Cex and Charity shop hunting in Bletchley and Milton Keynes with pickups

    Hello all im big game al a massive xbox gamer and collector and i also love charity shop hunting
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    #XBOX #Videogames #Pickups #Collecting #BigGameAl #Hunting

    And here we are back again with another CeX and charity shop hunt this time we’re in Bletchley I’ve never been here before so hopefully they got some stuff think they got Char shots they definitely got a CX we going and have a look right let’s go and have a look at

    Bletchley the Brunell Center apparently this is where CX is oh it’s right there funny enough but uh going to do some charity shopping first this time and then we come back to see it since it’s right where the car is and finish off there first up we’ve got William hospice

    Been in this charity shop before this bike anyway let’s go and check it out few pricey all right next up we’ve got adk says M Kings reason but we’re in Bletchley Karen’s already on their way look right let’s go and have a look inside just a couple of PC games here in

    UK but they do have Monopoly we’re found a cash converters they’ve got a drum kit in the window there of the uh 360 by looks it yeah let’s go check if they got any games inside [Applause] All right and next up we have got mind for better mental health let’s go and check them out a few in here not nothing too major all right next we’ve got Bri Heart Foundation blle next up we’ve got a sue Rider St John hospice incredible care in your area let’s go check them Out a few in here selection all right next up we found cancel research it’s quite a nice little area but yeah cancel research next well we was going in cancel research first shot so no good all right found a key office hopefully this one’s open go on C see if door’s open

    Yes we’re in how much bargain we’re in hello Karen where you going for lunch going to WEA spoons for lunch to WEA spoons all right what are you going to get I don’t know yet all right let’s go and see what they’ve got for Karen to

    Eat oo I me R good news it’s open go and have a look ni they even have to advertise in here with C ex’s hopefully it’s still open well here we are check out the window nothing really in there some Modern stuff nice little marrow one and

    Uh some 4K movies that’s about it right let’s go and look inside B F What Y Well here we are at Milton kings and we’re in luck we’ve got game CX right next door so yeah a two for one right here we’re going to go check out game first right see you Inside Oh on the waiting riding this but no we’re going to go check out CX start with a window don’t like there’s anything in it modern stuff yeah well right let’s go look Inside O I’m here we we are back in the game room after a lovely successful day two days technically cuz I stayed in an easy Hotel while I was there so yeah done Bletchley and then MK Milton Kings always got to have a beer but yeah I’ve actually F sing a charity shop to trade

    In and I’ve got a nice piece of retro for the collection as well from uh CX in Bletchley but yeah let’s get on to what I picked up so went to uh Bletchley absolutely loved it there great place and I was walking around charity shop I found a game on the

    Shelf which is worth quite a bit of trading very happy to find that but I was talking to woman I said oh you haven’t got any other video games of you blah blah this that the other Nintendo Sony Xbox Microsoft anything like that at which she was looking like she had

    Lot of B wall out the back and I I was looking I was like oh look there’s a few games there there’s a couple I’ve missed out and I should have uh picked out a couple of others but oh well you win some you lose some but yeah what I did

    Pick up I was very happy so I paid a total of3 when I got to the till which meant this game here was 50p what did I pick up for 50p yes on the Wii U we picked up Mario Kart 8 so is all in there all complete disc is in lovely

    Condition so this was 50p and this trades in to see X for3 so I’ve just made £250 on that which is great but not as good as this game here so on the Shelf there was one lonely game it’s for the Xbox One and as soon as I see the spine I was

    Like yes I’m getting that so it was £250 what did I pick up You’ have seen it in the video it was Minecraft yes the Xbox One one edition So currently CX are charging you £18 for this but they’re giving you 12 vure so yeah I’ve turned my three I spent into £1

    15 obviously I check the disc it was all in there nice and complete so yeah1 15 for two games what I spent three quid on so12 profit absolutely great so yeah then I’ve got I’ve got another game from vetchy from the CX I’ll leave that till

    Last day but I went over to to Milton Kings and all I had there was the game and a CeX CX I looked in but I didn’t want to pick anything up because I had no vure left and I’ll explain why in a minute but a winning

    Game and they had one game I was after uh it was 2p cheaper than CX so I paid cash for it it’s dragons or DreamWorks Dragons Legends of the nine Realms one of the outright game series so yes this was £3 down to 1498 so yeah I PID $14.98 for it it’s £1

    15 in CX there it is but obviously going to complete all the outright games I had to pick this up I need to beat it so I can trade it back in and get little bit credit back for it I think you get about you get about 10 or I

    Think so that’s not bad that’s not bad if I can get that beat I can get that traded back in and it’s only cost me a f to get the th000 G on it but what Retro Game did I pick up so yes as you know I collect Pokemon games

    And there was four games released on the Nintendo 64 giving it away to some of you there I have three of them behind me out there but I did not have this one so now I’ve completed the Pokémon collection for the N64 it is Pokemon Puzzle league so yeah this cost me

    30 I had 29 40 invert so I had to pay 60p cash to get this but yeah I’m very happy to pick that up I can now go and put that on the shelf behind me and I’ve got all four of the Nintendo window 64 Pokémon games and this one is in

    Lovely condition I was I see it online before I went in there but when I was looking around I couldn’t see it on the shelves anywhere it was only when when I said to the bloke basically what they’ve got where all them n games were and stuff behind that there’s another row of

    N64s and they’re not even displaying them they had hundreds of N64 games in there it could have been good stuff what that UK gamer or geek Master should I say Martin or you call him you that UK gamer geek master it could have been games in there he

    Wanted to wanted for his collection that he wanted to add but we can’t see them because they’re hidden away but yeah lucky enough the website showed me that they had this so there you go I now own four N64 games so yeah that that is that was a

    Great little weekend well I say weekend it was it was a mon Monday and a Tuesday in uh Fletch Le followed on by Milton Kings so yeah hope you’ve enjoyed that I’m going to knock back some be now maybe I’ll turn the N64 on and play

    A bit of puzzle leak who knows but yeah that just leades me to say thank you all for watching and as always I’ll catch you in the next one bye for Now


    1. Hey Al I have a video request for you. Do you think you could do a vid of 360 games that are backwards compatible? Since i got my series x i have kinda lost the love going for a full 360 collection and I moved house so no longer have the space for a thousand phsyical games anyway so I want to purge it right down and keep the bc ones but going through TA and the xbox site there is inconsistent list between the 2

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