Rafal Majka talks of Tadej Pogacar and the Giro d’Italia and Tour de France goal, how he will support Pogacar in try to win both. #TDF More info here: https://flosports.link/4bHk8QL

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    This idea of the Year to tellal you why should I race should I race like hard climbs long climbs the best rider in the world he win already two times the tour to France yonas has a singular objective of the tour to France kick T’s butt

    Rafel you have a big season ahead of you what are you looking forward to in 2024 big goal for me is this year is J Italia with t and uh of course we try to win like all the time and uh we have a couple races when we want to win

    Especially like uh Team classification UCI also this year at the end of the season yeah at the end of the season and of course we have this strong team this year we have this young guys also like Del Toro when he no surprise as in in Australia he’s strong guy big talent and

    Uh h of course we want to win some grand Tours like jro and of course that they want to win also the tour the France that’s a lot to put on your plate I guess touching first on deloro what do you think when these young guys come through T was young now

    We got deloro and these other guys and we’re only getting older yeah of course you know the the the psyching is a little bit changing and uh and the young guys is really coming really strong but in the end I don’t know how he can keep

    How many years he can keep these young guys because you know when you coming already like 19 20 years old and uh really top shape you know and maybe this gu for sure is grow up still because I see his big talent and uh like Del Toro

    Is’s already make the big goal in in Australia and now we have the another goal I think so inan and and and of course uh the big talents is coming already the young guys and uh I think so till 28 30 years old he can still right

    Good bike and then after that maybe you just run out of juice run out of power yeah I don’t know we we discussed this before and H I want to see these guys you know and how is in after five six years and how is the shape these guys

    Because then when you start so young be strong like this and uh I hope so this guy have big future like Del Toro and uh he can I think so he can win really really big races okay so you mentioned a lot on on your plate and something kind

    Of new a return to the jro Talia and that’s because primarily because Tad is going there and with this goal that try to win the jro and maybe go on and try to win the Tour to France how have you changed things up for 2024 to be ready

    For that Jalia racing alongside bachar no I’m really happy because then it’s for me it’s a little bit changing and I can I can back to to to J to jro Italia of course it’s more harder climbs and then than I prefer and uh yeah and a

    Little bit we skip some races and more preparation also in altitude and of course we need to when I see the last week in jro you need to be ready there and uh h of course then uh T like hard climbs long climbs and his big favorite

    And I think so he can win he can win both like prepare really well the jro but also to prepare really well the to the France I think is’s only one guy he can do with this you think so I mean it’s a big gamble too because if you

    Finish second in the jro and you don’t have the juice and the gas for the tour to France then it’s a bad season ah you know it’s never a big season when you be second in zero you know but of course for T he he won also

    Win the races and uh and is the best for now is I think so third year is the best rider in the world and uh and I think so is he have still you have still big motivate to to win all grand Tours because when we training with him he the

    Same T he so strong then and better not training with him because you are more tired and your opinion what is difficult about the jro and have you and T talked about that the difficulties of the jro versus what you what you faced at the tour to France racing with him I think

    So it’s more the weather you know uh it’s more the weather because you sometimes you can find good weather in J but sometimes you can find when it’s every day raining snowing and and and yeah this stuff and but in the end when you think about

    The uh the jro jro is I think so more hard to climbing but the tour def France is more hard for the for the head you know all the time just because all the pressure from all all the teams it’s true it’s more pressure but also the

    Flat stages is never be never be easy you need to be all at time in the front to you know to be there because otherwise when you miss some crosswind or something like this then you lose all all all tour you know and big crashes

    All the time in of course all the races you have the same but I think so the tour def France is more more precious for all the teams that’s why it’s more hard to race do you think you guys you welcome this new challenge to just keep things fresh to have different uh

    Objectives different things to do otherwise every season it’s the same yeah that that’s why it’s so so nice to be a little bit different you know we start I start in Saudi it’s perfect you know it’s good weather and you can start more easy more calm and of course you

    Have big goals also uh and in the end but in the end you need to be good in uh all the races but the best preparation to be good in the jro is to be top shape there and of course because when we we

    Know all the team we want to be good all the grand Tours and of course the UIA team he want to win grand Tours because we have strong team of course also this also this year we have strong team for the when I see the team for the tour def

    France AO Almeida Adam and and and T is almost the best four climbers in the world and I think so it’s already big opportunity for the team to make some big differ are you going to regret not being there because I think from what I understand you’re not racing

    The double as well yeah actually I’m maybe I’m not happy but I’m also you know for me is I like to ride also the Juro it’s more calm hard climbs but in the J in the T of France when you see this team H it’s all the team you know

    Like uh big leaders and of course it’s no easy to maintain this this team but I think so we have uh it can be better opportunity for these guys to win the Tour were you talking with t when he was kind of working this out in his head

    This idea of the year at Italia and you guys talked about why should I race should I race and what were you talking with him about at the time oh I think so he want to race jro it’s a little bit different also for him you know he win

    Already two times the Tour de France he want to win also jro Italia maybe Wan next year or maybe this year also I don’t know but of course you want to change something and also it’s nice to be in jro and nice to be also in the tour both and he’s already

    25 years old he can do with this you know like J and tour but yonas has this singular singular objective of the tour to France training camps be ready for the tour to France kick T’s butt but T you know he’s going to race the jro show

    Up with the tour I mean isn’t that all at risk I don’t think so T you have so many races this year and and should be good to to to prepare than then Jiro into to I think so this big goal will be like win the jro of course but also it’s

    Nice to preparation for from the jro some rest and do it the tour you know and the jro’s Magical as well what do you love about that race ah you know the people people then people food and and and the climes is perfect when it’s nice

    Rathera the Juro Italia is the best I think so like Grand Tour when you’re approaching the season I think the first race you have with t was is what one I think so no we have uh jro Italia the first one yeah the first one we have jro

    Italia then yeah but I think so he started in Str bian and he’s already good shape and and when we see him he’s big talent I think so he training a little bit and he’s already like good shape and uh of course when you have one Riders like this with

    The strong head and and and uh he want to win win everything you know when he start he never say yeah I don’t want to win this one of course he he want to win everything you’ve done it in the past mountains jerseys at the tour to France

    Stages as well you’ve been a leader you’ve been a helper for others there at saxo bank and you come here to UAE how has it changed for you over these years going from your roles in the other teams to here at UAE and also uh supporting a

    Rider like T A what what are the difficulties and the pleasures of doing that yeah it’s more you know like uh of course some races we have big pressure like UIA to r t the France but the team is more quiet and of course that’s why maybe

    The uh maybe it’s better for us you know of course we need to win the races you know we need to be there top shape all the time but still for me is like I don’t have this pressure like you know like the tour be there all

    The time the flat and this because for for my head is like it’s no be easy like I’ve been some so many years they also the leader like grand Tours and you know we need to push every every day it’s a different pressure Bri different pressure because in the flat tantal need

    To be all the time there and uh of course when be like gregario in Grand Tour is completely different because you can relax little bit the flat stages and you need to be there in the in the climb what are the difficulties do you think

    At the year to tell you this year I mean besides the third week that you mentioned in the high mountains I think so the weather you know because sometimes you you need to change the stages or something like this you know and I hope so this year is better

    Weather than last year because when I see in television then last year the a lot of guys is suffering the cold and you know is the jro but more more hard is for sure the stages okay I don’t think we have Primos I don’t think we

    Have Remco we do have garant Thomas uh what other Rivals are you guys looking at have you had an idea looking at that start sheet rival wise what are the difficulties you know then every day is you can you can pass everything you know like in in Grand Tour you can be

    Sick you can crash and everything but I think so the B it’s a lot of guys you can do it so the Rivalry comes more from within because sickness weather crashes yeah that’s why and that’s you can be you can have bad day you can lose one minutes two minutes sometimes is you

    Never know what is happen in the cycling you know and uh of course and uh some guys for sure is coming like from Bora from Jumbo have good guys to to make GC and uh of course it’s TR to fighting with Bacha what do you want to

    Accomplish this year what would you like to see in 2024 for yourself and the team you mentioned the objectives but really personally what are you looking forward to this year yeah I I looking to to be really good in uh in jury Taria to try

    To win with with Tad of course I want to win also some races for myself and uh the second part of the season and I hope so we enjoy this 24


    1. Can't wait this year is gonna be epic. Poor little Jonas team is weaker and four real threats no wout no primoz he will struggle. The four threats will make him work no hiding while the team keeps him out of the wind.

    2. The whole UAE team lacks tactical understanding. The 4 threats only works if they are real threats. That means Pogacar have to let a teammate win.

      When they brought Adam Yates last year, they pretended that he was co-captain.
      But Jumbo called their bluff and solely focused on Pogi. And when Yates tried to attack, who was it that went after him? Pogi himself. A total tactical disaster. He was not willing to let a teammate win and as long as that's the case, UAE can't use the numerical advantage for sh!t.

      But if they make a secret plan for one of the others to win, it could work. But Pogi needs to be much more disciplined and only focus on Jonas, so when Roglic attack and Kuss and Almeida follow, he does not do anything but sit back and keep the focus on Jonas. Can he do that? I have my doubts.

    3. Pogacar can win the double , for sure. Unless … he again goes through that one fateful day of “severe illness” when he loses eight minutes. No one knows if or when that day will attack him.

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