Was this a mistake..? Join me for a full day of training, with a silly decision coming to life along the way…

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    #hybridathlete #running #hybridtraining

    Hello and welcome to another video and Welcome to our office it’s just gone 700 in the morning and I have my first of two sessions today lower body about to go down and then we have a run Club out of HQ in this area tonight if you’re

    Wondering why I look so red it’s because it’s freezing in here and we need to have the sort of Pub Garden heaters on because our electrics don’t support any Main’s more sophisticated heaters that’s probably not the language that anyone that actually knows what they’re talking about would use to describe our

    Situation but that is the best that I could do so I’ve got some squats some squat variations and some other stuff that I’ll talk through as we go rest of the day is fairly busy fairly chaotic but we’ll fill in the gaps as we go and

    Run you through it and talk you through essentially what’s going to be a double training day and what things are currently looking like as I’m working towards a 250 km ultramarathon in one go at the end of March whilst trying to hold on to as much of my strength as

    Possible programming I’m doing today is from the wintering we’ve got about about 80 people all over the world doing the same intake as a group at the moment so this is me joining them time to get warmed Up Let’s test the floor didn’t sound great that didn’t sound great well now we know oh that’s not not F no no [ __ ] cramp that’s interesting that’s very interesting don’t record this cramping in my hamstrings after three sets of squats I wonder if that’s got anything to do with the 50k I ran on

    Saturday nope we’re [Applause] okay the amount of times I’ve done this in a public commercial gym and had people Terri iied propped up oh let me just adjust this anyway I’m just stalling for Zera [Applause] [Applause] Squats all right job done low body session complete and everything felt pretty smooth smooth a little bit clunky in some ways cuz there’s definitely a bit of fatigue in joints and tendons and things from 50k in the form of loops around baty Park in London over the

    Weekend that video should be out by now I believe so if it is and I’m telling you the truth look for this thumbnail and the link in a corner somewhere if you want to watch that to discuss why I slwe run there’s a Tesla outside anyway uh rest of the day just

    Gotone 8 in the morning and going to crack on with what it’s going to be a fairly chaotic day with an exciting delivery to arrive podcast this afternoon a run Club this evening and usual day-to-day stuff in between so I’m going to get in the shower and you’re

    Going to come along for the ride I’m having my lunch at 11:30 which is unconventional but 11:30 is the new 12 I actually have Nan bread pizzas which is a brilliant thing to have so there we are I’m looking forward to this everybody in the office has bullied me

    Apparently this is weird but this morning has flown by and the rest of the day is getting concerningly close emails admin a couple of calls given that from 12: until about 4:00 I’m not really going to have a gap I am having this now hence why 11:30 is the new2 and I’ve got

    A consultation call at 2: a consultation call at 2:45 and a podcast at 3:30 and then we need to do a bit of a tidy up ahead of run Club in partnership with d brewing and cinos who are local pizza place here in Scotland this evening and

    There are 87 people registered to come along to that so let’s see there is also an item being delivered today that is rather ridiculous rather hilarious and very very exciting so I thought I’d just run you through what the morning looks like before that arrives because that’s ultimately what this video is really About so around the corner is potentially the stupidest financial and practical decision I have ever made as a adult male your s l grab hat with You fun fact if you ever walking on a windy day with a massive sheet of plywood on your head it acts a lot like a Saale um that ladies and gentlemen is a mini ramp cut to me attempting a kick flip now I don’t know whether I’ve landed that or not yet because I’m going to have to go through to my office get skateboard come back here film that and then see what happens and it could take

    Me several attempts so if I landed the kip flip great if I didn’t you’ve seen me fail a k flip but nonetheless do you know anyone else with the skate park in their gym me neither that’s one of several reasons as to why we now have that like the basketball machine through

    In the office we now have a stress ball in the form of a skateboarding mini ramp isn’t that right it’s going to happen Johnny how easy is it for you to get your skate or die tattoo out right now I’ve got a new tattoo you see oh and we will definitely

    Die but you can’t sue yourselves can you you can sue me I can Su you you you can sue me we’re just going to create a circular suing mechanism as we all inevitably break our wrists and tailbones that’s probably the most Reckless financial and strategic practical decision I’ve ever made yeah

    Back to the office so since the Kate ramp arrived had I had lunch or was I having lunch I can’t remember it’s all been a blur but film the podcast with Mike gaml clip here I think that’s that’s a really interesting question as I read it it’s

    Like how’ you deal with like that like total rejection yeah basically which you get when you’re like raising money seeking investment or like starting anything anything new I think for both Duncan and I we’d like done the right thing at school done the right thing at

    University had like gone to work at the right places after we’re probably pretty used to being told like good job and like you’re you’re you’re doing good then all of a sudden like you put your life into this and you put like you build up this Vision you build up like

    All this stuff you want to do and 99 out of 100 people are telling you like not just like no but like no you’re stupid like no this is not going to work fascinating fascinating and then C some work the DA’s team have arrived ahead of a run Club we’re doing just through

    There and there’s about 30 40 people already arrived so we’re going to head through show you what that looks like show you what second training session of the day entails and see how the evening unfolds we do that the whole Time another round at the office about 40 odd people Happy Days and that’s before the beer and pizza even arve so there might be some Glory Huns at the end we are doing this tonight with da and cinos will be living your pizzas later Mike one of the co-founders of

    Days is here and it’s probably very uncomfortable it’s just been outed so if you want to ask him about everything involved he’s your man there’ll be a few more of the team as well that taking videos and things this is Scott you might STI a camera in your face at some

    Point not will you’re running cuz I won’t be if you want to tell [ __ ] off he’s from otherw well so that’s just like saying good morning um other than that we we’ve got it’ll be 5 and a half towards 6K I think with bit of a ro

    Adjustment and GPS will not load in Here Used to staging this that was totally Natural yes Jamie’s only fans Jam’s only fans is active yes Jamie inie natural habitat as we can see this creature stands Above the Rest okay so that was fantastic and basically today’s been about taking a relatively clean gym and making it exceptionally messy whether that is with a skateboarding mini ramp which you will see the build of very soon and we will do an update on the gym once all of the

    Additional kit arrived we just got stuff like tricep ropes we got reverse hyper C2 bike Road machine uh attachments for cables we’ve got a few more weight plates we have some bar storage options and things like that so just all the bells and whistles are on the way too so

    We’ll do a general update of the space as when that’s the case but that was 50 odd people on a stormy Tuesday here mingling interacting consuming pizza and alcohol-free beer which is a pretty good way to spend a Tuesday in my book great to meet everybody even had two people

    That drove up from Newcastle just for this which is incredibly humbling and remarkable and my hat is tipped to them thank you very much for coming along really really enjoying what has been a busy January of a lot more running interaction with people I spent a lot of

    The past couple years doing a training on my own so getting stuff like this in is really really great for me selfishly but also just building the community side of things with the Channel with Omnia with the mod mind the podcast and with the brands I work with is fantastic

    So really really enjoying that I think the only way that I can finish this video is by kind of rkoing that I think we can all agree so this is either going to be a case of a cool way to finish the video or me no longer training for a 250

    Kilm ultramarathon let’s see what happens i s my color bone


    1. Been biking for at least 15 minutes each day and lifting heavier. Excited for some long days of ski touring elevation this winter. Thanks for the lessons!

    2. Right Fergas ! Just one question when training twice in the day (legs in this case ). Is there a preference to do the lower body before the run or could you do a run in the morning then do the lower session in the evening ?

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