This is a movie about riding my bicycle across Europe. I rode through the Golden Hills of Tuscany, over the Majestic Swiss Alps, down the Blue Rivers of Austria, along the Medieval Castles in Germany, and ended in Amsterdam (The Bicycle Capital of the World). This film features Massive Mountain Passes, Stealth Camping, Hitch Hiking, and Fast Downhills.

    Follow me on Instagram! @The_Travelin_Dude

    I do not own the music in this video.
    Mystic Braves- Mystic Rabbit
    Mystic Braves- Desert Island
    Daydream Machine- The White Rose
    N’to- Trauma (Woraklis Remix)
    Other Lives- Dust Bowl III
    Silver Firs- Danse Macabre
    Mogli- Alaska
    The Blue Stones- Low
    Mystic Braves- Trippin’ Like I Do
    The Dolly Rocker Movement- The Light Ride
    Rumspringa- Can’t Seem To Make You Mine


    1. By FAR, one of THE BEST VIDEOS / FILMS I’VE EVER SEEN here on YouTube or elsewhere. EXTREMELY WELL DONE!!! I’d watch your vlogs for hours. Kinda disappointed when you didn’t have a lot of videos posted. Watching this film brought me back to a younger time when I still had dreams to explore the world. Although I DID go to college in England, I wish I had more experiences such as these. Thank You soooo much for uploading it. It was just the distraction I needed to renew my youth. I’m from Carmel California & now live on the East Coast but watching this Film brought back a lot of the joy I was missing in my life.

    2. hey Daniel! I was interested to know how you found that couple in the middle of mountain to work with, they didn't seem to have much technology there or much people, I'm so curious!?

    3. Such an awesome journey!! loved how you were always so respectul of each culture and talked in the local languages! I especially loved you riding past the apple shaped bush in my hometown 🙂

    4. This has been so inspirational, I’m not joking when I say, I teared up while watching . What you do is exactly what I like about biking, and the simple village life, the inherited kindness of the people living there, it’s something that I hope we never lose. Thank you for showing this ❤

    5. 34:32 how did you end up in this tunnel? 14kms long wow. Usually it has signs that forbid cyclists. Thanks to the good guy Sebastian. I had a good laugh at the Apple story. Great video!

    6. You've done justice to an epic ride with this great film! Really enjoyable to watch. I'm sure every time you eat an apple you'll be thinking of that experience in Austria :). Happy cycling!

    7. Hi, it's really awesome to watch your movie about riding across Europe, friend. My warm greetings from The Special Territory of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

    8. Im a happily married man from the north of England, but dude do I want to hug you and kiss you on the cheek. Thank you SO MUCH, I must adventure more. Please make more videos. What is the yellow high vis shirt you are wearing a lot please?

    9. Great journey through Europe, loved the Wet Descent footage….bur washing your hair and brushing your teeth in the local town fountain will not go down well and usually end with negative interactions with the locals.
      Best find a garage or a quiet graveyard.

    10. He Daniel, it's a few years back this trip I guess, but what a fantastic trip you made across the old continent. And what a beautiful video to show it to the world. I guess that time working in the Swiss alps will be a special and spiritual memory for the rest of your life!

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