Saturday Morning road ride around the outskirts of Peterborough, UK. Legs a little heavy after a night on the booze and curry! Lucky it wasn’t windy out!

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    Good morning sports fans happy Saturday it is 9:32 on a Saturday morning me and electric Jake are back out on the road bikes and uh I’ve warned Jake I’ve got Friday legs and Friday legs means last night I went out for some beers and a curry so Friday legs

    Also means no drafting Jake you don’t want to be behind me today and safety first and all that but yeah we’re going to get out some miles we’re heading Sou of Peterburg today we’re just cycling past Elton Furs Golf Course out down a road called bulock Road and we’re going

    To head out this way I’m not quite sure how far we’re going to go today we’ll um just see where the roads take us trying something a little bit different again today as well I’ve switch the camera settings from um super view or super wide just the wi

    With the idea of hopefully meaning that the edges aren’t as uh fish eyed or distorted I just want to see what it looks like so once I get it on the computer and uh on the screen I’ll see what it looks like and then it’ll be

    Good I’ll decide whether I use it in the videos or not so if you’re watching this wide view is working nicely I’m back out on the specialized LA today with mud guards and rim brakes which is always a bit sketchy on rim brakes is in damp conditions like

    I said in my other other video the other day but um did a few tweaks to the the brakes yesterday and uh they’re stopping all right today so I’m sure we’ll be fine the sun is out across the fields more one Tower in the distance and we’re still heading south of

    Peterburg we’re on a uh a road now out towards polebrook I think pretty much or um what’s the name what’s the name of the place up here uh Lon Luton out towards Luton and po Brook and although the trees have been cut next to me you can just see over the top towards

    Andle and surrounding areas there we go we can see a bit now the Hedge has gone out across the fields of Northampton sh black side and a nice rolling hilly Countryside we’ve cycled past here before there’s a nice little cafe here look they got the bar there for your

    Saddles to go on for your bikes rectory Farm Cafe very nice we are 10 mi into the ride today we’ve probably been out for what about 35 40 minutes maybe we are heading on a back road Country Lane now towards a place called hemington and uh this road I’m on now

    Is actually part of the old race circuit for the uh people recycling Club um circuit that they used to use years ago which in one year I got third and I think the following year I got second um never had a first when I was racing but

    Um they were probably my best two races s 50 60 mile races road races and uh getting on the podium is always a good place good place to be big doggo yeah that’ll chase you yeah morning you about 12 miles in now and we’re heading down to Gidding I think it is

    Come through hington and going down to Gidding and we just want to work out what Loop to do so we haven’t got a ride back down the old day one a straight Bing Road the whole way um your guest is as good as mine sports fans

    But we’ll make it to the cafe stop don’t you worry about that into a great get in we’ve just come up a hill into a place called Winnick or for those uneducated people in the channel winwick I’m joking it’s winck We’re just cycling still south of Peterburg and we’re just coming to a place called Hammerton which some of you might know of Hammerton from being in the news cuz it’s got a uh it’s got a zoo or a pet Refuge sort of zoo thing that you can visit I’ve never been I’ve

    Heard it’s quite good but um it wasn’t the news a a few years back for an unfortunate uh incident but we won’t talk about that one any further but yeah so we’re going to head through Hamilton and down back towards the Giddings I think in

    Sort Tre and that will be our way back in back into peterb along the old A1 at some point to uh heading towards coffeee and cake thank you Mr Range Rover got some water which I’m guessing is best to be in the middle thank you you on a back road now

    Heading back towards place called The giddens Hamilton zoos back down that way and over somewhere and the Rolling Hills over there was where we’ve just come from not the uh hilliest of roots today which is absolutely fine by me with my Friday legs or Friday night legs but um

    We just come up a climb so I’m a littleit out of breath the legs are a little bit achy I’ve not ridden since last weekend I didn’t get a midweek turbo in or any exercise other than walking the dog a little bit so I’m feeling it a little bit today but

    Never mind we’ve done 18.2 miles and uh we probably got about 10 maybe 11 miles back into Peter BR for the best bit about the ride the coffee at the end into little Gidding and now we’re into great Gidding We’re on the bulock road and we’re going to take a right here because that road down there is probably the worst Road in the area for potholes and bumps so we’re going to head down on continue here on Bullock Road for a little bit and then

    We’re going to take a right turn into what I think is a place called connington which should take us up and into folor up and over the old up and over the A1 onto the old A1 and from there one step closer to coffee and cake we have done

    22 miles so far we’ve probably got another seven or eight before we get back that way and uh it’s been good it’s been harder on this bike with the uh slower wheels and the heavier frame and stuff it’s been uh it’s been good to get out I’ve enjoyed it again

    Not in the tractor get picked by a branch hopefully not we got a right turn here haven’t we is it conington did I get it right conington coning be conington cut cut completely wrong where the hell is conington cerut that’s what we’re saying sports fans wanted to go to cerut and that

    Takes us to folks worth and then two WS the eg1 and coffee yeah Into C cut not conington and more puddles ah we’ve just ticked over the 25 Mark now 25 Mi we’re coming into a place called folw worth which I’ve mentioned earlier in the ride and this takes us pretty much close to the A1 it’s once you enter folw worth you’re out the

    Other side and uh it’s turned out to be a nice day the roads are a little bit damp still as you can see the sun is out hopefully the sun’s not ruined too many of the shots and they’re usable cuz it’s a bit of glare

    When my sunglass is on I can’t even see what I’m looking at now so up and over the A1 right then sports fans it is just gone 11:00 we’ve done 27 1/2 miles exactly we’re on the old A1 and we’ve probably got about another 3 3 and a

    Half maybe before we get to Starbucks and I know it’s not a typical cyclist Cafe but it’s quite close to home grab a quick one and head home and crack on with the weekend let me know down in the comments below if you’ve enjoyed this video and what you think

    Compared to my other videos to the wide angle on the camera rather than using super wide I don’t know what it’s going to look like yet until I put it on a computer and see what it looks like but let me know which which you prefer I can

    Either stick to superview which has been okay so far or switch to wide anyway thanks for watching watching and as always if you like the videos hit that like button and if you’re new here and you’re watching please don’t forget to hit that subscribe button it’s bye from

    Me bye from Jake hello bye have a good weekend thanks for watching guys see you Later

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