Top Headlines | @10 PM

    -PM Modi to address Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2024
    -24th ASEAN-EU ministerial meeting in Brussels today
    -‘Iran won’t start a war but will respond to bullies’
    -DPRK fires missiles off West coast

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    Live from New Delhi you’re watching DD India news are India’s voice to the world I’m shendu Goos coming up in the next hour prime minister Narendra Modi hails the golden period for Mobility sector in India during his parat Mobility Global export dress says aspirations of the new middle class to drive Growth Indian Navy foils another piracy attempt along east coast of Somalia rescues 11 Iranians eight Pakistani crew emit Rising tensions with the United States Iran’s president Ibrahim rahisi says would respond strongly to Bullying in cricket Yash jwal Splendid turn pass India to 336 for six on day one of the second test against England Prime minister Narendra Modi has said that India is moving forward with the vision of a developed Nation by 2047 he said to achieve this goal the mobility sector is going to play a crucial role addressing parat Mobility Global export 2024 at parat mandapa New Delhi prime minister said this is the beginning of

    The golden period for India’s Mobility sector bat Mobility Global Expo 2024 India’s groundbreaking event that Heralds the nation’s Ascent as a global hub for Mobility starting from 1st February to 3rd February in New Delhi it will be the epicenter of of innovation and progress in the mobility and automative sectors inaugurated by

    India’s prime minister Narendra Modi on Thursday the Expo is set to Captivate audiences with Myriad of activities addressing the event PM stressed that nation’s economy is expanding first and in government’s third term country is bound to become the third biggest economy in the world which th passenger vehicles b% two

    Sales the bhat mobility Expo 2024 is not just an exhibition it’s a testament to India’s capabilities across the entire mobility and Automotive value chains pm added that Beyond boundaries is the tagline of the Expo which also reflects the spirit of India Global Mobility conference with over 800 exhibitors from 50 plus

    Countries this is where cutting Ed Technologies Sustainable Solutions and breakthroughs converge latest Innovations showcased by over thousand brands from 13 Global markets in this Expo the bhat mobility Global Expo is where India’s Mobility story unfolds showcasing its commitment to progress sustainability and Global collaboration such kind of Expo

    Organized in India is giving empet to major as well as small scale players across the country to develop and innovate more such Innovative and sustainable products here in India and uh this is an expo of a scale of a global l level where participants from across the globe are participating to

    Showcase their product with camera person Ashish this is theu model from New Delhi for DD India and my colleague deand mondul is joining us live with more updates on the Expo dendu give us a sense of how the global Mobility Community is congregating at the Expo in bat mandapam

    Dendo I hope I’m audible to you can you hear us we’re trying to uh connect to our correspondent theu model in just a bit prime minister Narendra Modi uh participated in the parat mobility Global Expo earlier today in his address prime minister spoke about the manner in

    Which this is a golden period for the mobility sector in India whether it is production capability whether it is the Market the research and development in technology sector prime minister said that the opportunities available are diverse uh for the sector he also focused on the manner in which indigenous technology indigenous

    Innovation and also local materials could be extensively used in the automobile and mobile sector as a whole he spoke about the key takeaways of the budget as well from where the mobility sector could benefit uh significantly whether it is the capix uh expenditure which is improving uh the overall

    Infrastructure uh of uh in the country which has a cascading impact on the mobility sector we’ll again try and connect with our colleague dendu Mel he is covering uh this Expo where participants from across the world have descended it is one of the biggest Mobility Expo that has taken place uh in

    The country focusing on the future of Mobility as well as far as technology is concerned EV uh interventions are concerned there is also a focus on the manner in which more cleaner fuels like hydrogen uh could be put to use as well uh we’ll check if our colleague dandu

    Mondol is with us we talking about uh the bat Mobility Global Expo prime minister Narendra Modi addresses uh uh the participants at the bat Mobility Global Expo and prime minister spoke about the manner in which the new middle class is emerging he mention that thanks to the interventions of the government

    In the past 10 years some 25 CR people have been lifted out of uh poverty now these people whove been lifted out of poverty from the new middle class and their aspirations are also going to drive the growth story of India including the growth story of uh the

    Mobility sector in the country um I guess we connected with our colleague dendu model now dendu I hope I’m audible to you now uh first tell us the manner in which I asked how the global mob Mobility community congregated at this Expo in bhat mandapa uh well CH been yes

    I can hear you now uh you know the global in fact this was the first ever bat Mobility Expo that was uh that is being held at the bhat mandapam here in New Delhi and uh this is one of a kind where you know mobile uh uh Mobility aggregators including the automotive

    Sector and all the value chain that is linked with the automotive and Mobility sector are have congregated uh here in New Delhi uh more than uh 50 plus countries have come here to display their Innovation uh one of the key aspect that I would like to draw the

    Attention of you and all our viewers is you know the government’s Focus towards sustainability and green Mobility so this is standing out at the ex Expo uh at bhat mandapam where uh you know not just Indian Automotive makers but also uh also some of the automotive makers from across uh different countries that

    Have gathered here are showcasing newer Technologies cleaner Technologies uh that could be adopted uh in fact to make uh uh uh Mobility sector more Greener more sustainable and more cleaner because remember much of the pollution is caused by uh Vehicles so to address this challenge we have seen uh e

    Vehicles as well as hydrogen and ethanol powered vehicles uh which uh their prototypes uh being displayed here at bhat mandapam the Prime Minister also spoke about it yes back to you yes theu a little more on the India story at this Expo Prime Minister Modi appealed to the

    Indian Mobility sector to make the most of the opportunities in the country today how is the best of India also showcased at the expo well of course uh you see uh not just the global players uh I was visiting some of the Expo Centers uh stalls where even the Prime

    Minister visited uh you know we see our our one of our biggest giant that which is tataa Motors they have uh they have displayed a complete different segment of electronic vehicle uh that are uh that have been launched in the Indian market and that are yet to be launched

    In the Indian market so uh we also hear that some some new uh models of more uh sustainable more eco-friendly uh vehicles are likely to be launched by uh our own Indian players uh interestingly I also visited one of the uh The Pavilion which showcased uh you know the

    Uh the two-wheeler segment uh which uh which is completely Made in India their their technology their entire um ecosystem from charging to battery to the entire uh ecosystem uh to make a two- wheeler uh vehicle have been developed in India and um and most of which is uh not imported and Made in

    India it’s just not assembled in India but in fact Made in India so so you see how India is progressing and remember the Prime Minister also said uh that we we could make the most out of it and the government and the Prime Minister himself said that you take a leap

    Forward and I am there with you so uh he has given in a in a sense an assurance to the entire industry that was present at the Bharat mandapam and listening to him uh that you know uh you go ahead with Innovation the Prime Minister also

    Spoke about the 1 lakh CR fund uh that has been allocated for research and Innovation and he said that you know much of it could also be uh uh much much of it could also be used in the research and development of newer and sustainable Technologies in the automobile sector

    And the mobility sector so this is uh this is an important uh uh important policy announcement uh perhaps that uh that we can take uh take leave from the prime minister’s speech when we get more details of the 1 lakh Corpus fund announced in the interim budget

    Yesterday we’ll get more clarity on it but uh in a sense he’s given a indication towards the fact that you know this fund uh which has been allocated is towards research and Innovation and development of more cleaner Greener and more uh technologically advanced uh Mobility sector and not just Mobility but also uh

    Research and innovation in other sector as well deu thank you for joining us with those updates onto some other stories now in a swift response Indian Navy foiled another piracy attempt along the east coast of Somalia information regarding this piracy attempt on fishing vessel uh Omari was monitored on 31st January 2024

    Indian uh Naval RPA undertaking surveillance in the area successfully located fishing vessel Omari and in Sharda deployed for an anti piracy mission in the region was diverted to intercept the boat an Iranian flag vessel Omari had been boarded by seven Pirates Who had taken the crew as hostages aarda intercepted the vessel in

    Early hours on Friday and used integral Halo and boats to force the pirates for safe release of 11 Iranian and eight Pakistani Nationals along with the boat the ship also undertook confirmatory boarding of uh the fishing vehicle Omari to check on the well-being of the crew members Union minister of fora new and

    Renewable energy R Singh spoke with DD India on the interim budget he spoke about the solar rooftop scheme offshore wind energy and how the government is trying to accelerate its footprints in the renewable energy sector here more I’m joined in by the power new and renewable energy Minister uh RK Singh

    Thank you so much sir for talking to DD India uh when we talk about the government’s focus in this inter budget it is lot on the energy sector it is lot on the renewable energy sector what do you have to say about the allocations made especially in the rooftop solar uh

    Scheme that’s a major major uh initiative you see what that will do will will be that for all those households whose consumption is less than 300 units their electricity will become free uh what we are going to do is we are going to set up rooftops uh on

    Their houses and the householder has to do nothing we’ll go and set it up the householder doesn’t have to spend a single PES right now the subsidy for rooftop for this up to 300 units 3 Kow is about 40% we are increasing that to 60% for those who consume less than 300

    Units 40% will be loaned from the bank but that loan doesn’t have to be taken by the householder that loan will be taken by my cpsu and that loan will be paid off uh by the extra units which are generated from that rooftop so we talking about viability Gap funding for

    The offshore wind uh have you ear marked places yes that that’s a major initiative you see right now for example in renewable energy we had solar uh we had wind we had Hydro now we are adding another dimension which is offshore wind offshore wind has major advantages one

    Is that the CF is high it’s 50% nearly about uh which is very good uh you know each turbine is 15 megaw Etc and you don’t need land you have the seed there are two ways in which we are we are implementing off wind one is the vgf route which was announced

    Byan under that what actually the initial stages offshore wind will cost approximately about 5 rupes 50 P OD that is slightly expensive 5 rupes 50 P maybe 6 R that’s slightly expensive for discounts because they average part Purchase cost in the region of 450 P so

    Some vgf will have to be given so we are doing th000 megawatts on that 500 megawatt of the coast of Gujarat 500 me of the coast of tamad now for Gujarat all the survey has been done tamad it’s in progress as soon as the sanction issues we’ll issue the bid for Gujarat

    And thereafter as soon as the survey is over we’ll issue the bid for tamad so here we had the power Minister and the new and renewable energy Minister talking to us especially on the focus in the budget in terms of renewable energy with camera person Kumar data this Mna

    Ford India from New Delhi time for a short break still to come on DD India news are amidst Rising tensions with the US Iran’s President says would respond strongly to bullying Russia has said that it is advancing its troops in Ukraine and French farmers and Highway blockades trajectory of protest across Europe remains Uncertain our modern industrialized world is producing more toxins than ever before water quality across several parts of the world is getting worse we need to have these wastewater treatment plants government is carving out localities here and there and releasing all the sewage water into these Lakes

    When we analyze all this the food C for the food at heavy metal with biot tanks the sewage water gets recycled it can be used for different purposes or drained into the ground ship recks are a major problem and airtight International rules are needed to make a difference to 10%

    Of a giant ship’s weight is made up of asbestos heavy metals oil and other toxic Substances welcome back you’re watching DD India news are I’m Shain Duos the second meeting of India Maldives high level Core group was held in New Delhi on Friday during the meeting both sides continued their discussions on wide range of issues related to bilateral cooperation towards identifying steps to enhance partnership including Expediting

    The implementation of ongoing development cooperation projects both sides also agreed on a set of mutually workable solutions to enable continued operation of Indian Aviation platforms that provide humanitarian and medic services to the people of Mal Dives it was agreed to hold the next meeting of the high level Core Group in

    Mali on a mutually convenient date the first first meeting of the high level core group was held in Malay on January 14th a day after us defense secretary Lloyd Austin said that this was a dangerous moment in the Middle East Iranian president has said that Iran

    Will not start a war but would respond strongly he says to anyone who tried to bully it while United Kingdom says it will not send ground troops into combat against suis in Yemen a day after the United States said it was planning attacks on Iranian sites in Iraq and Syria the Iranian president

    Ibrahim RI said that Iran will not start a war but would respond strongly to anyone who tried to bully it we have said many times we will not initiate any War but if anyone wants to believe Iran will respond firmly before whenever they wanted to talk to Iran

    Like other countries they said military option is on the table now you do not hear these words anymore they even say we have no intention of any conflict with Iran tension in the region had escalated on Thursday after us defense secretary Lloyd Austin said United States would have a multi-tiered response to the

    Deadly attack in Jordan that killed US troops so this is a dangerous moment in the Middle East we will continue to work to avoid a wider conflict in a region but we will take all necessary actions to to defend the United States our interest and our people and we will respond when we

    Choose where we choose and how we choose US President Joe Biden blamed iran-backed houti groups operating in Syria and Iraq for Sunday’s drone strike on a remote Jordan desert based near Syria and Iraq that killed three US forces on Thursday the United Kingdom said that Britain will not send ground

    Troops into combat against houti militants in Yemen we have no plans whatsoever to put uh boots on the ground what we have done in conjunction uh with our allies and particularly the United States is undertake targeted proportionate action which uh we strongly believe is in line with international law in order to achieve

    Self-defense attacks by Yen’s HTI militants on ships in the Red Sea are disrupting Maritime trade Secretary General of the international Maritime organization ation aror dominas has condemned the attacks on International ships in the Red Sea I want to condemn the attacks on international shipping and in particular the negative effect

    That it has on innocent sea feds the people that are out there making possible that 80% of global trade transported by ships can reach its destinations since January United States and Britain have hit houti Targets in Yemen with air strikes following months of huti attack acts on the commercial

    And navy ships in the Red Sea fusel Ahmed reporting for DD India a day after eu’s deal to extend new $54 billion Aid to Ukraine Russia has said its troops are advancing on Ukrainian front EU funding has come as a huge comfort for Ukraine at a time when

    K was struggling to find artillery rounds for its war with Russia meanwhile Hungarian prime minister who earlier posted the deal till Thursday said he went to the wall while agreeing to the deal more in this report the European Union’s $54 billion funding for Ukraine has come as a huge

    Comfort at a time when keev was struggling to find artillery rounds for its war with Russia this money will boost Ukraine’s long-term economic and financial stability as well as Military Support a day after the agreement Russian defense minister Serge Shu said that Russian forces are making progress

    On the Ukrainian front he said this while addressing military leaders and officials from the defense Ministry after the failure of the enemy’s counter offensive the Russian Armed Forces retained the Strategic initiative along the entire line of combat contact our units are moving forward expanding their control zones and improving their positions along the

    Front line during the active operations in the Copans CR Lon monks and Donas directions the settlements of Vil and TKA were Reed the Russian President Vladimir Putin will discuss the conflict in Ukraine with his Turkish counterpart T erogan during his upcoming visit to Turkey the Hungarian prime minister

    Victor auben who has been consistently pressing to review the deal said on Friday that he went to the wall for his country before agreeing to the EU deal and outlined the reason I had gone to the wall so I can say that if this deal had not been

    Reached and Hungary would have continued to use its right to veto and then 26 member state would have agreed to send money to Ukraine which I could not prevent and would have taken away the funds Eed for Hungary and sent that to Ukraine as well why would that have been

    Good meanwhile European Farmers have protested against Ukrainian agricultural Imports and expressed their deep dissatisfaction with the eu’s indifference to the declining economy reduced incomes and Rising prices rabindra Chan’s report for DD India Russia has said it is advancing its troops in Ukraine as per defense minister Serge Shu in a video footage

    That was released on Friday Shu was seen making his remarks at a meeting of the country’s top defense Ministry officials and Military commanders while Moscow says its forces have regained the initiative in many areas after a failed Ukrainian C offensive taking control of the settlements of uh vle in Ukraine’s

    Eastern Donas region and troman and taba in the country’s K region moving on European Farmers protest covering diverse issues prompted French president Emanuel macron to propose a joint EU mechanism although French Farmers ended Highway blockades the future trajectory of protest across Europe remains uncertain here’s more Farmers protests have proliferated

    Across Europe encompassing diverse concerns the pil has brought to light underlying tensions regarding the agricultural sector’s influence on the eu’s commitment to combat climate change as well as the potential influx of Ukrainian Imports amidst the crisis French president Emanuel macron has called for a joint mechanism by EU to guarantee

    Fair prices retailers and food Giants pay to producers France has obtained protection measures that will help French farmers in case of unfair competition the world is changing and so we have to have more simple agricultural policies that further takes into consideration the need to produce more which of course integrates our

    Environmental goals but which does so while preserving Fair competition preserving the revenues of farmer and preserving our food sovereignity French Farmers have ended Highway blockades after government announced to offer them more protection and extra Aid following a call from the main farmer union leaders to lift disruptions that lasted over 2

    Weeks now we are going to take a break we will certainly discuss everything that has been proposed we also expect a lot from Emanuel macron in relations to Europe and precisely these free trade agreements and green deal which leads us to this loss of production and this loss of

    Agriculture given the entreaty from select French unions the pivotal query surfaces what trajectory will the protests across Europe follow after French Farmers have opted to dismantle their blockade well Farmers have been here in the streets of Brussels blocking traffic blocking most of the main Avenues and they’ve been here all day

    Outside of of the European Parliament you see they’ve lit at two bonfires those have been burning all day uh these Farmers here to express their anger their frustration with what they say are rising production costs and falling prices for their products they say that their way of life their businesses will

    Not be sustainable in the months to come they will need more support from the government that is the message Alex Kad in Brussels reporting for DD India North Korea fired multiple Cruise misiles off its West Coast on Friday marking the fourth time in just over a week that pongyang launched such

    Missiles off both coasts the South’s military said the launch took place around 200 GMT did not provide further details North Korea has said since last week it had attested strategic cruise missiles implying they may be designed to carry nuclear warheads South Korea’s military has said the north appeared to

    Be testing missiles to upgrade their capabilities let’s now take a look at other stories making news around the world tens and thousands of passengers were grounded on Thursday as airport security staff across Germany staged a walk out a total of 25,000 airport staff have walked off job across Germany over

    1100 flights were cancelled in over 11 airports including Frankfurt country’s busiest and Berlin the walkout called by the country’s Trade union ver is part of a series of strikes in Europe’s largest economy protesting Farmers on their tractors blocked the border between Belgium and the Netherlands on Friday the farmers

    Blocked several border crossings between the countries as they contined to prevent trucks entering or leaving the port of zeug the port handles Car Imports and some fresh produce from the United Kingdom and elsewhere three people were killed more than 200 injured in a massive a fire

    That a truck Laden with gas exploded in the Kenyan Capital Nairobi the explosion ignited a huge ball of fire that spread widely which damaged several Vehicles Residential Properties on Friday police cordoned off the affected area five Fighters battle to control the blaze oh my God Turk’s authorities on Friday

    Arrested 25 suspects in connection with shooting of a man at a church in Istanbul on 28th January two of the suspects previously captured by police are believed to be tied to Islamic State 25 suspects were charged with membership of an illegal organization and aggravated intentional homicide time for a short break still to

    Come on DD India news are we talk about the highlights of parat Mobility Global Expo and prime minister Mod’s address Indian Air Force to conduct Mega exercise Vu shaki in Jir and India’s former president ramnad kovind chairs meeting on one nation one Election our modern industrialized world is producing more toxins than ever before water quality across several parts of the world is getting worse we need to have these wastewater treatment plants government is carving out localities here and there and releasing all the sewage water into these Lakes

    When we analyze all this the food con for the food had heavy metal with biot tanks the sewage water gets recycled it can be used for different purposes or drained into the ground shipwrecks are a major problem and airtight International rules are needed to make a difference to

    10% of a giant ship’s weight is made up above asbestos heavy metals oil and other toxic Substances welcome back you’re watching DD India news are I’m shindu Goos and we return to our top story on bat Mobility Global Expo prime minister Narendra Modi earlier today addressed uh the Gathering there and joining me is a special guest winkes gulati chairman research and Academy Federation of automobile

    Dealership Association from Delhi Mr GTI good evening and welcome now uh prime minister in his address calls it a golden period for the mobility sector in India now in terms of the market in terms of India’s production capacity the work force and investment in indigenous research and development how do you see

    This as an exciting period for the mobility sector in the country see very frankly uh if you see what is happening for the past one or 2 years years like postco time the Auto industry is in a big big uh growth momentum uh Co did uh POS us a very big

    Problem but it also supported us uh in being a catalyst uh in growing uh in a great way the issues of semiconductors are over the production capacity uh which was a hindrance a big hindrance during the last time for the past 2 years it has increased and the industry

    Which was going on an average of 3 lakh per month now is in a position to even reach 4 lakhs per month we already expecting that we’ll be doing some 4.2 million cars this month where this year whereas it was at some below 3 million

    Before so we are on a very positive mode and and Mr PM Modi and pradan mry G how he said Is Right on track the kind of support the current government is giving direct and indirect is supporting us in this industry to grow grow very fast and

    In the right direction we already now number three and the way things are growing and the way the global market is in a negative uh mode we’ll be very fast reaching number two and then in number one also and and talking about the demand in the coming days prime minister

    Makes a very interesting reference to the uh emergence of the new middle class people who’ve moved uh over poverty now how does this aspirational population the expanding middle class augur well for the mobility sector so basically uh you got it right uh if you see uh there had been lot of

    Momentum in urban markets before but now slowly and steadily the semi Urban Market and the rural Market are growing which is a clear indication that the new middle class which is coming up who has aspirations who want to now uh who say that they have already reached they have

    A good good uh uh purchasing power now their disposable income has increased for the past two years with lot of support of the government and these schemes what they have put in now they are coming out and buying Vehicles so what you have seen if I start on the

    Two- wheer front two wheer is seeing around a double digit growth for the past 2 3 months and I’m hoping this quarter also will see that which is happening after 2 three years which is a big time and India being the uh biggest two-wheeler country in world

    It also gives a clear indication that we are on right track the rural still is uh not out of the despair but it has come well and the positive sense or the growth coming from rural and semiurban is what is growing the two- wheeler segment and even the car segment also

    You see what how compact SUV has gained momentum lately which is uh 8 to 12 lak bracket which is normally bought by these uh upcoming middle class people or or people who have been uh saving money for the past 2 3 years and now open to

    Spend and pran mry Modi G had very clearly give this gave this message that if they have more more money in hand there are five things where they go for and the first thing comes in mind is mobility starting from a cycle to a car so the Auto industry which was sitting

    Today when we were listening to him in the mandapam he was right on us that you have to lead the Indian economy further from the front uh Mr gulati we must talk about the interim budget it was presented just uh yesterday the provisions like a corpus of 1 lakh CR

    Rupees for indigenous research and development then there is historic CAPIC of upwards of 11 lakhs how do the provisions of the budget have a direct bearing uh on the sector see what I feel uh we are already in a positive momentum and the growth is happening even if you have heard about

    Cm’s report last week which said that 5 to 7% of cars and uh around double digit High single digit or double digit of two- wheelers which is clearly indicating that we in the right post and the government has very strategically added the research thing and the plis

    And the other supports so that in coming days when the uh vehicle will be shifting to purely EV or most of EVS we need a lot of research to be done like Mr Modi even uh had been commented basically why can’t we manufacture battery all all put together from here

    And slowly and steadily the prices of batteries will come down which will support EV so all this research and the strategy what the current government even hinted towards the budget obviously I’ll uh there there hasn’t been any direct benefit to government to Auto industry in this budget but uh overall

    Nothing negative came out of it and it clearly shows that the government is working on a set Direction so there are no kneejerk reactions whatever oems are planning in their increas in capacity uh working on alternate fuel the government is all supporting them and that is what

    An industry needs a lot where we know the government’s direction is where the the manufacturers also are working and the future lies there uh and finally Mr G the mobility sector is not all vehicles two wheelers four-wheelers there’s also a human side to it and prime minister talks about about the

    Drivers their ease of living and also calls upon the private sector to contribute uh to it to the training and other areas how do you see it so uh as I head the uh Automotive skill Development Council also as Vice President we are already working and uh pradan mry Modi G

    Has already given us us a motto of Skilling and Driver Skilling is a main part what we are working on today what human touch Modi G gave was really awesome the the way he expressed the support system to the drivers that was great because you know they the Commercial Vehicle drivers are actually

    Working day and day and night for those Freight movement and the freight movement is too much important so the way he said that highways will have their places where they can rest and eat properly which is badly needed today they normally go on dhas which are non-hygienic food and a normal charari

    Where they left if they get a proper place where they can easily rest so obviously you the efficiency of them will go up the road accidents will go down because if they have rested well they’ll be very very uh on the uh on driving cycle and as Automotive skill Development Council we

    Are regularly training them uh we have a driver training course which is happening there are a lot of Fleet owners the Transporters also which are tied up with us and we train them on how to uh drive on the road and they are even if they are not very active they

    Should stop and take care about them and how to do handle the uh the kind of pressures they have to handle on the road so obviously the kind of human touch pradan did that that was awesome the first time ever to a segment of people which are uh taking the toll for

    Our growth actually on that note Mr VES gulati thank you for joining us on the news India’s Department of promotion of industry and internal trade and commerce and Industry Ministry is organizing pli perspectives a stakeholders meeting under production linked incentive schemes in New Delhi on Saturday the objective is to bring all stakeholders

    From common platform fostering a sense of ownership to facilitate exchange of knowledge and experiences and good practices contributing to successful implementation of the P schemes the meeting will offer a platform for industry leaders experts government officials to participate in discussion and share perspectives regarding the implications of PL schemes this will

    Also enable cross-learning amongst all 14 P schemes jarand mtim morcha leader champai San took oath as the chief minister of India’s Northern State of chhand it sweating in came after Hans surin’s arrest by enforcement directorate was sent to 5-day Ed custody in connection with money laundering case jarand mukti Mora’s senior leader

    Champai suren on Friday became the seventh chief minister of India’s Northern State of jarand the earth taking ceremony took place at the Darbar Hall of Raj ban in jaran’s capital Ranchi shortly after taking over the new chief minister chair the cabinet meeting that decided to hold the floor test on February 5 yes

    Or sud Gram the governor had asked the new chief minister to prove his majority on the floor of the house within the next 10 days leaders of the Rolling Coalition said that the government would seek a trust vote on February 5 as the political turmoil continues in jand after the arrest of the former

    Chief Minister hon Surin the JMM and Congress mlas from Ranchi reached beum pet airport in Hyderabad around 43 mlas had reached Hyderabad and two special aircraft all the mlas were welcomed by Minister Punam prabaker the Congress state in charge Deepa Muni and other leaders JMM and Congress mlas were taken

    To a resort near Hyderabad for every four mlas one caretaker has been appointed by the telengana Congress meanwhile BJP says that there is nothing right within the alliance in the state champai s succeeded the party chairperson hon s who was arrested by the enforcement director on Wednesday

    Evening he has been sent to 5 days Ed custody in connection with a moneya laundering case linked to Illegal possession of land Bureau report DD India the Indian Air Force will conduct the mega exercise Vu Shakti 2024 at the poan range in gelir on the 17th of this

    Month over 130 planes including 77 fighter jets will take part in this Mega Air Force exercise the Indian Air Force would be showcasing its capability to carry out accurate bombing on Targets in the exercise Vu Shakti 2024 would be a major fire power demonstration over Jessel where all the major fighter aircraft including

    SOI lcas Mir 2000 and Mig 29s would be showcasing their fire power by shooting different missiles and bombs at designated targets we plan to conduct this uh exercise Wu Shakti 2024 to showcase the full spectrum of operations that Indian Aerospace par can take take on and uh it is uh going to be

    Conducted in a near realistic scenario what we are ensuring is that it is not only that uh we are uh you know giving practice and uh showcasing our equipment or the capability of the crew which is operating the equipment but also we are showcasing how we can take on a task in

    A coordinated manner with the ongoing legal battle over performing Puja and Friday mass press at gyanvapi in Indian state of utar Pradesh the entire gyanvapi complex area has been wrapped tight security by State Police and Central security agencies police and District administration are on high alert since

    Puja was performed at the southern Cella of the ganap mosque complex on Thursday morning on Friday hearing an appeal filed by the anuman inia Masjid committee challenging the van C court order to allow Puja alabad High Court refused to Grant any immediate relief to the body and adjourned till February

    6 let’s take a look at other stories making news India’s president drop MMO inaugurated the 37 surj kund International crafts Miller 2024 in faridabad the northern state of harana the fair showcases the richness and diversity of Indian handicrafts handlooms and the cultural heritage of the country around 5050 countries are

    Participating in the fair including Ethiopia Kenya Nepal Russia Sri Lanka among others India’s vice president Jak tankar presided over the convocation ceremony of jawaharlal nehu University in New Delhi speaking on the occasion vice president said today youth have every opportunity to exploit their talent and potential realize their Ambitions and dreams

    India’s civil aviation Minister joti radya syia held a meeting with all major airport operators in New Delhi to speed up immigration and security for international Travelers the meeting was also attended by Bureau of immigration officials and Ministry officials the minister said these initiatives will be key to the government’s Vision to make

    India an international Aviation Hub India’s former president Ramat cind chaired fifth high level committee meeting on one nation one election in New Delhi on Friday the meeting was attended by former chairman of 15th Finance commission NK Singh former Secretary General of loksabha Dr subas C kup and former Chief vigilance commissioner Sanjay

    Kotari time for a short break still to come on DD India news are in cricket jash jwal Splendid turn pass India to 336 for6 on day one of the second test against England and Africa Cup of Nations quarterfinals set to begin on Friday our modern industrialized world is producing more toxins than ever before water quality across several parts of the world is getting worse the we to have these waste water treatment plants government is carving out localities here and there and releasing all the sewage water into these Lakes

    When we analyze all this the food C to the food add heavy metal with biot tanks the sewage water gets recycled it can be used for different purposes or drained into the ground shipwrecks are a major problem and airtight International rules are needed to make a difference to 10%

    Of a giant ship’s weight is made up of asbestos heavy metals oil and other toxic Substances welcome back you’re watching DD India news are I’m shindu hos India’s prime minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the baps Hindu Mand in Abu Dhabi on February 14th the grand structure of pink sandstones will be a key factor in strengthening India UAE relations the highly anticipated Babs Hindu Mand a magnificent pink sandstone

    Temple is set to be inaugurated in Abu Dhabi on February 14th this year by prime minister of India Narendra Modi this Landmark event marks a significant moment for the UA symbolizing its commitment to religious tolerance and cultural diversity the temple built built by bansan Basi Shri akar purushotam Swami Narayan Sansa or baps

    Boosts of intricate carvings and traditional architecture it will serve as a spiritual Sanctuary for the Hindu community in the UAE estimated to be over 2 million strong in the Serene desert expanse of Abu dhabi’s Abu mura District a remarkable structure is emerging from the Sands it transcends the typical

    Attractions found in the region such as luxury h hotels or race car Arenas as it is destined to be a sacred place of worship serving as a testament to ancient tales and India’s Rich cultural heritage the seven tars representing the Emirates rise proudly on a 27 acre land

    Donated By His Highness shik Muhammad bin Z Alan president of UAE at 108 ft tall the temple spires can be seen from afar a majestic Testament to cultural Unity constru Ed with pink Sandstone from Rajasthan reminiscent of other Hindu temples globally it stands apart by avoiding the use of iron steel or

    Reinforced Concrete in its creation the pathway leading to the temple is adored with six trees imported from the Czech Republic along this path three water bodies have been meticulously crafted symbolically representing the sacred reverse of India ganga yamuna and sarasti the Babs Hindu Mand Testament to Timeless craftsmanship every carving

    Meticulously handcrafted by skilled Artisans from India bring to life the Revival of ancient art witness the seamless Harmony between India and the UAE through the depictions of elephants camels Arabian horses and peacocks the exterior carvings of the temple proudly showcase The Artisans exceptional Talent as you approach the intricate details

    Become evident observe the elephants and you’ll notice the realistic depiction of their rough skinn C onto the stone this tactile experience allows you to touch and feel the Artistry providing a tangible connection the carvings not only display the individual skills of The Artisans but also symbolize the harmonious relationship between India and the

    UAE step inside and you’ll find the interior adored with Italian marble providing a cool and Serene Ambiance the construction itself is a blend of tradition and modernity utilizing materials that ensure structural longevity and evoke a sense of Purity and spirituality every intricate carving adorning this Temple is meticulously handcrafted by skilled artisans in

    India the remaining stones from the temple construction are given to children they convey messages through these lovely Stone paintings crafting beautiful inscriptions and becoming integral parts of the enchanting journey in building the BS Hindu the core idea of this Temple is Harmony and why we could even imagine this

    Idea because of the host country as we eagerly await the inauguration on February 14th the Babs Hindu Mand in Abu Dhabi stands as a beacon of unity with themed events following the consecration ceremony the last minute works and final touches are being done mrf has positioned itself as a prominent

    Supplier of aircraft tires to the Indian Air Force emerging as the nation’s foremost tire manufacturer catering to defense needs following the successful provision of tires for the Indian defense helicopters the company has expanded its portfolio to include indigenously developed tires for suo 30 mki and make Fighters the highly

    Advanced fighter aircraft in the Indian Air Force Fleet this report comes from our correspondent taposh pachara have you ever wondered which Tire our aircraft use they land they use uh tires but what you know tires they use they use mrf tires and these are actually the example of those tires being used in

    Suoy as well as in you know Mig fighter jets tell us more about this you know you have showcased this tire here and uh we believe these are being used by our Defense Forces give us more detail about that okay let me give you a little brief

    Uh mrf first mrf is a totally an Indian company we are the only company in India which makes tires from Bullock carts to aircrafts uh we that means we make the wide range of tires and we are original equipment suppliers to everybody and today uh as you have asked you want to

    Know about aircraft ties so let me tell you from where we started we started in 2009 slowly we graduated into aircraft tires came into sukai and now today I’m proud to say that all the Mig and the suai tires which India Indian defense have are 100% on mrf so we are we don’t

    Make tires for commercial aircrafts at the moment we make tires only for our defense and we are a very large supplier or the only supplier of tires to HL and HL today even has got service contracts with other other uh countries and therefore tires have to go they go

    Through hlan was the place where they won the FIA award and that to uh back to back if I’m not wrong yeah this is 2 years in a row two years in a row for a for a company that’s a Mak in India making their name making their presence

    Fa in outside the country and around the globe with C this isar for DD India from Delhi time now for some action from the World of Sports let’s first talk about Cricket opener Yash jwal produced an unbeaten 179 to steer India to a commanding 336 for6 on day one of the

    Second test against England in in vishakapatnam on Friday the 22-year-old smacked 5 sixes 174s in his career best knock seemingly unfaced by his batting Partners poor short selection Ravi Chandra nashin was keeping jwal company on five and stumps were drawn on a day when India’s other Frontline batters fitted away good

    Starts jwall batted aggressively without being Wreckless Rohit sharma’s decision to bat left England with the daunting task of batting fourth in a wicket which promises runs on the first couple of days before Spinners start dictating terms England leads the series one Z the Africa Cup of Nations

    Quarterfinals are set to begin on Friday with eight teams competing for a place in the semifinals the opening quarterfinal features Nigeria and Angola first time encounter in the history of the tournament the last victory Angola secured over Nigeria was in a World Cup qualifier in June of 2004 both both

    Teams enter this match with strong defensive records Nigeria has kept clean sheets in three out of four matches while Angola has not conceded a goal in their last two Angola is pursuing a historic performance in this edition of the tournament and that’s all for this

    Edition of DD India news are let us know your thoughts on the news of the day you can connect with us on Facebook X and Instagram we’ll be back with more news as it breaks here on DD India I’m shindu hos from all of our here in Delhi thanks

    For watching DD India news are namaskar

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