Dive into the enchanting world of Betula Pendula in my latest YouTube video. Using the Ogham as a guide, I metaphorically explore the cleansing and renewal symbolized by the Silver Birch tree. Discover how this ancient wisdom translates into modern life, offering insights into our own journey. Join me for a brief yet profound exploration of nature’s beauty and the timeless lessons it imparts.

    Hello, ladies and gents, welcome to Italy. And it’s a very glorious day out here. As you can see, I really should have been recording in spain, but because of the context of what I want to be talking about in the video, there’s a little bit of wind so.

    I hope you can hear my voice over that. Yeah, I’ve kind of been coming out here every day just to have a look at the view. So I’m kind of really glad, because days like this have been very, very far and few between here.

    But yeah, I’m kind of glad you got to like, see the view behind me anyway the idea is, I kind of want to bring you on these trips. with me, Obviously, the reason I weren’t recording in… I was recording video footage, and I was recording a lot of,

    I was taking a lot of photos in spain and everything like that. But at the time, I really had no idea where my channel was going. I had no idea what to do, how to set it up oh, how to start off or anything. I knew nothing.

    I was just taking photos and taken video footage and everything. And the thing is, I kind of felt as if I needed a bit of a sort of backlog on videos and stuff like that. But being out here, like you constantly get opportunities to record videos

    Out here, because there’s just so much to do and so much to talk about. So I was more frightened coming up to maybe a week or two or three weeks, or something like that, with absolutely nothing to talk about. But that is just

    Now, its absolutely… The thought of that is just absurd because there’s just so much, I’ve got kind of like a little bit of a backlog things I need to tell you and explain. And the thing is, I kind of don’t think it’s any good, like startin the story as of now.

    Because the idea, especially for this one, and this video, is going to be dedicated to the birch tree, and I kinda want to introduce the new beginning of my trip to you. And, like I said, it’s kind of no good talking about the Birch tree and starting my videos,

    Like, halfway through my trip, it’s pointless. I want to kind of like, explain how I can intertwine the Birch tree with everyday life and what’s going on, and how you can sort like interpret everyday activities with the Ogham.

    So for this one, I’m going to be using the Wolds Way and the beginning of this trip as examples. So before I start anything, I just brought my 59 00:03:14,94 –> 00:03:14,828 Ogham deck out. And I just want to want to show you the birch tree.

    So this is going to be a really brief introduction on the birch tree, the properties of birch street both as a spiritual practice and as from the perspective of bushcraft. So what did I ask my friend of mine who is a bushcraft instructor, to

    Er, give us a brief description on the birch tree, which I have got in my kindle, the silver birch or betular pendular. To give it its scientific name, is a tree that is native to the northern hemisphere, is extremely common in its favoured habitat.

    In fact, it pretty much grows everywhere across the entire width of the planet, in the temperate and boreal regions, belonging to a special group of very tenacious varieties of plant life, known by botanists as pioneer species.

    It is one of the first of the higher plant forms to colonize a recently disturbed ground, and is often found growing in grassland, way before any of the more substantial plants can get a foothold with a life span of only around eighty years on average.

    It is a comparatively short lived tree, but grows rapidly, providing the perfect habitat for several of the pioneer plant species and a whole host of mycorrhizal and saprophytic fungi to thrive in. When it eventually Dies, it rots quickly and produces a huge volume of

    Nutrients that return to the earth and enable other plants and trees to gain a firm footing. Every culture has a story within its mythology of a tree of life. And the silver birch played this role amongst the Scandinavian, Siberian and Canadian peoples for thousands of years.

    In fact, it provides so many materials essential to life in subarctic regions that without its presence, these areas would probably have been devoid of human habitation. The bark can be used to make continers of all shapes and sizes, not to mention

    Items of clothing, knife sheathes, hats and even shoes. The fine outerbark is extremely flammable and a first rate Tinder. The timber is perfectly suited for carving and can be fashioned into bowles, spoons, pegs, and 1000 other utensils.

    The spring sap is a delicious health tonic the distilled barkoil used as a preservative or insect repellant. And a type of soap can even be obtained from the leaves. As previously mentioned. The silver birch is a friend of the fungi kingdom.

    And many of the best medicinal and edible mushrooms can be found growing in its presence, even on its very trunk. In some cases, there is no wonder then that this tree has an almost mythical status and inspires reverence from those folks who know its ways best.

    A Druids saw fit to make it the first tree in their magical oram alphabet, and many pagans still associate it with their mother goddess. The birch is a tree of cleansing femininity and new beginnings. It bestows healing insight and the power to erase the past and start anew.

    I believe it to be the best of all trees. For once, it’s gifts are fully understood. It becomes the key to going from surviving to thriving, from a primitive existence to functioning society, a place where the necessary trappings of an organized life, fire, containers, medicines, clothing

    Can be easily procured or provided by a Loving mother with snow white skin. Well, the wind has come out since I started playin that it’s funny, it won’t windy, not in the slightest, until I actually started recording. Got nice, big rain cloud hoverin above us as now as well. So.

    If something can go wrong, it will! I can’t really add to what my mate said there. it’s kind really all relevant as to what I’m going to be talkin about. And so, to me, from my perspective, I kind of get the feeling

    When I’m in a birch woodland, I kind of get the feeling of comfort, loyalty, love, divotion, it’s got like a really, I don’t know, maternal Loving aspect to it. And there’s something sort of, like, especially beautiful about being around birch trees. Genuinely, to me, feels as if I’m in an area

    With a lot of, I don’t know, really, very protective, very kind nurturing women, you know, like, I guess you could say the feeling of being in a hospital, when you gettin the sense of, like, really being looked after. I mean, some people obviously don’t get that, but

    When all the nurses and everything, are fussin around makin sure, you’re okay. That that’s the sort of feelin I get from being in a birch woodland. And the only thing I can really add to that is from two sources, which are on my kindle. And we’ve been, through one, with

    Well been through both of em, with the Hazel tree Now I just want to, I want to run through em with the birch tree as well. The birch card makes the beginnin of the Ogham journey. When this card comes up in a readin, it represents new beginnings and positive

    Change, the fortuitous beginnin of a new project. It can also be the beginnin of a new cycle, or a new work, or romantic relationship. Now is the time to get into the proper frame of mind for success and start the ground work and planning to achieve your goals.

    This is your ground breaking it, prepared and planned head. So next, I’ve got the, I’ve got the numerology meaning again, by Faith Giovanni and dusty bunker. Number one represents the male principle, the Yang it’s the pioneer striking out alone, seeking the experiences which will establish its distinct. Identity

    It’s the process of discovering its own abilities. It is raw energy, positive, original and creative. In a state of perpetual motion. Since one is alone and is imbued with so much creative energy, it must decide how its energy will be used,

    It must take command and have courage to maintain its direction without fear of opposition. One is the real I am of humanity, the unity of all, the unit of vibrational measuring its self consciousness. The key words are: original, independent, Aggressive, individualistic creative, dominant,

    The first in a series, the start of any operation or activity. The leader, the pioneer, the Boss who likes authority. He who goes forth. So the reason I use the Ogham is for a sort of self-evaluation, if you like. It’s a way of acknowledging certain successes or failures

    And learning from them. As I say, I kinda want to explain. how it becomes relevant in the wolds way which you’ve obviously watched. The video, hopefully the wolds way it was like the first walk I’ve ever been on, that that was that big

    I’ve been on I think the biggest one before that was probably about twelve Miles long. But I was walkin, and it was like a day trip. I could go home, I could get some rest and stuff like that, so I could absolutely tire myself out.

    So I had kind of no problem, because of the whole lockdown situations we was under all B&Bs were closed Any form of accommodation was was completely closed. And when people usually do that trip, they usually do it, the, some people do it in parts.

    Some people will use a B&B half way through, some people use a B&B every night, while a walkin it. Whereas obviously I didn’t have that option. So I was kind of like really submerged into the wild, if you like

    For the first time where I couldn’t really sort of set up any base camp or anything like that, so sort of like, I don’t know, rest or consolidate, or anything like that. I was just constantly on the move. And it had obviously become really uncomfortable, as you’ve seen.

    And not just that, I was carryin an enormous heavy load all my camping gear, obviously, for the, for a few days, I was being resupplied, but was still recordin, I was still taking all the camera gear on my recording gear and everything like that as well.

    And also as well as that actually doin the recording itself, obvious, it’s a lot longer, because when you are kind of like, I don’t know, sometimes you’ve got to walk back to get a certain shot. So not just that, it’s not just me, but for everyone, the

    Distance of it was 79 miles or 127 kilometers, I believe, would really do climb as much. But with the elevation, cause it’s rolling hills, it’s like a lot further than that it’s actually a lot further than what it says on the maps. But that’s not just me.

    That’s everyone so the amount of walking I did was absolutely unbelievable. And after that, I probably, I couldn’t walk for about two weeks after that, cause it absolutely annihilated me. But I think sort like the point of doing all this, and the whole point of,

    I don’t know, I found my cards this year to come out in in a really good order, because the first one is also about knowledge. It’s it’s the hazel tree, which I’ve discussed on a previous video. And it’s about knowledge. And when you

    Partake in something like you’ve never done before, when yer, when you’re not really used to something, it’s great to learn, as long as you are learning, you know. Because to do something to sort, like, jump in at the deep end,

    Make so many mistakes, do so much wrong, and not walk away with anything, there’s no point in doin it. You’re wasting your time. Some of the lessons I learnt was it’s ok to get stuff wrong.

    I was panickin at the time, but coming to think of it now, it’s totally ok to get things wrong. I just kind of, see, it more as like an opportunity. It’s just an opportunity to learn. Another one is, like, I, I found myself.

    Because of the things I was doin wrong, I was kind of be really hard on 279 00:14:34,40 –> 00:14:34,274 myself. And I just shouldn’t have been like that it wasn’t healthy It wasn’t a it wasn’t the right way to conduct myself. But with so much pressure and stuff like that,

    It does get quite hard to conduct yourself. And you kind of The thing is, you kinda don’t want to be tellin all your friends and 287 00:14:52,92 –> 00:14:52,659 stuff like that. I’m going, do this, I’m doin this walk, I’m doin that.

    And doin this challenge, an, then kinda give up on the first day, which I come so close to. so yea, I mean, don’t beat yourself up. And I think it’s a good idea to put certain things into contexts, which the Ogham, also helpes you with another thing. I learned was be mindful

    Take in your surroundins and listen, be observent, watch the trees. watch the nature, replicate what that’s doin the way I see nature it’s it’s very neutral, We don’t live in a bad. world, we don’t live in a wonderful world We’re living a really neutral world.

    And it’s kinda like what you make of it yourself. And a part of that is your own It’s the way you think, your own mindset. because in one sense, we’ve got the external world and then we’ve got our internal world just kinda like take in your surroundings.

    And I think a good example of that was probably the fog on the second day. Because I was lookin around, and I was thinkin, like, I just need to look internally, because there’s very little I can control externally. That’s kinder, what pushed me forward. And

    Yeah, another thing was, don’t doubt yourself. One, I learnt from a book by Cody Lundin from Dual Survival. The TV series it’s develop a party on attitude. don’t quit And like I say first day,

    It was, it was kind of really overwhelmin, and I knew I had five days 325 00:16:41,67 –> 00:16:41,468 after that. An, it was just like, if I’m this destroyed after day one, how can I cope and I’m not going to be able to do it But

    One thing lead to another, and it was probably that fog that helped me. I met up with Chris outdoors, which I enjoyed a good chat. I got some water from his house. he made us a coffee. I was absolutely dyin when he saw me. And that was only day 2.

    But seein him, revived me, later on I met up with a friend of mine. who re-supplied me that day which also satellite, brought me back to life. And

    Ye it was just af after that, it was just a after day when I was just that 343 00:17:27,80 –> 00:17:27,781 close to quittin. But after that, everything become a lot easier, and I started enjoying my time a lot more while I was out there.

    I think another reason, another thing I learnt from it was kind of like lower your expectations, the amount of people I’ve spoke to, or brought camp in, like, for the first time. And they was expecting this really romantic scene, like, by a lake with a

    Deer feedin out their hands, when the reality is, like, on a night, the cold set in, and it might have started raining And there was all dead and everything from it. because there was expecting something incredible. this, this sort of like

    Fairy tale scene from lord of the rings, or something like that, you know, when they find Rivendell So, like low yer expectations, because if yer, if you’re expecting it to be shit, and it turns out good, then it don’t disappoint.

    Ye, it’s kinda like a really good feelin, whereas if you’re expecting something enormous. But then you’re met with rain and shit weather or something like that. Then disappointment can ruin so much for you can ruin your fucking life. So another thing I want to talk about is the Ogham

    Each tree has several dimentions to em. I’m startin to think, like I’m writing a few things down recently. And it’s about, it’s about the parts of a tree having their own spiritual significance, like you get things like colors, Numbers and certain things like that, zodiac signs, all that, everything like that.

    And I’m starting to see the significance of certain parts of trees, which kind of give it multiple dimentions to the meaning of the tree. And it sort like enables us to go in a little bit deeper and further. So I kind of want to

    Want to keep this video really sort of like relevant, and sort of like slightly changed the angle a little bit. And we’ve like, spoken about the caring qualities of the birch, if you like. And well, as caring qualities, it’s also got like a cleansin purification qualities,

    Because you’ve just come out of a cycle into a brand new cycle. An it would require normally some sort like cleansin, or purification ritual, if you like… whatever you want to call it, because a lot of its about er, sort, like out with the old, in with a new

    Re incarnation, an that sort of thing. And so what I’ve been doin with my time in spain is, like, I say, I’ve been recordin a lot of footage, takin videos and everything like that, but I didn’t really know, in what sort of context to compile it all.

    So I’d decided to start usin Instagram as a diary, which I’ve also got written down. And I kinda want to… for those of you who don’t have Instagram, or anything like that. I kinda want to give you a bit of a run down of exactly sort of like my month in spain

    And explain how it applies to this. 17.10.2023 I took the train from Hull to Manchester. And the closer I got, the more anxious I felt. I had it in my head that I was going to be turned around and told to go home

    Because of my needlecraft status, which was completely irrational. those who stood their ground in what they genuinely believe, and refused to cave into the relentless pressures of society. will know exactly what I’m talking about. When I boarded the plane, I felt physically sick.

    It went until we took off in the air and was shrouded in cloud that I was able to relax a little an, bring myself back to the present moment, the dense haze covering the plane reminded me of a time I was walkin through the fog. It felt like a sign,

    The only thing you really have control over are your emotions, everything external, just observe and wait for the right moment to act 18.10.2023 As I touched down in Barcelona, I began to get a bit stressed after the trip, from Hull, followed by delays at the airport.

    I felt an enormous sigh of relief once I got away from that freakin place. It was extremely hot and humid That night, all I wanted to do is get to my hostal and get some rest. It was late when I arrived to the hostel,

    Maybe about 11pm, at the front desk. I was waitin round for some time while some Ukranian arsehole was complaining about his room not being comfortable enough. The room, I suspect he only paid minimal amount of money for

    The hostel room was an hostile room, as far as I was concerned, full of other folks sleepin, and every one crammed in like a tin of sardines I don’t know, many thousands of euros. The other guy paid to complain like that. But for me, I didn’t give a rat’s ass.

    At this point, I stayed over in Barcelona for two nights. Whilst they organized myself, I needed a few things before I got to the host’s house. The place surprisingly reminded me of Mexico city, which lifted my spirits a little. Of course, it won’t exactly 100%

    But I still got an incredibly warm sense of nostalgia from being there. On the second day, I was finally done with everything that needed doing I left a few things at home by mistake, mostly a few accessories from a gorpro, which I needed to replace.

    This took up some time because the wants so easy to find with. The half a day I had left, I decided to visit the gardens in museo d’nacional de Arte de catalunyna. The place looked peaceful, and I wanted to avoid any large crowds.

    This was definitely the sort of place I feel at home. As I returned to my hostel, to my absolute fuckin astonishment, all my clothes and my wash kit magically vanished from my bed. This was certainly not good. I even took my dirty festerin underwear from the previous day.

    Fortunately, whoever stole them was kind enough to leave me, the only things I was wearin 19.10.2023 I got knock on the door, my hostel gone. Midnight. The cleaner stood there over black bag, asking me about the possessions I had taken from me. I can’t believe it.

    I had to set off in about ten hours for my journey to the host’s house, where i’ll be workin. I didn’t want to be late. He had in his bag, all the clothes and a wash kit that he took.

    I still, to this day, I’ve no idea as to why it took em. I was just happy to get him back. The shower in the morning was possibly one of my most enjoyable showers. It was a new day, and it felt like I was washing, more than just physical

    Sweat and dirt off my body. I felt like even my mind was being de contaminated to dear was the start of a completely different trip. I’d never done voluntary work before. I was a bit curious as to what it was like.

    I’ve had many different jobs in my life, so I’m no stranger to a new workplace. I don’t really get so nervous in these situations. The train ride from Barcelona to Tortosa took around two hours, and I waited a little while at the station for the host.

    It took me to the Finca, i’ll be livin in for the next four weeks, and showed me around. It was a beautiful place, surrounded by a landscape I can’t even put into words. After all a shit I faced this last few years. All of a sudden, I hit the jackpot

    In spain The 3rd meal of the day is a really late one. The host came to my caravan and called me for some grub. at about 9pm I went to the living room of the place, and I was met by three other volunteers, a Brazilian, a couple from Argentina. And.

    Paraguay, I must say, one of the best things about traveling is the people you meet, you seem to instantly get along. You become a tribe I mean, we’re all in the same boat, all our loved ones are somewhere else. Would that have any one around us So, we kinda band together

    Not just that, but these people are the very few people you’ll ever meet in your life, does pretty much understand where you’re comin from, if you’re not one for. Livin a mundane, repetitive life. 29.10.2023 After a whole week of spendin time with my tribe, I was beginning to feel so comfortable.

    It’s nice keepin in touch with the fellows, back home, other than that everything else outside Mondo land seems to fade away and cease to exist. Every little detail of every moment of every day was such a pleasure. Even the work, which I never thought I’d say in England.

    I spent a lot of time out in the countryside, away from the noise and the drama. When I’m out there, I usually take my drone and my GoPro and keep my eyes peeled for the opportunity for a photo This place provided tons of opportunities.

    Every night, after supper, when every one else fucked off to sleep, I’d make a constant effort to go out to the nearby dirt road and take in the atmosphere. Sometimes I’d have the pleasure a member of a tribe being with me, but I was mostly alone.

    The stars out there were like something I’ve never seen before. I spent a lot of time reflecting under em. Sometimes I’d be in a t-shirt, taking in the warmth, up until past midnight. On one of the evenins, we set up a projector.

    And after an insanely delicious meal, we watched the movie. The beach, which I brought with me on a usb stick, there’s a quote on it that really stuck me, and it goes, paradise is not some place you can look for because it’s not where you go.

    It’s how you feel for a moment in your life when you’re a part of something. 03.11.2023 I was primarily given the job of building a roof in front of the house for the car. The summer in Spain becomes incredibly hot, and it has ruined the paintwork of the host’s car.

    So he needed somewhere to park it in the shade. The winter months also, see horrific gales, which can reach high speeds, blowing things away. This job had to be, well, planned the host was an excellent guy to work with,

    Is very handy with his hands, and knew exactly what he was talkin about. Not only we worked exceptionally well as a team, but he was the sort of guy to listen to other people. I felt comfortable comin up with ideas and he would either agree and do it as I suggested.

    Or he’d explain how it might not be such a great idea, either way I felt very confident that the job was going to be done very well. We spent the second week, harvesting Olives. Until this point, I’d never even been there.

    An olive tree, as far as I Recall the smell probably stood out more than anything. I’ll probably never forget the smell gardenin. And farming has never really been my thing In Britain, I’ve spent many years foragin wild foods, sometimes making wines, and sometimes went into making grub.

    It feels so natural to me when I’m pickin food, almost like I’m doing exactly what we, as humans, are designed to do. The olive pickin felt so inherent in me. Something I recognise from a distant past,

    The feelin on my skin, and a sweet smell only added to the experience, 12.11.2023 Saying goodbye has to be one of the hardest things about traveling. As I said earlier, these folk become your tribe. You’ll never, in your entire existence, ever come close to meeting people like this.

    In every day life, you don’t even have to share the same language to be on the same frequency as these people. I’ve met. Tens of thousands of native English speakers who just look at your cross

    Eyed with a dense look on the face when you say something beyond the level of sports ball. Out here We’re all just looking for a simple life, and there’s no language to describe that sensation. You’ve just got to feel every word They say and if you listen hard enough,

    They could be speaking of fuck in elvish, and you’ll understand their words. Fortunately, up to now, on this trip, everyone spoke very good English. After two weeks, it was time to say good bye to the other volunteers. First it was the married couple and then the Brazilian.

    We had some great sams together. And I hope their time around me was as enjoyable, as mine was around them. But as fate would have it, when one door shuts closed, another door swings open. And I was met by two young italians, just as a Brazilian left.

    My first week with em was quite enjoyable. It’s nice that we’re all able to vibe with eachother, but also it’s the individual personalities you meet, that makes things all the better. When em at home livin a normal life, I feel like I’m surrounded by 288,000 clones,

    Of which I’m one of the people you meet. By accident have a way of bringing out the best version of yourself. They got me practising on the slackline which they were better at. The host’s Wife also come back from their other place in Germany,

    She was another amazing soul who I could listen to all day when she spoke about her yoga practice. The two italians and I even took part in her yoga lessons who very kindly provided for free. 19.11.2023 as we progress through our lives. Time seems to accelerate when you’re a young boy.

    At ten years old, seventy years worth of life is simply impossible to comprehend. For one you have zero experience of conductin your time You’ve pretty much got all the time in the world when you’re a young lad at 20 So what, you’ve got sixty years left, who cares.

    When you hit 30 shit starts getting a bit real, because your next milestone is the middle of your life right now. I’m halfway between 30 and knowing what that feels like. I don’t want to fucking know

    It probably feels like lookin back at all the time you’ve lived up to now, which really isn’t long. And knowin it’s all the time you’ve got left in this world. I must say. I’m genuinely starting to feel like I’ve lived a fulfillin life up to now. Time is relative and

    As I’m conducting my daily life on a regular basis in England, it flies past. This last month seemed like the blink of an eye compared to a regular month. Every word shared with the tribe Every step I took with one of em right beside me.

    Every smile and every bite we’ve had to eat at the dinner table as cost us time One thing that’s hit me lately is just how precious time is, and how it’s of the utmost importance to spend it with the right people.

    It’s the most valuable commodity you’ll have in your life. I parted wares with the two italians and the host in Barcelona. First time I was here. I didn’t really like it. As I navigated my way for the streets, back to the hustle and bustle of civilization,

    I had this tense feelin gnawin away at me. I don’t recognize people the way I did before 2019. for two years, every one was deceived into removing the psychological masks we all wear. That prevents others from seein who we really are. Even after humanity put it back on,

    I can still see the decomposing corpse of a personality staring back at me. I had such an outstandin month, with two days left in Spain. Now, as a rule, I don’t typically drink alcohol at all. But on my last night I couldn’t handle it anymore.

    I drank like a son of a bitch. So the key points I want to heighlight for this point is, like, exactly. I was feelin startin with the feelin of anxiety. I mean, I’m not sayin. It was like a serious like a really serious anxiety attack or anything like that. But

    I did feel physically sick. I was worried, I was, I was physically shakin. My heart rate was going fast And I was absolutly covered in sweat By the time I got to the airport, I must a look like shit

    But the further I got to the destination as well, the worse, it kinda got, as as we all know, people are extremely judgmental. So it was kind like that feelin of paranoia that everybody’s kinda like, out there to get me. And because they expected

    That, they caved into the pressures that they expect everybody else to The truth is, I think anybody who didn’t cave in would tell you that it was extremely hard not to. It’s easy to just go, yeah, ok, it’s only, it’s only a needle, you know,

    But to me, it was my health, an, this feelin was… the entire feeling was very irrational at the time. And I kinda know how I felt was irrational, but it was kind of like something I really want to highlight because

    I kinda feel as if it’s like a bit of a trauma that I do need to cleanse and get out my system and purify. In one sense, it’s a good thing that I’m recordin this now, because I’ve had a lot of time since then to

    Think about exactly how I was thinkin and how I’m going to sort of like, conduct myself. And I don’t think this, like I say, this level of sort of self awareness. It helps. And that’s one of the reasons I’ve got to thank the birch for the entire Ogham because it’s highlightin

    Points for me to improve, and it’s, obviously I can improve. I didn’t, at the time, I want exactly expecting to feel like this. I mean, it’s not, it’s not something I’ve ever suffered from em, not something I’m exactly used to.

    So, like I say, I don’t need some sort of like, cleansin, or I need to clear my hand. And I think my time, like around the mountains in spain and the hills in Italy has really sort of like, helped. And now I’ve figured out the problem.

    I really want to get back into into society, an, just start actin normal again, around people. You earn it, cause all these problems, like I said, they were external, they were internal, they weren’t external. I think one of my biggest problems is that I believe so much in freedom,

    Like as Aleister Crowley had put it “do what you will” I think you should conduct yourself with a level of behaviour towards other 717 00:36:03,63 –> 00:36:03,296 people. And if you’ll start encroaching on other people’s freedoms, then you’re not conducting yourself in a very, in a very good manner.

    And I found that a lot of people was kind of doin that to me, you know, to not just to me, but to the people on my side of the argument, the story whatever you want to call it during the all entire Chronicles of The Rona

    So I think that’s, I think it’s just important, like using the birch usin the symbology beyond the Birch to highlight these issues and problems, in order to sort, like carry on and sort something out. I mean, you’d obviously don’t have to look into Ogham.

    You can just sit there and write, if you want, write A diary like what i did So that brings us to the end of the video. And I hope, these examples have been useful to you. The primary reason I made this video is because I want it to help

    You understand the birch tree a little bit more in the sort of context of self-help, or mindfulness, if you like. Eh, there are obviously other methods, such as Tarot and that sort of thing, the wind’s coming back

    The way I see these systems, any one of em is like, it’s more like a language to connect you to your higher self, the universe, your own, you’re own subconscious, whatever you want to call it. And essentially it’s like, it’s like a language.

    I don’t think there’s any sort of like, best one it’s like, it’s like saying, what is the best language? The best language is the one, you know, the one you can communicate with the best that’s the best language. If yer, if you’re from Indonesia,

    The Indonesian language will be the best language. You know, if English is no good, if you can’t communicate like that. So that’s kinda like the way I see it. It’s more like a tool to help you, sort like, assess yourself with That’s kind of what I wanted to explain

    And also I kinda wanted to bring you a little bit more up to speed on the vlogs because I didn’t. I couldn’t really start half way through when it’s on a birch like i say so an. I’ve still got one more to do

    About the other month, where… because I don’t want to leave you in the dark on what’s happening or anything like that. And in between that, I kinda want to, I want to weave, sort of, like a bit more upto date vogs in for you. So you’re kinda gonna…

    It’s really appropriate that I called it. Where’s Mondo?, because, eh, not only in the context of space, you won’t know where I am, in the context of time. You won’t even know where I am either because the videos will probably be all over the place.

    But at some point we are goin to be up to date We’re going to be kind of go from there. But it will take a bit of time, because there is a little bit of a back story to explain.

    And I want to keep it in context with the Ogham, because these things happened before I did my yearly spread as well. yes, so I want to thank you for watchin the video. If you want to leave a like?

    Eh, you want to share it with your friends on social media? Eh, subscribe. That’ll be a massive help. Leave a comment, and i’ll see you on the next video. Thank you.

    1 Comment

    1. Ghillie Dhu, a solitary male fairy in folklore. He was kindly and reticent yet sometimes wild in character but had a gentle devotion to children. Dark haired and clothed in leaves and moss, he lived in a birch wood within the Gairloch and Loch a Druing area of the north-west highlands of Scotland.

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