#travel #uk #rail #driving #trains
    Travel over 200 miles with me to get stuck by a rainy field in Lincolnshire! Along the way we’ll see random sights and places by train, on foot and (eventually) in a pickup truck.

    I’m stuck at King’s cross yeah I had got quite wet just then over 200 miles from home oh and it’s raining perfect I don’t know how I’m going to get home this was not how I expected my day to turn out well good morning it is oh hold on

    See what time it is well good morning it’s 8:41 I’m at Bentley station in Hampshire and our destination is over 200 miles away today Market raisin the idea is that we get there and back in the day we’re collecting niss and Navara but today is a day of strikes there are

    Overtime bands whether or not I even get there is Up For Debate let’s see how it goes TR is quick change at Working yes here we are in London the idea was that I was supposed to go to some panras and get a train from there but that’s not happening uh the Train’s been cancelled I’ve managed to get another ticket from King’s cross but it will take me up to mck and then I’ll

    Change it buck and uh get on a train from there to Market racer so at a moment just at Warren Street changing from the northern line to the Victoria line that’ll take me to King’s cross the time is 10:16 my train is in 14 minutes so I think I’ve got enough

    Time to get to Kings Cross and just get on that train and and I’ll be on my way up to uh Linoln passengers for M the front four coaches this train got to King’s cross and uh my 10:30 train is cancelled so I’m going to have to work out what I’m going to do now because that’s actually the second train I booked first train was also a 10:30 train from St

    Panas that was cancelled I booked this king’s cross train because well that was kind of like my second chance that’s now not running uh the next stage I think is just to try and find a train that will take me to or just anywhere I need to go so I’m heading from Lincolnshire

    And yeah I don’t really know what else to say I’m stuck at King’s cross let’s see what happens right well it looks like I can hopefully get the 1106 train from um King cross a little bit later than I originally wanted to leave but whilst I’m waiting I thought I’d come and have

    A look at some panra station which is probably one of my favorite buildings in the Hall of London actually so my name is Chris and I’m a trade plate driver and I travel all over the UK uh collecting and delivering vehicles for TMC Motors Motor Company uh and it’s my job just to

    Inspect and collect the vehicles when I get there make sure everything is as it should be and then I drive the vehicle back to back to TMC I’m with John bman on this one some panras is a wonderful wonderful station probably my favorite Station in London here we go what a wonderful

    Wonderful building some pancreas station is you may have noticed obviously that I’m doing a bit more filming now cuz I have a bit more time now I’m waiting for the train the first part of the day was a bit of a rush I got on the train at bent

    Me and then when I got into working station I realized that there was another train that was literally just arriving that would be a bit faster to get into water would save me just a couple of minutes so I took that had to rush from uh one platform to another in

    Working and uh both trains were pretty packed I can’t imagine the next train is going to be much better but we shall see how pan out okay well here’s the train that will hopefully get me to New York and then I’ll change it nework and get another train to Market

    Raisin are AC ticket from E mid ladies and Gentlemen please just double check to ensure your ticket is for this train company for well things have worked out okay actually so far I since leaving London at least I’m now in Newark I’ve just left Newark Northgate

    Station uh my work takes me all over the UK actually but I’ve never been to New I’ve been through it on the train most of times anyway I need to now walk to New York Castle station and then get what I hope will be my final train of

    The day which will take me to Market raisins this is it I believe this is the river Trent it has been quite wet as you can probably see from the sky okay it is now 12:45 I’ve been on the go for about 5 hours and I’m still not still not at

    Lincoln or Market raising yet but we are nearly there from majority of the journey is done first things first though I’m going to negotiate this oh the terror yeah I had got quite wet just then when I left new new Northgate station it was raining quite heavily and because

    I’m not organized I don’t have an umbrella with me don’t have any waterproof uh don’t have a waterproof coat with me I am at the mercy of the heavens one of the things I like about this job is that I just get to visit random places I would never have come here I

    Don’t think if it wasn’t for this ni right hello we’re back it is quter 12 since we last checked in I have traveled to Market raisin station successfully finally thought that I was going to have a nice pickup truck to drive back home it turns out that we aren’t going

    To buy the pickup truck because it wasn’t quite the condition that we were expecting ing it to be now I am in the middle of the Lincolnshire Countryside and right now I don’t know how I’m going to get home I’m 200 miles from home unfortunately this truck that I’ve just

    Been to see drove fine um drove very nicely actually but cosmetically it just wasn’t uh it wasn’t quite what we were expecting I am without vehicle and a long way from home I was expecting to get back to Market rais and get on the train and begin the long

    Track back home but what I might be able to do is get a lift from my work colleague and head to our other branch in Huddersfield where they might have a vehicle I can take back down south but anyway oh and it’s raining perfect okay yes and I’ve got no umbrella uh right

    Yeah yeah this is this is just brilliant okay thanks see you later this was not how I expected my day to turn out it’s all part of an adventure hello it is 8:05 p.m. and I am still at Donnington services on the M1 I’m a long way from

    Home so update is I think when I last spoke to the camera I was in link uh it was Daylight it was raining I didn’t have a pickup truck um obviously I haven’t been doing much filming cuz it’s got dark and what happened is a work colleague of mine who lives up

    North um you know also working for TMC he was able to come and get me from where I was obviously it was quite remote there were no buses no trains so we then drove for an hour and a half to TMC Huddersfield which is our Northern Branch uh where luckily there was a

    Vehicle that I could just drive dve back so I am now um taking a Toyota hux from hfield back down south to uh Hampshire uh and I hope to be there before I don’t know when I hope to be there I don’t even know where I’m going

    With that I’m just I’m just on my way home I’ve stopped at dington services so here it is it’s a 2016 Toyota hux I know nothing about this vehicle where we bought it from where it came from Scottish number plates obviously possibly came from further north and there’s been uh Huds field uh

    They’ve decided that they have too many uh Vehicles up north at the moment they want to move a few of them down south just to swap just to move the stock around so here it is it drives very nicely uh I think it’s done about 69,000 mil very comfortable Actually He hello as you can probably tell by how much of this video has been filmed in the dark today has not gone quite as originally intended I thought well you know maybe I’ll be done by 78 p.m. it is quarter 1 in the morning and I’ve just

    Got back I have pretty much set a record for the longest trip that I’ve done uh collect a vehicle today uh I think let’s see so I left at basically 7 in the morning that’s like 18 18 hours basically so yeah I will take this back into TMC

    Tomorrow and I am going to go and get some sleep it’s all part of an adventure isn’t it doing what I Do Oh


    1. I am from Huddersfield and have a friend who works for BCA and he has the same trouble, 300miles traveled and the car was picked up the week before.. very poor communication in the office

    2. I hope they pay you for 18 hours and reimburse travel expenses. I retired last year, but looking for something to keep me occupied a day or two a week I looked at trade plate deliveries and was put off by the thought of public transport nightmares

    3. I plated for BCA for about a year. It's an interesting job which gets you all over the place. I drove some nice cars and some really nasty sheds. My local train station is less than a minute walk from my house. Get yourself one of those fold-up umbrellas.

    4. Loving your channel! Many thanks for taking the time to film, edit and publish these stories. I have rainwear in my rucksack now on every job I do, even if rain is not forecast. After getting drenched a few weeks back by unforecast rain and being soaked for most of the remainder of the day, not an experience I wish to repeat anytime soon!
      Current longest day for me was around 8am to 1am the next day, 2 jobs that day, the second job was picking up a car from sheerness docks, which ran out of fuel before I even made it to the main gate of the docks.

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