Today we take a look at British Museum Archaeological Research Collection, Cutbush Ln E, Reading RG2 9AA.

    We admire the very high security on site and learn a little about what they do inside.

    Security leave us alone but when flying the drone we get some hand gestures.

    The YouTube video mentioned at the end is this one –

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
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    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Oh dear should you really be doing that whilst at work so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in Reading taking a look at the archaeological research collection the British museum so the British Museum’s archaeological research collection Arc is a significant initiative aimed at housing and studying

    The Museum’s vast collection of archaeological artifacts this project is part of the Museum’s ongoing efforts to expand its storage and research facilities to better accommodate its extensive collections which span over 2 million years of human history so some very very valuable pieces housed inside here and of course security is very

    Tight this open gate here just leads to a traffic barrier and yeah it’s one of those very very high security traffic barriers I mean look at that come on that is something that you would see at the bank of England lots and lots of CCTV dotted around the place and whilst

    On the subject of CCTV all around the side of this building I’ll just show you with the zoom camera so you’ve got these cameras here dotted all the way around the outside um have I got that in view the fence is just blocking it but look so there there

    There there I would say there’s about six along the fence all pointed into the same area we do now have some staff taking an interest in us so that was quick wasn’t it have so many cameras that uh they’re all watching them what’s the uniform like that sort of thing there Yeah they’re definitely talking about us so what can we see really um there is no windows to this place when you look around the outside you just see more cameras and just a big area inside I would have I would have thought for storage yeah are these all security

    Then wow one 2 3 four security Personnel based on site here so by providing a dedicated space for the care and study of its collections The Arc plays a crucial role in the preservation of cultural heritage it supports the British Museum’s mission to maintain a comprehensive record of human

    Culture and history enabling future generations to learn from the past so it looks like security have stood down now that initial Panic was not really warranted was it and of course we’re staying outside maybe we just got a little bit too close for their comfort I’m not

    Sure but as long as they leave us alone we will leave them alone let’s continue having a lot round from the outside so we got a little bit closer we can now see the main door some sort of study space we do have a few Vehicles here Merlin repair

    Specialists and something to do with toilet security are now radioing through they are using encrypted frequencies cuz I cannot pick them up on the scanner wagon going by as well leading down to the university somewhere noisy booger a significant number of CCTV cameras here that is for sure they must have some very

    Valuable artifacts inside this place that’s all I can imagine and the best advantage point so far standing on a fence that’s gets us a little look inside if before we even think about getting the Drone up in it canteen there microwave some sort of meeting room in there computers an office of some

    Sort empty space and of course the area that we cannot see will have all the valuable finds and of course we are being watched very good cameras they are so I think we have pretty much seen all we can see from the ground security have left us

    Alone let’s move forward let’s get David up and see what this place looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at all the arc archaeological research collection let’s have a look at you then shall we take

    Off so there we are up at 75 m security base down there at that amazing traffic barrier and they all came running out of that building there so they did spot me very quickly but then soon realized I was no threat and all went back inside the place is quite

    Long got a little Bolton to the right and two little boltons to the left large number of solar panels not many staff really when you look at the size of the place and uh it’s in the middle of nowhere look if you look around this place is brand new Next Door

    Shinfield Studios you’ll see that on a different video so let’s get over and have a look see what we can see because I think they do have a walkway with a glass roof so I’ll have a look down there shortly down in the backyard we do like these areas but it looks

    Like skip is empty nothing very interesting in there is there got some old building materials looks like some traffic barriers pedestrian barriers a little flood base in there the grounds look very well kept and yes you will notice along the fence I’ll just get a nice angle so that you can see but

    Security cameras all the way around guarding this place it must hold a large value that is for sure there are no blind spots at all around the perimeter the solar panel installation very nice and they even have some sort of hoist on the roof that’s the back of the the offices

    That we saw from when we stood on that little Road it’s there that’s where we were standing on the fence right in that corner that just leaves this down here now it does look like it’s a glass roof let’s get a little bit lower and see if you can actually see inside this

    Place n nothing visible at all there so pretending that we are a vehicle entering the archaeological research collection Museum we would drive up to these barriers and normally you would never ever get past this barrier would you I mean look how strong that is security would open the barrier but

    David does not need any barrier to be opened does he oh no he can just go straight on he has got a VIP access all areas pass hello oh dear should you really be doing that whilst it work Not a good look for the museum my friend when you make hand gestes like that so there is the whole site in one shot let’s do a 360° photo for good Google Maps and move on and that completes the video from The Arc now then the location of the DJ

    Audits key ring is just under them two stones just there so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want the key ring good luck with that and we’ll leave this one there no interaction but at least it shows there are professional security staff out

    There you just just need to find them so credit to them if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for now so cycling away from this place went past the gate um where

    We spoke to that first gentleman on the previous video the shinfield Studios video and the video that is referring to is by DJ e media the link is in the description and if you want to see what happened there where he walked onto site with consent of the security guard on

    The same gate then yeah check it out it will make sense from this conversation and the previous video as well so yeah all ended well in the end I think are you looking forward to it to the video you know to be honest like I wouldn’t mind yeah

    But if you think it that’s way if it’s if it’s going in the cost in the expense of someone’s job do you feel good about it should the person on security have done a better job yes does does he deserve to have the job was honest

    Mistake from his side you know but just imagine that person only to get his view he has actually jeopardized someone’s bread and butter okay there’s a different argument because what if the video has got a better person on security before a fret had access to the site and did something

    Bad so if he was still here now and a terrorist came in to say I’m just going down there for a minute honestly I’m a good guy and he said okay go on bom okay so I would rather a silly video make that security better for a real

    Threat okay so you are now here you will not let anyone through everyone’s safe before if there is a terrorist coming like by law you can’t force anyone do you understand if if someone wants to force entry you have to step back so let’s say now if you want to force

    Entry I cannot force you to stop I have told you I’ve got evidence that I’ve told you not to entry so you’re basically trespassing so that will be up up to the LA but you can immediately get on the radio and say Intruder Intruder on site everybody can

    Then come from his sight it was the honest mistake you can you can see that guy isn’t it like he was the honest guy nobody wants that type of security here to let a fret on site so everybody is better because of the video honestly everybody is more

    Safe that’s the truth was he your friend you know him no so it’s but I feel really bad I yeah I understand if if if I was the video maker because I do a bit of videography as well but if I was the video maker I will feel really bad that

    In the C I have made that video I’ve got all that views on the expense of someone’s job that I will feel terrible I will feel really bad really bad yeah because imagine for him it’s going to be very difficult to stand up to get the

    Job and all that you know like well would you want him securing your site no but you know like so it’s at the end of the day it’s it’s one of those things you know like you will have your bad times you know like well this is your

    Job right so you’re doing this at a job you can have your bad Time so yeah we both understand that good and bad came from the video it I don’t want anybody to lose their job and I don’t even go on I stay outside but maybe he did he think that the path went down there maybe the public path look it it

    Continues don’t it yes yes maybe he I don’t know maybe he thought that the site starts down there where a gate is maybe I don’t know but security should stop people here you know which you did so credit to you we’re both okay for this time because I’ve done nothing

    Wrong and you have done nothing wrong yeah so that’s why I said you can do the video but I’m not giving my content to be in your video you can do the video no problem at all yeah because obviously if you’re filming someone then you have to

    Have their concerence in it you will be in it you will be moving around in the video yeah so as long as like my face is not visible no you can you will be able to see your face but that’s just unfortunate because you’re here you’re right at the front of the building

    Anybody who’s standing at the front yeah oh you know him anyway he’s regular you see I’m helping you I’m telling you when people are coming I’m not distracting you or anything or stopping you from working I try and do everything right really but yeah because I’ve got

    All the footage I need now I just went to get some more but the batter is flat so I’m going to move on I’m finished and but at the start when we we had a discussion about like um data protection and stuff like that if they have left

    Anything on show that’s their fault it shouldn’t affect me on the outside doing my photography yeah you shouldn’t you shouldn’t really try and make me feel guilty because theyve left something on the show you know that’s all that’s what I was trying to get to there yeah you’re like uh you need

    That you need that uh reaction from the people isn’t it like that’s what makes your video more lucrative right which video oh today’s video reaction oh you think no you can have your opinion okay that’s okay if some people like to see amazing places interesting places they like to watch for that if

    Some people why don’t you do it properly why didn’t you just send an email to the authority and just say look I’m going to promote your place I’m going to promote that cuz they don’t need promotion they already have a big queue of customers waiting to use this amazing Place

    Basically you need something that’s going to object you and you need to overcome that objection get that reaction and you will challenge that That’s What Makes You video some people like to see that and some people also like to see you stand up for the rights

    That public have out here we have a right to film anything we can see by law and sometimes security try and stop that and that can be entertaining yeah you’re right and stand up for the people you know but never do anything wrong like today has proven now that goes very high

    Has that been up today has that been extended today that one oh I have to see where that was on the Drone footage it’s called really H yeah green one okay my friend well anyway I’m leaving now so pleasure to meet you okay take care it was okay in the end wasn’t

    He he’s just doing his job and I do believe next time he will be a bit easier a bit uh less persuasive onto the photographer’s rights talking about data protection and stuff like that it’s not my concern is It


    1. I used to work on a place where it's public right away they wanted us to stop and ask everybody who they were but you can't do that technically just because the company want U2 if it is a public footpath you can't restrict people from going although the company don't like it the man was probably not in the wrong unless you look at land registry you would not know companies rely on ignorance and people not knowing there's a right away over the property

    2. That guy is right DJ. What you do is very clever. People want to see reaction like me!! Lol 😂 I do like you now after months getting used to what you do

    3. Some really interesting developments going on in the centre of Rotherham at the minute DJ particularly Forge Island , also big industry in the area, also would love to see how you would get in at the old Millmoor ground which is now engulfed by a scrap yard.

    4. I'll bet that dopey prick thought he was cool giving the finger like that … right up until it goes viral and shows what a d1ck the dope is and they risk loosing their job.

      As for old mate in the hi-vis, some people like the finger clown only have themselves to blame for risking their job.

    5. I wonder how many people that watch the clown giving the finger to a drone camera on behalf of his employer, will call to voice their dissatisfaction with his crass sign language!

    6. wow I love Archaeological stuff , you even showed us a neanderthal learning to give the bird , I wondered where that first come from ,you learn something everyday, now we know why they died out , their brains just never grow, but they know how after sticking their finger up their butt hole they want others to sniff their new found next dinners, that security system is to keep the neanderthal in not stop someone breaking in me thinks, it's looks to me that their are some who work here have never learnt from the passed the bird man for one, just took another look the two in the courtyard ,one neanderthal and his handlery .me thinks an exhibit of early man was giving a bit of fresh air how nice

    7. About the guard that was sacked. I am sure DJE did not intend for the guard to be fired. Also if DJE knew he might get fired he might not have gone onto the property…then again maybe he would have? Either way the security guard should have been retrained not sacked.

    8. 10:45 WOW what a professional worker, this museum must be so proud to have a idiot like that working there, I truely hope his boss sees this video and he gets reprimanded for it. 👿👿👿👿

    9. Only people with not a lot between the lug holes do things like that, no wonder he's not capable of much else other than standing around

    10. No Auditor decided to sack the Security man, his supervision had DISCRETION to sack him or not, THEY decided to sack him , not the auditor .

    11. Have a look at Upper Austby Farm in Ilkley, it was the uk's biggest illegal slaughter house and the owner's were Jailed. Since then they have been caught up in all sorts of scandals and have recently been convinced of illegal waste disposal. These guys neglect their animals and use their farm as an illegal dumping ground. Its go public right of way through the farm too. Would make a brilliant video as the son who runs the farm is an idiot who would hate to be filmed.

    12. I definitely would be emailing a nice screenshot of the employee given the drone the finger to the curator of the museum and ask him if he thinks that's a proper response from an employee to members of the public

    13. One day the British Museum will hold an orange bike, pair of green trousers and a bum bag full of keyrings in it's collection. It might have to bump up it's security for the keyrings though.

    14. The Media keeps telling me that the UK is a shockingly racist country, with no positive opportunities. Yet every time I watch an audit, the security staff are ALWAYS 'diverse' – so is the media just lying? That would, of course, not be that much of a shock, since they lie about everything else!

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