So this is it my first YouTube video on this journey I have decided to go on.

    I started cycling in November of 2023 and very quickly fell head over heels. Now just a few months later I’m working with a coach and have signed up for 2 pretty crazy gravel races.

    Cycling has massively improved both my physical and mental health and I want to share it with as many people as possible. We as humans are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for and I want to prove that. I have been told I am mad for trying to do this and that only makes me want it that much more.

    I hope to raise awareness for mental health and the importance of taking care of it as well as inspire people to get out and explore on two wheels.

    Massive thank you to my sponsors who are helping to make this crazy journey possible

    My Bike –
    My phone –

    If you have read this far you are a freaking legend please consider subscribing and joining me on this wild ride

    #cycling #cyclinglife #gravel #gravelbike #gravelcycling #adventure #cyclingtiktok #cyclingtips #gravellife #gravelracing

    Okay how do we start one of these things what’s up everybody my name is Tyler I’m from Ireland and I just started cycling so this video is just going to be a brief kind of overview I guess of who I am how I got into this and my plans for

    The year um yeah hopefully I have loads more videos to come and things go well so I suppose I’ll start with how I got into this um I’m a photographer that’s what I do for a living I was shooting for a for a electric bike company um

    Last year and went and tested the product and had a little bit of a cycle and remembered how much I enjoyed cycling um I would have done a lot of mountain biking when I was younger BMXing as well um but I haven’t cycled in years and years and that just kind of

    Reminded me how much fun it was and then I looked up a couple of videos on YouTube about cycling and then thanks to the incredible YouTube algorithm I came across a video from a guy called Fernway about the Badlands ultra distance gravel cycle in Spain and that just blew me

    Away I thought it was the coolest thing ever so that kind of got me on the on the like train of okay gravel cycling something that seems interesting it’s like a cross between what I know before and then this new aspect of distance and and drop handlebars which I’d never used

    Before so um yeah I kind of started looking into it I bought myself a bike um had no idea what I was doing so the bike I bought was too big just kind of try to figure it out and um yeah it kind of leads us to where we are today so

    This all happened November last year so it’s it’s really new um I’ve been cycling for like four months now um I’ve signed up to two races this year one is the traa 200 km race in Jona in Spain which I’ve heard is quite a doozy so

    That’s happening in May and I don’t know if I’m going to be ready or not but flights are booked accommodation booked so um yeah I’m going and then the other one is in Iceland it’s called The Rift also 200 k um that one I have a friend Joe coming

    With us so bit of company on that that ride which will be nice um yeah so that’s kind of my plans for 2024 2025 hopefully um the same two again migration gravel race is a race that happens in Kenya across the Masai Mara and it looks just out of this world

    Like once in a lifetime experience um so that is my plan for next year it’s it’s a longer harder race harder to get into um harder to complete so I don’t know if I’m going to make it this year uh in fact I I really don’t think I will make

    It this year but next year that’s my plan um yeah so follow along and and let’s see what we can do in terms of sponsors um I’m really really grateful to have been able to to leverage my photography and the skills that I have to provide some value for Brands um and

    So I have two brands on board as of now that that have been unbelievably helpful in the in the process so far and will continue to be helpful for the the duration of the of the the project um first one is is fle um incredible Gravel bik Company out

    Of Northern Arland and this is the causeway it’s um it’s it’s just awesome it’s got very mountain bike esque geometry which makes me feel a little bit more at home um a little more comfortable than a a really short um Snappy road bike maybe I’ll go there in

    The future but but for now this is this has really been has it’s been perfect um I can’t fault it I will go into more detail I’ll make a video about this bike in more detail I have a few changes that I’m going to be making over the next

    Couple of weeks so once those changes are complete I will do a a kind of like bike check I guess um on the setup which will hopefully be the tune setup for the races as well so yeah so that’ll come in in a couple of weeks um and then the

    Other one is quadlock which is a brand that makes phone covers and mounts um so I can mount my phone to my bike which is class I I it it makes such a big difference to be able to have my phone on me and and visible when I’m when I’m

    Riding I have a Garmin as well but um I just prefer to watch the maps on on the on the phone and bigger screen and just a little bit easier to to follow so yeah they’ve been incredible as well um and they make incredible products so I’m I’m

    Super happy to be able to work with both fle and quadlock and yeah I’m going to leave it there and I’m not going to Ramble On too much more um at the end of this video I’ve added in a a ride that I did a couple of weeks ago um just to

    Kind of give you a feel for for the the types of rides I’ll be doing while I’m in Ireland the training rides I’ll be doing and yeah over the next couple of weeks a couple of months I suppose um I will be posting more videos training

    Here in Ireland both on the road like you know kind of interval training sessions some longer rides and some gravel rides um there’s not a huge amount of gravel in Ireland but enough for me to get some some kind of time in the saddle Offroad so that is the plan

    And then yeah 29th of April I fly to Jona for tracka so I’ll have a couple of days before the race to kind of acclimate to the weather um get a feel for the for the place I guess go on few spins I’m working with a coach um coach

    Zippy who is Irish but living in Jona so he’s going to kind of show me around when I get out there and yeah hopefully it all goes well thanks for sticking in this far hope you enjoy the the little ride that I did a couple of weeks ago and yeah see you guys [Applause] Soon So good morning everybody we are currently in the doubl mountains on a gravel ride excuse the breath we’ve done 250 meters of elevation in the first two and a half kilometers so it’s been a tough start to the day let’s see what we can get up [Applause] To Hey yeah that dog out a stick that was bigger than Him we’re now 13 km and 400 m of elevation so still climbing but look where we are how cool is That So back on the road for a little bit of climbing um we are at 600 M of elevation over 18 km so pretty climby day but views are looking good and when we get to the top we uh show have some really fun Trails back down to the car park so yeah

    Looking forward to That [Applause] Oh

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