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    Peppa Pig: Oink-tastic Adventures for Kids on YouTube!

    Let’s jump into the Official Peppa Pig YouTube channel and have some oink-tastic fun! 🐷

    The world of Peppa is just like any pre-schooler’s. Peppa lives in her house on the hill with her Mummy, Daddy, and little brother, George! 🏡

    🐷 Peppa Pig: A lovable little pig who loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
    🦖 George Pig: Peppa’s little brother who loves to play with his big sister and his toy dinosaur.
    💐 Mummy Pig: A wise and caring mother who likes jumping up and down in muddy puddles almost as much as Peppa.
    🚗 Daddy Pig: A jolly and fun-loving father who loves cookies and pumpkin pie.
    🍰 Granny Pig: A loving grandmother who makes delicious homemade chocolate cake.
    🔧 Grandpa Pig: A kind and adventurous grandfather who enjoys taking trips with Peppa and George on his sailing boat and little train.

    Peppa frequently visits everyday locations like the playgroup, the supermarket, and often goes to Granny and Grandpa Pig’s house, but her adventures sometimes take her and her family to some more unusual places or even other countries. From a first trip to the museum, petting farm, or children’s festival, to adventures in London, Paris, Australia, and even space! 🛝🛒🍎🗺🏛🐔🎸🇬🇧🇫🇷🇦🇺🚀

    Here you’ll find all the BEST Peppa Pig content, from brand-new episodes to sing-along songs and educational videos! Watch Peppa and her friends:

    • Go to the playgroup and learn about numbers, colours, and shapes! 🎒🔢
    • Play games like hide-and-seek, dress-up, and jumping in muddy puddles! 🎭🏃‍♀️
    • Celebrate holidays like Christmas, Halloween, and Peppa’s birthday! 🎄🎃🎂
    • Learn about the importance of family, friendship, and kindness! 👪💞

    So, what are you waiting for? Let’s jump into the world of Peppa Pig today and experience all the oink-tastic fun! 🌎🐷

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    PEPPA PIG © ASTLEY BAKER DAVIES LTD/ENTERTAINMENT ONE UK LTD 2003. Peppa Pig created by Mark Baker and Neville Astley.

    (narrator): Today, Peppa and her friends are having a swimming lesson. They are in the little pool. The children can touch the bottom of the pool with their feet. – Okay! Let’s start! (narrator): Miss Rabbit is in charge. – Has everyone got a float? (children): Yes, Miss Rabbit! – The floats are like spaghetti!

    – Tuck the floats under your arms and swim about. (narrator): The floats make swimming easy! – I love swimming! (neighs) – I love swimming too! (giggles) – Hello! (narrator): It is Rebecca Rabbit with Mummy Rabbit. – Hi, sister! – Oh! Hi, sister! – Sorry we’re late! – No problem. We’ve only just started.

    (giggles) – Look at me swim, Mummy! – That looks like so much fun! I wish I could swim. – You can’t swim?! – No. I never learnt. I’m a bit worried about water. – Well, sister, I think it’s about time you had a swimming lesson. – Yes! You can join our lesson!

    – Oh, I’m not sure. It’s a children’s class, and I’m a bit old for lessons. – You’re never too old to learn something new! – Please join us, Mummy! – Okay then! I’ll just change into a swimming costume. Right. I’m ready. (narrator): Mummy Rabbit is going to join the children’s swimming lesson.

    – Oh good. It’s not deep. – Yes. This is the little pool. – Okay, sister. Pick up a float. – Tuck it under you arms! – Now, lift your feet up. – Okay… Oh! Look at me! I’m swimming! – Well done, Mummy! – Yes, sister! That’s brilliant! – This is such fun!

    Ahh! I got water on my face! – A little splash of water is fine! – But I don’t like it! – I didn’t like it before. – That’s right. Gerald always kept his head high out of the water. – But now I can swim with my face in the water! (clapping) – Amazing!

    But I could never do that. – A little splash of water is fine! – No. I can’t put my head in the water. – Gerald! Can you show my sister what I taught you? – Yes. Put your chin a teeny little bit in the water. – Let’s all do that.

    – Okay. That feels fine. – And now we all… – Blow bubbles! – Okay. Here goes! Haha! That was easy! – Yes, very good, sister. And now we… – Blow bubbles and swim along! – Like this! – I’m doing it! – Haha! You’re as good as me now, Mummy! – And now it’s starfish time! (children): Yay! Starfish! (narrator): The children lie on their backs like starfish and float! – Very good starfish! – Do you think I could have a go? – Of course!

    – Lie on your back like me! – Okay. Amazing! It works! I’m a starfish! – Well done, sister! And as we’ve all done so well today, I’m going to get out the inflatables! (children): Hooray! – The inflatables are the best bit! (narrator): There are lots of inflatables! Fruit, a slide, and even an inflatable cheese! – This is the biggest cheese in the world! – Look at me on the slide! – My goodness, that looks fun! – Mummy! Come and join us! – Can I? Can I really!? – Of course! We can’t let the children have all the fun! – Do the slide, Mummy! – Okay! Here goes! Woo-hoo! – Haha! You made a big splash! – Well done, sister! – You’re brilliant, Mummy! – This is so much fun! (narrator): Mummy Rabbit loves swimming lessons. Everyone loves swimming lessons! (narrator): Peppa and her family have come to the water park today! – Hello, everyone! (narrator): Miss Rabbit is in charge. These are changing rooms. – Please change into your swimming costumes. – Yes, Miss Rabbit! (narrator): Daddy Pig is wearing his swimming costume. Mummy Pig is wearing her swimming costume. Peppa is wearing her swimming costume. And George is wearing his swimming costume. – Wow! – This looks amazing! – Yes! There’s bubbles and slides and all kinds of watery fun! (narrator): This is the Bubble Bay. Pedro Pony is here with his mummy. – Hello, Peppa! Let’s play in the bubbles! – Bubbles! Woo! – The bubbles lift you up and tickle you! – Oh, yes! That feels good! Ooh! – Ooh, lovely! – Bubbly wubbly, bouncy bubbles! (narrator): This is the Tipping Bucket. Mandy Mouse is here with her mummy. – Hello, Peppa! Squeak! – Hello, Mandy. – You’ve got to try this. It’s brilliant! – What do I do? – You wait here until the bucket is full. – Then what happens? Ahh! – Something sounds like fun! Can I have a go? – Yes, Mummy! You go next. – What do I do? – You wait here… – Until… – Until what? Ahh! Ahh! Oh, I’m all wet! Although, I suppose that is the point of coming to a water park! – Let’s do the water slides! (narrator): Here are the water slides. – There’s a tiny slide for little children. And a really big ginormous slide for the people who like that kind of thing. – Look at me on the slide! – That’s very high. (narrator): Daddy Pig does not like heights. – George, let’s do the tiny slide! (George snorts) – Mummy, Daddy! You have to watch us! – Okay, we’re watching! – Ready, steady… Go! – Woo! (snorts) – That looked fun! (snorts) I’m going to have a go! – Okay! We’ll stay here and watch you! – Sorry, Daddy Pig. You can’t wear glasses on the water slides. – Oh. – I’ll look after them for you. (narrator): Daddy Pig cannot see very well without his glasses. Oh dear.

    These are the steps to the big ginormous slide! – Daddy! We’re waiting! – Sorry! (snorts) I have to go slow without my glasses! – Daddy’s taking a long time to climb up the tiny slide. – Hurry up, Daddy! (George snorts) – These steps are taking forever! – Where is Daddy?

    (Peppa): There he is! – Hello, Daddy Pig! I didn’t think you liked heights. – Huh? (narrator): Daddy Pig cannot see where he is. – What are you doing up there, Daddy Pig? – Sorry? What did you say? (narrator): Daddy Pig cannot hear because he is so high up!

    – Sit back and enjoy the ride! – Okay, here goes! Wee! Whoa! – Wow! Daddy Pig! You did the big ginormous slide! – Ho-ho! – You are brilliant! – Here are your glasses, Daddy Pig. – Thank you, Miss Rabbit. (snorts) – That was actually the best fun ever! Maybe it helped that I couldn’t see anything. (narrator): Daddy Pig loves the water park! Everyone loves the water park! (narrator): Today, Peppa and her family are visiting an adventure park. – Welcome to Monkey Trees! (narrator): Miss Rabbit is in charge. – What do we do at Monkey Trees? – You climb through the trees like monkeys! (snorts) – I just hope we don’t have to climb too high.

    (narrator): Daddy Pig does not like heights. – Don’t worry, Daddy Pig. You’ll be wearing a harness so you can’t fall. If you lose your balance… Oops! The wire will hold you! (giggles) – It looks fun! – Me first! – My turn! – And now me! I just have to keep my balance. Ho-ho-ho! I don’t know what I was worried about! This isn’t high at all! – That’s because this is the practice bit. – What? – The real course is high up in the tree tops! – Ah. – Don’t worry. I’ll be down here

    Giving you advice! – That’s good to know. – Follow the wire. It will lead you where you have to go. (narrator): The steps are going high into the tree tops. Here is the Wobbly Bridge. Danny Dog and his daddy are crossing it. (snorts) – Hello, Danny! (barks) – Hello, Peppa!

    – Wow! We are so high up! – Brilliant, isn’t it? – As long as I don’t look down, I should be fine. – Oh! This bridge is wobbly! – That’s why it’s called the Wobbly Bridge! You’re doing great! (giggles) – Wibble wobble! Wibble wobble! (giggles) – Wibble wobble!

    – Um… Maybe I’ll wait here for a bit. (bleating) – Come on, Mr. Pig! – We can’t cross until you cross. – What’s the hold up?! (narrator): There is a queue behind Daddy Pig. – Ah, what’s going on? – Sorry, everyone. Okay, here goes. Whoa! I did it! I did the Wobbly Bridge!

    Ho-ho! – Well done, Daddy! (narrator): These are the Swinging Hoops. – Oh. There’s nothing to walk on! – Just use your arms to swing from hoop to hoop. Like a monkey! – Um… I’m not sure. (snorts) – Come on, Mummy! You have to go first so we can go! – Okay, here goes. Woo!

    Oh my goodness, this is hard work! (snorts) – Whoa! It’s too difficult! – Oh! I can’t hang on anymore! Whoa! – Ah! (narrator): Mummy, Peppa and George are hanging from the wire. – Now what do we do? – You need something big and heavy to push you across! – Ah. I see where this is going.

    Hang on! Here I come! – Oh! – Wee! (giggles) – Well done, Daddy Pig. – It’s what my tummy was built for! (narrator): This is the Ginormous Zip Wire. – Brilliant! – This is the last bit. Mr. Rabbit will give you some help. – Just decide if you want to go head or feet first. – Definitely feet first. – Feet first! Off you go! – Woo-hoo! (laughing) Woo-hoo! – Peppa and George, head or feet first? – Head first! (giggles)

    – Head first! Off you go! (giggling) – Woo-hoo! Yipee! – And Daddy Pig? – Ho-ho! Well, I’m certainly not going to say head first! – Head first? Off you go! – No! There’s been a misunderstanding! I want to go feet first! – Did you have fun? – Ho-ho! I must admit, that was quite fun! – No, Daddy! It was the most amazing good thing in the whole wide world ever! (narrator): Peppa loves Monkey Trees! Everyone loves Monkey Trees! (narrator): Today, Peppa and her friends have come to the Woodland Club. Mr. Wolf is in charge. – Children, please come to the middle. Mommies and Daddies, please stand back and watch. (laughter) Now, children, I know all about living in the woods.

    I was born in the woods and I was raised by a family of wolves! (kids): Ooh! – Today, I will teach you how to look after yourselves out here in the wild. (kids): Wow! – Imagine you’re on your own, far from home, no one else around. – Oh, sorry. Carry on. – No one else around. What do you do when it starts to rain? – Get wet. – Ah. But what if you don’t want to get wet? – Go home? – But remember, you are far from home. – I’ve got an umbrella! – Y-yes, alright.

    But sometimes the only thing to keep you warm and dry in the woods is… a shelter. (kids): Ooh! – It’s like a little house. It’ll keep out the rain and it will keep you warm from the wind. You make a shelter using sticks and other stuff found in the woods.

    (kids): Wow! – Who wants to try? – Here are some sticks! (laughing) – This leaf can be the flag. – It’s finished. (applause) – Well done. – Okay, who would like to test the shelter? – I will! – Are you warm and cozy in there, Mr. Pig? – Ho-ho! Yes! I like my little house of sticks.

    – Good. Let’s see if your “little house” keeps out the rain. – Ah! (narrator): The water goes straight through the roof! – I’m getting wet! – Did the house keep out the rain? (kids): No! – Let’s see if the house keeps out the wind. I will huff and I will puff, and I will blow your house down! (inhaling deeply) (blowing) – Whoa! (narrator): Daddy Pig’s house is gone! – Oh, dear. – Maybe the children should’ve used bricks.

    – A brick house would be good, Mr. Pig, but there aren’t any bricks to be found in the woods; only sticks and leaves. – But we’ve tried sticks and leaves. – We’re going to have another go. First, collect big sticks, like this one. Off you go. (laughter) – Here’s a big stick!

    – Here’s a bigger stick! – Here’s the biggest stick in the world! – Very good. Let’s have that big stick here. Lay your sticks along here. Now we need little sticks to go over the roof. (laughter) – Little sticks. – Teeny sticks. – Itsy-witsy-ickle sticks. – Use the little sticks like this. (laughter)

    – Is it finished? – Nearly. We just need lots and lots of leaves. (kids): Leaves! – Lots of leaves! – Loads of leaves! – Bundles and jumbles of leaves! – Wow! It’s a cozy house now. – It certainly is. Daddy Pig, please go inside. – Um, maybe somebody else should have all the fun of testing it this time. – Are you ready, children? (all): Yes! – First, the rain. Is the rain coming in? (kids): No! (laughter) – Now the wind. I’ll huff and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down! Did you feel the wind? (narrator): The little house is very strong. – So that, children, is how you build a shelter in the woods. – Oh, it’s raining. (narrator): All the grownups are getting wet. But Peppa and her friends are lovely and dry in their little house. – This is fun! (laughter) (narrator): Peppa loves the Woodland Club. Everybody loves the Woodland Club! (laughter) (narrator): Peppa and her friends are at playgroup. (clapping) – Children!

    Today, we are going to do drawings of our families. (children): Ooh! – This is me. I live on my own in a very tall house. Sometimes my two sisters come to visit! And we play music. Greta plays bass. Gretel plays drums. And I play guitar! We rock! That is my family! Now, it is your turn. – This is me, Suzy Sheep. I live with my mummy. She likes to push me on the swing. (giggles) Higher, Mummy! Higher! And that is my family. – I am Mandy Mouse. Here is me with Mummy and Daddy. We like playing in the park. – To you, Mandy! – Squeak! To you, Daddy! – Oh! – Everyone likes playing in the park! Who’s next? (neighing) What a lovely drawing, Pedro! – This is Mummy and Daddy,

    And me, Pedro Pony! I have glasses. Daddy has glasses. Mummy has contact lenses. – Amazing! How about the Panda twins? (narrator): Pandora and Peggi are doing their drawing together. – Daddy is a police officer – And Mummy is a firefighter. Sometimes, Daddy drives us in his police car.

    – Daddy? Can we do the siren? – Yes! Please, can we do the siren? – Now, girls! You know the siren is only for emergencies! (others): Please! – Oh. Alright, then. – Super! And Danny Dog? – My daddy is a sea captain! He has adventures on his boat! But now, Daddy has come home to me and Mummy. And he won’t go back to sea ever, ever, ever again. (Danny giggles) – What a wonderful adventure! Who’s next? – I’m Penny Polar Bear! I live with my mummy and my other mummy. One mummy is a doctor, and one mummy cooks spaghetti! I love spaghetti! – Lovely, Penny! And Freddy Fox? – My dad has a van . It has everything in the world inside it! In packs of five! (giggles) (Madame Gazelle): Super! And Rebecca? – This is me with Mummy, Daddy, Richard, Rosie, and Robbie. We live in a hill. Sometimes, my aunty, Miss Rabbit, visits.

    – Ah. It’s nice to have a break from all my jobs! (phone ringing) – Rescue Service, please. I’m stuck up a mountain and I need rescuing! – Oh, Dad! Not again! Okay, I’m on my way. – Miss Rabbit is always busy, because she does all the jobs in the world!

    – Yes, what would we do without Miss Rabbit? Who’s next? (snorts) – I am Peppa Pig! And this is Mummy and Daddy, and my little brother, George. George thinks his toy dinosaur is scary. It is not scary. But if I don’t play, he cries. It’s hard work having a little brother. (narrator): The parents are here to collect the children. (all): Hello! – Hello, mummies and daddies! Come and find yourselves on our wall! – Oh, is that me? – Yes, Mummy! And that’s you, Daddy! – Ho-ho! It looks exactly like me! – Yes, what wonderful drawings of the families! (snorts) – I love families!

    (narrator): Peppa loves families! Everyone loves families! (narrator): Peppa and George are visiting Mrs. Badger’s farm! – Peppa? George? Can you guess what you’ll see at the farm today? – Dine-saw? (giggles) – No, George, there won’t be a dinosaur, but there will be a tractor! – What’s a tractor? – They’re like cars with big wheels

    And they can drive through mud! I love tractors! (narrator): It is a traffic jam. (honking) – Come on! Get a move on! – Beeping won’t make the cars go any faster, Daddy Pig. (snorts) We just have to be patient. – Oh… What’s blocking the road? (narrator): Mrs. Badger is driving her tractor. – Thank you for your patience! – Hi there, Mrs. Badger! We were just talking about tractors! – Peppa and George have come to see your farm. – Oh, good. Follow me! (narrator): Here is the farm. Danny Dog, Pedro Pony, and Suzy Sheep are visiting too. – We’ll pick you up later!

    (snorts) – Have a nice time! (children): Bye-bye! – Hello there, my lovelies! (children): Hello, Mrs. Badger! – Now, before I show you the farm, I’d like you all to wash your hands! ♪ Wash, wash, wash your hands ♪ Wash them nice and clean ♪ Bubbley, scrubbly, scrubbly bubbley ♪ ♪ Wash them nice and clean (children giggling) – Very good! Now, let’s have a look at my tractor! Isn’t she a beauty?! – Yes! She’s lovely! – She’s got big chunky wheels!

    (thumping) And a strong engine to pull things along! (narrator): The tractor is pulling a trailer. – Hop in, everybody! Let’s go for a tractor ride! (narrator): Here is a field of long grass. – The field is ready to be cut. You wait here and watch. I put a cutter on the front… a bailer on the back… and the tractor does all the work! (narrator): The tractor is cutting… …and making bails! (children): Wow!

    – Job done! All thanks to my tractor. (narrator): The trailer is joined to the tractor again. – On with the tour! – It’s very muddy here! – Will we get stuck? – No! Tractors are good at driving through mud. And now we’re going to drive along the road. Thank you for your patience! (narrator): Mummy and Daddy Pig are coming to pick up Peppa and George. (tires screeching) – Oh no! We’re stuck in a traffic jam again! (honking) – Like you said, Mummy Pig… (snorts) We just have to be patient. – Or maybe we can take a short cut?

    – Um, are you sure this is a good idea? – I know what I’m doing! (narrator): Mummy Pig is taking a short cut. – Haha! No traffic jam for us! – This is brilliant! – Oh… I think we’re stuck! – Look! That’s our car! – Do you need help? – No thanks, we’re fine! Um, we might be a little bit stuck. – Perhaps we could use some help. – Of course! Hold tight! (children): Hooray! – Thank you for rescuing us, Mrs. Badger. – Don’t thank me! Thank my tractor!

    – Oh, yes! Thank you, Tractor. – Tractors are the best! (narrator): Peppa loves tractors! Everybody loves tractors! (narrator): Peppa is at playgroup with her friends. – Ah-ho. Today, children, I would like to show you my pet guinea pigs. (kids): Aw! – They’re so cute! – This is Ginger. He is very clever. (squeaking)

    (kids): Aw! – And this is Brian. He is very sensitive. (squeaking) (kids): Aw! – Now, children, I am going on holiday next week, and I need to find someone to look after Ginger and Brian. – It’s a bit of work, and you will need to take them home. – Me! Me! I will do it! – Are you sure, Peppa? – Yes! I love animals! (snorting) – Thank you, Peppa. (bell clanging) (narrator): It is home time. (honking) – Mummy, Mummy! Look what I’ve got! – Oh! What’s that?

    – Ginger and Brian. – Peppa has very kindly agreed to look after my guinea pigs for the week. (squeaking) – I see. – Everything you need is here. – Right. – I suppose they’re easy to look after.

    – Oh, yes. This chart shows when they need feeding and when they are to be brushed. – Brushed? – Yes, they like to be brushed at these times each day. – I see. – And one brush in the middle of the night. – Anything else? – They do get lonely,

    So you must sleep in the same room as them. – Okay. – Don’t worry, Madame Gazelle. (snorting) We will look after Ginger and Brian. – Thank you, Peppa. Bye-bye. – Bye! (narrator): Ginger and Brian have arrived at Peppa’s home. – Hello. – This is Madame Gazelle. I forgot. You need hay for the guinea pigs. But you can buy it from the pet shop. – Okay. Thank you, Madame Gazelle. Goodbye. – What’s that? – Um, the guinea pigs need hay from the pet shop.

    – Right. Who wants to come to the pet shop? – Me! Me! (snorting) (narrator): This is the pet shop. (bell jingling) – Hello, Peppa. – Hello, Miss Rabbit. I’m looking after Madame Gazelle’s guinea pigs. – Oh, yes! Ginger is the clever one, and Brian is sensitive. – Apparently, we need hay. – Well, there is standard hay, premium hay, or super-premium-deluxe hay! – Super-premium-deluxe hay? – Yes.

    It is more money, but that’s the one Ginger and Brian like. (narrator): It is bedtime at Peppa’s house. (squeaking) – Are you happy, Ginger and Brian? (squeaking) – They’ve had food, water, and very expensive hay. I don’t think they could be any happier. – Madame Gazelle said they get lonely. (snorting) – Yes, so I will be sleeping here

    To make sure they don’t get lonely. – And brush them in the nighttime? – Yes, Peppa, brush them in the nighttime. (kids): Night-night! (owl hooting) (narrator): It is the middle of the night. (phone ringing) – Ooh. Hello? (snorting) Daddy Pig here. – Hello!

    This is Madame Gazelle. I just thought I would ring to remind you about the brushing. – Yes, we’re brushing them now. – What? Who? Oh! Oh, yes! – Ah, very good. I do hope they are no trouble. – They’re no trouble at all. (laughter) (narrator): Peppa and George

    Have been looking after Ginger and Brian all week. – They are so adorable! (narrator): Here is Madame Gazelle. – Madame Gazelle! You’re back from your holiday! – Yes. I came straight from the airport. How are Ginger and Brian? – They are very happy. (squeaking) – Oh, good. Thank you, Peppa, for all your hard work looking after them. – It was easy!

    – Would you like to look after them the next time I go on holiday? – Oh. (both): Uh… – Yes, please! (snorting and giggling) (narrator): Peppa loves looking after guinea pigs. Everyone loves looking after guinea pigs. (laughter) (narrator): Peppa and her friends are at the playground today.

    – Haha! I’m a cheeky monkey! (snorts) – Me too! (bleating) – This is such a great playground! – Yes, the children love it! – Once they start playing, they never want to stop! – Stop! (narrator): Here is Mr. Bull. – Stand back, everyone! – Mr. Bull! What are you doing?!

    – I’m digging up the playground! – Why are you digging up the playground?! – So I can make a hole for the concrete! – Where do you want the concrete, boss? – In the hole! – Er, excuse me, Mr. Bull. I think there’s been some kind of mistake.

    We don’t want the playground dug up! – The playground is perfect as it is! – With you in a moment! Just need to get the concrete done. (narrator): Concrete starts off soft. – Soft, soft… Hard! Moo! – And then concrete sets as hard as rock. – Okay. Sorry about the wait.

    What exactly were you all asking? – What are you doing? – I’ve made a concrete base! – But why?! – To put this clubhouse on! If you don’t want it, I can take it away again. (children): We want it! – Actually, that does look quite good. – It’s got a slide! And a swing! And all kinds of other fancy stuff! (together): Hooray! – Let me show you around. This is the front door.

    – It looks a bit small, Mr. Bull. – That’s because it’s not for grown-ups, Daddy Pig! (children laughing) It’s for children! (all): Wow! – Everything is children size! – Yes, the clubhouse is not too big, and not too small, but just right for children. (gasps) – There is a toy cooker!

    (narrator): The toy cooker is made of wood, and has a light that comes on inside. – And a toy fridge! – It’s got plastic cheese inside! – There’s a telephone! (snorts) – Does it work? – Well, it’s a toy telephone made out of wood. But you can pretend it works!

    – Ring, ring! Ring, ring! – Aren’t you going to answer that? – Hello? Peppa Pig speaking. (snorts) Who is this? – Who is it? – It is the King of the World! Thank you! Yes. I am busy right now. Goodbye! (laughing) (narrator): Peppa loves the wooden telephone.

    – This is the hatch, with a counter! (children): Ooh! – It’s like a little shop! – Or a café! – What do you want from our café today, Mr. Bull? – Er… What have you got? – We have pretend coffee or pretend tea. – Okay… pretend tea, please.

    – There you go! – Have a nice day! (slurping) – Mmm! That hit the spot! (narrator): Mr. Bull likes pretend tea. – Can we see the rest of the clubhouse now? – Of course! Please go up the ramp to the next floor. This is the balcony! – Now we are as tall as the grown-ups! – Yes! And off the end of that balcony is the slide. – Wee! – Wee! – Woo-hoo! (giggling) – Thank you, Mr. Bull! – You have done a very good job! – I must admit… It is quite good!

    – Three cheers for Mr. Bull! Hip, hip! – Hooray! – Hip, hip! – Hooray! – Hip, hip, hip! – Hooray! (applause) – Moo! You are most welcome! – Ooh! It’s looks lovely and cosy! Can I go inside? – No, Mummy! Grown-ups are not allowed!

    – But could us grown-ups just have a quick look inside? – No, Daddy. – Why not? – Because the clubhouse is for children! (narrator): Peppa loves the clubhouse. All the children love the clubhouse! (narrator): Peppa and her family are going to visit Kylie Kangaroo in Australia. (snorting) – I can’t wait to see Kylie. – Yes, it’s going to be such a brilliant Christmas, staying with Kylie’s family.

    – You did tell them we were coming, didn’t you, Daddy Pig? – No. I thought you did. – Oh. Well, it’ll be a nice surprise for them. (narrator): It is Christmas morning. Peppa and her family have arrived at Kylie’s house. – Hello, Mr. Kangaroo. – Oh, my goodness. You’re all… here… again.

    (snorting) – We’ve come to spend Christmas with you! – Um… what an amazing surprise! (narrator): Here are Mrs. Kangaroo, Joey and Kylie. – Oh! Peppa! – Happy Christmas, Kylie! – Happy Christmas! (narrator): Peppa and Kylie are such good friends. – Well, you’ve arrived at just the right time. We’re off to the beach.

    – The beach? – On Christmas day? – Yes. It’s always hot here at Christmastime. (kids giggling) – Is everybody ready? (all): Yes! – Then let’s go. – Oh, look. Mr. Wallaby is here. – Hello, Mr. Wallaby. (snorting) – Well, blow me down! If it isn’t our friends from far away. – Happy Christmas! – Happy Christmas, Peppa! – What are you doing? – I’m getting the barbie fired up and ready to cook Christmas lunch!

    (all): Ooh! – We’re gonna corn on the cob. (all): Hooray! (narrator): Everyone likes corn on the cob. – Christmas on the beach is great! The only thing that would make it better would be snow. – Ha! But this Australia, mate. We never have snow at Christmas.

    – Peppa, does it snow at your Christmases? – Yes. It always snows. (laughter) – I’ve never seen real snow. What is it like? – Hmm. Snow is… cold, and snow is fluffy! And when you walk in snow, it is crunchy. – Snow sounds so nice. What else can you do with it?

    – Make a snowman! We use sticks for the arms, stones for the eyes and mouth, and a carrot for the nose (giggling) (laughing) – We do the same on the beach, but with sand instead of snow. – What?! – We use sand to make the body and head. – Driftwood for the arms.

    – Beach pebbles for the eyes and mouth. (laughing) – And a corncob for the nose. (Peppa): Wow! – What could be more Christmassy than that? – Ho-ho-ho! (all): Ah! Father Christmas! – Merry Christmas. (all): Merry Christmas! – I’ve brought presents! (kids): Thank you. (giggling) (narrator): Peppa has a spade. (giggling) George has a bucket. (Peppa laughing) – We can make a sandcastle on Christmas day! – Ta-dah! (laughter) (narrator): Joey has a beach ball. – Boing! Boing!

    (narrator): And Kylie has… – Ooh! It’s… it’s a… What is it? (whispering): It’s a snow globe, Kylie. – Yeah, you shake it to make it snow. – Oh, it’s snowing! (narrator): The snow globe is full of gently falling snow. – Ah, straight, that’s a wonderful sight. – Snow! I’ve got my own snow!

    – And that was my last delivery of this year. Now I can take my boots off and relax. Paddling in the sea on Christmas day. – Yes. (snorting) What could be better? – I like paddling. (giggling) – I reckon the corncobs are ready! Tuck in, everyone. – Mm-mm! – Delicious.

    – Ah, Christmas at the beach is so good! Everyone loves Christmas at the beach! (surfing music) (narrator): Peppa and her family are in America, on their way to Hollywood. – I love this motorhome! (honking) – A motor home is a house that you can drive. – Are we in Hollywood yet, Daddy Pig? – Let’s ask someone. (Pig Family): Hello! – Well howdy folks, I’m Miss Rabbit. – Oh, it’s another Miss Rabbit! – Yup! There are a lot of us about. What can I do ya for? Stoppin’ for some gas? – No. – A bite to eat? – Well, we…

    – Country dancing? – We would just like to know if we’re in Hollywood, please. – No ma’am, you’re a long way from Hollywood. – Oh. – But as you’re here, why don’t you just settle down and get some of that good ol’ home-cookin in your belly?

    – Well, I suppose we could stop for breakfast. (Mummy Pig, Peppa, George): Hooray! (country music) – So, what’ll it be? ♪ Sunny-side up or sunnyside down? Eggs over-easy? No need to frown! ♪ (laughing) – Eggs over easy, please. – Coming right up! ♪ Cookin’ an egg and shakin’ a leg!

    Cookin’ and shakin’ an cookin’ an egg! ♪ – What’s “eggs over easy”? – I flip the egg over. – Thank you. – And what’s “sunny side up”? – I don’t flip the egg over, it stays like this! – Sunny side up please! – And me! – Snort!

    – Miss Rabbit is good at cooking eggs! ♪ Cookin’ an egg and shakin’ a leg! Cookin’ and shakin’ an cookin’ an egg! ♪ – I love my sunny side up egg! Yum! – Eggy! (laughing, crunching) – Thank you! That was delicious. Now I’ll just sit back, relax and… – So, who likes dancin’?

    (Mummy Pig, Peppa, George): Me! – Good! Then y’all come and meet Mr. Bob Bobcat and his band. – All join hands and step to the right. Keep on stepping and make it tight. Oh my gosh! Oh my Joe! Keep on stepping and here we go!

    – Let’s all join in! – Y’all be needing these! – Take your partner by the hand! Now everybody swing! (together): Swing, swing, swing! (all): Yee haa! Woop! – Peppa? Would you like to do the singing? – Yes, please! Jump up and down like you’re in a puddle! Jump up and down and…. – Dinosaur! Grrr! (laughing) – Everyone be a dinosaur! – Ho ho! Well, I’ve never done a square dance like that before! – Could you keep the noise down, please? We can’t hear our monster trucks. – Monster trucks! – This is a monster truck. – Wow! Those big wheels have got a car on top of them! – Mr. Coyote is going to jump over a big muddy puddle. – That looks fun! Snort! – You can have a go, Daddy Pig. – Oh… Okay. (all): Hooray! – Oh… It is a bit high. – Daddy Pig does not like heights. – You need to go faster to jump over the puddle! – Faster, Daddy! – Woah! Ah! (laughing)

    – Daddy’s truck is jumping up and down in muddy puddles! Mummy, why don’t you have a go? – Oh… I think we need to get back on the road to Hollywood. – Hollywood? – Yes, we’re going to be in a movie with Super Potato and Hash Brown.

    – Hash Brown? Why, he’s my favourite! – You can come too if you like! – I would love to, darling but I’m kinda busy. Goodbye now, thanks for stopping by! (narrator): Today, Peppa and her family are going for a walk in the countryside. – What a lovely day! – Perfect for walking! (children giggling) – Ah-ha! (snorts) Here’s a sign showing all the ways we can go. – So, which way do we go? – You choose, Peppa! – Um, let’s go… that way!

    – That way leads up a big hill! (narrator): That is a big hill! – What’s at the top of the hill? – Well, as it’s such a big hill, there’s probably something amazing at the top. – I want to see the something amazing! – Are you sure you want to climb

    All the way to the top, Peppa? – Yes! (snorts) Let’s go! (narrator): Peppa and George are climbing the big hill. Mummy and Daddy Pig are climbing the big hill. – Phew! My legs are tired already! (panting) – I knew it wouldn’t be easy. – Yay! The top! We did it! (together): Hooray! – I don’t think this is the top. (snorts) Look!

    The hill carries on. – Yes, that wasn’t the top because it didn’t have the something amazing! (snorts) – Do you really think there will be something amazing at the top, Daddy Pig? – Well, there’s got to be a café or something. – A café? (snorts) Brilliant! That will keep me going!

    (panting) – Nearly there, George. (narrator): It is hard work climbing the big hill! – I can’t wait to get to the café! – Um, when I said there’s got to be a café at the top, I should have added there’s a chance there won’t be– – Hello, there! (narrator): It is Miss Rabbit’s Café!

    – Amazing! – What can I get you? – Coffee for Daddy Pig and me, and juices for Peppa and George. – Of course! – Thank you! – Thank you! (snorts) – Mmm! This is just what I needed! – Yes! (snorts) It really was worth climbing to the top!

    – Oh, this isn’t the top. – What? – No! You have to keep going up! That way! – Okay! We’ve got this far, so we have to keep going! – Onward and upward! – Mummy! Why did they make hills so big? (panting) – I… don’t… know, Peppa. – I hope… the amazing thing… at the top… is amazing! – Yes. I hope so too. – Oh! It’s all gone foggy! – Oh, I think we’re in the clouds! – We must be near the top!

    – It’s getting flat! – I think this is it! – We made it! (all): Hooray! – Wow! I can see the whole world! Look! There’s the playground! I can see the supermarket! And there is Suzy! – I told you it would be amazing at the top. – It is amazing! (George giggles) – Now, all we have to do is climb down. – Well, going down hill is a lot easier than going up! (snorts) – Come on, George! (laughs) Let’s roll a bit! Wee! – Wee!

    (narrator): Peppa and George love rolling down hills. – Ho-ho-ho! That looks fun! – Can you roll, Daddy? – I think if I started rolling down, Peppa, I might not be able to stop! Whoa! (narrator): Daddy Pig has tripped on a mushroom. – Wait for us, Daddy Pig! Woo-hoo! – Wee! – Oh! Ow! – Rolling down was really fun! Can we climb up the hill and do it again? – Of course! But maybe we’ll save that for another day. – Yes, the big hill will always be here. – Oh, goody! (laughing) (narrator): Peppa loves the big hill! Everybody loves the big hill! (narrator): Peppa and George are playing in the garden. – Can’t catch me! (snort) You’re never gonna to get me! (bike bell) – Here is Rebecca Rabbit. – Hello! – Hello, Rebecca! (snort) – What are you playing? – We are running! – Running is good, but can you hop?

    – Yes, I can! Hop, hop, hop! – That’s not hopping, Peppa! That’s jumping! – Oh… – Hopping is when you jump up and down on one leg. Like this! Hop, hop, hop, hop! – Rebecca Rabbit is good at hopping! – Hop, hop, hop, hop! (together): Hop, hop, hop, hop! – Come on, George!

    Hopping is easy! You just jump on one leg! Hop! – Hop! – That’s it! Hop, hop, hop. – Hop, hop, hop. – Hopping is fun! – Hello, everyone! (together): Hello, Suzie! – What are you playing? – We are hopping! – Like this! (laughs) – Super duper! But can you skip? – Yes! We can skip! (together): Skip! Skip! Skip! Skip! Skip! – That’s not skipping! That is just funny running! (together): Oh.

    – Skipping is when you hop on one leg… Then hop on the other leg. Like this! – Suzy is good at skipping! – Hop on one leg… – And then the other. (laughs) (snort) – Come on, George! Oh! – George is good at skipping! (snort) – I can skip the highest!

    – I can skip the longest! – I can skip the fastest! (bike bell) – Here is Pedro Pony. – Hello, everyone. (neigh) (together): Hello, Pedro! – What are you playing? – We were hopping! – And now we are skipping! – Have you done jumping? – No! But I love jumping! (snort)

    Jump! Jump! Jump! – Peppa is good at jumping. – Hopping, skipping and jumping! Can you do them all together? (together): What? – Like this? Ah! That’s impossible! – I mean a hop, a skip and then a jump. Like this! Hop. Skip… Jump. (together): Ooh! – My go! Hop… Skip… Ah! Jump!

    – No. That’s wrong. – I can do it! Skip… Skip… Hop! – No. – Jump! Jump! Jump! – No. – Let me try! Jump… Hop… Hop! (sigh) – No. – “Hop Skip Jump” is not easy! – You have to keep it steady. Like this! Hop… Skip… Jump! Hop… Skip… Jump!

    ♪ Are you ready? Are you steady? ♪ ♪ Hop, Skip, Jump! ♪ Hop, Skip, Jump! Hop, Skip, Jump! ♪ ♪ Are you ready? Are you steady? Hop, Skip, Jump! ♪ – Oh! – Peppa has found a muddy puddle! – Hop… Splish! Skip… Splosh! Jump… Splash! – Hop… Skip… Jump! Splish! Splosh! Splash! (laugh) (Rebecca and Pedro): Hop! Skip! Jump! Splish! Splosh! Splash! (laughs) – This is the best! – Peppa loves “Hop Skip Jump”! Everyone loves “Hop Skip Jump”! Especially in muddy puddles!

    (narrator): Peppa and her friends are at playgroup. – Good morning, children! (children): Good morning, Madame Gazelle! – Today, as a special treat, some of you are going to spend a day with the police! – As a prisoner? (laugh) – No, Freddy. As a guest.

    – They will join us as we drive around in our police car, helping people! – Who would like to go? (Freddy and Peppa): Me! – Okay. Peppa and Freddy! – This is the police car. – Have fun! I will call you when it is the children’s lunchtime.

    – Right you are, Madame Gazelle! See you later! – Don’t be late. We are having sandwiches and jelly! – Sandwiches and jelly, eh? – Yum! Delicious! – The police like sandwiches and jelly. – Bye everyone! (all): Bye! Can we use the siren please? – I’m afraid not, Freddy. – The siren is to be used only for emergencies! (brakes screeching) – What’s going on here? (honking) – Oh, dear. There is a traffic jam. – We need to get past all these cars to see what the problem is.

    – Can we use the siren, now? – Yes! This is just the sort of emergency the siren is for. (siren) (children): Hooray! – Look! – It is Mr. Stallion. His car has broken down. – Ah! The police! Thank goodness you’re here! – What seems to be the trouble? – My car is broken.

    – Don’t worry, Mr. Stallion! We’ll sort this out! – Thank you. – No need to thank us. We’re just doing our job. – “Car parked in middle of road and obstructing traffic”. – Now, we simply move the car out of the way. (grunts) – There! – And the traffic can move again!

    (all): Hooray! – Emergency over! – Bye bye, Mr. Stallion! (all): Bye bye! – Bye… – So, you see children, our day is full of emergencies like that. – We never know what will come next! (radio): Calling all police. Calling all police. – Who is that? – It’s the police station!

    – Receiving you loud and clear! Over! – Emergency! Cat stuck up a tree! – Another emergency! – Can we use the siren again? – Of course, Freddy! We’ve got a cat to rescue! (officers): Hello, hello, hello! – What’s going on here, then? – It’s Mr. Cat! – Meow! – Mr. Cat is stuck in the tree! – What are you doing up there? – I climbed up. – Why? – It seemed like a good idea at the time. (sigh) – And now you’re stuck? – Yes.

    – It’s a good thing we’re around to help, isn’t it? – Yes. (sigh) – I’ll get the ladder. – Don’t worry, Mr. Cat! We’ll get you down! – Emergency over! (all): Hooray! – Sorry. The tree looked like it would be good fun to climb.

    – Yes. It is not a good idea to have a tree here. – “Dangerous Tree in wrong place”. – So, children. Have you enjoyed your day with the police? – It’s been brilliant! (snort) – I want to be a policeman when I grow up! – Good lad! (phone ringing)

    – Calling the police! Over! – Another emergency? How exciting! – Police Officer Panda! Receiving you loud and clear! Over! – This is Madame Gazelle! Peppa and Freddy are late for their lunch! Remember, it is sandwiches and jelly. Over. – Late for sandwiches and jelly? – Now that’s what I call a real emergency!

    – So can we use the… – Use the siren? Of course! It’s what the siren was built for! (siren) (children): Hooray! – Peppa and Freddy love the police car. Everyone loves the police car! (narrator): Madame Gazelle is taking Peppa and her friends on a school trip.

    – Today children, we are going on a Creepy Crawly Safari. (all): Oh! – Madame Gazelle! (snort) Pedro isn’t here! – Pedro Pony! Why are you always late? (honking) – There he is! – Sorry I’m late! Steven wanted to come too! – Steven? – He is my stick insect. – Okay.

    You can bring Steven. But it’s your job to look after him. – Thank you, Madame Gazelle. – Is everyone ready? (all): Yes, Madame Gazelle! – Then, let’s go! (laughing) – Here is the Creepy Crawly Safari. – Will we see big scary animals on the safari?

    – Oh, no Danny. Any creatures we see today will be very tiny. And not scary at all… – Here is Mr. Lion. – Hello, everyone! (all): Hello, Mr. Lion! – Welcome to my safari! – Mr. Lion! You startled me for a moment. – Oh! Sorry about that, Mrs. Wildebeest. – The name is Madame Gazelle. – Oh, silly me! I must try and remember. Gazelle not Wildebeest.

    – The children are very excited about the safari! – Great! Today, they will meet little insects living in their natural home: the wild! (children): Oh! – Steven doesn’t live in the wild. – Ah! We have a pet insect with us today. How do you do, Steven?

    – Steven says: “How do you do?” – Marvelous. – All aboard for the Creepy Crawly Safari! (laughing) Here we are in the wild wood! Full of creepy crawlies. – I can’t see any creepy crawlies! – Here, try using a magnifying glass! – A magnifying glass makes tiny things look big.

    – Ah! A ladybird! (giggles) – Oh, how charming! – Yes, and the ladybird’s home is this leaf. – Steven lives with me. At my home. – We watch TV together. – It sounds like Steven has a very comfy life. – Yes! Steven is very happy. – Next stop! The Rocky Wilderness!

    Here we get to meet another insect in its natural home. – What is it? – A millepede! It has lots and lots of spiky little legs. So it can walk quickly. – Steven doesn’t do much walking. – So what does he do? – He keeps still and looks like a stick. – Ah!

    – And now, we arrive at the Grass Savanna. The home of a very special little insect. – Oh my word! (Peppa): Grasshoppers! – Are they super jumpers? (laugh) – They are! – Wow! – Grass hoppers move quickly. – Hey! Wait for me! – That’s the thing about insects. One moment they’re here… the next, they’re gone! – Ah! Steven’s gone! (gasps) – Steven the stick insect has run away! – Oh, no!

    Where can he be? – Maybe Steven heard the call of the wild? – But Steven lives with me. He doesn’t like the wild! – Don’t worry. He can’t have got far. – Yes! Everyone look for Steven! – Remember: Steven looks like a stick. – Is this him? – No.

    – Is this him? – No. – Is this him? – No. – Oh dear! Steven is lost in the wild! – Maybe it’s for the best. All animals are happier following their natural instincts, Mrs. Wildebeest. – The name is Gazelle! – Of course, yes. Gazelle. – Look! Steven’s come back!

    – Welcome home, Steven! – Steven the stick insect likes the Creepy Crawly Safari. But he likes his own home the best! (Steven giggles.) (narrator): It is a lovely sunny day at Peppa’s house. – I’m a tiny little fairy! (snort) (laugh) – What a noisy little fairy! – Mummy! I am going to magic you into a frog! – Oh dear! Please don’t!

    If you turn me into a frog I’ll have to live in a pond on my own, and I will be so sad! (She pretends to cry.) – Don’t worry, Mummy! It’s just pretend. – I know, Peppa. I’m pretending too! That’s why I winked. – What?

    When someone closes one eye… It is a wink. And it means that they are pretending. – So… you were pretending to be sad? – Yes, it was a joke. – Ah… So you were trying to make a joke. It wasn’t a very funny joke. – Zoe Zebra has come to play with Peppa. – Hello, Zoe! (snort) – Hello, Peppa! – Zoe has her toy monkey. – Monkey says: Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! – Let’s play in my bedroom. Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! (laughs) (snort) How are you today, Monkey? (She pretends to cough.) Oh dear!

    Monkey has a bad cough! (pretending to cough) – That’s not Monkey coughing… That’s you! – No! Monkey has a bad cough. (pretending to cough) – Why are you closing and opening your eyes? – I am closing one eye because I am winking. – Why? – You wink to tell people it’s pretend.

    And Monkey has a cough! (pretending to cough) – Oh! It’s a game! (laughs) – Here is George. (snort) – So Doctor George, Monkey has a bad cough. – Doctor George. What cure do you suggest for the cough? – It’s just pretend, George. That’s why we are winking! (laugh) – Beddy Byes!

    – Good advice, Doctor George. Monkey must go to bed. (laugh) And not watch any TV! – No fun for Monkey until he is better! – Thank you, Doctor George. (laughs) – Daddy Pig has arrived home from work. (snort) – I’m home! – Hello, Daddy Pig. – Daddy! Daddy! Monkey had a cough!

    – Doctor George told us to put Monkey to bed with no TV. – And now, Monkey is better. – Is there something wrong with your eyes? – No, Daddy… We are winking! – Oh? – It’s just pretend! – Oh, I see! (snort) That is clever!

    And you learnt how to wink today did you? – Yes! – Well, I learnt something new today, too! – I learnt how to talk like a pirate! (menacing voice): Ha ha, Jim Lad! Shiver me Timbers! – Why did you learn to talk like a pirate? – Well, you see… I’ve given up my old job And I’ve got a new job as a pirate! – Daddy Pig, shouldn’t we have discussed this first? (laugh) – Daddy is just joking Mummy! (menacing voice): Shiver Me Timbers! – Oh, poor Daddy Pig! – Oh, it’s nothing… I probably shouldn’t have done that pirate voice. (cough) – Are you pretending, Daddy? – No, Peppa. I think this is a real cough. (snort) – Beddy Byes! – Yes. Doctor George says: “Straight to bed! And no TV for ten years!” – Oh, dear. That doesn’t sound fun! – Hmm. I know a nicer way to cure a cough. – Oh? – You have to wiggle your ears, jump up and down and quack like a duck! – What? – You winked, Mummy! – Oh! You’re just joking! – Mummy Pig loves joking. – Everyone loves joking. (narrator): Peppa and her friends are playing in their clubhouse. (giggles) – What game shall we play today? – Let’s play shop! (others): Yay! Shop! Shop!

    (narrator): The clubhouse has a counter like a little shop. – What are we going to sell? – We’ve got toy plastic fruit and cheese in the fridge! – The little shop is open! – Ho-ho-ho! What can we buy? – Plastic fruit and plastic cheese! – Can I have some plastic cheese, please?

    – Yes, Mummy! – And maybe a plastic apple to go with it? Thank you. – That will be… a lot of money, please. – Oh, dear! I didn’t bring any money with me today! – That’s okay. You can use these buttons. – Lovely. Here are two buttons. – Thank you. (giggles)

    Have a nice day! – What else do you sell? – Um… We’ve got my toy, Owly. Twit-twoo! – Okay, I’ll buy Owly! Here is a button. – Thank you. Now Owly is yours. – Ooh! It’s lovely and cuddly! – Can I have Owly back now?

    – What?! But I’ve just bought it for a button! – It’s just a pretend shop, Mummy! – Oh, of course! – Owly! (narrator): Suzy Sheep loves her toy owl. – Next! – I’m feeling thirsty. Do you have any fruit juice? – Um… no. Sorry, Daddy. – But we could order some in!

    (narrator): The clubhouse has a toy wooden telephone! – Hello! We need fruit juice! Thank you! Goodbye! They said we’ll have the fruit juice tomorrow. – Oh, I see. Okay, see you tomorrow. – Have a nice day! – Next! – Have you got any cakes? – Yes, Mummy!

    We’ve got a cake in the toy oven. (narrator): The toy oven is made of wood and has a light that comes on inside! – What kind of cake do you want it to be? – Um… Can it be a carrot cake? – Okay. It’s a carrot cake. – That looks delicious!

    I can’t wait to try it! – It’s a plastic toy cake, Mummy. It’s not real! – Of course! And how much does it cost? – One button, please. – Have a nice day! – Next! – What else are you selling in your shop today? – Um…. (gasps) We’ve got magic clothes! – Ooh. Are they invisible clothes? – Yes!

    – They are made with the finest cloth! – Fantastic! I’ll look like an emperor! – They cost five buttons! – Very expensive! But I suppose that’s what you have to pay for invisible clothes! – You can try them on if you like, Mr. Pig. – Leave your old clothes here!

    – Thank you. But I think I’ll try them on at home. – Have a nice day! – That was quite a queue! Now it’s finally my turn. I’d like to buy a– – Sorry, Daddy. We’re closing. – Bye! (children): Have a nice day! (narrator): It is time for the children to take a break. It is hard work running a shop. (children): Ice cream! (narrator): Here is Mr. Labrador in his ice cream van. – Hello, children! What can I get you? – Ice cream, please! (children): And me! And me! – Thank you! – Here’s the money! – Hang on! These are just buttons! – The buttons are pretend money! – Of course! Pretend money! How charming! – Ho-ho-ho! I’m afraid I haven’t got any real money either!

    – No problem, Mr. Pig. We take cards. So, that’s all the children’s ice creams, and one for you. (beeps) Thank you very much! (children giggling) – Mmm! This is the best clubhouse in the whole wide world! (narrator): Peppa and her friends love the clubhouse. Everyone loves the clubhouse! (narrator): It is a lovely sunny day in Granny and Grandpa Pig’s garden. Peppa and George are helping Grandpa Pig with his raspberry batch. A little bird has come to look at Grandpa Pig’s raspberries. (burps) – Ah! – Shoo, shoo! Cheeky birds! Eat my raspberries, would you!

    – The little birds like your raspberries, Grandpa! – So do I! It’s a good job I’m here to make sure they don’t eat them all. – Grandpa Pig? I’ve just had a wonderful idea! (snort) Let’s go camping! – Camping? (children): Camping! – We could camp in the garden. – No!

    Let’s drive somewhere, find a nice spot and pitch a tent. – But our car is at Grandad Dog’s garage being fixed! – Oh, yes. What about the old motorbike? – Motorbike? – Yes! Grandpa and I have had many adventures on our motorbike when we were younger. – Wee! – Woohoo!

    – Ah, yes! That was fun. But it was a long time ago, Granny Pig. – All the more reason for us to get the old motorbike out again. Here it is! – Motorbike! (snort) – What’s this funny thing on the side?

    – It’s called a sidecar, Peppa. You and George can sit in it. – What about my raspberries? – You can’t take your garden with you, Grandpa. Come on! It’ll be fun to get away for a bit. – I suppose so. But if we’re going to go,

    I just need to make sure my raspberries will be safe. – Peppa and George, you play in the garden while I pack a bag for the trip. – Okay! – There! – What are you doing with you raspberries, Grandpa? I’m keeping them safe from those pesky birds!

    – Are you planting them in your shed? – Er… Sort of. – Here we are! Bag’s packed. I’m ready to go camping! – What are you wearing, Granny? – This is my motorcycle jacket. It keeps me warm on the motorbike. – Oh! My raspberries will now be safe and sound. (snort)

    Let’s go! – Very good! Do you have the helmets and goggles? – Here they are! – You must wear a safety helmet of you ride on a motorbike. (snort) – All aboard! (Grandpa Pig and children): Yes, Granny Pig. – Which way should we go? – That way!

    – The seaside! (Peppa and George): Hooray! – Ah! This is the life! ♪ Granny’s motorbike goes vroom vroom vroom ♪ ♪ Vroom, vroom, vroom Vroom, vroom, vroom ♪ ♪ Granny’s motorbike goes vroom vroom vroom ♪ ♪ All day long – This is Grandad Dog’s garage. (all): Hello! – Fill her up please, Grandad Dog!

    – Granny Pig! I didn’t know you had a motorcycle! – Yes! We’re using it while you fix our car. – Well, the car is fixed. You can take it now! (Pig Family): Oh… – If you don’t mind, I think we’ll pick it up later. – We’re having too much fun on the motorbike!

    (Pig Family): Bye! ♪ Granny’s motorbike goes vroom vroom vroom ♪ ♪ All day long – Peppa and George have arrived at the seaside. (Peppa and George): Hooray! – Let’s camp here. – But Granny, we’ve forgotten the tent! – No, we haven’t, Peppa! This is a very special camping motorbike! – Watch this!

    (children): Wow! – The motorbike has turned into a tent! – It’s a magic tent! – Yes, Peppa. We’ve got everything we need to sleep by the sea! (children): Hooray! – I hope you’re not missing your raspberries too much, Grandpa Pig!

    – Not at all! Because I made a few adjustments to the motorbike this morning. And brought my garden too! (children): Wow! – Your raspberry patch! – Grandpa Pig loves camping. Especially when he can bring his garden with him! (Peppa): Roller Disco (narrator): Peppa and her friends are going to a roller disco.

    (Peppa laughing) – I love roller discos. – Me, too. (trumpeting) (music playing) (narrator): Madame Gazelle is in charge. – Keep going round and round in a circle, children! (giggling) (narrator): Peppa and George have their roller-skates on. – Would you like me to walk around with you both, holding your hands? – No, Mummy. We are good at skating. (snorting and giggling) – Whoa! – Are you okay, Emily? – Yes, Daddy, I’m fine. (trumpeting) (narrator): Simon Squirrel and Belinda Bear are doing the music. They are big children. (Belinda sighing) – I wish we could play something grownup. (narrator): Belinda Bear is nearly 10 years old.

    – What should we play next?! – The Wheels on the Bus, please. – Oh, I can’t seem to find Wheels on the Bus. – Look. There it is. – Uh, thank you, Madame Gazelle. ♪ The wheels on the bus go round and round… ♪ – Huh. – This music is so babyish.

    ♪ The wheels on the bus go round and round ♪ ♪ Round and round… – Hello, Mummy and Daddy! (both): Hello, Peppa. (George giggling and snorting) (parents): Hello, George. – Hello, Daddy. – Hello, Emily. This is fun. It’s the first time I’ve been to one of these things.

    How many times do the children go around? – Uh, hundreds and hundreds of times. – Ah. (narrator): The children love going around in a circle hundreds and hundreds of times. (snorting) – Hello, Daddy! – Hello, Peppa. (George snorting) Hello, George. (narrator): Here is Suzy Sheep. (bleating) – Come on, let’s skate together.

    – Okay. (laughter) (narrator): Freddy Fox is going the wrong way! – Look out, Pedro! (both): Oof! (laughter) – Everyone go the same way so you don’t bump into each other. – Hello, Daddy! (snorting) – Hello, Peppa. (laughter) – Hello, Mummy! (squeaking) – Hello, Mandy. – Hello, Daddy. – Hello, Emily. – Hello, Daddy. – Hello, Molly. (giggling and snorting) – Hello, Mummy! (laughing) – Hello again, Peppa. – Hello again, Daddy. (laughing) – Hello again, Emily. What a surprise seeing you here. (chuckling)

    ♪ All day long – Now that baby music is finished, we can play something good! – I’ve got just the one. – Can we have One Potato Two Potato, please? (Belinda sighing) ♪ One potato two potato ♪ Three potato four (laughter) ♪ Five potato six potato Seven potato more ♪

    – We have to be quicker with our own music next time. – Yes, I’ve got it ready to play. ♪ Six potato seven potato More ♪ – Wow! Danny’s going backwards! ♪ Three potato four – Ooh! How do you do that? (laughing) – I don’t know.

    ♪ Seven potato more – Quick! It’s over! Put our record on! – Yeah, time for some real music! (heavy dance music) (narrator): Peppa and her friends do not know how to skate to this music. – Oh, my word! This is my all-time favourite song!

    (laughing and exclaiming) ♪ Skate on down to the disco town ♪ – Madame Gazelle’s roller-skates are flashing! ♪ Skate on down to the disco town ♪ (kids): Wow! – That’s incredible! (narrator): Madame Gazelle is very good at disco roller-skating. – Wow! I wish I could do that! – Me, too! (all): And me!

    – All together, everyone join in! (laughter) ♪ Skate on down to the disco town ♪ – Hello, Daddy. – Hello, Emily. – Hello, Mummy! – Hello, Mandy. – Hello, Daddy! – Hello, Molly. – Hello, Mummy! – Hello again, Peppa. (snorting) – This is the best roller disco ever! (narrator): Peppa loves roller disco.

    Everyone one loves roller disco. (laughter) (narrator): Today, Peppa and her family have come to play in the park. – Look what I’ve brought along. – Ooh! (snorting) What is it? – It’s a flying disc. – Wow! That is good! – Yes, flying discs are brilliant. (snorting) To you, Mummy Pig!

    – To you, Peppa! (giggling) – To you, Daddy! Oh. It didn’t fly. – It’s okay, Peppa. You just have to spin the disc in a special way. – Hold it flat and then spin it. – Okay. Hold it flat and spin it! To you, George! – Throw the disc to me, George. (laughing) Got you! To you, Peppa. What? – Got you! Oh. Our disc isn’t red. – Whose disc is that? (barking) (narrator): It is Danny Dog and his daddy. – Hi, Peppa. – Hi, Danny. – Good. You caught our disc. – Ah, it’s your disc.

    – Yes. Can you spin it back to me? – Okay! To you, Danny! (giggling) What? – Another disc. – Hello, Peppa! (squeaking) (narrator): It is Mandy Mouse and her mummy. – Have you seen a blue disc? – Yes! (snorting) I caught it. (giggling) – That’s my disc. – Okay, Mandy, are you ready?

    – Yes! – Steady… – Yes! – Catch! – Got you! (laughter) (bleating) – Hello, everyone. (narrator): Here is Suzy Sheep and her mummy. – Hi, Suzy. Have you got a flying disc? – Yes! It’s the best flying disc in the world! It has flashing lights and plays music! (all): Ooh! – Great!

    (snorting) So where is this amazing disc? – Um, well, you see, the thing is– – Mum threw it in a tree. (narrator): Mummy Sheep threw Suzy’s flying disc into the top of a tall tree. – It’s very high up. – Hmm. Too high to climb. – No problem. We’ll just knock that disc out with this one. – No, Dad! (all gasping) – Ah. That’s not what was supposed to happen.

    – But it was a good idea. I wonder if I can knock both of them out of the tree. – No, Mummy! – Looks like we’ve got the only disc left. Shall I try and knock the others out of the tree? – Okay, Daddy, but do it right. – Oh. (Peppa sighing) (narrator): All the discs are stuck in the tree. – Don’t worry. I know a way to get the discs down. You remember how I shook an apple tree to get apples down? (Peppa): Yes! All the apples fell on Daddy’s head. (giggling) It was funny! (Daddy Pig): Yes, really funny.

    (snorting) So this is the same sort of idea. I might need a bit of help. This is a big tree. – Right, then. (barking, squeaking, bleating) – Oh, I think it’s working. – Keep shaking, Daddy! (all groaning) – Shake harder, Mummy! (exclamations) – Come on, Mum. Put some effort in. – I’m trying my best! (groaning) – We did it! (kids): Hooray! (laughter) – Okay, everyone, watch what my disc does! (narrator): Suzy’s flying disc has flashing lights and plays music! (all): Wow! – To you, Danny! – To you, Peppa! (giggling) (narrator): Peppa loves flying discs. Everybody loves flying discs! (laughter) (narrator): It is summer. Peppa and George have come to the apple tree to play. – My go! Peppa loves the swing. – Swing, swing! (giggling and snorting) (narrator): George wants to have a go. – I will push you, George. (George giggling) – Look! There’s a little apple in the tree. – Yes. In fact, it looks like there are lots of little apples. (Peppa): Can we eat one?

    – Ooh, the apples look a bit small. Maybe they’re not ready yet. – Please, can we try? – Hmm. I suppose I could give the tree a little shake and see if one falls down. Oh! (narrator): An apple has fallen on Daddy Pig. – Ho-ho! Here’s your apple. – Thank you. (crunch!) Ugh.

    It’s not very apple-y. – It’s a bit early for apples, Peppa. They’ll taste better in the autumn. – We’ll come and visit the apple tree again then. – Oh, goody! ♪ Apple tree apple tree ♪ ♪ You are friends with George and me ♪

    ♪ I can swing all day long as I sing my little song ♪ (narrator): It is autumn. The leaves on the apple tree have turned red. (laughter) Peppa and George have come to play. – Swing, swing! – Wow! The apples are really big now. – Yes. I think they might be ready to eat. – I’ll just give the tree a little shake. Oh! (narrator): Lots of leaves have fallen on Daddy Pig. – Ho-ho! (laughter) – No apples fell down. Shake it again, Daddy. (snorting) – Okay.

    Oh! Ow! Oh! Ah, oh! (narrator): Lots of apples have fallen on Daddy Pig. – Ho-ho! I had a feeling that might happen. These are best apples in the world! – Mm. Yes, they’re definitely ready now. – Mm! Yum-yum! – Delicious! – Thank you, apple tree. ♪ Apple tree apple tree ♪ ♪ You are friends with George and me ♪ ♪ All your leaves have turned red ♪ ♪ Apples fall on Daddy’s head (wind blowing) (narrator): It is winter. The apple tree is covered in snow. (kids giggling) Peppa and George have come to play. – Hello, tree. Have you got any apples for me? – Oh, there are no apples in the wintertime, Peppa. – Maybe there is one left.

    – Well, I suppose I could the tree a little shake and see what falls down. (narrator): All the snow has fallen on Daddy Pig. – Brrr! (laughter) I really should know better than to shake that tree. (snorting) – Look! There aren’t any leaves or apples.

    – Don’t worry, Peppa. The leaves will come back in the spring. – Can we come back again? – Of course, Peppa. – Oh, goody! (laughing) ♪ Apple tree apple tree ♪ ♪ You are friends with George and me ♪ ♪ With no apples and no leaves ♪

    ♪ You are still a happy tree (laughing) (birdsong) (narrator): It is springtime. There are little flowers on the apple tree. – Wow! Look at all the flowers on the tree! – Yes. That’s called blossom. – It’s beautiful. I love this time of year. (Peppa inhaling deeply) – And it smells so lovely! (snorting) Are there any apples in the tree today? – Not today, Peppa. – Um…

    Can you shake it just a little bit, Daddy? – Okay. (narrator): Lots of blossom has fallen on Daddy Pig. – Ho-ho! Well, I have to say that’s a lot nicer than apples or leaves or snow falling on me. (Peppa laughing) – This is so pretty! (snorting) I love the apple tree!

    – Me, too. – I think it’s the best tree ever. (laughter) (narrator): Peppa, Mummy, Daddy and George love the apple tree. Everyone loves the apple tree. (laughter) (narrator): Peppa and George are spending the night at Granny and Grandpa Pig’s house. – Granny Pig! – Gangy Ig! (George snorting)

    – Hello, my little ones. (snorting) – Where is Grandpa Pig? – Oh, he’s messing about at the bottom of the garden. (snorting) (narrator): Here is Grandpa Pig. – Grandpa Pig! – Hello, Peppa and George! – What are you doing? – I’m building somewhere for me to hide. – Why? – Well, you see,

    I really want to stop an owl and tick it off in my book. (kids): Ah! – I have spotted lots of different birds, but never an owl, because owls only come out at night, and they are very shy. (kids): Ooh! – So tonight, I will hide in here…

    (knocking) …and when an owl comes, I will spot it. – Clever Grandpa! (George snorting) – First, I have to use twigs and leaves to completely cover my hiding place. – We can help! (giggling) (narrator): Peppa collects twigs. George collects leaves. (laughing) – Well done, Peppa and George! (whispering): Look. I am completely invisible. (narrator): Here are Mr. Stallion and Mrs. Corgi, dressed as bushes. – Hello! Have you seen Grandpa Pig anywhere? – Boo! (both): Oh! – Good hiding place, old chap. – And what, may I ask, are you two doing here? – We are out for a bit of bird-spotting.

    – We’re hoping to spot an owl tonight. – That’s why we are pretending to be bushes. – Grandpa is going to spot an owl, too! – Well, good luck, old chap. – May the best bird-spotter win. Toodle-pip. – Bye. – Grandpa Pig? Cooee! – Let’s try out our hiding place on Granny. – Peppa? George? Grandpa? (Peppa whispering): Hello, Granny! We’re here! – Where? (Peppa whispering): We are hiding! – Are you over here? (Grandpa): You’re getting colder. – But I can’t see you anywhere. – Here we are! – Ah!!! (laughter) Oh, my goodness. That is a good hiding place. – Ho-ho, yes. (snorting)

    Peppa and George are helping me get ready to spot an owl. – I see. – Okay. (snorting) Time to spot an owl. (kids giggling) Now, a boy owl makes a sound like this. Twoot-twoo! Hopefully, a girl owl will hear my call and answer back. Twoot-twoo! – Whoo-whoo! – Grandpa! Did you hear that?

    – I certainly did. (snorting) It’s a girl owl. – Whoo-whoo! (Peppa giggling) – Ooh-hoo! – Whoo-hoo. Whoo-hoo… – This girl owl sounds like she’s getting closer. – Yes, she wants to meet me, the boy owl! Whoo-ooh! – Whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo? – Whoo-hoo. – Oh. It was just you and me doing owl calls. – I thought you were a boy owl. – And I thought you were a girl owl. – Yes, well, moving quickly on. (snorting) Maybe there’s another way to spot a real owl.

    – Like what? – You said that owls are very shy. – Yes. – Well, maybe all this calling is scaring the owls away. Let’s hide again… (whispering): …but be very quiet. – Brilliant. – I suppose it’s worth a go. (owl hooting) – I heard something! (hooting) (Grandpa Pig): Look! (Grandpa Pig): Now I’ve spotted an owl, I can tick it off in my book. – And me. – And me. (hooting) (Peppa): Wow! Owls are the best! (kids giggling) (narrator whispering): Peppa loves owls. Everyone loves owls. (giggling) (Peppa): Winter Games (narrator): Today, Peppa and her friends are skiing on Snowy Mountain. – Which way shall we go? (narrator): One side of the mountain is a nice, gentle slope. The other side is very, very steep.

    – Oh, I certainly don’t want to ski down the steep side like I did the last time. – Ho-ho! Yes, that was quite spectacular. (narrator): Last year, Mummy Pig skied down the mountain. …all the way home. (exclaiming and grunting) And she won the Winter Games Cup! (triumphant music) (giggling) – You skied so well, Mummy! – Yes, well, I didn’t actually mean to do it, so that’s not happening again. – Okay. (snorting) Let’s go this way, then.

    (narrator): Daddy, Mummy, Peppa and George are skiing down the gentle slope. Here are George’s friends, Richard, Edmund, Zuzu and Zaza. George and his friends are skiing together, like a long caterpillar. (bleating) – Hello, Peppa! (narrator): It is Suzy Sheep. (snorting) – Hello, Suzy! – I love this bit. It’s all wibbly-wobbly. – Wibbly-wobbly, whoo…! (giggling) (narrator): Here is Mandy Mouse. She has a mono-ski. – Hello! (squeaking) – Hello, Mandy! – Look at me go! (giggling) (barking) (narrator): Here is Danny Dog. (laughing) He is on a snowboard. – Hello, everyone. – Hi, Danny! – Look at me jump! (laughing) – Wow! You’re all skiing so well!

    – Yes, you’re almost as good as Mummy and me. – Mr. Pig, what is your best ski trick? – Can you go backwards? – Backwards? (snorting) I think that’s impossible. – Yes, I don’t think anyone can ski backwards. – Ho-ho! (narrator): Everyone has arrived at the bottom of the slope. – That was good! (snorting) – Again, again! – Yes! Let’s get the ski lift. (narrator): This is the ski lift. It takes everyone to the top again. (laughter) – Skiing is my most favourite thing in the whole, wide world.

    – Oh, Mandy, I thought your favourite thing was cheese. – Ah, yes. Cheese is good too. (squeaking) (narrator): Everyone is back to the top of Snowy Mountain. (snorting) – Now we ski down again! – Yay! Let’s go! (laughter) – Stop! Hang on a moment! Since we’re all together, it’s a great chance to get a photo! – But, Mummy, we want to ski down again.

    – Oh, it won’t take a moment. Everyone squish together so I can see you all in the picture. That’s good. I just need to go back a bit to get you all in. – Uh, Mummy Pig, you know you’re standing on the edge of the mountain.

    – Yes, yes. Good. I can almost see everyone now. There. Big smile, everyone! Whoops! – Here we go again. (narrator): Mummy Pig is skiing down the mountain backwards! – Whoa…!!! – Quick, everyone! To the rescue! Don’t worry, Mummy Pig! We’re right behind you! (narrator): Mummy Pig is skiing past the shops, all the way home! – I’m never going to stop! – Oh, Mummy Pig? – Mummy skied all the way here backwards! – Backwards? That is amazing skiing! Here is the Winter Games Cup. Again. (triumphant music) – Oh, thank you. – My mummy’s the best at skiing! (snorting) (laughter) (narrator): Peppa loves Winter Games. Everyone loves Winter Games! (laughter)

    (narrator): Today, Peppa and her family have come to play in the park. – Look what I’ve brought along. – Ooh! (snorting) What is it? – It’s a flying disc. – Wow! That is good! – Yes, flying discs are brilliant. (snorting) To you, Mummy Pig! – To you, Peppa! (giggling) – To you, Daddy!

    Oh. It didn’t fly. – It’s okay, Peppa. You just have to spin the disc in a special way. – Hold it flat and then spin it. – Okay. Hold it flat and spin it! To you, George! – Throw the disc to me, George. (laughing) Got you! To you, Peppa. What? – Got you! Oh. Our disc isn’t red. – Whose disc is that? (barking) (narrator): It is Danny Dog and his daddy. – Hi, Peppa. – Hi, Danny. – Good. You caught our disc. – Ah, it’s your disc.

    – Yes. Can you spin it back to me? – Okay! To you, Danny! (giggling) What? – Another disc. – Hello, Peppa! (squeaking) (narrator): It is Mandy Mouse and her mummy. – Have you seen a blue disc? – Yes! (snorting) I caught it. (giggling) – That’s my disc. – Okay, Mandy, are you ready?

    – Yes! – Steady… – Yes! – Catch! – Got you! (laughter) (bleating) – Hello, everyone. (narrator): Here is Suzy Sheep and her mummy. – Hi, Suzy. Have you got a flying disc? – Yes! It’s the best flying disc in the world! It has flashing lights and plays music! (all): Ooh! – Great!

    (snorting) So where is this amazing disc? – Um, well, you see, the thing is– – Mum threw it in a tree. (narrator): Mummy Sheep threw Suzy’s flying disc into the top of a tall tree. – It’s very high up. – Hmm. Too high to climb. – No problem. We’ll just knock that disc out with this one. – No, Dad! (all gasping) – Ah. That’s not what was supposed to happen.

    – But it was a good idea. I wonder if I can knock both of them out of the tree. – No, Mummy! – Looks like we’ve got the only disc left. Shall I try and knock the others out of the tree? – Okay, Daddy, but do it right. – Oh. (Peppa sighing) (narrator): All the discs are stuck in the tree. – Don’t worry. I know a way to get the discs down. You remember how I shook an apple tree to get apples down? (Peppa): Yes! All the apples fell on Daddy’s head. (giggling) It was funny! (Daddy Pig): Yes, really funny.

    (snorting) So this is the same sort of idea. I might need a bit of help. This is a big tree. – Right, then. (barking, squeaking, bleating) – Oh, I think it’s working. – Keep shaking, Daddy! (all groaning) – Shake harder, Mummy! (exclamations) – Come on, Mum. Put some effort in. – I’m trying my best! (groaning) – We did it! (kids): Hooray! (laughter) – Okay, everyone, watch what my disc does! (narrator): Suzy’s flying disc has flashing lights and plays music! (all): Wow! – To you, Danny! – To you, Peppa! (giggling) (narrator): Peppa loves flying discs. Everybody loves flying discs! (laughter) (Peppa): Hoops. (Narrator): Peppa and George are at playgroup with their friends. – Children, today we are going to play with hoops! – Ooh! – Playing with hoops is a super-fun way to exercise! – And exercise is good for you! – Yes!

    Exercise gets your body working and your heart pumping! Boom, boom, boom! Okay! Take a hoop each! There are lots of ways to exercise with a hoop! We will start by throwing it into the air like this. Hoopla! And catch. Now you try. – Hoopla! (all laugh) Ho, ho! Very Good! Now let’s try rolling your hoops along the floor and running after them. Now lie your hoops on the ground. And jump from one hoop to the other! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! – I like jumping! – Yes! Jumping is fun! – Very good! And rest! Now we come to the very best bit. Spin the hoop around your middle… Like this! (all): Wow! (Narrator): Madame Gazelle is spinning the hoop around her middle! You try! (Narrator): Everyone is trying to spin their hoops. – Madame Gazelle, I can’t do it! – It’s not working! – My hoop is not very spinny. (Narrator): It is difficult to spin a hoop around your middle. – Don’t be sad if you cannot do it straight away.

    It takes a lot of practice to get it right! (Narrator): It is home time. – Take your hoops and practice at home, children. – Look Mummy! We’ve got hoops to take home! – Oh, wonderful! – Daddy, Daddy! Look what we’ve got! – Wow! (snorts) Hoops! – They are for exercise. – I see. – Madame Gazelle says exercise makes your heart go, uh, boom, bang, boom! – That sounds great!

    – You throw them up in the air like this! (both): Hoopla! – And catch them like this? – Very good Daddy. (snorts) And you roll them like this! Whee! And you jump in them. Like this! – Ooh, that looks fun! – You can do it too Mummy! – Ooh! That was good! My heart is certainly going boom bang boom! – But the best thing ever is to spin the hoop. Like this! – Oh! – Uh… It’s very hard to do. – May I have a go? – Okay. But don’t be sad if you can’t do it, Mummy. – Right here we go. Ready… Steady… Go! (Narrator): Mummy Pig can spin the hoop!

    – Wow! – Very good. – Have another go, Peppa. – Ready… Steady… Go! Aw, I’ll never do it! – I’ve got an idea. Hold on. Don’t move. – Where is Daddy going now? – I think this will do it! (radio): ♪ You’ve got to spin the hoop around ♪ – What you need is music to spin to! – Ready.. Steady… Go! Hooray! (Narrator): Peppa can spin her hoop! George can spin his hoop! We’re doing it George! – You clever piggies! (Narrator): Peppa and George love spinning hoops! Everybody loves spinning hoops! (Peppa): The Lifeboat. (Narrator): Today, Captain Dog is taking Danny and Peppa to visit the Lifeboat. – Ahoy there, young sailors! – Ahoy there, Grampy Rabbit! – We were hoping you could tell us all about the lifeboat. – Of course! Hop aboard! Lifeboats rescue people when they get into trouble at sea. – Ooh! You wouldn’t believe the number of people who set sail, without a moment’s thought! – Yes. All they had to do was follow a couple of simple rules. Before setting sail, check the weather! Nice and sunny is good for sailing.

    – And always take a phone in case you need to call for help. – Simple rules. But it’s amazing how many people don’t follow them. – And then they have to be rescued by my lifeboat. – How does the lifeboat rescue them? – Good question Peppa! First, we ring this bell! Then, I pull this lever and… Whoosh! The lifeboat shoots down this ramp making a huge splash! To the rescue! – Wow! Can I pull the lever now? – No Danny. The lever can only be pulled in a real rescue. The lifeboat won’t be launched today. – Oh.

    – Thank you for showing us the Lifeboat, Grampy Rabbit! – You’re most welcome! – Bye Bye! – Bye! – All that talk of sailing makes me wish I could set sail again. – But Dad! You’re staying at home now! – Oh yes, that’s right. I promised to never set sail,

    Ever, ever, ever again. – Hmm. I fancy a bit of cheese. (Narrator): – Grampy Rabbit likes cheese. – Oh! (Narrator): There is no cheese in the fridge! – No problem! I’ll just get some more. (Narrator): This is Madame Cow’s Cheese Shop. It is on a little rock out at sea. – Hello? – Hello there! Do you by any chance have any cheese? – Of course. This is a cheese shop. We have lots and lots of cheese. Goodbye. – Good they’ve got cheese!

    Oh, but what if they sell all the cheese before I get over there? I’d better hurry! (Narrator): Oh dear. Grampy Rabbit has set sail without his phone. And has set sail without checking the weather! – Oh. The motor seems to be broken! Maybe I should have checked the weather. (Narrator): Grampy Rabbit is out at sea, all on his own. – And I don’t seem to have my phone! How can I call for help? I suppose I could try my voice. That’s quite loud! Help! (Narrator): Grampy Rabbit has the loudest voice in the world!

    – It’s Grampy Rabbit! – He needs rescuing! – Quick, back to the lifeboat! All aboard the lifeboat! – Aye aye, Captain Dog! – Peppa, ring the bell! Wait! I said I would never sail again! – But Grampy Rabbit needs rescuing! – You’re right! Danny, pull the lever! – This is brilliant! (Narrator): The lifeboat goes very fast! – Grampy Rabbit! – You saved me! – Hooray! – Would you mind if we carried on over to the cheese shop?

    Hello! One piece of cheese please. – Of course. What took you so long? – Um, I got into a bit of trouble on the sea. – And we rescued Grampy Rabbit! – Yes, you did a fine job! And the good thing is that now you have seen exactly how the lifeboat works! (Narrator): Grampy Rabbit loves the lifeboat! Everybody loves the lifeboat! (Peppa): The Park. (Narrator): Today, Peppa and her family are at the Park. – There are so many fun things to do in the park. (snorts) What shall we start with? – Let’s go to the little bridge and say “hello” to the ducks!

    – Quack! Quack! – Yes! The ducks! (Narrator): Here is the Little Bridge. Zoe Zebra is here. (snorts) – Hello Zoe! – Hello Peppa! – Oh where are the ducks? – I think they are hiding. – Let’s call them. Ducks, where are you? Come out now, wherever you are! (Narrator): Here is Mrs. Duck. – Hello Mrs. Duck! (Narrator): Here are the baby ducklings. – Ooh! – They are so sweet! Quack! Quack! – Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! (Narrator): – Peppa likes talking to ducks. Everyone likes talking to ducks! – What a lot of talking! – Now, let’s visit the bouncy tree! (Narrator): – This is the Bouncy Tree. Danny Dog is already on it. (snorts) – Hello Danny! (barks) – Hello Peppa! – Ready, steady, bounce! – Bounce! Bounce! (Narrator): – George wants a go. – Okay George, I’ll lift you on but I’ll keep hold of you. (Narrator): – George is a bit too little to bounce on the branch on his own. – Ready, steady, bounce! – That’s enough bouncing for today. See you later! – Bye Danny! – So, (snorts) what’s next? – I think it’s the hopping logs! (Narrator): – These are the Hopping Logs. Suzy Sheep is here. – Baa! Hello Peppa! (snorts) – Hello Suzy! – Watch me! I can do it without touching the ground.

    – Hooray! (snorts) – My go! Woah… Ugh… Ahh… Oh… I did it! – Hooray! (Narrator): – Now it is George’s turn. – There you go George. – Oh! – Oh, it’s a big gap, isn’t it George? Would you like some help? – Whooo! Whooo! Whooo! – Hooray! – One day, when George is big like me he will be able to do it on his own. – What’s next? – It has to be the monkey bars! (Narrator): – Here are the Monkey Bars. Candy Cat and Pedro Pony are trying to swing across them. (both) – Oof! (Narrator): – It is difficult not to let go of the Monkey Bars. – My turn! (snorts)

    You just have to swing like a monkey, look! It’s easy when you’re big and strong like me. – You’re not swinging! You’re walking! – Cheeky Daddy Pig! (laughs) – Daddy is a Cheeky Monkey! I certainly am, ho ho! – My go! (snorts) Oh! I can’t hold on! Oof! It’s impossible! (Narrator): George wants a go. – Oh George! You are too little. Even I can’t do it. – Hmm. Maybe being little might help. – What can we do now? – Well, there’s one thing in the park that we absolutely have to do! I think I know what that is! Um? It has something to do with your boots. – Jumping up and down in muddy puddles! (Narrator): The park has lots of muddy puddles

    For Peppa and her friends to jump in! – This is brilliant! (Narrator): – Peppa loves the Park! Everybody loves the Park! (narrator): Peppa and George have come to play at Granny and Grandpa Pig’s house. – Hello, Granny and Grandpa! (snorting) – Hello, my little ones.

    – Would you like to see what I’ve made in the garden? – Yes, please! – Then follow me. – I wonder what Grandpa’s made this time. – I’ve made a hotel. – What’s a hotel? – A hotel is a house where you can stay for a holiday. (snorting) Hotels are very fancy.

    – Like a fairy castle? – Yes. Just like a fairy castle. When you arrive, someone takes your bags, and you’re given a comfy room to stay in. That’s what a hotel is. – Ooh! I like hotels. – Uh, my hotel isn’t exactly like that. – I’m sure it’s still very nice.

    (buzzing) – Here it is. My bug hotel. (all): Ugh! – Oh, my word. – Good, isn’t it? – It isn’t quite what I was expecting when you said “hotel.” – How can we stay in that? – It’s not for us. This hotel is for little bugs. – Oh!

    – It is made out of sticks, old logs, bricks and leaves. All the things that bugs like. (narrator): Here comes a little beetle. – Look! Our first guest. Welcome to our hotel. Um, which of our rooms do you fancy? – It’s going into the tube thing!

    – Yes, this beetle likes this bamboo tube the best. It’s just the right size for it. (Granny): It looks really cozy. (beetle laughing) – Yes. And I want lots more bugs to stay at the hotel, because they are very good for the garden. – Ooh, look! A ladybird.

    (Grandpa): Ah, yes, here comes our next guest. (bugs laughing) (Granny): The whole family have come to stay. – The baby ladybirds are so sweet. – Hello, everyone. For you, I’d recommend our family rooms. (narrator): The family rooms are a piece of wood with lots of holes. – Ooh, look! A butterfly. – Welcome, Miss Butterfly. (snorting) I see you’ve discovered our roof terrace. – Ugh! These are a bit too creepy-crawly for me. (Grandpa): No, Granny, these are woodlice. They do lots of good work. They prefer a room that is nice and dark. May I recommend this room for you? – Night-night, woodlice. – Well done, Grandpa. Your hotel is almost full! – There’s always room for more guests. The more, the merrier! (buzzing) (Peppa): Look, a bee! (Granny): It’s a bumblebee! (Peppa): In you go. Oh, no! It can’t fit in! (narrator): None of the hotel rooms are big enough for the bumblebee.

    – We’ll just have to make a new room. Peppa and George, would you like to help? – Yes, please! (snorting) – First, we need to find something big enough. – What about this flowerpot? (snorting) – That’s perfect. We’ll just turn it upside down. – Would the bee like a comfy bed inside? (narrator): George has found some dry grass. – Perfect. That will make a very comfy bed. (buzzing) (narrator): The flowerpot room is just right for the bumblebee. – She sounds very happy. She’s going buzz-buzz! ♪ I’m a bumblebee I like to buzz around buzz ♪

    ♪ George is the beetle crawling on the ground ♪ (snorting) ♪ We are little bugs We play all day ♪ ♪ We like the bug hotel and we want to stay ♪ – Hmm. You’re very large bugs, aren’t you? I don’t you know we have any rooms big enough. (both): Oh.

    – But the bug hotel never turns guests away. We just make more rooms. Here you are. The grandest room of all for our most important guests. (kids giggling) – I’m all lovely and snug. (snorting and giggling) – I think it’s the best fancy hotel in all the world!

    – Yes, it is rather good. (laughter) (narrator): Peppa and George love the bug hotel. All the little bugs love the bug hotel! (laughter)

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