hi hello and welcome back today I’m making a long line at home that anyone can do themselves it’s a fun way of catching fishing I hope you enjoy the video and hope you catch on yours if you make one. like share and SUBSCRIBE 💪 #sealife #longline #fish

    Hey how’s it going guys Jason here from inore fish right today guys we’re going to be making up a long line or Truck Line uh whatever you want to call it both exactly the same thing so what we got is we got some nylon which I

    Brought off uh Amazon there’s 50 m of that um so we got that we got some 5 hooks 100 of them we’ve also got 25 25 swivels there big ones as well because the Tod nylon is 4 mil thick so we need big swivels so we got that we’ve

    Also got 25 lb braking strain which is going to go from the swivel to the C uh from the swivel to the hook so we got that we’ve also got some crimps that are going to go either side of the swivel which you can see there little aluminum

    Circle 4 mm um crimps there guys so they’re going to go either side and then all we got is oh all we got is one of these clips go on the end so um yeah we’re going to start making this up guys it’s going to be a long video well it’s

    Not going to be a long video it’s going to be a long time making it cuz I’ve got to frad all them little um crimps onto that line from one end to the other so 175 ft so we’re going to crack on guys I’ve already put the insulation around

    The box there as you can see so the idea of that will be that we put all the tire Nile on in the bottom here and the hooks will just sit on all the way along here so they’re not Tangled in the bottom of the box so we’re going to crack on make

    A start with this truck line right we’re back I just managed to burn the end a little bit better so that it’s more easier to get on now they actually slip straight on quite easy so carry on with these like I said I’ve got to space these out at 2 m

    Each so like I said we’ll get them all on then we’ll undo the ti Nyon all the way out and then we’ll go from there goes look how easy that’s going now a bit easier than before it just wasn’t burning it right I wasn’t it had more of

    A rounded fat end on it than a nice smooth edge so definitely going on better now right we’re going to get these on guys we’ll bring you back once these are all on we started pulling the T on right straight away and I’m glad I realized it now these all got to come

    Off do you know why I need to put the swivels on now as well so they’re all off so start again like I said I’m glad we haven’t even got that far and not all the way into it tip them into there so we’ve got one spacer on then we need a

    Swivel then another spacer so then that will sit like that but obviously it won’t be able to slide I’ll crimp them about that far apart so you can have a little bit of play there but that will be it guys so we’re going to carry on so we’ve

    Done that so then we need another another spacer on there then we need a swivel spacer space uh swivel so we got to carry on out all the way down so like I say guys we’ll get all this on and I’ll bring it back in a while see now guys starting to take

    Shape a bit better now now lock say obviously they will be spreed apart the swivels will be about 2 m apart so the hooks will be about 2 m apart right there we go guys all the swivels and the um crims are on now the only way I can really think about how

    I’m going to do this is I’ve gone around the pole three times I’ve gone up the garden sorry about the kids bikes and that I’ve gone up the garden round this twice along here down to that push bike and all the way up there to my

    Pile of uh rubbish I got there for bonfire night so I’m hoping now what I can do is just pull the bead and the crimps all the way along at 2 m apart all the way along and um yeah we’ll start crimping and putting the hooks on guys there’s Bry he old

    Bry right like I say these are all on what I’ve done is I’ve gone and marked 2 m there go along here another 2 m so that’s where our SE is going to go so what we got to do now is make sure this is the first

    One we can take a couple up with us I suppose actually they slide quite well so we’ll take a good whack with us cuz we got to go all the way up here around the Pole sorry about the camera guys so we got go all the way like I say up here what I don’t want is that to jam up like that so I might just do a couple at a time two at a time it’s going to take some time but never mind I’d rather do

    It and it be done right it’s like I say it’s not ideal what what would have been better is to have done it down the field but hey ho so all the way what I probably should have done is done this at the start like I say it’s going to take a while

    So you notice how I’ve gone around everything the push bikes um just so that way now straight so our first one’s quite close up to the bike here so this is going to be our first one here so we’re going to crimp that we’re going to

    Move along to the second one and crimp that so let’s have a look and see how these work these crimps hopefully they don’t split now that’s crimp that nicely there so we go there and there I reckon and there we have it so that’s our first two crimp that

    Out got to work over the second ones here so we grab the bead grab the swivel we got that one there you see the black line that I’ve made so we go there just either side of it with the crimp and the swivel is sit in between on the 2 m mark

    So again just like that like I say these are Alloy so they’re not going to rust but we’ll do that and we’ll go work our way along right we’re getting there everyone look here we go give you a little show so is the first one we not first one second one third

    One fourth one around here fifth one and all the way along guys so as you can see it’s going be a nice little truck hopefully fingers crossed it works I’m not sure if it’s going to float yet if it floats it don’t matter just means it keeps the bait off the

    Floor so yeah right let’s carry on just crimping away these pliers ain’t the best I’ll crimp them but I’ll probably need a pair of a slightly longer handle give a little bit more leverage because these don’t seem to be clamping that hard or that tight I

    Should say and what I don’t want is when this nylon gets wet is for them to slip so just carry along till we get to our next Mark there and that’s it guys this is as easy as that anybody could make this at home it hasn’t cost me much

    Make this trop line right let’s carry on rig here with the cat got what I’m doing is I’m cutting this out of faven to that length and then what I’ll do is I’ll take this up to my first hook it’s a lot of up and down but it’s going to

    Be the easiest way and all we’re going to do is tie that onto here nice and tight what we do is after we go around and trim them all off but that’s what we got to do now guys go along and put that what you don’t want

    To do really and I’ll have to check it don’t really want these two touching so I might even go a bit shorter with these might even go half that you know yeah I think I might half that half that to there that’s a nice depth yeah that’s what we’re going to do

    Guys we’re going to half that and to go to that right well there you go all the traces on now on all the on all the uh swivels here here here and here here going all the way out there so all we got to do now is tie the hooks on so

    What I think I might do is I’ll put the hooks on as I pull it into the back into the drum so right first of all guys before we start pulling it in we’re just going to put some holes in the bottom so that when we do put the Trot in there when

    It’s wet it can drain through the bottom few holes in the bottom to allow to come out so what I’m doing now is I’m just tying that on there and like I say I’m going to tie this one on this side so that I can have this looped over my neck

    Cuz like I say I’m going to do this at low water around reefs um and obviously when the weather is bad like it is today and all weekend and all weak common there you go I can then go down at low water and put this out so that’s

    Going to go over my neck like that just at the last bit I’m doing now and the rain has just started hammering it down glad I managed to get it done when I could so guys well that’s the Trot made and ready to go um I might go put it

    Down tonight if we can get get there um not sure where to put it yet but yeah it’s all made I give you a little glimpse of it in the Box I’ve got a couple of spare ones of these cuz what I might do is in between

    In the middle so I’ll have I’ll have one end tied to a rock or whatever the other end tied to a rock and then in the middle I might put a little sash we or two equal amount in the middle of the truck just in case it does float keeps

    It down a bit but there you go that’s it there all in the Box done all right guys hope you enjoyed the video hope some of you hopefully will make your own little truck and go and try it like I say it’s simple it’s easy if you’re doing it in

    Low water though like I’m going to probably go tonight at about half tied up and pull it about half tied down so that I can get there before anybody else finds it the last thing you want is dog walkers to come along something like and

    Um try eating the bait on the o so yeah hey how’s it going everyone hope you can see me with the light it’s not very bright probably put this one on actually I might up a little bit um yeah right how’s it going everyone tonight guys it is 12:00 midnight uh we’re going

    To go down the beach low water is 20 to 2 in the morning uh we’re going to go down it comes that rain again we’re going to go down and Chuck out this truck guys and um hopefully we’re going to pull it tomorrow about 11:00 during the day and fingers crossed guys it

    Might have some bass on there so it’s going to be windy I’m going to film it if it’s too windy I’ll put some music to it or something like that but uh yeah just bear in mind it is going to be windy down the beach guys it’s blowing

    Absolute G right let’s get the uh get the jacket on get the tro out the back get the bait let’s get down the beach sh the swell and everything fingers crossed it all goes well hopefully it does no morons for it to get caught on hey good morning everybody right so the

    Next morning after we put the Trot out so it’s had a good Fair few hours soaking in the water now we put it down last night like I say on the droing tide and we’re pulling it today on the droing tide not right the end of the tide I Did

    It 2 hours before low water last night and I obviously going to be picking it up um 2 hours before low water today just so it wasn’t right down the beach I’m down the beach now it’s not dried out it’s got quite a bit of way yet

    Before we can uh get to the trout but uh the last thing I want to do is um leave it dry and somebody else come along with dog walkers and things like that you are allowed Truck Lines uh this time of the year in the Bays uh so there’s no no law

    Against that um but yeah it’s people don’t like to see it if it’s there especially if there’s fish on it as well like you know so yeah we’re just waiting for the tire to drop now and then we’re going to make our way down the beach

    Again sorry about the wind it’s just as wind as it was last night guys so yeah hopefully fingers crosses some fish right tide slowly dropping you can see the pier now like I say aned the corner here shooting across this way so hopefully not too much longer might take

    A quick walk over see if we can see anything on it but it’s still there that’s the main thing look there it is sometimes you can feel if there’s something on them definitely nothing on the first one but you never know I wait for that tire to drop go

    Straight across that yellow boy over there just over there so right got to wait well I just managed to lift a bit of it by standing on the end of the pier there lifted probably six or seven looks out of the water if not maybe a couple

    More they’re all bare no bait on them no fish so it’s not looking too promising guys but hey it’s worth a try you never know could have loaded up with bus could have nothing might have something yet we’ll see still not low enough guys W be long [Applause] he H guys Congo

    It get him off the hook there you go snap the O off but at least we got him out you look in my pocket there we go small little cono web he’s going to go straight back carry on pulling this [Applause] tro [Applause] right we’re back in the

    Warmth well we only had that one Conger whip on it there guys so better than a blank we had something but uh Now it worked out all right wasn’t Tangled uh we only had that one hook there that I can untangle when I put it out next or

    Like I said I’ll take it home cut the snood off put a new one on and we’ll have to retie that hook as well that come out with that Congo whip but yeah no cheers for coming on guys hope you enjoyed the video and uh like I say

    Hopefully guys you’ll be out there making some truck lines of your own and putting them out low water it’s easy just make sure you do it and be safe where you go with it see you later guys take it easy


    1. I often used to put longlines from the shore years ago, usually 8 to 10 hook line and I did very well with large bass. A top tip is use the bait you find on the beach like the crabs, blenny's, and rocklings. Mackerel fillet and garfish can work well in storms or a heavy roll as it helps keep the crabs off the bait but ultimately the baits found in that area always came out top.

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