There are many different kinds of cyclists in the world. Most are great, but some make awful ride partners! From the maverick who treats every ride like a training session to the rage monster who picks a fight with anything that moves, Si and Dan name six riders you should avoid at all costs! We also have a Big Sugar update from Alex and Chloe, plus a GOREWEAR kit giveaway.

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    00:00 Intro
    00:43 This Week in Cycling
    01:51 Worst Types of Cyclist
    10:14 Alex & Chloe’s Big Sugar Update (paid promo: @humangotraining5447)
    14:30 Cycling Shorts
    19:28 Zwift Hub One (paid promo: @Zwift)
    20:40 Cyclo-cross World Cup
    22:07 GORE Kit Giveaway (paid promo: @gorewear)
    23:35 Hack/Bodge
    30:19 Caption Competition
    32:11 Comments of the Week
    35:38 Coming up on GCN

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    From pass welcome to the gcn show welcome to the gcn show coming up this week the worst the most infuriating types of cyclists to ride with we all know them we don’t love them but we’re about to name and shame them we’ve also got a brand new giveaway for you the

    World’s longest stra art why Banky should get into cycle safety campaigning and move over Tom Pitcock we got a new kid on the Cy cross Block it’s not Conor is it I wouldn’t call it it is Conor is it No this week in the world of cycling we learned that if you want to punch somebody in the head you just got to enter a bike race that’s right all it’ll cost you is £45 that was the punishment handed out to Maxim vanhees for the

    Incident at the Japan cup as well as a 10 UCI point deduction no disqualification from the race no disqualification his result in the race still stands wow who would you punch if it only cost 45 qu I’m not going there no or you do have a list in your head

    Then by the we also learned that one of the debate of our times has finally been settled ebikes are officially bikes that is big news it is big news we say that though but the European court of justice has got involved and ruled that ebikes are not Motor Vehicles which is actually

    Important as the EU director on civil liability is going to be clarified as a result this year it’s probably more interesting than it sounds is it yeah probably I made it sound finally we learned that the world record for the longest straa art has just been smashed

    And behind it is quite a story a story that got us thinking about the worst types of psychist to ride with uh number one then is the pathological over Enthusiast yeah the obsessed cyclist who is determined to introduce their partner their friends or their family to the

    Wonders of cycling only to put them off it for Life by making them ride too far for there to be any sense of fun it rides you up the wall to be fair that might have been me I think in the past I’m pretty sure I’ve taken most of my

    Family out for a ride at some point that has been very enjoyable until the point that it wasn’t which is generally quite some way from home have Lorraine or Jude WR a bite recently no nor nor Ralph no mission accomplished then mate the only time too Fair my family come Runing with

    Me now is when they’re on the back of the cargo bike um but even Dan and I pale into insignificance compared to frederi deu because for his daughter’s 16th birthday present he took on a tandem ride that lasted for half of August and was 2,100 km in length wow to be fair in

    This case it does actually seem like the pair of them are as hardcore as each other because not only did they ride over 2,000 km on a tandem they also made the AFF mention world’s biggest piece of straa art spanning most of France and brilliantly they raised € 27,000 for

    Charities well plus she actually got quite off quite lightly compared to her bigger sister because for her 16th birthday he made them do the marathon disab no he has got super hardcore kits has he 50k is unsupported run ballistic what would you rather do marathon

    Disabler or 2,000 KS on the back of a tandem probably the tandem would you I think I’d try Marathon to well you can get away with slacking on the back of a tandem can’t you no slack that is true actually anyway another type of cyclist who is perhaps harder to avoid is the

    One that disrupts the natural order of a group ride you all know them typically it’s the rider that wants to go faster than everyone else and so therefore makes life really uncomfort for everybody else but equally bad I think is the rider that’s too slow for a group

    Ride that is controversal mate not a problem going slower for someone is it no not always but sometimes a fast ride is just a fast ride isn’t it and while rarer the rider that overestimates their own ability can get into a world of trouble like a almost like a death

    Spiral a death spiral death spiral so the fastest riots wait don’t they so they all freshen up then as soon as the riot has been dropped gets back on the faster Riders then set off again fresher and therefore faster than before and the slower Rider just gets more and more

    Tired because they never get any recovery I see that does sound quite like a death spiral presumbly you’ve gone back into your memory banks to remember fast rides the you yes and actually dropping people as opposed to the other way around just dusted some cobwebs off anyway perhaps that slower

    Rider just needs some mansplaining don’t they some mansplaining about what rides they should and shouldn’t be on because my words there are enough mansplainers lurking about in cycling aren’t there enough in fact that the mansplainer is next on our list of people to avoid riding with the rider who feels the need

    To impart every bit of cycl knowledge they have on anyone that is or isn’t even isn’t willing to listen to We should point out it is fine to give advice it can be incredibly useful to ride as new and old but there is always

    That one ride and it is normally a BL is it who wants to continually bark instructions and orders and give advice to everybody oh my word and sometimes even to people that are significantly more experienced than them it sounds like this has happened to youai has it

    Well I mean yeah it it is particularly people that think they know about bike fitting right like not actual bike Fitters necessarily but like amateur bike Fitters who feel the need to offer advice on your own position so I’ve had numerous comments about my own position

    Over the years now I don’t think my position is that bad have indeed had bite fist but the one that took the biscuit for me wasn’t on a ride it wasn’t even specifically to me it was a YouTuber who said that Primos rogl could have won more races if he’d sorted his

    Position out yeah a yumbo visma completely overlooked the Sham of a position that he adopts on his bike exactly oh my word to think that Y is the best team in the world wouldn’t have thought to look at one of the highest paid Riders I mean it’s just it’s just begs

    Belief to know it’s preposterous Preposterous yeah maybe he should look at his diet and training as well get even better anyway next up we’ve got the Maverick which is the best ter we could come up with for a rider who sticks to their own plan on a ride no matter what

    That might be doing intervals on the group ride going for straa Kom getting dropped because they refuse to go out of their zone or any other number of infuriating traits that leave everyone wondering why they’ve gone out on a group ride in the first place that was quite a run that

    Well yeah yeah anyway this next this next one I’m going to put my hand up actually because this this is actually me I admitted here a few weeks back as to having had the worst ride ever when uh I got flat whil running tubis and then I rinsed four inner tubes that I’d

    Scabbed off my mates trying to fix it before eventually running out of their and my spares and having to tie a knot in the last one and then limping home presuma you have at least give the spare tubes back to them as in new ones you haven’t have you oh that is

    Awful not yet I’ve been meaning to I have been meaning to um anyway yeah I know the worst thing though the worst thing is not actually giving them the tubes back or fixing them or buying new ones I actually did it again a couple of weeks later well you went out without

    Enough spares no I went out with tubless tires and had a thoroughly avoidable problem with them yeah yeah always room to learn so I’m going explain it to you so are we saying then that you shouldn’t ride with people who use tubist do you think or just idiots who use

    Tubis perhaps probably the latter because I mean I do think tubis is by and large quite good it’s just not Idiot proof no basically um yeah right moving on lastly and again linking to something we also talked about in the show a few weeks back it’s the roid rager yeah the

    Rider that is perpetually about to kick off at everyone and everything but mainly cars yeah not only stressful to ride with but seriously embarrassing at times too isn’t it and potentially risk Ry you kick off at the wrong car and you could well get a kicking yourself yes

    You know what there were two such group two such group Riders two such Riders on my local Tuesday night fast group ride okay um it was a drop ride if there was no waiting just just you know anyway one day those two like angry people they

    Didn’t have anyone else to shout at so they ended up having a fight with each other instead uh it it was at least amusing to the rest of us but yeah how Bonkers is I’m presuming you didn’t get involved what giv a potential puncher what gives you their impression D well

    Yeah I mean I can see that you are not doing pull-ups like I am I actually got a bones pick you about that why because in the video that we released on Saturday you described me doing pull-ups and I was doing chin-ups and everyone assumes now that I don’t know the

    Difference between the two oh sorry mate which is not the case at all my ignorance it’s your ignorance that made me look a fool which one’s which so pull up chin up that pull up that way okay all right H Okay so I do know what the differences yeah anyway sign I’ve been

    Trying um I can do one pullup now and then about one and one and a well know about a quarter maybe of of a Chan well like I said genuinely you will get better very very quickly actually know other way around anyway I hope so yeah

    Um we’re moving on shall we um to well first of all we should actually ask you lot what’s the worst people to ride with who they are in what type of enjoy reading this week’s comments because there going to be some very annoying people described I think in the com down

    Below yeah let us know your thoughts on who the worst types of cyclist are to ride with what the trouble is I feel like I might have to put my hand up to a few of those yeah I think unfortunately now next hopefully this following section isn’t a case of pushy partner

    But fellow presenter Alex and his wife and also fellow colleague as Chloe current wife yes we’re off to the USA this week to take part in big sugar which is the gravel season finale Chloe’s been training for months hasn’t she for her first gravel Race So checked

    Back in with him to see how things have been going still together are they they are yeah so far okay two weeks out from Big Sugar Chloe how’s the form um form is like pretty good I think training’s been going well I have just been out for

    A week on well unfortunately no way but um put a bit of a SP in the works but up until then form form was good you’ve been flying the most recent weeks and as you say shames would get on well but you had to adapt stuff AR you yeah yeah so

    How does that work right cuz you’re still using humo this AI app how I do you let the AI know that you’re not very well yeah quite literally like you put in well obviously it plans out your um workouts for the week um but yeah when I

    Was got sick last week I had to put in each day that that I was unwell and it then like writing a note to school that kind of thing sick note yeah um yeah you basically put in that you’re sick and if you can still do some training or not

    Basically so if you you’re not that poorly but you want to just like dial it back a bit you can do that or you can just take the day off um so yeah and then it replans um and it adjusts your training accordingly um yeah I guess

    Depending how how long you’re out for so for me it was but basically all of last week so quite quite a consider considerable amount um the important thing to remember is the trainings in the bank one week that’s the week to get sick like two You’ done it it wasn’t ideal but it’s

    Better that it was last week and not next week Big Sugar now you’re going to be back on the way up which I think is like the best way of approaching it because you’re going to be feeling fresh Mally and like ready to like get stuck

    Into it actually to be fair like just before I got sick I was actually you know we’ve been away in France riding we’ve done a lot of training it’s been a long process and I I actually was feeling quite tired and I’m apprehensive about the challenge but I think mentally

    I was struggling a bit so um having that week off I think actually did help reset because we went out on the weekend just for an easy spin but I had like a big smile on my face I was like enjoying it whereas I think before I was starting to

    Like struggle a bit mentally with it can I ask what you feeling nervous about um I just it’s it’s like the unknown I’ve literally never done a race in my life I’ve never been to like a mass mass event like that before you know and gravel I don’t know just I think it’s

    The unknown like not knowing what to expect I think once I get we get going I’ll settle into it and I’ll be okay but yeah I would lie if I said I wasn’t feeling nervous about it excited but I yeah I just worrying if I’m going to

    Finish it or how it’s going to I think you’ll be okay I think you’ve done this maybe I overthinking it well I mean you probably are but it’s natural to overthink stuff isn’t it but then I guess that’s kind of where the excitement comes from too right because

    It’s just like it’s a big thing you’ve worked for a long time for it and is everything that we’ve like worked worked hard for it would all like come together there been a lot of hard work and effort and preparation gone into it I’m actually super excited as well I said to

    You the weekend I’m excited about being able to go and do this together like I’m excited about the event and being a to ride in like an iconic cool place and do the stuff but it’s not very often you get to do like what we’re doing together

    And that is exciting for me I think yeah yeah it’s gonna be good I don’t I mean there’s no way that I’d be able to do it without without you I think that’s like the key thing is you know like the yeah training together and the challenge of

    Doing it together but I think it’ll be super cool when we’re out when we’re out there I just want to like take all in and like I I do want to just enjoy it and yeah it’s going to be hard but I want to make sure that I make the most

    Of it cuz it’s not every every day you just get to go and do some like mega event it’s cool very cool right well I can’t wait to see how it goes well there only one way to find out watch the video yeah good point And now it’s time for cycling shorts cycling shorts now and we’re going to start with some City cycling news our video from last week called my city is for cycling has sparked some really good comments underneath it hasn’t it it has and following on from that theme we saw

    This article about how effective Road diets are proving to be over in Philadelphia now according to why efforts have been targeting the high Injury Network which is 12% of roads which make up 80% of traffic deaths and serious injuries yeah now fatal injury crashes of all Road users are down 34%

    Yeah and car speeding is down 25% however like tragically when you look at the stats this year has been particularly bad for cyclist fatalities so whilst Road dieting is definitely a good thing also do you think we need to explain what road dieting is it might be

    A good idea because I had to ask you before we started filming yeah so Road dieting is where you take space away from Vehicles basically and give it to either like trees or bike Lanes or that kind of thing so you literally narrow things um so it makes it harder to drive

    So you’d think that would be a positive thing maybe it’s CU more people are riding but there’ be more fality so anyway more still needs to be done in Philly but at least things are moving in the right direction AR they well I think this photo taken at Stan said airport

    Recently here in the UK illustrates very neatly the difficulties that much bike infrastructure suffers that is a great photo isn’t it let me get this straight someone has put a porter in the middle of a bike claim they have yes the parody Twitter account we saw this on is genius they basically

    Said we’re delighted to have opened the world’s first service station for cyclist today worth every penny of the 30 million pounds the government gave us for green initiatives ah that does s out quite honestly yeah my bike lane is judging by that photo um anyway one person has

    Taken things into their own hands though according to Belgian news Outlet HLN artist and bike rider hillair Smet has created a rather Natty sculpture sculpture a sculpture yeah so a bike on its side with the front wheel folded in half and then a pair of legs s sticking

    Out from a hedge oh yeah I see legs wearing high viz which will please some absolutely down as well as been quite funny he thinks it makes people drive slower around it as well well yeah so we were wondering having seen this perhaps a new Bree of cycling Vigilantes should

    Spring up like comedy Vigilantes you know what I mean well yeah to be fair if Banky was to turn his attention to road safety you can bet that it would be bloody funny and probably very effective as well well that’s right so Road Safety campaigners what would Banky do that

    Should be your thought for the week comedy travels a lot further than like Angry videos on Twitter generally yeah although angry videos on Twitter do have a lingering around days Post in general that’s right now I’m not sure that she’ll be channeling Banksy but the mayor of Manila Joy Belmonte has

    Apparently returned from a trip to the world’s number one cycling City Copenhagen with a determination to make Quon city which is part of Manila in the Philippines a safe haven for cyclist yeah and the reason we bring this up is because under the video about City cycling we had a few comments from

    People in Manila uh so Christ 696 3 sounds about right yep said my city is the most shitty for cycling here in Manila Philippines in capitals especially at rush hour 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday well to neatly illustrate one of the points of

    The video on how we all experience it is differently at touring Tony wrote in to say I got into cycling because I was living in Manila and the traffic was too much for me a good friend already commuted by bike to a nearby Office he sat me down with his laptop and we

    Devised a route that would a bit longer but with less traffic it was probably the best cycling advice I have ever had Grant Halbert if you’re reading this many thanks to you gr halber big thumbs up uh get involved in the comment section as well probably do a bit of

    Advice can we um not mansplaining though just you know well there’s a fine line yeah there is yeah anyway um so we’re not saying all advice is bad we it’s just like un unprompted unwarranted advice um anyway there we go some racing news now we’ll move on to safe ground

    Luca verito who was the winner of last year’s men’s sft Academy has just signed for the full alpas deic World Tour Squad having spent his first year in their development team yeah congratulations to Luca and I would say that that move is very well deserved yeah I was looking

    Back at the results and they’ve been very consistent throughout this year including a couple of overall wins at some smaller stage races so perhaps he might be making his debut at the jured Italian next year you certainly HED so wouldn’t now speaking of zift they were busy last

    Week launching their brand new Hub one which a lot of you will have already seen the details of um online on the new GCM website y or uh on our video on GCM Tech last week um the headlines though are that multiple bikes with different wheel sizes are all compatible so if

    They got the same standard axle sizing as like normal bikes through axle or quick release whatever um if it fits on it then there are 24 internal virtual gears plus an auto calibration that means you’ll have access to the same 24 virtual gear ratios no matter what size

    The chain ring is and the sprocket on the back no the sprocket on the back is consistent is it CU that’s on the Hub no matter what size the chain ring is on your bike yeah I think it sounds great to be honest if you’re not familiar with

    Bikes and indoor trainers it can all be a bit of a mine fi can’t it when you start to look at the right one for you and to figure out what is and isn’t compatible but this new trainer should take away a few of the barriers that

    Often put people off even trying to get into indoor training in the first place yeah also you can share one like in a household can’t you cuz if you’ve got 12 speed someone’s got 11 speed someone’s got seven speed you know yeah that’s a lot of faf time good point so there we

    Go all right back to outdoor cycling though and it was the first round of the UCI sross World Cup last week Fen vanle took her 10th World Cup win in the women’s race but in the men’s race we had a new Rider on the top step of the

    Podium it wasn’t Conor done was it it wasn’t Conor done that new rider was a certain tibo nce the 20-year-old son of Sven nce widely regarded as the best psych Crosser of all time tibo now only has to win another 49 World Cups to equal his dad oh that’s harsh that is

    Yeah and a joke I should point out yeah it was impressive though wasn’t it particularly he wrode two sections of the course that nobody else could the steps which do not look remotely rideable do they no I mean even when he’s going up them they don’t look

    Rideable and a bank which is far steeper than it looks on TV because the rider he’s just dropped whose Name Escapes Me He pulling himself up with the with Pim run Pim ronard yeah he’s having to pull himself up with the Rope at the side of the course that is impressive well he

    Done it in training but I don’t think anybody had ever done it on that course in a race before so yes it’s very impressive and I’m pretty sure that Connor Dunn couldn’t have ridden either of those sections either although he is busy honing his psych cross skills isn’t

    It oh what’s that old phrase if you’re not crashing you’re not trying hard sounds about right it’s not a phrase we actually agree with is it no anyway we’re going to finish cycling shorts with a brand new giveaway courtesy of Gore as this is your opportunity to win

    One of five sets of endure gortex jackets and transition biip shorts yeah so this one is a subject close to my heart I flipp in love a waterprof jacket right so the endure is a Gore pack light or gortex pack light jacket I should say

    Um not like your arrow cut it’s more for bike packing that hood goes over your helmet which is something that I absolutely love these days for you know like gravel riding and stuff like that and the transition bib shorts are a really interesting thing cuz they’re like sort of like weatherproof bib

    Shorts uh they got spray resistant panel on the butt um and yeah so they’re a little bit more substantial a little bit warmer than um I guess the transition between Seasons sounds very good doesn’t it there are unfortunately some territory restrictions with this giveaway aren’t there H we’ll list on

    Screen now the countries that you need to be in in order to enter this giveaway normally we reserve that for racing right I know some legalities I’m not entirely sure why uh you can’t necessarily win a pair of bib shorts in certain countries no I’m not sure either

    Anyway the stipulations that we have been given anyway entries close at 10: a.m. BST on Friday the 27th of October and winners will be announced in a GN show from Tuesday the 31st of October so good luck to those you who enter I’m going to enter cuz you can never have

    Enough waterproof jackets yeah you also can’t enter that is true next up hack for/ bodge of the week and we’re going to start with a 3D printed dut holder that was sent in by Frank D Tomaso uh yeah 3D printed donut holder that when I need that pick me up on a

    Ride and a gel just won’t do get a custom 3D printed dut hold of your bicycle I made this one for Chris M Hari a photographer SL cyclist extraordinaire he delivers Donuts to cool people here in town and for himself on rides okay right let’s just start right there

    Normally 3D printed automatic hack first of all this has been 3D printed to look like a BG brush hasn’t it like that literally I was like why have they put a toilet brush on the down tube secondly it’s on the down tube like the the position on your bike that gets the most

    Crap sprayed at it where would you put them then well I mean to be honest with you I wouldn’t put a 3D printed dut holder on my bik cuz if you put it anywhere out of way of spray then you’re putting it somewhere where you could get impaled on

    It aren’t you uh in the event of an accident so um it’s no good for my dut of choice which is wh jamming Like You Killed Someone wouldn’t if you put that over the top of it that’s it yeah that’s that’s like a modern modern dut isn’t it

    A ring donut not like the traditional ones that you grew up with we we both grew up with um yeah no I’m going to say bodge for that one I’m saying hack because I get the impression that the inventor is probably quite a quirky character and I quite like the thought

    Of him going around town delivering Donuts uh but I’m not try to eat them because as you pointed out they could potentially be quite dirty yeah filthy Donuts sprinkles on that basically yeah all right um anyway I’m in the minority you got it right 60% of people said that

    Was a hack um moving on Rod Kirk uh dur Ace Flintstone zero unashamedly nicked from the Facebook fan page for certain online cycling retailer that rhymes with jiggle apparently it’s currently out of stock look at that that’s quite fun isn’t it that generally though is I’m

    Not going to say genius but you can clearly see that that is a bike that’s probably in a place where there’s not a lot of money around and genuinely looks like they’ve done that in order to keep their bike on the road and usable yeah so it’s basically a wooden dur

    Isn’t it with uh there looks like a bottle top holding the jockey Wheels together jockey wheels that are actually old freehubs so yeah no I’d agree like that is absolutely Bonkers but um but you’re right it’s probably a bit of a hack isn’t it I’d say so yes cuz that

    Bight would probably be redundant without them having done that so it’ be a hack from me yeah all right hack from me well we’re on the minority sites only 36% went with hack for that well I think without your your beautiful explanation well I always refer to it but when I

    Went over to Zambia for World bicycle relief and you saw what they had done to keep bikes on the road not the world bicycle relief ones but just general bicycles that they had over there it gave you a sort new outlook on what is a hack and a bod because it sort of

    Depends in what financial situation you are doesn’t it well that is very true mate don’t have much mining you keep your bike on the road it’s always going to be a hack yeah uh costates put hot glue gun solution for aerob barends I couldn’t WRA the bar tape with barend

    Carefully so finished it with some electrical tape but that appeared to be a bad solution for the sunny hot rides where the very end of the tape got messed up I tried to use some thermal glue from a glue gun which I imagine uh being 20% 3D printed to fix everything I

    Got one race to do and then I can think of a more neat solution or neater solution um yeah I’m not feeling that if I’m honest uh that looks like looks a little bit like you might be at Junior school and you know that PVA glue that

    Gets stuck to your fingers and you end up like picking it off um why why did electrical tape not work that’s the first time I’ve ever heard the heat apparently but how hot is it going to be well you tried going on an indoor trainer side your sweat see how much

    Electrical tape you’ve got left of it by the end of the session oh dear me yeah no I bodge from that me me as well uh and most people agreed 83% bodge there we go sorry about that uh next up msk guitars does anyone still use cables run

    Out of cable crimps use electrical heat shrink on your cable enss there we go say uh it uh is cheap easy to install remove won ever fall off and comes in a variety of colors well I know stacks of people myself included still use cables and that does actually look remarkably

    Nice what a neat solution I’m pretty sure that back in the days when Pro cyclists were still using cables that heat shrink wrap was used fairly regular I always L thought it looked incredibly neat my one criticism of this would be that the cable exis is a bit too long

    For my I was thinking that as well actually I think maybe we just need to trim a little bit off that but um but no that looks very neat well it sounds like it’s a hack from both of us hack from 90% of those that maybe 100% the cave

    Was a bit shorter yeah absolutely yeah and then the last one Dan who we got this time MSM roders no TT bars just make them yourself is that another toilet brush what on Earth is that I mean you you struggle to get a toilet roll over

    That bulbous end no I mean the bog brush it’s like so it’s like a stick isn’t it attached to the handlebars with some bungees looks like it’s quite robustly attached isn’t it it kind of looks like something else doesn’t it there’s like a weird like head on the end I

    Don’t know what you’re thinking no yeah I mean that’s weird in it but um I mean it doesn’t look like any effort has been made to keep your elbows comfortable if you are going to try and use said bar extended or aerob bar good point I um

    Bit aside I was out on my mountain bike on Sunday and I had like a 20 minute Road ride to get home and I rocked out the imaginary TT bars for the first time in a long time and my word I got home speedily yeah UCI has no jurisdiction on

    My ride home from the CR so there we go yeah knee high socked on a ones as well I did I was wearing Lyra which is also remarkably Speedy on a mountain bike so uh it was early in the morning now I piz I noticed in mon Stan at the World Cup

    Put her arms in the middle of the bars to get more arrow down the start finish straight there you go we digress bodge hey yeah massive bodge uh no more toilet brushes on bikes please there just no need uh and we are in the majority cuz

    90% versus 10% bodge hack yeah I tell you what there is blatantly a bike shop somewhere that’s got a toilet brush made from a bit of bike isn’t there like we always see like toilet roll holders made from bits of bike someone’s got a bog brush somewhere haven’t they I’d imagine

    So yeah so there’s your challenge next week you upload it to the gcn app yeah a bog brush made out of some cycling parts next up it’s caption competition that part of the show where you get a chance to get your hands on a coveted

    Gcn Elite water bottle all you got to do is put a witty caption in the comments section down below and we will pick a winner next week the funniest one won’t we we’ll pick the funniest one well what we think is the funniest one what we

    Think is or often the one that’s been up voted the most so some but they generally correlate don’t they they do we do sift through the others just in case uh last week’s photo was this one and our winner is at cardiac cyclist 7477 uh this was G hect of course

    Getting a backy on routes to sign on at a race uh the the caption that wins in is I feel that I’m perfectly sane to be doing this mechanic I disagree I feel you’re nuts sorry I know I’m a bit childish but yeah that um I mean I just yeah you

    Should have grown out of that by now you’re in your 40s well that’s true yeah it is very very true indeed but there we go well cardiac cyclist get in touch with us on Facebook book with your address we get a bottle sent out to you

    Uh this is the photo for you to get his teeth stuck into this week it’s Ethan hater with his younger brother Leo basically pulling him along by the helmet it seems I will get you started in your graders take marginal gains to 10 Pin bowling see what you did that mate does

    Kind of look like he yeah it does in aing board yeah I wonder whether he got f45 and uh 10 U points for dragging his little brother around by the helmet remain well that’s it yeah anything goes um yeah that’s quite quite using that is it uh right yeah get involved in the

    Comment section and as mentioned we will pick a winner next week we will shortly let you know what we’ve got coming up for you on the channel this week but first up we picked out a few comments from underneath last week’s gcn show haven’t we uh starting with this one from Lucho

    Diasio monthly allowances for company ebikes €40 becoming common place in Germany as well I love this trend that’s good to know isn’t it because we thought it was just France but no no no well we did say we hoped it was reaching well going further a field is we there you go

    Yeah that’s awesome isn’t it um PS Max 62 um the shopping trolley in hack bodge last week which we labeled a massive bodge is apparently an off-the-shelf product by Burley but PS Max said um I used one for years for commuting it is stable unless you hit a large pothole at speed

    On only one side when the trailer can flip over it happened a few times for me but it never made me crash I stopped flipped it back over and continued on my way a terrific product they said I think that is probably a bad product like you

    Know what I think oh I’m on a busy Main Road and my trolley has just flipped over yeah I mean it doesn’t sound great does it really doesn’t so I’m sorry burle but um I’m you know I’m willing to try one but if I if it careers me into

    Oncoming traffic I’m not going to be very happy might not crash it might not crash no it might not crash cot sword cyclist wrote in to say that was an epic edition of the gon show so I shall collect my medal almost didn’t stick it out but made it through the whole thing

    When I first saw this I was like ah thanks an epic Edition did youo and then I realized it was like that was an epic Edition like an epic ride that you don’t think you’re going to finish not a good one it feels like an achievement not

    Even type two fun in hindsight that’s it yeah it was just we just struggled through it but anyway thank you for sticking with us CW cyclist and then you know I said there was only one cycling novel that I could think of it was the Rider by Tim Krab anyway some of you

    Pointed in the direction of some more uh so 107.9 um said not only the ride uh but also Von 2 by Sam vagen Dorp um and then Ralph Hearns the yellow Jersey that was suggested by Rick McGee and Joe s We Begin our ascent and H zapa Patterson’s the black Jersey and then

    Finally this one was particularly exciting Greg Moody has written a series of five novels which are cycling murder mysteries really I know I wonder whether we should try and get the rights to those novels and then we could create actual drama on GCM plus I’ve always

    Wanted a ba yeah imagine that you could be an actor that would get you back on a bike wouldn’t it Daniel L pretending to cycle in a murder mystery you could be like a detective I mean what I could do in in said movie that we’re going to produce any sounds

    Like your Christmas list is getting bigger by the day sound of all those novels thank you Jim Tim for that last one by the way just finally thought we get onto what’s coming out this week uh underneath bonker’s bike race um Mr Gregory said to really show how small

    Hank is he should have been wearing size glasses good point although we wouldn’t seen much of Hank don’t think I’m pretty sure his is normal sized it’s just the rest of him that’s um average as Han would say uh anyway there we go yeah um do check that video out there if you

    Haven’t seen already a bit of fun was it right on Wednesday we are going to show you some cyclocross Basics starting with riding upstairs that’s right and impossible climbs yeah that would be cool wouldn’t it we’ll get t-bo nce on a vid at some point hopefully yes we if

    Had his dad haven’t we we have indeed yeah yeah anyway goat on Thursday uh we got a video in titled you know your recyclist when dot dot dot Friday um epic climbs so uh We’ve ridden up a few epic climbs in our times uh so we’re

    Going to give you a little bit of information about the cold of Talay how to do it as well as what it is um so uh so check in on Friday for that one then on Saturday as mentioned Connor did a CYO cross race um you’ve seen a little

    Bit of how it went tune in on Saturday to see the rest and it might surprise you actually then on Sunday olle and Alex did a lap of myor 312 uh they basically wanted to try and break the record um so olle pulled out some fancy day it was a big old day

    Pictorial evidence of the afterm mark he said right yeah Alex didn’t look too good after that did he no said he couldn’t do a pull-up didn’t try one uh on the app then or at least on gcn plus the rose season’s officially finished 2023 at least at the very

    Highest level rangi was the last of those races Milan Vader won didn’t he come back from we don’t know yet as we recall this is one more stage to go oh is it but he has won a stage and as we record this he’s leading overall and looking likely to win well fingers

    Crossed cuz uh that’s quite some comeback isn’t it a massive comeback that guy was an induced coma for those of you who haven’t seen what happened to him last year at the tour of the bass country but we do have some non-road Racing for you in the form of the Super

    League Triathlon but I’m going to skip past that because we’ve also got the first round of the super presti s cross on Sunday in over Asia and round one of series three of the UCI track Champions League that’s coming to you from new this Saturday evening European Time

    There we go hopefully that Super League Trion won’t get interrupted by saltwater goes again no but you never know with Triathlon because it’s a sport fraught with danger uh just one more thing i’ forgot to mention is the world of cycling show from last week which was

    Our end of season awards show is available for every everybody to watch that’s got a gcn Plus account or gcn app account should I say uh even if you’re not a subscriber to gcn plus you can watch that one for free that’s super cool isn’t it and with the fact that

    It’s the end of world of cycling for this season that literally does draw a close to the road season isn’t it yeah that’s that’s it now ex uh for another couple of weeks until it all kicks off again yes it’s probably any yeah two and a half two and a half weeks basically

    Yeah mid January isn’t it right there we go done I think pretty much we haven’t mentioned the the documentary from this week K Hunters oh my word it’s an absolute belter you absolutely have to see this honestly it’s one of my favorites uh that we’ve done so far so

    Yeah do check it out mon Von 2 this time for our crack team of climbers amateur climbers yeah can we get the Monon 2 K yeah definitely check it out I haven’t watched it but I will be doing so in the next week or two uh but that is the end

    Of this week’s DN show we’ve run out of medals to give anyone that’s got through to the end unfortunately not that we had any to start with probably need an energy gel by now actually right thanks for watching see you next week


    1. Easy to misconstrue the thumbnail. I thought this was going to be a list of cyclists we all hate. You know, something like…

      1- Chris Horner
      Tied for #1- Mark Cavendish
      Also tied for #1- Chris Froome
      Then Lance, his lackey George, and Chris Horner again; all in a six way tie for first.

      But you were talking about the six stereotypes you hate. lol, my bad.

    2. I'm what is known as a "FRED". The guy who just wants to go out and look around and not spend any gas money……
      I am aware that group rides are not for me, but MASS rides are another thing. I was not the absolute last rider to get in, but there might not be any Pizza left when I get to the party at the end
      Part of the reason being a full tool and gear bag, because I WAS a solo rider

    3. 7:33 Jist watching this after the Tech Show … where Si absolutely rinsed Frederick for Oli not having an inner tube and getting a puncture.

    4. I have a Mous Intra Lock and the corresponding case for my phone, such a good mounting option for your phone, love it. Pretty cool to see it featured on GCN.

    5. A couple of minutes into a cycling show I haven’t seen in a while and I hear the word “mansplaining”… Seriously? Here of all places? Sod off..

    6. Love the guy who put the bust bike on the pavement. Two years ago there were two strategically placed broken / crashed bikes at the side of the road on the descent from the mighty Fauniera in the Fausto Coppi sportif. Certainly made me slow it down a little!!

    7. I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Having moved here from the Denver are I can say unequivocally that the motorists here are INFINITELY more conscientious, polite and careful than the drivers in Denver. Much to my surprise. Furthermore, the roads are incredibly twisty, windy and up and down. With little to no shoulder whatsoever. In the twelve years I have lived here I have had ZERO run ins and only a could close calls. Usually, they go completely across the road and often slow down as they do. I have never been honked at! In Colorado that was a daily or at least weekly occurrence. Where roads are dead straight for the most part and have 4 ft bike lanes everywhere. Just sayin' – MAJOR SHOUT OUT FOR PHILLY MOTORISTS! THANK YOU!

    8. Oh yeah….worst type of cyclist….. Hate to say it because I have definitely jumpped on the wagon myself but…….no question = GRAVEL RIDERS. Everyone is and expert looking down their nose. By the way… keeping with my comparison of Colorado vs. Philly. Philly cyclist can ALL find a massive cliff and take a jump. Colorado cyclists are much friendlier and inclusive of their fellow cyclists.

    9. The worst are the ones that are snobs about their pricey bikes. I know I have a cheap bike, and telling me that maybe someday I could have a bike as nice as theirs after I simply congratulate them on their new bike. Really? Maybe when I stop looking like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man a fancier bike will be worth it, but for now just bite your tongue dude.

    10. oh sorry, I'm sorry for having man-explained that a person who weighs 50kg does not need to inflate their 28mm tires to 110psi if she want to ride more comfortably.

    11. I'm a bike person – but get the f out the road!!!

      #1 I live in (Tallahassee, Leon) canopy road, sharp hills and blind turns – if I'm coming around blind turns or hill – i'll give room for the bike " but if a car pops up sorry about your luck"

      #2 The one i see the most is people trying to ride bikes in morning traffic – the bike lane stay straight but the right-hand turn line extend through the bike lane. If there a car in front of another car they can't see anything in the bike line for a good distance. if they are turning right (splat gose the bike). roads like this,-84.2250441,3a,75y,300.86h,89.31t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sR6yhVT30iMrQsPevQMI_Iw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!5m1!1e1?entry=ttu (just use the sidewalk – law or not)

      #3 most old city, towns, country roads are not made for bikes even if they have a bike lane (is just a death wish) in a place like this

    12. The worst rider is the one CONSTANTLY talking especially work related stuff be it uphill, downhill, while pauses, peeing. Talking talking talking. You come home and your brain is more tired than your body.

    13. If it HAS A MOTOR, it's a MOTORCYCLE… It's not rocket science, I mean literally, there are no rockets. But there are motors, and they have throttles. Motorcycles…

    14. .."the pathological enthusiast." Me: turns slowly to stare at hubs Hubs: F*k off. *he laughs I know I resemble that statement. He says the worst rider is the one who leaves you behind without a thought or care.

    15. I only started riding again about 5 years ago (at almost 45) and I was the worst rider to ride with: super slow. It took us All. Day. to ride 85km my first MS Bike. (I did it in 4 hours last year) I have a new hip now, though, and am in better shape at 50 than I was at 40.

    16. The gear snob. The one who looks down their nose at you because you are not on a brand of bike with particular components and not decked out in a certain line of kit.

    17. Without a doubt the worst cyclists IMHO ends up being those who can't mentally handle a moving paceline, a true echelon. They do not understand drafting is more than riding directly behind a rider in front, especially when following those "rubber banding" riders who can't ride steady pace, and refuse to learn but rather freak out b/c someone is riding slightly to their side(s).

    18. The worst people to ride with are the ones that keep telling me I should wear a helmet. For Centuries people on bikes didn't wear them and now within the last 15 years or so they have become mandatory. Call me old school but not stupid. If you need a helmet when the average speed you ride is not more than 15mph then runners or just about anybody moving faster than a walking pace should wear them too.

    19. e-bikes Have NO motors ???? Really

      Everywhere in the world, scooters marketed as bikes are getting away without plates and buzz 70kmh down bike lanes from Monday morning to Sunday post happy hour, and once every throttle turn crash into a cyclist and destroy lifes.
      It's physical, the more the motor, the more batteries, the more mass, the more speed on mass, the most energy, ride on that side and you are not the obstacle or the unfortunate target of a cannonball, the battery propelled motorist will fly off, the hit cyclist will take the biggest hit. It's physics 101, like mixing boxing categories, like anything in front of a train …

      And no insurance is liable, it fall on public service and victims savings… talk about unfair society judgment

    20. Back in the 80s a crew of us gathered at a bike shop at closing time and ride mtbs around a campus and nearby city. Trails were scarce but we had fun destroying tubes, rims, forks etc riding up & down stairs and other urban things. The group ride was over when the rider went home.

    21. The rider who peeves me is the one who you catch and pass (just because you happen to be riding faster, not because you kick it up as if there was such a thing as Cat 6 racing), but then he (and it's always a "he") picks up his pace so he can sit on your wheel and turn it into an impromptu mini-group ride. I've even slowed so he can keep ahead of me, only to have him slow down in turn. I shouldn't have to tell you to go ride by yourself. I have often slowed when I have not been riding that much faster, just to stay a ways back and avoid this scenario. It's not that I am trying to be anti-social, it's just that I may prefer to lose myself in my own ride. Then there's the rider who is faster than you and, once you've passed him, feels the need to prove it. Just ride your own pace, people!

    22. On the community group rides, the Jack*ss with powered speakers who blast his music that no one else likes.This seems to be particular to US cities where community group rides are popular and the ad hoc organization seems to convince some people there are no rules of etiquette that applies to them.

    23. There are just three cyclists that I really hate:
      – The guy that cuts people off, demand you to get out of their way, because they think it's a race track
      – The guy that has too much money to spend on overpriced bike parts, which results in prices rising for everybody.
      – Remco Evenepoel, it's always evenepoel this, evenepoel that; I get it, he's great, but sorry idc.

    24. Cycling is combination of social , solo and fast rides / racing …. Nice to get out in your own now n again but riding in a group is just loads more fun plus you go alot faster

    25. Safety fascists. I dont wear a helmet on my road rides( but do on mtb where the risks of an off are much higher and away from help). The worst cyclist for me are those who have to shout " where is your helmet? " while they are plodding along with their dome covered in a 200 quid piece of plastic. Mind your own business,each to their own.Personal risk assessment not being an unthinking sheep.

    26. Been on both ends of that spear, one i needed picked up by my wife, group ride with a few gearheads while on my track bike. Painfull indeed😊

    27. I don't know why you say mansplainer because in my personal experience it's almost always women that are the absolute rudest when you don't want their advice.

    28. Ive been run down on my bike by 2 mamits being smart assess. They yelled amd screamed at me afterwards for ruining their ride. While I was lying down on the drive lane with my bike on top of me. I was so battered that i had to be helped to the ER. They drove away before I could even get up. That happened a couple of years ago but I'm still on high alert when i spot a mamit in the wild.

    29. It's pretty annoying to ride with a bike snob. Everything they have is the best and what you have is low end crap. Even if what you have isn't low end.

    30. I don't know if this counts, but I usually ride alone, on my road bike, preferably on paved bike paths but otherwise on relatively quiet back roads with decent blacktop that don't get a lot of traffic. And every now and then, if I'm going at a decent pace, someone likes to hang onto my wheel for minutes and minutes at a time, but without a greeting, acknowledgement or polite request, and when they finally take off, which they always do, there's rarely a take care or thank you.

      I mean 5, 10, 15 seconds to catch their breath, ok, but much longer an it just feels rude. But then I don't have much group riding experience so I'm not sure if this is indeed rude, or acceptable behavior, and if anything I should take it as a compliment that someone finds my riding to be fast enough to want to hang onto my wheel. I view this as rude, but I'm not sure if it's actually seen as such. Is it?

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