Watch live the finals session from Day One of the 2024 Tissot UCI Track Nations Cup in Adelaide (AUS) on Friday 2 February.

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    From marginally quicker to significantly quicker with what we just saw from Canada next teams getting themselves ready to come onto the start line and we have two Chinese teams racing against each other now China a versus China B so in the Nations cups the teams the countries are able to enter a second

    Team as a a trade team we Australians had two teams in both men’s and women’s team pursu earlier this morning and some respectful rides actually from the B Teams for Australia we’ll see how China goes a versus B some bragging rights on offer here between these two teams

    Certainly and in the past they would have ridden in different skin suits but they’re no longer required to do that so both teams will look the same in the front straight uh calling themselves China a we have Lee yangang Wang we have EU fanga and shandu Bal in the back

    Straight representing China China B we have Shuan Lao Fu and Men quong second fastest team this morning China a in the front straight 47.4 03 slightly slower than what New Zealand just posted here in the first round so we do expect these top ranked teams to

    Progress a little bit and get a little bit more out of themselves in these next rounds and they have had a change one rer change in the China a team and Y Wong gets them underway it was yulu Jang that we rode in the qualifying she has been replaced by Yang

    And they are now up to go up to full speed down the back straight maximum effort each one of these Riders putting in a complete maximum effort to try and get the best possible time over three laps of this track and on to Rider number two for both teams yes China a

    Going through with a slight margin there China a has actually ridden a 46.67 n at the World Championships last year nearly a full second than what they qualified this morning so we know they have left in the tank and they have a comfortable margin here second fastest qualifiers

    Versus the seventh fastest so this is absolutely going to form with a quarter of a lap to go and China a will come around to win this particular round and in a time of 46277 impr that’s a blistering time that is faster uh than what they qualified in at

    The World Championships last year when they were in third uh so that is absolutely Sensational time 47.4 in qualifying and a 46.2 here in the first round so that’s an extraordinary improvement with that one Rider change as well it’s not always just that one Rider but they’ve had a

    Good run a good hit out in the afternoon program and they certainly have stepped up to tonight it is that’s the fastest time a Chinese team has recorded in the last 2 years which is a very good sign uh from them they performed exceptionally well uh in Glasgow to

    Bring home the sil uh the bronze medal and they beat Netherlands uh to do that and that was a 46. 543 so 3 of a second 3/10 uh faster is a really significant Improvement it’s great to see uh the Chinese the depth in the Chinese teams that they can ride at that Beed

    Consistently but also have um what they call the B Team also posting uh very competitive times the fourth and final heat in round one for the women’s team Sprint Great Britain versus Mexico and with the disqualification of Germany this afternoon we didn’t get to see how fast they were going to go they

    Were the favorites of course being the current world champions they’ve been so dominant in this discipline over the last couple of years but it gives an opportunity to someone else now to step up up and win the First Nations cup here in Adelaide for 2024 Great Britain Emma

    Fukan current world Sprint champion and they had Lauren Bell in the ra the team this afternoon she has been switched out with Katie Marchant and Sophie capewell will round the team out so fukan Bell and sorry fukan merch Marchant and capewell and for Mexico Julie fugo Jessica Salazar and L Daniela

    Gagola and they’re still getting themselves ready in the back straight the British team ready to go but Mexico haven’t got their starters bike in the start gate just yet so a little bit slow in the back straight to get ready well I did see that at the World

    Championships there are a few fines for this for delaying uh the start of an event so the athletes do need to be careful and respectful if there’s no technical issue preventing them uh from from being out on track it is their responsibility it’s tough for the Brits

    Sitting now in the front straight just waiting B favorites though that’s for sure they’re SEC they were second at the world championships with the trio that qualified this morning as you mentioned they’ve changed out Bell for Marchant they rode a 45.92 three at the World Championships last year 46.6

    One0 in the qualifying this morning we expect them to their speed up uh but there will not we’re not expected to see a tight race between Great Britain and Mexico in this uh event this evening Mexico qualifying in a 48.86 uh so 2.2 seconds shy um of the British

    Team you may have heard some crackling in the background that was the electronic starter pistol just getting sure making sure that was ready was used a couple of times this afternoon for um to signify false starts in the team Sprints or the team Pur shoes got underway okay but there were a

    Couple of false starts that second or third Rider so desperate to get off the start as quickly as possible and there were a couple of false starts you are allowed one false start two and you are disqualified So Great Britain the fastest qualifiers up against Mexico the eighth quickest winner only to progress

    And Great Britain would certainly be hoping to be going into that race against at the moment it will be China a in the race for gold and silver and we expect Great Britain to be coming up against them let’s see what happens here though fourth and final heat round one

    Women’s team Sprint underway Mexico in the back straight the eighth fastest qualifi up against the favorites here tonight Great Britain fukan Marchant and capewell and very quick and a very handy Gap already half a second in the first half lap to complete the first lap and

    The margin has gone even further out to over 1 second a very clean start by the British team they are so neat so aerodynamic the form of the Mexican team also looking very good but 1.19 seconds the lead is out to now for the British team and talking about aerodynamics the

    Sprinters absolutely tucked down now elbows in Trying to minimize that frontal surface area as Great Britain come around the final bend it will be the win here in this heat and a 46.0 the fastest time recorded here today by the women in the team Sprint so the final

    Tonight will be Great Britain up against China Sensational ride by the British team they were second at the European championships just a number of weeks ago in arawn in the Netherlands uh and they rode 46.1 51 to achieve that with the same Trio uh they have just bettered their season best

    Time now by over half a second it’s great signs they looked very smooth very comfortable that was a perfect ride by them well we’ve noticed the rise of fukan over the years Scott we saw her when she first burst onto the sport and uh she clearly had a lot of

    Talent and acceleration but it’s taken a bit of time to finesse the skills and the position and boy is she a force now when she gets on the track you can really feel her presence and she certainly has led um the Great Britain team to a fantastic time tonight they’ll

    Be riding off in the finals a bit later against uh China 46.2 the time of China Great Britain 46.9 so only 2/10 of a second between them Great Britain certainly the favorites now with that.2 difference but who knows make a slight little error it it doesn’t take much intense Sprint it’s

    Over so quickly slight little bubble at the start and off you go you could lose the race this will be a fantastic final between China a and Great Britain New Zealand versus Poland that’ll be the race for the bronze medal and it’s even tighter between those

    Two and well done to the Mexican team uh 48.5 27 they improved uh their earlier qualifying time by uh 3/10 a second so they’ve rapidly improved as well we have a bit of a formu from the Europeans because of the European championships in appor which was a very big opportunity

    For teams to earn a lot of points uh to qualify for the Olympic Games uh for their Nation but we have less of a gauge for the Pan-American Nations or the oceanana Nations uh on track form so we’re looking back at the times that they rode at the world championships as

    Their season guide uh but more updated for the Europeans of course men’s Elimination race coming onto the track now this is not an Standalone event at the Olympic Games but the elimination is certainly one of the disciplines in amongst the four discipline omnium Series so a lot

    Of these Riders also part of their uh omnium plan for the Olympic Games and this is the type of race you really don’t want to do it often to get the skills to be able to be consistent and that’s what is so important when it comes to the omnium event as well we

    Don’t have the omnium on tonight we’ll see that in the next couple of days but that is also an Olympic event it’s it’s a modern addition uh to the UCI program the elimination traditionally in Australia it’s been an event that we’ve raced uh at the carnivals and it’s

    Always been a very popular event it’s always been a very hardfought event and when it was brought uh into the omnium originally it really brought back the passion and the excitement especially for the fans in watching the elimination and so it’s fantastic to see it as a standalone event now and the athletes

    Take it very seriously there’s a lot of different tactics you can use in an Elimination race uh but regardless of the tactic you have to be a fairly tough Rider you have to be very able to position yourself well in the bunch uh and you have to have uh a bit of a

    Steely attitude to it Scott because there’s a little bit of pushing and shoving that goes on to make sure they can get into the right position absolutely and we don’t have the current world champion that was Ethan Vernon won in Glasgow last year but we have the silver medalist in Dylan

    Bibik and he also won the scratch race the year before that as a 19-year-old so it’s just the ability of the Canadian that’s sitting right up here at the top of the track right from Switzerland is Lucas rug um and and Morgan keski is the coach or the

    Manager/ coach of the Swiss team but he is a multiple world champion as a Frenchman looking after the Swiss this year and only recently stepped off the bike himself but a great asset for the Swiss team to have a rider like Morgan keski helping them out and it’s

    Sensational to see some of the talents of the past now mentoring and leading coaching the athletes of the present Kuma was the rider from India that we just saw and Riders are underway they will have a a couple of neutral laps and this is if you haven’t seen elimination

    Before get yourselves ready strap in because this is a sensational race it’s the one race where you don’t look towards the front of the peleton you look to the back so once they do get the signal that the race is underway every second time across the line the last

    Rider in the peleton is eliminated let’s let’s be clear the riders need to look to the front the fans get to look at the back and uh see who it will be so from the very get-go from the start gun the Riders must race there is no jockey into

    The position there is no cat and mouse they’ve received the Bell now so they will come around and the first Rider will be eliminated on the next lap so the rider whose front wheel is the furthest back will be that R so we looked for the the very very back end of

    The bicycle and we see here and it’s Martin Tren is the first rer eliminated such a tactical event you have to be strong to ride good position at the front but you also have to be very tactically astute and not scared you got to get your elbows out sometimes

    To force some position in this one and it’s venz from Belgium that’s in a dangerous position just coming up around the outside Underneath Him is Kuma from India who will be the rider last across the line it can be quite dangerous to sit too far toward the back especially up the track

    Because as they really increase the speed uh at the bottom and at the bottom of the track at the front of the bunch it’s like an elastic band at the back but it is constant one Rider out and now they have the bell for another lap to

    The next Rider and the Belgian Rider uh is the one on The Chopping Block Milan van ven halt again in the dangerous position and don’t think he got enough around the outside then so we are focusing on him as I think the cameras have picked up that it may be him we

    Wait for official confirmation oh number 30 clao imhof from swi from well from Switzerland running for a trade team here actually but so clao imhof he’ll be disappointed with that he’s a strong Rider claudo he is his got a very good pedigree but it looks to me

    Like venh how was very lucky o that was tight that was tight again between uh the Belgian Vanden height but it looks like it’s been right of 499 Terry Kuma and now the laps are coming round quickly next Rider gone Kuma was the last one eliminated venh how has been in the

    Dangerous Zone all the time George nealis from lva has been near the back every lap he’s just moving himself up I think now we have seen the Belgian Rider but no the Lan there we go he was underneath he was trying to sneak in down the bottom to move his way up but

    It did not happen I feel as though Bandon out from Belgium he is really buying his time here he needs to move up or he won’t be able to stay out of danger much longer wnac from Poland trying to fight to stay in the race but

    It is Milan venal we’ve seen him dodging the elimination a couple of times and now eventually all the effort to try and come around the outside every two laps has finally come back to bite him no more energy left at the front of the race though we have Grant Kun from USA

    Haven’t spoken of Dylan bibik just yet the Canadian so he’s hiding himself there in third position riding very well the silver medalist from the World Championships Ramis from Kazakhstan trying to get up around the outside now and out of the saddle trying to finish

    It off and he will be the next one to go that is RIS dinov from Kazakhstan has been eliminated and we are now down to only eight Riders the Australian Blake anelto has moved up significantly in position and we look down to the inside of the track to see who might get boxed

    In here Dennis rugovac is trying to come up around the outside and when you’re down below with nowhere to go you’ve got to be very careful to try not to push through on the blue band on the inside you will get relegated if you do that and Lucas rug from Switzerland has

    Gone the most dangerous spot in the bunch is in the middle when you’re up the top you can sometimes get a bit of a run off the bank uh to get in but we’ve seen a number of riders fall to that seven Riders left another Bell and Grant

    Kun the USA Rider who is having to rapidly move up position and he’s able to do so the Polish Rider wasak finding himself in the hot seat ritzinger on the bottom of the track in danger as well so he was there the last time through as well so 47 Felix ritzinger from Austria

    Is the next one to go he was the last two elimin right down the very bottom nowhere to go he finally you could see the confusion there he wasn’t sure if he was out now finally he understands that he is the rider eliminated Blake agnoletto the boy from bigo on the front for

    Australia Kun from USA up around the outside once more and Dennis rugovac on the inside in a really dangerous position so rugovac comes through last across the line and number nine is out we down to five Riders now and the young Australian has really started to

    Increase the pace he’s riding with a lot more antagonism than he did to start Scott it’s a good tactic we haven’t mentioned mikini much the Italian so he’s been hiding in there doing well but he’s in a bit of danger now if K comes up around the outside and

    Boxes his him in as he has four wide with skini trying to find a way through on the inside he has got through but that might be a dangerous thing thing to do he went through on the blue band so he may be eliminated for going off the track

    Service well they’ve taken out wasak we will have to see on a replay what that looks like but it is a dangerous move to go under the inside and they do need to be very cautious but he was out of options uh he was either eliminated or he was going to

    Try his luck try his luck he did Grant Kun the USA Rider is now the one going to have to pull a Hail Mary over the top Scot toini on the inside looking over his shoulder this time he’s eliminated so a big effort to go around the outside

    For Scot toini and eliminated this time down to three Dylan bibik the silver medalist from the World Championships Gran Kun from the USA and Blake agnoletto from Australia so the Canadian in second position agnoletto from Australia on the front and Kun from the USA at the back so biik is been the one

    We’ve seen the least of we haven’t spoken much about him he’s ridden a brilliant race thus far and this is where the tactics do change with three it can become a little bit more cat and mouse we just saw that the front is the safest place to be Grant Kun the USA

    Rider Number 44 he is eliminated we are down to two the world champion biik from Canada Blake agnoletto the youngster from Australia and it’s a match Sprint two up Sprint now and Diving down the inside we saw bibik trying to get underneath agnoletto but Blake agnoletto

    Is a very fast rider is’s the Australian Madison Champion but look at bibik Dylan bibik the World Scratch race champion from a couple of years ago silver medalist in this event last year in Glasgow and comes away with the win here in Adelaide the elimination win goes to

    Dylan biik from Canada ahead of Blake agnoletto oh Sensational ride by the Canadian and he looks pretty comfortable in doing it tactically he just really knows how to ride an elimination he’s coming along exceptionally well he’s known as a great bunch Racer the scratch race and the points

    Race great omnium Rider and now his first gold medal Nations cup in the elimination fantastic event add to the program he burst onto the scene when he won the scratch race World Championship a couple of years ago as a 19-year-old and look at this earlier on

    Four wide with Scot aini nowhere to go now that’s where Scot aini survived but he did cross the line on the blue band so I think he was lucky there to go an extra bit fur than maybe he was hoping to that was close as well Anto just

    Diving down to cover the move of biik he did what he could to try and beat the Canadian but that was in the end quite an easy Victory he had a lot of control in that race we didn’t speak about him a lot because he didn’t pop his head up

    That is a perfect way to ride an elimination you’re not on the front you’re not on the back you stay out of trouble we’ll see the women’s elimination later on tonight and I have a feeling they would have been watching that quite closely well Glen the coach holding the bike

    From Bendigo Blake anelto the young Rider the young Steed being looked after by Glenn also now from Bendigo so Bendigo connection doing well but Dylan bibik the best in the men’s elimination and he’s been consistently right up there in those Bunch races over the last couple of Seasons so no surprise to see

    The young Canadian flying the flag we see the start gate coming onto the track and that signifies the next event which is the men’s team Sprint first round and the fastest qualifiers this morning were Australia silver medalist from the World Championships last year but the world champions from 2 years

    Ago and the defending or the current world champions of the Netherlands not here racing this particular Nations cup they will be doing Hong Kong and in Milton in Canada deciding not to come down under so that creates an opportunity for Australia to perhaps get the win here on home soil that were the

    Fastest team team this morning in the qualifying 42.4 44 they rode the next fastest time was written by Japan and that was 43103 so quite a significant Advantage for the Australian team in the qualifying China a uh China has two teams uh again in the men’s team Sprint similar to what they

    Had in the women’s team Sprint and our first round we’ll see China a up against Germany China a qualifying this morning in 43272 Germany qualifying in 43. 352 uh 357 so a tight competition with these rounds it is always the first round where the competitors are the closest on

    Qualifying no change in the format in the formation here for both of these teams chal gal yuu and qu Lee from China up against Luca spegel Nick schalter and Max dornbach for Germany China on the home straight the faster of the qualifiers Germany back straight men’s team Sprint first round

    Underway China a versus Germany very tight in the qualifying round so this will be really interesting second time out the men’s team Sprints definitely always a little bit quicker in each round and for now though it is China with a little bit of work to do Germany the fastest to get going very

    Different styles China’s first Rider leading off with quite a lot of speed Germany a little bit more tapered even though they’re faster they’ve come through with the bell and it remains Germany in front China really fighting back now so three of a second down Germany so they’re the fastest to get

    Going but they have slowed at the end and China a come through to get the win 42. 899 bit of an upset there with Germany coming out fast but then slowing towards the end so China a were faster in qualifying but it was so tight you

    Wouldn’t put that down as a form guide but certainly would now because they made it pretty easy over the top of Germany they have gone significantly faster 43.2 72 in the qualifying 42.8 N9 for the Chinese team in that first round so they’ve really stepped it up a notch Germany

    Uh more or less the same time as they qualified in this morning but they did really dart out of the start Gates and with one and a half laps left to run they were still ahead with one lap left to go it changed quite significantly we

    Saw a very big difference in that 125 m in that midsection unfortunately for Germany Max dorbar the third Rider not able to bring home what was a great start now Great Britain versus China B so again the Chinese with two teams as we saw in the women’s team Sprint

    Bringing out a very strong Squad here to Adelaide uh China China B they are in the back straight we have XI henin shenu and XI Le in the front strip we’ve got bre Great Britain Ed Lao HH turble and Jack Carlin 43 point 167 for the British

    Team 43.4 49 for the Chinese team in qualifying this morning the trend so far has been that the teams have improved their time even a little bit to a lot but each team uh that we’ve seen out here in the first round for the women and the men’s has

    Improved their time from this morning the conditions much better in the vome here this evening uh quite Hot For The Spectators and the fans and the athletes but makes for a fast track and for the commentators it is a bit sweaty in no one cares about us though because

    The race is not underway because there has been a false start and the Chinese first Rider has not heard the false start oh and he’s still going hopefully he can pull up because this is really going to be detrimental to him when he does realize and as he’s coming to the

    Back straight he’s caught the other team on the other side of the track but he’s done a complete lap Max effort that’s going to hurt when he has to come straight back and line up again that’s quite devastating and quite unusual it is not unusual for an athlete to be in

    The zone but it is quite unusual that on two occasions of the gun being double fired that they have not noticed that and the fal start itself was with the British team at the in the home straight and while so the Brits had the false start if they would do that again

    They would be eliminated however the most detri m al situation there was for the start rider for the Chinese team so let’s just hope that he can get himself back to full speed again and recovered it’s not unprecedented that they would put them to the back end of

    The first round and put move some of the other teams up uh but we’ll wait to see if that’s what uh decision the commissaires will make or if they’ll be straight back up on track certainly very difficult for the Chinese team if that’s the case and here we can see the false

    Start ever so slightly that is excellent refereeing judging from the comm’s team Eagle i’ to pick that up yeah unfortunately for the Chinese starter in particular the rules will state that they will be back on the track immediately so that’s really unfortunate just checking down there with the

    Officials making sure that yeah we can see that the British bike is about to come back onto the track which means the Chinese starters bike will be putting the start gate in the back straight as well and he’ll be certainly breathing heavy as he gets on the track this time

    Having done a maximum effort really unfortunate and it’s surprising because they were firing the gun multiple times it’s an electronic pistol maybe not as loud as a normal starter pistol which actually the old school ones you’d only get two shots at it anyway so they wouldn’t be able to

    Reload it quickly enough with the electronic pistol they could keep firing it as they did but he still wasn’t listening it’s a tough situation Psy logically it’s a very tough situation but physically sprinters the one lap is their real specialty now what they are doing here

    We just saw Edo going back off the track because they have not put the Chinese bike into the start gate in the back straight yet so the British team just deciding calm the farm a little bit just rest themselves a little bit because it’s going to take a while for China a

    To get themselves or China B sorry to get themselves sorted in the back straight well they’re getting some Grace and some time to have a bit of recovery which is certainly needed from the Chinese team the tough situation is that the Chinese team executed perfectly uh

    And it was an error by the British team on the front straight they are given enough tolerance for one false start two and they will be disqualified would have been interesting to see what the first start lap was for the Chinese Rider just how well he was

    Going this is third fastest versus sixth fastest from the qualifying and look again second and third Riders almost simultaneously just jumping the start unfortunate for them well in the first round uh in the qualifying round pardon me they had a very rapid start off the line 17.49 which actually put them in fifth

    Place they ended up qualifying in sixth uh so he is known as a good quick starter but he will have to hopefully have two efforts in him because now the time has come they’ve had enough Grace from the UCI they are back out on the track first the Brits Ed

    L it is that puts himself back into the bike for a second time blow the cobwebs out for the British guys they did just get rid of the nerves a little bit by having that first effort and a false start but we know that it it’s been

    Quite detrimental to the Chinese but it can add to the nerves as well because we know that if they dare do it again a moment hesitation uh and they will get disqualified Jack Carin comes to the top of the track the Scotsman proud Scott ready to go and he certainly has come on

    A long way in the last four five years as well so he’ll be finishing the team off for Great Britain and Lee for China B Ed low slap of the thighs ready to go again hit two first round men’s team Sprint and they are both underway let’s

    See what China B can do considering how difficult it is to come straight back onto the track and do a Max effort for a second time they are behind point4 of a second Great Britain leading the way as HH turnball comes through for his second lap well the Brits are looking smooth

    The Chinese team have certainly suffered from that mishap this earlier on the Brits in control at this point 8.86 seconds up almost a second to the advantage there for Great Britain as Jack Carlin goes down the back straight in the tuck position they want to get

    The win but they want to make sure they get to race for gold or silver there are two teams faster than Great Britain today in qualifying the for now 43.1 they get the win Great Britain over China B and that’s round about the same time as what they rode in qualifying so this

    Will be really interesting to see if they can be faster than either Japan or Australia and get themselves into the race for gold and silver yeah ever so slightly faster unfortunately China be uh they broke that Trend there going half a second slower than they did in

    Qualifying this morning but I feel for the Chinese team Scott that’s a really hard scenario uh to be in and they’ll certainly have to whiteboard that uh and ensure that there’s some procedures in place should that happen again so second fastest winning time for Great Britain

    Behind China a so 42.8 N9 for China a Great Britain with the 4311 and we still have two Heats to come with the two fastest qualifiers in Australia and Japan so if it’s going to form Great Britain may be racing for the bronze medal we’ll have to wait and see

    How it all plays out these the second fastest qualifiers now the Asian Continental Champions Japan in the front straight up against Poland 43.1 in qualifying so round about the same time as what we just saw Great Britain ride just now is what the Japanese were doing in the afternoon

    Program and Poland 43.8 so significantly slower Japan is the team we expect to Come Away with the win here but as we’ve seen already so much can happen in such a short amount of time well their season best uh is 42.94 for the Japanese team so they’re not too far off they could

    Come very close to beating that tonight uh given the conditions out on track are much better the 43.82720 the Polish team is very similar to what they wrote at the World Championships last year so we may be seeing a uh significant season best for them out here tonight as well

    Zeki getting them underway for rockna and then ruik and for Japan nagasako Kaya OT and UTA Obara will be finishing it off Beno Vu coach of the Japanese program in the second holding up the second Rider and we also saw Jason niblet one of the coaches the Australian from Ham in

    Australia just tending to nagasako pedals right before the start penultimate heat here round one men’s team Sprint and Japan the favored of these two teams Poland in the back straight and a good start by the Asian Continental Champions as they go down the back straight slight Advantage for

    Them finishing off the first lap and it should be Japan slightly in front and as Continental Champions they’re in slightly different kit that’s what the stripes are off to a good start similar styles from both of the teams they’re a good Gap half a second ahead for the

    Japanes oara comes through with a handy lead s of a second so they should be able to finish this one off with the win the time that’s what becomes important now they need to go faster than 42.8 N9 to beat the Chinese team and they have

    Done that that so they are the fastest winners so far they guaranteed themselves a spot in the race for gold and silver with only one more race to come and that’s with the favorites the fastest qualifiers Australia they are up next but Japan job well done season best

    For them they should be very pleased with that performance it will put them in the gold medal right off it’ll also give them confidence it was a very clean ride uh from the Japanese team it was a very clean ride from the Polish team as well uh now they came through with 43.4

    To0 so also significantly faster than their ride this morning point4 of a second faster for the Polish team looking very neat but it was not enough uh to beat the Japanese they look very good very well trained the Japanese Squad the Asian Champions and we mention the coaches Ben

    Waa 2 and Jason nibet they also had Anthony Pon up until recently also working with that program so such accomplished and well-liked good team management kind of personnel that they have involved with that program they’re doing such a good job ceter the Czech Republic up against Australia the

    Fastest qualifiers and ceter they were eighth quickest with a 43989 versus 42.4 44 with Australia we have had a change from the start lineup in qualifying so Matthew Glazer now coming in to replace Tom Cornish Lee Hoffman such an incredible first Rider Lee Hoffman gets them underway again Matthew Richardson in second position

    And with Cornish coming out with Matthew glater coming in and for Ceta it’s balakov in the first position topinka in position number two and then chetman will be finishing them off position number three on the left hand side of the screen the Australian team 42.4 44 they road this morning they’ll be

    Looking to better that Chia 43.9 89 the Calm before the storm final heat men’s team Sprint underway this is round one and you can see the effort from the middleman Matthew Richardson to make sure that he doesn’t lose out to the incredibly fast Lee Hoffman 17.8 for the first lap in qualifying and

    As he comes through this time time and again the fastest lap 17.2 a little bit slower off the start than they were in qualifying but he’s delivered the next riders with such great speed the Australians solid they’ve increased their lead now to over a second Richardson job done now glater to finish

    Things off and that familiar tuck position from the big powerful West Southern Australian I should say from Adelaide here on the home boards he’s ridden track so many times and a 42.3 to9 they get the win they’ve got the quickest time and they will go into the

    Race for gold and silver so it will be Australia versus Japan Racing for gold and Silvera that’s going to be a fascinating final later on in the program tonight well there’ll be more than a second margin between the fastest time that the Australians have registered which was just then in 42.

    329 and the Japanese 42.7 73 the Czech team there 43.7 60 they can be pleased with that ride that’s a very solid ride from their team so Australia versus Japan Racing for gold and Silvera later on tonight and it will be Great Britain versus China a

    China a the quicker of those two teams so that’ll be a fascinating final as well and about point2 of a second between China a and Great Britain they’ll be racing for the bronze good solid start from the silver medalists in the world championships last year Australia there’s confirmation

    Japan versus versus Australia China a versus Great Britain well on on paper it’s ended we’ll come to the finals as it will have uh from the world ranking from the world championships in Glasgow last year we now moved on to the women’s teams Pursuit and we’ve got the finals on they

    Rode both the qualifying and the first round this morning and looking back here at the team Sprint a beautifully clean start from both teams the acceleration Scott Matthew glater just that tuck position so aerodynamic for a big powerful man Australia versus Canada women’s team Pursuit this is the race for the bronze

    Medal Australia has made a change with Sophie Edwards coming in to replace mave plof and Sophie joined by Chloe Moran Alex Manley and Georgia Baker and for Canada it’s Maggie K’s Lista Sarah vanam Arian bonom and Fiona Majin well this is the third combination that the Australians have used uh in

    This competition so they are testing out different combinations to see if they can maximize their time and we’re underway this is the race for the bronze medal women’s team pursued Australia versus Canada two very accomplished Nation throughout the last couple of decades at the Olympic Games and World Championships and so many different

    Combinations over those years Chloe Moran was the starter for the Australian team Maggie koh’s Lista took them out of the gate for the Canadian the they’re trending toward doing longer starts traditionally a rider would do 3/4 of a lap or a lap in a quarter but now uh

    They’re trending toward doing two laps at once and that’s what we’ve seen from both teams here before they do make that first turn8 of a second was the difference between these two in the previous round and we have seen that change with ma plof coming out and Sophie Edwards

    Coming in austral were the faster of these two squads but we’ll see if they changing formation gives them perhaps even a bigger advantage point three of a second now as they come around after three laps well the Australians struggled in the first round uh with their combination it the time doesn’t

    Necessarily reflect uh what happened out on track where there are a few gaps that opened up uh Canada were very neat they’ve had exceptionally good form um so far in this competition slightly down to the Australians though point2 of a second now so it was3 brought it back

    Just a little bit so this is a tight one so far Australia with the advantage going out just that little bit quicker but Canada holding on both teams getting coached you can see from the inside of the track getting the indication of where they sit for to start with the

    Schedule the predetermined schedule they think that they can ride a particular time they’ll go around at that Tempo and as they get a bit deeper into the race then the coach may switch it up and tell them where they exactly sit compared to the team on the other side of the track

    And then it’s a race to the end and this is quite a change up in the qualifying there was 4 seconds between the Australian and the Canadian team now the Australians still have a margin but it is ever so slight well it has flipped and it almost flipped again then so

    Canada did get back in front slightly now Australia back there but it is neck and neck as they come through and they’ll be coming around to get seven laps to go and the Canadians have lost Fiona mendi they are down to three riders only three need to finish for the time and

    Sometimes it plays into the tactics it’s more efficient to have one Rider burn all their matches and then get out of the way and let the other the Riders deliver them to the finish the Australian team looking neater than they did in earlier rounds but the margin is

    Still very tight you say that but we can see the second Rider just a little bit off the wheel we see the Canadians down to 3.5 of a second is the gap so it has gone out for Australia a Australia remember A and B two teams in qualifying

    But it’s the faster the more dominant team that’s out there now now the second Rider has swung up they were in a bit of trouble the Australians and that’s why the Gap has come right can they reconcile this now with three Riders to try and get themselves back in front

    Well that was Georgia Baker who was pulling the very strong turn on the front one of the senior members of the team’s Pursuit Squad and it was Khloe Moran who struggled to hold the wheel but again it is not a disaster to be down to three r as it plays into the

    Tactics it is tight Canada are now leading the Australians Chloe has been ill coming into the competition so CH Moran a little bit under the weather feeling it we could see see that out there but now Canada in front 4 of a second coming around with two laps to go

    And it’s the Canadians now so that up and down in speed for the Australians has been detrimental can they bring themselves back they’ve only got almost one lap to go before they can get themselves back in front and this is the biggest margin we’ve seen but it’s going

    The way of Canada this is the race for the bronze medal Australia is coming back on this final lap it’s Georgia Baker that leads them down the back straight she has got them back in to the front it has been a seesaw battle for the bronze medal here in Adelaide and

    Australia has got themselves back in front ahead of Canada to claim the bronze the fastest time they’ve ridden here today as well 4:14 good result but it was not quite as neat as they were hoping it is nearly exactly the same time in fact 100th of the time they rode in qualifying but

    That was real come upin for the Australians who with just one lap to go looked like they were out out of contention Georgia Baker did a sensational time but can I say what an exceptional job Canada has done they qualified this morning in a

    418 and they just did not look to be on the competitive form that we’ve come to expect from the Canadians over the years but wasn’t that a great fantastic race from both teams pushing all the way to the very line toing and throwing in in the lead

    Over those last final laps for the Australians they did have that that Bobble when Co Moran was struggling in second position so they did have a slow Imp in Pace from that situation they had to fight themselves back into the win so that was a really courageous performance

    From then race for the gold now though New Zealand versus Great Britain gold and silver medalists from the world championships in Glasgow last year so this will be a fantastic race between these two superpowers of women’s team Pursuit Now new New Zealand rode an absolutely Sensational time in the first

    Round this morning uh 49259 absolutely incredible Time 4 seconds off what they qualified in 413 Great Britain very consistent 412 311 in the qualifying 411 438 in the second round they did have both teams had a ride a change from the first qualifying to the second round the New Zealand in the

    Final now Emily Sheran Samantha Donnelly Ali walliston and brownie Botha Ali walliston has been in incredible form already this season she won the first stage of the women’s tour down under for Great Britain we’ve got Anna Morris josy Knight Elanor Barker and Katie Archbold wonderful to see Elanor Barker back uh

    After becoming a mom not too long ago Sensational uh to have her back at this level coached by the Australian Cameron Meyer and her sister Meg was in the previous round now Elanor comes in to race the final so sisters Racing for victory here New Zealand versus Great

    Britain It’s the final the race for gold here in Adelaide and will be the first goal second gold medal of the track Nations cup after the men’s elimination we’ve seen tonight with Dylan Bick from Canada getting the win the world champions up against the silver medalists and Canada

    In a good formation but look at that the world Champs just a little bit ragged with caty archeal stroke to get onto the back wheel has been a rapid start from them which is perhaps why with the New Zealand slightly down well New Zealand is traditionally the fastest uh starters

    In the women’s team’s Pursuit the first kilometer it’s not unusual for them to go through in around of 108 where the other teams uh are around the 109 for Great Britain to start so quickly and in front in fact be up on New Zealand in that first and second lap it indicates

    To me that they’re not out there worrying about the time they’re out there to race and they know that if they can keep level if they can prevent the New Zealand team from even gaining that Advantage from a fast start they’re really in the race 6 of a second now as they go

    Through the first kilometer four laps of the race have been completed and New Zealand with a strong position at the moment but Katie archal who is such a Powerhouse of women cycling about to hit the front for Great Britain let’s see with The Gap at 1.1 seconds really

    Starting to go away of New Zealand what can Katy Aral do to try and wrestle this back in the favor of Great Britain well she was originally not going to ride the team Pursuit here she’s had a period of injury uh but she is an absolute Legend

    In this sport has her name firmly etched in the history books and a reputation for being tough as Nails 1.5 is the Gap it’s going out 1.6 now so this is really interesting to see the world champions might come undone versus New Zealand New Zealand have gone the fastest so far

    49259 the Brits have been consistent but 411 is the fastest time they recorded in this competition on paper Scott certainly the New Zealand team looks to be in better form but we have seen the heat start to affect some of the teams in the third round and that’s what we saw with the

    Australians and the Canadians such a close competition New Zealand down to three Riders now 1.4 the Gap has come back it went out to 1.8 the biggest margin that we’ve seen now 1.4 and they’re down to three Riders the world champions from Great Britain still four

    Riders now down to 1.1 So Great Britain starting to come back they’re also down to three Riders so three versus three but Great Britain have lifted the pace somewhat well Great Britain are known to really rally in the back in New Zealand are known to start exceptionally fast it’s

    Not overly surprising to see at this point in the Race 1.2 seconds it’s not something for Great Britain to necessarily be too worried about but the fact that they went out quite fast quite explosively in order to prevent this blowing out too much it’s going half a

    Lap up half a lap slightly down but the new Zealand is certainly maintaining that advantage of one and a half seconds Samantha donelly from New Zealand and Anna Morris from Great Britain the two riders that have done their job and pull up and out of the way and Anna moris

    Fairly new to cycling she was in Triathlon for a long time and now she’s in the national team with Elena Barker who she went to high school with in Cardiff they didn’t race together because Anna wasn’t a cyclist now they’ve reunited as world champions extraordinary 1.1 seconds is the margin

    Great Britain with one lap to go I think it might be too much to ask of them they’re down to 7 they are coming it was Katie archall putting in an incredible turn of pace but I don’t think they’ve got enough track left to get the better

    Over New Zealand as they get themselves into formation coming up to the Finish Line it will be close but New Zealand get the win down to three of a second great fight back from Great Britain the world champions but the silver medalists from the worlds last year New Zealand

    Come Away on top in in Adelaide a bit of an upset for the Brits wearing that resplendent world champions Jersey but what a sensational ride from the New Zealand team they’ve posted the fastest time in this competition a time that would have won them the World Championships last year in Glasgow so

    It’s not just about the timing of form they are certainly have’ stepped up a level in an olympic year Well taking momentum into the season is so important isn’t it so started 2024 in fine form all the talk last year was about Great Britain being back at the very top and

    They haven’t been very far away from it even if they haven’t been winning world titles but New Zealand are coming just at the right time so great result for New Zealand to get the win here in Adelaide First Nations cup of the Year maximum points for them and that will

    Guarantee them maximum qualification spots for the Olympic team a very smooth start for the New Zealand team out of the blocks very pleased with their effort it’s always great to see the camaraderie afterwards rolling around patting each other on the back so often cycling is perceived as an individual sport when

    You look at events like Road cycling but it’s a team sport but we don’t often see them competing together so explicitly in teams as we do on the track so New Zealand Great Britain and Australia gold silver and bronze in the women’s team Pursuit here in Adelaide

    The First Nations cup track Nations cup for the UCI thanks to tiso timing and the adelay super dram looking Splendid certainly not a new facility but it is in fantastic form they’ve taken excellent care of it and it is looking really good well it’s such regular use both the South Australian

    Sports Institute and the arra Australian national team using this as their training base so it’s constantly being used and they have had to take out the gym the actual Gym training session area which is normally here in the center of the track they took that out just to

    Make enough room I wouldn’t have liked to have been tasked with the job of removing all of the weights did wonder how that happened that’s now the media center so the media center have a nice uh soft fall uh under it uh but we are going to move to the presentation

    Soon so two medals have been decided two events men’s elimination and as we just saw the women’s team Pursuit men’s team Pursuit coming up the team Sprint finals and the men’s elimin the women’s elimination I should say coming up as well on the program tonight scrambling to get the

    Presentation and the DI all sorted and ready to go Riders still doing their warm up or warm down as well for the events they’ve either done or coming have coming up and that’s the Australian team compound as we can see the right hand side CL Moran and Ma plof having rid of

    A chat conversation Tim Decker the back of the national Coach Ron White as well on the right hand side at the bottom recognizing the back of someone’s head we’ll have the awards ceremony for the elimination and then we’ll have the team Sprint uh finals after that third

    And fourth and first and second of course we’re looking for the gold silver and bronze medal there it’s a sensational night of racing the crowd has been increasing throughout the night and very vocal we’ve got some fantastic uh crowd members with signs they’re getting very creative with the signs and

    They’re plenty of fans as well you can see people Fanning away it is quite warm in here it’s going to be heating up a little bit more over the weekend as well and we can go down and actually hear from our world champion oh sorry our Nations Cup champion Dylan Bick who

    From Canada the youngster Who Come Away with the win in the Elimination we’ll see him in the presentation soon but let’s hear from him now yeah it feels great a win is always nice My First Nations cup win Dylan a great way to start your year

    How does that feel feels great My First Nations cup win it’s uh in my mind it’s about time I get a win on the Nations cup it’s a great feeling uh and you controlled A lot of that race early were you confident to let the Australian lead

    In the the last few laps yeah I’ll admit he actually outsmarted me in the in the last lap but I just had the power yeah and how are you enjoying the adade super drum I actually really like it it’s like a nice like uh homey feeling it’s like

    It’s hard to explain like most Vel dromes are very like industrial and but this is like a nice like casual feeling I love it and you’ll take this confidence into tomorrow yeah I know this is definitely like a perfect warmup for tomorrow thank you he’s a young man in a hurry already a

    World champion silver medalist in this event the elimination at the world Champs in Glasgow the super Worlds the first ever World Championships with all of the cycling disciplines that come under the UCI Banner in the one place at the one time it was Sensational and he did get the silver medal in the

    Elimination but a winner here in Adelaide at the UCI track Nations cup and we expect to see some good things from him in the omnium as well as we go throughout this season heading towards the Olympic Games in Paris they’re the three riders that will be awarded the

    Medals Mr Kip calman on the leth hand side general manager of sport and almost everything else at Oz cycling and a good crowd in here on the Friday night very toasty it is going to be warming up to just over 30° 32° over the next couple of days so be very

    Toasty inside the super Drome here uncomfortable for us as Spectators and commentators but makes it fast for the action for the Riders it does on this kind of valad Drome when it is hot and dry and it’s quite dry conditions here in Adelaide it’s perfect for the wood to make

    It very tough and very fast the Riders prefer those conditions and they do a lot of precooling to make sure that they can handle it and not overheat and you might be able to hear the venue announcer in the background Matthew pointer just letting everybody know that

    The presentations the first of the three days is about to take place the men’s elimination final and it was Grant Kunz in the bronze medal position for the USA the head of Blake agnoletto from Australia and Dylan bibik from Canada coming away with the gold medal good

    Ride from Grant CS as well to Come Away with a good result for the uses fantastic Grace the elimination it’s very good to see the Americans back on the podium as well the women’s program’s been exceptionally strong over the years but it’s taken some time to

    Rebuild the men’s program uh and it’s a fantastic sign in an olympic year which is always where all of the Nations do their best to be on the podium and the Australian Madison Champion along with Kell O’Brien back in December and Blake angero already on a podium in

    Elimination at a Nations cup and now backing that up with a second place here silver medal to Blake great ride for the AR Australian national team and a regular name now on podiums at World Championships and Nations cup Dylan bibik from Canada such a strong Rider perhaps the one we mentioned the

    Least throughout that Elimination race which is an indication that he’s riding tactically well up front and out of the way [Applause] the first medals awarded here in the three-day track Nations cup and it’s Canada that lead the way a very proud moment for any Rider to win in their national colors and while

    Cycling traditionally has been a European dominated sport Canada Australia and USA on the podium the first presentation here in Adelaide I was going to say all English speakers but I dare say Dylan speaks French almost as fluently as his English yes well we’re a third of the way

    Through the first night of racing in the finals we’ve seen our first gold medal presentation the Australian having his photo taken by former Australian Olympian Steph Morton her father so she’s stepped away from the Val Drome but her father is still here uh taking some wonderful photos and part of the

    Community and next up we will see the team Sprint finals the women’s team Sprint finals and then after that uh we will be watching the presentations for the women’s teams Pursuit which we just saw play out Georgia Baker just getting herself ready for her next race Sophie

    Edwards the Australians there ma plof as well so getting a good look at all the Australians as they are preparing themselves for some top-notch racing here in Adelaide this is the home of their training facility the Adelaide super Drome built in 1993 and I was fortunate enough to be at

    That very first event held to open the V Drome itself and it has been so well used ever since by this group in particular as the base of the AR Australian team well we’ve had a really good attendance here by the countries saw a lot of fantastic social

    Media posts from the Europeans as they were flying over they had some wonderful Contraptions uh technology that they were using to keep their legs fresh on the Long Haul flight uh we’re looking at the New Zealand Trio lining up for the women’s team Sprint I thought you were going to talk

    About the the social Comedia photos we saw of the Internationals with Kangaroos and koalas when they got here so many them going to the local Wildlife Park and cuddling koalas and padding kangaroos no Roger kuger uh had these fantastic compression tight things on sound very old saying tight things on

    But they look like some great technology uh that the athletes use for the Long Hall and it’s something that the Australian athletes are very accustomed to taking long flights uh to get to Europe get around the world to race the Europeans tend not to have to do it as

    Much but the UCI have done a great job in getting cycling around the globe New Zealand getting themselves ready for the women’s team Sprint finals Elise Andrews Rebecca petch and Shan Fulton and they’ll be racing against Poland New Zealand the faster of these two teams in the previous round so they

    Are ranked in the home straight with Poland in the back straight Nicola cak maren kvaka Anda loss we’ve already seen uh these teams right earlier this evening they had qualifying this morning and then both of the round one and then the finals in the evening the teams Pursuit have it the

    Other way around they do two rounds in close proximity in the morning program the reflective lens on The Cask helmet shows quite a picture of the VR in front gives us a bit of an Insight of what uh they’re about to face in terms of Olympic qualification the top eight

    Nations in the team Sprints get to go to the Paris Olympic Games so very important for the teams to get maximum points here New Zealand versus Poland this is the race for the bronze medal in the women’s team Sprint and and a false start and fortunately both teams pulling up

    Immediately so saving some energy but it will be a slight delay as they come back around put themselves back into the start gate to get going again great view to see who it was front straight or back straight New Zealand or Poland and I think that was New Zealand

    Rer number two well they’ve changed the order they’ve got the same three Riders petch Andrews and Fulton uh but in round one it was patch that started them off Elise Andrews will be starting them off this time 47.4 01 they rode in that first round Poland they rode 47.4 63 the new

    Zealanders ever so slightly faster but a very tight competition expected and because it is so tight because we’re riding here for a bronze medal It’s Not Unusual that we see those nerves and those false starts it’s quite a common sight in fact uh in the team Sprint and

    A false start can’t happen from the rider in the gate it’s one of the Riders above the track sometimes to mitigate that they push the Riders back 10 cm they start them back so that even if they do accelerate but even if they don’t cross that line they’re not

    Allowed to accelerate Off the Mark Mark noticeably before that start gun fires so both bikes now going in Poland first bike in New Zealand just putting theirs in so good view here now that premature start for New Zealand it’s ever so slight just enough they’re quick on the trigger commas

    Say as are the Riders they have to be on both sides the commissaires have done a sensational job so far today they’re running a tight ship but they’re not being overly punitive at all just keeping the riders in line with the regulations reset we can see the second

    Rider from Poland just with the angle when she’s come up onto the start line just had the back wheel slightly higher than the front wheel so she can get it slight downhill run off the start line New Zealand second Rider though dead straight with the boards well New

    Zealand beat France in the first round Poland beat Canada in the first round they now face off each other with barely a difference 47404 versus 47.4 63 for the Polish team Race for the bronze medal New Zealand versus Poland women’s team Sprint and both teams underway this time without

    Any problems getting themselves quickly into formation and at the first half lap split it was was Poland with the fastest start New Zealand the faster of these two in the previous round we expect New Zealand to start fighting back right now as the second Rider comes onto the track

    Well Poland have the fastest start uh out of these teams that are in the top four but the margin it has already narrowed the New Zealand team they are back and nudging just in front it’s New Zealand leading down the back straight half a lap to go Poland trying to fight

    Back it’s a race for the bronze medal New Zealand vers versus Poland and New Zealand coming into the finishing straight just in front to get the win so bronze medal goes to New Zealand 47.3 n was the time versus 47.68 so 3/10 of a second was the

    Difference in the end but a good fight back from New Zealand after that fast start from Poland and of the fastest time in the competition for New Zealand as well so they’ve had an improvement each time they’ve hit the track which is very impressive the start order has been

    Changed between rounds and so it looks to me as though they’re tweaking their positions and they’re really trying to find out what is the fastest combination despite the fact that Poland started exceptionally fast New Zealand really had the consistency to bring that home New Zealand have we’ve just seen them uh

    Come out on top in the women’s team’s Puro they’ll na now take home a bronze medal in the women’s team Sprint it’s been a successful competition for our friends across the street well Lise Andrews the current world Kieran Champion she’ll be looking at the individual sprinting Kieran coming up as

    Well expecting to do well there now the race for the gold Med medal Great Britain versus China a Emma fukin Kat Marchant and Sophie capewell up against leing Wang yuang gal and shanju B the fastest time ridden by Great Britain in the competition has been 46.9 but they have by far the fastest

    Starting lap with 1885 uh in the last round they are marginally faster than the Chinese team China a riding 46.276720 but we do expect they’re both very quick starters China slightly faster in that first lap don’t be surprised if we see them go through leading the race for Gold women’s team

    Sprint underway It’s Great Britain versus China a and Great Britain’s slightly faster in the previous round so they are the favorite team that started in the home straight but you have to do it when it really counts and so far slightly quicker for great bridon but a

    Big problem broken saddle for the second Rider from China Great Britain have still continued on but the broken seat on the rider from China incredible that she was able to not go down she held it upright incredible skills as we see Great Britain come through to finish off

    Their race and they’ll go through to try and do whatever time they can and see where they compare in the grand scheme of preparation towards the Paris Olympic games but that was a close call for China a that was a look it’s a sensational uh ride from the Brits the competition

    Wasn’t what we thought that was just an absolutely hair raising moment the CH the skill of the Chinese Riders all three of them is absolutely incredible to be able to save that that was EU Fang gal who lost her saddle mid race and managed to still stay

    Upright and to ride around round to safety what an incredible skill level now a gold medal will go to the British team so congratulations uh to them 46.0 23 so the fastest time for them for this competition so well worth persisting uh for that Trio of fuken Katie Marin and

    Sophie capewell um but I have to again say Scott what an impressive show of skill uh from those three Chinese ladies who managed to stay safe after such a catastro catastrophic equipment failure so we have a look back now at the start final preparation for these two teams it

    Was the second Rider from China great start there from Great Britain looking really good as they were going through with their first rer completing that opening lap and on the other side of the track though that’s where it all went wrong for China a very unfortunate to

    See that second Riders seat break but just incredible to keep it upright they have been looking around the bottom of the track to make sure that all the bits and pieces and parts of the bike have been picked up and they won’t be in the way of the next race there’s the culprit

    The saddle under the arm and I wonder if it’s a breakage or that it’s just come loose they typically just bolted onto the bike they may have come undone I wouldn’t expect that to happen though you would expect some sort of breakage to see a seat come on come off the bike

    Like that it is very unusual but you Fang gal I’ll give her a gold medal for skills for holding that up uh in that moment and the Brits well done to continue on uh in some uncertainty and to post the fastest time of the competition it’s an Olympic year there’s

    Often a bit of competition within the team Scott to make sure you get those critical Olympic spots there will only be three riders that are able to go to the Olympics uh for both the men and the women so they are trying different combinations now here is our final classification

    And this is what happened earlier today we see Germany there not classified because they were disqualified the defending world champions and ping grabos the starter was distraught after having that issue this morning now if we look back to what happened to China a this is where it all went wrong and look

    At that bit was the first Rider sorry not the second Rider it was my mistake there it was the first Rider and that’s why the second and third Riders were just as lucky to not go down if well it was remarkable from all three of them

    And it looked as though GA just rode was riding on the tip of the saddle and it gave way but it’s not unusual to sit very forward on a saddle uh so no fault on her part but an incredible show of skill from all three of the Chinese

    Ladies hard and mouth stuff there that’s for sure and while we we do have the presentations coming up for the team Pursuit and it was the kiwis that come away off the win let’s hear from our new champions from New Zealand Bion uh great way to start your

    Year and it’s a very big year how does that feel yeah I think we’re super St with that um you know coming topic Year we’re not peing at the moment but I think it’s a good place to start and I think we can only go better from here so

    We’re looking forward to what we can do throughout the rest of the year into the games and Ally what was the strategy today over all three rides um I think just consistency across the day uh we swapped a couple of riders in and out so just adapting uh within the rounds and

    Tring a couple of new things I think we had a few questions we wanted answered today and uh did a pretty good job of answering them so yeah I think the strategy was yeah I’d say just consistency across the day and this is as close to a home track Nations cup as

    It comes for you girls uh does it feel a little special yeah super cool you know we’ve got like quite a few family members up on the stands at the moment so we can hear them cheering for us and it’s just awesome having that support here um yeah

    Big smiles on the faces of the new zealanders that was a fantastic win to get the better of the world champions from Great Britain so that was a really good confidence booster for them as well going towards the next Nations cup Hong Kong is the next one on the program then

    It’s Milton in Canada and then of course the focus is on Paris for the Olympic Games and the first battle has been won by New Zealand over Great Britain but there are so many factors that are involved the training schedules the programs the heavy workloads that some of these

    Nations are on compared to others trying to train through the Nations cup to make sure they’re at their absolute best when they do get to Paris the wonderful SS of the super drum here in Adelaide and looking over the roof towards the city of Adelaide you can see just in the left

    Hand side at the top of the screen beaches down to the the right the Adelaide Hills up to the left this is the suburb of Jeep’s cross and the hockey stadium is also just by Night nearby the vad Drome here fantastic spot in North Adelaide and the women’s team Pursuit

    Presentation not too far from being conducted the Aussies in the background bronze medal for them and Australian commer Lee H is either telling them a story or giving them a talking to it’s hard to tell by the faces uh M plof doesn’t look particularly impressed Alex Manley’s giggling and Katie archal full of

    Questions yeah looks like she’s got a few things on her mind that’s a caption this kind of shot that one was women’s team Pursuit presentations now all of the Riders who competed in at least one round of the team’s Pursuit are able to attend uh the

    Ceremony and get a medal and that is why we are s seeing five Riders from both the Australian Team New Zealand team and the British team so Australia with the bronze medal Alex Manley ma plof po Moran Georgia Baker and on the right hand side Sophie Edwards Kip calman doing the

    Presentations well Sophie Edwards off to ride a road race in a couple of days Australia’s longest race the Melbourne to warnable she was the champion there last year so she wanted to come here and perform for her country but I think she’s also pretty Keen to duck off uh

    And defend her title there it’s been a big summer for the Australian Riders and for any of the foreign Riders who’ve come out early to ride the tour down under and the cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race we’re seeing some familiar names from the road racing Ali walliston

    From New Zealand uh she won the first World Tour race of the Women’s World Tour this year and uh now she’s won the first World Cup gold medal for the women’s endurance bronze medal for Australia and a silver medal for the world champions from Great Britain Katie

    AR Bal Ela Barker her sister me Barker Jesse KN and Anna Morris so sisters on the podium and two schoolmates as well with Morris and Ellena Barker it’s a story That Couldn’t Write itself friendship and Family Affair for Great Britain it’s great to see Elanor Barker back we mentioned earlier she’s

    Just become a mother so it’s fantastic to see her passion for the sport reignited and back on the bike so a confidence booster though for New Zealand getting the better of the world champions here so great to see New Zealand on the top step they were silver medalists at the World Championships

    Last year but Great Britain and New Zealand were the standout nations in Glasgow at the world Champs they reversed the positions here in Adela kick off the start of the Season New Zealand coming away with the gold medal here at the track Nations cup thanks to tiso so great performances from them

    Brownie Botha Ellie walliston Samantha Donley Emily Sherman you mentioned the road Riders walliston getting that first stage win of the Santos to and under for the women and we saw Sam wellsford in the team p for Australia as well winning three stages in the tour down

    Under philipo gner is here El Vivani as well in the men’s races so plenty of the riders that have come out to do the tour down are doing this track Nations cup as well which is fantastic yeah Josh tying another one for the Brits same for the Australian women’s

    Team Theo team Georgia Baker and Ma plof Alex Manley all racing Sophie Edwards as well so New Zealand getting gold in the women’s team Pursuit ahead of Great Britain the world Champs and Australia a Australia with two teams representing their second team doing some pretty good

    Results as well and so good for up towards 10 Riders from each nation in Australia’s example to get some experience at this level and the training camp that goes into it it’s really good to have depth in numbers when it comes to the team events it certainly is and they’ve been

    Riding exceptionally Fast Times here uh as well which is always great to see conditions and their times can vary really quite wildly between Vel drones I I think a lot of people uh when they’re just watching the major events that are always on great facilities and fast

    Tracks They think that a time is a time on a Vel Drome it certainly is not the conditions can really affect it uh now I’ve just ducked into the weather app Scott 37° it’s expected to be here on Sunday uh so I think some of the teams

    Will be a little bit bummed because the track will certainly be lightning fast and it’s beauti beautiful it looks like an armadillo from the overhead it is known as the armadillo absolutely and sun setting over the beaches here in Anala always fantastic in the evening you see just the left hand side there

    All the containers that have been brought in for the Nations to lock up their equipment each night and there was a BMX facility on the right hand side a series of jumps when they first built this facility not under actual BMX track but just a series of jumps for practice and training

    Hasn’t been used for a very long time but the track it’s getting used multiple times a week so much action inside thisel Drome in terms of training for the South Australian Sports Institute which is run by Brett Aken my old teammate and of course the national team the a Australian national

    Team it is a beautiful facility we’re very lucky in Australia to have a lot of worldclass vomes in all of the major cities Brisbane has hosted the most recent World Cup cup Sydney has also hosted uh some World Cups it’s been 27 years since they’ve been here in

    Adelaide and the locals well they don’t forget that they’re very happy to have uh an event of this caliber back we’re looking at the men’s teams pursue now the very Steely glaze of philipo Gana ellia viviani uh he was seated there next to him now viviani didn’t ride the

    Qualifying and the Italians did not perform to a level that they previously have they’ve now swapped him in uh for round one and it was him being swapped in that Squad change that saw their time improve so significantly that it catapulted them up into now the bronze medal final they

    Were very unlucky to miss the gold medal final uh but these are the opportunities where they learn ahead of the Olympic Games they try their different squads men’s team Pursuit and it’s the finals the race for bronze Italy versus New Zealand so we mentioned IIA viviani and

    Filipo GH I have davad boscaro and Franchesco lamon lemon it is that’s on the gold bike it’s being put into the start position he’s an Olympic champion in the team Pursuit alongside filipo Vivani himself gold medalist in the omnium from 2016 Marco Villa National coach spent many a Time Racing against

    Marco Villa such a calm and controlled coach he has done a masterful job of preparing the Italian team to win that gold medal in Tokyo and be so consistent at World Championship level New Zealand in the back straight Aaron gate Campbell Stewart Keegan hornblow and Tom

    Seon should be a good race between these two both teams expecting to medal in Paris at the Olympics this year the race for bronze men’s team Pursuit Franchesco Lon on that beautiful gold pinell bicycle getting the Italian team up and going and they had their secret weapon in filipo

    Ghana well the Italians in the first round rode 349 1 190 the New Zealand team 349 980 the world record of course is held by the Italians who were the Olympic champions in 34232 the Italians have improved significantly from the qualifying round now they have gone out exceptionally fast they’re a

    Second up after two and a half laps almost at this rate in the same straight As the New Zealand Squad now this isn’t necessarily what’s going to happen in the race in the overall Spectrum but Italy have certainly set out to win you can win this race in two ways you can

    Either cross the line first with the quickest time or if you catch the other team and overlap before the 4 km has expired that can also win you the race we have seen in the past teams go out exceptionally fast as though their Finish Line is only after 2 km and aim

    To catch the team I don’t think that’s what we’re looking at here but certainly Italy are off to a very fast and very solid start over a second advantage over the New Zealand Team New Zealand just doing a little bit of effort there to bring it back to 0 n of a second now back out to one so it’s just going up and down but only by a tenth of a second as Philip boana leads the Italians through for his first turn

    Couple laps typically by gner for his first turn but it’s the second turn as they come towards the end where he really really does make a consistent difference to bring them back up to Absolute full speed so Ghana still leads through 1.2 seconds is the advantage 13.7 was the indication from Marco Villa

    To the team so that was their lap time 13.7 seconds for a lap well filipo gner we know that he’s an exceptionally consistent Rider when he’s done the world hour record he has set a very similar pace for an entire hour he knows he’s pacing very well you can pick him

    Because he is the largest frame in that team the New Zealand team are not losing any more ground but they’re also not gaining any back both teams down to three Riders now we saw David bascar has swung off from New Zealand so that leaves Lon Vivani who’s on the front and

    Ghana in second position New Zealand coming through and they’ve got a really tight margin now down to3 of a second so New Zealand really fighting well to get back into the mix here as GH takes control of the Italian team he has been The X Factor for the Italians over the

    Last four or 5 years but New Zealand holding on three of a second with three laps remaining they’re on a very similar time schedule to what they did in the first round 349 from both teams 49.1 for the Italians 49.9 from the new zealanders and they’ll come around with

    500 M remaining it’s still Philip o on the front you can see the Gap just starting to nudge out even more it’s all down to this man the powerful Italian Philipe bogana the world hour record holder the world record holder in the team Pursuit and the individual Pursuit

    And with one lap to go it will be the Philip bana lead Italian team that will come around to claim the bronze medal here tonight 1.5 seconds is the margins they go down the back straight it was tight for most of the race but the Italians came through to shine and it’s

    A bronze medal going to the riders in those beautiful blue skin suits from Italy but Philip oana does it again incredible comeback when you have a man like him the question is can you hang on to his wheel That’s How Strong he is at the end well Sensational ride and when

    In their qualifying they vote a 353 uh which I was a bit surprised at but they have taken manilo Morrow has gone out viviani has come in and another 349 from the Italian 349 825 the new zealanders 352 073 they left a lot in the first round the New Zealand team uh

    But it is not a surprise to see the Italian team on the podium perhaps a surprised to see them in bronze but they’ve come back very well uh from a falter in that qualifying round and with Vivani coming in one of the factors there is very limited number of spots

    Per Nation at the Olympic games this year he is the 2016 World Olympic omnium champion as we see the preparations just before coming together Band of Brothers great ride by the Italians but for viviani to have another go at riding the omnium and Madison at the Olympic

    Games he really does need to be in the team Pursuit which he hasn’t traditionally been a member of in the past so that’s why we’re seeing IIA step up and ride for Italy here in the Nations cup so good on him shows that he really does have sight set again on

    Paris he’s a sensational teams foro Rider so I’m really pleased to have him out there the race for gold and silver now Australia versus Great Britain wellsford O’Brien moratti and lei it’s James moratti in the start position mariati didn’t ride the qualifying but he did ride the first round ree Brittain William tidball

    Charlie tanfield and Joshy Tarling riding for Great Britain Josh taring the European time trial Champion uh he will be playing a similar role to what Ghana did in the Italian team the final for gold and silver Australia a versus Great Britain men’s team pursued and moratti getting the

    Australians up to speed con lay in second position the other side of the track as they come through after half a lap and it’s a slightly quicker start for Great Britain too early to call Britain slightly slower in the previous round compared to Australia and only one

    10th of a second is the difference after one lap of the track completed now into formation getting themselves up to full speed well both teams a fast STS Australia has gone through in a 1 2 three in the earlier rounds for the first kilometer Great Britain also in a one two three

    We’re expecting this to be a very tight race from the start one team not known for being overly faster starters than the other unlike what we’ve seen uh in some of the other head-to-head matches three of a second now Great Britain leading over Australia 12 laps to go the first kilometer completes and

    102.3 for Great Britain so very fast first four laps they are on the same schedule as this morning 3:48 both of the teams the Australian and the Brits not a lot to set them Apart both teams needing to consolidate through this midsection we have some seen some team fractures around down the 2 1/2 km mark3 difference the Great Britain team are up they’ll come through shortly at 2 km Mark we expect that to be under the 2 minutes Josh tling leads him down the

    Back straight and has put a little bit of extra distance between themselves for Great Britain and Australia five of a second now so ton with a really good turn of pace on the front for Great Britain just squeezing the pressure onto the Australians point 6 now almost 7 of

    A second So Great Britain just starting to take a little bit of control here in the final of the men’s team Pursuit tidball now comes through both teams still with four Riders well over the halfway point now and 6 of a second down to4 so a good

    Fight back from Australia this is a tight race between these two powerhouses of track cycling such traditional countries in the temp over the years Great Britain in more recent times a little bit more dominant than the Australians but both teams down down to three Riders as they get five laps to

    Go ooh and we’re head-to-head absolutely now we’ll come around in this next lap to see their 3 km times both of the teams in the earlier Rounds Around the 3489 Mark and it’s Point 2 of a second Great Britain still holding on very close between the two it was Kell line that

    Brought them back right equal pegging with Great Britain for Australia but both teams down to three cannot make a mistake now third Rider is where the time is taken so they must stay together and we’ve seen in PR te for shoots of the past pressure points like this this

    Is where the Riders start to really feel the stress with only three Riders left to race two laps to go and the British team you can see the coaches are urging everything give us everything in these final laps the British team so neat led by Josh tling the Australian starting to

    Struggle a bit an early turn Sam wellsford was on the front for Australia with a Lap to go he swung up and I think it’s Great Britain now keeping the momentum Australia tried they dug deep but they’re just starting to crack right at the very end Great Britain flare up

    The track to get to the line with a nice ride from there 48.4 and Great Britain Come Away with the gold medal really good fight right down to about two laps to go and that’s just where the Australians stum LED and Great Britain held on for the

    Win well that was a sensational ride by the British team a great fight from the Australians but Josh Tarling in particular Scott he was the one that really drove that final lap fantastic final 348.15 eight and you can see the Delight the British team now this is not the

    British a squad I might add they to 345 at the European championships not long ago and there’s only one of the riders that was in that Squad so this is technically what they would call their B team so to get the win and you can see

    The Delight from all of the riders in that British team to Come Away with the win here at the track Nation Cup in Adelaide well they’ve got options which is quite exciting and they are rotating Riders through uh tling for example had a big program uh with inos on the road

    And so he didn’t do the European championships as he was is focusing on the T Down Under And there’s different approaches from different nations we’ve seen a lot of the really strong teams for shoot countries really pulling the Riders back from their world tour teams to do a little bit of national service

    To come back to the track sometimes it can go very smoothly and they can get on the boards and be beautifully fluid other times it can be a little bit tough to go between the two disciplines viviani and Gana we could say that that’s gone fairly smoothly Josh tling

    Is another one who looks to be doing that very well Sam wellsford uh incredible form he’s won three World Tour races this season but he’s struggled a bit uh in that final the final classification Great Britain over Australia a with the Olympic Champions Italy in third New Zealand in fourth and

    Good to see Japan really stepping up as a team Pursuit Nation they’ve had great individual Riders typically in the Sprint events and Kieran events but in the track endurance over the last couple of Seasons they really have stepped up so fifth for them here at the Nations cup is a fantastic

    Result not too far until we see another presentation which will be the women’s team Sprint well we have six gold medals on offer tonight we’ve now seen four of them delivered Great Britain and New Zealand are the two most consistent nations from a medal perspective thus far

    And we are going to get to hear from one of our British riders that picked up a gold medal in the women’s team Sprint let’s go down to the center of the track now Emma a really dominant Day from the girls how does it feel yeah it feels

    Incredible um I don’t think we’ve won a Nations cup or been in the final for like 11 years for British cycling so yeah it’s been amazing like the girls we put such a good time down like all three rides were faster than like really close to what we’ve ever done before so yeah

    I’m really proud of the girls and where we’re going and this is like only the start and especially coming into the Olympic year yeah I’m super excited for what’s to come and yeah it’s a really good step forward for us did you see the Chinese starters saddle had fallen off

    No I actually had no idea what went on I would just like stuck to my processes and stuck to what I knew because um yeah I just can’t control what they did and we just carried on and went to the line and at the end I didn’t know if like

    We’d won or like they’d restart but yeah it was like such an impressive ride from both teams and to make it to the final was incredible and I’m just really proud and you’ve had a really big start of the Year euros and then coming down under

    How are you feeling are you excited by the form yeah I am um I’m a bit surprised because um the main goal this year is obviously the Olympics and like we’re really training hard through this but it’s really nice to see glimpses of like good legs and like good legs as a

    Team so yeah I’m hoping to like carry that forward for obviously this Nations Cup in Adelaide and then Hong Kong and then hopefully the Olympic Games but I’m just taking each race it comes like me and the girls are working really really hard behind the scenes in Manchester

    With Scott our new coach so yeah I’m really proud of us and I’m excited to see what we thanks plenty of smiles here in Adela the super drone First Nations cup for the UCI thanks to tiso for the season 2024 so important we mention it all the time just how important these nations

    Cups are in the road towards the Paris Olympic Games next month we’re off to Hong Kong for the second Nations cup and then it’s Milton in Canada to wrap things up and it’s immediately at the closure of the Milton World Cup where the allocations for the Olympic Games

    Will be announced and which countries will be getting their spots to race multiple ways to qualify for the different events but very important in the team Sprint to do well if qualify in the top eight Nations you also then are allocated a spot in both the Kieran and

    The Sprint two spots in both of those events so the team Sprint becomes very important to be in the top eight and in the team Pursuit it’s the top 10 qualify in the top 10 you get to race the team Pursuit and you also then have

    A team in the Madison and one rider in the omnium for both the men and the women’s they don’t have the same number allocation as you do at a World Championships uh or a World Cup where you’re virtually unlimited as long as you have the qualifying spots as to

    Alternat uh so long as they are entered in the race and then the final uh start list uh needs to be 30 minutes before uh the commencement of of an event at the Olympics they’ll only have three team sprinters for example if they want to have four they also need to ride another

    Discipline for example BMX now this has happened traditionally uh some other countries have played around with different combinations It’s Not Unusual to see one of the teams for Sho Riders also ride on the road uh in also um to be able to get that extra allocation so

    That you have five teams foro Riders and an alternate uh but all of these qualifications numbers they do get decided over the next couple of months it’s an important time for the individuals and also the federations the real challenge with the team Pursuit this year is the women’s road race is

    The day before the women’s team Pursuit qualifying and if you do well in the road race and finish it and maybe go to drug control and then anti-doping control and then have a late night then you’ve got to get yourself to the velone the next day for a morning session makes

    It virtually impossible this time around to do the road and the team Pursuit as well which is a real shame because it makes it so tight to select a team you’re only going to have four Riders allocated for your National T Pursuit Squad and I know look we’ve already seen

    Five Riders used by all three nations here on the podium in the women’s T Pursuit yeah it can be very tough from a scheduling perspective and uh the athletes are very aware of that and that goes into their training uh as well but it also does explain why we’re seeing a

    Lot of different combinations used there are some teams uh who are absolutely spoiled for Choice um but there may be a scenario for Great Britain for example where Joshy tling rides the individual time TR on the road and he also rides the teams pursu on the track and doubles

    Up in that way uh therefore using one athlete um across two spots to help the numbers game at the end of the day people always ask why is it so restricted at Olympics it’s actually pretty simple they need beds for everyone it’s that it really comes down to that it’s so

    Simple and with that wonderful use over the super Drome towards the beaches here Henley Beach and Glenelg famous beaches in South Australia absolutely wonderful we have two events left this evening uh to receive gold medals we’re about to see the presentation for the team Sprint for the

    Women and the medals are presented by K cman who we’ve seen already present medals the executive manager for sport for Oz C who are hosting the Nations cup here in Adelaide in third taking out the bronze medal is New Zealand Elise Andrews Rebecca pet petch and Chan fton

    And as we saw in the teams Puro we can also have alternates in the team Sprint quite common practice uh at World Cups Olivia King is the writer that did the qualifying r round for New Zealand so also up on the podium to get her bronze medal and what a sensational and

    Impactful race we saw from China a with a broken saddle for the first Rider at the end of the first lap but coming away still with the silver medal we have linan y fanga shanu ba and yulu yang with four Riders for China very unlucky gold medal for their skills

    Silver medal for crossing the line after Great Britain but a sensational they’ve got a lot of talent coming out of China in the Sprint they’re very very Savvy Riders they’ve had a lot of depth in in particular in women’s Sprint over the years team Sprint and Sprint and Kieran

    But Great Britain they were the best on the night Emma fukin Katie Marchant and Sophie capewell and I also had Lauren Bell ride the first round who hasn’t come up for all the presentations but Sensational performance for Great Britain in the end it was a no contest with that broken

    Bike of China a but they were the favorites they were the fastest coming in perhaps it would have been a close race but we’ll never know no they continued on uh to race even though the Chinese uh weren’t able to continue on and they did the fastest time of the

    Competition in winning their goal newand China [Applause] andain Great Britain China well China a and New Zealand women’s team Sprint medalists here in Adelaide the super Drome the UCI track Nation cup so as always major partner of the UCI doing all of the timing at these venues fantastic job

    Well and if you like your statistics you can jump on tiso timing on the website and you can follow along with the live results I often do that when they’re uh overseas competitions it’s good to analyze and then you can see not just what the overall result was but how it

    Was earned who crossed the line fastest in the first lap and so on and so forth it often paints a very interesting picture we will do back-to-back presentations now as well with the men’s team Pursuit up next can see in the background them marshalling the Italians are ready to go Italians the Australians

    Just coming into the presentation area as well and still waiting for Great Britain there’s the New Zealand Riders successful tonight in in multiple disciplines well the New Zealand team just missing out so they don’t have a presentation to get ready for they’re able to take a little bit more time to wind

    Down but Great Britain they came out on top Sensational competition that was it would have been a sensational uh competition with a number of different uh teams going head-to-head the Italians had a SL a slow start at the beginning of the day in qualifying but they certainly came home with an

    Exceptional time the second fastest in the competition well before the men’s team Pursuit presentation gets underway let’s hear from at least one of our British Champions here tonight Josh Super Ride great final how’s it feel ah super happy you know it’s always nice to do it with the with

    The lads so it’s a nice big team winning yeah super happy and big summer for you how’s it feel back on the track ah it’s nice you know you don’t get to go these kind of speeds and uh it’s nice to get on the TT bik not in the snow in Andora

    So super happy thanks Josh thank you and in the overall situation knowing that there are 10 teams in the team Pursuit that qualify for the Olympic Games there were 10 teams here racing and a couple of Nations didn’t come down Belgium and the United States were ninth and 10th

    Getting the minimal number of points here so they are the two Nations that are certainly in danger of missing out interestingly former Olympic champions in the men’s team pursued Germany were eighth so getting not many points for that position as well so they’ll certainly have to be fighting in the

    Next couple of Nations cups to try and get themselves the maximum number of quoters for the endurance events but for now we look at the other end of the spectrum the top three nations in Great Britain Italy and and Australia and once again we have two of

    The three teams or all three teams pardon me with a fiveman squad and it it is with the bronze medal viviani omnium Olympic champion from 2016 in Rio Franchesco Lon is the shortest of the Riders there one rides on the gold bike and he is an Olympic gold medalist in

    This discipline the team Pursuit David boscaro filipo Ghana and also riding the earlier rounds was manilo moral well it used to be considered that all the teams pters needed to be a similar height to be able to go fast but then you went to Riders like uh filipo Gunner

    And well you don’t discount him for his heart and his power do you well you can throw in Jonathan Milan as well who’s not here with the Italians butar silver medal goes to Australia Conor Conor lay James morati Kell O’Brien Sam wilsford and Blake agnoletto who did the first round well successful

    Day for agalo he’s now got two medals at the World Cup so well done to him he would be very chuffed the first tried to do so at this Nations cup the women’s elimination is coming up soon so we might see one of the teams for shoot

    Riders backing up it’s a big day for them it really is a big day when they’ve got two events the omnium uh of course is Yet to Come and next in line team Great Britain Josh Tarling William tidball Rees Brittain Charlie tanfield and also Josh T Charlton did the early

    Round so all all three teams again we’re talking about that Olympic qualification of four spots for the team P shoot but all three teams here using five and we know that there are other Riders back at home that can slot into these squads particularly Great Britain and Italy

    It’s going to be very difficult job for the coaching staff to narrow it down to just four it is and when you look at the Australian you also look at Riders like Lucas plat uh who could slot in there as well on the road so some hard decisions

    To be made in the coaching quarters but some great performances they’re certainly putting these Riders uh that we can see on screen is certainly putting their hands up for selection well I know with Sam wellsford successful start at the SOS T down winning three stages his team boss from

    Bor hansra on the road has said well we’ll have to think about this Olympic Games thing if s keeps winning like this so if he keeps winning he wants to keep him on the road and winning I think you’re up for a fight if you try and St

    Samford from riding Olympic GES I wouldn’t like to be the oneing that news I think we will see him on the track in Paris but certainly what an asset he is not only to the Australian team but to his professional team and in in fact a

    Lot the same can be said for a lot of these Riders uh exceptionally skilled over a number of disciplines speaking of which the cyc cross World Championships are this weekend uh in check so uh there are a lot of riders who go across disciplin we see some of our road Riders

    Over there a great win for the bridge and they were really happy with the effort too they weren’t the favorites after uh the qualifying in the first round but they lifted another level and took away the gold it’s such a wonderful environment being a part of a national

    Team Pursuit training Squad and the buildup towards it it really is that Band of Brothers or band of sisters kind of situation where you one in all in and they really do go on a journey together so when they do come out on top it’s such a special and rewarding experience

    And feeling for him that’s where it’s all Happening Now inside the armadillo super Drome absolutely beaming in the this evening Sun as it’s affectionately known the armadillo it’s beautiful weather here in Adelaide it’s summer in the southern hemisphere over 30° today 37° C we’re looking at uh over the weekend the track

    Was a bit heavy this morning and uh the rid were reporting that it didn’t feel particularly fast but it certainly picked up for this afternoon’s session aided by the fact uh that it is very dry not a lot of humidity at all in Adelaide a very dry

    Heat we can see the riders coming onto the track and that is the field for the women’s Elimination race we’ve already seen one elimination tonight with the men much smaller field it was for the men’s race we have a full capacity field for the women though so this will be

    Really difficult for them the ones that want to get all the way down down to the end into the medals we’ll have a lot more laps and a lot more elimination laps to try and steer away from so it will be real true endurance athlete with

    The skills and the N to keep themselves in the hunt that will be chasing those medals at the very end we do have a very tired Leed Ali walliston perhaps who has been in the team Pursuit and she is the world champion in this particular discipline so she’ll be out

    There tonight for New Zealand again straight off the podium and then out there preparing for the elimination and also Jennifer Valente who is an absolute Superstar fortime team Pursuit world champion Olympic omnium champion former world champion in this discipline and she was second to Ali walliston last year in Glasgow in this elimination

    The elimination is the kind of race where when you know how to race it and you continue to use that strategy you can consistently get good results but there is that danger when you’re sitting mid pack where you don’t want to use too much energy at the beginning of the race 21

    Riders means 42 laps they are eliminated every second lap and it is based on the rider at the back of the field it’s a new event on the UCI calendar and it’s an event that suits the dynamic Bunch races the Riders who tend to excel in the points race in the scratch

    Race in the omnium quite a different physiology from A team’s Pursuit but the team’s Pursuit Riders we have a few lining up tonight Ali walliston will certainly be uh the most exhausted she hasn’t had much of a break Jennifer Valente there uh on screen an absolute Superstar for the American team and said

    To be exceptionally good-natured and very tough attitude just works hard and is very determined her coach Gary Sutton former Australian coach and world champion in the points race in 19 82 from memory certainly as knowled a lot of knowledge to pass on we’ve got Riders starting at the blue band half of the

    Field half of the field will start at the fence there is a prescribed order so you must start whether you are told to be on the fence or on the blue band you can’t swap that position and we are underway the women’s elimination we saw a thrilling finale in

    The men’s but a much bigger field as I say here for the women’s race this will be a little bit more complicated but same format last Rider across the line every second lap will be eliminated once they are determined their underway which looks like it’s about to

    Happen there we go we are underway the final of the women’s Elimination race and it very hectic at the back when there are 21 Riders Jessica Roberts from Great Britain very high on the track and they’ll get the Bell this time to signify this is an elimination lap Martina fanza the

    Italian uh she’s got great reputation and result sheet on the road but she’s getting herself in a pickle here going high and it can change so quickly because it’s Michelle Andreas from Switzerland who looks looked to be on the line portug ducked under Maria Martins would be my guess but we changes

    So quickly the commissaires having a wee bit of trouble there y so we’re being told no elimination we’re telling them there is a green flag so no elimination that time they could not pick it I thought it may have been the Portugal Rider Martins who’s right at the back

    Now so maybe it’ll be this time if she can’t get herself out of that position but too close to call and they have to make a quick decision they can’t delay it at all so if they can’t quite determine it so quickly let them go again down the bottom of the track

    Perhaps this time right at 216 milaki from Greece has been eliminated and you can hear the crowd also there was a bit of a clash of Wheels as they came through and Maria Martin’s again in a dangerous position Malak now the rider from Greece that has finally backed off and elimination this

    Time around with Martin trying to come around the outside and we have to trust the eyeline and the Judgment of the commissaires because sometimes it might seem slightly different to us who may be eliminated but two three for Maria Martin from Portugal we thought she’d be the first

    To go Scott she got herself in a bit of trouble up the back she’s now the second Rider eliminated well what we while we focus on the last Rider across the line the officials are also trying to see on the inside if there’s an infring a rer

    Maybe hat perhaps moving up on the blue band the light blue band on the inside of the track you’re not allowed to do that so if that happens they’ll be eliminated even if they’re not the last Rider across the line okay aana mizutani from Japan has just had to make a scuffle up

    The outside because it looks like she might have just gotten in there Margarita Miss Arena has been eliminated Mr Arena it is the next one to go and now looking at the back and it’s Stenberg from Norway in the dangerous position fidanza from Italy in front of

    Her so Anita Stenberg can she pop up around the outside fidaner we fighting for position very tight at the top of the track oh I think it may have been right at the very top if you have not yet been eliminated and it is 221 Martina fanza from now that is a

    Surprise for her to go out so early but if you think you may or may not have been eliminated you need to continue riding because so quickly you come back around to that Bell for the next elimination Anita Avon Stenberg the Norwegian who just managed to get in

    Over fidanza is finding herself in trouble it’s she and mizutani from Japan fighting to stay in the race Mizani from Japan is the rider eliminated this feels like a bingo game Scott we’re looking at these numbers and guessing who it may be sometimes it’s very tight the Riders were not

    Mentioning the ones at the front if you haven’t heard the name they’re riding a good race but the one at the back that’s in a bad position that had to quickly come around the outside it was Jennifer Valente so one of the superstars of women’s track cycling but she’s put

    Herself into a good spot now moved right up around towards the front Stenberg again in a dangerous position but she will keep herself in the race and it’s Kon from the Ireland in the green colors the next one to go you cannot afford to break your concentration for even a moment in the

    Elimination race it’s about your mental endurance as much as your physical endurance Stenberg must be making a team staff a little bit nervous every lap she has been the last Rider wind she’s received that Bell but she manages to sneak up a few positions we can see the scramble to try

    And find some position to move through and was that bakova that is kava from usbekistan Rider number 248 she was bouncing out of the saddle down the back straight just trying to find a hole somewhere to get through and get out of that last position unable to do so and that has

    Allowed Stenberg to again loer at the back of the pelaton well Stenberg is going to have to have a mighty acceleration to hold her spot here as the bunch gets smaller and they’re accelerating at the front it’s harder and harder to ride as she has and I think the time has come Anita

    Stenberg from Norway has now been eliminated right up high on the track compared to the Riders at the bottom of the track you’re riding so much further around the outside every time if you’re at the back as we saw from Stenberg she now is realizing that she was the last R

    Around as we go into the next elimination lap well it’s Jessica Roberts and Sarah vanam that have been pulling the weight at the front quite significantly the rider from Great Britain and Belgium but we are looking at the back of the bunch who is going to

    Cross the line in the last position oh it looks like the Spanish rider rider number 212 Laura Rodriguez Spaniard finds herself in in hot water but in the middle of the bunch right now not realizing she’s been eliminated so the Riders around her will now have to make way well it does come

    Up on the main scoreboard here which is the end of the front straight so the Riders name and the national flag does come up as we saw the commer also holding up the national flag I think sometimes they don’t want to look they staying for too long they will get in a

    Lot of trouble they will next elimination and that was down in the middle of the track I think 231 perhaps Sophie Lewis yep Sophie Lewis in the what they’re calling British racing green colors how very uh Majestic and TR traditional it’s a nice kid actually not a great day for Sophie Lewis though

    Eliminated as we’re getting down to the second half wallston got herself out of trouble there moving forward she’s been carrying a bit of f after the teams P but just showed a class by moving her position up very significantly there Rider number 207 it looked like from Myan Sarah vanam I

    Hope is her vanam is out vanam is what she’ll say because 207 is the rider gone and there was nowhere to go right in the middle of the Pelon at the back there so that was really tough for her neova now in the last position making

    Sure she quickly gets up up around the outside and then it’s Lin totenberg from Germany in the dangerous spot now well Helena Hesters from Belgium has been riding very heavily on the front but finding herself up the back now so totenberg gets up around the outside not a problem for her bis I

    Think it may have been the Lithuanian R number 224 bis from our view it looked as though she was the one but they’re not eliminating the green flag is out so that’s just letting know that they could not determine who was out that time I’m pretty sure it was

    B they weren’t listening to us Scot from this view uh but it does give them Grace not so much grace will be offered this lap totenberg having to make the hustle around the top to sneak in and from Switzerland on the inside is my tip right down the bottom yeah 236 Michelle

    Andreas from Switzerland she has not made the cut so won is still in there Valente from the United States third last position helain Hesters from Belgium has been moving quite significantly front to back front to back she needs to settle in great move on the Very extreme inside there not an

    Illegal move but we did see neov just trying to improve her position she might be in a little bit of danger next time around fenberg penber there number 25 lein totenberg the German Rider just caught out in the middle boxed in a bit couldn’t Advance through the middle and

    Wasn’t able to get around at the top next elimination lap and it’s Barbara ncoa right down the bottom but look at that squeezed herself underneath Hesters right at the very back but you can see the rider that’s right down on the inside she knows she only has to pop up

    Over the top here because n has nowhere to go to try and improve her position and that’s the rider that’s gone out this time you can see down the inside is the easiest place to be it’s the most comfortable 209 mov mover it is that’s

    Gone so down on the bottom of the track nowhere to go it again looked as though balleste from Lithuania may have been out she’s got a few lives out there tonight she at the back this time as they come into another elimination lap seven Riders left on the track this is

    Where the tactics start to change a bit because of the bunch size Ali walliston sitting in six we expect her to duck up the outside uh as they come up toward the line and it looks like Blaster from Lithuania may have run out of chances she’s eliminated now leaving six Riders

    Left Jessica Roberts has been the one that has been really setting the pace on the front the British Rider and she was almost ran into the fence there by wallon not intentional and the next elimination lap now Robert it is still G from Great Britain riding very strong with Valente

    In second position but right towards the back that’s where we need to look bck cver it is on the inside wallison on the outside so Alli just putting the shoulder in a little bit she does she doesn’t have to accelerate too much if she keeps a rider underneath and it’ll

    Be bakova that will be the next one gone y Bova from Slovakia she is is eliminated smart riding from walliston then she didn’t have to put in a huge effort to come around she just needed to make sure that she boxed B of cover in we know she’s in

    Great form we’ve also seen her in the team’s Pursuit Of course riding uh surprising the Brits the world champions in the event but she will be carrying some fatigue she’s very smart Helena Hesters will need to really watch her back here if walliston can sneak up the

    Outside and Hesters it is wallison has enough in those fatigued legs to come over the top and Helen Hesters the next one to go so four Riders remain it is tight racing and we can hear the crowd from our commentary position and they are groaning when it is so tight across the

    Line the commissaires have had a few difficult calls tonight walliston starting to get caught out though down to four Riders she’ll have to move up significantly Valente pushes the pace Jessica Roberts holding her on the shoulder and wallison giving a little bit of Gap here to try and get some

    Acceleration down the straet and it will be enough so she stes staves off elimination once again May trucker from Poland that is the next Rider to be eliminated well this top three is a top three of Champions indeed Jessica Roberts Jennifer Valente and Ali walliston all three exceptionally accomplished in their own

    Right so walliston again in the dangerous position she’s had a couple of big accelerations to keep herself in this race we talk about the fatigue in the legs of course she’s had the team Pursuits tonight she must be really tired but she’s trying to come up over

    The top of Jessica Roberts and she did it comfortably in the end wow what a strong ride from Ali walliston great ride from walliston now Valente her style is to ride from the front to ride very powerfully that’s what we expect to see here again walliston she’s happy to

    Go along with that because she’s a little bit fatigued coming into this final lap Valente Dives down the track it’s a big gap but Ellie Walston stays up nice and high so she’ll get the extra acceleration as she Dives down last moment Valente looks over the shoulder

    She has nothing left in the legs and the New Zealander comfortably comes around the bottom of the track to get another Victory what a brilliant performance it was from Alli walliston certainly a strong ride but tactically brilliant as well well we have not heard the crowd as

    Vocal for Ali biston is for any event tonight a popular Rider and a sensational win what an incredible Summer she has had she is really raising the stakes started the season well on the road at the tour down under with a stage win our first world tour winner on the

    Road this year riding for AG Insurance the Belgian team also teammates with an ozi Sarah Gigante they dominated at the tour down under and the morale coming out of that there was a fantastic interview with Ali walliston where she said just the confidence that it instills and the Comfort to know that

    You’re on form and you have performed and you’ve got nothing to prove to anybody except yourself to go out there and do your best and certainly she’s showing that her best is world best well Jen Valente she’s been so consistent in omnium and elimination events and also

    Team Pursuits oh she was third at the uh World Championships in this event and spent a lot of that race again on the front pushing the pace because she’s so incredibly strong Ali walliston when she did swing up there into balast the Lithuanian I thought oh that shows a bit

    Of fatigue but walliston just kept ticking over pretty unlucky in fact for Maya trucker polish red to get eliminated there I was expecting a slightly closer battle between these to at the very end but it just shows we talk about the size of the field as well

    It’s really difficult to get right to the very end so many elimination laps that you have to stayve off to get to the very end in walliston did it better than anyone ahead of Jennifer Valente Jessica Roberts in third place a good track Rider and tracker in fourth

    Place well next on after that Sensational Elimination race if that doesn’t get your blood going then not sure we can help you the men’s team Sprint finals uh up now they will provide the sixth gold medal for the Nations cup so far for bronze we have China a racing Great Britain and

    For gold we have Australia racing Japan it has been a tight competition from second down but the Australians with a significant Advantage uh going into these finals race for the bronze medal now men’s team Sprints and we have China a in the back straight and they’re racing against

    Great Britain in the home straight the Brits coming up now onto the track Ed low Hamish Turnbull and Jack Carlin coming up onto third position for Jack Hamish in the middle and Ed low in the start gate getting himself ready up against Shu G Yu Shu and qu

    Le so low versus Gal to get them up and going race for the bronze and Shai just staring across the track to see if the British team are ready the China a faster of these two teams in the previous round so they are in the home straight Great Britain in the back

    Straight well a clean start from both teams China 42.8 N9 in the first round Great Britain 43 .10 China the fastest starters in the first round but Great Britain are off to a great start not a lot separates them 2/10 of a second good start from the Brits China though trying to keep

    Themselves in the hunt it goes out a little bit in a now for Great Britain’s lot of work for China to do to get themselves back into the bronze medal not sure if they’re going to be able to do it as we see Jack Carland leading the

    British team down the back straight for them quarter of a lap to go and it’s a bronze medal that h has in his sights as he comes up to the finish line and it’s a close but comfortable win in the end three of a second Great Britain Come

    Away with the bronze in the men’s team Sprints and a much faster time than they’ve ridden yet today 42.9 one5 to better their best by 210 43.2 21 for the Chinese team who have slowed a bit shown a little bit of fatigue the Brits are really rising in this final round uh

    Across the board we’re seeing some great rides by the Great Britain team but some Sensational representation from China in both the women’s team Sprint and the men’s team Sprint the bronze medal going to Great Britain and the race for gold to B decided now Australia versus Japan Australia the world champions two

    Years ago silver medalists last year and this is the way the Brits got themselves a bronze medal really good start from them they were slower from the previous round compared to China a but they went out really fast and held on quite strong with Jack Carlin finishing the job very

    Well throw to the line just to make sure he would know exactly where he sits it’s so tight when you’re going down the other side of the track you don’t know exactly where you sit compared to your opponents so you have to give a maximum effort throw all the way to the line

    Well the Australians 42.3 to9 they rode earlier we have the trio of Lee Hoffman Matthew Richardson and Matthew glader so they are also changing Riders uh the Australians from the combinations they’ve had Thomas Cornish in earlier for the qualifying but this is the three that have taken them

    Through round one and now into the final 42.3 29 is their fastest Japan we’ve got yosaku nagasako Kaya OT and UTA iara and they rode 42. 773 point4 of a second differential between these teams in the Australians fa let’s see if the crowd can lift the Australians but the japanese’s

    Continental Champions certainly have a good record the former world champions up against the Asian Continental Champions Australia versus Japan It’s the final for the men’s team Sprint and Powerful starts from both of these teams Lee Hoffman is absolutely incredibly powerful out of the start blocks he does such a fast first lap

    It’s difficult for Richardson and glater to even get onto the back wheel of leh Hoff and that’s how fast he is Japan also lightening quick but it’s Australia that lead the way through point2 of a second up after the first lap incredible riding from the Australians a very motivated team they’ve been world

    Champions they’re Vice world champions what can they do here and it’s Matthew glater that will leave with an advantage of point4 of a second into the final lap and Australia are absolutely flying around the Adelaide vome here the crowd are up in a about they can see a victory

    Going to Australia and glater gets to the line first 42154 and goal to Australia Silvera going to Japan fantastic riding from both teams but the Aussies get the win huge crowd support Sensational riding a big celebration from the Australian Riders Lee Hoffman I think half of the

    Crowd belonged to him from the sounds of it Matthew Richardson and Matthew glates the vice world champions have started the year with a sensational time but what a ride from the Japanese team as well 42.75 also the fastest time they have ridden in this competition it shows that

    There’s a lot of uh endurance and Fitness in these teams and the Australians Matthew glates are also a local from South Australia here he’s really enjoying uh taking some victory laps well I’ll say that the there was much bigger celebrations going on from Lee and Matthew Richardson but I think

    That’s just because Matty glater had to do three laps the others only had to do one and two he was a little bit more tired than the other two he hadn’t quite had time uh to recover from that but look at the position of Matthew glater coming into the finish here how narrow

    The handlebars are compared to his shoulders they have optimized the aerodynamic position of these Riders using wind tunnels using this incredible technology it really is quite a magnificent site this is the overall classification great riding by all of the teams Australia coming away on top with the gold medal presentations not

    Too far away for that so don’t go away that was the last race of the evening Japan with the silver medal Great Britain finishing things off well they were the fourth fastest going into that final round but they got themselves up above China a to snatch the bronze medal

    From them Mexico the 12th and last team to come to the start line here today the Adela super Drome Splendid venue seen some incredibly fast racing it’s only the first of three days of competition here really jam-packed program over the next couple of days as it was today as

    Well see so many of these Riders back up again tomorrow the Sprint and the kierin to come for many of these Riders we’ve just seen in the team Sprints huge gearing huge effort and they’ve got to do it in three days over so many races it’s really tough as we often see

    Matthew Richardson just indicating how difficult and how much of an effort he puts in because he almost collapse after every performance ah yes he certainly wears his performance on his sleeve you can always tell uh when he’s worked hard it’s 8 about 830 local time here in

    Adelaide in the evening the Sun is setting it is just a magnificent evening outside a lot of our patrons are now heading out to watch the sunset over the beautiful armadillo well we will be endeavoring to get an interview with one of the Australians if not all of them but

    Sure that’s who I’d go straight for I would go straight for MTH Richardson right now and just stick that microphone right in front to see what you can get out of it oh I’m not sure that it would be words to be honest maybe some grunting sounds but it is great to see

    The athletes just pushing themselves to the absolute limits they are super human you can see these athletes you can see why it’s nicknamed the armadillo the super Drome here in Adelaide Splendid views of this Arena and the crowd have been really enjoying some sensationally fast racing and they also don’t

    Understand the importance of the ECI track Nations cups on the road towards Paris that’s Matthew Richardson is still trying to compose himself this is not unusual if you’ve seen mdy race before this is what he does every single time he tears himself apart in every race whenever he gets on

    The track it’s extraordinary that he can get himself back up for the other events the Sprints and the kierin in these competitions considering how deep he goes every time and we almost ready I think for our first interview which won’t be with Matthew Richardson just yet but we are

    Going to be able to talk to our elimination Champion Ally walliston let’s go down and have a hear from allly Ally a very happy winner of the Elimination race how happy you to be back here again yeah re really happy I think I was a little bit uncertain after

    Doing three rides in the Tampa suit today but yeah as soon as soon as the race started I knew I had um good legs out there and felt really confident in what I was doing and yeah no I’m just blowing away yeah really happy with that ride and you you

    Attacked that last lap was that the plan um yeah I mean you’re always going to go full guess in the last lap but yeah as soon as JY kind of went down to the black line on knew I had to use the trackers to my advantage so I just yeah

    Kept heght on the track and yeah really made a run at the wheel and it yeah worked really well in my favor so I’m really happy thanks Alie really did on a display couple times it looked like the T Puro fatigue was creeping in that was us talking it up

    She was absolutely cruising and she perhaps playing it up to the others uh now I’ve just done a quick little uh Deep dive research Scott because we keep referring to this vome looking like an armadillo we don’t even have armadillos in Australia I didn’t think we did but I

    Thought how bizarre that we’ve built a vome to look like an armadillo when we don’t even have armadillos I think the engineer was a fan of armadillos indeed perhaps a um Latin American designer so two presentations to finish off the evening still an interview to come with the Australian men’s team

    Sprint Riders but the women’s elimination presentation is just about to get underway that will be followed by the men’s team Sprint presentations as well the fastest cyclists on the planet are the sprinters both men’s and women’s I know we talk about say Mark Cavendish with his record at the Tour of France

    And all the road sprinters but when you’re talking about the fastest cyclists on the planet these are them it’s the track sprinters that uh certainly are the quickest they truly are and they put a very good show on for us it’s been a very clean day of racing

    Too we haven’t had any crashes we’ve had an exceptional show of skill from the Chinese team uh having suffer what could have been a horrendous mechanical all three Riders managing uh to finish safely Maddie Richardson starting to look a little bit more composed is bar I don’t know if

    We’d call call that too composed they certainly put the energy in but there is a tight turnaround they do need to uh hustle to the presentation the um while we haven’t had any mishaps in the races apart from that broken saddle with the Chinese team there was a crash in in the

    Training sessions a couple of days ago unfortunately one of the Canadian sprinters female sprinters did break her collarbone so she’s come all the way out here to race and then just in an unfortunate mishap in training has not been able to compete in the competition so wishing her a speedy recovery

    Hopefully she’ll be okay for at least if not Hong Kong but at least for Milton World Cup on home soil well the collarbone is kind of the trademark isn’t it of every cyclist unfortunately sometimes it’s not uncommon for them to break multiple within a season but we

    Wish all of the Riders absolute safety on their Journeys day two of the competition we’ll have the women’s Sprint qualifying talk about sprinters Matthew Richardson one of the world’s best you’ll be certainly trying to hunt down Harry Lon from the Netherlands who has been the dominant men’s Sprinter

    Over the last couple of years but the women’s Sprint qualifying gets underway tomorrow the men’s omnium as well so four disciplines within the omnium event all Bunch races it has changed configuration over the years for the men sprinters for richo and the like it’s the Kieran that’s on day two for

    Them so plenty of racing with the sprinters coming back out tomorrow and then those men’s omnium Riders as well so kierin and Sprints and omnium bunch races on day two of the program kicks off the same time as it did today 5:30 p.m. South Australian time so Central

    Australian time 5:30 pm oh 6 P p.m. I should say sorry 6 p.m South Australian time Central Australian time thir represen so the elimination presentation now for the women Jessica Roberts from Great Britain coming away with the bronze medal Kip calman once again doing the presentations here this evening on

    The first night of the tiso UCI track Nations Cup in Adelaide Jessica Roberts r a roote a very great race spent a lot of time on the front just protecting her position JN Valente and Jennifer Valente such an accomplished track cyclist silver medal for her in the elimination this time she did

    A lot of work at the front of the peleton keeping herself away from the El elimination Zone but that’s also pushing into the wind and costing her a lot of energy and Ally walliston what a superstar she was the first winner of a world tour Road event this year in the

    Women’s field at the T Down Under she has now won two gold medals at the track Nations cup uh the Aussie Blake anelto he’s on two silver medals but uh two gold for Ali walliston and what a sensational start uh to her season big confidence booster for Ali

    Walliston and the entire New Zealand team to have so much success early on in 2024 and while the Australians benefit by having a Nations cup here in Australia it’s not too far for the new zealanders to go as well and Alli also one of those riders that has been here

    For a couple of weeks having do on the road races the Cel Great Ocean Road Race and the tour Down Under The Americans have been here for number of weeks enjoying uh the summer that it is down here in the southern hemisphere one more presentation to go

    For the men’s team Sprint uh they’ve recovered enough to at least be able to walk over to the podium most of them most of them let’s see mat Richardson uh can make it it’s wonderful that he wears uh his effort so openly makes it quite entertaining it

    Does make me wonder a little bit though like how much confidence can his competitors get to see how how completely broken he is after every race oh they’d be very silly to underestimate him so I think perhaps the first few times they thought oh we might get him here he

    Looks tired but uh they learned very quickly there’s Jennifer Valente walking back to the pits Ali walliston closely behind Gary Sutton in the background there SW berti May has worked with the Australian she very famously shepherded animers uh through her Olympic career she’s working for the American team here because the coach Gary

    Sutton is Australian and lives in Adelaide when he’s not over in Colorado and Anna M for those around the world wondering what she’s up to now she’s the chef demission of the Australian Olympic team so she’s the boss of the Australian Olympic team for 2024 hoping to go all

    The way through to 2032 in Brisbane she does a good job this year which I’m sure she will South Australia like to claim her but she is a a native queenslander so I think a home Olympics would be uh pretty special to do that certainly this

    Vome has a lot of history um the World Cups back in the day if we can say that 27 years ago when the last World Cup was here had Riders like Christian Vander uh was riding the individual pushu and I remember watching you could put a teacup

    On his back he was so smooth uh riding that event now the events have evolved through the Nations cup and we’ve seen some come see seen some go the elimination is certainly one of the new events which is a fantastic one now we’ll see we might have mty Richardson up on

    His feet and ready for a chat Scott Poss think possibly I’m just waiting to see I can see the legs of the Australian team persecute R team Sprint Riders and we’ll be able to cross down to them pretty soon but they also we can see we saw Tom

    Cornish and Lee Hoffman also snacking as well because they have got a big program here so they’re quickly trying to get some nutrition and Recovery into the body and here we go our four riders that we saw throughout the rounds the Australian T Puro Riders let’s have a

    Chat to all four of them now uh they’ve just won their Nations Cup team Sprint to kick off a fantastic start to the season uh M richo great day how’s it feel on home turf very good yeah yeah it feels good um I don’t think we could

    Have really asked for more today we executed basically to the plan that we set before we came in and I think the win is uh is just the cherry on top and I mean boys you were the favorites all day you backed it up yeah we did it’s uh credit to how well

    We work as a team how consistent we can be and that we can just back each other in to rip another super fast time every time we step out onto the track so got an awesome team here and uh good things to come and Lee three big starts three rips

    Uh how are you feeling pretty pretty fresh to be honest um no um as as Matt said just we all have a team job to play and that’s my job and we’re all stuck to the plan we had ambitious gears today for all three of us and I think we can

    Take away the confidence of pulling out that time at the end thanks boys I do like how they went straight to Matthew Richards for the first question just to see how fatigued and whether he could talk at all but all four of them Tom Cornish as well who was in the third

    Rer position in the first round then they brought in Matthew glater now I know that the gap between Tom and mat glater has really come down so it’s not an absolute given that Matthew glater becomes the writer that they put in for the finals because Tom Cornish has

    Really stepped up in the last couple of seasons and it is good to see uh that depth and they are able to really play around with different combinations and it’s great Matthew glates is uh in the Twilight of his career he’s had an incredible impact not just on Australian

    Sport but also uh in World cycling and he’s in a position to be able to Mentor the Young Australians to help them rebuild which is Sensational the final presentation here on the first night of competition of the UCI track Nations Cup in adelade and the men’s team Sprint we

    Heard from all four of the Aussies which was fantastic and the only team to have four Riders the only swap that was made was with the Australians and it was to their benefit the success was quite evident fantastic performance Great Britain coming away with the bronze

    Medal Ed low HH Turnell and Jack Carlin and they were as I mentioned earlier they were the fourth quickest going into the medal round but then stepped up to get over the top of China a to pick up the bronze medal so they’re going in the right direction to start the season off

    So good performances from them just look at the skin suits the Asian champions from Japan on the left how low cut their skin suits are so much to be involved in the aerodynamic of the suits that the Riders wear now it’s not just the bikes that they focus

    On it’s absolutely the clothing such a large item that’s hitting the wind and yaku nagasako Kaya OT and UTA obaro they do look fantastic in their Continental Champions skin suits a lot of the Japanese riders coming through the national program off to the world championships to the Olympic Games and

    Then retiring from International competition and just focusing on the Japanese Kieran scene so much money to be won and raced for for the Japanese Riders but on top of the podium though it’s the Australians they used four Riders Lee Hoffman Matthew glater Matthew Richardson and Tom Cornish so Tom Cornish just getting his

    [Applause] medal Rich still deep breaths and size from him trying to recover but he’s upright he looks fine he looks okay he’s going to be such a a prominent rider in the Sprint and the Kieran over the next couple of days Kieran for him tomorrow different stature to the other

    Three we discussed that in the team foro we can see it here the gold medal for Australia the silver for Japan the bronze medal going to Great Britain wrapping up what’s been a sensational day one here at the track C inide silver medals from the World Championships last year they were the

    Gold medalists the year before there is a big battle going on between the Australian team Sprint team and the team from the Netherlands the Aussies got the better of Japan and Great Britain here but it’s the Dutch team that’s not here they’re going to the next two World Cups they haven’t come down

    Here so that’ll be fantastic battle throughout the season as we head towards the Olympic Games later in the year but for now the Aussies are on top great ride and a great comaraderie within this group while there is four Riders they’re all pushing each other to get the

    Absolute best out of themselves big ride and a big smile and those beautiful gold medals just rewards for the Australians well the sights and the sounds of the V Drome here in Adelaide have been fantastic for the first night of competition at the UCI track Nations cup big schedule on the racing tomorrow

    Now the first part of the program isn’t televised that goes from 6 p.m. central Australian time onwards but it’s all the qualifying events to kick things off on day two in the morning program before we get to the finals the races for the medals in the evening the kierans

    Looking forward to seeing the big boys come out to play and the powerful female sprinters in their Sprint competition as well and the women’s Madison is going to be Sensational as well as the men’s omnium so a really big wonderful program uh but what a great start today has seen

    Absolutely looking forward to the next two nights of competition make sure you tune in for the next two days it’s only going to get faster and more Furious from here on in so thank you for joining for the first night of competition here the tiso UCI track Nations cup here in

    Adelaide at the super drone we’ve seen super racing super performances and that will only continue over the next two days e

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