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    I’m a full time reseller based in the north west of England. I make a full time living by finding items at car boot sales, charity shops, auctions etc… and then selling them online to make a profit.
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    #davekeeffe #ablreselling #carboot #reseller

    Okay before we get into today’s video I’m going to do the random comment pick from the last video if you were very good enough to watch till the end of my last video you’d have seen something very interesting and I promised I would do a giveaway off the back of that very

    Interesting thing you’ll have to go back and watch it to find out what the hell I’m talking about anyway if you did the comment I was looking for is boobs so I’ve loaded the video tag set it all up so going to get the comments 81 comments right let’s find a

    Winner and the winner is this is Joe boot it’s been so many different spelling of the word boobs so this is Joe if you’re watching this video get in touch send me a message on Instagram or through the channel and I’ll get something off in the post here thanks everybody for

    Playing and now for today’s video good morning Sunday January 28th and there’s not a drop of rain forecast for today there’s not a cloud in the sky I’m going completely on faith on that one cuz I can’t see the bloody sky at the minute what a marvelous day to head over

    To a boot cell I reckon it’s going to be a busy one as well I’m very giddy I didn’t sleep much at all last night I know it’s very sad cuz I’m just giddy I’m just giddy I’m forcing it I’m forcing the enthusiasm cuz I’m shattered let’s get a quick coffee infusion and

    Get over the boot s shall we let’s rock and Roll got to be large morning M how you doing today card thank you sir Cheers Cheers have a good day man cheers oh it’s hard to get up in the morning when your head is blur and yarning let’s get out of it day fueled by pure caffeine just leave

    This one your back wheel back put thanks cheers morning my where got on that uh prob quid on that mate 4 if you look at the you Google it it’s like wife wife got it from wife wife got for son struggles with em he he won’t he won’t

    Use it it’s like electrocution device is it what he he uses it oh yeah yeah would you go 30 on it lest I go is 35 mate like yeah yeah5 should go man go less than that so what might be dying last week but it’s bloody brass monkeys isn’t it

    Yes I got this on there two F in the week so oh it’s now worse is it oh shoot your pains up your budy up your up your mouth yeah not good for morale that mate no it’s not you my friend cheers what is it on my legs are really killing

    Me all the best he is it is it is it I don’t think it is no not a shy stick it up for me than for me there how you doing yeah not too bad buddy how are you I’m very well he’s my M SC is

    He leave alone is he one of the good ones one of the good stuff yeah cracking that’s what we like to here all right you have these last week no no we got these too mate uh 7 each 40 got Lo have you oh blinding about you in for them mate 14 yeah

    Yeah cheers buddy you said 25 on the 1500 uh 1500 sets didn’t you did you say 25 on that I’ll B back when you set up a bit how much is this trolley pal how much is that this trolley 15 mate 15 clip it for you yeah if you’re mine

    It’s a big is it that yeah I’ve seen them quite tall is it’s a lot wider than usual but I’ve seen them taller got then extendable handles yeah yeah and it’s got foot it’s got foot braks on each wheel yeah this just the Rolls-Royce of trolley this is it is

    That one’s got that one there is got that’s push handle all right yeah oh is it like a like a Mobility Aid type in the instruction Le still in it yeah yeah can you get anywhere in A10 on it 12 12 that’s fair enough yeah yeah fair enough bargain absolutely got to pay

    For yeah I thought i’ Miss today I just got me some one of those uh Silent Night Teddy ones yeah cuz I’m a soft ass and that bringing things molting you know what these are M microfiber these all right okay but you get a fitted sheet actually got the pr

    The pattern printed on the sheet right okay you want prid yeah mother mother old mother-in-law bought me some uh satin bed cheeks one which I thought was a bit weird but anyway nevertheless never again never outside B Che you just freaking slide off this they say this supposed to be

    All dead sexy and everything in it I tell you what if you get jiggy on that you’d be off you be like a bloody slum yeah oh dear oh thank you very thank you cheers put in there oh we’re going have to Daisy CH it yeah I reckon yeah we

    Could get away with that this is more storage space I can M more Bargains now we got plenty of bargins anyway oh we’ve got we also got some Razors up there too the g r Glide I I’ll be honest be I buy to resell so it’s stuff I canp basically there’s about 30

    Or 40 in that box nice they’re five a piece which ones are they Sorry these are pro Glide all right okay you get two blades in them one’s a sens one’s a sensitive blade and one’s your standard blade yeah under a f a piece yeah I’ll I’ll keep up it I I

    Normally do two or three laps anyway so better when it comes right I was here last week and it were a bit damp well we was going to come on last week but we decided not so busy last uh not really no no be even bus it’s going to be even today reckon

    Yeah I’ll come back see you in a bit also got load of body massages all right okay turn very popular oh the the bubbly things and you put on your neck these are G it’s a gun basically you you turn it on and you press it in and it vibrates

    Even more I’ll swing back around and have another look at you thank you it’s actually really busy today but weirdly nobody’s got the music on and it’s a little bit Eerie normally it adds to the atmosphere those are people playing M random music but not today I

    Can’t believe how many sellers are right it’s bloody January and it’s an outdoor boots so what’s going on hey no complaints for me vaguely remember some are these how much have you got on your your Wellies Wellies three quid three quid bargain yeah do you know what I’ve

    Been looking for well rages in my size bloody ages yeah where I work in the SRA Manchester Norm They Don’t Really uh it’s not really Wellington sorry realize it you mate all right it yeah got to be I was here last week it was a bit damp but worth turning

    Off last week I was it I know do War you want change I know do Warrington I’m sure I’ve seen you on Warrington before yeah I to come back to the car cuz this is getting silly I’m taking people out as I go feel like bodus here just have a look at your

    Lamps how and about early abely watch on YouTube oh cheers man thank you you don’t happen to know what model I is would you no all I know is H what you can see somebody move the carriage on oh there we go what’s that say on the side I need get me readers

    On no that’s just the I think that’s the the distributor all right okay anything on the other side is it left out the case yeah we are youve left a over be Ty rer typ Rider get it wind up there we are yeah there’s no indication is it the

    Label on the back there have you seen that uh Underwood yeah Underwood Underwood Elliot fish you so look yeah there’s nowh think that might be reproduction put trash in the joint here interesting made in the USA think George Ross would go mad for that morning how much are these once

    More round then a call it today I think who there for you oh top man I know you look after me the mendal and I don’t how you pronounce mind how much have we got them he a good price on it oh come on man give me something to e

    That if we start at 10 no don’t be silly I I’ve got them on at 25 so I’ll sort you out so we’re looking at 20 45 two hours that top man I can do that yeah you’re a bik man it’s h isn’t they it’s nice huh yeah I’m trying to be [Laughter]

    Kind you Bing much there no not over the winter I’m soft now mate yeah yeah yeah only get out um during the sumon now yeah you don’t get any medals for um for riding when it’s cold and wet i’ have seen quite a few out this week you

    Know think people are just itching to get back into the season you know what last time I spoke to you I was I was in AI I’ve been there for like 3 mons oh be saying you were going yeah yeah hated it yeah the thing with the forces Cyprus

    Sucks don’t it’s boring just just the Americans and what have you last time I went over I stayed with him man was1 yeah and um he had access to North Club order cuz he worked for the UN yeah and honestly he’s he’s really really weird um the the difference in cultures

    Between the suiet side the Greek side and the turkey side I went down the walking down this street on the Greek side to go to we going diving or to a market or something and um you have to it’s like it was like Oxford Street like brand shots really really Posh and all

    That and you go for a checkpoint you have to show your passport and there’s um there’s a gap of maybe about 30 foot or something like that with all the bombed out houses and stuff like that and shot at and like that and you go for another checkpoint show you

    Passport again it’s like walking into a Turkish market the the the culture the difference in culture is unbelievable so it’s really bizarre it’s good for diving in the north yeah you do then do it only like when it can do it for free and my mate is big into his diing he

    Hooked it up for going to you remember that fall yeah I’ve sold another one since yeah that was that was probably my fastest ever boot sell sale as well like yeah I really wanted you to put the kids on oh I gotted me in hindsight I mean if

    I can avoid it I try not to put the kids on kind of thing so you got on those mate um I’ll do them for a f yeah top man you had a good Christmas in that yeah relaxing I I had like about 10 days of doing absolutely

    Buger all it was glorious spend obviously spend a lot of time with a family me and my uh my oldest daughter went out on on Christmas Eve and got absolutely hammered need it the thing is though trying to entertain the kids the day after it was not fun mate

    You do 60 with that oh yeah yeah both put that on YouTube I’m I’m with you I hate for as well thank you thanks a lot but I do love these stories when the underdog wins like yesterday I or something oh yeah like they play as side which is like quite high up

    96 um teams or something in between them I heard on the radio some more obscure teams playing man Manchester United today oh I don’t know what the script is it’s all this uh FA Cup is it yeah that’s the one yeah I I followed Blackman Rover for a season cuz somebody

    I was um somebody I worked for I was trying trying to keeping the good books and just following them along but yeah it’s not for me I like fighting not so much yeah not so much football big anything yeah any contact sports like that I used to I used to fight back

    In the day was in the Army yeah yeah it’s big isn’t it in the Army that’s all you do you just training I wasn’t very good at it it got me ass kicked a lot but work absolutely yeah what else has that me oh do you know what Amazon’s been on

    Fire good oh yeah really good did you get on the Tesco thing on Friday Tesco 75% off Lego no how you find about that blind luck blind lucky to you I don’t know it well there’s a Q4 after party in uh Manchester this weekend for resellers

    And uh there’ be a lot of sore EDS today I I got invited but I thought if I went just be it be fomo this morning would it yeah cool brilliant nice one have you got anything else exciting coming out um the issue yeah how many have you got out of five

    Or three qu how many How many pairs just these ones yeah yeah I’ll tell least keep an eye out any milary stuff what yeah military stuff bike stuff obviously you know I’m big on boots yeah um I need to get back on it because I’ve spent so much time and money on Amazon

    This month particularly Ebay’s really slowed down you have to keep the ball rolling don’t you yeah yeah just want to see fresh stuff up you yeah yeah well I I get how it works you just have to keep feeding the beast but there is a bit of a fall off

    Because of it that’s your fulltime job then is it really yeah it’s good to see you again anyway you too man um I’m I’m off next weekend so I’ll see if I can get some gear for you then yeah yeah if you can have you got my number

    No yeah yeah could you messag me yeah yeah give us a shout see where up to have a good day Bud yes think I’m going to have to treat myself want to bought the to flip although I did buy some boots last year but for me it’s a perfect you go

    M thank you sir what’s that for mate size mate size eight okay nice set up man how much have you got in the amp bud how much in the amplifier just the amplifier May is that 20 quid there a couple more you any on it I read comment on this

    I’ve been told to sell a whole break here these sell the speakers for like 4M yeah that a man that’s the best you can do to you that’s 15 a p yeah is that just are there for the one underne it it does sometimes up and that soon as I

    Stop recording and walk away he said go on then I’ll do you a deal I bought both of them for 20 quid though rather than one of them for a tener I’m such a punter absolutely heaving at Boughton today two car Parks absolutely chocka block there is a reason for that though

    Apparently Warrington boot sale uh isn’t on today I’m not sure if their season is started or what the story is there so there’s a lot of people that would have been on there that have come over to Bolton that’s not necessarily a good thing though in my experience and I may

    Be wrong but with Warrington it’s mostly Market Traders so that’s why there’s a lot of Market Traders here today so as busy as it was I probably could have done better if I’m honest for pickups I’m not complaining I got some great stuff I’m going to get all home now and

    Take you through what a picked up after a substantial nap time I’ll see you in a bit well the weather forecast was right the rain did hold off and that made for a really good turnout at Bolton like I said in the car though considering how many people were there relatively few

    Pickups some surprising ones though and a couple of bolos let’s get into it see what I got let’s start with the big shy trolley the rollsroyce of trolley this is the shy Ruby Royal seat trolley I did actually suspect it was a seat when I

    Picked it up cuz that’s too diry to be like a normal lead you’ve seen me pick up shley trolley in the past have always been great news and this was an absolute steal at 12 quid they are a pain in the backside to pack and post they don’t

    Tend to R about long so that’s obviously a good thing but they are a pain in the ass to pack up I’m hoping if no this isn’t going to be easier than usual cuz it’s shorter it’s still going to be a pain in the chough worthwhile though

    Because I’m going to aim big on this one because of the condition of it I’m going to aim at £1 1220 listing value on this if I have to tweak that down a little bit because it’s hanging around so be it but that’s my starting point on that one

    I was looking at this electronic equipment I stopped the film and like I said in the video I walked away and the guy said I’ll I’ll do both for 20 quid I was only really interested in the amplifier the brand on this is TBO so I

    Wanted the amplifier and I wanted to get it for round about a tener which I know what people are going to say that’s really really low that’s a low ball for an amp but you’ve got to consider where it’s coming from it does look very very

    Worn a little bit beat up so there’s no way of knowing if that works or not £10 for a knacked amplifier is a lot of money but 1010 for a working amplifier is an absolute bargain you just never know so the deal we did was both for 20

    Quid rather than just one for £10 so if that works for the guy who’s selling it then fair enough I was quite surprised with the tuna though usually when you uh when you’re talking about stack system or separate the tune is a really really low value but this one isn’t so much

    Really the’re both part of the TBO TI 410 system uh this tuna I’m going to stick it on for 50 obviously I’m assuming they’re both working at this point but assuming it is I’m going to put list up for £50 and the amplifier does need a bit of a d gune again

    Assuming it’s working that’s going to have a listing value of 90 the first of the Bolos today these Wellies they just look like a normal pair of Well’s but the brand rung a bell for me I’ve sold the agle brand before at least once possibly even twice and that s that echo

    Of a memory in the back of my mind was niggling at me so of course a check comps lady wanted3 for these and that was an absolute steal because even in this condition they’re going to have a listing value of £65 there are some agle Wellies that go

    For a lot more than that there’s a model called the parkours which can go for around about the1 Mark used so agle stick it on your bolo list if you don’t know what bolo means by the way if you new to resell in it stands for beat on

    The lookout and in one of the boots just I didn’t even notice this when I picked them up it was this uh free what does it say free Booter I have absolutely no idea what that is if you can let me know what that is in the comments I don’t

    Even know if it’s of any use it looks like something that stops your car rolling away or something I don’t know let me know this is the up I was talking about so early on in the video you saw me pick up this box and just had a quick

    Look at the first sh I came to which was that one looked pretty new to me maybe try it on but I I broke a golden rule of car booting never trust that what’s in the box is what it says on the box and that’s the case here on the box this a

    Different different model different size different color everything’s different about it I’ll find use of that box obviously because boxes but not only are the not new and not those shoes in the Box they still sketches slipons but there’s a horrible dirty mark on the sew one of them as

    Well so from a potential listing value of about £35 I paid £7 for these incidentally these are actually going to only going to get listed for £5 and I suspect even at that they might hang around for a bit if that wasn’t there these are a 25 pair

    Of shoes all all day long so learn from my Ops people don’t just assume that’s what’s in the box is what it says on the box and that such a school boy error such a school boy error but to bring back the good news this is also a

    Bolo this is a revitive circulation device I’ve sold these loads of times without the remotes but fortunately this has got the remote with it I did pay up for it at 35 and again like the audio equipment the reason I’m saying that’s paying up for it is because there’s no

    Way of testing if it worked or not again I’m going to assume it works and I’m going to put a listing value of1 on this which is actually quite cheap if it had the box of manuals with it you could be pushing 140 I’ve sold these at £170 before now it’s very model

    Dependent so always check this is the reviive CX always check the model variants but some of them go for crazy crazy money uh brand new you probably took in well North of200 on these so a box one in really good condition with all its bits comfortably £

    150 again like I say dependent on model this was a personal Indulgence I would like I said in the video earlier I wouldn’t have bought these to resell I did from the same guy last year I did actually buy some boots from him and they’ve all now sold in fact to tell a

    Lie I gave one pair to one of my daughters I’m the kind of guy that wears shoes until they falling off my feet and I I’ve got a pair of Air Maxes I paid £100 for from a retail shop that I let literally at that that condition I don’t

    Mind paying up for shoes as long as I can get some miles out of them and I’ll definitely get some miles out of these ke are a great brand extremely comfy uh Footwear for hiking did I say I paid £40 pound for these I paid 440 pound for

    These anyway like I said I want to paid that to to flip uh for the shoes or wood for the boots from myam mate Rakesh these pair of New Balance shoes they look a bit Tatty actually I really like spending money with rakes cuz he’s such

    A nice bloke and he always looks after me he always does me a deal he always gives me special prices and he’s just a nice chap to chat too so if it was anybody else I probably would have left these trainers they do need to D gune

    I’m going to stick him through the washing machine and see what happens they are quite worn there’s still inable condition I only paid a five of for them though to be fair and assuming that they clean up well as they go through the washing machine well then I’m going to

    Stick in list in value of 2020 on those again from raakesh these British Army or British military issue I think he’s an RAF man himself British military issue gortex over mittens relatively low value in these but this brand new basically paid £3 for these and they’re going to

    Have a listing value of £15 Jules Wellies these are quite surprising actually because Jules Wellies are quite expensive when they’re new and I saw these and like again it’s another score boy area you should never not check comps if you’re even a little bit unsure there’s only two exceptions to the rule

    Where you must check comps on everything one is if you’re absolutely 1,000% certain that you’re going to make decent margin and the second one is is if you’re prepared to lose the money that you’re spending I.E something that you can’t find evidence for but you’ve just got a gut feeling that there’s something

    In it those are the only two exceptions even if you’re in a little bit of Doubt always check comps because not only you you might be wrong obviously but prices do fluctuate as well these Jews Wellies though are in fantastic condition I only paid a f for them they’re a good average

    Women’s size at a size six maybe being a little bit disingenuous but I’m going to put a listing value of £25 on these more stuff from raes I’ve sold this uh model on loads of occasions this is the Sony TCM 939 obviously cassette recorder used

    To be getting 30 to 40 for these but that price has come down over time not really sure why because obviously it’s really old Tech anyway because I did a bit of a deal for everything with raes this worked out I paid a 10 for it and

    I’m going to push I’m going to push 30 quid listing value on this so like the averag is around about 25ish but like I said I’m going to start at 30 always start high you can come down you can never go up from my from my man again two pairs of of British

    Military boots uh size seven and a size eight respectively the first are mind all desert boots these are a size these These are the size seven so I paid £45 for both pairs of boots and the mindal boots me n DL they’ll have a listing value of 50 and the other pair size

    Eight iturri boots it URI I again this U boots in really great condition they don’t don’t even look like they’ve been worn again listing value on those £50 strangely though for both brands the Brit the British military issue ones don’t really command that high a value

    If you look at mindal hiking gear or the the Police Issue boots for example and the same with the T if you look at this General hiking gear rather than the military issue the prices are a lot more I think that’s probably due to availability I can imagine that uh the

    Military issue boots there’s a lot more of them floating around and that’s keeping the price down and last least today I think these are the first pickup these are new actually these Converse lowtop trainers very very clean example7 pay for those they’ll have a listing value of

    £25 and while I’m at it just to prove haven’t been a complete lazy ass this week these are the this is the stuff that I’m sending off to my Amazon stock those two boxes there those three boxes there and another couple of boxes is in

    The hall just there a total of if memory serves 400 and 20 units did I mention how excited I am about this year’s boot sell season I’m buzzing absolutely buzzing I mean last year was good last year was great in fact this year I think it’s

    Going to be at least 50% better I can feel it in my bones it’s all out there to be hard you’ve just got to motor face yourself to get out of bed early in the morning if you have Wednesdays off go to a Wednesday boot sale during the height

    Of the Season there’s several boot cells on in your area wherever you are over the weekend Saturday and Sunday get out there and make it happen people this is the year you could invest in your future I know it was still a bit dark out there today but if there is anything you

    Spotted that I missed let me know in the comments of this uh video I don’t necessarily know the things you know I’ve been doing this for a while so I know a reasonable amount I can get by but you might just have that pearl of information that really helps me out and

    Hopefully somewhere along the line something I’ve picked up might help your knowledge bank that’s how it works this information thing it’s circular got I love it thank you so much for watching this video if you’ve stuck with it this far you are the absolute angels in my

    Mind don’t forget to give the video a thumbs up and obviously if you’re not already subscribe would be nice as well but until next time you lovely people I’ve been Dave Keef you’ve been amazing see you in the next one N


    1. It’s a welly remover.
      Stand on the flat end with one boot and hook your other boot heel in the open oval part and slide your boots off!
      I think 😄

    2. Yes ur bk waiting ages for your vids ur a pro all the others on ere buying shit and cheap crap making vids thinking they pro’s lol ur no 1 reseller you and Stacey top dogs

    3. Winwick (warrington) car boot has lots of car boot stalls…theres more market at bolton ! I do them all…its all the amazon crap thats ruining boots now…winwick is back sunday and its worth a look. Car bootle isnt bad either. Honestly think Bolton is the most markety out of all of them.

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