The vast majority of people in the world live in communities… in fact, more than half of the world’s population can be found in urban areas… but there are those who prefer a less social existence, who instead choose to live far away from mainline society. Doing this often involves having to set up home in some of the remotest places on the planet… so, from secluded islands, to places surrounded by mountains, and locations that are completely cut off from everywhere else… it’s time to explore 15 homes of people who hate society.

    #home #homes #house #houses #top15

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    More than half the world’s population lives in urban areas but there are some people who prefer to live far away from the rest of us there are stories of people who have chosen to disconnect themselves from the rest of the world and who live in the most isolated places

    Imaginable so for today’s video we’re counting down the top 15 most isolated homes in the world starting with number 15 gasadalur Village the Pharaoh Islands so gasadalur is a small village in the Pharaoh Islands that nestled on the edge of vagar island is surrounded by steep Mountain mountains deep valleys and the

    Vast North Atlantic Ocean The Village’s population which barely reaches into the double digits lives a Back to Basics lifestyle with very little Reliance on the outside world historically its inaccessibility is what it’s best known for for centuries it was only reachable by a mountainous path which while stunning was pretty treacherous this

    Path was trotten by villagers and the occasional visitor and wound its way over the Island’s High Peaks presenting a barrier that effectively cut it off from everywhere else and forced the villagers to be be self-sufficient the construction of a tunnel in 2004 marked an important change that provided a link

    To the outside world and it eased the difficulties of transportation and communication even with this connection though gasa dor has retained its sense of isolation which goes hand inand with the incredible landscape around it with Cliffs that Plunge Into The Ocean vast valleys and Misty Peaks that seem to

    Touch the sky this is dramatic scenery that’s both isolated and protected the village creating a unique and secluded atmosphere for those that live there this wouldn’t have been possible however without the traditional Fise way of life which focuses on a deep connection to Nature the villagers though few embody a

    Lifestyle that’s in harmony with their surroundings preserving their traditions and Customs that have been passed down through the generations despite the modern connectivity it remains a Bastion of isolation a place where one can step back in time and experience the raw unfiltered beauty of nature number 14 AR nush up

    Iceland arapi is a small fishing village located on thees peninsula in Iceland and set at the foot of Mount stail and facing the Atlantic Ocean it feels like a world apart offering a serene escape from the franticness of Modern Life it was once a bustling fishing port and a

    Significant Trading Post but with better connections to other communities in Iceland taking over the village is now transformed into a quiet Haven home to just a handful of residents this reduction in population and shift in activity has only increased its sense of isolation creating a Serene almost untouched environment the journey to

    Honor stopy itself is a huge challenge with the roads leading to the Village passing through expansive Landscapes with the rugged terrain and vast Open Spaces serve as a reminder of how remote the region truly is surrounded by lava Fields steep Cliffs and the unforgiving ocean the residents here are truly alone

    And that’s just how they like it there are definite benefits of choosing somewhere like this to live though and while you’re cut off from everywhere else the natural beauty of the surrounding area is breathtaking and a more that makes up for it the area is known for its extraordinary basal

    Columns bird Cliffs and Majestic Glacier that’s visible in the distance natural features that create a sense of being in a remote untouched world and the black lava covering the Green Fields as you move Inland is amazing despite its small size and location it does attract some visitors drawn by its natural beauty and

    The Tranquility that comes with its seclusion for most of the residents though this doesn’t impact their sense of solitude and their ability to avoid a wider Society making it one of the best places on Earth to sit back and just watch the world go by number 13 Capitol Hill Villa the

    Capitol Hill residence which is on a hillside in barva Russia was designed by renowned architect zaha Hadid and at an estimated cost of $140 million is one of the most expensive residences in the world considering land prices in the area which is far and away from any sign of civilization are relatively cheap

    This shows just how much technology and Ingenuity went into the construction of the building itself set across four floors it offers more than 28,000 ft of living space the master suite is at the top of a concrete spire and is 72 ft above the ground and the residents use a

    Glass elevator or staircase to reach it the lowest level contains the Leisure facilities such as a swimming pool Fitness suite and entertainment Lounge while the entrance on the first floor leads directly to the guest and children’s bedrooms as well as a library and other entertainment area the owner billionaire vladislav doonan had the

    Resident specifically designed for privacy and to make use of the stunning views of the countryside but he’s also very keen on high-end Cuisine to satisfy this need the kitchen is better equipped than those you’d find in the most exclusive restaurants in the world from the outside the Capitol Hill Villa truly

    Looks like no other with its glazed walls irregular lines and unusual shape it’s almost as if it looks like a spaceship that’s landed on the ground While most of us couldn’t even dream of spending as much on a home for ourselves the design techniques developed for this structure and materials used could well

    Become common place in new houses of the future number 12 Adamstown the pit Kar Islands the pit karon islands are a chain of four volcanic outcrops across several hundred miles in the Southern Pacific Ocean and the only town there which is also the capital is called

    Adamstown with a PO potion of around 40 people which is also the entire population of the pitars because the other islands are uninhabited it’s the third smallest capital in the world the islands themselves had been known to and used by Polynesian Sailors for centuries but the settlement that’s there today

    Was originally founded by a group of mutineers from a British exploration ship the HMS Bounty the town is named after the group’s last survivor John Adams who was also the leader for most of his life due to its remoteness it may be a surprise to know that the residents

    Have access access to Television Satellite and the internet but connection speeds are so slow and costly that the main form of communication is made with ham radios visits to the island are pretty rare although occasional Supply ships arrive with food and Equipment every few months and while

    Most of the residents live in one of the homes and run Island life themselves the main island called pitar also has a small prison that was built in 2006 in response to a criminal Scandal that onethird of the male population were involved in this is absolutely a

    Community that has shunned the idea of the outside world and rather than living in a normal society they’ve created one of their own with benefits and consequences that have come from that choice number 11 Casa do penedo Casa do penedo which translated from the Portuguese means House of the rock is a

    House that’s in the open Countryside between faf and kerico de basto in Portugal instead of being built from hundreds of bricks and perfectly shaped rocks it’s instead made up of four large Boulders that between them form the foundation walls and ceiling of this home it took 2 years to fully build and

    Was completed in 1974 and despite being close to a wind farm there’s no power here and anyone that stays here has to rely on batteries and living a Back to Basics lifestyle what the house lacks in terms of modern amenities it more than makes up for with the stunning views and

    Privacy that it offers there’s no other sign of life for miles around and it’s become known as one of the most secluded structures in the whole of Europe at first it was used as a holiday destination by its own owners and then as a permanent residence but in recent

    Years it’s become a museum dedicated to its own history and it’s becoming an increasingly popular tourist attraction as a result it’s been kept in pristine condition and could quite easily be used as their home again and would be ideal for another family like the original owners who valued their distance from the outside

    World number 10 the skida House Keswick UK there aren’t many places in the UK that you would call truly isolated thanks to the fact that the country is is relatively small and you’re never more than 75 Mi away from the ocean but there are a few properties that have

    Become known for just how remote they are skida house for example is in a prime location within the Lake District national park near Keswick and at around 1500 ft above sea level it’s surrounded by the rugged beauty of the skid range today it stands as England’s highest and

    Most remote hostel but historically has been both a shooting Lodge and a shepherd’s booy and while it now caters to weary Travelers needing somewhere to stay it remains an ideal place for people to go if they’re trying to escape modern society the journey to this place

    Is an adventure in itself and it shows just how remote it is it’s accessible only by foot or bike the paths leading to it cross through some of the lake District’s most stunning and unspoiled scenery the track whether it’s from Keswick threlkeld or bassent weight involves several miles of walking

    Through remote Countryside with no sign of civilization with the high Fells of skida Blen Cara and calbeck range around it this hostile is is surrounded by a landscape that’s both imposing and inspiring and the nearest neighbor is many miles away this Detachment from the modern world provides a rare opportunity

    For guests to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life without many of the things we often so rely upon there’s no Wi-Fi or phone signal and without connection to the power grid electrical devices are powered by renewable energy sources like solar panels This Back to

    Basics Vibe does though provide a number of positives the lack of light pollution means that the skies are really clear offering unrivaled stargazing and the landscape with its plant and animal life provide plenty to explore whether it’s through hiking bird watching or simply sitting and taking in those breathtaking

    Views number nine Sable Island Canada Sable Island is a crescent-shaped sandb in the Atlantic Ocean and it’s one of Canada’s furthest flung and most isolated locations it’s found approximately 186 mil to the southeast of Halifax Nova Scotia this narrow strip of land measuring about 26 miles long

    And just under a mile wide is as far off grid as you can get accessible by only boat or small plane and then only under favorable weather conditions reaching Sable Island is a challenge this isolation has shielded the island from Rapid development and industrialization that have touched much of the world and

    Its wild and Untamed Nature has been almost perfectly preserved Sable Island is most famous for its Wild Horse population believed to be descendants of hes introduced in the 18th century the image of these horses roaming free across the Windswept Dunes reinforces this sense of isolation and freedom that

    The island exudes and apart from the horses the Island’s only permanent human residents are a small team of scientists and staff from Parks Canada and the meteorological service of Canada who study the Island’s unique ecosystem things aren’t easy there though as situated in the path of many North Atlantic storms Sable Island experiences

    High wind and rough Seas which have led to its nickname graveyard of the Atlantic as a result of the hundreds of ships that has wrecked on its Shores over the centuries number eight lucir Bosnia and heroina lucir is a small village perched on a mountain in Bosnia and heroina and

    At an elevation of just under 5,000 ft it’s known as the country’s highest and most isolated Village this picturesque settlement with its Stone houses and steep slate roofs offers a glimpse into the way of life that’s remained largely unchanged for centuries the only way to get here is by a narrow Mountain Road

    Which is often impassible during the winter months due to heavy snow and harsh weather this limited accessibility has helped preserved its traditional lifestyle as it remains cut off from the rest of the country the residents here are a small community that’s made up of mainly elderly bosniac people who

    Continue to live like their ancestors did they maintain a pastoral lifestyle tending to their sheep and cattle and cultivating their land using age-old techniques its isolation has safeguard started those traditional practices keeping modern influences at Bay and allowing a culture that is in close harmony with nature to thrive it is a

    Stunning place too overlooking the dramatic ritn Canyon with stunning views of the deneric Alps the natural beauty surrounding lucir is breathtaking and again shows just how separated it really is with vast areas of wilderness between it and the urban centers despite or perhaps because of its isolation lucir

    Has started to attract tourists seeking a unique off the beaten path experience visitors come to experience The Village’s untouched Beauty its traditional way of life and the warm Hospitality of its residents and of course to escape Society even for the briefest of times themselves moving on to number seven

    Elay Island Iceland the desire to live in remote places away from cities has only seemed to become more common in recent years but how secluded would you want to be if you had the chance there’s a house on an island in Iceland that so far away from civilization that it’s

    Been the subject of a number of theories about its occupants and it still isn’t clear if anyone actually lives there the island itself is called el and it’s an 11 acre piece of land that’s on the northeastern most part of the Westman Islands archipelago photos taken of the

    Island show quite clearly that there’s a White House on one of the slopes with no sign of any human activity at all now officially the island has a population of zero and probably was used continually throughout history as somewhere Hunters would set up base while catching fish and seals local

    Legend speaks of five families that lived in the house for over 300 years and sustained themselves on sea fowl and cattle but were forced to leave in the 1930s as the remoteness made it impossible for them to live modern lives rumors remain that people still live there though with some even suggesting

    There may be an underground complex beneath the building there was also the idea that was actually owned by an Icelandic singer Bor who had been given it as a gift by the government but all of these myths are nothing more than pure pure fiction in reality the house

    Is owned by a local hunting Association and can be used by their members to live in while on the island during hunting season they can easily get there by boat from the mainland and use a zip line to get to the cabin itself it doesn’t however have any electricity or running

    Water so they don’t tend to stay there for too long at a time number six FAA bista deep within the pristine rainforest near the Pacific coast of Costa Rica is FAA B Vista an eco-friendly Freehouse community over a 600 acre protected site the idea of this place is that individuals can build

    Their own structures to spend their lives hidden away from society but they can also rent them out to tourists when they’re not staying there it is an extremely remote place and one where you’ll certainly feel like you’re detached from The Wider world and it’s probably the most impressive collection

    Of tree houses you’ll find anywhere each structure is unique it’s been designed around the particular trees that support it and its location within in the community water is collected from rain and natural springs electricity is produced by solar panels and there’s even a biodigestor that takes care of

    Any waste that’s produced all of the tree houses are connected by a network of suspended Bridges and zip lines and there’s a Central Community Center where meals are served and where communal events take place not only is this a spectacular place to stay during your time in the rainforest but there’s a

    Variety of different activities nearby to enhance the experience such as walks Wildlife EXP additions and the use of a stone line pool if being at one with nature and experiencing a one-of-a-kind place is the sort of vacation you look for then there’s surely no better place to try than FAA bav

    Vista number five Palmerston Island Cook Islands Palmerston island is the name given to a series of eyelets on a coral reef around a lagoon which are a part of the Cook Islands in the Pacific despite being a part of a larger island chain Palmerston is 310 miles from the capital

    City of the Cook Islands and so itself it is very isolated from the rest of the world it was first discovered in 1774 by Captain James Cook and at that time there was no sign of any humans that had ever been there from then on it was administered by the British government

    And in 1863 a man named William Marsters who was a ship Builder moved to the island with his two Polynesian wives later he met a third wife from another of the Cook Islands and with all three he would have 23 children his youngest daughter died in 1973 and by this time

    It’s thought he had as many as a thousand descendants who lived on Palmerston Island another island called tanaga and in New Zealand and to this day all of palmerstone Island’s residents count him as one of their ancestors Each of which is part of one of three family branches having

    Descended from one of his three wives as you’d expect a community with what would have historically been seen as an unconventional setup went to length to look after themselves and keep separate from the rest of the world this ethos has remained and while residents often travel from one Island to another

    Transport networks have been established so it can take days or weeks to reach anywhere else number four Itor toi Greenland Itor Tori other than having a really hard name to pronounce is located on the eastern coast of Greenland it’s one of the most isolated settlements in the

    World built at the mouth of the scorby sound which is a vast and intricate Fjord system this small town is surrounded by the Stark and unforgiving beauty of the Arctic landscape with a population hovering just around 450 people itori which is also known as scorb Sun represents a unique blend of

    Isolation extreme weather and traditional Inuit culture and these roots are themselves subject to the whims of the extreme Arctic weather the nearest inhabited area is hundreds of miles away and the town is cut off from the rest of Greenland for much of the year due to Sea ice this isolation has

    Shaped every aspect of life here from social structure and economy to the day-to-day survival of its residents Liv living there comes with unique challenges and a lifestyle that’s dictated by the rugged environment the harsh climate means that temperatures frequently plummet below freezing and the region is plunged into Polar KN for

    Several months each year despite these conditions though the residents here have adapted to the seclusion continuing the tradition of hunting and fishing practices of their ancestors hunting polar bears seals and whales is not only a way of life but necessity for survival providing food clothing and other

    Essential materials the town itself is a collection of colorful houses that stand out against the whiteness of the snow and ice the infrastructure is minimal due to the logistical difficulties posed by the extreme environment and there are a few roads meaning the town lacks many of the amenities taken for granted in

    More connected parts of the world however this community is close-knit with residents relying on each other for support and companionship in the face of their isolated conditions and they’re bonded by their lack of interest in being part of a larger society number three Keno kug aeran kug in aeran is nestled in the

    High peaks of the greater Caucasus Mountains and at an altitude of over 7,700 ft it is one of the highest oldest and most isolated continuously inhabited places in the Caucasus region and this ancient Village believed to be over a thousand years old is not just a place

    But a Living Museum showing a unique way of life shaped by its remote environment it’s surrounded by towering mountains with treacherous roads that wind through steep Cliffs and deep Gorges access is pretty challenging especially in the winter when snow and ice render the passes nearly impassible and it’s this geographical seclusion that has

    Preserved Kino’s unique culture language and traditions which are distinct from the rest of azerbajan its residents numbering just over a thousand are part of a distinct ethnic group with their own language which belongs to the Northeast Caucasian language family and is not written their isolation has fostered a strong sense of community and

    Self-reliance and a love of being separate to a wider Society the villagers live mostly off the land engaging in sheep hering farming and traditional crafts and the houses here which are made of local Stone and adapted to the Steep terrain show the Ingenuity of its people in the face of

    Challenges despite the modern world creeping closer and closer Kenalog has retained much of its ancient charm and way of life the village lacks any modered amenities and luxuries that are common place in more accessible areas however what it lacks in modern infrastructure it makes up for with its Rich cultural heritage the isolation

    Here also means that it’s surrounded by some of the most pristine and untouched natural landcapes the region is a Haven for hikers and nature enthusiasts offering breathtaking views of the mountains with their snowcap Peaks and Lush valleys in recent years kenong has started to attract tourists now drawn by

    Its unique cultural heritage and spectacular setting yet even with this increased exposure The Village has maintained its distinct identity for visitors it offers a glimpse into a way of life life that has survived centuries of isolation and even with an influx of people these ideals are easily maintained number two ganum point

    Australia ganum point is an incredibly picturesque and remote area located just outside the town of broom in Western Australia with an unusual blend of natural beauty geological wonders and ancient history it’s perched on the edge of the Indian Ocean this Headland is famed for its dramatic Red Cliffs Deep

    Blue Waters and its Rich history and among this it’s just one home that’s the perfect Escape for those that live in it despite its relative proximity to broom ganum Point feels like a different planet offering an escape into Australia’s wild and unspoiled landscape the journey to this place itself is an

    Adventure crossing the remote and often unforgiving terrain of Kimberly region and the area itself is accessible via a dusty unpaved road what makes this point truly unique though is its ancient dinosaur footprints believed to be around 13 30 million years old these Footprints visible only at low tide link

    The present to the distant past offering a physical connection to the prehistoric creatures that we know once roam the region the current landscape is also pretty impressive seeing the contrast between the red pendant Cliffs and the Azure blue of the Indian Ocean the area is also renowned for its stunning

    Sunsets where the sky and sea are set ablazed with vibrant colors beyond the incredible sites for anyone escaping the world to live there the area is of great importance to the local indigenous people people the yuru who have inhabited the region for thousands of years despite its increasing popularity

    As a tourist destination ganol Point retains a sense of untouched Wilderness there are no major developments or facilities reinforcing the feeling of being in a remote unspoiled part of the world and it’s this lack of development that allows visitors and residents to experience the rugged beauty of the

    Kimberly region in its most natural state number one the kulan islands Southern Indian Ocean the the kulan islands also known as The Desolation islands are deep within the southern Indian Ocean and you’d be hard pressed to find anywhere as isolated or remote the archipelago which is part of the

    French Southern and Antarctic lands lies more than 2,000 Mi away from the nearest populated location meaning that there’s never been more than a handful of people living there all of whom have made a treacherous trip to reach the islands typically accessed by a long sea Voyage from Reunion Island the trip can take

    More than a week traversing some of the most challenging ocean waters there are no commercial flights to the islands and infrequent access is the mostly limited to Scientific Expeditions and Supply trips for the small French research Community there it’s certainly not a place for anyone who likes being

    Surrounded by people and one where Solitude is guaranteed that doesn’t mean there’s not plenty to do though because the archipelago features rugged mountains sweeping glacial valleys and a coastline marked by steep Cliffs and fjords the Island’s most notable Peak Mount Ross is a shield volcano that dominates the landscape and the climate

    Is Harsh and unforgiving here characterized by persistent strong winds frequent rain and cool temperatures the isolation of the kulan islands has resulted in a unique ecosystem here the islands are home to a variety of wildlife adapted to these conditions including a large population of seals and seabirds the surrounding waters are

    Rich in marine life making the islands a vital breeding ground for various species including the endangered Amsterdam Albatross and the lack of human interference has further allowed these species to thrive offering a rare glimpse into an ecosystem largely Untouched by Society human presence on the islands is minimal and primarily

    Transient focused around the PTO Fran research station scientists and support staff who temporarily live here conduct research in fields such as biology meteorology and geology the isolation of these islands provide a unique environment for scientific study free from polluting influences common in more populated areas all of this means that

    The kulan islands are definitely not a tourist destination not just because of their remoteness and the challenging conditions but in order to preserve the islands this isolation preserves the unspoiled Beauty and the scientific value and for the few who visit the kulan islands offer an unparalleled experience of solitude

    Natural beauty and the raw power of the elements thanks for watching guys I’ll see you next time thank you to our channel members


    1. the house on elliday island in iceland is in fact, a scientific research center. no one is allowed on the island without express permission from the government, and the government does not authorize anyone. the island is part of a chain of islands that appeared in the 60's early 70's after volcanic activity. i believe this is the only island that remains. the goal is to keep the island as pure as possible. scientists go on the island once or twice a year, as long as it's safe for helicopters to fly and land. the island has no boat launch or dock. if it's emergent for scientists to be there and boat is the only method of transport, it's a harrowing landing.

    2. I love the idea of pure self sufficiency but i would not like to have to deal with maintaining a water supply and dealing with sewage disposal.

      Ill stick to growing my veggies and looking after my chickens 😅

    3. The discover of almost every single distant remote locations, in this video, thst is credited to White explorers is obscene. Many of these distant locales just didnt start by the introduction of white people. There were other people their before them

    4. The village of Gasadular is not isolated at all. It's less than 3 miles from the nearest village, which has about 75 people. So they don't hate society. They just wanted to be as close to the coast as possible.

    5. This video makes no sense. Since nobody "lives" on Sable and Kergulen Islands, just temporary scientists, Ellidaey Island is only sporadically used by a hunting association, and Finca Bellavista apparently also operates as a hotel/rental, you cannot say anybody lives there and there are no permanent social communities.
      Places like Palmerton Island and Khinalug on the other hand are truly isolated communities. I dunno if people living there HATE the greater society though. Nothing was said about that.

    6. I really love society so as a extrovert human who likes to be with others, but living here in a countryside middle of nowhere far away from cities what are over 30k away from us. Good things about of a countryside are the beautiful nature, a peaceful living place and as a space nerd it's the best I can watch the stars without city's lights. 🌏🌍🌎🏞🌄🏡👨🏻‍🌾👩🏻‍🌾🐕🐈‍⬛

    7. How boring would living in those places be? No drive-by shootings, carjackings, robberies, or daily assaults. Our little logging farming town is growing and the crime is beginning to look like the city where there is at least one shooting daily a couple robberies and assaults not to mention 37k vehicles were stolen last year. One has to appreciate liberal sanctuary cities and states with little to no bail and a re-tread justice system. PS The wife and I are in our seventies or we would move…

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