The United Nations Security Council meets at the request of Russia on US and UK strikes against Iran-backed groups in the Middle East.

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    E for than e e after e for e for spe e e for is e e Know The 9,542 meeting of the Security Council is called to order the professional agenda for this meeting is threats to International Peace and security the agenda is adopted I should like to take this opportunity to pay tribute on behalf of the council to his Excellency Mr Nicola de ravier permanent representative of

    France for his service as president of the council for the month of January I am sure I speak for all members of the council in expressing deep appre appreciation to Ambassador de Rivier and his team for the great diplomatic skill with which they conducted the council’s business last

    Month in accordance with rule 37 of the council’s provisional rules of procedure I invite the representatives of Iraq the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Syrian Arab Republic to participate in this meeting it is so decided in accordance with rule 39 of the council’s provisional rules of

    Procedure I invite Miss rosarie De Carlo under Secretary General for political and peacebuilding Affairs to participate in this meeting it is so decided the security Council will now consider now begin its consideration of item two of the agenda I now give the floor to miss rosarie De Carlo

    Thank you madam president as we are all too aware the tensions that have engulfed multiple countries in the Middle East continue to rise tragically this comes as no surprise the Secretary General has repeatedly warned about the risks of further escalation and miscalculation in the region since the horrific Hamas

    Attacks on Israel on 7 October and the devastating Israeli counter offensive in Gaza since early October 2023 we have witnessed near daily incidents in the region these include some 165 attacks on United States facilities in Syria in Iraq prompting us strikes in the two countries then on 28 January a drone

    Attack killed three US service members and injured 40 at a US base known as Tower 22 in Northeast Jordan near alom base in Syria on 2 February the US Central Command said it had carried out 85 air strikes in Iraq and Syria against reported Iranian Islamic revolutionary guards core cuds forces and Affiliated

    Groups Syria and Iraq condemned the two February strikes with both governments claiming they had resulted in deaths and injured civilians the United States said it had targeted command and control operations intelligence centers and weapons facilities among other sites and that it was not seeking conflict in the Middle East or

    Elsewhere while the Iraqi government has continued to repeat its commitment to protecting us and Coalition Coalition forces inside Iraq some armed factions linked to the Islamic resistance in Iraq have pledged to continue their attacks against us and Coalition forces in the region Madame President the wave of violence since early October involves a

    Large swath of the Middle East the Israeli Defense Forces in hisbah along with other non-state armed groups in Lebanon have exchanged fire across the blue line on almost daily basis since 8 October there have been repeated rocket fire over the occupied Golan between Israel and militias reportedly linked to

    Iran as well as air strikes attributed to Israel by the government of Syria on multiple locations in Syria ongoing houy drone and missile attacks and threats to navigation in the Red Sea are deeply worrying and risk both exacerbating the conflict and further impacting international trade as companies divert ships away from critical Maritime

    Routes a report on houy attacks on Merchant and commercial commercial vessels in the Red Sea will be shortly before the council in accordance with resolution 2722 since 11 January the United States and the United Kingdom with the backing of six other member states have launched strikes on houthi positions in

    Yemen strikes have occurred consecutively ly over the last 3 days more than 36 targets across 13 locations were reportedly struck on 3 February including what was described as underground storage facilities command and control sites missile systems UAV storage and operation sites Radars and helicopters an additional missile launch

    Site was reportedly hit on 4 February today sites and CA were also targeted including some very close to United Nations offices on the ground Madam president I reiterate the secretary General’s call on all parties to step back from the brink and to consider the unbearable human and economic cost of a potential regional

    Conflict it’s been nearly 5 months since more than 1200 Israelis were killed in the attacks by Hamas with over 250 people taken hostage as the Secretary General said this has been a period of heartache and anguish for Israelis and I Echo the secretary General’s call for the immediate and unconditional release of all

    Hostages the past 5 months have also been heartbreaking and catastrophic for Palestinian civilians in G Gaza where hunger is rampant disease is spreading and shelter is squ solid at best for a vast number of people the death toll in the strip is reported to have surpassed 27,000 mostly women and children

    Thousands more are reported missing the civilian population of Gaza should not pay for the terror Unleashed by Hamas I reiterate the secretary General’s call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza the risk of ES esal ation in the Middle East and its potential consequences was obvious from 7

    October a quick survey of the agenda of this Council explains why the UN is supporting political and peace processes throughout the region in country in countries emerging or still suffering from armed conflict the Middle East remains highly volatile long-term Regional stability demands the implementation of a clear

    Political road map in each of these situations the Secretary General continues his extensive Outreach to all key stakeholders to urge all parties to take concrete measures to deescalate tensions and to work towards sustainable political solutions that aim to resolve rather than merely manage long-standing conflicts I appeal to the council to

    Continue to actively engage all all concerned parties to prevent further escalation and the worsening of tensions that undermine Regional peace and security thank you Madame President I thank Miss De Carlo for her briefing I now give the floor to those council members who wish to make statements I give the floor to the

    Representative of the Russian Federation r f l for joher e inter for was for for for is for I thank the representative of the Russian Federation for their statement and I now give the floor to the representative of Sierra Leon thank you Madame President and thank you for convening this

    Meeting we also want to thank USG de Caro for our informative briefing we welcome the participation of the permanent representatives of Syria Iran and Iraq to this meeting seron is deeply concerned about the recent developments in the Middle East with the killing of three US military personnel in Jordan on Sunday 28th January

    2024 in this regard we strongly condemned unprovoked attacks on and killing of the three US military personnel the attacks have led to retaliatory air strikes by United Nations against Targets in Iraq and Syria while we note the UN Charter provision on the right to selfdefense which is available to member

    States of the United Nations to respond to such unprovoked attacks we urge for a measured response in line with international law we particularly call for calm and deescalation from all parties involved in order not to escalate tensions or further jeopardize the stability of the region the attack on us personnel and

    The subsequent response has potential to further escalate or be used as a pretext to to escalate ongoing conflicts in the region there cannot be any justification for the unprovoked attacks and the hos attacks in the Red Sea with that said war in Gaza and the humanitarian crisis

    Room SL in the region in this vein selon rerat his call for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza and for dialogue by all irrelevant stakeholders in the region in order to avoid further military escalation we urge all parties to prioritize the well-being of civilians and to pursue the escalation through diplomatic and peaceful resolution Madame

    President our call for the escalation is to avoid a spillover of the conflict in Gaza to The Wider middle east region as alluded to already there are serious incidents in the Red Sea and Yemen as well as rising tensions in the Israel and libanon Border in light of

    This recent developments s Oly calls on relevant stakeholders and parties to work with the UN in the spirit of cooperation humanity and diplomacy to prevent further deterioration in the humanitarian and security situation in Middle East region in conclusion s call for the escalation and A Renewed commitment to the principles of

    International law peaceful conflict resolution and avoidance of taking actions that could further wors in in security and human suffering collectively let us strive to promote stability and endure in peace in the Middle East I thank you I thank the representative of Sierra Leon for their statement and I now give the floor to

    The representative of China for for foree for speee for foree for fore for for fore fore foree fore for I thank the representative of China for their statement and I now give the floor to the representative of Algeria thank you Madame President first of all I would like to congratulate

    You and Guyana for presiding over the council during Fe February and I assure you about algeria’s full support let me also say our admiration to the do Ambassador the Rivier and his able team for the successful chairmanship of the security Council last month our appreciation goes to Madame di Carlo for her insightful

    Briefing the Middle East stands at the precipice of collapse the recent air strike targeting Iraq and Syria over the weekend are likely to further exacerbate the already precarious situation it may potentially lead toward a further escalation and this context we reaffirm our steady support for the sovereignty territorial integrity and

    Security of both Iraq and Syria the brotherly people of Syria and Iraq deserve to leave in peace and prosperity Madame President in light of this critical circumstances we urge for restrain and avoidance of any escalation the region cannot bear the burden of additional tensions and we

    Firmly believe that force is not and we will never be the means for peace and stability history ATT test that Force only causes ruin instability and forther animosity today we advocate for dialogue and Collective action to brige differences and Foster shared prosperity let us set aside notion of violence deterence or

    Punishment and let us work hand in hand toward an appeased Middle East Madame President genuine stability in the Middle East necessitate a comprehensive addressing of the root causes that underpin instability we must invest in long-term solution to prevent further suffering and pave the way for lasting peace in the

    Region the Palestine the Palestinian question stands as the Cornerstone for this endeavor from the outset of aggression against the Palestinian people particularly in the Gaza strep my country Algeria on many occasions sounded the alarm on the risk of regional spillover regrettably the situation has involved into a devastating reality compelling us

    To redouble our effort to hold the escalation across the entire region the peoples of this region like all inhabitants in the world yearn for peace yearn for development and yearn for Prosperity it is high time for this cradle of civilization to reclaim its stability the initial Str toward this

    Goal lies in an immediate ceasefire in Gaza I thank you I thank the representative of Algeria for their statement and I now give the floor to the representative of the United Kingdom thank you president and thank you under Secretary General D Caro for your briefing the United Kingdom fully

    Supports all efforts to maintain and enhance International Peace and security including in Iraq and Syria we are committed to deescalate tensions in the Middle East we condemn the multiple attacks since October 2023 by Iran aligned militant groups against the global Coalition and Iraqi military bases in Syria and Iraq despite

    Warnings those strikes have continued and intensified with an attack on the 26th of January killing three American personnel and injuring many more we fully support the US right to self-defense and their right to respond Dash continue to pose a grave threat threat to those countries and to The Wider region and conducted its

    Biggest attack in years last month in Iran its ability to direct enable and Inspire attacks continues to represent one of the most significant Global terrorist threats and the sole objective of the global Coalition of which the UK is a leading member is to counter dases the UK remains committed to

    Working with our counterterror partners in Iraq and Syria to tackle the threat from dases and to prevent their Resurgence president Iran’s political financial and Military Support to militant groups is destabilizing the region and threatens our Collective ability to counter dases so we call on the regime to re in

    These groups and to act now to prevent further attacks by its proxies and partners in Iraq Syria and Yemen as I said earlier we are committed to deescalation of regional tension president the hooti continued attacks on Commercial and Military vessels in the Red Sea are illegal and unacceptable this Council was clear in

    Resolution 2722 that we condemn hooti attacks and call on them to stop this Council has supported International efforts to enhance protection of shipping in the Red Sea our actions and presence in the Red Sea are designed to protect innocent lives preserve freedom of navigation and deter further attacks on

    Shipping we acted alongside our us allies and with the support of many International Partners in self-defense and in accordance with the rule of law we are committed to working with all members of this Council and the International Community to protect International Peace and Security in the Middle East and throughout the world

    Thank you I thank the representative of the United Kingdom for their statement and I now give the floor to the representative of Malta thank you president allow me to thank Ambassador the rier for France’s chairmanship of the security Council for the month of January I also wish to convey mot

    Support to Guana for your presidency for this month I thank USG the Klo for her briefing as we have stated on various occasions the situation in the Middle East remains deeply concerning we are also deeply troubled about the fact that instability in the Middle East is being exploited by

    Militias and armed groups to engage in activities that continue to compound this difficult and fragile context the rapidly deteriorating Maritime security situation in the Red Sea is a case in point we reiterate our call on the houthi to immediately seize any attacks and underline the need to avoid any further escalations as

    Outlined in resolution 2722 the navigational rights and freedoms of commercial vessels in the Red Sea is of Paramount importance these rights must be respected and assured president on this occasion we urge all parties to combat the malign influence of all Bad actors and to refrain from actions which could

    Contribute to a wider War the importance of protecting civilian lives remains Paramount the International Community and this Council must focus on rapidly working towards addressing the root causes of the Region’s tensions and promote Avenues towards ajust and Lasting peace based on relevant un resolutions and international law acts

    Of terrorism have often been used to exacerbate tensions and we simply cannot allow that the current very T situation is is disrupted Ed by people not operating in good faith we believe that the UNC has a key role to play in this regard and we will continue to support

    Initiatives to hold these spoilers to account I thank you I thank the representative of Malta for their statement and I now give the floor to the representative of the United States uh thank you madam president and thank you under Secretary General Dar Carlo for your briefing colleagues on February 2nd and

    At president B Direction the United States conducted Precision air strikes on February 2 in Iraq and Syria against Iran’s Islamic revolutionary guards Corps and Affiliated militia groups this necessary and proportionate action was taken in exercise of the United States inherent right of self-defense as reflected in article 51 of the UN

    Charter less than a week ago on January 28 Iran alligned militia groups in Iraq attacked a Jordanian facility hosting US forces taking part in the fight against Isis Dash three US service members lost their lives that day and many others were wounded this loss is devastating this is

    Unacceptable and a tax like it cannot continue colleagues Russia called this meeting under the false pretense that the United States has no ground to respond to attacks that have killed us Personnel it Bears repeating therefore that the actions US forces took on February 2 are necessary and proportionate consistent with

    International law and in exercise of the United States inherent right to self-defense we also repeatedly stated in previous letters to this Council that the United States would take further action to respond to Future attacks or threats of attack against us Nationals and US personnel and Facilities these recent strikes certainly fall into that

    Category they are aimed at protecting and defending us Personnel including those in Jordan who are supporting operations against Isis to ensure the terrorist group can never resurge the strike successfully degraded the capabilities of Iranian back militias detering and undermining their ability to conduct further attacks the facility struck included

    Command and control operations and intelligence centers Rockets missiles and unmanned aerial vehicle storage and Logistics and munition supply chain facilities the irgc and Affiliated militias have used these facilities to attack us and Coalition forces these targets were carefully selected to avoid civilian casualties and based on clear irrefutable evidence

    That they were connected to attacks on us Personnel in the region President Biden has made clear that these strikes were the start of our response to the deadly attack on Tower 22 in northeastern Jordan I also want to stress that these strikes are separate and distinct from the Coalition strikes in Yemen which

    Were in response to the Iranian boui Lawless attacks on Naval vessels and international shipping in the Red Sea let me be clear the United States does not desire more conflict in a region when we are actively working to contain and deescalate the conflict in Gaza and we are not seeking a direct

    Conflict with Iran but we will continue to defend our Personnel against unacceptable attacks period the US and Coalition forces are deployed in our shared effort to ensure the enduring defeat of Isis as we’ve reported in numerous letters to the security Council president since October 18 Iran align militia

    Groups have attacked those forces in Iraq Syria and now Jordan over 165 times 165 times Iran has provided support for many of these attacks which were similar to the one on January 28 many of them have resulted in casualties including among our Iraqi partners the United States has repeatedly and in

    Some instances directly warned Iran about attacks on us personnel and yet Iran has failed to rein in its extremist proxies on the contrary Iran continues to escalate tensions across the region by enabling these proxies deadly attacks Iran cannot deny its role in enabling these attacks against US forces or its responsibility for this

    Escalation and so we call on every member of this Council and especially those with direct channels to Iran to press Iran’s leaders to reign in their militias and stop these attacks they should also press the Syrian regime to stop giving Iran a platform to destabilize the region colleagues as President Biden has

    Made clear we will not hesitate to defend our personnel and hold responsible all those who harm Americans that certainly goes for Iran and its proxies and so we will continue to exercise our right to self-defense at a time in a place of our choosing and we will continue to hold Iran and its

    Affiliates accountable for their destabilizing actions thank you madam president I thank the representative of the United States for their statement and I now give the floor to the Republic of Korea uh thank you Madame President I also thank USG Caron for her Timely briefing at the outset my delegation

    Expresses his serious concern about the regional escalation since the heinous terrorist attacks by Hamas and Israel’s subsequent military operations in the Gaza Strip hes have continued their indiscriminate attacks on Merchant and Commercial vessels jeopardizing the free flow of Commerce in the Red Sea the saber rattling situation across the blue

    Line between Israel and Lebanon is ongoing further destabilizing this combustible situation militant groups in Iraq and Syria have launched a series of attacks against us and Coalition forces in the region even the US Embassy in Bagdad was targeted by such rocket attacks in December of last year and

    These attacks have led to US forces strikes in response we call on Military groups militant groups in the region to cease their provocative actions which undermine Regional security and stability in this regard we take note of the measures taken by the US to limit the risk of escalation in defending their personnel and

    Facilities simultaneously we note with appreciation that relevant parties in the region have expressed their willingness to avoid an escalation of conflict madame president over the last weekend the US and UK conducted military operations in response to the continued the threats posed by the houis despite the adoption of the security Council resolution

    2722 urging the hutis to stop their attacks in the Red Sea the situation in Israel and Gaza remains grave carrying high risk of spill over to other parts of the region about above all all at this volatile moment when miscalculation can unintendedly lead to a Tinder Box any attempts to politically exploit the

    Situation and risk Regional stability are unacceptable what is needed that this juncture is to focus on and support diplomacy to enhance Regional security and Foster safer trade and flow of energy in recent years we have witnessed significant achievements in the political and security areas made by the Iraqi people and these achievements need

    To be upheld and expanded at the same time as the current security and humanitarian situation in Syria remain extremely dire the UN and humanitarian agencies engagement should be ramped up to deliver life-saving humanitarian assistance we also Echo the Iraqi government’s statement that the recent Regional development not only jize the global

    Economy but also undermine Regional efforts to combat Isis we must not forget the unthinkable Terror and cataclysm that Isis inflicted on the region from 2014 we vividly saw that I Isis threats remain ongoing as they claimed the responsibility for the deadly bombing in the city of Kerman Iran last month the

    Risk of resurgence of Isis Still Remains in the region as the Secretary General assessed in his latest report in this connection the recent attacks of militant groups against the US and Coalition forces threatened to undermine the ongoing efforts to combat Isis in the region in conclusion the Republic of Korea will make efforts

    To support diplomacy and prevent far-reaching spillover in the region and Beyond I thank you Madame President I thank the representative of the Republic of Korea for their statement and I now give the floor to the representative of Ecuador Gra irq e sec or I thank the representative of Ecuador

    For their statement I give the floor now to the representative of Slovenia thank you very much uh Madame President first I want to congratulate uh you Madame President um and your country Guyana for assuming the presidency of the council for this month um and we have uh full Trust that you’ll

    Be our North Star uh in the difficult discussions that you’re going to have uh in February and that you’ll guide us through the month I also want to thank France and the Ambassador the rier and his team for the leadership uh that they provided during the months of

    January I also like to thank under secretary Rosary De Carlo for for her briefing with each passing day the situation in the Middle East uh is becoming more more volatile we have a growing feeling of powerlessness against increasing spillover of the Gaza conflict into the wider region the coralicious presence in Iraq

    Is under growing threat from intensified attacks which could UND do the progress achieved in the country meanwhile the situation in Syria is deteriorating with more violence and tension in the Northwest and Northeast we are greatly concerned about this cycle of violence that is causing numerous civilian casualties and we wish

    To recall that internation law must be respected by all and the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure must be ensured at all times and in any circumstances we continue to believe that our best hope to stop the spiral of violence to start restoring calm in The

    Wider region is to restor calm in Gaza call is call it as you like but the bombing the shelling The Killing in Gaza as well as attacks on Israel must stop hostages must be released and urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance for gazans must be restored

    In full we urge All actors in the region to exert utmost restraint and to work towards deescalation we also call on those countries who can accept influence on non-state groups to do so thank you I thank the representative of Slovenia for their statement and I now give the floor to the representative of

    Japan thank you Madame President let me Begin by expressing our appreciation to USG Dalo for the informative briefing I have listened carefully to the explanation by the us on this matter Japan notes the US stated that it carried out the air strikes against facilities uh of Iranian Affiliated

    Militants and other groups in Iraq and Syria following the attack on the US troops on in Jordan on January 28th in order to deescalate the continued attacks by those groups Japan is also aware that the United States does not seek a wider conflict in the Middle East or anywhere and acted on this

    Basis Madame President tensions in the uh mid East are already high and situation on the ground is extremely volatile the conflict in Gaza which started on October 7th has has had serious ramifications across the region in this context Japan is deeply concerned that number of non-state armed groups militias and terrorists have been

    Launching attacks and have signaled that they will intensify their hostile activities those activities cannot be justified for any reason we call upon all parties to refrain from any kind of destabilizing actions such as a transfer of weapons including missiles and uavs and other military related Technologies to such non-state actors

    Madame President no one wants to see a continuation of the cycle of violence and increasing civilian casualties Japan remains committed to making every effort in close cooperation with fellow council members and other key stakeholders to restore security and stability and find sustainable solution that can stop the fighting in the region

    Our world is at Crossroads we must choose the path toward peace not War I thank you I thank the representative of Japan for their statement and I give the floor to the representative of Switzerland sec it for I thank the representative of Switzerland for their statement and I

    Now give the floor to the representative of France acist fr say for fr I I thank the representative of France for their statement and I now give the floor to the representative of mosambique Madame President Moosic thanks Guyana president for convening this urgent meeting we are grateful to miss Rosemary De Carlo

    Under Secretary General for political and peacebuilding Affairs for her insights on this topic and consideration Madame President the situation in the Middle East has been addressed by this Council on many occasions today we come here deeply concerned over the recent developments in the region that include military confrontations that threaten peace and

    Security not just in the region but also in the entire world the recent retaliatory attacks in Yemen Syria Iraq are such an example they aggravate the current cycle of Confrontation and war that already prevails in the region these attacks are likely to escalate tensions with negative spill of effects in the

    Entire Middle East and Beyond it is our view that at all times member states are bound by the chter of the United Nations that compels them to settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that peace and security and Justice are not endangered these attacks took place at a

    Time when the USA Qatar Egypt were engaged in diplomatic contacts with the aim to end the devastate devastating and the bloody war between Israel and Hamas in this connection we Echo the UN secretary General’s Viewpoint that as the hostil hostilities between Israel and Hamas and other groups in Gaza

    Intensify there is a risk for further spillover of this conflict with devastating consequences to the entire region faced with mounting tensions in the Middle East it is important for the for all parties involved to urgently deescalate the tension avoid armed confrontation and engage in a meaningful responsible constructive dialogue and work towards

    Peace peaceful long-term solution we need to promote a solution that addresses the root causes of the prevailing conflict in the region as Security Council our mandate requires us to pull together our efforts in that direction by following the path of dialogue and diplomacy so as to achieve peace and

    Stability in the region and in the world I thank you Madame President I thank the representative of mosambique for their statement I shall now make a statement in my capacity as the representative of Guyana I would like to thank usgd Carlo for the information provided we value

    The assessment of the UN and welcome the organization’s continued monitoring of the situation I also acknowledge the presence of the representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran Iraq and Syrian Arab Republic my delegation is Gravely concerned about the precarious situation prevailing in the Middle East and the potential for a wider Regional

    Conflagration such a risk must concern us all Guyana condemns the attacks that resulted in the deaths of the three US servicemen we are concerned at reports of Civilian losses in the response that has ensued we consider it important that no effort be spared to avert new threats and provocations that could further

    Inflame tensions in a region already besieged by conflict and a worsening humanitarian crisis Guyana urges due caution in responding to these challenges we call upon all parties to respect international law including International humanitarian law and the principles of the United Nations Charter we urge due respect for the sovereignty

    And territorial Integrity of States Guyana further considers that this Council must not relent in the search for solutions to the current security challenges in the region not least the situation in Gaza nor in efforts to avert a broader destabilizing regional conflict in that regard Guyana reiterates its call for a humanitarian

    Ceasefire in Gaza where unprecedented numbers of Palestinians have been killed since October 7 the council must unite to bring peace to Palestine and in and Israel and an end to this human tragedy I thank you I resume my function as president of the council and I now give

    The floor to the representative of the Syrian Arab Republic for for for for for for for For for for sh for to am sh pH I thank the representative of the Syrian Arab Republic for their statement and I now give the floor to the representative of irq Rodriguez Rosemary Carlo say and for say for for say am I thank the representative of Iraq for

    Their statement and I now give the floor to the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran thank you in the name of God the compassion at the Merc ful Madame President I would like to congratulate Guana the newly elected member of the security Council for its presidency this month we

    Acknowledge France for successful completion of its presidency in January I would also like to extend my congratulation to the other elected members Algeria s Republic of Korea and Slovenia we appreciate Russia request for convening this meeting under theend agenda item threat to International Peace and security which addresses persistent

    Violation of international law and the UN Charter by the United States in the region we welcome the presence of misso on the Secretary General in this meeting Madame President Iran strongly condemns the US military attacks on Syria and Iraq territory the US military action is illegal and unjustified and blatently

    Violate the basic norms and principles of international law and the United Nation Charter particularly paragraph 4 of Article 2 of the chter it is also a flagrant breach of Iraq and Syria territorial Integrity sovereignty and political Independence Iran also strongly condemns the joint military action of the United States and

    The United Kingdom against Yemen which constitute an obvious violation of the United Nation Charters and international law furthermore they have openly abused Security Council resolution 2722 these illegal actions which targeted civilians and vital infrastructure jeopardize Regional peace and security as well as pose a serious threat to International Peace and

    Security the US and UK must bear their International responsibility for their Commission of the crime of aggression the argu ment of justification invoking article 51 as a basis for this aggression lacks a solid Legal Foundation and cannot legitimize these illegal actions Madame President today in this chamber the US and UK made

    Another desperate attempt to distract attention away from the root cause of the current situation in the region by falsely putting the finger and blame on Iran it is regretful that that the United States a permanent member of the security Council has failed to fulfill its obligation under the UN Charter the

    US Express grave concern about the spillover of tension in the region while continuing to play a destabilizing role in the region the United States continues to occupy Syrian territory loot Syrian property and resources and support separatist and terrorist group furthermore people in Syria are experiencing economic hardship and

    Humanitarian crisis as a result of the United States hostile and harmful actions as well as the application of illegal sanctions all these measures violate international law the UN Charter and related Security Council resolutions the Syrian Arab Republic has officially and frequently raised objections to those violations calling on the security

    Council to Hal these violations and put an end to the US occupation in Iraq following the unlawful military intervention in 2003 the US and the so-call Coalition ignored Iraq opinion and aspiration and continued illegal activities and presence under the guise of fighting terrorism the United States and NATO must respect the Iraqi

    Government’s decision to terminate their military presence and withdraw their forces from the country Madame President all of the resistance group in the region are independent and their decision and actions are motivated by their legitimate right under international law that are ending the illegal presence of us in their territories stopping the genocide in

    Gaza and ending the occupation of Palestinian territories therefore any attempt to attribute these actions to Iran or its Armed Forces is misleading baseless and unacceptable Iran never seek to contribute to the spillover in the region Iran have no military presence in Iraq nor does it have bases or military

    Advisors in Syria Iranian military advisers are legally present since they were invited officially by the Syrian governments to fight terrorism claims that Iran’s bases in Iraq and Syria were attacked are rejected as unfounded and regarded as attempts to shift attention away from the US aggressive actions Iran

    Has never sought to bring this dispute with the United States into Iraq territory and remains committed to Iraq’s Independence National sovereignty and territorial integrity and this is the principal position of Islamic Republic of Iran Madame President it is evident to everyone that the root causes of the current situation in the region

    Or occupation aggression and continue genocide and horrific atrocities committed by the Israeli regime and fully supported by the us against innocent Palestinian in Gaza strep and West Bank the US military attack against the Muslim nations of the region are the continuation of a complicity of this country in the genocide of the

    Palestinian through all out support of the occupying regime and preventing any effective International action to hold the regime accountable while more than four months have passed since the occupying regime genocidal attacks on the oppressed people of Palestine the US has not only actively cooperated with Israeli regime in the genocide of the

    Palestinian but it’s now attempting to divert the international community’s attention away from the genocide of the Palestinian throw a sped over an escalation of tension in other parts of the region we believe that the only solution to end the conflict in the region and prevent the spel over of the

    War is to return all to their obligation under international law that is to force Israel to stop genocide in Gaza to establish an immediate ceasefire to end the presence of US forces in Iraq and Syria and to exert pressure to end the occupation of Palestinian territory by the Israeli regime instead of blaming

    Others and simply urging restrain from other members the US must Force Ira the Israeli regime to Halt the genocide in Gaza and comply with its obligation under International humanitarian law likewise the US must end its obstruction of the UN Security Council to allow the adoption of the draft resolution

    Proposed by Algeria focusing on the ceasefire in Gaza this approach apprach align with the broader goal of restoring peace and stability in the region while addressing the humanitarian concerns at hand finally Madame President I would like to iterate that if Iran face any threat attack or aggression affecting

    Its Security National interest or people it will not hesitate to exercise its inherent rights under international law and the UN Charter to respond firmly thank you I thank the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran for their statement there are no more names inscribed on the list of speakers the meeting is adjourned

    Spe for for for e for e for e


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