As Ronnie O’Sullivan begins his quest for an eighth UK crown against Anthony McGill, it marks 30 years to the day from his 10-6 victory over Stephen Hendry that fully announced ‘The Rocket’ onto the world stage.

    Hendry was a two-time UK champion, the reigning world champion, and the best player in the world in the middle of the most dominant run in the history of the sport. Yet, on November 28, 1993, he was second best to a 17-year-old O’Sullivan who had only turned pro the year prior.

    Relive the famous final frame in the Preston Guild Hall.

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    16th frame Ron or solivan to pretty good break from Rono Sullivan lot of players this week haven’t been reaching the bat cushion but he’s managed to avoid leaving the shot to nothing on that’s a bit shorter Pace from Steven and this is a half chance [Applause] six seven 12 1 20

    21 well you wouldn’t think this was the frame that Ronnie needs to win the UK Championship playing this so fluently and so well Pink Spot not available it have to go as close as spot as it can in direct line with this top cushion cause Ronnie a problem and in

    Fact the fact that it didn’t go on its spot may have fre red further up 28 choice is now cannon into the cluster and it’s not too bad I think he’s got a r into the left center now this is a big shot it’s a good one 3 and now it’s

    There for the Tak in and he’s made it [Applause] himself 41 42 49 50 57 58 63 so a red and a blue or black 64 and the crowd know that that was the [Applause] one and we’re seeing snooker history being made here stepen Henry 18 years and N months was the

    Youngest winner ever of a ranking tournament gr Prix this young man is not 18 yet and like all great players John is’s finishing in style I’m sure we’re going to see so much of this young man in the next few years yes that goes without

    Saying and I just say to the man of born he’s relished it yeah St will shake his hand I know he admires Ronnie’s play we all do a wonderful wonderful exhibition by this young man ladies and gentlemen his first ever major tournament the Royal liver Assurance UK championship and he’s done

    It in so much Style 10 frames to six well ladies and gentlemen right now I’d like i’ like you to welcome the presentation party consisting of Gordon Scott the chairman of raw Li Insurance accompanied by the chairman of the wpbsa Mr John Spencer well here we go then with the

    Presentation and first ladies and gentlemen to the runner up a check for Β£37,000 and our congratulations for another wonderful tournament goes to Steven Henry and ladies and gentlemen to the winner a check for Β£70,000 the trophy and the title of the 1993 Royal I Insurance United Kingdom Champion Rono salivan

    Rono salivan ladies and gentlemen so right now I’d like you please to put your hands together for a young man who’s made this quite a memorable final he’s a great player he’s won 17 major titles himself and as we ask him to leave the arena ladies and gentlemen your appreciation please for Steven

    Henry and the presentation party thank you very much indeed ladies and gentlemen tonight belongs to 17-year-old Rono salivan well while Ronnie is having a few photographs taken ladies and gentlemen I don’t have to tell you what this means to this young man and also what it means

    To Snooker as a whole and I know Steven Henry will take his hat off to him this evening he’s a great young Sportsman but right now Ronnie I’m going to bring you over here come over here and speak to Uncle Alan come here two things we don’t believe how

    Good you are unbelievable we don’t believe you’re only 17 are you only 17 18 next week come and say a few words have you ever spoken to 1200 people before with a United king title in your hand have you ever done that you got the

    Chance to do it right now Ronnie a few words well first of first of all I’d like to say thank you to the sponsors and and all the people that turn out for the matches and that if it wasn’t for them it wouldn’t be possible and uh and

    Secondly to Steven andry he’s like the greatest player that I’ve ever played and has ever lived and uh it’s just a moment that I didn’t you don’t really think it’s going to ever happen to you but it’s happened and uh just I just I’m really in a state of shot at the

    Moment Ron o salivan ladies and gentlemen and his mom Maria ladies and gentlemen there tears all around out here because I can see Barry Hearn there with a few tears Barry he’s the manager come forward Barry a few tears in his eyes as well Barry Hearn the manager of

    Ronnie bar say a few words come here you know it was 13 years we were here when Davis started 19 1980 he beat Alex Higgins it was a wonderful moment for Snook and a wonderful moment for us tonight is the same type of moment because we’re seeing

    A new Legend in the making tonight and I think he’s going to be back here entertaining you all for many years to come thanks Barry ladies and gentlemen Rono salivan and his mom and just to tie the bow on this memorable evening it’s time to say thank

    You very much indeed to all the people that have supported the event and if you’ve enjoyed us half as much as we’ve enjoyed you you’ve had a great time ladies and gentlemen good night and God bless you all thank you very much indeed Ronnie o salivan oh


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