28 DEC 2023 | The Hindu Newspaper Analysis | J&K MILITANT ATTACK | HEALTH CRISIS | UPSC & PCS Exams

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    Hello dear students welcome to the baji is Academy today is 28th December and we are going to discuss the daily Hindu newspaper analysis so in today’s session we are going to cover three important editorial the first editorial is related to the civilian death in the militant operation so here we will be discussing

    About background of the incident that occurred on 21st of December and after that there was Rising concern about fake encounter in the Army and how it can be a boost up for the militant so we are going to understand it and afterward we will be shifting to the second editorial

    Where we will be discussing about happiness and economic growth so it is related to the context of bit batp yatra that is ongoing at the national level and further we will be on the last topic that is making Health a top priority and this is related to the increasing non-communicable disease like

    Heart attack among the youth and apart from that the diabetes cases the cancer cases which is rising in India and we can relate with because of the life style orders we are facing and the food habits we are inculcating in our habit culture okay so let’s start with our session and before

    That if you hadn’t subscribed our Channel please do share subscribe and also spe to your friend Circle so coming to the first article you can relate with GS paper 2 so when we talk about Jammu and Kashmir you know that the Jammu and Kashmir do face the terrorism related

    Issue the militancy attack the Insurgency okay and that’s why there is huge deployment of army but recently on 21st December there was again a militant attack on the Army Convoy that killed Four soldiers at daak Gali in punch punch is a district and to understand this with a better Clarity

    Let’s jump to the map first of all this is the map of Jammu and Kashmir and ladak and these both are UT currently and try to understand this green colored area this is Pakistan occupied Kashmir this is integral part of India but now it’s under control of Pakistan so that

    Is one thing okay so here this is line of control that means here the Indian army operates okay and they deal with the terrorist issue fights with the Insurgency and many more thing so this is the basic Clarity over the map now try to understand this location because this location is very

    Very important this is punch okay where the recent militant attack was carried on on the Army Convoy so look at the location where it is located is just like attached to the Pakistan occupied Kashmir that means there is high chance that in this region the militant attack Insurgency terrorist

    Related events have the high potential to have its presence because it can be funded it can be like aided by Pakistani groups that terrorist group so that is the thing and hence you may see that this region or we can say like this region they have the higher chances of

    This type of incident okay and apart from that there is geographical difficulty terrain like cold climate and apart from that like the vegetation okay so these influence and that’s why tackling the terrorism or the militancy here becomes a very bigger challenge so I make you understand about

    Some important thing so that you should have a Clarity and apart from that you should always look the map with a broader angle like here it’s a chain and maybe you are knowing about it tell me and apart from that this is Jammu and Kashmir and this region is your alad

    Okay lak UT so I have make you understand this so now coming to the in ENT like this militant attack after the militant attack on the Army Convoy so the Army retaliated and the Army captured some civilians for questioning but what has been observed that the body the that body of these

    Three civilians were lying on the region where the ENT militancy operation was carried on on so there was a higher chances of alleged torture by the Army and this sparked controversy this is spark debate okay and hence there is the issue going on so we can see here

    Like the fake encounter or these type of killing of the civilians is not good or not right because we should have a attack on militants why we are targeting the civilians okay and hence there is inquiry committee being set up and apart from that even the like defense minister

    Rajat Singh also visited this region and also there is certain suggestion but this type of incident raises to important issue like if this type of Civilian that occur first of all the unpopularity of the government which is operating in Jammu and Kashmir specifically it is under the control of

    The central government because of the UT so it can increase the unpopularity of the regime okay and apart from that this will fulfill the aims of the militants what the militant wants like they do asymmetric Warfare and in asymmetric Warfare what happens like they yeah these militants play with the emotions

    Of the people like they will be influencing the security forces to commit right violation like this civilian death looks to be a right violation because civilians is being killed here and the feelings the emotions that will be generated because of these grievances this can be utilized by these militants to gain their support

    Base okay so this will decrease the trust of the people in the Army okay so that is one thing we need to understand and second the legitimate of the force or the Army will also have to face crisis and if we use the force okay so that

    Should depend on the justness of the action that is whatever action we are doing it should be just so that we can create trust among the people that the army or the forces which is here it’s because to protect you to protect the citizen to protect the people not to

    Like affecting the rights of the people okay so this incident highlight the incident of fake encounter which has resulted in a spur of increased militancy besides public Outreach and here the defense minister also visited but one important a statement said by the defense minister like the Army should take actions based on hard

    Intelligence hard intelligence means like the intelligence should be proper okay should be more rational should more be scientific so that we can take the action otherwise there can be the chances of Civilian killing and even one civilian gets killed so this is like we are not doing Justice to the people of

    The Jammu and Kashmir okay to the citizen of India so that is one thing we should note so this is the case hope you understood and now we are shifting to the second article and you can relate with GS paper 3 so first of all when we talk about

    This article tell me what do you mean by happiness although it seems to be like subjective answer but you should try to give it and also you can relate with GS paper 4 as well it can be with your ethics topic okay so when we talk about happiness like it’s like emotion emotion

    To express your positive Vives and it can be like from external and it can be internally and many people in the world treat happiness as an external phenomena like you buy something you like earn something so this will give you happiness and the mahaguru or various important personality in the past okay

    Like when we talk about Swami vivean and apart from that many mahapurush was there so they talked about happiness as a etal Bliss okay so that is the basic thing you should understand like there is different perspective of happiness but here I am not going into the detail of

    Happiness but I am talking to one point like in today’s scenario we are focusing much more on GDP growth economic growth okay and here we are launching about vixit bhat SRA and do you know about vixit bat sankalp yatra it’s like taking campaign across the country and it aim to ensure that the

    Government services or the schemes or the concerns of the people should be addressed and one important aim is to make India a developed Nation by 2047 but the important thing to understand like we have a Target to make India developed Nation by 2047 that’s a good but based on which parameter based on

    Economic ground based on GDP okay based on economic growth but do economic growth or focusing on economic growth is enough or it can in simple word it can bring happiness to each and every people no it is not sure why because happiness will come if there is a

    Development and development is not only based on the economic growth development is based on the people getting their rights people getting their health benefits people getting the empowerment people getting education people getting literacy people becoming creative productive many more Dimension okay just like you see multi-dimensional poverty index accordingly the happiness have different

    Dimension the development has different dimension okay so we should not always Focus about conventional model of development but here in this vixit vhat SRA the focus is on making India a developed Nation by 2047 okay but in this campaign there is less focus on the development there is

    Less focus on ensuring happiness to each and every people okay so that is the thing thing to over emphasis on the economic development in BX bhat that is the important concern which has been highlighted and here there’s an important suggestion in this article like instead of focusing on bit bhat try

    To make this theme as happy India developed India that is kushal bat B so here we are like at the same time trying to make India a developed Nation and apart from that we are trying to make we are trying to ensure that India should be kushal India should be happy okay and

    Happiness is a central Pursuit and development without happiness is meaningless and can you agree with my point that development without happiness is meaningless if yes how tell me in the chat box okay and even let’s say India become a developed Nation but there is low happiness people are like facing

    Disease people are facing the crisis of the food quality life so despite we will be having wealth but if we will not be having the well-being and one important thing I am trying to convey you like we measure the economic growth or developed versus developing based on the GD GP but GDP

    Has its own issue like GDP does not measures inequality and in India we have the gender inequality we have the income inequality okay and many people are living in poverty so how we can totally rely on the economic growth or the GDP parameter for the development for the

    Happiness okay so that’s why we need to focus on like improving the happiness parameter and itself India is lacking in the world happiness index okay and here we need to have a Improvement so that is the thing like we have to focus on GDP so that is one thing because without money no

    Improvement will be there and apart from that we need to focus on health generosity social support base we need to increase freedom of expression should be the removal of corruption should be the at most priority okay and apart from that in the happiness report 2023 there was emphasis

    On trust and venance so if you have the trust with the people trust with the society trust with the nation so definitely you are going to enhance your potential you will be working for the development of the people for the society so trust and benevolence is very very important and tell me the

    Difference and similarity between trust and villance it is very important for your ethics GS paper 4 okay and when we talk about other things that lead to happiness like social engagement relationships okay and that’s why when we observe the country which is very much high in happiness rank like Finland Denmark Iceland

    Netherland so they have the social harmony people communicate with each other people share their emotions people have the trust and there is an important terum for the trust that is the Social Capital Social Capital represents like whatever the society and the people comprise they have the trust with one

    Another and if there is a trust that means there is increased potential to work betterment to work for the betterment of the people for the betterment of the society okay there be there will be no different birs there will be always progress here if there is

    A social capital and India we do have lack in Social Capital because we sometimes uh feel anex anxious towards the success of the other people okay so we need to be like uh broadminded we need to think broader with respect to the interest of the society with respect to the people so India’s

    Path which need to ensure social harmony okay and current economic model is disruptive to social order in India and it leads to disorder crime imbalance and apart from that quality of life is also very concerning issue in India like in the informal sectors we have the workers working okay and their

    Quality of life is very bad despite their earning income apart from the income is also less but quality of life is also less so we need to move Beyond GDP and for that certain indicators we need to have a parameter to judge upon our happiness like human development

    Index okay we have already discussed about it and this is very important try to remember who relases these index okay and apart from Social Development Index that measures the Social Development like in the society whether development is penetrating or not in terms of health in terms of Education in terms of

    Independence in terms of like Brotherhood and apart from that we have the green index and the international human suffering index that measures different aspects of suffering so there should be a holistic vision for viit bat to make India develop by 2047 and here the happiness part should not

    Be ignored and we need to make India top in terms of global Innovation index we need to have a better rule of law index and poverty index so in so in these index we need to perform better and if we are able to eliminate gender discrimination we are able to have a

    Good press Freedom rule of law implementation so definitely these are going to make India a happiness nation and this will be like visible in terms of the emotions and the behavior of the people okay so that is the end of the second article now we are shifting to

    The last article that is related to GS paper two so when we talk about the present T you know that the food culture food habit is changing whatever the food habit of your parents is maybe the food habit of yours is not that so what we are seeing with

    Change in time the food habit is also being changed and now from the slow food we are coming to the fast food slow food gives you nutrition gives you strength and also improves your health but but these fast food do not improves your health but degrades your health and due

    To this there is rising incident of the non-communicable disease in India whether it is heart attack and even don’t like dream like heart attack is the issue of the old age people no nowadays we are seeing many incident that people in the younger age they are facing the heart attack related issue

    So we need to be conscious here okay and the non-communicable disease burden is also increasing in India and we have important data but to understand this we need to understand what do you mean by non-communicable disease okay so when we talk about non-communicable disease these are also known as chronic disease

    And chronic means longterm it can go with the life as well okay and it is a result of genetic issue the physiological issue the environmental and behavioral factor in the behavior Factor definitely your lifestyle like if you are having the sedentary lifestyle that means just doing nothing no physical activity just eating and

    Sleeping so this is sedentary lifestyle and this is very very harmful for today’s generation okay so this is one thing and apart from that there is a genetic issue like when we talk about the diabetes so diabetes can spread because of the genetical issue okay and we have the example like the

    Cardiovascular disease related to lungs okay diabetes the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cancer so these are the thing and how this non-communicable disease to occurs to a manufactor like physically in activity obesity raised cholesterol decreased vegetable and fruit intake so this is okay here this is slow food because you have to

    Like prepare it and here the nutrition gets deliver to your body okay but nowadays we are dependent on the fast food so that is like damaging our health so these are the factors so like unhealthy lack of physical activity tobacco your alcohol use so this can be

    The factor related to cancer as well and sedentary lifestyle we have already seen what will be its impact the impact is like India is now becoming the diabetes capital of the world about 10 cor of peoples are facing diabetes in India and in terms of cardiovascular disease like

    Heart attack okay India is in the top chart many peoples gets killed due to the heart attack due to the cardiovascular disease and even what when we talk about cancer so earlier it used to be a rare disease in India because it prevalence was not such high

    But nowadays the cancer incident is also increasing and it is projected that by 2040 there can be a rise by 57.5% and all this increases the economic burden economic burden on the nation economic burden on the society economic burden on the people specifically the marginalized the poor people

    Okay and you can quote this data like 4.58 trillion it cost to India due to the non-communicable disease and mental health condition and this has been the data taken from World economic Forum estimate okay so that that is the crisis we are facing and as the time is passing we are not

    Recognizing the concern we are just like like we are too integrated into these sedentary lifestyle like we do not have much more effect okay so there is a need to have a resolution that we should protect our health because if you are imp if you have the maturity to understand

    That your health is a priority not only for your family but for the society but for the na so definitely you will be starting to take good step and apart from that the government had taken many initiative like National program for non-communicable disease TV elimination program 75/25 initiative tell me about this

    Initiative what is for okay but the main thing is that government have limited penetration to prevent the disease spread we say like prevention is better than cure so the prevention policy is to be done by the individual to be done by you and me and for that individual must take charge break the

    Cycle of broken resolution and in 2024 take a place take a resolution that we will be applying some micro habits for the macro change micro habit for micro change like walking you should set Target for 30 minutes walking daily it will like reduce your cardiovascular related incident and there should be mindful

    Eating like choose slow food over fast food then there should be preventive care like regular Health checkup and this should be in the proactive approach and then there is open communication like whenever you eat with the family with the person with the people in the hotels restaurants so you can discuss

    About the health related incident health related empowerment health related information so that Shing of the information will be more beneficial rather discussing about some less important topics okay so this will cultivate the awareness related to health in the youth in the people in you so if you want to win the war against

    The non-communicable disease so is not just for the government it is also for you to participate and this will be for individual wellbeing and if you are well then definitely the nation is going to be well okay so the power to transform the nation lies in the daily choice of

    Its Citizen and this can be the essay question as well and apart from that you can write in the health related uh topics if any question comes so the power to transform the nation lies in the daily choice of its citizen suppose you are choosing fast food on

    The daily basis so it will lead to the disease okay and it will increase the burden on the nation the economic burden the social burden the financial and many more burden okay so that is the thing that’s why this is very important and Powerful quote you should mention and

    Now we are ending with the session and for that you have the last question for the prelims pause the video try to solve it okay and give the answer in the chat box so friends thank you hope you understood we’ll meet again with the next short of discussion thank you

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