ROCEEDS OF A ROBBERY Found in a Pillow case Magnet Fishing #350
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    The magnets we always use are from Online Magnets. Link below

    We also have a discount code for them. Enter Northants10 at the checkout to receive 10% off.

    Also I have my own branded magnet Integrity. It Has a 1700kg pull force and comes complete with a carry case and Northants Blue Rope. Available at the link below.

    All The Equipment we use to create our videos.


    Evo 80 Small lightweight magnet that really packs a punch. Paired with 30 meters of rope giving you the ability to throw further to search those untouched places.

    Evolution Great magnet not weighing too much so the ability to throw great distances

    Evo Xtreme Not for the faint hearted. Big and heavy and really strong. Make sure you don’t go alone because if you get stuck on something big you’re gonna struggle.

    The Beast

    200kg double sided


    Wireless Microphone

    Dual Bracket

    Gopro memory card




    Camera Bracket

    Gopro Hero 11

    Gopro batteries and charger

    Editing software

    Good morning we are back out again it’s just G half 7 it’s a bit cold it’s about 3 Dees Aaron’s over there on top of this bridge there’s a cast iron protector plate he’s found it a few times already now he’s not feeling very well he’s I

    Think he’s got man flu at the moment so um and he’s forgot his bag so he ain’t got his camera so there a car coming Aon yeah long as you don’t hook it so anyway yes um so he’s got his rope across the road and there’s a car coming

    So we’re going to give it a go here it’s in the middle of nowhere it’s a lovely little area this Bridge originally was built in the 15th century but rebuilt in the 1800s and um yeah he’s finding some scaffolding but we’re going to get on and see how we get on today

    On the wall caught myself a fish I got a fishing LW there we go what’s that then it’s like got o it’s got some clamps it’s got some angle brackets it’s one of them and some water yeah it’s a bit scaffold clamp scaffold clamp scaffold clamp scaffold clamp scaffold clamp scle P

    Yeah and guess what oh look some scaffold pole bit rebar got a p Aaron’s changed positions cuz he keeps onally scaffolding now he’s got a scaffold clamp lra yeah little badge do you think he got to be yeah Aaron’s got himself a lamba badge could have been worse you could have got

    Yourself a lamba I got a scaffold Pole now I got a clamp now it’s going be Pole got a clamp for the other end of me Pole now so Terry’s found a pottery head I think it’s the troll from under the bridge but that’s different anyway we’re

    Going to move on cuz this is the bus this is just scaffolding and it’s really clean which is not a bad thing but we’re going to move on anyway catch up the next one that’s actually a so we’ve moved on we’ve come back to a place we’ve previously been before because where we

    Wanted to go was absolutely useless but this has played quite well in the past and um to be honest with you I hav even BL put magnet in yet and Terry’s doing really well come on Terry what you got they want to see you more go and get it finger now

    O horrible come on then Paul while she plays with a fingernail so Terry’s had a couple of throws I’ll show you the other thing she found and she’s found this there we go got a fence to keep on way looks like the end of a 20 mil flat ground

    Definitely but Paul’s not brave enough to tap it not yet not stupid enough but anyway yes it’s the end of a flat round well done Terry you’re doing well also she’s had a bike look there it is it’s missing its back wheel there we go you wanted to

    See more of Terry there she is she’s only a little bit you can see her look there’s Willow as well so we’re going to give this a go oh yeah look there’s Aaron down there we’re going to we’re going to do well here I know we are

    Today what you got then Aon hang on let me come over I got a couple of old cans I seem to remember this place we had L The Tom and Jerry ones you did have the Tom and Jerry one yeah the 70s Tom and Jerry and uh I don’t think they’re too

    Worried about CW around here because that’s the quality of B right so what we got here then uh what was it Windfield sparkling Cola never heard of it no and then Paul’s got a Coca-Cola in fluid ounces The Real McCoy look there we go it’s a bit battered but what you or the

    Can both magnets away now what you got I’ve got a ninja throwing can I actually you pH to show on the camera cuz you you like keep pulling everything out chain plate chav yeah bit of a spr bit a plate did you just get that bik out yeah CH

    Can um two bits of To and one of Them one for Years so tor’s had a pack of razor blade and a spoon that somebody’s bit a chunk out of must have been really hungry you don’t want you who got the manicure set that me Paul’s got himself a nice manicure set look double Clippers scissors f tweezers you look good when you go out

    Now Paul I that very much did you want it no I’m just checking for I throw it then you say where’s my manicur set what you got now rear fog it’s at the red light district yep it’s top WR on it a bit of flat bar and one of them

    Spoon I got a spike with a screw hole in on top of it aon’s got a bit of a skateboard bet you can’t ride that it’s a lump solid lump Aaron’s found a solid bit of bar under 21 drink a wear badge definitely not me then under 21 drink a wear

    Badge a found the remains of a take measure cou has come through so there we go that’s a magnet off the back of a little speaker so that’s a handle off an old case of something Nokia 3310 that bad boy remember last time we come with we met

    Brett I stop saying that joke cuz you didn’t like itow the smallest screwdriver in the world so don’t know whether you can see what we can or can’t see yes you can me now see the handle as well tiny little screw playing around in time down there

    What is it what make can’t quite see I’ve never heard I can’t quite see it’s got no weight to it it’s probably Mark special yeah it’s not even branded on the back so it’s a cheap watch so I got a but lock to go me bite lock to go me you sell

    Battery some silver washers bars put a plate DOR imine how many Doritos you find in the water in it there go so I’ve got some murder weapons that’s a really old pair of scissors that is unusual handles on them and a smart plug they un usual there we go got old spanner

    That’s great that’s like a some sort of gray it looks like a cooker thing burn a thing I don’t know fishing look I got a boat got an old pen that’s like an oldd lid or something yeah Chrome lid Rec no find little bit of tin with a picture on

    It uh lump of concrete I would say it’s got bit of reinforcement in it one that’s Ford twice in two weeks and a cigarette lighter Ford one the differ got a bit more that great look there what 9:00 that’s an old travel alarm clock is

    That what it is alarm clock one of those folding ones oh yeah what you got then I got an old travel alarm clock and it’s 9:00 you need to set it set it for earlier and I’ll screwed over there we go I found John Lennon’s [Laughter] glasses got Harry M arm F

    Battery 25 fluid ounces I don’t know it’s tomato juice that’s wrong Lindor yeah lby libes could be Libby Libby tomato juice oh cast on with a bolt sticking through it remains of a rod rust bit more that gra in thing I had thanks Harry that’s really nice

    They got a lot of one the old ransome ones is it yeah it’s got r on it Coke oh look it’s got oh that’s a space sh is it yes that’s strange a space sh like don’t think they have them up in this pay show I’ve not seen M like before

    F yeah oh spal look like fuk it is liby’s tomato juice right there’s loads of different styles and the can has changed over the years most similar one was 1943 po like in fluid ounces cuz all the other ones seem to have thingy on so I’d say rocket that’s quite nice yes copper

    So it’s obviously been Chrome so they copper plate before they Chrome it but I’ve just found a lighter now it’s not just a normal lighter because this hang on it’s got the space shuttle on it I think it’s space shuttle he’s got a rocket and it’s got some rting on the back there

    Which not quite sure what it says probably see better on here but I know what it says now I can see it better on the camera than I come with me eyes rocket there we go and there’s the is a rocket there is yeah and there’s the the space shuttle so basically

    Look special effects yeah a rocket lighter I’ll just show you so Aaron’s found a can of tomato juice liby he’s been doing a bit of Googling how far does Libby go back 1943 is about the closest I can find with fluid ounces is she still cooking still made to this day

    Oh Libby’s tomato juice Well Done Right Now Paul Paul Paul’s out a find Paul said fine hang on Aaron’s excited about his tomato juice he’s telling him all about it so Paul you found a pillowcase a you Paul yes let me let me get this up here let me get this hang

    On you said he went buses when he took his coat off I know I said right come on then Paul BR let’s have a look what do you got in your pillowcase oh he’s got a purse Pur of all a purse of all a mulbury purse mury purse that’s Terry sort it for

    Christmas yeah she ain’t cheap she’ll want money in it so we got an empty purse but there’s also other stuff in here oh look he’s got some bling what we we’ve got this thing here got norance blue ring hang on focus focus HSBC year of the snake a lot of people

    Should be on that 2013 look there we go is that a ring that’s a ring a ring oh lookig one is it thank you so North blue ring see some of this costume jewelry we all say oh it’s just cheap costume jewelry some costume jewelry can be worth a lot

    Of money if it’s the right person anything on that clasp like silver or anything have a look when I’ve got me hands a little bit okay what you got there I’m not sure on that one some sort of pendant so she’s got that as well funny wait a minute were you focused h

    It’s going to be one of them days I think weird lighting here oh there we go yeah it’s just the weird lighting so she got pendant and that’s his Year of the Dragon you see Aaron’s got uh a Rooney identity bracelet um I think that’s sort of a

    Charm thing you put on your necklace but all in a pillowcase oo somebody’s been naughty a’t they well done Paul thank you not about that way either okay what you got there mate I got a sty Yankee screwdriver and he still got the red on

    The handle look yeah still the bit in it as well I’ve got me whistle thing but I ain’t blown into that that’s proper Mankey but no come on Three Blind Mice one dead fisherman if he puts that in his mouth right so we believe that’s some sort of

    Drug related thing it looks like that pipe goes in a bottle there it’s got a little gar on the top where they probably put the weed you could suck on there if you want I’m not sucking on anything of yours and got a funny cat

    Tole on the end of it so we don’t know whether that’s got the weed in it but we’re going to try and open it up now it’s going to be wet weed if it is mind you’ll probably grow better won’t it good we found some nor blue pliers the other way Daisy um

    Copper yeah that’s like seeds and in that little Copper Pot that he found let me Zoom let me focus on that he’s full of all little seedy type things very seedy Aon very seedy so I just had a a spoon and funnily enough it looks like a soup spoon what you got AR

    You um soup do you want my spoon no it’s okay thanks and then I got four batteries that’s five cuz there’s a I’m going to say and then uh on the same pool I got myself a little 9 mil bullet yeah I’ve got real trouble focusing on you hang on

    A minute there we go he’s got himself a 9 mil bullet as well cool so we got another old knife not sure who had that one an old enamel saucer got a couple of bits of bike frame bit of old gas valve I think yes it

    Is two of those not sure what they are either old bike seat I disc which is an old oil pump bit of fire grae some handlebars some more bike frame old wheel yeah a bit more bike it’s a bed frame it’s an mangle on you are stin got all

    Weight an old to L some bars that was a helicopter that just went over so an old tire lever and some bars bit of plate Harry’s pot bit more bike so AJ’s had this little knife something about Adam and Sheffield written there little Shield logo still functional how’s on a old

    Padlock I was about to show that that was the kitchen knife we found that’ve been using to cut the bag up that AJ found yeah that’s cool that’s like the other one you found in Birmingham that time no but this one was like so what you got AJ s

    Hammer where my Hammerhead go it’s in the scrap trolley and cla’s going to put it next to everything she just told me yeah can’t I think that’s is is that the best friend well it’s definitely a definitely a knife handle AJ yeah how about that and once they been up the

    Other end just brought this trolley down CLA did uh fire grate bit of a bike bit of a foot stand and a load of other random bits of Metal


    1. The lighter you found may be a bit more interesting than you first thought. From the brief time it was on screen it looked more like Buran , the Russian equivalent to the space shuttle. Can't be many of those about ?

    2. Had the scaffold clamps and poles been invented when that bridge was built? Only joking, but why lob everything in a river or canal? Whilst you have loaded it onto your truck or into your car, isn't it just as easy to take it to the dump?

    3. YouTube appears to be insistent that I'm not allowed to say that item found at 15:53 was from between 1980 and 1990 sometime or mention the place I found the information. (As soon as I scroll away from the post or resort comment to 'newest' it vanishes – twice so far.)

    4. Nice find you two had, stay safe and well and warm and enjoy the weather it will different before you know it. John E.May-0 E.May-0 from USA 🇺🇸 😢😢😢😢😢

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