Hey everyone, welcome back to the channel. Today, I want to break down a truly alarming near miss caught on camera and sent in by one of my viewers. As a cyclist myself, safety on the road is always a top priority, but unfortunately, not everyone shares that mindset.

    In the footage we’re about to see, which was also sent to the police, you’ll witness a motorist making a right turn at a junction without properly checking for other road users or pedestrians. The cyclist, who had the right of way, was just inches away from being struck by the vehicle. It’s a heart-stopping moment that serves as a reminder of the dangers cyclists face daily.

    The driving was frankly appalling and I make that point very strongly in the video. I also lay out exactly what action I think is appropriate in these circumstances.

    But what actually happened in this case?

    Well, I’m disappointed to report that despite the clear evidence provided, the police decided not to take action against the motorist. This is a frustrating reality for cyclists who often feel neglected regarding road safety enforcement.

    I honestly believe that the police are failing us as cyclists and road users.

    It’s incidents like these that highlight the need for stricter laws and better enforcement to protect vulnerable road users. So, let’s continue to advocate for safer roads and hold accountable those who endanger others through careless driving.

    Stay safe out there, and until next time, ride defensively and always stay vigilant.

    Thanks for watching.

    #BikeSafety #RideResponsibly #CyclingSkills #CycleClosePass #trafficlaws #cyclingnearmiss

    Welcome to the Daily ride and today I’m going to be featuring a clip sent in by Paul who lives in Hampshire from the south of England now if you have a clip that you also want me to take a look at feel free to send one in um multi cycl

    Is like it doesn’t matter you’ll find my Gmail address in the about page on my channel info bio okay let’s not waste any more time let’s get straight into it and let’s take a look at this clip hey wow I mean wow that really is so so

    Bad I don’t really know where to start here there quite a few errors but I think the most obvious error here is the actual angle which this driver took the junction if you look at this diagram here this is how you should really do it and this is I’m sure how everyone is

    Taught no matter where you live in the world you don’t cut off the corners like that you just don’t do it you get pretty much perpendicular to the T Junction and then you move into it you don’t just cut across it like that it’s just damn right

    Dangerous I’ve taken a still here just to compare the previous diagram with what this driver did you can actually see that the turn here it’s just so shallow it really is and the clearly going to transverse the tea of the junction cutting across the traffic in a

    Way well it’s going to be dangerous no matter what the circumstances complete an utter Madness it really is okay I’m going to move on to the second error now and that’s actually the speed in which a driver attempted to make this turn it was way too fast just take a look at

    This now when you see that again for a second time I don’t think there’s any doubt at all that there’s no way that that driver could could have made that tur in in the proper manner at that kind of speed they were almost forced him to making that or they forc themselves into

    Making that kind of a shallow entry point by going so fast they needed to slow down to take that corner properly they didn’t do it that’s the second error the third and the biggest area is this driver just didn’t see Paul and there’s no excuse for it there’s

    Absolutely none the conditions were fine it wasn’t raining heavily it wasn’t dark wasn’t foggy conditions were pretty good and also Paul’s wearing a white jacket for goodness sake it’s not like he somehow made himself invisible so I think whatever way you look at this clip whatever way you want to interpret it I

    I can’t see anyone coming to any other conclusion than this was an incredibly dangerous and quite frankly appalling piece of driving I’d be really interested to know what you would do if that clip came across your desk and you had to decide how how to proceed what punishment if any would you meet

    Her out what would you recommend what kind of actions do you think would be appropriate in the circumstances now I’ve seen this clip maybe five six times now and I’m pretty sure I think her driving fell well below what would be considered as careful driving what do you you think okay I

    Want to move on to something now I find really disturbing which may seem a little bit odd and the best way I can describe this really is if I stop the clip right here what I find really worrying is that this driver has both their hands on the wheel and they’re

    Looking straight ahead but they still can’t see Paul this is not someone who’s playing with a phone dropped a suite down the side of the seats or something like that for all 10 purposes they look like they’re staring straight ahead and that they should have all their faculties and everything about them and

    Why can’t they see Paul what this is all shouting to me is that there’s something really wrong with this driver I’m kind of guessing by the make of the car the the year that maybe this is an elderly driver they could have maybe eyesight problems cognitive functioning

    Difficulties I don’t know but one thing is for clear they just are not in control of that vehicle in the way they should be they’re in absolute danger not only to the themselves but everyone around them when I saw this clip for the first time

    This is what I message back to Paul hey Paul firstly I’m so happy you’re okay I only needed to take one quick look at this and I can tell you that this is one of the clearest cases of dangerous driving I’ve ever seen it’s a minimum of

    6 point point and heavy fine and I wouldn’t be disappointed to see the driver bandn absolutely appalling driving you could so easily have been seriously hurt or killed after seeing this clip several times I’ve kind of made up my mind and I think they should really be required to have a retest uh

    When I was quite angry when I first saw it I’m thinking it should be banned for 12 months a heavy fine and I don’t think the the the ban or fine or anything else I don’t think that’s important animportant I really question if this individual’s able to meet the minimum

    Requirements of operating a vehicle and I don’t think they are I don’t think they make that minimum requirement I can’t ever remember seeing someone making that kind of maneuver at a junction it’s just crazy it really is but they did it and they didn’t see Paul

    It’s like wow uh so I think for their own safety for the safety of everybody this person needs a retest and if they do have problems with their eyesight then maybe that can be addressed and if they have got cognitive difficulties then they’re not going to be able to

    Pass a test anyway and that’ll be picked up as well so yes I say a retest that’s my verdict and again tell me what you think now let’s get on to what the police verdict was and uh how they handled this clip when it came to their attention

    I can tell you that Paul sent this clip in to Southampton police just before Christmas and they told him that they had six weeks to act upon it and then after that time then there’s nothing they could do Paul sent me the clip and he told me that the six weeks has

    Expired that means Southampton police have decided after watching the same clip that you and me I’ve just looked at now there was nothing wrong with that driving it was perfectly okay no action taken unbelievable aaon officer is due to speaks Paul and go through um I don’t

    Know what may be the decision making process why they didn’t proceed I don’t know what they do but Paul I’d really like to hear what they say and if it was me talking to that the an officer I’m pleased it isn’t cuz I just give him a

    Piece of my mind I go crazy and then i’ probably be arrested for hurting their feelings um because let’s face it that’s all the police in the UK seem to be good at these days certainly not policing certainly not take caring of the roads and South Lampton police I hope you’re

    Watching because I have to tell you you’re incompetent in fact I’m going to change word I’m not going to say incompetent because that’s got four syllables probably a bit long for you let’s say you’re bloody useless less you’re absolutely useless complete disgrace I don’t know what the hell you’re thinking

    Well you’re not are you this could have been so much worse and one of the main reasons it wasn’t was basically down to Paul’s quick thinkings and action as I pointed out in the message I sent to him which read by the way your writing was absolutely

    Without fault as I’m sure you’re aware and your fast and decisive actions I believe are the only reason you came away one piece the fast and instinctive evasive maneuver is a sign of a highly experienced alert and focused cyclist I think that a less experienced less alert

    Cyclist could have easily come off here it was only Paul’s quick actions that actually saved the day and saved him all in all quite frankly Paul was very very lucky to get out of this situation in one piece thank God that was the outcome when Paul Paul first

    Wrote to me at the end of the message he actually said this I ask you Jay who is in the wrong Paul I think we all know the answer to that and I’m pretty sure you asked this question out of pure frustration and I completely get that

    Unfortunately a lot of Clips are sent into the police and no actions taken and in this case it honestly it it it defies belief that they they will do nothing in Paul’s case he sent several Clips in and he’s just given up because nothing happens he sent another clip in to me

    Which is only a little bit less worse than the one I’ve shown you today I’m going to show you that next week and again no actions taken I mean what are you supposed to do if the police are not helping to keep the road safe what the hell is the

    Point what are we supposed to do close passes are getting so common it’s sickening and I think as cyclist we often shrug it off with would just choose to block it out and not think about it but I don’t think we should though unfortunately what the hell can

    We do because the incompetent police don’t seem to care they don’t know what they’re doing quite frankly and a lot of drivers that comment on YouTube videos that we put up to try to educate you you just shrug it off and you just say the driving’s fine there’s nothing here to

    See grow a pair man up what the hell you have to be tough to ride a bike because of your crappy driving this is ridiculous it’s just ridiculous for God’s sake this has to stop that’s all for today guys if you have reached this far thanks very much

    For watching and don’t forget to like And subscribe plus there’s a couple more videos here at the end you might like to watch as well take care


    1. Holy cow, that was close. I call that cutting a corner, not turning a corner. I have had drivers almost clip the front of my car turning a corner that way. How that driver didn't see the cyclist is beyond me. Distracted, daydreaming, in a hurry? Whichever, poor driving skills for sure. Great reaction by the cyclist.

    2. Call me paranoid if you like, but it actually looked like a deliberate attempt to hit a cyclist.
      If it wasn't, then it's still lazy distracted and dangerous driving. A full ban is a bit strong without an accident. But still, severe penalties should be awarded at a minimum. Points, a fine and an education course followed by a re-test. Next time the cyclist might not be so lucky. Next time it might be a pedestrian, or a child.

    3. Classic hook. Problem is that many car drivers vastly underestimate the speed of bikes. They think they can overtake you when there really is no chance. After flying over a car hood in a similar incident, a hook at a traffic light, I have adopted the practice of cycling slower in city traffic to account for the many bad drivers.

    4. i was t boned exactly like that, the driver looked me in the eye and hit me. thanks god i got up after being sent 20 feet in the air. the driver stopped thankfully and when i went to his car he said he didn't see me. he was wearing coke bottle glasses and my reply to him was "if you saw me and did that i would drag you out this car and whip you"!. he was ticketed he had to pay my limited medical bills and buy me a new bicycle and all new gear, helmet, shoes, lycra etc.

    5. The positioning of the black car is interesting. I'm wondering if they're local and know the silver Ford regularly turns into this road and just as regularly cuts the corner which is why they've stopped well short of the white give way lines. I can't see the silver Ford is signalling right either. Out of interest I wonder if Paul (as well as wearing white) had his lights on? Still good reactions from him and, yes, a clear case of dangerous driving; 6 points and a re-test for sure.

    6. Southampton police really should charge the driver of CT55 VFV with dangerous driving. At the very least they should receive a police caution.
      The fact that Southampton police have declined to do this is an absolute disgrace.
      I do hope this cyclist stays safe.
      I also hope that CT55 VFV doesn't clip any cyclists in the future.

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