Birmingham is one of the most popular places in the UK, but how safe is Birmingham really? In today’s video, we will be counting down the top 10 most dangerous areas in Birmingham.

    0:00 – Intro
    0:48 – Number 10
    1:05 – Number 9
    1:18 – Number 8
    1:33 – Number 7
    1:49 – Number 6
    2:04 – Number 5
    2:23 – Number 4
    2:42 – Number 3
    2:57 – Number 2
    3:17 – Number 1
    3:36 – Outro


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    Birmingham is one of the biggest and most  popular places in England. And in fact,   it’s even the second largest city throughout the  UK. Famous for places like the Bullring Shopping   Centre and famous for celebrities such as Richard  Hammond and Ian Bell. Birmingham is one of the  

    Most well-known places in the UK. But how safe is  Birmingham, really? According to online statistics   by, Birmingham is considered as the  seventh most secure postcode area within the UK.   But last year, in 2022, it was reported that there  were over 114,560 crimes committed and some of the  

    Most common crimes within Birmingham were bicycle  theft, violent crimes, and sexual offenses crimes.   So which areas in Birmingham are considered  to be the most dangerous? In today’s video,   we’ll be counting down the top ten most dangerous  neighbourhoods and areas throughout Birmingham.  

    Number Ten. In 10th place on our list, we have  Greet and Sparkhill South, which is located   towards the south of Birmingham. It was reported  that this area had 2072 crimes committed and that   the average crime rate in this area is 133 crimes  committed per 1000 people. Number nine. At number  

    Nine, we have Middlemore which is reported to have  2000 and 120 crimes committed. And the average   crime rate in this area was 195 crimes committed  per 1000 people. Number Eight. In eighth place on   our list, we have Birchfield East. It was reported  that this area had a total of 2000 and 195 crimes  

    Committed and that the average crime rate in this  area was 205 crimes committed per 1000 people.   Number Seven. Winston Green and Gib Heath comes in  at seventh place on our list. It was reported that  

    This area had a total of 2220 crimes committed and  that the average crime rate in this area was 186   crimes committed per 1000 people. Number Six. In  sixth place on our list, we have Handsworth South.   This area has reported to have a total of 2332  crimes committed and the average crime rate in  

    Handsworth South is 200 crimes committed per 1000  people. Number Five. Bordesley is at the halfway   spot on our list and is in fifth place. Bordesley,  located a few miles away from the city centre,   has been reported to have a total of 2775  crimes committed and the average crime rate  

    In this area is 177 crimes committed per 1000  people. Number Four. Gravelly Hill and South   Edrington is fourth place on our list and only  just misses out on the top three spot. It was   reported that this neighbourhood had a total  of 2878 crimes committed and the average crime  

    Rate in this area is 201 crimes committed per 1000  people. Number Three. In third place is Digbeth,   which is known for its street art. It was reported  that Digbeth had a total of 3204 crimes committed,   and the average crime rate in this area is 431  crimes committed per 1000 people. Number Two.  

    And in second place only just missing out on  the top one spot is North Central and Dartmouth   Circus. It was reported that this area had a  total of 3938 crimes committed and the average   crime rate in this area was 269 crimes committed  per 1000 people. Number One. And in first place,  

    The current most dangerous area in Birmingham,  is central Birmingham. It was reported that   the centre of Birmingham itself had over 5383  crimes committed and the average crime rate in   this area was 642 crimes committed per 1000  people. So that’s the end of our reporting.  

    What do you think of Birmingham? Do you think  it’s a safe place to live or visit? Let us know   your thoughts in the comments below. If you’ve  enjoyed this video, don’t forget to give it a   like. And if you’d like to see more of our  videos, why not subscribe to our channel as  

    We put out new content every week? Thank you for  watching. We hope to see you in another video.


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