see the motor ccle come off next time around so three laps to go we know that it’s a little bit too long to hit out straight that’s why we start seeing some games getting played a wang is the rider on the front the two

    Japanese riders in second and third but Carlin makes the early move Richardson under the inside but finds himself out and on Carin wheel we’ll wait for official confirmation though because Richardson did go on the blue band on the inside he may be relegated but for now he’s out in front arang now trying

    To come up around the outside and they’ll come around to get the Bell this time Matthew Richardson shoulder-to-shoulder with a is all arang and arang Powers past Richardson so Richardson fighting to try and Salvage something from this race but a is all arang coming into the finishing straight

    Two Japanese riders coming up over the top of him though and I think he might have just got it AR Wang they’ll look for the photo but as Isle AR Wang he feels that he got it he’s pumped up did he get the win we’ll wait for the

    Confirmation but it looks as if he may have just won the Kieran final it looks like he won it ahead of Nano and OT you said that he came in feeling a little bit under the weather his health hasn’t been the best but you cannot take away

    The experience that he holds a former world champion in this event and he just knows how to race a Kieran in every scenario that is thrown at him Matthew Richardson Jack Carlin it looked like they were going to take complete control but look at this turn of speed from

    Awing the Japanese pairing of Nano and OT they were coming quick but not quick enough good result for Japan with the points on offer two Riders second and third so that’s a great result from them but uh I wasn’t uh lying about arang having some health issues coming on in

    So certainly no indication look how close that was it’s a great photo finish strangest looking five spoke wheels you’ll ever see in the photo finish but a all arang getting the victory here in the men’s Kieran Sensational ring from the former world champion in this discipline he is a superstar in Malaysia

    Such a well-known celebrity and this is why what we didn’t see from him was his traditional Wheeland across the line he used to pop a wheelie across the line but when it’s as close as that I didn’t think he wanted to risk it arang Nano OT Carlin

    And Richardson fifth place for him so they didn’t relegate him we we could only see the side shot so we don’t know if he was forced onto the blue band at the bottom of the track or not so maybe it was okay for Rich Sato and hin are

    Back on the line once again getting up close and personal look at that Yan van Iden making a little bit of a joke uh about having to squeeze in between the pairing anamir made the startline stare quite Infamous but Sato she looks quite relaxed hin she is absolutely on a

    Mission bronze medalist at the European championships at the beginning of January in arle Dawn Sato a bit of an unknown she was 16th at the world championships in the qualifying she’s moved her way up to eighth here taken out the world champion earlier today her style is still a bit unpredictable but

    Hinza has the experience Minato position number number one Emma hinza in second position third race the decider Winner Takes all gold medal and offer come around now and it’s two laps to a gold medal is it going to be Minato or him emah hinza Japan versus

    Germany high on the track there for Emma hinsen now forced to the bottom and quick to go up around the outside so nice acceleration there for Emma hins it’s a lap and a half to go quick look over the shoulder just to see where her opponent is and mean a now in the

    Slipstream as they come to one lap to go it’s a gold medal at the end of this lap and Emma hinzer is going for it down the back straight Minato in the slipstream Ki CLS up to the back wheel she has gone past some of the fastest riders in the

    World here today and she’s looking to do it again but Emma hin is going to fight on the inside and take the gold medal away from Minato so Germany take gold in the women’s Sprint Emma hinza with a fantastic ride and you can see the Delight for the German that was a tight

    Finish sat was coming at her but great move by hinda and a confident move to go with a lap and a half to go she is pleased with that effort she made it very difficult for Sato and even though she was coming with the speed the seated acceleration of hinza is what so

    Impressive not just the out of seat acceleration that opened that Gap but she can continue to build speed while seated it’s one of the defining aspects of her Sprint she had a lot of speed use the bank to try and get the better just another 5 m might have been a different

    Result y the Finish Line the finish line is where it is but I must say yeah she was really quick past her in the end but you’ve got to do it to the line and that’s what em hinza did best great racing though good to see hinza after

    That first defeat to come back and win the next two confirmation emah hinza head of Minato and the not quite correct there with fifth sixth and seventh popping up with fukin and Marchant but we know it was mati Gro in the bronze medal position with the lease Andrew is unfortunately unable after her

    Crash in the semi final against Mina Sato able to come back hopefully she’ll be back for the Kieran tomorrow and that’s the big question now for the current world champion in the final Sprint classifications Alysa M the young bonian in third position in the end all fighting points for the

    Qualifications now for the Olympic Games the top eight team Sprint teams qualify a automatically for Sprint and Kieran spots and if you and there’s so much of that qualification and quots to be still played out over the next couple of Nations cups and we’re not too far from

    The first presentations for the evening as well but before we do that we can go down and hear from our two British superstars in the women’s Madison let’s go down and have a chat to both Elanor and Katie Elanor a start to finish win how’s that feel really really good um

    Yeah I think it ticked off a lot of kind of process goals that we had about the race um and it just feels so nice to to get to the Finish see the you still at the top of the board um especially when you start off so early feel like there’s

    Only one way to go um so yeah really really happy with that really proud of us and Katie what was the strategy for you girls tonight um well yeah to to go out aggressively and be at a point where we can defend um we’ve come in really early

    For this race you know we’ve been like fully climatized nor more jet lag we’re pretty ready for the heat suffered with it still but coming ready for the challenge and uh yeah really glad to to pull that off with with a win awesome thank you great

    Result what a brilliant ride it was from Archer Bal and Barker and we see our two British Superstars just going back to the marshalling area for the presentation not too far until we get that underway and we still have the final event of the men’s omnium final discipline the points race still

    To come with all of the points that they have accumulated in the overall classification so far going onto their tally to start with in the points race Georgia Baker and Alex Manley silver medal in the World Championships Madison now silver medal here on home soil so they’ be very happy with how

    They are traveling at the moment leading towards Paris and the Australian track endurance women’s team are putting a bit more focus on the women’s Madison because of the performances of those two riders in recent times usually they put most of their efforts towards the team Pursuit but they can see that both Alex

    And Georgia have a really good chance to perhaps get themselves right up on top of that podium in Paris they’ll have to beat the British team though they have been so strong in the last few competitions very warm inside the super Drome here tonight great conditions for racing

    As the southern hemisphere summer is in full swing nations in ad Australia and we are all set now for the presentations of the women’s Madison and presenting the medals will be the honorable Leon bignal MP member for morson and a very big fan of cycling this is the very heavily involved in

    Cycling of the two and under over the years as well Leon b m for in third place United States of America bronze medal for the United States with Jennifer Valente and Lily [Applause] Williams we expect Jen Valente to be very prominent in the omnium throughout this

    Season and a great result from them here for the USA bronze medal in the women’s Madison up next the silver medal already mentioned Alex Manley and Georgia Baker they’ve ridden so many races together really do know each other very well and that’s why they’ve been become so consistent

    Another good result from the Australian pairing they were second at the World Championships last year they’ve got their eyes on a shiny Olympic gold medal I can tell you that much but s to the Brits they have incredible depth but the Australians showed a lot of fight they

    Got lost a little bit in the middle but they came back won that final Sprint resounding result look at the cute little kangaroos they get on the podium too Great Britain taking the goal was British all the way they were so strong in the end the final result didn’t

    Really indicate just how dominant they were they didn’t pick up points in the final Sprint double points on offer but they didn’t need them they were so far in front already Elena Barker first up onto the podium and Katy Aral accepting her medal now Barker the world champion along with

    Nia Evans who was in the race with and KY AR a former World Champ so great combination they have so many options the British team and once again they stand on the top Step at the women’s Madison Podium so many options but the Australians uh and the Americans riding

    With similar pairings and just getting more and more consistent as they go so Smiles all round we’ve got one event left to go uh after this presentation the men’s points race for the omnium Gent but congratulations to our three teams the Great Britain Australian and American team Jennifer Valente Lily Williams Elanor

    Barker and Katie archal and Alex Manley and Georgia Baker no laps taken in the women’s Madison but it was a thrilling race a real sprint Fest all the way through several teams are unable to stay on the same lap and fing out of the race just

    Show you just how fast the average speed was and that was Katie at the end after racing the Madison not a problem not a Cho not Cho whatsoever certainly smiling the men’s Omni in points race toughest event well the longest event uh I won won’t say toughest necessarily in

    The omnium uh we started with a scratch race we moved on to a Tempo race next up we had an elimination and finally it’ll be the points race USA on the back of Gary Sutton the coach man from country New South Wales formerly formerly the coach of the Australian women’s track endurance

    Program now looking after the United States he’ll be happy with that result for USA bronze medal good way to start the season yeah he will be Lily Williams is reasonably new to the track this is her first World Cup so she’s had a great result uh riding under the guidance of

    Jennifer Valente one of the more experienced American uh track Riders had some great results internationally so this is the men’s standings that we’re looking at and this is after the Elimination race so far points have been acur based on the position that they have finished in either the scratch race the tempo or

    The elimination moving on to the points race every point that they score will count toward their total so Dylan bibit is currently leading on 98 points viviani in second on 92 points dilda third third on 88 and kuger fourth on 84 that can all change very very quickly there

    Are a lot of points still to acrew 100 laps points race points race uh for the men is usually longer than 100 laps but in an omnium uh it’s 25 km with 10 Sprints it’s already been a long day big day for the men’s omnium Riders same

    As for the women when they come onto the track for theirs but this is the venue for this Sensational sport track cycling one of the most popular sports at the Olympic Games and so well it should be looks like an armadillo we don’t have armadillos in Australia incidentally we

    Fact checked ourselves with that yesterday there’s viviani he can see the uh gold medal in his sights potentially he’s got gold reflection Ive sunglass lenses too there’s a song I wear sunglasses at night that’s what I think when I see him rocking on the inside of a vome with

    Those lenses on a standalone points race is 40 km but on the back of an omnium 25 Kil for the athletes tonight they used to have a points race here in adate on the old V Drome at Hansen Reserve before they built this one and it was known as

    The 200 lapper but a lap there was a bit over 400 m it was I think about 84 km was that particular points race why didn’t that survive I wonder once they built this track they did try to I think they made a 300 lapper here but the when this track was

    Built 1993 I was at the first big event big opening event but the very first event held on this track was a junior race that was won by Toby Brown so he has The Prestige of being the very first winner on these boards Toby Brown he does work for Australian cycling in

    Western Australia so shout out to Toby ellia viviani little bit of work to do to get himself back up into that top position didn’t maximize his ability in the elimination but it is so hard to do difficult race to be consistent in and while they’re going as hard as

    They can they’re also trying to conserve some energy for the next race or to get as further into the eliminations they possibly can big man Roger kuger come through there with the still got the same skin suit on that he crashed in the last event doesn’t look like he’s done

    Any damage look he may as well uh he may as well keep it on he still got another race left to go don’t want to wreck another one no don’t want to wreck another fingers crossed touchwood it’s you have to be quite strategic because you may gain five or 10 points in an

    Earlier uh event by spending lot of energy but that’s two sprints in a points race so if that then puts you out of uh really contention to be able to Sprint or recove too many points in a points race it ends up quite counterproductive to the overall bit you

    Can see uh just how hot it is sweat on the back of the neck and the white salt stains on the straps of his laser helmet so he’s leading overall 98 points six-point advantage over IIA viviani and 10 points behind Dylan is Lind yindy dilda from Belgium Roger kuger in fourth position on

    84 and the top of the track alongside kuger is Tim buffler from Austria that’s Ole wood he sits in sixth place on 80 points so 18 points off the lead but remember 100 laps 10 Sprints every 10 laps 532 and one points take a lap on the field and that happens a lot

    In the omnium compared to the straight out points points race more laps get taken in the omnium points race just because of the tactics and where the marked Riders sit compared to some of the others so there’s a real chance that you could take a lap pick up 20 points

    Do it a couple of times and move from Midfield all the way up well Yan Vons who was so excellent in that Tempo race he’s on 42 points bibich is on 98 points uh so he would probably yet let Vons go for a lap or two without stress ing too

    Much without using the energy uh in this at the end of anium you get to you tend to see the Riders following the guys that are on similar points around them they do need to be wary of the overall score uh but I imagine that viviani will

    Be watching bibit dilda and kuger very closely the one rider that’s a little bit further down the classification not too far down he sits in seventh place that the top Riders will keep an eye on is Aaron gate from New Zealand he’s on 76 points gain a lap straight up to 96

    He’ll be right in back in the hunt and he is the current points race world champion he has the ability if his form is as good as it was at the end of last year to take multiple laps in this particular race remember they are very tired now this is the fourth discipline

    Within the omnium but they all did the points race qualifier this afternoon just to get themselves into the top 24 so the fifth race in total for the day and the men’s omnium final discipline the points race is underway Dylan biik from Canada leads in front of ellia viviani and Lindsay dilda from

    Belgium there’s Aaron gate black colors familiar silver Fone black skins suit of New Zealand such a good track cycling program Sprint and track endurance both men’s and women’s coming out of New Zealand over the last 15 20 years they’ve done a great job of development and they’ve got a really

    Great culture uh amongst the athletes as well very supportive culture uh between the athletes rer welfare has been a a real Focus for a lot of the teams and we have seen the teams with the good cultures they tend to rise especially uh in the broader picture there won’t be any

    Wasted energy viviani on the front but gently swinging up 96 laps to go when they come around now they will get the bell at 91 for the first Sprint first move as well imhof from Switzerland is it that’s gone on the attack so two Riders going on the attack

    So riders that are further down in the overall classification the top Riders don’t pay too much attention to them they can gain a lap gain 20 points doesn’t really matter in the overall standings so we’ll see a lot of opportunists go on the attack very early

    On it used to be the case that the coaches could stand up on the duckboard and uh on the curtain of the track sorry and give ryer instructions they can’t anymore so they’re congregated on the fence uh in the back street yelling rer instructions when it needs to but that’s

    Why it’s always uh a priority and very important for the scoreboard to be updated so that the Riders are able to check that we’ve seen our first move uh for the points race we knew that this was a very likely scenario as we just discussed they don’t need to worry too much

    About any Riders who are trying to take uh any points especially when they are lower ranked uh in the overall they’ll come around for the Bell now 91 laps to go and sprints on the line for the next one and a big move right up around the

    Outside from kuboki we saw him having the problems in the elimination crashing coming back onto the track too late and being delegated you get five laps if you have a crash to get yourself back it took him six before he came into the bunp so unfortunate for Kazuki kuboki

    But he’s trying to make amends winning the first Sprint he’s taken uh the first points of that Sprint ahead of Kobe Lang Shuki imamura and ramas dmuk kitov N none of those Riders are a particular danger overall Co kobby L I would like to watch watched quite closely were the competitors but kuboki

    I don’t know that his overall standing really measures or matches uh his form at the moment given it that it was a crash uh that did hinder his performance in the elimination I think he’ll be on a bit of a mission he both he and his coaching staff uh looked a little bit

    Grieved when he was pulled out of the Madison um of the elimination and the front of the bunch now olle bedon swings up and based here in Adela South Australia but I have had a message from former Olympic Madison Champion Graham Brown that he originally from Western Australia very parochial

    Those Western Australians well Gran Brown’s not originally from Western Australia he was born in Darwin moved to Hobart then to lonon then Wales claimed him for a while he’s a vagabond biik still leads on 98 points viviani dilda and kuger we haven’t seen any movements from those top four Riders also buffler and

    Wood and it’s basek from Poland little move off the front for him 84 laps to go getting close to the next intermediate Sprints and who’s willing to chase I’m curious that they are allowed to use these bars similar positions have recently been uh banned on road bikes

    But it almost looks as though he’s on little arrow bars uh with those horns now the break is being fairly well controlled young Oliver bedon he is taking his opportunity he’s sitting in ninth overall on 76 points when we are looking at the overall points uh up on

    The board they don’t show the points for this individual points race they show the overall points uh so bibit he has not had any points in the points race yet but he’s still on the board uh sits at top that point ladder second of the intermediate Sprints and it’s that man I

    Mentioned Aaron gate on the front he’s been on the front for a couple of laps now trying to force a break cuz he wants the 20 points for the lap game but Sprints come up while he’s doing it so he’ll pick the Five Points up on the way

    Through so Aaron gate has moved up to fifth place with just that one Sprint Victory he’s now on 81 points and the man from New Zealand could be on the move here here’s the momentum that we expected uh to happen Vivani he needs to certainly keep his eyes open he’s got a

    Bit of a shadow though in the shape of a Canadian Dylan bibit following viviani kuboki look over the shoulder and he might be going on with this Oly blon swung up from first position of the pelaton and that has given a big gap now to kaboki from Japan here’s a big

    Opportunity for the man that was very disappointed in that elimination to not be able to get back on the track in time after the crash Lindy dilda from from Belgium who sits in third place overall doing very good job Lindsay I must say from Belgium he needs to pick up some

    Points to stay in contention with Roger kuger and Aaron gate not too far behind him in the overall standings but kaboki content to go off the front and try and Claw back some of those points and places that he lost in the elimination there’s a certain kind of motivation

    That comes with feeling a little bit ripped off in an earlier race uh that will go past some pain back barers but he is being chased quite aggressively and we can see that the pelaton are not sitting and resting they swing up though just as I say that and following

    Viviani quite a negative race being ridden by bibbit just following Vivani around and Aaron gate again on the attack we can’t criticize bibit for following viviani around I mean it’s quite a smart move but uh it’s not the most proactive well he’ll find that viviani is now very

    Difficult to follow because he’s gone off the front with Aaron gate you still have kuboki off the front from Japan 73 laps to go it’s going to be a big effort for kaboki if he’s going to hold on for this next Sprint I don’t think he’s

    Going to be able to hold on actually with viviani and gate coming at them it has caused biik to try and put in a bit of a Chase and 72 laps to go kuboki still leads where’s Dylan bibik there he is on front of the Pelon from Canada the

    Overall leader senses there’s some big danger with gate and viviani off the front he has to try and shut this one down kuboki caught with a Lap to go all that effort may come to no avail whatsoever as Aaron gate leads down the back straight looking to pick up his

    Second Sprint win in a row and dilda from Belgium up around the outside I think he might get the Five Points buffler from Austria third across the line so gate gets second good ride by Lindsay to get the the win and viviani just the one point

    There will be a reshuffle now after that Sprint with kuboki also kuger and Dylan bibik from Canada getting themselves across to that lead Group Well bibik was in a bit of trouble there he did he was doing a great job following viviani until he wasn’t and that was the moment

    That the Gap really opened up I think I can understand why that was his tactic now he might Resort uh to doing that Aon gate is showing that he is not messing around he is now up to Fourth position viit still maintaining the lead viviani and dilda the Belgian Rider are equal

    Now on 93 points Aaron gate now sitting in fourth on 84 no points in the first Sprint second Sprint he won it moved up to fifth then he gets points in the next Sprint moves up to Fourth but it is a bit of a gap now nine-point gap between him and Lindsay

    Dilda viviani and dilda equal on points well Vivani is on a mission he’s now moving away again he’s got William tidball in the British racing green as you keep saying I dis that inspired that’s what it is meant to be but it oh it doesn’t really like that

    To me to be honest the traditional racing green that I know doesn’t look like that but good good attempt good attempt yeah maybe uh Vivani and tidball no success for iani cutting his losses swinging up going back for some rest Dolly bedon there moving up position the Australian the young Australian sitting

    In the top 10 overall we have a very tight competition at the top between bibit viviani dilda Aaron gate and Roger clug Tim vler not too far off there gate can’t afford to go for every Sprint in a row won’t be surprised if we don’t see him in the next couple taking

    A bit of a breather so he can then come back but whether he wants to do that or not all eyes are on him that’s what happens when you put on a show at the beginning of a points race people know who’s on form 62 laps to go next Sprint coming

    Next time around and Gat maybe forced to lead this one out once again cat and mouse with a 24 strong Bunch imamura from Japan coming up as well on the inside but it is Aaron gate that leads down the back straight and Vivani is going to try

    And make come up around the outside so here comes ellia Vivani trying to steal the Five Points this would be really interesting for the overall standings so there we go viviani gets five dilder in the mix along with gate so the riders in second third and fourth position in the first three

    Positions as they came through well Vivani and dilda went into that Sprint with the same number of points they have not come out with the same number of points Vivani now finding himself on top look at that green arrow the red arrow down for biit who for the first time in this

    Points race finds himself off the top spot he hasn’t been able to score any points thus far but Vivani and gate dilda are the three that are on a big move Midfield swing up from Vivani because nobody out the front is causing him too much stress he just needs to

    Look for dilda gate and biit you have to think quick Vivani did you notice there were four riders that went on the attack and calculated very quickly that none of them he didn’t recognize any of them as being a danger in the overall standings but the pelaton

    Pace has remained on so it’s going to be difficult for this group to establish a lead Oly wood is the rider from Great Britain just swinging up off the front of the Pelon Aaron gate coming through also keeping the average speed high so the Gap not really opening up too much

    To this group of four and that’s why they’re swinging up the track at 55 laps to go it’s almost teasing they keep them close enough without having to do too much work Oliver bleden remaining in the top 10 on the front of that Bunch but swinging up the

    Track Vivani is really very responsive on everything kobby Lang on the attack now on his own it’s always difficult to be out there when the average speed of the Pon is so high it’s so very difficult to do it on your own out in front V kby comes through 53 laps to go

    And the pelaton swing up so here’s an opportunity for the American who sits in Ninth Place overall on 77 points now remembering viviani in and biik first and second on 98 points if Colby can take a lap on the field he’ll go from 77 to 97 and he’ll be in third place

    Overall that’s how quickly it can change move from 9th to second in one lap of the track getting that one lap that’s the difficult thing he will get the Five Points though because he’s half a lap up with 51 laps to go so Five Points coming his way the pelaton will start sprinting

    For this again it’s Aaron gate the black colors now we see Dylan bibik from Canada he needs some points and he’s fighting against Aaron gate down the back straight Vivian is still there as well so Five Points will go to kobby Lang out in front and this is the real

    Battle here though so that will put Dylan back in front over the top of viviani he goes to 101 points and viviani on 99 so two-point Advantage now going back to the Canadian and so it twos and froze I watched the mechanic pump up kobby Langs

    Uh tires Before the Race it’s got about 200 lb per square in PSI uh in those tires a lot of the World Tour Riders these days are riding under 100 uh pounds in their race tires so certainly a little bit different for these bikes and these wheels try hand pumping that that would

    Be pretty difficult they use a compressor to get that done about 70 70 to 80 psi on the road these days with big wider ties wider rims and the lower pressure um creates deflection across the micro bumps the micro vibrations on the road but when you come to the track

    On these really smooth s surfaces the old school tubular tires that are all sew together and glued onto the rim pumped up to 200 PSI rock hard that is still faster on a very smooth surface like the boards here in Adelaide take them onto the road like this and it’ll

    Actually be slower yeah it’s quite counter isn’t it a lot of people think um The Wider tires are going to be more rolling resistance but it’s not the case doesn’t feel that bit softer tires on the road doesn’t feel fast but it actually is I think it feels comfy track

    Bikes are are wonderful bikes to ride but comfortable is not a word many would use uh to describe them not too much danger in these attacks going now we’re looking at the leaders sitting back in the bunch just watching each other they don’t need to worry too much about the

    Heroics out the front Gavin Hoover from the US trying to bring the peleton across Alan benc from oh sorry um dieago naso from Port off the front handy lead 43 laps to go he’ll be desperately trying to stay away for this next Sprint but kuboki on the front of the Pelon and

    Aaron gate keeping the pressure high but they do drift high on the track as well so there’s a chance now for dieago to try and hold on 42 laps to go he’ll get the build the next time around maybe there’s five points on offer for the Portuguese

    Rider there’s always going to be a big acceleration though coming from the peleton but he will get to the Bell and he does have a big enough Gap now to hold on for five points dilda out of the saddle Aaron gate beside him and we’ve got olle bedon in there as

    Well and imma mura from Japan on the inside trying to force Aaron gate up and out of the way so he can try and get some points dieago gets the five points dilda for three points per second and imamura did a good job to get Aaron gate

    Out of the way to get through to get the third place well bit had a bit of a h Mar with his Sprint win uh two sprints ago to catapult himself back up to the top uh he needs to make sure he remains in a good position which he’s doing a

    Lot more now he’s back kind of shadowing uh viviani as he started he lost his way and uh he seems to not be too content to do that again Roger kuger has not really poked his head up uh carrying some uh injuries and soreness from his crash in

    The elimin ation very visible on his skin suit on both shoulders rolled down the track like a Cho roll and that hurts you get some splinters bit uncomfortable to carry on and if you haven’t had a chico roll before I don’t recommend them Roger kuger it’s it’s really unusual to not

    See him playing a bigger role here in in the points race so he really must be quite quite injured as we see tidball going on the attack though three Riders now popping off the front tid pull down in 13th Place overall only 53 points so no serious danger to any of the

    Medalists that sit at the moment with bibit viviani and dilda Bernard venard from Indonesia instigating the break but kaboki he’s determined he’s frustrated uh it took him a while to get back on the track now whether that was uh him shaking off the fall whether it

    Was uh the mechanics team uh putting his bike back together or bit of mistiming uh but it certainly ended in a bit of frustration only one point up for offer if these trios stay away but now we have a fourth Rider bridging across and that’s the Spaniard Eric

    Marel with four riders that takes away any points so the leaders are neutralized but Marell is being back in and kuger now is attempting to bridge across and a significant Gap has opened Ollie bedon from Australia chasing down kuger but no significant points on the line for any

    Of the contenders onto the next Sprint lap three Riders out in front chased by one there are they are the four positions that will collect the points this time but there is a lot of damage being done back in the Pelon on so tidball will come through to get the

    Five they AR in second three points kaboki picks up the two and there goes Marell from Spain big effort from Roger kuger but he was chased down by both viviani and biik Oy bedon from Australia doing everything he can to try and stay with those guys meanwhile the trio out

    In front continue on their merry way and they have in their sights the back of the rest of the Pelon so a lap gain may be on off as they come around for 28 laps to go a dangerous scenario for Vivani dilda and gate a comfortable scenario for biik who

    If these Riders remain out and take the points away it adds to his position well big move from Aaron gate now we’ve been talking him up all through this points race he’s been picking up lots of points moving himself back up he’s in fourth place overall and now he wants to go off

    The front he’s not concerned about those Riders out in front picking up the points he wants to take a lap on the field add 20 points to his total and he will go to the outright race lead so the New Zealander is on a mission and he’s

    Put a lot of pressure on the Pelon that is being led by Elia viviani well Vivani swung up dilda has taken over the turn of speed and you can see them in the background closing in on the break but Aaron gate is certainly pretty determined to get some

    Clean vfla is not too far behind him contributing to the move but dilda now has come across where is Vivani he’s vulnerable sits in the middle of the pellets on viviani out in front dilda really closed that gap down very well as we look at the Breakaway

    Group of four out in front they are still leading the bike race and it’s 23 laps to go for them so another two laps before they’ll get to contest the next Sprint but the racing behind between between the riders that are really fighting for those Podium positions has

    Been Fierce well Vivani just threw a bit of a swapsy on bibik and followed him made bibik do all the work to close that gap down now that is smart uh instead of Vivani missing the opportunity he said hey this means more to you than it does

    To me but there is still a lot of aggression at the front and it’s another Sprint on the cards this is the group that’s going for it bull leads down the back straight kaboki in second position vanis is also there for Cheta and tibull keeping the tempo nice and

    High so another five points for him and he’s still down in the overall standings koki also so tidball in 13th koki moves to 11th so it’s not doing much damage in the overall standings for the medals with this group off the front but some big efforts being put in by

    Bibich viviani dilda and also Aaron gate we will see a little bit of movement through the mid pack kuboki is uh getting a little back for the efforts uh they’ve taken a lap now so they will get an extra 20 point bump now this will make not an insignificant

    Difference it’ll put kaboki in particular up into fourth or fifth position uh with the points and with the 20 lap so we’re going to see some really significant movement here uh around the bottom of the podium biik on 101 points uh should remain safe as this updates

    But kuboki is going to gain 20 points and rock it up look at that sitting in fifth on 89 points tidb also rocket it up into seventh become a tighter race at the top well we saw how disappointed kuboki was in the elimination after that crash now

    We know why he wanted to get a good result and there has been a nasty crash in the finishing straight and we see ollywood from Great Britain and the rider from Mexico also going down Pina Ricardo Pina they are having to the Riders are having to be very careful to make sure

    They go high enough but the race is going on for a moment w certainly out Penna is also looking to be out of the race they’re pushing the commissaires are ushering them up the track there’s another look at the fall wood straight down onto his pelvis and we can see the scramble to

    Get to the Riders to try and get them back into the track but they they have now neutralized they shot the gun the yellow flag is out uh 12 laps left to go this is a tough time of the race to neutralize it but it’s really really

    Important that we can get the athletes off the track we can report uh that we can see Ricardo Penner the Mexican Rider is up on his feet which is great ollywood uh is yet to uh get back onto his feet the great the rider from Great

    Britain so Ricardo pan was the one that was nearest to the bottom of the track that looks to be in a a very fragile position but as soon as they did fire the gun to neutralize the race he was quickly up on his feet and moved away

    Now now they will move the point the laps back somewhat it was 12 laps to go when they did stop the race and I can see that now on the lap board on the inside of the track they have gone back to 19 laps to go to make a fair run into

    The penultimate Sprint start restarting the race with 12 laps to go would be quite tricky somewhat unfair so they’ve gone back to 19 laps to go so we get a clear shot now at the final two sprints Ricardo Penner he is back in the race Oliver wood is re joining he is jumping

    On his bikee we can see that uh there he is a big cheer from the crowd he looks fairly tender though uh trying to finish but uh pretty difficult position for him UCI points are so important in an olympic year so he’ll be pretty Keen to

    Get out there and ensure that he gets those points and finishes uh this race they will are still remaining in neutral uh until both Penna and would are able to rejoin well I feel happy for in particular kugi kaboki and Roger kuger who did have that crash in the

    Elimination that they didn’t go down again in that one so they stayed upright which is great all Riders are now back in the pelaton as ollywood at the top of the track just dropping in and we are underway again 19 laps to go the final race of the evening here

    The second night of of compet competition in the UCI track Nations cup and this is the points race the final leg of the four discipline omnium event and immediately onto the attack is dieago naso from Portugal the Portuguese Riders uh they really have a bit of spunk about

    The way they race they’re quite aggressive and antagonistic in uh racing style two sprints left to go to acrw points the leader biik on 101 points only two points ahead of viviani so this is still very wide open dilda only one point back on 988 well technically mathematically

    Um all the medals can still be decided in these last couple of sprints 15 laps to go now kobby Lang on the front he’s been very aggressive uh forcing a lot of attacks and this is good to see that Ricardo Penna who we saw him fall earlier but he has uh gotten right

    Back in the race Pace has come off somewhat 14 laps to go two more sprints on offer the standard 532 and one points on this next one and then it’s double points for the final Sprint as we saw in the women’s Madison everything can change in that final

    Sprint when you’re Racing for 10 points compared to five and there’s Ellie viviani right in the middle viani following kaboki bibit up the front still open they need to score points kaboki what a comeback after that fall in the elimination and being eliminated out but vler is the first to

    Move and five wide down the back straight fighting for position perhaps ell of Vivian in the blue colors oh no he’s got himself out again or has he not it’s biik and Vivani tidball on the inside so the strength of tidball trying to hold bibik off and the Canadian pops

    Up around the outside Vivani now with a final kick can he come over the top five points on off of this is one and two in the overall standings and viviani gets over the top of biik only two points separated them before that Sprint they are now both tied

    On4 points with Aaron gate immediately going on the attack as expected he’s been so aggressive the New Zealander this is how tight it was that put them level pegging equal points with one Sprint to go gate tried to make the attack straight after but that has been

    Shut down the tightest of races great move by gate to go straight over the top in a Sprint it is the best time to attack they are just in survival mode now viviani the tables have turned he is now shadowing bibik they are falling back right to the very back of the bunch

    Almost both content to let the other one lose the race and not fight for it this is not quite how we thought this would be playing out there’s now a gap opening up a great gaping Gap in the middle as the pace is forced up the front biani

    Gate bibage in the very back of that second group six laps Remain the peleton has been split in half the big favorites in the second half of it this is going to be interesting Lindsay dilda and also kugi kaboki also in that second half so the top four have found themselves right

    At the very back with five laps to go Colby Lang once again on the Move Rader kuger finds himself up there as well cladio imh off kuger hasn’t had the points race we thought he might but after that Sprint now the final Sprint is double points whoever goes over the

    Line first in a point scoring position between viviani bibit and dilda will take the victory what a sensational finish to a very long day on the bike easier to look at it when it’s on the screen like this so from those top three if any of those three Riders

    Crosses the line first in this final Sprint they will win the omnium here at the track Nations cup but there have been plenty of attacks and it’s only two laps to go I Mur is off the front and of the big contenders they are still very

    Far back in the Pelon except for Lindsay dilda and kaboki Aaron gate you can see in the black colors right in the middle trying to come up around the outside this is the final Sprint double points are on offer and we have imamura off the front he might hold on but Aaron Gates

    Coming over the top he’s dragging kaboki with him Lindsay dilder is there as well but it will be imamura that will come away with the final Sprint and kaboki and gate very very close indeed gate was on 90 points in fifth place and the next

    Thing we need to focus on is of viviani and bibik who are out of the points which one crossed the line in front of the other and I think it may have been Dylan bivik we’re going to have to wait for it at the moment it still has viviani as

    The winner but it all came down to who crossed the line first between viviani and biik so the moment they still have ellia viviani in first position equal points on 104 Lindsay dilda we know that Vivani and Biby confirm the order but they are the golden silver dilda what a comeback he’s

    Made in this points race 101 points he finishes with the Belgian Ridder will take home the bronze medal bivan and bit they both look mildly confused they are not sure who might take that gold medal we know that imma mura got to the line first Aaron gate second kaboki third dilda in fourth

    Position but Ellie viviani and Dylan bibik tied on 104 points dilda moved up to 101 he guarantees self the bronze and as it looks stands now ellia viviani is going to take out the omnium medal here lots of things went on there tonight with crashes and Laps and all these

    Other things that happened they have moved it around so Dylan biik as it’s coming up on the board we just waiting for confirmation so we’ll hold back we’re going to hold back and wait for official confirmation we focus on El viani in the end it was a fantastic battle between all of these

    Riders and final confirmation came in with the lead Vivani uh he was hot on his heels he was sitting in second place dilda came in in third so ultimately the top three has remained the same whether the order is the same uh we’re waiting to see even the Riders don’t appear to know

    Themselves uh they’re looking over because uh there are a number of factors into it we will share as soon as we know we’ll keep looking for some body language from that’s what we’re looking at over the screen we’re trying to see whether the Italian camp or the Canadian Camp uh are more

    Enthusiastic and they’re right there together too we’re not seeing a lot they’re not giving a lot away so the screen that we have our graphic screen is showing that biik is ahead of Vivani even though they’re TI on points and moment ago the other way and the scoreboard here here at the

    Vdrome is also showing that same graphic we’re not seeing the motion from Dylan bibik he’s still waiting for final confirmation what a thrilling finale it was between these two stars the older and the young not that he’s old viviani but he’s certainly a veteran compared to Dylan

    Bibik so the master and the newcomer neck and neck right down to the very last Sprint we’ll see what happens I can report see Gary from France has won the junior women’s socc cross World Championships ahead of cat Ferguson so this is the final Sprint imamura out in front and it looked at

    This point that he was comfortably going to get the win but the speed of kuboki and Aaron gate was quite Sensational look at that throw to the line mura did just hold on ahead of Aaron Gates and kugi koki with Lindsay dilda fourth across the line we still don’t seem to have a

    Result IIA viviani the omnium Olympic champion from 2016 he’s won the elimination twice at the World Championships it’s only been around for a couple of three years now I think it is the elimination he won the first two editions it’s a good elimination Rider so from what we’re understanding

    The confirmation has come through that it is Dylan biik that will take the omnium victory over Elia viviani 104 Points each but it was biik that crossed the final line in that final Sprint somewhere in the middle of the Pelon ahead of Elia Vivani who was also somewhere in the

    Middle but further back further back asep as it happens viani not giving a lot away neither is biik they still have not been confirmed the commissaires don’t look particularly fuss I might say so it feels like a decision has been made but they are maybe not relying it there’s a

    Few shrugging of shoulders going on uh there are theair I must say Dylan um doesn’t show a lot of emotion the races that he’s had last year at the worlds Etc he doesn’t show too much emotion so it’s hard to get to gauge Victory salute from him this is the final Sprint again

    With imura imamura just holding on for the 10 points that put him up to 10th Place overall 80 points it was for shanuka imamura and the big mover apart from the overall victories to biik viviani dilda moved up to third place but Aaron gate came from Seventh I think

    It was up to Fourth he finished on 96 points kaboki he moved up from ninth uh into fifth very impressed uh with him he was frustrated after uh a fall in the elimination and then he tried to get back in and the judge has said you’re too late out you

    Go and uh he brought that frustration turned it into success in the points race moved himself up nearly onto the podium not quite Marco Villa National coach for Italy has done wonders for the Italian track cycling program in the last 10 years or so there was a period there for

    Quite a while where they just weren’t contending in the team Pursuit events in particular they’ve always had individual stars for Italy but if you go back into the 80 and early ’90s they were really strong as a tin Pursuit track endurance Nation tended to fade away a little bit

    But they’ve really come on strong won the Olympic Games in Tokyo a couple of years ago in the men’s team Pursuit the women’s team Pursuit has also been quite competitive and a lot of that is to do with Marco Villa we’ll have some presentations soon we’ve got the men’s omnium of course

    When we find out who wins the Sprint and the men’s Kieran and we do have those presentations coming up but before we do we can have a chat to our new Kieran Champion here in Adelaide at the track Nation cup as is all Aang Aang uh you went long and your

    Trademark throw did the job how’s that feel ah it’s unbelievable um you know uh last time I won the World Cup or trans Nation cup was five years ago and I have to battle with a heart conditions I have to go through open heart surgery and you

    Know uh nothing can stop me May a comeback won the I think this is one of the toughest keion as well richo and the Japanese World world class race and I’m so happy tonight and you you’re peing at the right time in before Paris how confident you have a really big next six

    Months I don’t say that I’m in a good conditions I was struggle for uh last month the last 3 four weeks uh but of course in life you know you have to go through keep fighting I was lucky I trained with some of the Aussies here uh

    I was based in Melbourne uh you know training with the Aussies you know I think keep pushing me some of the tournaments here helped me to be at this form as well I’m not in the best form yet but of course we’re going to uh increase the performance slowly uh we

    Have six months and uh I hope by uh Paris I will be at the top form thank you a thank you mik well um understate the injuries and the problems he’s had with his health in recent times certainly wouldn’t think so with the performance like he put up

    Tonight so he’s looking good he will be retiring at the end of this season after the Paris Olympic Games and he did mention training here in Melbourne he lived in Melbourne for a very long time until they built a v Drome in Malaysia so the entire Malaysian team were based

    In Melbourne coached by John Beasley and with the construction of that new Vel Drome they moved back to Malaysia to continue their training but but as is all when he does finish after Paris will will be moving with his family back again to Melbourne to spend the rest of

    His times he loves it here in Australia readying for the presentations and as is all as we just spoke to is coming up now for his Kieran presentations and the medals will be presented by The Honorable Hilgard MP Minister for sport Recreation and racing great to see Kine here tonight doing the

    Presentations bronze medal going to Kaya OT for Japan first and uh second and third placings here for the Japanese Riders K riding for a registered trade team here and Shinji Nano riding for the national team picking up the silver medal great points hall for the Japanese Riders also uh getting seventh place so

    They had a very successful uh curing competition here it was a great final they rode exceptionally Welles and at the start of the curing competition I mentioned Azel Aang’s Health ISS in the leadup to this it was a bit of a way out in case he didn’t

    Perform up to his regular standard there was no need he was incredible taking the gold medal here in the men’s Kieran ladies and Gentlemen please once more your applause for K And well they’ve got koalas now they had kangaroos before before they’re mixing up the native animals if you ride well enough you get a couple oh look at this an added celebration a lot of camaraderie amongst the Kieran Riders they spend a lot of time uh together throughout the year

    Riding uh in Japan not just at these Nation Cup Series a lot of respect between the Riders some of the most likable athletes in track cycling and a is all in particular with a big following particularly back in Malaysia the first Malaysian cyclist to win a

    Medal at the Olympic Games became as big Superstar after that also to my knowledge the athlete with the biggest Splinter uh from a b Drome yes yes straight through his calf got up on the bike finished the race before noticing he had a big piece of wood stuck through

    His leg a strong man there’s John Beasley on the left taking the photo the coach of the Malaysian team so much success is because of his input into that program and it’s not just now with the racing cyclist at this level he’s doing a lot behind the scenes with the

    Federation and sponsors to put Junior racing on as well both Road and track competitions so doing a an enormous amount of Grassroots preparation so they’ll see a lot more success going forward with more Young Riders coming into the program in Malaysia because of thatal our next presentation will be for the women’s

    Sprint three of our fastest cyclist on the planet coming up onto the podium and from France mid gro we will get the bronze medal and again it’s honorable Kine hilard MP minister of sport wreck and racing world champion two years ago in this discipline matil this is the year that she’s really

    Hoping to get back to top form again to be able to do so to win in Paris on your home track at the Olympic Games that would certainly be something very special Minato didn’t qualify that well it didn’t matter she raced her way into the race for the for gold and silver so

    Silver medal to minao from Japan and she’s going to be a big danger throughout this season as well if she continues to race with the skill and the N that she showed today she’s improved astronomically over the last six months and if that Improvement continues we can

    See her as a big Force at the Paris Olympics Emma hinza stands on top though took three races to get the gold medal Minato won the first and then Emma re thought her tactics came out and picked up the second and third races in that best of three decider for the gold

    Ladies genten great confidence booster for her as well a former world champion in the Sprint current world champion in the team Sprint and in the five and a minute time TR so Emma hinza stands on top alongside minao and Matilda Gro disappointment for Emma hinza in the team Sprint yesterday with the

    Disqualification of the German team they are the defending world champions and had a mishap right at the start he was disqualified from the competition so great comeback from her well they had a fall out of the gate and it was deemed not to be a mechanical

    Issue so they didn’t get a restart uh frish left the track in tears um over the incident certainly very disappointing warning for them to come all the way and uh not be able to compete in the event in their world champion colors but Emma hinza well she’s had a lot of success

    Today it looked as though she may be beted by Sato in the first uh of their competitions well one more presentation to come they are the men that we will be presenting with their medals but before we do that let’s hear from our new gold medalist in the women’s Sprint Emma hinsa

    Emma a really long day but an impressive day how’s that feel it feels really really good to be on top again and to win like a Sprint tournament it was a really long and hot day today but I’m really proud that I yeah made it to the

    Top and how did you bounce back after yesterday’s team Sprint disappointment mentally uh actually of course I’m disappointed but I was like okay I can’t change it anymore so next time hopefully we will do better and won’t do this mistake again so uh yeah luckily we have enough points

    For the Olympics so that wasn’t a problem but still was like yeah not so good to do this mistake but yeah this how it is thank you Emma well very matter of fact talking about the disappointment from yesterday pick yourself back up refocus and she did it very

    Well coming away to win the Sprint here Kieran still to come for the elite women sprinters so another big day of competition for day three saw the men’s kierin tonight women’s kierans tomorrow and we’ll see the men come out to do their individual Sprint on the final day of the

    Competitional and now the final presentation for the second night of competition here for the tiso UCI track Nations Cup in Adelaide at the super drone room and it is the men’s omnium what a thrilling race it was right down to the very last Sprint sprinting to get to the

    Line first but then sprinting to try and beat your direct opponent somewhere else in the main field and that’s a tough job for the officials to work out who’s where and what but Lindsay dilda from belgium1 points with the bronze medal so only three points off that TOP Step so

    He’ll get a real boost of Confidence from that ride well this was the order that they came into the final event in it changed around quite a lot during the points race ultimately uh the same out he’s pretty pleased with his little kangaroo there dilda silver medal going

    To Italy and the former Olympic omnium champion IIA viviani big year for him as well he was riding in the Italian team Pursuit team yesterday we haven’t seen him in that role before but being forced to do that now if he wants to be a competitor in the omnium and the Madison

    At the Olympic Games but the top step that is reserved for this young man from Canada Dylan biik gold medal for him in the men’s omnium he certainly has come on strong in the last couple of years winning the scratch race two years ago at the world championships as a teenager

    I think he might actually still be a teenager actually hasn’t got to 20 just yet so a big future for him and also another big season as he looks towards Paris we have our three medalists from the men’s omnium very entertaining event I must say and uh those Riders put on a great

    Show kuboki from Japan I loved watching him race as well and Roger kuger had a very heavy fall uh in the elimination but they got up for the final of that omnium great days racing certainly was and and also like to shout out to the riders in the kierin

    As well that did crash and also Elise Andrews and wish them all the very best hopefully they can be back racing tomorrow night and we can have a chat to our final interview our final winner for the second day here at the track Nations Cup winner of the omnium Dylan biic from

    Canada Dylan really gutsy day how does that feel two from two it’s amazing like this is the hardest I’ve ever had to work for anything like this is like hours and months and almost years put into this learning the omnium and now it’s finally clicked and it feels

    Amazing to win what was going through your head in those last 50 laps cuz you look like you were swinging a bit there I’ve remembered like in the past my uh alums I’m always coming in top four into the points race and I always would have cracked within even 20 laps into the

    Points race but this time I just took a deep breath took it patient I knew uh if a bunch of like low down people get up the road it kind of buys me time makes the the race shorter so I don’t have to like fight Vivani the whole time I can

    Keep it down to the last two sprints in this case so that played in my favor having the lead going into the final awesome thanks Dylan thank you well showing lots of maturity the young man from Canada and a gold medal for him fantastic racing here the second

    Night of competition Kate baits really have enjoyed it we’re looking forward to one big final tomorrow the final event and the final day of racing here at the C track Nations cup we’ve had two wonderful days of racing here and we expect a wonderful third day all the

    Action coming up tomorrow the men’s Sprint the women’s Kieran the men’s Madison and the women’s omnium wishing all the very best to the riders that have fallen and come undone hopefully there isn’t any broken bones and they can be back on the track tomorrow if not then sometime in the

    Very near future it’s been an absolute pleasure the second night of competition here the track Nations Cup in Adelaide make sure you tune in for the final day of competition there is so much at stake and so many more good races to Come For


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