So the final day was upon us and we ended up meeting up with shuttle company Earth MTB who showed us some of the more local trails towards town,

    After lunch we met back up with Nathan at Enduro Malaga and ride one of the iconic downhill trails just along the coast in Torrox, This has recently had a big refurb from Ride Southern Spain so was keen to go and check it out.

    Unfortunately the weather wasn’t the best when we got there but certainly didn’t affect the madness 🤣
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    W oh cuz there is a hip thing here wow that is rough what we doing now then we’re going riding something different today today Nathan’s actually um doing bit of housework and he’s recommended he’s good mate there he is at fmtb so that’s who we’ve come with

    Today to do some uplifting first trail that we’ve been shown has got this little number to start off with probably doesn’t look much but it’s a little drop after that drop the trail starts lovely Gap and obviously we’re getting Mason off it right and let’s start it

    Off so we got to drop couple of jumps wow what a place look at that for a view we are on a bit of a ghost load because just look at that view we’re getting some bangers okay we’re not getting some bangers getting one shot at

    Least on this burm and where it’s so cold back home it’s sort of rude not to see look at this for a view you probably can’t want to go for carries on down all the way to the city we’ve met up with what’s his

    Name uh yeah we’ve met up with um Alex I think runs his company so let’s go and meet him again swap positions follow the Calamity that is Mason cornic oh there’s a burn there where are you off to there’s the truck dude old straight line Steve you missed half the track though

    You leading her out or am I I can lead her out again G if you see a track try and stick on the track old straight line Steve there we go sick there we go that is a whole run of this Trail for the uplift literally picks us up here

    Right then this where we get picked up from and there he is ready for more so there’s a road jump thing that we’ve just seen so might as well give that a go I’m just going to go nice and steady into it give it a go

    Then there we go going hit the bigger one now little row jump as we go up to the top and do the bigger one go faster that’s brilliant Mason led the way then and as you can tell Mason being Mason let me guess you cased the wats it

    Out of that cuz I heard it so you don’t think you had a proper tag well sports fans it made some noise from where I was that no comment see let my the adjudicator up there reckon oh my what’s he I’ll tell you that’s a case right

    There yeah pressure is on for him to clear it yeah boy that’s better so we’re just pushing up another Trail this one looks nice fun flowy definitely helps pushing up a trail to learn it rather than going in blind so let’s do that and uh hopefully it’s nice and fun there you

    Go it’s called popper apparently let’s get a bit of Pop action then slow it down cuz there is a hip thing here there we go think that is literally the it quality getting our winter TR training in look oh wow that’s cool that is cool all right follow the guys wow this

    Sick look at that for a view really cool like it honestly it’s chill dude all right I like it follow you on your favorite Trail bro what a nice guy wow that is rough yes so cool this is Alex’s favorite Trail yes mate that’s wicked oh they got 100% loss if bar Ono

    He’s a fit boy loves his pedaling quality yes mate amazing cheers dude there we go what a top top morning fmtb check it out come just be in this head don’t get stuck B job bad job B job B job one way to do it oh

    Oh right I think going go now he’s turn different line now I get there in the end finally made it look at this review look on open the man he got us up there here he got us up here where and’s supposed to be here to

    Show us where we’re going there’s a tra there well I’m trusting you w oh my God oh Flip’s sake Carnage all this blind stuff does he come off as H in a trail blind dude wow it’s all going off that is slippy quite a fill on a couple of minutes then would it

    It’s going into any of this blinds funny in it wow no I again oh oh oh my God that track’s really fun towards the bottom there is a gap jump um it looks pretty soft to be fair but uh Nathan’s going to give it a

    Go lad go on n Go on go yeah M there you go come ride southern Spain they said oh that’s a big pool that is that is a different vibe toox oh he’s done it bad bad oh that wind’s Coming why got windy now that’s loose eh wow wind wow yeah boy I reckon it be rather scetch fair play dude I was like that’s too windy that is firl over another day in the books that was Taro massive thanks to ride southern Spain for doing a lot of the building there well there we go that brings us to the end of an epic trip

    With uro Malaga we’ve had an epic time massive thanks to Nathan and Laura for an amazing time hopefully you guys have enjoyed this video if you have be great if you give it a thumbs up be sick if you subscribe and until next time see a bit o zero one thank you bye

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