Which is your favourite photo?

    Optical Wander (Sam) and I met through Instagram when we came across each others content. We brain stormed some collaborative ideas and came up with this concept.

    As you can see, he’s an epic photographer and all round nice human.

    Check out his stuff here:

    YT – https://www.youtube.com/@Opticalwander
    IG – https://www.instagram.com/opticalwander/?hl=en

    Watch this space.. more content incoming!

    london,photography,biking,triumph,motorbike,streetphotography,opitcalwander,harveyridesbikes,gopro,pov,insta360,londoncab,motorbikesound,modernclassic,povphotogprahy,street photography,riding,interactions,encounters,royaljordanian,royalenfield,bikeshed

    It’s hectic there’s people everywhere this is absolutely hectic stay behind this boss what this guy what about this guy I going to get this dude looking Cool today I’m in the heart of London with Optical W uh we’re doing a slightly different video today um we’re going around doing street photography in the middle of London so if you look at the 360 give the cam a little bit of a wave nice we got Sam on the

    Back we got Sam on the back and we’re cruising around London and trying to get some cool street photography but actually it’s all shot with Sam on the back of the bike so that’s the premise I’m going around making up as we go along trying to get cool um shots maybe

    Some shots of me maybe some shots of strangers cruising around um and hopefully we get some cool stiffs just sort of made up as to go along yeah well done proud of you I’m going to try and shoot while I’m on the back of a bike we haven’t tried

    This yet so it might not work and we’ll see how it goes oh my god that actually looks so good so I’m shooting over the shoulder of Harvey while holding on I mean we’re going to head in towards kind of Central Area nice Porsche it’s pretty sick I mean if I get

    Anything decent from this I’m going to be uh pretty surprised bus coming in hello Driver nearly got one I think I got one of the bus driver then which was pretty cool this has got to be the most hectic thing that I’ve ever done on the bike oh God what is my life hey got him that’s L that’s London bunny

    No way yeah yeah yeah yeah did you get him yeah yeah I got him I got him that would be cool that’s so good that would be cool if you got the London Bonny I’ll text him London cab I’ll be honest if any of these turn

    Out good I’ll be very surprised but I’m a magician so we’ll see what we see what we te up with you’re an absolute wizard you’re a wizard hurry I feel like someone that’s like a Paparazzi where they’re chasing like a to celebrity oh she’s busy she’s busy fine do we

    Yui all we popped down to Chinatown if you stay there I’ll just stand up we’re down in Chinatown going to get the generic Chinatown shot this is like a star for service I’m using Harvey as a as a rest as a tripod this isn’t about how good the

    Photography can be it’s about just cruising around on a bike having a bit of fun I got you I got you I got you well I can’t change lenses obviously cuz I’m on the back of a bike if I had my 35 to 150 I would put that on and get a really

    Compressed shot but can’t do that today I’ve gone with the 1635 because it’s nice and light and portable let’s see if we can Meander through here without knocking anybody over oh look at this ge on the right got to show this Dude thank you thank you thank you it’s hectic there’s people everywhere this is absolutely hectic stay behind this boss what this guy what about this guy I’m going to get this dude looking Cool Saturday evening Sunset we’re hoping there’s going to be a couple of nice cars around we do look a little bit sus cuz I’ve got a camera in my right hand we’ve got three cameras on the bike and we’re all strapped up as if we’re some sort of crazy journalist

    Photographers oh what’s this I can see something oh poor turn out pretty good sorry it’s all right you good we cleared no one behind us boom pull forward oh is this car good timing all right so I’m going to try and get as we

    Go past the bus I’m going to try and get like a longer exposure shot using Harvey’s shoulder as a tripod oh this looks sick oh we have to do this with my 12 mil oh my God okay that that you know what I don’t care about the rest of the

    Shots that’s the one that’s the one I like that’s sick little panning shot as we go past the bus there here’s this oh the guy again dud again the revisit the revisit it’s the same guy hello again hello what about the driver I’m going right I’m going right yeah yeah it’s Good there’s police everywhere Nice Shot here of the police guys they’ve obviously been hard at work all day dude on the bus having a nice little Kip on his way home oh God this is so hard I’ve got to be like I’m so like spun out cuz I’m

    Taking shots and I’m like I can’t be quick cuz you might move forward and I just fall off the back dude on the bike I don’t know if I got that as a panning shot he was dress in at suedo on a Boris bike I saw that last minute actually he looked

    Dapper we got another old school London bus up here I’m going to see if I can get a panning shot cuz they should set off at the same time as we do and I should be able to get a shot at a 6 second F4 ISO 50 now you’re good you can

    Go normal it’s Fine maybe it worked I think I got a panning shot of those girls in the bus stop they were waving I don’t know if you saw oh did they I didn’t see yeah yeah so I got a nice photo of them well I say nice I’ll find out Later I think I might just got a good shot of the traffic light there like as I was like going past I got a nice panning Shot these guys on the scooter maybe Poss oh oh yeah I think I got it I think I got it nice did you get was that good could you see or not really another dude on the bike a cool nod from him yeah he was like he’s taking my photo I’m

    Cool all right maybe some people on the top of the bus this dude up here can have a nice frame or this couple in the window have the smile the shy Smile I missed him oh wa little like sauce pin on his head definitely going to save him he’s literally has a cereal bowl on his head oh look at that shot getting the dude out front I mean that’s a beast of a bike what this guy with a mint

    S1000 bike crew coming out of force yeah we’re in Convoy right now let’s go my thank you private ey how did you know it’s got animated face yeah I know I got a good shot as well 5 4 3 2 1 so we’re going night mode we sto we

    Stopped for a little rest uh we got Jed with us as well the L and Bonnie and we’re going around doing some night photography uh still got Sam on the back I’m going to get six Shots oh bro this looks so creamy at night stay behind him a little bit stay behind him a little bit all right oh this looks so Sick stay back a little bit all right stand back oh that looks sick just getting a shot of Jed up ahead he’s on another Triumph oh that looks so sick firing off shots nice detailed shot up oh that looks so sick oh all right all right Skitty boy Skitty boy Skitty boy Peace soon have a good one love you same Vibes bye Jeb see you this Skys are here out the traffic lights oh oh that’s actually looking sick looking LA Noir oh my god that actually looked so good he knew the assignment that was cool that was cool here we go weeb

    Boy drive by photography get it I mean I’m definitely the wrong definitely the wrong focal length but I might be able to get Tower Bridge with some people in front of it which looks pretty sick sorry I’m leaning quite a lot that’s all good hectic shot like trying to get a shot on

    Tower Bridge while holding a camera and not falling off the back of a bike oh God you know when you you know when you’re younger and you parents say don’t talk to strangers oh yeah well this is why cuz you end up on the back of their bike going through Central London with

    Harryo with Haribo accept sweets from strangers apart from if it’s from me from Harvey we are going to check out the graffiti tunnel get some cool cyber Punky kind of shots I imagine hopefully so I’m going to slip through Here o can we’re on on come so I’m talking to him right where do you want me babes he’s me to Revit this Guy I am not used to this so Sam is directing me around getting some cool shots I don’t know what to do I never do this really thanks babes Sweet heading towards Westminster to hopefully get a shot of Big Ben as we go across the bridge obviously it’s depending on traffic just got some nice shots there of the actual bike in the graffiti tunnel which is pretty cool so going across the bridge Harvey If you

    Just like kind of this whatever pace is fine just try and keep it as steady as possible yeah cuz I’ve got both hands off nice and smooth going try get it nice and smooth to get the Shot a sick oh my God boom microphone oh my God right let me do this that was epic it was I think I’ve got some good shots


    1. Came here from Instagram, the algorithm works!
      Anyway, that was one of the coolest things I’ve ever side, brilliant idea.
      Fave shots have to be the one of Big Ben whilst on the bridge (second one) and the taxi driver, “animated face” indeed, just made me smile. Ok have to mention the guy smoking whilst crossing the road, secret agent vibes.
      Love love love this. More please!

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