Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 192112. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential scientists of all time. He was also a prominent advocate for world peace and a supporter of the State of Israel and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. This video discloses 10 great life lesson from the great man. @LiveNLearn2023

    10 great life lessons from Albert Einstein one follow your curiosity I have no special talent I am only passionately curious curiosity helps to fuel our imagination when we ask questions of others we can find Vital Information to help us solve problems open new doors and form connection

    S when we ask questions of ourselves we can shake up our beliefs reveal our innermost desires and make positive changes what unanswered question is swimming around in your head too perseverance is priceless it’s not that I’m so smart it’s just that I stay with problems longer if you have a dream you’ll face

    Obstacles but staying with problems longer as Einstein says can mean the difference between failure and success some ways to begin practicing perseverance are committing to your dream keeping a positive attitude staying focused on what you want every day and bouncing back from Adversity three focus on the present any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves what a great example Einstein uses to illustrate the importance of focusing on the present we can miss the pleasures of the present by becoming too preoccupied with

    The past and future reminding ourselves daily to to be present will bring us more peace joy and a greater appreciation for life for imagination is powerful imagination is everything it is the preview of life’s Coming Attractions imagination is more important than knowledge with one idea an Empire can be

    Built take for example Walt Disney a true master of imagination he got the inspiration for Mickey Mouse from an old pet mouse he used to have on his farm that black and white mouse became an animated Legend imagination opens the door to a kingdom of Possibilities five make mistakes a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new mistakes are inevitable especially when pursuing something worthwhile they can be disappointing and tough on our confidence but testing our steadfast commitment to the end goal is often necessary what great things are ever accomplished without failing in some way

    First the absolute failure is in not starting or completing six live in the moment I never think of the future it comes soon enough as they say the moment is all we have a tricky concept to grasp eart toi in his book The Power of Now said that a person’s success in

    Truly being in the present moment moment could be measured by the degree of peace they feel Within by becoming more aware of the moment we can ground ourselves in what matters Most seven create value strive not to be a success but rather to be a value how would you define success what will make your life a success these questions can be great ones to ask yourself it can be raising healthy and happy children having meaningful and fulfilling relationships being authentic in

    Conversations writing a book loving a career and feeling good every day whatever it is for you that’s where to place or continue to place your focus what we focus on truly expands eight don’t be repetitive Insanity doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results if you have been unhappy in

    Certain areas of your life such as finances or relationships opt to do one thing differently tomorrow the idea is to shake up the routine if you have a job that could be more fulfilling or frustrating on some level think about what you can do to change the situation sometimes A New Perspective on

    The same situation is all it takes to open one’s eyes to what’s possible the first step is to recognize the dissatisfaction and then take a single action toward Satisfaction nine knowledge comes from experience information is not knowledge the only source of knowledge is experience experience creates knowledge that is respected and valued by others we can read books listen to tapes and take courses but the experiences we have in life can provide the best lessons for others

    Your life story is rich in knowledge and people are ready to listen because it’s the most compelling and authentic way to make a difference with someone 10 learn the rules and then play better you have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone

    Else to become an expert at something learn all you can about about that subject study other successes and then aim to do it better than them the stronger your commitment and passion are to your Endeavor the greater your resolve will be to succeed

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