Dive into our webinar for a close look at guided and self-guided MTB tours in Slovenia and Croatia. Discover top trails, expert tips, and why these destinations are a must-ride for cyclists.

    We will be talking about cycling in two countries uh two neighboring countries uh on the top of the Adriatic Sea a little bit to the south of Central Europe namely Slovenia and Croatia our agency which is based in Slovenia uh offers mountain bike tours in both countries Plus in the

    Neighboring countries which will be shown a little bit later but but now let’s just introduce ourselves once more we are Two Hosts with you Matia matit was the first one who um talked to you my name is Andre I am on the left both of us are experienced uh guides we

    Were guiding different groups I mean hiking groups cycling groups uh tour groups for about 20 years we also are passion at hikers bikers Trail Runners mati is also an experienced Cav and in the company in visit good place we are responsible for the root development so we are creating

    New trails new routes which are then offered us uh let’s say new tours through Slovenia Croatia and neighboring countries uh mati is also the co co-founder of our agency and um I am the one who is responsible to organize the best possible guides which you can get

    For guided tours if you decide to join us on our guided tours matit I will proceed from here on and and give you a short uh introduction uh on our agency and few more things if there is anyone joining us tonight who already listened to the yesterday’s presentation about our

    Touring program then yeah let me tell you this will be almost the same or quite similar so the first few minutes yeah just enjoy it again or you can also skip it but after that we will continue with the mountain bike problem Andre mentioned uh one thing that I would

    Really like to to point out regarding our agency yeah it’s you can see it on the slide but we are actually so to speak a small T operator but uh locally driven Boutique and very responsible uh we are really committed to sustainability uh not only on paper although we have also officially several

    Sustainable certificates like travel life and Slovenia green and above all also the borp certific certificate which is we are actually the first borp certified company in Slovenia and B Corp being the highest sustainability standard in the world is something that we are really proud to uh that we have

    Achieved uh so far we must say our uh guests rated us very well we are top five stars rated on different social platforms like Trip Advisor Google Facebook and similar and uh besides our guests recognition uh which is the most important for us of course there was also a lot of uh

    Recognition in World renewed cycling and other other outdoor media um actually our products were named top products since the year of 2020 until 2024 Now by National Geographic lony Planet guardian and of course they were presented in many others which are stated here Below on this slide actually if anyone is more

    Interested on this topic uh uh you’re very welcome to browse through our web page with each tour presentation you can also find a reference to the media coverage and yeah you can check also the article which talks about uh unique tours Etc at the beginning we would like to

    Give you a little bit inside to our let’s say uh core database uh this picture on the left side of the slide is actually take figurative speaking taken from the far away uh it’s hard to show all the detail but with this SE red lines which are overlapping and streaming around Slovenia Croatia

    And little bit Austria and Italy as well those lines represent over 10,000 kilometers of very exact tracks all of them traced by ourselves checked regularly um all all these is actually the basis from which we build or design our tours those which you can try and do

    By yourselves if coming to Slovenia and if touring with our visit Place agency uh so far we can offer six different touring programs five mountain bike tours four gravel two hiking and we also have one special a little bit different to the others which is a wildlife

    Watching tour uh following the Bears in the Deep Woods of the COA region all these diverse cycling tracks as mentioned cover four countries and you can imagine all this mileage all these 10,000 plus kilometers require quite some work for us but uh maybe we didn’t mention the beginning both Andre and I

    Are uh by our profession we are uh dedicated to special informatics Andre being geographer and me myself I am Geist and also specialized in cartography so this gives us a lot of uh let’s say in-depth knowledge to to to prepare really precise data because we strongly believe that uh good spatial

    Information is somehow core of the core importance for everyone to go touring especially by himself or herself on a self-guided uh tour mention self-guided tours let me point out the main difference in type of the tours we offer uh of course guided stores are let’s say the easiest way to

    Do the tour but not in a bad sense but mostly the easiest in a way that you don’t have to worry about anything you just come to Slovenia maybe we even pick you up on the airport but from that point we take care for everything regarding booking for your accommodation

    Your daily meals your daily transfer your uh cycling guide will take care for a precise navigation he or she will listen to your needs he will be able to offer you special variations of the tour we can Cho you can choose between sometimes harder easier Etc all

    Everything can be um somehow tailored to the group needs on the other hand self-guided tour requires a bit more experience cyclist or two um one has to be able to use uh now days digital navigation uh and then go on the tour by himself but still we take care for

    Everything else for all the logistic regarding booking regarding luggage transfer uh regarding return transfer at the end of the tour and similar uh besides guided and self-guided tours of course there is a third option tailor made c tour that means we can prepare a custom tour specially tailored to your

    Needs so not only taking a tour out from our program and doing it exactly as it is supposed to be done but we can really really make it uh suitable for some special needs regarding different tour Point starts and uh difficulties uh Trail difficulties Etc so uh that

    Picture from before with all these threed lines actually gives us the ability to do so and uh we’re really happy that we somehow succeeded over the last few years to establish that kind of of service uh besides all this logistic of course we offer bike rentals we have

    A big Fleet of bikes uh almost 80 bikes now uh we regularly change them they’re from fairly new to top three years old uh of course you maintain them regularly during the season especially after the season and so on we cover all the segments uh like uh touring cycling uh

    Ebikes uh gravel bikes and of course mountain bikes as well uh from uh regular hot tail bikes to full suspension bikes as well so yeah this is something we also think it’s really really important because uh at the end of the day the bike is the main mean of

    Transport and just has to be perfect and it has to work uh without any any um difficulties and here is the support mentioned uh let’s say under support we can we can offer or we do offer very extensive briefing online briefing with each group like two or three weeks

    Before you actually come to Slovenia and before you start a tour we present you all the special characteristics uh what to expect how to prepare we give you uh in very deep insights about the terrain about each stage and so on we actually talk uh directly with you and uh give

    You something similar like now but more more specially focused on the tour you are going to do your booked Etc um and for the self-guided tours as well as partially for the guided we prepare a very extensive navigational P I will just give you a few more words about

    That on with this slide um in the last year or so now it’s the second year going on yeah we changed a little bit our system of delivering spatial data to our guests uh we tested several applications it’s hard to say which one is the best because each one has its

    Advantages maybe some disadvantages as well but we were most satisfied with right with GPS uh US based um made application uh maybe it’s therefore more more uh renewed in the United States but also in Europe it’s becoming more and more popular actually worldwide popular uh maybe the European guests are

    Familiar also with kood or outdoor active or any others but as mentioned we take tailored R GPS to our special needs and therefore we are very happy and very satisfied with our first years of using it uh through the r GPS we can prepare special uh packages which are

    Downloaded to your mobile devices and can be used offline all together with precise GPS data with uh all the maps of the specific layer of the r GPS uh uh map for different Zoom levels of course all the tiles are download it to your phone uh also with extensive guide or

    Booklet with all the information regarding the itinerary everyday activities uh your accommodations points of interest along the way weather forecast online weather forecast for each stage locally based so we really try to give you actually one link which gives you all totally uh all inclusive information so

    To speak and this is all you need when you go on the tour it’s possible to prepare paper versions as well to do some downloads and prints of the PDF booklet and also the maps and also for those who are keen on using GPS tracks with special navigation devices like

    Garmin and similar they can also download the tracks from from the application and then use them upload them to to uh specific uh special navigational device as mentioned so now we’re coming to the let’s say the core um content of today’s presentation we will talk about cycling in Slovenia

    And Croatia today’s focus is on mountain bike tours we will show you all of our tours that we offer briefly some of them more into detail but we will talk in general about all like trans Slovenia and then we will go more into the detail with the our new Trans Croatia EA

    Mountain bike bik tour maybe compare it a little bit with another trans creatia mountains to Islands so this is somehow our goal to to give you some insights on our mountain bike program after we finish of course there will be time for questions and answers as Andre mentioned

    At the beginning uh but firstly let us proceed with some general introduction about the about the region Andre will give you some insights uh what to expect in the countries when we going hopefully to travel with us yeah this point I would like to emphasize that it’s actually uh a great

    Fun and relatively easy to work in adventure tourism if you live in Slovenia and if you have Croatia at your doorstep uh we are talking about two countries which represent only a small portion of Europe but they are extremely diverse talking about uh Landscapes primarily and this is the biggest

    Advantage of outdoor tourism here and especially when we are talking about uh mountain biking or cycling in general if you imagine that the landscape and the views but also the culture and the Heritage actually change after every couple of kilometers uh you can believe me that cycling is never boring

    And apart from doing exercise and Sport on the trails you will also get familiar with uh many aspects of this beautiful part of Europe here you have some photos showing you Slovenia so our home country and the predominant color here is as you can see green Slovenia is not just a

    Green Country in political sense um I would like to talk about agenda of green politics sustainability uh and so on but we are also one of the leading countries in Europe um considering the percentage of forests on our territory about 60% of Slovenia is under Forest which is also a

    Pleasant news for all of you who would like to come here for example in summer when the temperatures rise but there is always the freshness in in the forests uh let’s just watch a short clip once again Greenery everywhere uh Slovenia is positioned on the southern side of the

    Alps just across the border just across the northern border of our country lies Austria and just across the border to the West is Northern Italy but this is the Sunny Side of the Alps and when you will visit and if you will visit us you will go you will cycle

    Through the puzzle of forest and Mountain Greenery as you can see here Mountain pastures full of cattle grazing here in summertime local um herdsmen produce delicious cheese and so on and so on uh we are primarily talking about mountain biking today but you can believe me that our tours are planned

    This way that you will have enough time to try some other activities in the afternoon or in the morning it depends about the planning of the daily stage because Slovenia is actually an outdoor Paradise uh perfect also for hiking swimming water sports especially white water rafting kayaking canyoning and so

    On but also some more relaxing things like for example fly fishing slovenia’s rivers are very rich on uh fish and people searching for something like that can also find their places here yeah on the video clip on the bottom left corner you can see Slovenian section of the

    Adriatic Sea it’s very short but we are proud to share part of the Adriatic Sea with spectacular Venetian style towns like pan in this case upper left photo shows you the most beautiful River in the country which is the SOA and in the bottom right corner I guess you

    Recognize it it’s the iconic photo from Slovenia Lake blit in the Alps with its very famous Little Island at the end of the day or for lunchtime of course people get hungry especially athlets especially bikers uh I must tell you that Slovenia and Croatia are positioned on Crossroads

    Of Europe if you look uh at the map you will see where we are uh between Central Europe between Balkans between Mediterranean and Eastern Europe and all this influences actually um come together in these places which is not only shown in um the heritage in languages in culture and history but

    Also and especially in local Cuisine our our um Cuisine is a mixture of different influences but made in a modern way uh in these days and you can believe me that in um many cases your stages your tours will pass famous restaurants which were also presented by International

    Awards most notably by michan stars so if you are searching for something like that you will find uh special restaurants also in Slovenia and in Croatia where you will be able to taste something really delicious if we move just across the border into Croatia of course everyone

    Knows Croatia and the first tip about Croatia is for 95% of the people I guess the Adriatic Coastline which is uh yeah without exaggerating one of the most beautiful stretches of Mediterranean Coastline in in general but Croatia is more than just its coast and you will

    Experience that if if you will do some mountain bike in in in our neighboring country because the trails which will also follow let’s say the coast line and partially the islands will also take you Inland and you will see the dramatic change of Landscapes just let’s say an

    Hour away from the Adriatic Sea you will be deep in the Primeval forests or in other cases like here on the photo in the bottom left just couple of kilometers away from from the coast you will cross spectacular Hilltop towns full of Rich architecture full of history stories uh great um culinary

    Delicacies like istrian olive oil wine truffles which are very famous there um and altogether Croatia offers you stunning views viewpoints from many corners of the trails so uh I am sure that you will do many stops cycling through Croatia not because of lack of energy because I know that you

    Are all full of energy but because of the views photo opportunities and and so on uh Croatia has very rich history and culture the upper left photo shows you the Roman Amphitheater in Pula in istria which ranks among the the biggest in the world the upper right photo shows you

    The dalmatian town of split actually the the second biggest city in Croatia and as I mentioned in the bottom left you can see the forests not far away from the sea but completely different landscape or some of the islands in Croatia like the island Kirk for example

    Which is part of our Island mountains to Islands tour shows almost a desert like landscape which has these old patterns of dry wall dry stone stone walls and S and you will cross such regions if you if you decide to join us a short video clip made by drone this

    Is the southern tip of estrian peninsula uh the trails will take you very close to the coastline and one thing uh which I must mention here the seasons uh the weather is CH changing uh every season gets a little bit warmer and our Seasons our cycling seasons are

    Extending which means that you can come to Croatia in late April or beginning of May to cycle along the coastline or you can do the same also in late September or even in in um throughout October the only exception can be some tours which go a little bit Inland through cation

    Mountains and forests because of some snow conditions in in Spring the season is a little bit shorter but in general you can plan your activities here between between uh May 1st and and uh the end of October and even the Adriatic Sea is warm enough deep into into October so

    You can enjoy some some spectacular swimming here after the stage or or between the stages matit okay let us proceed to our tours mountain bike presentation this is the title slide on this map you can see them all depicted uh now I will just go to a more detailed

    Map just to give you a bit more insights about the tours we offer so let us Zoom a little bit out again Andre was talking before about the location of Slovenia and Croatia it’s the very center of Europe in the top of the Mediterranean Bay actually Adriatic Sea being a huge

    Bay of the Mediterranean Sea and here is Slovenia this a slightly chicken shaped country and here is Croatia neighboring it on the other side Slovenia surrounded by Italy Austria and Hungary but nevertheless the tracks the tours we will talk about today lie mostly in Slovenia and

    Croatia let us start from west to east uh firstly this is trans Slovenia one why number one because it’s the first one of the trans slovania stores we established uh it’s actually our best seller it’s very well known tour uh it’s it has really Alpine character you can

    See in little bit less than 400 kilometers you have to overcome more than 10,000 meters of elevations through seven stages of cycling and every day you can enjoy several quite spectacular Trails or scenery in the mountains and further down south in the SOA Valley in

    The K region all the way to the coast if we proceed towards the east here in the middle is the second of the trans Slovenian tours it is uh a bit different because uh mostly because of um slightly less demanding terrains so it’s less difficult it’s more medium uh difficulty

    And it covers different destination as well from kagor to Blade blade Lake to bohin Lake puka forest and then it proceeds down south similar to the carst region and to the Adriatic Sea where it end on the same location as the trans Slovenia 1 in the small Venetian town of

    Pan and even further towards the east this diagonal tour that was the fourth of the trans Slovenian we established so we left it with this name but it has an addition in its name it’s called top single Trail store this is trans Slovenia number four starting in the northern corinia bordering Austria and

    Then going towards the Caravan mountain range touching the kamik svenia Alps and going down to the center of Slovenia actually through the capital of lublana one would say this is the area with the less Trails but it couldn’t be mistaken more because Luana is really a unique

    Pearl in that uh aspect because there are rails actually entering directly the city center so to speak I will talk about this a little bit more later and then from Liana proceeding through the norka region to the vast forest and then to the hills and small let’s say not

    Mountains anymore but still quite high hills uh uh towards the K region and ending at the same point in pan so you can see the common point of all those three trans Slovenia tours is ending here in pan and talking about customizing the tour you see

    Actually the one we will try or we will present today most is this one estria mountain bike tour trans Croatia EA Mountain Bike Tour it actually starts where all the other trans Slovenia tours end in pan so if someone decides yeah I want to do a part of isri part of trans

    Slovenia why not you can start in lublana do a three quarters of trans Slovenia and then then continue like half of trans Croatia estria to the to tip of the estria peninsula near Pula or something similar just to give you an example what the customization actually means or what we can offer

    Trans Croatia EA Mountain Bike Tour is fairly new it this last year uh previous year we we launched it for the first time and it already got very it was very well accepted by first guest uh why because it actually starts at the sea but then it

    Goes Inland it avoids a little bit it will take you off the most uh popular touristic places but still it will touch them as well so you have the opportunity of enjoying the seaside along the western let’s say uh more touristic Coast but then it will take you to the

    Eastern coast of the Eastern Peninsula which is totally deserted um it’s hard to playe there so long distances without meeting anybody any settlement any people Etc so it’s really really rough nice and remote cycling all the way to the utka massive which is very well known from the top of utka or

    Just below the top of the highest peak of utka region the views to the corner Bay and the islands of the northern Corell we open and this is the best way to finish the tour with a long over thousand meters long descent directly on the coast of the attic but a little bit

    More about this later and the last one the trans Croatia mountains to Island Tour Andre was talking about it already this is the one taking the first part over the valit range which is quite High uh and therefore maybe not so good for preseason time because in late April

    There is still possible to get some snow depending on the yearly weather conditions but then it continues down to the islands of RAB and Kirk which are very well known for being actually a mountain bike Paradise there are so many well-maintained trails they have their specifics in terms of uh technical um

    Demanding or let’s say surface they very Stony and so on but perfect for all levels of uh mountain bike expertise so today mostly about this one transa istria and then a little bit more about theas as well so let us continue with our presentation firstly about the mountain

    Bike tours in general you can see on this slide uh some general statistics our tours last from 8 to nine days depending on the tour each of them is let’s say consist of different quantity or different percentage of mbike Trails but everyone has it there are lots of

    Forest and local unpaved roads as well to connect the regions with Trails most of the stages will require a whole day of cycling but some of them are also shorter to give you an opportunity to regain some energy at the end of the day and prepare for the let’s

    Say next day uh stage which might be more demanding all of the tours are suitable either for uh full suspension mountain bikes some of them though of less demanding can be done also by uh hard tail mountain bikes or ebikes of course as well either fully or hot tail

    Why am I pointing this out of course an experienced rider can do everything with a hot tail mountain bike as well or even without suspension but it won’t be such a joy as to do it with a full suspension bike especially those tours those tours

    In the Quire or Val bit or in the island because as mentioned they are very Rocky and ension is quite uh necessary for a comfortable ride um all of the tours actually are somehow medium to that they they have Fitness levels from medium to high depending on the

    State you choose uh I mentioned a little bit at the beginning usually we have not usually always we have different um difficulties for each stage of each tour we go with a classic tour which offers the best mountain bike experience but then you have also easier versions in

    Case of I don’t know bad weather in case of uh you don’t feel so well you want to make your day shorter and so on of course you lose this basic some of these basic character of The Tour by taking easier there will be less Trails Etc but

    Still this is good to have it as an escape option sometimes we offer also harder options for someone who wants to do even more elevation even harder Trad and so on the average distance is somehow between 45 60k but of course some of the stages are also a bit longer

    Even elevation yeah around thousand let’s say 1500 as well quite common but some of the stages these are very few you have to cover even more up to 2,000 but these are really extreme and they belong under this harder section which I was talking about on each of the stages

    We can really guarantee you to experience really stunning Landscapes uh very diverse mountain bikes you will have the opportunity to write through different historic times you will have the opportunity to experience different UNESCO protected sites already mentioned some like uh Roman or other Heritage or natural heritage as well

    Which is under UNESCO protection so quite rich in that cultural historical meaning as well let us proceed to Transylvania one we’ll go briefly through it uh as mentioned this is a seven stages tour almost 400 kilomet taking the classic stages this one yeah it’s a little bit

    Less than 10,000 meters of elevation but by doing hard versions you would do it much more uh it covers all the let’s say most interesting regions in Slovenia for mountain biking from Julian Alps in the north and down to the Adriatic coast and you will do this in only seven days you

    Will really experience very big diversity between the Alpine region then along the SOA River through the vinat of the gorisha B Region V region cars region as well although being very Stony but still also very well known about its wines and mostly about underground World there are many caves actually you have

    Also the opportunity to visit some and you will start in Austria on the Northern side of Caravan Cycles through Slovenia mostly in between visit Italy as well and finish in Slovenia so it’s three countries in just one week again this is the map briefly in the western

    Part of Slovenia here at the top the mountain region in the middle the SOA Valley and down over gorisha BDA to kst region and down to the Adriatic few fourth Impressions from the main uh characteristical landscape you can experience on trans Slovenia 1 of course it’s Julian Alps you actually

    Don’t cycle to the very top of the rocky Summits of course they’re not accessible but bikes at least most of them but you will you have to cross the highest pass in Slovenia which is verich the the highest land doable by which has a road

    Over it so to speak you will climb up to the top of the or just below the top of the Stall Mountain above the SOA Valley then up to the mature mountain with a 12 kilomet epic uh single trail ride down on it to Italy so you really experience

    This Alpine character in the first few days SOA Valley another very characteristic thing uh I guess uh I don’t want it to sound to cocky or something but SOA is definitely uh known as one of the most beautiful European rivers it’s very clear it has its specific uh smar color because of the

    Limestone riverbed and with the blue skies you get this special special greenish color uh it’s suitable of course for swimming as well although being quite cold even in the summer it’s totally clear in the first few days following such a river easy to drink as well in the upper stream so

    Yeah it’s something quite special uh nowadays uh you can um uh you can uh experience the other regions will be covered with the other tours since they share it with trans Slovenia 1 uh cars in the coastal region so I will now go to the trans Slovenia four this is the

    One diagonally Crossing Slovenia also seven stages similar lengths a little bit less of elevation but this tour has a total different character you can see it actually here in the video this is the starting part in the Corinthia region in the single Trail Park Inn uh besides this single trail park you also

    Have the opportunity to visit bike park P nearby uh and other Trail centers along the Route uh one something that makes it special is cycling through the capital and endless trails around it and another thing which is also very unique is cycling underground in the abandoned uh tunnels

    Of the uh mine below the petza mountain uh this is optional it can be done as only as a guided tour but all the tracks we offer they can lead you to the entrance and then it’s possible to arrange separately either the Classic route through the tunnels which is

    Technically not demanding it’s just very interesting but there is also another offer for experienced Riders you can do also Enduro downhill through the several floors of this abandoned mine uh which is really really spectacular but as mentioned this is for really experienced Enduro Riders this is the map of trans Slovenia

    4 as shown before crossing the Slovenia from the Northeast down to the Southwest in the Iran region from Corinthia region through kamish Kinski Al you can see them here on the picture as well and then over the stent Liana down to the C and the Sea some photo Impressions again

    Forests of Corinthia region and Caravan region with very nice natural Trails actually the tour starts in single Trail Park N you can arrange or we can arrange additional starting day for riding just those Trails because you those Trails because you have lots to do on the first

    Day if choose so just before proceeding towards the the next the following destinations then you will actually incircle the comic sain out this is already on the other side the view to the comic s out and then from the opposite from Vela planina you can see

    It here the same mountain is the same mountain peaks from the opposite direction and just a short Glimpse to the underground experience it looks something like this as mentioned it has to be guided since uh to put it simply without a guide uh you get lost there are so many

    Tunnels so many options to turn uh and yeah it’s necessary to do it with proper equipment and with a experience and a very well informed guide proceeding towards the center of Slovenia as I said you will end up your day in lublana the capital which is very

    Green and uh I’m not exag ating but less than kilometer before the end of the tour you will still be riding on the trails over the small Green Hills almost inside the city not almost but inside the city Circle so Slovenia being a small country and very diverse offers

    Many many opportunities to experience this uh diversity in a very short time or let’s say in a reasonably short distance so here you can still see the Vela planina postures U some hills around and also the plateau over rakit town which will follow which will guide you further on towards South towards the

    Cars region where the green color just repeats all the time of course depending on the time of the year you’re visiting Slovenia but still natural Trails like this inside the forest uh on the Cs between The Vineyards um remote landscape between the forest but still with some open views a little bit drier

    Landscape in the C area start proceeding towards the C with the views to the first mountains and of course if the weather was clear on this picture you would see it’s possible also to see the comik sainia alss and Julian ales behind here as well so those views actually

    Accompany you all the way to the coast even from pan with a clear day like in now in Winter times you can enjoy the view of Trio Mountain being the highest peak in Julian outs although being like 300 km away but still it seems like being uh

    Very close all the way to the end some nice trails and of course some easy relaxing Coastal ride to hit the final destination in the Venetian town of danan uh this tour is best done uh in the summertime uh or early summer and late summer of course in the midsummer

    It can be too C for the last two stages but still the perfect way to finish the tour is of course with a deep into the refreshing Adriatic Sea and uh affording yourself a nice seafood dinner uh as long as you prefer it that way yeah but

    There are other options of course as well uh okay transl lovenia tours briefly and now we move to trans Croatia uh this tour is as mentioned few times before for suitable for the shoulder period shoulder season so sometimes after the high peak season end and before um let’s say the actual end

    Of the season this period either in the springtime or in the late Autumn the time slot is carefully picked so it can give you the opportunity to still enjoy cycling without being too cold and uh also without being too hot and also without being too crowdy to be honest

    Because sometimes you visit also some destinations which are very popular with tourists in High season but uh we really chose them carefully and uh especially the timing so it’s much more enjoyable for riding in this time it’s really a great combination between the Adriatic Sea and some hidden Trails

    Inland uh as mentioned it encircles the easa peninsula with some jumps deeper Inland and on the way you will really see a lot especially regarding picturesque towns like this one on the picture mun and a lot of good wine and good food can be experienced on the way as

    Well before I proceed to the pictures to present you with the sections of the istria tour let me just show you once more a little bit on the map so this is the tour we are talking now about just to have the impression it’s divided in seven stages starting in Pan

    The first section following the abandoned Railway Parana once connected Trieste with por here pareno but in Italian language but it doesn’t follow the easy Gravel Road it will take you left and right along the interesting mountain bike trails also stopping in Gran Famous by Gran uro um

    Um uh event with several very nice local Trails all the way to motovun and then following Trails back down towards the western coast encircling a little bit the Deep Bay of uh Lim Lim Bay resembling a sort of a f uh actually of course it’s not a f as we know them from

    The Scandinavian countries but it’s just a dried out Bay of the riverbed now it’s flooded with sea and then you get back to the western coast to rine a little bit back in land all the way to the tip of the Eastern Peninsula on this peninsula named kamak this is really a

    Trail Paradise it’s more cross country character but very very fun uh fun to write and then the remoteness of the Eastern region eastern coast begins following the coast towards rabbot which is also famous for rabbot trails and then the last king St this one being the hardest with over

    1500 M of elevation to conquer almost to the top slightly below the highest peak of utka M and then with a view over Quire islands and quer Bay descending down to Mish draaga directly on the coast to see this I was talking about in pictures to have a better impression

    This is the first section along the old Parana Railway um Parana Railway was operating in the early in the first years of the 20th century for about 30 33 years then it was abandoned it was by that time it was an important connection between Inland and the triesta for transporting

    Agricultural goods and salt and uh stones for quaries ETC um nowadays it was transformed into a very Pleasant cycling and Hiking Trail but as mentioned you only do some sections although pentana consists of I don’t know exactly but I think it’s almost 10 different tunnels and over six Vu and

    Bridges you cross only some of them because for the mountain bikers you can choose to go left and right do lots of detours and enjoy very nice Trails on the way returning back to pentana and doing the last stretches of the day easily on gravel just to gain some

    Energy reaching the West Coast will give you a different impression of the tour this is the LM Bay I was talking about you actually in circle it slightly there are just few viewpoints but you can see deep down on the sea from it you ride along this Lim Bay and around it and

    Finish the day in the old town of rine reassembling pan quite in many aspects but still different and then you continue from the West Coast towards the very tip of the Eastern Peninsula the mentioned Earth kamak kamak Peninsula visiting nearby Paula uh with its Rich Roman Heritage and ending or

    Let’s say stopping before ending the day on the very Peninsula very tip of the peninsula with high Cliffs with a possibility of swimming in the crystal clear Adriatic water as well from coming penins you turn back towards north following the Eastern uh Coastline this time going towards the utka

    M just a short Interruption with a nice train ride uh don’t worry this is again another abandoned Railway well this one was actually abandoned a bit later uh in the 2009 uh then it was operating mainly for the transport of coal towards the thermop plant but also for the

    Passengers and then yeah it was abandoned and he’s here is the example of what the nature does to the um man work uh the land is sliding down and nowadays this old abandoned Railway became popular under the name of a drunken Railway so it’s really fun to

    Experience it and even more as you can see on the tour we did a stretch of this last stage following the railway you can choose it to do it or not but it’s really a fun right it’s really like being in a amusement park or something all the time nice views to the

    Corner Bay and Adriatic lots of nice landscape with dry walls Inland and then the let’s say the king stage up to the utka mif and descending down with views like this Corner Bay with the island with a valit mountains behind island of Kirk island of TR just

    In front of you and here you can see here below this is the madaga the end of the tour the Final Destination and you descend like this directly on the coastline and somewhere here is inside is the hotel which awaits you to spend the last night of your tour and for us

    To pick you up and take you to the start point of the tour so yeah it’s uh it’s it’s really diverse and uh I must say personally um although I was involved with uh designing almost all of the tours we’re talking about today uh starting with trans Slovenia Roots uh

    This one is uh maybe one of my favorites because it’s uh it’s really different you know it’s not so hardcore mountain biking just trail trail TR uh high altitude Etc but those trails are more fun they are more um they offer a lot besides biking as as well and uh most of

    All they are the season of biking here in history is something I really like just for a short comparison let me give you a few words about uh the mentioned another trans Croatia Croatia tour mountains to Islands again similar length uh number of stages uh in elevation this is the one crossing the

    Valit northern valit National Park high up over 1500 meters and then descending down to the islands of RAB and Kirk which are really a paradise for mountain biking but also known for lot of uh history and cultural um remains this is the short overview on the map starting near Rea which has good

    Connections with our airport and then continuing to the valit following its reach Staying High up up up all the way taking a one stop down at the Sea Coast in s another historical town and then climbing up again to the highest region of the northern valit and then

    Descending down directly taking a fairy short fairy right like 20 minutes to the island of rap doing two stages on the rap Island taking a bit longer ferry to Kirk sorry in the last two days enjoying care carefully chosen Loops of the best Kirk Trails put together to really finish the tour in

    Style few pictures to give you the impression of what you can see on the tour this these are the views cycling up on the valit when the views open you see down the islands this is actually the island uh which you are going to visit afterwards and the last part of the tour

    In L of the valab you also go on the other side of the rid no views to the sea but lots of forests and views on the other side a typical cartic terrain with lots of linstone rocks formation and so on and then the other part The Island

    Part what to expect from sandy beaches to nice Trail descends down to the base old oak trees in the heart of the Kirk Island the previously mentioned desert like Moon plateau on the Southeastern part of the Kirk you actually cross it the hole with a bike and yes really diverse and really

    Well-maintained trails and really uh mentioned several times now A Paradise for mountain bikers so this is where I finish with a photo map presentation of the tours and then Andre will give you some more insight on the other information regarding the tour organization yeah thanks a lot matit for

    This detailed presentation we are very close to the end of the uh meeting I would just like to steal you two or three more minutes with some technical data and then we go to your questions and uh answers so U something about prices uh the price of

    Certain tours we offer depends of course on the type of tour uh which you decide to take the tours as mentioned in the beginning can be guided or self-guided and of course uh you will get detailed information about pricing if you contact us directly or if you check our website

    For uh the tours which will be guided and are uh mentioned there you will also see the prices uh we were already talking about best seasons to uh visit us you already got an impression uh during the presentation that we are touching different geographical regions higher

    Mountains on one side um forests on the other side and coastal regions on the third side we all know how warm it gets in summertime so we are talking about July and August uh the or even late June these periods are maybe not the best to do the cycling closer to the

    Coast uh it’s better to go a little bit deeper Inland in this uh uh um times but on the other hand we have the so-called shoulder Seasons which means May and the beginning of June and on the other hand September and October which are uh perfect also for coastal

    Regions uh just maybe one exception the tour which was mentioned now at the at the end so trans Croatia mountains to islands is better to to start let’s say somewhere in late May because because of some possible snow conditions which may be there uh in the beginning of May and

    The same is also obvious for Alpine parts of Slovenia so for the tours which were mentioned trans Slovenia one trans Slovenia 4 these tours should start let’s say at the end of May or even better in in in June uh for this season we have already

    Scheduled some of the tours you can see that both trans Slovenia tours uh uh can also be guided for Trans Slovenia number one we have two uh possible uh occasions to join us in June and in August for transia number four so this is the one Crossing from Austrian border diagonally

    Across the country to the coast we haven’t um chosen the exact date so far but we will listen to you if you contact us and if you would like like to join us on this tour we will uh think about organizing the tour according to your

    Wishes I have already told you what are the best timings for self-guided or tailor made tours so between May and September for Slovenian uh tours and oops sorry too far away and if we look at creation tours of course we have uh in May and in October we have

    Guided tours in estria and then on the other hand in May late May and late September we have tours mountains to Islands which will be guided and on the other hand self-guided tours as mentioned for Eastern part already in April and then to the end of October for

    Mountains to Islands a little bit later let’s say second half of May early June or late September to beginning of October again not too late because the end of October can can already be a little bit tricky in the mountainous part and that’s more or Les less

    Everything I would just like to present you a little bit uh more about we are all what what we are also doing in the agency uh apart from mountain bike tourist we offer a touring program and gravel tours then we also have hiking program some of you will probably join

    Us tomorrow when when we will present uh our hiking trails and last but not least we are trying to extend our uh fieldwork a little bit more to the South Into the Heart of the Balkans if you understand geography well you know that the so-called dinic mountain range uh is

    Stretching from Slovenia across let’s say former Yugoslavia all the way down to Albania and North cedonia and we will connect these places with more than 3,000 kilm long cycling route which will be technically easy more or less on the gravel or asphalt roads but without without some technical difficulties and

    It will be a great experience to um go deeper into the bulans to see the the charms of this region you can expect this transar route to be uh let’s say officially opened uh in summer this year but since we are trying to present the stories and to promote the region we

    Were already uh recognized by some important media you can see some of them at the bottom of the slide which presented this trans dinar project with different titles like best in travel 2024 or best destinations to visit in this year so it’s it’s getting some some

    Serious and very positive EOS EOS uh by the way I didn’t mention to you that this this project was co-founded by uh USA by the help of Germany Switzerland and Sweden who would like to invest into into the Balkan countries to develop parts of Tourism which the were waiting

    A kind of a Kickstart to to go ahead also in this sense yeah I would like to thank you a lot for joining us

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