Escape To The Country Season 17 Episode 27: Gloucestershire

    Escape to the Country is a British daytime television property-buying/real estate programme, first airing in 2002 revolving around potential home buyers searching for their dream homes in rural parts of the UK.

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    1. You have the means, you have the opportunity to reach what is everyone's and obviously your dream and … "nah, what the heck, I really want to be able to walk back from the pub and not to wake up too early to drop my son at school."

    2. She was quite the character — and the glint in her eye when Jules talked about a party made it clear she would never be one to decline an invitation!

    3. This was a WEIRD search. Why does a single mother need a GIGANTIC house for just herself and one small child? Every house is absurdly, wastefully HUGE, way too much work and property for one person to deal with. She should get a smaller, less wasteful house, and spend the rest of the money on a business property. I don't understand either the house-hunter or the houses offered. They are appropriate for a large, expanding family, not one woman, one kid and a small dog. It will take her all her time just cleaning and keeping up such a house as the mystery house. Ridiculous.

    4. I loved the first house but agree a smaller version would have suited better. So much potential, though. The mystery house was to die for. I would have moved in and put the kid up for adoption. 😆 Whatever home she bought, you know she's going to do it up and resell in a couple of years. Big profit potential if you have the vision and skill, which she obviously does. Probably why she can afford the budget given, if she resold 7 homes in 6 years.

    5. So Mickey's first comment was not too much property and she HAD to be able to work on a house and make it her own. So she is shown a house with 3 acres, that is all slopes. She comments her son would find the hilly 3 acres too hard. So she is shown a property with an even steeper lot and almost none land at all. As if the son and dogs no longer need a yard? This made no sense! THEN she is shown the mystery house, 45 min. from the school she had chosen for her son AND it is grade 2 star listed. THIS for someone with a young son and who WILL want to put HER stamp on a house? Wow, if ever there were 3 houses that seem less suited to the clients wishes and needs!

    6. Why would any single mother of one child need that much space? I wasn't a fan of the first two homes. It would be fun to be lord and lady of the manor.

    7. Did i miss something?
      Who chooses a school first and builds a move around that?
      Of course when you're house hunting schools are a big priority but this seems nuts unless there was a certain reason which i missed.
      Not sure if her budget and expectations are ridiculous ot if im just jealous !😂

    8. That mystery house is probably my favorite all time house. Oh gosh, I would take it in a heartbeat! And I'm a single woman! I'd just have family move in with me. 😀

    9. Yet again the mystery house comes up trumps. However, most people find a house then look for the school. Here it was completely backwards which meant the mystery house went begging…. such a shame.

    10. This was the first time I felt they didn't do a good job with the houses. They didn't think about what she wanted and needed realistically.

    11. I know this has nothing to do with the show, but the fur she was wearing really distracted me! Why wear it, it's just cruel! The animals need their fur, we don't. It could be fake, I know, but I don't believe it!

      Nonetheless, thanks for sharing this old but gold episode!

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