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    Meet Brian Kennet. He is from the UK and has been living in Singapore for 16 years. With a Philippine wife and 5 kids, Brian is a true lover of Singapore’s food scene. While walking across Joo Chiat, he shared with me the best places to eat out in the neighborhood, why he considers Singapore a safe place despite being targeted for his origin, and what a foreigner could face in Singapore when dealing with funerals. Enjoy!
    ➒ Brian Kennet’s blog:
    ➒ Brian Kennet’s Youtube:
    πŸ‘‰ First interview with Brian:

    ➒ Mutt motorcycles in Singapore:

    β–Ί Why This Singaporean Moved Back from the UK:
    β–Ί Why this American decided to live in Singapore:
    β–Ί Why every Singaporean should try to leave Singapore:

    00:00 INTRO
    00:24 The view on the UK after moving to Singapore
    01:07 Being British in Asia
    03:15 Safety in Singapore
    04:03 KTVs in Singapore
    05:37 Where to eat in Singapore
    08:15 Met a friend who has 5 businesses in Singapore
    12:32 The best thing about Singapore
    14:31 Fun facts about Singapore
    15:09 Eating in the new place
    16:18 How to make friends in Singapore
    17:25 Locals and prawn fishing
    18:58 Funerals in Singapore
    25:50 Street food in Singapore
    28:35 Brian’s life after our first interview

    Hey! This channel bridges the gap between locals and foreigners in Singapore, Malaysia, and India. Join Max as he interviews expats, unraveling their unique stories and providing valuable insights into their lives in the vibrant cities of Asia. Through engaging conversations, Max fosters understanding and appreciation between locals and the global community, focusing on cultural exchange.

    If you’re a company seeking sponsorship opportunities to engage our upscale audience, contact us at With over 50% Singaporean viewers and a substantial number of foreign professionals (US, EU, Australia), our mature audience (35-54 years) boasts strong purchasing power and interests in an above-average lifestyle, travel, investment, and personal finance.

    #ExpatLife #MaxChernov #Singapore

    This is Brian Canon he’s from the UK and has been living in Singapore for 16 years with a Philippine wife and five kids Brian is a true lover of Singapore’s food scene while walking across juad he shared with me the best places to eat out in the neighborhood

    Why he considers Singapore a safe place despite being targeted for his origin and what Foreigner could face in Singapore when dealing with funerals I’m Max let’s go anything that you understand about yourself and about England uh particularly after leaving the place yeah just having the ability

    To sit there and laugh at brexit I don’t give a [Β __Β ] you know it’s like you’re really making that decision oh my God but laughing herez it’s like oh whatever you know um yeah that kind of thing you know it’s just the nonsense that you used to

    Have to put up with in the UK you know like every Autumn can’t get trains cuz there’s leaves on the track like really so all those kind of broken things in the UK the Health Care system and all that God you know and then you move here to this very efficiently run um

    Everything works country it’s like yeah it’s cool and safe you know you’re experienced any prejudices against you being British like somewhere like in this part of the of the world yeah I have here a couple of times you know some um some visiting gangs from you know neighboring southeast Asia

    Countries maybe won’t mention the country but yeah we we got in a massive fight once in uh in Chimes which was a you know gang of yeah of all places right CH yeah but I badly bashed up you know this scar here was a bottle around the head another one

    Here in Singapore CH too yeah yeah why what happened racist attack you’re not Singapore and we’re Singaporean this is what we do to non- singaporeans was the Chan but funny enough they weren’t Singapore in just across a bridge that you can yeah um but yeah it’s about you know 10

    12 Lads bashed us up um hit my friend’s wife around the face with a chair popped her eye out slipped you know two discs on one of my friends they were stamping on his back I had yeah wounds here um and the police here yeah said it was our

    Fault no CCTV that got turned off all the bouncers left and just kind of Let It Go on so I mean that was a good few years ago but then the funny thing was you know people were asking me why why you got the turban on right cuz obiously

    The stitches and everything explain the scenario and they’re like Chimes oh yeah my friend’s um husband got stabbed in Chimes what chimes like yeah um and another customer of mine again when I you know sort of said look I can’t come to a meet him cuz I’ve got these wounds

    He’s like oh God I had the same down at Robertson Keith like really so it happens it happens definitely and it is racist but doesn’t get publicized much what year was it oh this is ages ago um probably about 10 years ago you know it’s weird because the the actual table

    That we were sat at so three singaporeans two white guys one white lady and my Filipino wife so it’s a completely mixed bag but they singled out the angler so my three Singaporean friends got picked up by the bouncers and literally carried away and then it all kicked off came outside and yeah

    It’s just a a blood bath you know when people K the this story they were like oh maybe Singapore is not so safe oh it is I mean that’s a one-off right oneof I mean an absolute one off 16 years here I don’t think I’ve seen one fight in

    Singapore if I was back in mgate every weekend every weekend every weekend last time I went back big fight close the street please you know it’s like every weekend so was it more like a fun or is was like a real fight no fight full on completely dragged out of his head to

    Taking on bouncers outside of another bar you know about 10 times the size of him it kicks off turns into a whole street Riot um you know we’re kind of watching it behind closed curtains in the BB typ like I’m not going out there um and but that’s every weekend leave

    All that stuff behind and just look at it from afar now and go so love going back home you know don’t get me wrong but I love coming away from it as well this is DAP place this is the place that used to be a lot of KTV so we’ll still

    See a bit of that um so we’re at the bottom end of dap road which goes up here so we’re kind of in little Vietnam at the moment and then gradually as you go up it starts to become a bit more kind of Western and you’ll see very nice

    Bouquey artisanal sort of shops restaurants coffee shops Etc and bakeries but we’re in little Vietnam to start can you explain to the people not from Singapore not from this region what’s the KTV is about so KTV is like karaoke okay okay um why why are you smiling and laughing so sometimes the

    The girls that are in the KTV use a different things for a microphone right get a good tune out of that that’s the that’s explanation so yeah so here we this is a KTV so anything that’s got basically a quavas or Martel Brandy neon sign is a KTV they

    Are karaoke karaoke um but there’s lots of ladies in there lots of ladies from Vietnam Thailand you know southeast Asia that are basically there to pour a drink for the gentleman that may want to have a song um and and they get frequented a lot by taxi drivers so taxi drivers you

    Know take a break for an hour that’s where they take their break and then the other little known fact as well is that hotel 81s which you’ll see along here in a minute uhhuh um charged by the hour I wonder why that is okay yeah so anytime you see um ktvs there

    Will always be a hotel 81 nearby it’s a bit of a food Paradise here as well you come here often all the time yeah yeah the variety is amazing you know for local stuff Vietnamese Southeast Asian Cuisine and then you like this place here is a friend so this is like some of

    The best Spanish food that you’re probably going to get in the whole of Singapore what’s called so this is asador so yeah this is two young guys from Spain there we go open a place in siglap which is a bit more kind of like family oriented and then this one’s more fine

    Dine but it’s you know the beauty of this is it’s everything’s cooked over wood that they’ve imported um and then they get basically prestigious recognition of one of the best um Spanish restaurants by the Spanish Ambassador because they import a lot of local produce from Spain and now we’re in

    Italy so this is kinis which is great they and then they do something crazy like seven different flowers just to make a pizza dough in it’s nuts in terms of like food scene how Singapore changed within the last like 10 15 years a lot more International um you know almost

    Demand by the singaporeans as well yeah so it’s not just because of us you know expats no um so if you look at as well what the trade ambassadors for each of these countries is doing as well you know they’re actively encouraging it so

    I would say at the moment you know on a massive high is going to be Spanish Italian and Mexican in Singapore it’s just you know it’s really really popular it kind of befits the same style as Singapore in food so it’s tapy you know so it’s bits it’s not one big meal yeah

    So Singapore loved that kind of thing the sharing plates so those have just gone boom through the roof you know there I think there’s something like 20 or 30 top end of town um and the other thing as well I think the big thing of of late is uh Michelin focus on

    Singapore you know so you can go to a hawker and have Michelin star rated food as well as fine dining Silver Service Restaurant so that’s had quite an impact as well I think on the the evolution of food you said about that people like to share food in Singapore so that’s the

    Cultural thing if you go to like an average Hawker or you go to like a a zisha restaurant they tend to have that Lazy Susan in the middle which is all for sharing right you know you spin it around you take a little bit again another thing I don’t miss from the UK

    Is that you go to the UK you order your food and it normally comes with a massive pile of chips to you know warrant the price here um bits and pieces you know so it’s that kind of tap of style so you get to select you know a selection rather than

    One choice that’s genius you know yeah I love it I love it and because people are so into food in general so they they like to try he just goes oh we’re coming up to my friend shop in a minute I’m like who’s that you kidding me I asked that

    Guy about the interview a few times he brother how’s it to run a business in Singapore is it difficult is it easy to run a business in Singapore is incredibly easy as long as you fit into a certain box so I’ve got five different businesses and it’s so easy to set up

    Run manage five different businesses Consulting IT consulting it raising funds for biofuels business there’s a lead generation business and then there’s this and then we have this is part of a regional business so we actually distribute to Philippines Hong Kong maau opening up in Vietnam right now speaking about Philipp

    Really can I oh yeah oh my God that’s the best I didn’t know that you are like serial entrepreneur so you have like many many things that’s what Singapore does to you it’s so easy to set up businesses in Singapore it’s very business friendly if you got a good idea

    Um it’s very easy to launch it it’s very easy to find funds here um so if you need investment this is the place to be and it’s regulated it’s fair it’s yeah so sing sense yeah like the rules the rules kind of make sense most of them

    When it comes to Motor Vehicles there are absolute lines you have to be inside yeah um if you’re trying to do anything slightly outside that it gets a bit problematic like our electric bike because it’s new but as soon as it’s recognized you know yeah off you go and

    You’ve been in Singapore for quite some time right how how many years I came for one year in 2004 it’s the same isn’t it yeah one year 2004 and then you sort of no Seasons you hit a milestone you sort of uh you buy a place you get engaged you

    Get married you have your first kid your second kid oh 20 years has gone you know um so no Seasons means it’s very difficult for life to just slip by it’s like one year right one year one year no Seasons then suddenly Wham 20 years later hey but look it’s a great place

    Yeah it’s a great place to live work and uh when you get tired of the bubble so it is a bubble every now and again you sort of get a little bit Stir Crazy the ability to step into another country through Changi Airport as soon as you

    Come back to Chang airport it doesn’t matter who you are yeah cuz it’s just like everything’s going to work you’re not going to have to C your bag is going to be there you can get a taxi you’re home in 20 minutes yeah it’s that’s aise any things that you miss being in

    Singapore like when maybe from UK or like anything that you think may I think like it might be slightly different just over Christmas it’s rainy like this and I just turned to my wife and I went who’s from Liverpool who and I just went

    I just like to go to the pub and there is not a pub yeah is it you get great places to hang out down the river like Boomerang or something like that and we justed have rabbit Carri gun down here but there’s no real crusty Old Pub where

    You sit in the corner that’s 300 years old and the beer’s warm and it’s got some good food and beer garden yeah and so that’s what I miss the other thing is biting into a tomato and it tasting of a tomato so my kids used to eat the little

    Baby cherry tomatoes the whole time yeah we took them to Shaman in France and they bit one and they went it’s a no in France yeah in France all the food every like corner corner store in the middle of nowhere will be like delicious vegetables and fruits and

    Everything there’s loads of things wrong with every country but there’s a load of things right with so there’s so much right with Singapore so you’re really having to pull on something to to find the fact that you can you know go and have a $30 sandwich there but I can have

    My $5 chicken rice and I that’s better than that and that’s great don’t be Little Farms I love you um but uh you know the chicken rice man around the corner um that’s probably some of the best food you’re going to get what’s the best thing about Singapore that people

    Don’t realize people outside of Singapore don’t know about Singapore when I first came here I flew through on the way to Paris where we were going to live for a year and I asked so what do you do in Singapore to my local colleagues oh there’s some really good

    Shopping and I was going no what I want to see Singapore okay well then there’s really good food I’m go no I want to see s so what I would say is don’t do what people expect you to do here M eating and shopping do not do it there’s so you

    Know you not eating no no no sorry sorry I’m saying don’t go into the shopping mall which seems to be the staple for this is what Singapore’s about that’s not what Singapore about it is about it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s D chat is finding the little hidden way place it’s about

    Actually getting on a motorbike or in a car that’s the trouble is if you don’t own a car or motorbike here you can’t go to sunai bolo easily you can’t go to the hidden parts of crangi and the last dirt gravel path Hidden Away by the Scout

    Huts up in crangi you can’t find these things and so having a little bit of Mobility here suddenly opens up a lot for you yeah and I think that’s where some people just go and I’ve seen it from some ticktockers and instagrammers influencers who come here and go

    Shopping malls and it’s like you completely missing the point um and once and it’s a light with a lot of countries as well on lots of cities once you get into into the into the weeds of it that’s when you have the fun yeah as soon if you skim along the surface of

    Singapore it’s you’re not going to enjoy it it’s clean and safe and great but you’re not going to enjoy it yeah yeah true true but the most fun if you want to have the most fun in Singapore you come to this place custom bikes if you want a custom

    Bike is here if you want mut motorcycles it’s there my first bike was M loved it if you have a like 2B license Singapore that’s the best place right to abely yeah something if you look at Boat Key all the houses are different heights do you know why yeah no

    Ah so basically the taller the house the Richer the merchant yeah because he or she would have more produce in there so the taller the hous is the more money the merchant another little known fact about Singapore do you know how many islands it is I expect it’s like 20 25

    30 that’s right I mean but outsider’s perspective we call it Red Dot because it gets hidden by the dot in an atlas right actually it’s it’s about 20 plus islands and 20 yeah so if you go across something like Lazarus Lazarus used to be where they put all the plague victims

    Back in the back in the old days hello sir how are you very good man happy New Year happy New Year good to see you hello year happy New Year happy year happy New Year happy New Year happy New Year maritzio who is happy and this is

    His place he’s got another one over by um two t Pago yeah of course and then one by raffles but they’re all very small um Mexican style restaurant right you guys how long been here this place coming on almost three and a half months

    Now yeah oh the new the new one oh I see I see how long youve been living in Singapore for how many years yeah uh I’ve been here since I’m 12 years old so there more than 40 years how were you in adop in Singapore uh my

    Father uh was in The Merchant Navy and he was the chief engineer of order a ship and he decided to come ashore oh and he decided come to Singapore all right and uh and so since then so yeah so I’ve been here ever since where from

    F India ah uh part Scottish part English wow interesting a little bit of West Indies in there from my mom’s side so you feel like you feel more like Singaporean definitely definitely more Singaporean if someone is coming to Singapore and want to make friends want to make friends in Singapore what would

    Be your advice to me it’s it’s through this you know it’s food you know go and sit at Hawkers and you get to meet people right you know you don’t have to go and sit in a restaurant where you’ve reserved a table and it’s only for one

    Or two people you can meet through these Hawkers cuz it’s just right we’ll see what in a sec right how you do it you come to fer Center and then you do what you sit next to someone you ask can I can I sit here or what do you do

    Absolutely right what’s the strategy yeah I mean you’re just basically nudg in right you know cuz most of the tables in a hawker will seat five or six and if there’s a couple of people sitting there or a single person sitting there yeah is this seat taken right and then you can

    Strike some dialogue you know even as a you know a foreigner Coming For the First Time sit down and ask what you should eat what’s a recommendation all that’s the that’s the easiest start I think especially for locals they will be happy to explain yeah what and nice that ice break

    Hello so one of the Hawker uncles ah from from iniga so there’s another one for you right to meet local people have you done yet how long youve been in there five years right have you done prawn fishing this one my to do Le one for years for years man I’ll take you

    Prawn fishing we we’ll do another one of these and I’ll take you for all fishing probably the best one is in Pongo um massive huge and you sit you get a couple of beers you stick that line and you start chatting because you want to

    Ask how the hell you do this thing right cuz they’re the all the locals going bo bo I’m sitting there here is my my bait broken but yeah it’s a sport you know they turn up with their own kit and special um baits and so it’s brilliant and you can just sit

    There and you know they’re all just sitting there chatting and eating and drinking so it’s like a social club but with a bit of fun yeah and then what you once you’ve caught whatever you’ve caught so you have like yabes as well like little lobsters um as well they’re

    Like the special priz and then you go and cook it so you sit there eating and drinking and catching fish it’s just wonderful so prawn fishing awesome yeah awesome yeah this is good this is spicy and this is good cheers but these are the best like frozen margaritas on the planet

    M wow so nice if you get here early in the morning the smells that come out of here when they’re when they’re preparing this man it’s amazing it’s so good I have a friend he he moved to Ireland he’s American and he was like oh there is no

    Proper Mexican food in Singapore but there are places Right There Are Places uh so you met your Japanese wife in where in UK in UK UK yeah tell tell me the story yeah I met her through friends she was working for um fisa um with friends of mine and you know his eyes

    Across a crowded room immediately fell in love I’m like yep and that was it right um Sparks flew just in that thir first 30 seconds type thing um and then you moves out to London to move in with her um an amazing story continued from there right and moved to Australia

    Together moved to Singapore together and sadly that only lasted 6 months you ever told the story publicly what happened yeah I have I mean funny enough it’s actually how I started the blog because the counseling that I had post her death was don’t bottle don’t bottle up your

    Emotions and your feelings and your grief you got to get it out and at the time it was like I’m not very good at talking you know about this um so said do you write anything you know why don’t you write a blog so if you look at his life a

    Recipe 20 years ago yeah you know it was really wling you know and it was very short paragraphs all about you know death and me wanting to kill myself and blah blah all this sort of stuff so it’s really just this poor of of pain um and

    Then it’s evolved now into yeah writing about food and restaurants and fun with the family and travel and and that kind of thing so it’s kind of emerged and morphed but yeah she um yeah we were here 6 months she’ just given birth to

    Amy who’s 15 now so Amy was 6 months old you know um not even that um and she passed away of a blood flop to the brain so you know it was then the decision of what the hell did you do you know I’m six months in in a second [Β __Β ] yeah

    So you could tell by her face that there was no pain so it was instantaneous death yeah and that was that then it was the decision of you know where the [Β __Β ] do we go do we stay here do we go to Australia do we go back to England do we

    Go to Japan do we go to the US with my sister and all you know [Β __Β ] what do we do um and I decided to stay here and then I had to get Nanny to come in and help cuzz ultimately you know 6 months

    Down the road I had to go to work yeah and that’s where this Angel this Philipino Angel um came into my life who was Mary my wife now all right so uh yeah Mary came and joined us basically dragged me out of alcoholism and suicidal um considerations um and got

    The family back on the straight and narrow again um and then yeah 10 years ago we had our child right so that’s where the five the five come from so yeah that was that life I mean death in Singapore is one thing that I I didn’t

    Kind of call out before but you’ve asked the question now yeah wow I’m dealing with that here is as a foreigner oh yeah [Β __Β ] me um I Heard the divorce is super difficult but I guess this there like no you know death here so there’s no advice

    Nobody advises you on on what you need to do there is no manual that works you through right so she got taken away um and then you know they go oh her body’s are ex so you know I arrived from South Korea my father-in-law is in from

    Japan we arrived about the same time we go to this place it’s like a an industrial park is all I can describe it as you know there’s like some mechanical engineering [Β __Β ] and this and this and and then there’s this Funeral Home you know so you go there the gates are

    Locked there’s a massive dog there barking this guy you know rattling the door this guy comes out covered in tattoos no very Singaporean Right comes out and I’m like I’m here to see my wife you know and you go into this almost like a double glazing sales place and

    There she is like laying on this slab in the cold refrigeration unit like what yeah really um and then you have to go through the process you know choose a coffin and what clothes do you want her to wear when she’s in the all this sort

    Of stuff right and then it just gets worse and worse you know so here basically you have an open coffin where people come and see the I didn’t know that right so uh they go okay so she’s going to get cremated today um so I had

    To go to this this place another place walk in there there’s no one about like hello hello you know and walk in this room no a conditioning boiling hot Singapore in day and there’s open coffee my wife laying there massively deteriorating because she’s in the open

    Heat it’s just like for [Β __Β ] sake you know first thing you’re doing is shutting the the lid second thing put the airon on my father-in-law’s there as well breaking up you know just in bits because of this like shock of what the [Β __Β ] and then they put him in this the

    Only way I could describe it it’s like a carnival float which is the hearse you know it’s not somber it’s this weird thing plastic flowers and it’s like an ice cream van with a coffin in the back of it then you go up to uh wherever we were doing the um The

    Cremation and it becomes this kind of like party you know there’s like sele handful of friends my mother-in-law didn’t want to come my father-in-law you know so there’s a handful of friends were there to just get through this experience you know we got some roses and we put the

    Roses on them and then there’s this like Auditorium with this like curtains and they went and the guy’s like okay so we’re going to wheel her in in a minute um and then put her there andof like sorry what he goes we bur her there um what you want me to [Β __Β ]

    Watch it really and you went yeah yeah yeah you know we we’ll put the show here for you to to watch like no you know just make it happen and I’m going to come back when the the ashes are ready to collect and don’t want two ears so we

    We got half of her here and half of her is in London I’m buried and I I went back the next day with again a very close friend and I’m like oh sorry you were supposed to have two ears and he went oh yeah so you put another ear on

    On top there like this and then I kid United like an ice cream scoop lifted did the lid off like this in front of me you had literally half of her from that in there on the countertop as I’m standing there you know this far it’s like I’m believe

    It so I part of again what I did in the blog and I at work as well I I did a posting at work to say seriously if anybody has a death in Singapore call give me a call cuz it’s just it was wrong it was wrong um but

    It’s Blas here you know it it was the most awful experience how long did it take you to get over get over oh years years years yeah you know um I mean doing you still get smells and keywords and things like that for months and months and months and months you know

    And especially when you’re seeing the kids grow up and they look like her and all that kind of stuff so how do you describe Street fot in Singapore because all the neighboring countries they have like street food like street street food so basically you’re on the street in Singapore like

    Hawkers the the that’s the concept but what about the street food if you came here probably 15 years ago absolutely that was still here yeah so sat Street yeah as the name suggests was just street food Hawkers you know carts basically um no sign board which is a

    Really famous restaurant here and the owners couldn’t afford the sign above their car then Singapore being Singapore wanted to ensure that everything was clean and healthy because of the tourism he Presto moves inside to Hawkers which are then government controlled and that certification so ABCD health health

    Andert um and then if you wanted to have the selections but without having to go to different stalls that was Zar Zar is basically a stall that will sell many Yeah a different types of dish so that’s that Evolution it’s predominantly for health and safety reasons so look at

    These up here is this beautiful oh yeah stunning with the tiles so this is like panakin yeah which is this like blend of Chinese Malay Indian you know all that glue together and the food is the representation of that as well so panican and Nona styles are the gluing

    Of different country’s foods which again makes quite unique here in Singapore so anib bar bar again great concept owned by Lady very nice lady actually and then it’s it’s kind of not zisha CU it’s not just um Singapore and food so there’s a tie there’s a Mediterranean um but then

    They do the most amazing array of bottled beers here as well um you can get wines and you know it’s it’s cool so we like the variety um and it’s packed as you can see and reasonably priced as well and I’m going to get you some lamb

    Schwam this this will be the best lamb you’ve ever had in your life so you’re the chef here yeah where you from origin Iraq they my favorite we all do everything over charcoal looks amazing super tender one so we got two two two SKS each two SK so how much you think

    For I don’t know like a 20 bucks $72 what is it like the place is profitable I’ve been here seven years so just making a living yeah it’s not I’m not making a lot of money I was shocked the other day I was bring uh YouTube and

    Finly he popped up uh YouTube post and wow that’s Brian and I was reading uh he has also a passion for so you you watched our interview Miss Brian okay what Chang in your life since our last intervie a Fame and Fortune man like uh a couple of times i’ you been recognized

    Like on the street which really nice you know like an uncle came over and actually basically said you know thank you for what you did and what you talked about local food and encouraging people to eat so you know really positive there’s another one um uh dinner with my

    Family and this couple comes up and like like can we take a picture with you my kids were like all kind of sniggering away like going oh Dad but um yeah and and I’ve been asked to do a TV show as well now off the back of this so uh I

    Don’t know when that will show but it’s going to be in Europe um so there’s a film crew coming over later in January yeah yeah so thank you yeah let me show you some magic if you click on this video I will disappear and reappear again let’s try three two one



    2. The thing about funerals in Singapore is that its geared towards the legacy of how Chinese funerals were traditionally done; like open casket [your choice but its to just show how well your Loved one looks before the final send off], seeing the coffin actually being burned [in the past cremation was done in the open for all to see so perhaps this practice was a continuation of that, which thank goodness they don't show anymore at the crematorium] n the unceremoniously transferring of the remains, ashes n bones, into the urn Right in front of you, a very nonchalant experience [perhaps to prove the ashes were really placed into the urn, n not sand. πŸ˜…

      Just my thoughts.

    3. Sorry to hear about Brian’s experience with the funeral service providers. Most of these companies do not have the experience and skills to deal with foreigner customers especially on the emotional aspects. In such a scenario I would suggest asking a friend who lives here, who had been through the process, for advice.

    4. I guess that it's true for foreigners that it's easy to start businesses in Singapore compared to other countries but it's also very easy for businesses to become non-sustainable here.

      Sorry to hear about Brian's upsetting experience with the funeral service. It was already tough for him to go through the death of a love one. It was the funeral culture here that he wasn't used to.

    5. thanks for the great video – love hearing from brian again – such an engaging person! thank you for sharing with us your stories… so sorry to hear about your wife😒

    6. Singapore police are not efficient with enforcement actions against people who cause physical violence. Have heard of similar incidences by other travellers.

    7. Sadly racism does exist now, even in a place like Singapore. You were just damn unfortunate to have been at the wrong place at the wrong time.

      And yes, most bouncers turn a blind eye to foreigners getting walloped most of the time because you guys are usually labelled as the trouble-making caucasians πŸ˜…

    8. I've seen at least 2-3 big gang fights in Singapore Food courts, late at night, over the past 20 years. Plastic chairs and food flying around, knifes used and some blood around the targeted person and attackers. Police are quick to arrive & break it up. So these does happen, albeit quite rare & unexpected. 😊😊

    9. A misconception of these shop houses that are taller is richer. In the past, many of these shop houses changed hands and new owners were allowed to tear down the existing and rebuilt a one floor higher but in exchange, the front portion of the land has to be moved in 10 meters inward for future road expansion. However, the building conversation act kicks in 1989 to preserve all these shophouses so as to prevent modifications on the original building architecture.

    10. Keep doing these Max and Brian. Loving it! I lived in Siglap and Katong back in 1996!! Back in Western Australia now. Getting inspiration again to move to Singapore though

    11. Hi Brian — love your positive outlook in life despite of some tough and difficult times. We each have our own life experiences to bear and learn from, I guess. Totally love seeing you drag Max all over Joo Chiat/ Katong's shops and eating spots. I've lived in the East side of the island all my life, and I'm just 5-10 min away from where you all were in this video. I pass by Joo Chiat every day when I head to work too. Maybe we'll bump into each other one day! hahaha I have worked with many "ang moh" foreigners before in past two jobs. I just wish most of them were like you, who is willing to "get out of the malls", "eat at the hawker centres and local food", and meet us locals at our level in terms of connection and communication.

    12. It was the same trauma and disturbing for my European colleague when her husband passed away suddenly in Singapore. They could not understand why the funeral parlour kept asking if they wanted the buffet service and that I t was actually more weird/disturbing for locals to see a loved one to be left alone at parlour vs bringing them home to have the service at home. The bad funeral services experienced are generally due different expectations caused by cultural differences and religion practices.

      In western countries the body is placed in an open coffin at the funeral home and people visit when they want to say their goodbyes else mainly visit only on actual burial day. In Singapore the dead return home, duration of service rites depend on religion like for Taoist and Buddhism now much shorter at 3 days (in the past up to 7 days). Service rites would take place for all days, friends and family come to say their good byes and are also served some food at the same time (hence the buffet service). On the last day, the coffin leaves in a floral hearse with a β€œparty” playing the last song/prayer for the last march to the incinerator. When you get there, they have a special viewing room to send off their loved one watching the coffin getting pushed into the incinerator. Wait for few hours or maybe some days later to come back and collect ashes and lay to rest at their new β€œcondo” that is a columbarium at a cemetery/temple/church etc.

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