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    Yo what’s up it’s your boy KSI yes I know it’s been a while but there have been several reasons why first of all quite frankly I just didn’t feel like making a video especially after the result of the Tommy Fury fight I had trained so hard these past few months

    You know working overtime to do what most people saw was impossible and that was to beat Tommy Fury I felt like I had won the fight so to have the judges completely take that moment away from me yeah it it sucked as soon as I got back

    Home you know I was angry disappointed and eventually I just broke down and started crying it wasn’t fair life isn’t fair you know am I right I look back at the fight and I tried to find any highlights any showing of Tommy Fury beating me in that fight and there was

    Just hardly any and it’s crazy because so many people felt like I won the fight from Eddie Hearn to you know Adis Sonna to Ariel helani to the Millions all over the Internet you know that thought I’d won the fight like in the fight just

    Looking at it as a fight I I thought KSI won Rob’s a tough one I think it could have been a draw yeah or he won my point because of the deduction did you get the Tommy one or did you I had points won the he landed the clean shots

    Yeah I thought KSI won the won landed the cleaner shots was moving better was boxing better KSI out landed him in three rounds and yeah Tommy got the other three but there was a point deduction and in my opinion KSI should have won this fight people were going

    Back and forth who won Tommy Fury or KSI you know I felt like KSI did a lot more will Fury himself said before the fight if it’s anything but a knockout I lose and I take him at his word on that I also think that KSI should be the one

    That’s viewed as the even my biggest hater Jake Paul uh before the announcement was made thought I won the fight so for the judges to label me as the loser it just made no sense so it took me a while to process you know all of that yes I was still doing siden

    Videos after the fight I still doing Prime stuff after the fight but underneath all of that I was still mentally battling the whole situation another reason why it took me so long was because of this appeal that we made I wanted to try and write what was wrong

    Me and my team put up a case uh to the PBA to explain why I didn’t lose that fight from Tommy Fury hitting me repeatedly in the back of the head to me outlanding him three of the six rounds of the fight and also the point

    Deduction Etc I was just waiting for the result of the appeal but it seems uh to be taking way longer than I thought it would so I just decided now was a good time to post a video and lastly I just wanted a break I’ve had such a crazy

    Year man I’ve had three fights this year that’s three tough camps especially the Tommy Fury Camp [ __ ] me man I was sparring demons I was sparring tough ass people man I even had my trainers paying my sparing Partners knockout money if they managed to knock me out so yeah it was

    It was a hard Camp plus I’ve done countless Sidman videos this year while traveling and doing meetups in various countries uh for Prime and also I did WrestleMania I mean fam the list goes on so after the Tommy Fury fight I I was just exhausted physically and mentally I

    Was officially burnt out so it was nice to finally have a little break just to do the things I’ve always wanted to do for example take my family on holiday the last time we traveled together was back in 2017 uh when we went to Japan

    Kish God damn your boy is in Japan God I love Japanese people and even then I wasn’t a proper holiday because I was training for the fight with Joe well so it was nice to just properly chill and relax with my family in Dubai and you know show them a

    Good time I mean if I’m being honest I haven’t really stopped since 2017 that’s what 6 years of just nonstop grafting now don’t get me wrong it’s it’s been fun but it’s also been a lot of hard work 2017 was the year the diss tracks happened 2018 was the year I fought

    Joella and lo Paul I also went on tour with Randolph and then 2019 went on tour again and also fought Logan Paul again from there straight on uh the whole music era happened all the way up until 2022 when I came back in August to box again and I’ve been boxing nonstop since

    And you got also remember throughout all these years I’m still doing Simon videos I’m still posting on this channel I’m still collaborating with other YouTubers Etc so yeah I haven’t really slowed down at any point since 2017 and and that’s probably why you know I I haven’t really

    Fallen off and that is why I haven’t posted since the fight so how do I feel depressed I hate my life no I’m kidding I I feel much much better now in terms of the Tommy Fury fight yeah I feel like I’ve come out better way better than he

    Has like I’d much rather be in my position than his I mean it’s nice to know that my fight with Tommy Fury will be the biggest fight you will ever have in his life even if he fights anyone else no one is going to care I mean he claims to be at

    World level but he’s out here trying to fight a 54y Old Roy Jones Jr it’s it’s it’s honestly so shameful also the fact that Tommy Fury was unable to knock out a YouTuber that has been boxing for about 3 years is actually hilarious Tommy has essentially been boxing all his life and

    He struggled to even jab me even with everything in his favor the uh venue the weight the no rehydration Clause so he was able to just balloon to over 200 on Fight Night even with all of that he wasn’t able to get rid of me convincingly I even saw somewhere that

    Tommy said that he was done with boxing if KSI could hang with me if KSI beats you does this mean that your career as a contender in boxing is done what can I say if likes a KSI is uh even even giv a competitive fight let’s say that let me

    Say that you know I’m going to I’m going to go out there on Saturday night and do what I should have done to Jake Paul I’m going to iron this man out he’ll be very very lucky to get past two rounds well I did and you needed the judges to save

    You that’s pretty embarrassing bro and to be honest Tommy Fury has been pretty embarrassing these past few weeks from him being with Chris Brown having zero Rhythm looking hella awkward to him attempting to dance with to Dion Wayne to whatever this clip is all while Molly

    May is looking after his kid at home I mean come on Tommy you’re you’re a father now you can’t be constantly partying in the club while your Ms is taking care of your child you were hardly around during Molly May’s pregnancy and it seems that even after

    The child has been born you’re hardly around plus another thing I find hilarious is whenever I come across Tommy’s posts on like Instagram or Twitter the comments are just slowing him and saying that he lost the fight and that’s because he did I I don’t care if three random people thought you won

    The world knows that you ain’t [ __ ] this guy this nerdy FIFA Player managed to hang with you and that quite frankly says a lot about your legacy so yeah let’s keep reminding Tommy that he didn’t win that fight under his Instagram post or Twitter post or

    Anything he posts online and if you see him publicly you you could berate him as well and remind him that I didn’t win but ultimately I set out what I wanted to achieve uh from all of this and that was to show to all of you lot that no

    Matter who you are or where you’ve come from you put in the hard work you know graft stay consistent and you can literally do anything in life you I posted on my Instagram uh saying this I appreciate all the kind messages from everyone in the ring and watching it

    Back I feel like I should have won either way I feel like I accomplished what I wanted to in the end this little untalented nerd was able to go toe-to-toe with a professional boxer use me as a living proof that hard work and self-belief can get you anywhere in this

    Life and you know I’ve portrayed this for years and I’ve pushed this narrative for years so you know I’m not you know bullshitting you because you can see where I’ve come from and where I am today so if if you don’t take anything from this video at

    Least take that that’s like the most important part of this video but anyway um it’s going to be back posting videos on this channel again I will see you lot in a bit take care and peace also thank you for waiting so patiently I know it’s been a while


    1. So this loser got battered, did nothing but hug for the entire fight and thinks he won ha ha.
      Also what's with the pathetic laugh after every sentence? guy is one childish, sore loser.

      Then he blames the judges for making him a loser, NO, they picked a winner and it was not you. You are not a boxer, you are a You tuber pretending to be a boxer.
      You are so insecure and sad, you are Appling the decision and actually asked your 8 year old fans to harass Tommy in a desperate attempt to try and save face.

      Facts is you will always be known as the You Tuber who got battered by a terrible Boxer like Tommy Fury.

    2. 🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂

    3. They took nothing from you. You never had it, and you weren't good enough. Believing you won that fight proves how disconnected from reality you are, and how little you know about boxing. Quit. Go back to making youtube videos for children.

    4. this is how brutal combat sports is yes it's great to see a legend knock out and brutally beat some guys

      but did we even think on what the dude who lost feels they should've been into hell of depression and life questions after months of inhumane training they'll end up being on the highlight being knocked out and lose for me that would be depressing

    5. Honestly , I think it’s time to just focus on yourself and bettering yourself away from boxing. Forgive the situation and push forward.

    6. A lot of fake fans here claiming to be disappointed. It’s a boxing match and purely for entertainment. Funny how everyone treated this so seriously

    7. A wise man once said watch carefully at others
      Body language

      You will be able 2 see all just by their laugh

      This guy thought its funny too laugh

      At the question about what he thought about gaza

      We noticed his laugh said it all

      Boycott this KSI

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