#couchsurfer,#wwf,#Amnesty,#kibbutz,#exploitation,#influencer,#monetization,#charitywork,#extramile,below deck,
    what’s resort work really like ? winter,summer,cycle,ski,
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    province,cote de azur,Languedoc-Roussillon,var,montpellier,sete,avignon,nimes,chassis,marseilles,clanques,walk,hike,Travel,mountains,off grid,Alps,Beach,expat,renovation,construction,build,diy,remodel,makeover,relocate,improvement,conversion,rural France,green desert,joists,floorboards,roof,walls,mansard,coco channel,chaumont,
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    laugh,virgin,English,in,europe,unesco,architecture,south,southern,Chauffeur,school,second home,

    Dream,fantasy, breathing,roof,
    cooking,chef,cook,barbeque,cook out,
    okra,garlic,chilli,slice,dice,fry,bake,shower,wash, chicken,tasting,degustation,abroad,locals,neighbours,food, reality, bites, planning,regularise, consolidation,authority,pamper, jacuzzi,night,archeology,administration,citizenship, ebike,fairytale,Resilience,repair, reuse,recycle,cyclist,brompton,Resurrection,rebirth,rip off,engine,change,easter,compared,installation,art,gallery,sculpture,wood,granite,stone,timber,joint,marble, local,spicy,day out,wellness,wellbeing,aromatherapy,therapy,organic,remedy,holistic,herbal,adorable,teacher,coach,road trip,haul,

    outdoors,exercise,workout,hike,bike,cycle,cycling,aerobic,repair,health,healthy eating,eat,Meals, michelin,new life,new,fresh,summer,town,village,city,sailing,sea,canal,
    Country,detour,forest,Casino,lake,hills,try on,sauna,baths,best,spa,sun,Bathing,wild, swimming,swim,skinny dip,canoe, kayak,beauty,fairground,fair,coast,grand cru,periferique, arrondissement,airport, peage,drive,driving,allotment, garden,farm,place,brocante,taste,demonstration,
    cotswolds,avebury,Devon,London,oxford,Scotland,shire, wine,cheese,making,tasty,spice,hot,ice, plough,chocolate,nuts,crazy,craft, leisure,Refuge,resilience,songs,engineer,carpentry, electrician,plumber,solar,lithium battery, carving,antiques,rustic,vernacular,camp,
    camper,camping,car,T6,T5,Mercedes,peace,audi,freedom,struggle,adversity,overcome,bed,stage,poetry, poetic,insulate,lined,stereo,amplifier,kitchen,bath,bathrom,shower,electronics,therapy, singing, healthcare,nurse,care, endometriosis,fibroids,hrt,ivf,think,report,interesting,facts,untold,explained,house,retirement,unexpected,comedy,yacht,BBC,earth,space,insider,business,economic,hoax,wealth,tutor,

    Volunteering I don’t live in a no they  work my home is high above the [Music] street but after all although  it’s small makes a very snug Retreat every yard of the Gable about are little   lamps like twinkling eyes so I can  see quite easily and that’s how I

    Economize I know someone that’s been watching  a YouTuber recently the Chan seems like a nice   chat but screen gets told no you don’t do it  like that you do it like this but obviously   that is potential inappropriate comment  to you trigger happy TV as you call it  

    But this friendly neighborhood gardener is  flying high now he’s got a new much bigger   project I really do feel needed but you feel  the same way showon I go past that all the time I could call in and them out on a sequence   of thinking tease them with  a bit of free professional

    Experience and keep them coming back for  more so I’ve arrived in Shon after long   drive must be somewhere around [Music] here  the actual Tumbl shatow that I’ve seen on   YouTube looks a little bit like the hotel  [Music] toille like it’s beened with that  

    Prefecture building I’ll keep going perhaps  it’s just a bit out of time I’ll keep my eyes peeled is that it it hidden behind all those trees  that you can just see through because of the Anis   as you’re driving along then it again Parallax  not Enis Enis is vertically looking up at columns  

    Disillusion well the road’s snaking around now  so I’m probably still in the same sort of local   area I’m I’m going up it’s getting snowier  with a bit more altitude wheels are spinning   these Transporters are built like tanks but my my  hero shutan has got transporter as well we might  

    Have something in common there to chat about  I’ll change over to my winter tires with these windscream snow changing get common there  I’ll change over to my winter tires with   these windscreen wipers going all the time I  can’t see all that much I think I’m going to  

    Have to put my snow chains on the snow on the  roads getting deeper leaving the B man area not   sure about that oh there’s another sign though  part covered in snow it says sh Show shamon no   that’s not right that’s definitely not right  park up for a minute and use the internet and  

    See if that can guide me no it’s not in the  LA Valley last one uh why is it sh is in the   middle of the country that’s not where shont  is uh this is really like Wally trying to find  

    No Waldo where’s Waldo in Reverse Oh my days  as they say in some parts of the world this   in over I mean I am in a r Alps I suppose  but complete other end of the quarter of  

    The country of France awkward oh I’m not going  there I thought we were going to be like local   YouTube buddies i’ be pleased to see me every  now and again when I pop in on my way and stuff  

    And have a coup of Builders tea no sorry it’s  not going to happen just not cute enough I’m [Music] sorry volunteering work the minimum  wage has existed in Greater Europe for a while now though I grew up  before it time I’ll cut straight to the

    Conclusion an economy of Full Employment  full paid employment is the an to so many   troubles which does need a farsighted  government with Public Works schemes   rather than a Greek style system system  of permanent administrators paid the most   during periods of Full Employment like  before the 2008 Global financial crisis

    Volunteering volunteers were hard to  come by people were being plucked from colleges employ being sent to  universities by employers made   work thank you volunteering  as a concept can too easily be volunteering as a concept can too easily be  a laay fair subsistence unemployment scheme that  

    Over time might slowly slip into forced labor and  deterioration of reward now I’m not saying that   your popular work and volunteer base the people  hosting have any such intention and it’s probably   as much likelihood that the six week maximum  stay that I think is recommended is more likely  

    To be a permanent resident check rather than  automatic predestined sacking of even your free   labor I suppose it’s good for the environment but  intermittent generations of people are subject to   underemployment and much worse perhaps the type of  volunteering that most of us are familiar with is  

    Like doing the extra over for the employer  you got a pay job you do more like it’s an   efficiency thing but I suppose you’re keeping  other people out of work there’s the benevolent   Western volunteer charity volunteer that goes  after Africa get extra over medical experience  

    They care for the local and give them unrealistic  expectations incentivize migration and trafficking there’s benevolent Western charity volunteer that  goes off to Africa and gets a bit of medical experience they care for  the local and give them volunteering   realistic expectations and incentivize  migration and trafficking paid work  

    Thank you there’s falce begging risk  and exposure to All Sorts but using   volunteers all the time does give attachment  disorder in each other workway and volunteer   base can have been accused of collective  subconscious bias and racist selection of candidates meaningless work controlling  Behavior by the paid controlling Behavior by the

    Paid at the same place not  just the authorities in this elction the shatan perhaps I think I suffer from being too helpful the Blurred roll boundaries  disengaged too helpful can stop others   from learning in a teaching context  you can get overwhelmed by people  

    Wanting your help and the freedom of  being able to leave someone in the Lurch once your Wellness is stoked what are some of the disadvantages of volunteering you don’t earn money while  you’re volunteering volunteering abroad can be expensive many volunteers have two high expectations volunteering abroad  means to leave your partner at

    Home some volunteering organizations  are quite [Music] dodgy volunteering   abroad may lead to homesickness confrontation with reality may shock some kids  may lose motivation for volunteering volunteering abroad can be  dangerous also volunteering can be real work you make a certain commitment may not be suitable if you already have

    Children you will be older when you finally get  a job people may have trouble to go back to their   normal lives if it’s an extreme scenario there  may be a post-traumatic stress disorder element that the requirements in the work world may shock volunteers [Music] afterwards it’s too [Music]

    Easy dependence on volunteers is dangerous for the organization I’d say emplo a  but and if they long enough they intrinsically but there are Advan to  volunteering of course many different areas of   volunteering you can learn a lot from volunteering  volunteering can help you mature and character a  

    Better impression regarding what you want to do  with your life you can make many new friends which   can be a primally motivat you’ll learn how to work  in a group volunteering gives you the opportunity   to join a strong Network or almost hone it  can look good on your culum vit your resume

    You get a broad perspective on life usually  lower stress levels compared to a normal job or little bit volunt reduce the stress need  efficiency but that’s largely an intimidation   Factor by the employer volunteering abroad can  be more likely than getting a visa to work and  

    Experience that culture having volunteer it can  indicate a high level of inner motivation to help others um it can be much more fulfilling to  volunteer compared to a normal job flexibility   regarding your time commitment you [Music]  can explore new cultures volunteering gives  

    You the opportunity to give something  back I’m honestly not too sure what it means some intrinsic induced [Music] perception   volunteering can be used to help  reduce the labor shortage in some professions you can learn empathy towards other  people new cultures volunteering gives you the  

    Opportunity to get volunteering can turn into  a regular job after some time something bad   I’m honestly not too sure what that means  goes the theory people will often be really grateful for your volunteering  work which can be pleasant to the

    Ego you will value your own life much more  afterwards activity battles depression I think   that might be what they’re [Music] getting  for some people volunteering helps you learn responsibility and volunteering can  help us to mitigate our environmental problems mitigate what exposure and [Music]  starvation a 4 day course that takes four

    Weeks through the government Employment Agency so that the training  establishment gets 3 weeks free work off you personally I find it a bit depressing  when you try and buy something but the   person won’t sell it to [Music] you  try giving more services for free to  

    Someone and then don’t [Music] want  then turn right onto D9 signs for D3 chillan getting the voluntary work from doesn’t  do a whole lot for your mental health which is the   much quoted reason for volunteering Improvement  of your mental health through activity feeling valued

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