THE man who killed York father-of-five Mark Webb has been found guilty of murder.

    Brian Cox, 29, attacked Mr Webb, 40, slashing his throat with a Stanley knife in an alleyway off Stuart Road in Acomb. He left a wound 19 cm (eight inches) long, then ran off while his victim bled to death.

    A jury at Leeds Crown Court today found Cox, of no fixed address, guilty of murder, and found the dead man’s wife Susan Webb, Cox’s lover, guilty of perverting the course of justice by washing away blood from the scene and lying about what had happened. She was cleared of a third charge of disposing of the murder weapon.


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    There are 8,999 calls made every day hello what’s the problem it’s the police can have the police I could you stole me money who’s stoling you money some are more serious than others got bre okay BL the little boy flapped on his back for me there FL on

    His back on rare occasions the call is to report a deathy service i’ run over the way been feeding the co and one of the co must people broke into house but what if the call she’s not moving right she’s not moving the to in fact a killer someone been St I think

    They did AUM is a very good Community you watched out for each other you asked everybody how they were if you hear a bump you’ll go knock if you haven’t seen somebody you’ll go and find out if they’re okay aim has about as much crime as any other similar Community there’s maybe

    Petty things like a bit of burglary maybe a bike’s being pinned murders are very rare you just don’t come across them that often but on the 4th of March 2011 an incident occurred that tore this close-knit community apart is he still there no he’s gone now I’m just worried

    He might do some that stupid all in no circumstances would you have ever imagin that to have happened especially when it’s just over the road somebody that you know it’s it’s the last thing you think Of the first time that I met Mark Webb would have been at one of his children’s birthday parties my daughter had been invited and they only live around the corner he was a big block with a very very big booming voice but he was quite quiet Mark was described as a fun loving

    Family man he was loved he loved a drink nine times out of 10 whenever you spoke to Mark he had a drink on two three however many he would be swaying down the street cuz he’d obviously had a one too many the dad I would say was pretty good

    Even though he was a drinker when he watched you with his kids he was just brilliant but he could come across cross is quite scary cuz he’s such a big block Mark Webb had been married to his wife Susan for 13 years Susie complete opposite to Mark

    Very opinionated she wasn’t shy to say what she wanted to say but yeah she was well known and well liked by a lot of the parents at school but after 13 years together Mark and Susan’s marriage was under strain I’m fed up of this ma would you stop

    Every time you come back you’re drunk not drunk yes you are don’t give me this as Mark’s drinking escalated out of control give me that oh that’s really CL the couple drifted apart now what you going to do you don’t think of it anymore go on get out by November 2010 the relationship

    Hit rock bottom and the couple decided to Separate Susan wanted it over andone with she didn’t want to have anything more to do with Mark she was upset at Mark’s behavior towards her and she had a non ministation order out against him on the grounds that he had been violent to her when he was in

    Drink Mark Webb moved out of the marital home into temporary accommodation a few streets away Mark didn’t want the relationship to end he wanted to keep in contact with Susan and their children I can I come in Mar come on please just take me

    Back Susan I I just want to come in just let me talk to you you’ve had too many chances just go on Susan it’s Susan don’t do this Susan please come on the separation from his wife hit Mark Webb hard he was drinking more heavily and was now suffering from

    Depression and on New Year’s 2010 he self hared in a possible SU side attempt after Mark’s recovery the couple continued to have an amicable relationship for the sake of their children around the time of her breakup Susan Webb became close friends with another Local woman Carrie mton hello right

    Morning car monton lived a short distance away away from where Susan lived they could literally see each other’s houses from their own houses they knew each other through the community knew they were good friends they seemed to spend quite a lot of time together suie seemed to spend a lot of

    Time at Ker’s house more than her own from what I can remember it was an unlikely friendship to me I I wondered why them two had connected they were so different Carrie seemed to be very laidback couldn’t give a monkey’s uncle about what was going on whereas suie was more opinionated so

    It just seemed a really unlikely friendship when Carrie moved in I thought she’d moved in by herself but then it turns out she had a partner Gary mt’s partner was 34-year-old Paul quinnn and he was a bit of a odd bod as well a put my finger on it but there was

    Just something about him he was very quiet so yeah he was living there and then all of a sudden this other block started to appear and it was noticeable cuz he’s a very Tall Blog the new addition to the street was 29-year-old Brian Cox he stuck out like a

    S and I remember him being in bik leather all the time and was often and out of Ker’s house or tinkering with some Machinery out in the street I think what made him stand out for me was Not only was he tall but his hair his hair

    Was down to his shoulders and kind of had that wind swept look he’s definitely stood out in Stewart Road he was definitely a stranger in the mix it wasn’t long after Brian had moved into Carrie mt’s house thank you that he met Susan Webb I think for Susan Brian Cox was

    Protection he was the chance of a new Future I think that was the attraction of Brian Cox for Susan There was a whole series of text messages and phone calls between Mark and Susan starting probably about 8:00 that morning they started cording but gradually the tone changes Susan was trying to distance herself from him she’s using this to go Mark and Mark is getting angry she didn’t want him to see the

    Children she told him that she was seeing someone else she was she was trying to make life unpleasant for him confident that she had someone to protect her and confident that they weren’t living together now Mark then phoned Susan’s mother yes’s mark are it true about

    Susie that she’s got a new fell and then a bit later on he texts Susan to say [ __ ] so why do you cheat on me I never did for you I think Susan was wanting to make life as unpleasant for Mark as she could and she was enjoying making it unpleasant for him

    Mark spent quite a bit of time on March the 4th drinking he was in drink by the time he came on to carry mangon Susie Susie let me in he he was angry he was aggressive Susan let me in I’m going to bust this door down if you don’t let

    Me in Susan I’m being serious girl I’m not going anywhere you better let me in now who’s that shouting sorry car it’s mad back from the Let Me In come on I’m being serious girl come on let me in there’s a my kids too come on Susan let me in

    Susan at 5:40 p.m. Susan web telephone the Emergency Services hello what’s the emergency Polie please the address I’m at my friend kin lon’s house me ex-husband just come around he’s really drunk he’s been banging on the door screaming and shouting okay heeg you no not like that

    Like he’s going to do something to himself is he still there no he’s gone now I’m just worried might do stupid on the 4th of March 2011 after a series of text messages B A concerned Susan web called the Emergency Services about her husband might doid all later that afternoon a single police

    Officer visited Stuart Road in response to Susan web’s concerned call of about her husband’s State of Mind py fennel was the first policeman on the scene he saw a trail of blood and he followed it at the end of it he found Mark web in the garden of the web marital home yeah

    We’ve got a man over here he’s uh severely wounded policeman of course did his best for him he tried to give him resuscitation he tried to stop the bleeding Mark was barely alive and was taken by paramedics to York Hospital but upon arrival Mark Webb was pronounced Dead Susan W yeah sorry this is what de I’m afraid so he can’t be dead he can’t when the police first told her that Mark was dead Susan was hysterical but Susan web’s 999 call wasn’t the only call police received about Mark Webb there were two 99 99

    Calls that evening one was from Susan web and one was from Liz Brown who lived across the way I had actually been off work sick with flu I remember that day feeling a little bit better and I was going to attempt my first trip out of the

    House I went out around half three to nip to the carner shop the Street was so quiet there was no kids playing no cars no parents chatting at Gates like there usually is and it’s like the Cal before the storm there was nobody in the street

    Except for suszie no Mark I’m sorry I don’t want you seeing the kids and she was over the road and she was on the phone to Mark no M look it’s it’s just not going to work she seemed to be quite calm but then when I came back and she was still on

    The phone Brian was there he was very calm she seemed to be getting quite agitated yeah yeah it’ll be it there’s no point of me even trying to say I wasn’t EES dropping because I didn’t get the choice it was loud enough that anybody in the street could have heard

    What was being said that’s it you’re not seeing the kids you’re useless Mark you’ve always been useless she was just telling me how useless he was that she did everything nothing to look after our family she was just having a right girl so I went into the house

    And me being me shouted upstairs to the girls is she still at it my girls sit watching passes by and they were like yeah says do me a favor and just keep an eye and then I heard Max coming down the street Susan sus let me in you’re going to let me in

    You’re going to bloody Let Me In come on getting another running commentary from the girls saying different base Susie and they said though there’s another block there as well then I heard he come out then they said to me Mark’s gone across the road heading towards Middleton Road to the

    House he was swaying as if he was drunk and because he was known as a Drinker you just presume he’s had a drink he swaying and the other guy they said had run down the street I was panicking and I picked up the phone I said I needing the police I

    Reported that there had been an incident at this house and they said don’t worry somebody else is already Rong it’s under control and I said you sure it’s all under control yes it’s we’ve got it under control right fine put the phone down and then I hear police cars coming down the

    Road I’m looking out the window going oh my Lord look at all those police cars there was loads of them it was just like ants coming out a woodw there was police everywhere it was then that I saw krie and cuz I know krie I shouted what’s happened and that’s when she said

    He’s done it to himself and used the hands to gesture to her throat it was just disbelief cuz it was like how why would he have done that how would he have done that I don’t it didn’t sink in you don’t quite believe what you’re hearing he’s not the type of blow to

    Have done that to himself cuz he loves his kids why would he leave his kids behind I just can’t see him doing it Carrie seemed to be stopping and talking to everybody that she met as she walked up the road she just kept he’s doing it to himself he’s doing it to

    Himself there was no sign of Susie there was no sign of anybody else just carry not long after Mark was pronounced dead rumors started appearing on social media it was krye who first put the rumors about Mark committing suicide on Facebook with all the police and ambulances and things in our street

    People were curious as to what had happened so there had been things put on asking what was going on and other people had put answers to what they thought was going on and there was speculation and so Susie in reply had put something on in regards to stop

    Talking about all this stop speculating and and please think about the children in this hard time there’s a police woman man in the gate at Ker’s house and I can’t remember what we were talking about but I just happened to to mention that the man that

    Had run off and she looked at me and said what man that run off I said my girls told me there was a man that run off when Mark was leaving the house so this is my old house so up there was where my two girls watched what occurred on the night that

    Mark was killed and we saw Mark come down this street from that side all the way down to Ker’s house and then they were able to see from carer’s house Mark walking across the road where that red cars going is where Susie lived and that’s where Mark walked

    To this house here is or I should say it was ker mt’s house and this is the gate that I actually spoke to the policewoman at Mark appeared in the alleyway across the grass and started to walk up here now my girls you can see my my girl’s bedroom window from here so

    You can you can see that they can actually see MK come out and come across he’s walked from where that blue gate is and he’s walked across the girl said this sign with his hand across his neck um and it wasn’t until later that they told me he’d got blood on his hand

    Um they just said he’d walked out holding his neck but was staggering this way um and it took a while for him to find him so this is where Mark ended up he ended up in this Garden as far as you know by the shed after Liz Brown told the police

    Officer what her daughters had seen the police quickly took her back to her house and two plain clothed police officers arrived to interview her daughters it wasn’t until the policeman came that we realized this was a big deal now our hous is a very very thin

    Walls you can hear a pin drop usually the older policeman took a phone call he went and stood at the bottom of stairs and shut the door cuz he obviously thought he was going to get peace and quiet but we overheard him on the phone actually say it’s a murder

    Investigation we were aware then that Mark had died and it was a murder on the 4th of March 2011 after numerous text messages and phone calls with his estranged wife [ __ ] Mark web’s body was found in the garden of his ex-wife’s house yeah we’ve got a man over here he’s severely

    Wounded rumors on the streets were that Mark Webb had killed himself but eyewitness accounts revealed a second man fleeing the scene we were aware then that Mark had died and it was a murder with a murder investigation now underway the police made the decision to bring in Susan and her Associates for

    Questioning the police generally don’t say why they arrest people unless you’re really pushing them they say they had arrested essentially every adult in the house in connection with the murder Early on the Saturday morning the newspaper got a tip off from somebody in the area so as a duty reporter I went out to find out what was happening or what had happened it was obvious something major had happened there was a policeman standing guard over his house which was I’m taped

    Off and where I could see something that looked like a trail of blood so at that point I knew that this was definitely very serious the blood was on the pavement it was in splodges they looked as if they dried there it stretched for some considerable distance I could see it stretching away

    Into the cordon off area looking at the blood trail looking at the police cordons looking at the policeman standing guards I was thinking there’s been some kind of fight and somebody has been very seriously injured this could be fatal the postmortem was undertaken at the Mory in York the immediate thing that was

    Readily apparent was that there were four four large insize wounds to the neck so he had had in common terms his throat cut it was fairly clear fairly quickly that they had cut major blood vessels and they were lethal injuries after ID had a look at the

    Scene I wanted to speak to people to find out what had been happening so I started knocking on doors a lot of the neighbors didn’t answer it was Saturday morning they were out shopping they were out with the children and those that did answer didn’t want to talk it’s a close-nit

    Community everybody knows everyone they didn’t want to say something that might annoy somebody they knew meanwhile at the local police station Susan Webb maintained the same account she’d given on the 999 call he came around to house it would drunk out of his mind he was swearing and threatening he’d do something to

    Himself Susan Webb’s account indicated Mark’s death must have been suicide it is physically possible for someone to inflict these injuries upon themselves but people who cut their own throats tend to use their dominant hand I’m left-handed I’m to go across and so you will go deep to shallow in that

    Direction typically somebody who does that will also just Nick at the skin they’re called tentative marks before they actually finally do something significant I took the view very early on that these injuries seemed to be by Far and Away more with somebody having done this than a self-inflicted type

    Injury postmortem results and a sighting of a second man in the alleyway had now ruled out Susan Webb’s account of death by suicide on Sunday two days after the murder the police put out a statement that a man had died they didn’t give any more details than that a man had been

    Stabbed they were treating it as murder and they were looking for Witnesses alongside Susan Webb also in custody were Carrie mton and her partner Paul Quinn but a new arrest was about to change the course of the investigation Brian Cox handed himself in to local police all right why don’t

    You tell me what happened I went outside to try and calm him down you can’t come in suie you can’t he tried to get past me I tried to stop him he stepped back and I saw the blood I I I didn’t mean to cut your mate me

    Me he he ran off I just panicked I run away Brian Cox said he had been holding the knife as he was trimming a carpet at car’s house but detectives did not believe Brian Cox’s account of a struggle that ended in Mar accidental death Brian Cox was charged with the murder of Mark

    Web whilst Carrie mton and her partner Paul Quinn were released without charge Susan Webb was charged with two accounts of perverting the course of Justice in connection to her husband’s murder The web family were in the public Gallery sitting behind the press against the back wall you had the dock with Brian Cox and Susan web standing alongside each other but not looking at each other from the way they behaved in court you wouldn’t think that they knew each other there was no sign

    Of a loving relationship over the course of the investigation detectives had discovered Susan web was not Brian Cox’s Only Lover after the altercation in the alleyway Brian CS had sought help from dwn courts The Other Woman in his life just like Susan Brian had an ex partner and that exp partner was Dawn

    Coats Dawn had non molestation order out against Brian but the two of them were trying to get the relationship back together again and he’d brought her an engagement drink that’s beautiful so there you have a love triangle centered around Brian with Susan the new woman who was desperately

    Trying to make the relationship between her and Brian work and Brian who was doing his best to revive an old relationship Susan didn’t know that after an afternoon spent drinking and exchanging text messages with his estranged wife Mark web’s body was discovered in the garden of his ex-wife’s

    Home after handing himself to the police Brian Cox was charged with Mark’s murder as Brian Cox gave evidence at trial he maintained his account that Mark Webb had been accidentally cut during their altercation I I didn’t mean to do it it was an accident B’s version was that he

    Went out into the courtyard to essentially calm down the situation sorry mate you can’t come in Susie doesn’t want to see you you can’t bloody tell me what to get and that he didn’t realize he had a standing knife with him when he went out there and that he’ used his dormans

    Techniques to restrain Mark and by that had accidentally cut him I I I didn’t mean to cut you made he claimed that when he saw the cut he told Mark that he would help him and Mark refuse the help and he then says he left I just ran it was the stupidest

    Decision I’ve ever made he was doing his very best to paint it as a complete accident but it was clear from the pathologist to report that this was not an accident pathology was of deep severe insid R that’s not two people fighting that is one person causing Injury One these injuries are sustained

    You are going to start to bleed heavily the two coted arteries carry about a quarter of your body’s blood supply to your brain so you are talking about torrential bleeding as Mark web staggered the 61 M to his former marital home Brian Cox fled the scene running to his friend Mark Johnson’s

    House Mark Johnson told the court that that Brian had appeared looking flustered and panicked he made a point of not touching anything or shaking his friend’s hand he came at me with a knife I turned it on him he tells a friend I’ve done something stupid I’ve SL

    Someone’s throat ran Cox just doesn’t seem to have known what to do I need to see my jacket no no way the court asked Mark Johnson if he gave any advice to Brian Cox to which he replied do the right thing and turn yourself in after the friend tells him you’ve got to

    Hand yourself in Brian decides no and goes to the house of his ex partner Dawn coats so we goes van to Dawn’s house he gives her his jacket to clean doesn’t tell her why she gives him another jacket I’ll be backer Dawn told police that she had

    Washed the jacket that Brian had been wearing as she had done numerous times before she told officers that she used a stain remover as it had oil on it but denied seeing any blood on the item of clothing Susan was calm throughout the tri Matt came around you were swearing ranting

    Screaming he were going to do something to himself Susan tried to portray herself as loving Mark but she did didn’t show the emotion you would expect reaction from the gallery was strongest when Susan was given evidence there were strong gasps from the web family at what she was

    Saying they did not recognized the mar that she was painting in the witness box she was saying that effectively he was to blame it was suicide and she loved him the family didn’t believe that Susan kept the lies going she kept them right up from the evening of the

    Incident into the trial she never changed she continued to maintain that Mark was the person to blame not Brian the prosecution’s key witness came from an unexpected Source Susan Webb’s best friend Carrie mton one of the most tramatic moments in the trial was when Kerry gave evidence for the

    Prosecution she turned Queen’s evidence she gave evidence for the prosecution against both Susan and Brian I was worried she scared me I felt threatened in her police interview Carrie mton revealed to detectives that Susan Webb had pressurized her into spreading false rumors about Mark’s apparent soon Su aside you should call

    The police and tell him what about Brian no and Mark no I’m not telling him about Brian this is his fault this has been coming to Mark Brian ain’t going down for this Susie he was bleeding I’m serious I’ll tell him how he was acting all crazy like he were threatening to do

    Something to himself this has been coming to him for a long time isn’t Brian’s fault what about the blood I’ll clear it up I call the police and tell them how we come round we need to start spreading the word that Mark did this to himself you need to get out there and

    Start telling people me yeah you you’re involved now any any bleach and a scrubbing brush on the Afternoon Of The Murder as Brian Cox ran to Dawn Court’s house Susan web began a conspiracy to cover up the murder Susan claimed that she cleaned away the blood because she was concerned

    It might be seen by children there was blood on the wall there was blood on the floor there was a trail of blood leading away she must have known must have known that he was very very badly injured hello what’s the emergency well uh we husband me ex-husband just come around

    He’s really drunk he’s been banging on the door screaming and shouting what’s his name please W whenever a 999 call is played in court there’s always that heightened sense of this is how it actually happened a come she told the police that Mark was drunk no but he’s been drinking and he

    Were uh shouting and swearing at me she said that one of her friends had gone out to speak to him he had then left the area outside the house where she was and had gone elsewhere so the police were misdirected away from where it had happened by Susan and Susan made absolute

    No indication that Mark was injured in that 999 call putting that 999 call into context you thought she sounds realistic in that she sounds genuine and yet you knew she wasn’t she put on a good performance immediately after the N9 99 call Brian corks called Susan

    Web Brian no Brian calm down you’re not handing yourself in she told him she would cover for him and not to hand himself in her cover up plan was now in motion don’t worry I’m going to tell everyone how he did it to himself it it was suicide or cry for

    Help when Brian ran off Susan had a decision to make by staying with Mark she would have got him h but for her Mark was the past she decided to stay with Brian so that led her into clearing away the blood spreading the false tales about Mark trying to kill himself

    Blackening his name as much as she could to make him the person to blame for the whole situation but Susan was breaking the law Susan was doing her best to hinder the police investigation and to protect a murderer it led her to persuade Kerrie initially to go along with the story

    You’re involved now and it led her to tell Bayan don’t give yourself up I going to tell everyone I did it to himself it was suicidal she made that decision in the immediate aftermath of Mark being fatally injured that she was going to protect ban at all costs As the trial came to a close one last piece of information was shared with the court a pathologist said that the cuts were not of themselves necessarily fatal if he had received immediate help he could have survived yeah we’ve got a man over here he’s uh severely Wounded but of course he didn’t and therefore the injuries killed him after 3 days of deliberation the jury returned their verdict B’s got a life sentence he will have to serve a minimum of 18 years starting from when he was first remanded in custody Mark’s family were relieved by the

    Verdicts it was what they wanted it was a sense of yes Justice is being done Susan received 2 years imprisonment for perverting the course of Justice twice and she cried when she was genuine the web family certainly didn’t think that 2 years was a long enough sentence for

    Susan Susan had been the one who denied mark his chance to survive because she was the one who could have immediately got him help when she phoned the police in that long 999 call and never once mentioned that he was injured or that he needed an ambulance that was the delay that

    Deprived him of any chance of surviving I think this case shows what can happen and how easily matters can get completely out of control when you have strong emotions and people who are prepared to push things to the absolute Limit it rocked the neighborhood absolutely rocked it so when things like that happen you don’t feel safe and until that point you you were all right it’s definitely unnerving the that you feel like that presence is here that that atmosphere is still about doesn’t matter what the family is going

    To say to the children they’ll read the papers they’ll hear gossip they’ll hear rumors and they’ll know and that’s going to be the hardest thing is knowing that them four kids are going to grow up knowing that their mom was involved and the dad’s dead for It awful O


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