Got myself a Hitway BK19 as I want to do long distance on road with some friends in London or may be even London to Brighton. 15MPH with no sweat…. This bike is design to go fast on smooth road, the 15 MPH road legal restriction don’t do this bike justices

    02:02 Unboxing
    04:10 Assemble
    04:49 Tyre pressure
    05:54 Weight test
    06:48 Close ups
    09:17 Bike size and dimensions
    11:04 First use/Road test
    18:58 My thoughts on BK19 and BK6/BK9

    “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

    (UK) BK19
    (UK) BK6
    (UK) BK9
    (UK) BK3

    My favorite is BK9 as I do a lot of pavement/woodland ride.

    Thanks for watching and I hope you find your own favorite electric bike

    “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”

    Hello I’m Benson and welcome to my Channel today I want to start the video by saying a thank you thank you for being here if you’re first time here or your return subscriber it is you who made it possible for me to grow this Channel and then I can bring more

    Interesting products to show you what your money can buy today I’m going to show you a commute bike or road bike this is by hitway and you can buy this in the UK for about £800 or £ 700 sometime this voucher on screen I will put the link in the description so you

    Can check it out yourself in the last 6 months I had a chance to test out a field bike from hitway so I got two foldable bike which is a bk6 and bk9 which you can see behind me right here so those are Fat Tire foldable bike

    Which is really really popular I also had a bk3 which is a mountain bike but I sold that to a local Ukrainian family who the wife is now using it to do school run the bk9 is slightly different from all the bikes that I have used

    Before so this is a commute bike um the battery is about 13 amp it has the same 250 WT motor and it doesn’t have a throttle in the UK so this is completely road legal so the bk9 have a different design mindset compared to the bk6 or

    Bk9 the battery is now incorporated into the body so it looks a lot more Sleek so today I’m going to show you unboxing assembly and hopefully tomorrow if the weather is nice I can take the bike out for a ride then I can show you a bit

    More about the bike and the new feature itself so I got this bike from Amazon it was delivered in a box like this and the first good thing that I know about this is the box is a lot lighter than the previous two models maybe it’s just in

    My mindset thinking that this commute bike is going to be lighter because it has a Slimmer profile and it’s made with aluminium um but you can see it’s like you know it doesn’t really wait a lot and this is everything including like packaging and you know the tools and the

    Pump and all that so I have great expectation in terms of what is in that box so let’s open this together and see what your money can buy so out of the box the bike is in the Middle with a lot of foam wedged wedged the

    Bikeing now there’s a loads of tie zip here with loads of form protecting the bike and um let’s start with the accessory box right here okay you got choice of three different colors those there is black white and blue and I op the black cuz I I do like the stealth

    Look okay so you got your operation instruction here and in this box you got your power adapter to charge your battery and it looks exactly like the other ones that I had before so I’m in the UK so I got a three pin plug and this is output 42 volt at 2 Amp

    Okay next I have the pump with the company logo on top and here you have the seat post quite a narrow seat here now the seat doesn’t have that hinge to open up for the battery because the battery no longer sits at the back of the seat post the now the battery is

    Actually in the bike body so there we go so this is a 700x 42c I think that’s just the size and the thickness of the tire and it is protected with one of this plastic thingy and they come with a disc Brak attached to the front wheel in

    Terms of styling wise I do like this a lot more than those folding bike I don’t know this one just look a bit more professional so in the brown box you got your reflectors your peddles a multi to a bike lock tie zip and a quick release bar for your front

    Wheel and a Bell Okay so that’s it so it took me about half an hour to get everything together and um yeah this is the resulting bike not too bad so they give you the same pump for I think all three models that I had so far you know the bk6 bk9

    The commute bike bk9 it comes with one of this slim kind of a road bike Val and um trying to pump this tire up to let’s say 4 and a half bar is really really hard so luckily I got my trusty foot pump with a gauge this one doesn’t

    Really have a gauge so um yeah that is definitely something that you would um invest in um cutting well I did to get it up to two bar with the hand pump and then I gave up this is so much easier and end up having to use the hand

    Pump and it’s not just a volume of air that is hard to get into is the actual pressure itself it should be 3.2 to 6 bar so I usually just go into the middle for now we take a second yep now it’s marked so the bk9 is 19.9 well let’s say 20

    Kilos so bk9 is 20 kilos if you focus properly okay and I have the bk6 which is one of my favorite folding bike and um you can see that so this is a lot heavier so this is 28 kilos so 8 kg heavier than the bk9 so super bright morning today um

    Just going to show you guys a walk around on the bike I’m charging it at the moment I always charge it outside I don’t like charging lithium battery in the house so the usual sspeed shimono gear that you find on the bk6 and bk9 but this time you have slim profile

    Tires the tire is 27 1/2 in or 70 CM you got the disc brick in the front and back now a lot of people complain about this braks I personally don’t really have any problem with it maybe I didn’t really need to go highs speeed downhill emergency brake or I’m just

    Lucky that the setup was correct out of the factory and here you can see the bk9 use a different battery design compared to the bk6 and bk9 the battery is now incorporated into the body of the frame which is a lot sleeker looking and in combination it’s l Cony

    As well just now I show you guys that the measurement was I think 19 and 1 half kilos let’s say 20 kilos compared to the 28 kilos from the previous model that I had 250 WT motor which is quite standard legally allowed on the UK road now one

    Thing I don’t particularly like is the rear lights now so this is a standal units that you need to charge it whenever you need to for example if the battery runs how you need to charge it whereas in the previous model is actually connected to the main

    Battery not sure why they do that but now you have to click a button to turn it on the front light is still connected to the main body so when you switch on the battery the front light will come on and this is the power brake it’s showing

    Green at the moment then it’s fully charged okay so let me unplug this put the gmet back into the charging hole and if you press on the battery here actually shows you green and red so three green and one red now this is a different controller compared to the big

    Bk6 and bk9 if I press the M button and you have a nice color display I don’t know if you guys can see it because it’s quite sunny out here today en J Bar on top so you the battery at the moment obviously it’s a zero

    Miles because it’s a new bike so one of the most commonly asked questions on YouTube about the bikes is the dimension of the bike so I’m just going to quickly with a take measure to go around the bike and tell you guys what the measurements are 70 CM diameter of the

    Tire which uh means it’s 27 and 1/2 in The Handlebar is 25 in or 63 and2 so this is my my right height so I’m 6’1 and I set the seat to around 29 in from the center Hub to the seat now I got the light here so it couldn’t go down

    Anymore but I guess this will be the lowest it will go if you don’t use the the light then you have a little bit more space from the center of the Hub to the seat post to the top of the seat is around 70 CM 27 and 1/2

    In rear tie is the same size as the front and the total distance from the floor to the seat 26 and2 in or 93 CM so if I adjust the seat all the way up so from the floor to top of the seat is now 103 cm of 40/2 in and from the

    Center of the Hub to top of the seat is around 81 CM or 32 in I don’t even know if people need this but anyway there from the center column to the seat post is 24 in or 61 CM from the ground so I kind of half

    Tiptoed if I need to to and this is what it looks like with a 6′ one person riding this bike so this is one of the function that I think is quite useful let’s say it’s a really really steep hill and you’re not riding your bike

    Press and hold the down button it turn into a push mode so now the bike is pushing itself as soon as you press brake it stop all set let’s go okay the road is quite busy so I don’t want to do any commentary but so far me

    This a very good road by I can see it eat the mouth on the Flat Road is really really smooth not really pedaling I’m doing 15 M an hour would be nice if I can go a bit faster but legally this is as far as I can

    Go in terms of comfort I definitely prefer the flat tight but for Comfort I definitely prefer the F Tire and a little bit of suspension in the F because I can feel any uh poort hold of the moment is like vibrating through my spine I guess this is just

    How um this is just how road bikes are now I’m going to go on the pavement save it this way I think 8° today is really really cold I should have wor gloves 1 mile to go I thought this will be a quiet spot to do some commentary so so far so good

    Um the initial pickup speed is not as good as the vk6 and vk9 so the acceleration part for example just now I was at the roundabout I do have to pressed um the pedal hard to get myself going I think because is a much bigger wheel and the motor that’s just how they

    Work but in terms of getting up to speed once you’re getting up to speed is perfectly fine but in terms of comfort wise definitely The Fat Tire I do miss the Fat Tire and uh um suspension um I think the key is a bit rening so I probably will take the key

    Out put in my pocket so this is the first two miles done uh Energy power eyes haven’t moved the all my hands are frozen okay let’s go so what do I like about this bike it’s lightweight and it’s designed to go for Speed which defeat the purpose of having

    The 15 Mi um an hour limit because this bike is designed to go faster than that on the Flat Road yeah if you ride through P holes and rough terrain it will s like shock through your spine but at the same way when you go fast is

    Really really stable I know if I thought I’m going to say this in my life that I really look forward to delimit the bike and get it up to like 20 M 20 M hour because 15 M hour is really wasted on this bike in terms of the power

    Delivering it has the same motor as the bk9 and bk6 but acceleration at the junction it does feel a bit sluggish the bk6 bk9 I feel that I don’t need to do much I just do have turn of the pedal and the bike Propel forward this one I do feel that I have

    To actually step on it to give it a push I think it’s just how the wheel is so much bigger now and the hot motor the torque transversion it’s just not the same with the 20in fat wheel the motor really delivers so you can really go

    Quickly from zero but this one here I feel that that is a slight different and at a junction you want to pull away quite quickly then um you know maybe turn into a lower gear but maybe I’m just using the wrong gear because I’m using number

    Seven for any kind of ride because the motor do most of the work anyway um another 2 miles to ride back so I look forward to that with traffic it’s used to bik Lane as it should top speed all the way so cold it’s freezing having a

    Stretch so from here all the way is up here the bike is designed to do I think 25° climb I’m sure this will this will be okay because it’s not that steep until the right at the end this whole stretch is uphill a gentle slope as it gets steeper and

    Steeper okay now I’m free wheeling at 15 let’s see if I can go faster than this so I’m stepping on it 15 and a half doesn’t really make much different I’m just not a really good cyclist I can’t get it Beyond 15 and I’m not out of breath or anything

    Like that because I’m just freewheeling but it’s so cold my lungs hurts Like leave room oh my God okay back in my studio in the warmth um it was 8° outside and it was really really cold so I done 5 miles with this bike on the road so far um obviously this is limited to 15 M an hour in the UK to make it

    Legal but I just felt that it’s a shame because the bike is designed to go so much faster really stable at that speed um what I don’t like about it it’s not the bike itself but it’s a type of bikee so with the heat way with the heat way bk6

    And bk9 those Fat Tire and the front suspension really make the ride smooth whereas the heat ray bk9 this is designed for the road when I go over potholes and stuff like that really send a shock into my spine but nevertheless this one will eat the mouse honestly the

    Five miles gone just like that the light uh yeah I’m not happy about it but to be honest with you it’s not too much of a border you just have to remember to switch it off to save energy or pluck it into the USB to charge the let me switch

    It off so the display is nice and um bright so even in bright sunlight I can see exactly how fast I’m going and all that let’s turn it off just want to show you guys the battery LED light3 green LED and one red so this is still fully

    Charged and to take it out you need to use your key so the keys go onto the body like this and you turn and the battery comes up so as you can see the frame actually are built around the battery so now you have a recess here

    And this is the battery on the battery is say 36 w 12 um amp battery 432 wat hour so you can actually take the battery out clim the bike and hopefully no one going to steal your bike but then all these become exposed to the element for me is

    More important to actually take the battery out so that I can charge it outside rather than leave it on the road as such and really Sleek design you just like you know make sure it lines up and then it clicks back in and that’s

    It like I said I only did 5 miles on it so you know um I need to do a lot more testing but um the battery indicator didn’t didn’t move at all I I strong only believe that this bike can do a much longer distance than the hitway and I think there’s two

    Reason why I think the battery will last longer um one is that the um the Fat Tire really um have a radio resistance so it actually um so it actually makes the motor a lot harder to push the bike forward and secondly I think because of the torque transversion the wheel is

    Smaller those are 20 in wheel this is like 20 27 and A2 so is um the the delivery of power is a lot stronger on that one so it’s almost like you’re you’re speeding slowing speeding slowing speeding whereas this one here is more designed for long distance without

    Slowing down that’s my opinion anyway and the bike is lighter a lot lighter that 8 kg really make a lot of difference so here I can actually lift this one with one arm without any problem whereas those two is a lot more difficult to lift

    Other than that um as a road bike it doesn’t come with any um what you call the mud guard or anything like that those two I find that they are like anyone can ride them you like you know you’re short you’re tall you you you are not proficient with the bike you just

    Jump on and ride whereas this one you do need more skill and uh Proficiency in riding your bike especially designed to go on the road you can see that loads of car just zoom past me just now not limited to 15 miles an hour but the bike

    Will only go 15 M an hour before the power cuts off and then it’s like human power even though I do train on a um Bean bike is completely different when you’re on the road so thank you very much for watching I can’t wait to see you next time with more interesting gget

    Any question leave in the comment section Bye-bye me


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