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    Join Macedonia’s “I Love My Church” journey in re-framing God’s Kingdom. Our goal is to be the place of resource (The Light), relationship (The Love) and piece (The Change) when it comes God’s people. Sow a seed at http://www.macedo at anytime or drop off Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 2 pm at 700 Benton Ave. Sacramento, CA 95838.

    ‘We do not own the copyrights to any music played during our broadcast. For entertainment purposes only’

    Tell what you want if your sh it tell him what you want if your sick well tell what you want oh call him up Oh tell what you tell right now amen amen Can we all stand pleas morning family once again family going to be reading from you from the NLT Version of First John 1 uh vers 5 through 10 this is the message we heard of Jesus and now declare to you God is light and there is no darkness in him at all so we are lying if we are having fellowship with God we go on living in spiritual Darkness we are not practicing the

    Truth but if we are living in the light as God is in the light and we have fellowship with each other the blood of Jesus his son cleans us from all sins if we claim we have no sin we are only fooling ourselves not living in the

    Truth but not living in the truth but we have confess our sins to to him he is faithful and justen to forgive our sins and to clean cleanness of us from all wickedness if we claim we have not sinned we are calling God a liar right

    Right and showing that his word has no place in our hearts May the God bless oh sorry may God add a blessing to the hearers and the readers endurance of his holy word yes sir amen [Applause] amen bless your name God hallelujah good morning church just waiting on everyone to get In this morning my prayer is about thanking you Jesus yes thank you Lord I’m not asking for anything oh gracious father I just want to say thank you you provided all of my needs woke me up this morning and looked around and everything was good thank you thank you Lord have I use

    My arms and my legs yes and a reasonable portion of my mind Lord I Thank you so much for that I thank you Father when I look out at the congregation and I say this prayer for everyone that’s here Lord I Thank you thank you God because we could have been

    Somewhere else but you put it in our hearts to assemble together to give the mighty his worship we recognize father that he is the architect of the universe mankind comes under that and Lord I Thank you so much for that thank you God thank you for this church I’m

    Talking about the membership not the building but I thank you for the building as well I thank you Father because youve gone along with us and you stood by us yes God you blessed us thank you youve given us the strength to to fight through any pain that we might have had

    That’s it and we’re still here any those trials and tribulations you gave us a way to make it through them Lord I Thank you so much for that thank you we don’t realize sometimes just all the things that you do for us you are everything bless us oh Lord make us

    Strong help us father to be the people that you would have us to be bless our pastor lead and guide him and have him to go the way that you want him to go yes bless him and his family and father bless every member and their family that’s here tonight yes God

    For those that couldn’t make it we send out a blessing to them yes God the ones are sick and shed in we send a BL blessing for them than you just bless us oh gracious father and help us to be the people you really would have us to

    Be Meloni has been here for quite a while but we pray oh gracious father that we get stronger in you we pray gracious father this church will stand for something we’re praying that mankind will look out and get a little curious and find out what massonia is really all

    About we realize our pastor says it often we’re not a perfect church but we’re sering a perfect God Lord we thank you so much we just thank you Father for for being you thank you thank thank you thank you God thank you in Jesus name amen [Applause] amen come on praise the Lord

    Everybody come on praise the Lord everybody come on don’t we serve an awesome God this morning come on that’s worthy to be praised come on I said we serve an awesome God come on did anybody come to have church this morning Hallelujah I know it’s C out

    There if we move around and we get to your God praise I dare you I guarantee you something start stiring up on the inside Hallelujah we serve a mighty God he’s worthy to be praised come on an old song Amen that we we put a little Groove

    To it amen called Lord you are awesome come on we just want you to clap your hands in move with us amen something to make you feel good amen as as we get ready to set the atmosphere this morning come on he’s worthy Hallelujah come on come On come on let that music get into your spirit come on we just give declare all over the house that we serve an awesome God nobody like the god that we serve huah you know what it you’re Bo you are Awesome you’re you are awesome oh you are awesome that’s all There you’re awesome come on Me come Come if it wasn’t for your love if it wasn’t for your [Applause] grace Without Everybody Wor I Don’t I see come on Lord I told you it’s real simple come Sing I Chur let Me Church come on everybody come on good Oh y’all sound so Good You You [Applause] [Applause] you come on sound Mighty sweet here [Applause] Today you come on don’t first lady look good y’all say Lord everybody come on come on come on come [Applause] [Applause] on for [Applause] [Applause] Put those hands together he just going to repeat after me just going to tell him how good he’s been to us that right keep you keep Keep keep keep everybody keeping away you you keeping you you keep going make it going It Come I Got keep keep keep Keep you [Applause] [Applause] my See J I [Applause] [Applause] You Going come on we just trying to get it l here come on how glad that he keep on sa in your life I how many keep on saving your life come on he keeps on forgiving you brand new Mercy Hallelujah H MO [Applause] [Applause] Lord You [Applause] [Applause] Sir sir anybody there that keep on saving your life come on you know you don’t dot every eye come on you know you don’t cross every tee but yet is still his grace and his Mercy he surrounding you anybody glad for his grace and his Mercy J and surely goodness and mercy shall

    Follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord We Iar come on he’s been real good to us we get ready to put a praise on him but I just hear that bring somebody need to be excited that he keeps on saving your life over and over and over again keep on sa in your life come on we right

    There come on give more things in my life lift those hands all over the sanctuary if you glad that the Lord keeps on saving your life I said if you glad that the Lord keeps on saving your life listen if you like me you know that

    You haven’t did all your res you haven’t hit all your resolutions for the New Year you still got some challenges you still got some things that you are working on but you are saying I thank God even in spite of that even in spite of all my

    Shortcomings even in spite of all of my failures even even though I don’t miss I don’t make the mark all the time I thank you God that you don’t leave me I thank you that you don’t forsake me I thank you that you don’t cut me off I thank

    You that you don’t clip me out of the family but you keep on loving me and because you love me you keep on saving my life thank you God you keep on saving my life and because of that I’m grateful that you have rescued my life we’re going to hit this real quick

    Pastor Jeff is going to come cuz I know he’s going to minister a whole lot better than I can on the back in understand that he’s rescued our life and I thank you anybody grateful that he rescued you yeah I said anybody grateful that he rescued you I said anybody grateful that he

    Rescued you out of the mon tomor even when you know that you need to be saved he still came and found you and he still he still pi you up is that all right I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready real quick it says you have rescued my

    Life you have resued my life Jessie and Never you have resued my life you have resued my life and never I’m never help say you youed you just say that if you grateful let me see you lift your hands all over the Building you have resued my life you have rescued my life you have you have resued my life and come on straight my response is my resp hallelujah hallelujah You’re My Redeemer You’re My Redeemer hallelujah hallelujah I resp resp Hallelujah Hall You’re Hallelujah hu you you my you have res my you have resed my you have res you have res you you have res you [Applause] you I thank you for I thank you for Me you you [Applause] You [Applause] you You you have you you you my you you You when you think of just those words right there it is a Declaration that understands yes word that I was living a life that needed rescue It and it is simple says you have rescued my life and I’ll never be the same well why won’t you ever be the same because it was the blood that was shed for me on calvary’s cross and because of his blood his blood got attached to my black soul

    And it make me white as snow oh you didn’t catch that I still can’t figure out for the rest of my life I won’t be able to figure out that how red blood gets attached to my black soul and it makes me white as snow what it tell me

    Is the power and the blood because it reaches to the highest mountain it flows to the lowest Valley oh the blood that gives me strength from day to day the old FKS say it will never lose its power so when we say you have rescued my life we are decreeing and declaring because

    You shed your blood on the cross and you stretch your arms and gave your hands to the nails you rescued my life come on we going to lift it up one more time you have res my life you have rescued my life you have resu my life you

    Res you res come on I want your hands I want hand talk today come on you have you you have resued you have resued my you have resued you have resued you have you you you you [Applause] Have resue you from drug addiction and alcohol you have you have from the oppression and the thoughts of suici you have resued when I F like thr in time you you Have this is a good moment right here to shift into our ho Communion that we do not do this out of traditionalism but we do this strictly out of Covenant come on Sir that he said it’s as often as you do it come on come on do it in remembrance of me we can do this second Sunday fourth Sunday every Sunday because it’s not

    About what Sunday we do it on it’s about where our heart is at that moment and if you have not been served I want you to raise your hand so that you can be served but while you have your element or you have just rest on your feet and

    While you’re resting on the feet and our music and our mentals are playing I want you to begin to examine your heart I want you to begin to examine where you are because a lot of Us we take communion come on without giving reverence meaning we take ref we take communion recklessly oh I’m going to say that again we take communion recklessly that what we do not do is give regard that this is Holy and so if you got unforgiveness in your heart you should be taking

    Communion if you are having a grudge against your brother or your sister you shouldn’t be taking communion because the body say that’s why a lot of us are sick in our bodies and some of us have gone to sleep because we’ve taken communion without regard and I want you to take time right

    Now to ask God to examine your heart and whatever it is that’s not like him father remove it now God if there’s unforgiveness remove it now if there’s jealousy remove it now if there’s Envy remove it now if there’s hatred remove it now come on come on come on come on come on

    Let’s examine now come on this ain’t time to talk to your neighbors it’s time to talk to God because catch this when I take and eat of this bread and drink of this Blood I am taking his body and I am saying I am one with you

    And how can two walk together unless they agree oh you’ll catch that later I want you to examine your heart God I thank You this is a holy and sacred moment that Jesus he did this with his disciples and matter of fact he did it in the midst of one who was going to betray him he said this bread this bread signifies my body has been given as a

    Sacrifice he lifted it up he broke it and said eat the all of It then he took the fruit of the vine and he he said this is my blood that shall be a ransom for many and so he said drink the all of it the Bible says that they went away singing songs yes thank you Lord as our ushers come the receptacles They H high and they him he his you you they my you my they H High You that’s not how story is hold not The Glory again Come [Applause] On That’s not GL later Later later later lerer later Later [Applause] Again how he loves Me oh he I got to go I got I got I got to go no but I just got to say this oh how you love me oh oh he L us how do you know cuz he first loves me he first loves me Me Got I got to I Got thank you Lord grab your seat and pull your neighbor say neighbor he loves us oh yeah yeah he loves us he loves us he loves us he loves us in spite of all he loves Us I don’t deserve it but he loves me I don’t deserve it but he loves me I deserve death I deserve judgment this morning but he loves me how much do he love he loves me this much oh boy say right there that’s a Groove come on Bless The Name Of The Lord [Applause] Oh What a Mighty God We Serve what a mighty God we serve what a what a mighty God we Ser Len if you are First Time guest to this house to this experience I want you to do me a favor and I just

    Want you to wave at us if you’re a First Time guest so we can honor you so we can come on I see First Time guest leave that hand High come on leave that hand [Applause] [Applause] high now now what has been given to you what has been given to you thank you Lord what has been given to you is our connection cards and I ask please sir please ma’am to please take time to F this out it’s very important

    Because what we do here is that we take time to connect with our guests because you are special to usen you’re not a visitor but you’re a guest you’re our special guest we want you to fill this out so immediately after worship we exit the doors our connection team Ambassador will be there

    To exchange more information for the church and um be able to take your connection card so we can pray for you so we can contact you and love on you listen we have a saying here at this house that the first time you are a guest but the second time you a what

    Family come on if they family if we going say they family Let’s Love on them shake their hands give them a big hug Amen in the name of the Lord listen oh there is there is a very special guest that we have here today um and I’m blessed as a

    Pastor I share with you my sentiments with you I’ve been sharing my sentiments with you of how I feel about our community that Pastor that I’ve been called not just pastor this house but pastor this community and so we are engaged in our civic duty um I told you

    On last week if we had someone come speak and I told you I’ll never tell you who to vote for but I will will tell you especially on Black History Month you better go vote here I’ll take you further if you don’t vote you’re a slave to those who do

    Vote you’ll catch that later because if you don’t vote you can’t never say what somebody should have did or what they could have did cuz you had a chance to vote and you and you decided not to take it and so today we have a representative

    A a man who is running um running for the seat to be councilman of District to um he is he is a man um um similar age and he’s a man that cares about this community you can see his passion and so today I’m going to give him a few

    Minutes to speak of of what he has been led to do and what he is Desiring to do if he’s elected come on let’s give a big Macedonian welcome to Min to Reverend Steven walon come on let’s for Good morning good morning how y’all doing this morning the spirit is high the spirit is high in here and I I know about that so I’m going to do what I need to do so y’all can get back to doing what y’all doing that some good

    Stuff amen amen um my name is Stephen Walton and I am running for the City Council seat in District 2 this District right here when you do something of this magnitude you got to have a big why you have to have a big why to do something like this

    And I want to share with you quickly my my big why is my family has been has been in this district for nearly 80 years nearly 80 years we have deep roots in this district and so I’m 42 and I I’ve grown up hearing all about the

    Stories about how back when it was good and vibrant the district was vibing when the boulevard the Del Paso Boulevard marville Boulevard was vibing where Viva is right down on marville that used to be a Safeway yes sir down down where is right right on Del Pas that was a safe

    Way as well grift Town it used to be a railes then there used to be at theaters and all this different eateries all around and and and and on real in the boulevard it used to be called the front I ain’t going to out none of y’all right

    Now but used to be vibr used to have nightclub used to have a vibrant neighborhood y y’ y’all feel me I’m 42 and I’ve never seen any of that in this for decades we’ve been going in the wrong direction this ship I I say ship sh sh

    Cuz I don’t want y’all to say the Rend got up here and cuss this ship has been going in the wrong direction for decades right and I was taught my my father’s Pastor Ronnie Walton and my mother’s Dorothy Walton I was taught that we deserve the best right that we’re we’re good as

    Anybody that we deserve the best here so why not us why don’t we get investment here why don’t we have the right things here the resources that we deserve here and so in my lifetime this call right here I said I I want to see what

    They talked about back then in in the modern day form we deserve it we absolutely deserve it the core basic services that we I I’m 42 years old and on the corner of Brandon marville Boulevard sits two empty lots that have been vacant they used to be gas stations

    They that have been vacant since I was 8 years old empty lots sitting vacing for so long so but like I tell you that’s just a piece of my big why of jumping in this race come on because I want to see us get what we rightfully deserve

    Right in that City Hall we need a fighter amen and I tell people this this this campaign race is not about me at all if I could find any other way to do it I would have but God let me down this path and so I say it’s not about me but

    It’s about us it’s about re-engaging the community again and then go into City Hall and get what we rightfully deserve right like any other neighborhood so that’s that’s a piece of my big why I want to tell you how how we going to get it done one I

    Got a fourpoint plan the first point is I want to revolutionize our approach to homelessness right right we we we we all are dealing with the unhoused crisis and all of all all the people I know it is not an issue of compassion that we have we have maximum

    Compassion but we have to balance that out with public health and safety so we have they have to get the resources for the unhoused and help with the me mental health issues the drug addiction issues and affordable housing issues as well but it has to be approached in a

    Holistic manner meaning all hands on debt so we play a part in that the community must be engaged in that as well here we’ve been willfully neglected we have a bike trail right down the stre street right here I grew up running and training on that bike trail and now it’s

    Encumbered with people living in inhumane conditions being willfully neglected and so I the way we revolutionize that we put all hands on that we get resources from the county the state the city and we combine that but also we engage the community to be responsible again to be caretakers of the community again

    Secondly we any healthy neighborhood needs safe and clean streets that’s that’s a key to any neighborhood right so so I tell people we have a county DP on Roseville Road many of us used before well it seems like most people now they don’t go to Roseville

    Road they stop right here and dump right in here right they do and we can’t have no more that we need clean streets that’s a healthy neighborhood to have clean Street safety I I I tell people a story I took pictures of of Lights Out on Del Paso Boulevard from the 160 all

    The way down to Calvary Christian Center it was 35 black street lights out that I count I took pictures of I sent it to the director of public works for the city of Sacramento I said Public Safety is actually be Paramount in our area to have 35 street lights out on this

    Boulevard we it’s unacceptable he email me back and said Ste you’re absolutely right I’m going to have my cruise get on it he reported back to me in about uh 3 weeks or so and said I want to report we we fixed 46 lights out own that’s

    Strange that’s good but that it never should have happened it never should have got that that that that standard we need safe safe and clean streets I want to move to the next point I want to empower us to get a create a pathway back to liable wage jobs amen many of us

    Moved here or understand that Mullan Air Force Base was our economic footing back in the day when they pulled out M Air Force Base they took away our economic footing for this area and a lot of good liable wage jobs right we never repaired those pathway back to liberable wage

    Jobs so we can work uh good jobs with meaningful careers and we don’t have to work two or three jobs just to make ends me so we need to repair those intentionally with apprenticeship program vocational programs also with the healthcare industry which is the second largest industry employment

    Industry in Sacramento we need toay get people back to those type of jobs that make a good living lastly we need to empower our Youth we need to empower Our Youth and I’m going to show you a quick illustration of what that looks like like I see a prelink chain in succession we need the wisdom of our elders who are still working but the line share of the of the work should be on our

    Generation Our Generation at the same time while our generation is doing the work we need to be reaching down to the Next Generation grooming them so in 8 to 12 years when when I’m finished or I’m done God willing if I’m elected when I’m elected I’m speaking prophetically when

    I’m elected that we are groom have groomed the Next Generation to take this to the stratosphere you see the intentionality to that lastly we absolutely have to vote we don’t vote at a high enough clip so that makes us politically irrelevant they don’t care because they

    Say we don’t care right that’s right and I know that’s not to be true so you have until March 5th they’re going to start sending out ballots around February 6th you you have until March 5th to get your vote in but what I ask you to do is not

    Only get your vote in but tell somebody else right be responsible for telling somebody else and I want to tell you a good candidate to tell him about tell him to vote for Steven Walton I’m going leave you on that note but this means so much to me I was

    Called back to my community about 5 years ago I didn’t have to come back it was it was a call to come back and pour it back into my community and I can’t do what I believe God has led me to do without the help of

    This community sir sir V step Walton you can you can find more information at Walton forac City Walton forac City I also leave some flyers for you thank you Pastor for this time this sh let us say Amen listen I I challenge all of you all

    God’s people to get to know not just him but all candidates that are running do your research and then can I be honest with you go pray amen oh yeah you don’t want to do that go pray and let God lead you to the right hand amen amen listen uh we’re

    Going to this is we’re going to do two things I want you to get you a seed as we continue in our worship experience get you a seed and we’re going to get our hearts prepared for the word of God come on get you a

    Seat I’m not going to pump you in Prime you because you know that this is a sewing church amen this is a giving church and and we believe that you all of us have seen the return on what we give to God God says give and it shall be given back to you

    Uhhuh so my challenge our challenge has been to all of us to be become tiers so there’ll be meat in his house but ultimately so that I receive the fullness of blessings that God asked for me because he says I will open up the windows of

    Heaven and I will pour you out of a blessing that you should have no more room to receive come on prepare that see you can we can give multiple ways through our gify app which is Macedonian Baptist Church of Sacramento you can give there or you can give through cash or Check when you have your seeds let me know your seat is ready by resting on your feet while you’re preparing your seat won’t let you know immediately after this service I solicit your prayers so if you don’t see me walking down the center out greeting you is because I

    Have to D out to preach at another service at 12 amen so if you won’t come with me at least send your prayers with me so that I may be able to do the task that God has for us this is Black History Month and we are celebrating all

    Month this Sunday is our old school Sunday next Sunday will be our our Sports Mania Sunday um all 49 is has been it has [Applause] been The the police officers will be on property next Sunday you come with bang bang n game you will be locked up and we and we and we won’t pay your bill Amen if you can’t have fun in church you can’t have fun nowhere right all the hell that we go through listen what we do on our what we do with our offering what we like to do we like to declare over our seed because we’re sewing seed

    Into the ground and this is what we said we say father come on lift it high lift it high lift your seed up high I give my seed I give my seed back to you back to you multiply it multiply use it use it

    Where you see F where you see F and God I decree and God I decree that this seed that this seed shall produce for me shall produce for me good measure good measure press down press down shaken together and run it over and if you believe it

    Snap five what your neighbor said it’s done in Jesus name amen you may be seated in the presence of God EX You Do for me Jesus Jesus open canot see Jesus Jesus Jesus and all Myus Jus let say something like this when I’m in TR The might The Every come on act like you know it [Applause] I I I know that you I [Applause] know Come Bless the name of the [Applause] Lord there is a word from the Lord this morning who can be found in the book of Jeremiah chapter 29 right begin our reading at the fourth verse while you find it I want to let you Know on the 18th of February at 2 p.m we will be packing up with our church choir and our ushers our ministerial staff our deacons and our officers of this church and we’ll be um celebrating with Pastor Dale Robinson who was a son of this church Great Hills zon church at 2: p.m.

    We’ll be preaching this 10th pastoral anniversary then on the amen then on the 25th of February the last Sunday of this month we’ll be preaching for the Mount Calvary Baptist Church for pastor Wyatt for their Church anniversary listen I need your prayers amen I don’t know what the Lord is doing

    But he got me in overtime amen y’all pray for my wind y’all pray for my strength but I believe that there’s something that the Lord has for me to say and I’m going to say it until he’s pleased Jeremiah 29 verse4 reading from The New American

    Standard Version of the Bible it is our custom it is our reverence to God that when the word of God is being being read that we stand in reverence of the word of God for if the president was here we would stand when I was in the military

    The high ranking official walked in the Rome and I had to stand but in the presence of God we must do the same exact thing that we give to those on Earth amen amen you got it say I got it I got it read this wise this is what the lord of

    What the lord of armies the god of Israel says to the E to all the Exiles whom I have sent into Exile from Jerusalem to Babylon build houses and live in them and plant Gardens and eat their produce take wives and father sons and daughters and take wives for your sons

    And give your daughters to husbands so that they may give birth to sons and daughters and grow in numbers there and do not decrease amen seek the prosperity of the city where I have sent you into Exile I want you to catch that and pray

    To the Lord in its behalf for in its Prosperity will be your prosperity for this is what the lord of armies the god of Israel says do not let your prophets who are in your midst or your definers deceive you and do not listen to their interpretations of your dreams which you

    Dream for they prophesy falsely to you in my name I have not sent them declares the Lord for this is what the Lord says when 70 years have been completed for Babylon I will visit you and fulfill my good word to you to bring you back to

    This place for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans for prosperity and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans for prosperity and not for disaster to give you a future and the

    Hope for I know the plans for you know declares the Lord plans for Prosperity not for disaster to give you a future and a hope for I know the plans that I have for you I don’t care what they say but I know the plans that I have for you

    I don’t care what it looks like but I know the plans that I have for you oh come on come on I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans for Prosperity not for disaster to give you a future and a hope that’s in the

    Reading of God’s word I want you to look to your neighbor say neighbor neighbor reframing reframing a bad picture a bad pi maybe that wasn’t the right neighbor to the other neighbor say neighbor neighbor reframe me refra a bad picture bad picture you may be seated in the presence of Our

    Lord father and our God we thank you for this time in our service and the experience that we have had father I pray now that you oh God will sit the self and selfishness down in me and you arise speak a word to and through me as

    Your living and willing vessel father I thank you out all you could have chosen you decided to choose me now God I pray and I ask you God will bless these your people for they yours and not mine give them ear to hear hard to receive and

    Divine to do in Jesus name amen amen be framing a b picture my brothers and sisters we look at what we see around us and what we see not just around us but what we see we exper what we experience it always gives us a perception understanding that everybody can have different

    Perceptions but the perception is in the eye of the beholder amen sometimes when we see things through the naked eye things look worse than what they really are my brothers and sisters if I’m being honest with you on this morning this first Sunday of Black History

    Month we have to understand that for a lot of us who unap who are unapologetically black we have seen some rough days oh if I’m being honest with you it still seems like those days are still here okay I guess I’m by myself well let me just make it make

    Sense to you I am uh a black man with a black wife with black children and whenever I see people of different race and colors and Creed that I find myself smiling and being extra friendly to let them know that I’m not a threat oh okay I guess nobody else has

    That because when they see a black man that’s 61 weighs over 200 lb they see me as a threat y’all better help me here perception the what we have perceived for so many years has just been it seems like it’s always been Doom and Gloom we had one leader that

    Said nonviolent nonviolent but we had another leader said you bring that violence to my door step and I’m going to bring the noise right but y’all better help me here we’ve gone through sittings we’ve gone through bus sittings we’ve gone through riots and marches and we’ve gone through rocks being thrown at

    Our head and and be beat with billy clubs and dogs nipping at our ankles and biting the meat on our thighs we have seen some dark days oh if I’m if I’m being honest if we don’t go to the polls 45 going to find his way can I be

    Honest can can I be honest if if we sitting here and fighting over things and and and War number thing 45 going to find his way back in office and if his plan goes Accord the plan it’s going to be a dictatorship okay you you can you can

    Listen to me and say no okay all right that’s right all right just don’t come back and say I told you so right because here it is we are looking at what I Perce yeah sister B can I be honest it perceives that there’s a dark day and a

    Dark cloud come on come on but here it is God says I want to refrain come a bad picture well this technique is used by therapists that they take all the stuff that you give them your your your your perception of yourself your perception of your family

    The things that you have been through and have seen and experienced they said I’m going to reframe it yeah to let you see that those things built you and were necessary for where you are let’s see neighbor says neighbor neighbor necessary necessary that the god that we serve the god that we love

    The god that we call our father he knows what’s necessary in this season of our Liv here it is just K that when we get to this text we get to this uh get to this specific text in the Bible in Jeremiah 29 that God speaks to his people that

    Have been in Exile here it is when kings of side died people went back to their old ways worshiping idols and disobeying the Lord and the time of God’s judgment had come or you didn’t catch that that God’s people who he has done so much who he

    Has taken oh man from Egypt into Promised Land he has provided for them they’ve wonn many of battles the same people that have seen the mighty hand of God time in and time out when J died they decided to go back oh boy can I did right there that some of us

    Have seen God’s hand and have seen God bless us and have seen God open doors for us and we have the audacity to forget god well oh I’m going to get comfortable right there and you can you you can sit there with your church hat and your

    Stacy Adams and look at me like that but I’m going tell you I’m going to preach the way I feel that we have the aity to go from eating pig feet and hog malls and ch bus and now eat the best cut of meats oh yeah yeah yeah steak and

    Lobster come on I see your post I see your crab balls I y’all better help me here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we eat crab leg like it’s going out of style but back in the day they had to eat at the ouse and have bees and the

    Bees had to last for seven whole days but now God has blessed us and we are the ones that have forgotten God oh can I preach the way I feel we we drive in cars that drive us now that we can push a button and go to sleep in the

    Car get it from point A to point B yeah I know some of you got them testers y’all better help me here some of us can fly 7 days out of the week get in first class on SI the champagne and put our pinkies up when there was a time when we

    Couldn’t get to the front we always had to go to the back oh am I talking to somebody this morning here it is yes sir that we get to the land where it’s throwing with milk and honey on help Lord and we forget God that we get in the houses

    Lord that we have not built we got five bedrooms more bedrooms than we have people living in them more bathrooms that we have behind to sit on the toilet more closets than we have put in put clothes in we got more cars in our garage than we need to we can only drive

    One at a time oh y’all better help here but we got Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday cars we got we got toys we got oh y’all better help me and have Den n that when it’s time to remember God we forget all about him you

    Ready for this we can’t even give him two hours on Sunday morning let him know every [Applause] day you can’t even wake up in the morning and thank God and give God his just do and God has blessed you oh y’all help me here oh y yo I got this feacher in my house I I I I I I I I decided to

    Use it and see what it works come on it’s this furnace that takes the air from the outside and circulates it in my house y’all better help me that gives me the fresh outside air in the own house I live in y’all didn’t touch that back in the

    Day you had to open up a window oh see y’all y’all y’all still ain’t caught it my mama would say open up the window that’s some fresh air there mama I don’t have to open up a window I can press a button and there’s something in my house that will circulate air from

    The outside to the inside look where the Lord has brought us and we still have the nerve to not give him credit I can’t stand with people get on the war shows help us Lord L the man of sin no say his name I don’t care if his name offend you but that’s

    The name that has been blessing me that’s the name that has been opening door for me that’s the name that has been giving me promotion after promotion say his name his name is God our Father say his name he’s a way maker out of no

    Way say his name he a bridge over ch the water say he name what your neighbor say neighbor neighbor say his name say his name yeah say his name say his name stop saying the man up say no I’m saying he’s the king of kings he’s the lord of the Lords

    Beside him there is no other say his name because when you say his name you’re speaking power when I say Jesus he said at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every Tong shall confess look to your neighbor say neighbor I Tri

    Do day to say his name cuz when you say his name things begin to move when you say his name your midnight turns in the day when I feel like preaching already when you say his name your days become shorter your nights become shorter look to your neighbor say neighbor neigh say

    His name his [Applause] Name Jesus God’s people tribe of Judah which means praise forgot his name m oh God not only they forget his name they forgot their purpose well because Judah means praise and they forgot to give him praise and they started oh y’all better help me here that sir we have forgotten God has

    Allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to bring his people into Exile you didn’t catch what I said God allow King Nebuchadnezzar to take his people into Exile I’m going say it again to this side God allow God allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to take his people and what type of God is

    That that God would allow somebody to overtake you because sometimes God got to teach you a lesson oh y’all better to help me here and if you don’t learn the lesson you going to repeat the lesson oh I’m talking some experience because I repeat a whole bunch of lessons because I still

    And get the memo and God said I’m going keep knocking on your door until you understand I’m trying to get your attention here it is and God send word to his Prophet Jeremiah said I want you to go talk to my people this is what Jeremiah says he

    Says build houses uhhuh and live in them that’s what he said plant gard and eat the proce sir sir stop right there I’m an exile which meanings that I can I can’t I am not permitted to go to my homeland so God has taken them from their their homeland of what they know

    And to foreign territory whom they don’t know and he says in that land build houses and plant produce you missed it but I’m in Exile and you taking me out of my home land I thought this was a punishment come On come here real quick come on give me your ear cuz I’m trying to get out your way in anywh here it is God you sent me in Exile I thought this was The Punishment No this was me trying to show you who I am but here it is I want to

    Introduce you that I am Sovereign but I’m long suffering didn’t catch get your not that’s my first point that the first thing God shows us that God is Sovereign yes and he’s longsuffering Sovereign means he has the power Sovereign means he is the power he is the ruler but he

    Longsuffering because of his sovereignty he allowed never never to take his people to Exile because of his long suffering he allowed his people to prosper where they were I’m going home they don’t want to like is because of his sovereignty he shows us his power but because of his

    Longsuffering he allows us to live you didn’t catch that because of his sovereignty he put you in a storm because of his long suffering the storm didn’t consume him because of his sovereignty he took finances and flip them upside down because of his longsuffering he provided for you

    Because of his sovereignty he took the job that you was dependent on from you because of his longsuffering he made sure you had more me in your house than you did with the house with the job that you had sometimes God has to show you his sovereignty oh

    My sometime God has to show you his sovereignty while still suffering you that’s why a lot of to get humble right now that I’m still here cuz he’s suffering with me God alight that may not be the word for you but that’s a word for me he he

    He still suffering with me you want to know why cuz I still find my way to be disobedient I still find my way to move slowly when it tells me to move faster I still find my way to move faster when it said move slower I still find my way to

    Try to do the things that I want to do but God still suffers with in other words he’s still putting up with us and so here it is how dare we come to the house of God and can’t put up with our brothers and sisters but we serve a God

    Who put up with our mess every day what’s up matter of fact if I’m being honest with all of y’all He blesses us in spite of us let me go ahead and humble all of us real quick ain’t nothing that we’ve done to deserve these blessings God says I’m

    Doing it because I want to do it cuz I’m sorry then he says then he says build the house sir make the produce but then he says take wives fathers Sons and daughters yes Father your sons and daughters take wives for your sons give your W give

    Your daughters to husbands but then he says so that they may give birth yes catch this to sons and daughters and grow in numbers that there’ll be no decrease first thing he says is build your house plant your produce but then what I want you to do I want you to

    Multiply right right that’s that’s build a house PL the produce but then multiply here it is that God is saying to his people that you can prosper anywhere go ahead and write that down that’s your second property but it doesn’t matter where you are that whatever God is and whatever God has

    Called you to you can prosper there sir oh see see some of y’all should have shouted right there cuz you working a job that you don’t particularly like oh yeah you living in the neighborhood that you ready to move out of oh y’all better help me here you in some situation and

    God says guess this you ain’t got to worry about coming out you can prosper there let me put let me put my foot there and lay my weight on it just for a little while that too many times our problem is we’re more concerned with coming out and we’re not concerned with

    Prospering where we are are y’all missing how many times do we get in the store and say Lord get me out when you ready Lord I’m ready come on get me out no God says no I don’t want to I don’t want to I don’t want getting out to be

    The only blessing I want to sustain you while you in and that be the blessing and the sh y’all missing that while I was in with cancer y he sustained me while I was broke with no job he sustain me we talking about Lord bring me out no

    Lord sustain me while I’m in Prosper me while I’m in Lord let your favor be on me while I’m in your neighbor say stop trying to rush the process good good work good work this all we doing we checking the other you ready yet you ready yet my mama taught me when

    You bake a cake from scratch if you keep opening the oven they have the potential to fall and some of us we are in something and it’s falling now because we keep opening the window we keep opening the oven and say are you ready yet instead of looking at the other and

    Say I may be here but soon enough I see what’s baking for me and I see what’s growing for me and I’m going to praise God when I see the pro look at your neighbor say neighbor don’t wait till you’re out praise while you in oh you

    Didn’t catch that you trying to hurry up and get out you try to hurry up and find your way out but no you need to praise why you in why you praising why in cuz I know sooner or later it’s going to turn in my face yeah here it is know you can

    Prosper wherever you at but then way it really gets good to me he says seek the prosperity of the city and pray for the Lord on its behalf for in its Prosperity will be your Prosperity stop right there God I’m not in the city I

    Want to be in come on oh preing to myself God I’m not in the designed City that I want to rest and reside in well but he says seek the prosperity of the city that when it prospers so shall [Applause] you I pull up to pass Heights all throughout the

    Week and I’m like Lord M this ain’t it all what he says is seek the prosperity of the city that when it prospers you shall prosper so I stopped praying Lord get us out of here and I started praying Lord Prosper the city that we in so that when

    It prospers we shall prosper now you don’t know when the Shad I pray for the city so when the city prospers Macedonia prospers when the city prospers every member of Macedonia prospers so Lord let the corruption let it be thrown out and let this city Prosper let the wealth be

    Laid up for the city because Lord when the city gets wealthy I’m going to have my hand out and receive the Overflow of the city look at neighbor say neighbor you better change your prayers you praying pring now Lord cuz this what we all do pring now can I be honest we

    Start doing research at different cities that is prospering cuz I I talked to some of y’all Pastor I thinking I’m moving in Texas they say everything’s bigger in Texas I st thinking about going to Atlanta because they said that’s the black capital for us Pastor I’m thinking about uh getting everything and going

    Somewhere else because it just seems like it’s prospering there but what you forgot is you have the god that causes everything to prosper and instead of you moving won’t you move and pray instead of you moving and trying to go somewhere else you say Lord Prosper

    Me where I’m at I may be in a to toown I may be in the country but Lord make the country a city I wish I had somebody come on look to your neighbor said neigh shift your prayers stop saying God let me get a U-Haul truck and move but say

    God move on my behalf that this will be the city where I Prosper come on look to your neighbor say neighbor we got to prosper here come on I got to go he say if it’s wicked or not Lord let them Prosper so when they Day come allow it to fall on [Applause]

    Me yeah if you start seeing me praying for some Wicked people don’t tell me they Pastor don’t you know they Wicked yeah I do that’s right but I can still pray for them cuz when I pray for Lord when it falls down catch that I want to be in position

    That when it falls I’m in position to rece see the [Applause] Fallout word well they going judge me but I don’t care if they a drug dealer come on sir I don’t care if they get all that money from drugs guess what I’m going to pray for them I’m not going to pray on them but I’m going to pray for them I’m going to

    Pray if the Lord will change their heart oh see you didn’t catch that cuz you thought about praying oh you some of you said well I know if few drug deal Lord let them get caught no I’m not praying for caught I’m praying for Mercy I’m praying for favor over their Liv and

    They turn but Lord if they don’t turn let them find a friend in [Applause] me it Is here it Is m yes sir he says he says seek the prosperity of the land yes sir for this is what the lord of arm says don’t let the prophets who are in your midst and your diviners who deceive you and do not listen to the interpretations of your dreams which you

    Dream here it is that God is saying that there are some people that are speaking against what I’ve already spoken to you because here it is there are people in the land that try to speak against what God is to become popular I say it again he already told

    Him 70 years but they said I become popular if I tell them he didn’t mean 70 he meant 7 that here it is that what you must understand in this season of your life that no matter where you are stay close to the voice of God sir you didn’t catch that actually you didn’t catch that that no matter if you’re in the valley low sir or the mountain high stay close to the voice of God because there are going to be people that’s want to trying to speak to you of

    What God is speaking and you know it ain’t the truth right and it is okay to tell people you missed it oh boy that’s why I pray for everybody who try to give me prophetic word CU I said please don’t let me have to embarrass you because I’ll tell you in the

    Heartbeat that ain’t the word because catch this because I spend time with God I know his word but see the problem I lot of us are getting duped by these prophet and these dividers is because we don’t know God’s word so whatever sounds good for the season that we’re in we

    Lean on that and go with that I’m trying to raise some spiritual people that know how to be strong and hear the voice of God you let people dup you out of money and dup you out of your mortgage and dup you out of all this

    Stuff because why they gave you a word that sound good but it’s not the true voice of God spend time with God and let God speak to you himself I know I’m the pastor but guess what God can speak to you too come on come on now matter of fact

    God wants to get directly to you but you the one that put so much stuff in between him and his voice and that’s why he can’t get to you and that’s why he’ll send your pastor on Wednesday and on Sunday to get to you because you got too

    Much stuff he trying to get to [Applause] You here it is but what we see in the text sister CLA is that how God feels about us doesn’t change who we are to him want you write that down how he feels about us doesn’t change who we are to him catch this because he told them

    Build houses eat the produce prosper in the land pray for the catch this he put him in Exile because how he felt about that he felt like you taking advantage of me but just because I feel way don’t change who you are to me God I wish yall would get with me

    Come on and catch this cuz I would have to preach so hard that catch this Deacon ma this is what I understand about God that I know sometimes God feels a way about me because of the choices that I made and the choices that I made but

    Catch it didn’t change I was still his son you ready for this I got an Earthly father my father Jeffrey Johnson Senior catch this he he loves me but there was days that he whipped me but it didn’t change who I was to him that I was still

    His name sake I still ate the good of the land I made him mad sometimes but he still made sure I’m at the best of everything I still had my seat in the front seat I still was his Co pilot I still was his rider die because it said

    Just because I’m mad with you don’t change who you are look to your neighbor and said neighbor neighbor just because he’s upset doesn’t change who you are okay you should have got excited you should have got excited cuz you thought the wrath of God was all

    Over you and he was upset with you death he upset but he still love you I say you don’t know when to shout you don’t know when to give God praise that God could have turned his hand on here but no he didn’t turn his hand he just showed you

    Who he was and God is saying today it’s because of my grace and because of my Mercy look your neighbor said neighbor he’s a loving father he’s a longsuffering father he’s a patient father oh I wish I had somebody who knew my father like I know him for he’s a

    Father that gives me the best of everything he’s a good good father come on SLAP out power with your neighbor and say neighbor he’s a good good father that that’s who he is and that’s who he shall be he’s a patient father he’s a loving father he’s a forgiving father

    That’s who he is and that’s who he shall be come on stap our fire with his neighbor and say neighbor neighbor he’s a good father but I’m not done yet I’m not done yet I’m not done yet to the Lord I’m but I got to go but I tell

    Because you got to get this word today cuz I did not go to another house and feed them this house not be F oh y’all going to catch that L y’all going to catch that L here it is that you must be able to cypher between God’s good words and God’s words

    Again you must be able to be able to decipher between good words and God’s word word and that’s why he sent Jeremiah to say these prophets these dividers this a good word but it ain’t God but it ain’t a God word and in this season of your life God don’t want you

    To be tricked no more oh but he wants you to be able to receive his word but here it is come on work where I’m going to leave you hang my hat get in my car and drive to another service sister Mel list is what he

    Says he says for this is what the Lord says 70 years have when 70 years have been completed for Babylon I will visit you and fulfill my good word to you yeah to bring you back to this place catch this and look to your neighbor say neighbor neighbor whatever he says whatever he

    Says he will do he will do that’s some of you are waiting on the work to come that has been said two years ago and you waiting for it to come but whatever he says he will do can I give you my personal testimony 3 years ago this

    Church called me on the first Sunday in February and I came to the gate outside and I said Lord I follow you just don’t make a fool of me and God spoke many and many words to me and I declared it to you I declared one of the first sermon

    Series we have work to do and I begin to Dee and declare the blessings of God over this house and how God God was going to bless this house in a way that we would have no more room and here it is 3 years later we’re looking now and

    Saying we don’t have no more room we got tell God better help me here every word that the Lord told me to decree and declare he has come to fruition that God don’t need you to agree with him he just needs you to trust him cuz he said

    Whatever I say go look at your neighbor and name Praise on that word expect that word watch God move on that word but here it is here it is and I’m done the last point I want to give you the rest and God’s assurance that his plan for you is to

    Win rest and God’s assurance that his plan for you is to win Pastor where you get that from where I taught you I gave you some good words so now you know how to use Jeremiah 2911 for I know the plans that I have for you

    That he spoke that while the midst of Exile that he says I know the plans that I have for you plans for you to prosper and not for you to fil PL for you to prosper and not for you to fail amen come on look to your neighbor and say

    Neighbor neighbor the plan the is to win is to win oh no you got come on come on let’s go M let’s get up out here say neighb the plan is for you to win yeah you may have to go through a few Exile Seasons but the

    Plan is for you to win come on shake out fire step out five with your neighbor and say neighbor if I don’t see you till next week rest in this that God’s plan is for you to win his plan is for you to succeed his plan is for you to

    Prosper wherever you are if you in the valley expect Prosperity if you in the mountain expect Prosperity look to your neighbor for the very last time and say neighbor for 2024 expect prosperity for pastor in the storm but I’m expecting Prosperity well Pastor I’m without a job but I’m

    Expecting Prosperity because his word say his word says I know the plan I have for you look to your neighbor I li y’ one more time and say neighbor what you plan work out for you watch his plan Prosper for you watch his plan cuz it’s

    About to turn around in your faor I wish I had a little more time to labor right there but I got to go so may the Lord bless you real good may the Lord yes you real good May Lord May Lord cause your seed to prosper on this week

    May the Lord open do on this week but if the doors don’t open find some room in the hallway and shout and shout and praise because sooner or later is going to in my faor gra gra gra your nebor your neighbor your nebor your neighbor neighbor your neighbor mother hand and St

    Neighbor enourage because it will last always be encouraged from we we they for night [Applause] Jo Jo com in the [Applause] Morning Jo Jo Jo in the morning Jo is here my peace is here God you it’s wor him it’s worship Him TR And come on worship [Applause] It’s a little little too much too much walking right now too much walking right now a little too much walking right now the spirit of the Lord is in this place too much walking right Now that’s a trick of the enemy I’m not saying they’re the enemy that’s the trick of the enemy to get us to scatter and to move when the spirit of the Lord is in this place stand to your feet stand to your Feet woo there’s somebody in this place right now and you’re in a season of Exile yes Sir you’re in it right now you’re in that season of Longs suffering and the truth be told when you woke up this morning it was raining you almost didn’t make it to church you drove into the parking lot saw was flooded in spaces you tried to find an

    Excuse to go back home my Lord but God saw fit he Hallelujah to allow you to be here to hear that word because he knows that you’re in Exile he knows that you’re going through it right now somebody sitting next to you right now standing next to you right

    Now is barely hanging on Yes they don’t know what tomorrow’s going to BR if you’re wrestling right now if you’re suffering if you’re in that longsuffering season if you feel like you’re in a spirit of Exile make your way to this altar right now make your way to this altar if you’re suffering through whatever it might be

    Depression hopelessness you feel broken in your spirit make your way to the altar right now and if we can join hands all over this building come on come on come to the altar where the song says have you laid your all on the altar join the hands of your Neighbor I know there’s more people that are suffering through something make the devil out of a li right now and begin to make your way to this altar so you can leave it here joining hands all over this building let us begin to pray for the hand that we

    Hold come on let’s have another room experience let’s talk to the Lord like you’re talking to him and asking for something for Yourself the spirit of the Lord is Here come on let’s pray let’s talk to the Lord let’s talk to Him Pastor J said that the Lord is Sovereign which means he can do what he wants to do what he wants to do and how he wants to do it somebody standing in this place right now you need healing in your body Come on talk to the Lord God bless the hands I Hope the Bible says in 1 Peter 5 And1 after I’ve suffered a while anybody suffering right now you’re going through it It’s been a long week for some of us but God we know that you’re a Healer we know you’re a Bridge Over Troubled Waters Pastor J said say his name and how many of you know he is whatever name you need him to be right

    Now if you need him to be a deliverer that’s his name if you need him to to be a way maker that’s his name if you need him to be a burden Bearer that’s his name Come on talk to them God we love you today God we thank you for the storms in

    Our life God for they make us better we thank you for the ups and downs of Life father God we recognize that when we have ups and downs ups and downs the EKG machine says as long as we got some ups and downs we’re still alive but when it’s flattened out that’s

    When when we’re dead and it’s over so God we thank you right now for the ups and the Downs God have your way God we decree and declare healing in this place today somebody’s wrestling with cancer in their body God we know you can dry up

    Cancer like you can dry up a cold God to touch their body right now in the name of Jesus my brother of my sister God battling with anxiety and depression God you said resist the devil and heal flee so we resist him right now in the name of

    Jesus God we love you we thank you today for being Sovereign we thank you right now for allowing us just at least one more time to get it right in your presence so touch right now God and have your way God bless the hands I

    Hold and God as we get ready to leave this place but never your sight we ask right now that you place a hedge of protection around us until we meet again and the people of God said amen now before we leave our first impression team remain on your feet we’ll be ready to

    Leave in just a Minute there’s somebody in here today that You if you were to die today the next moment you don’t know where you would spend Eternity I need you to find somebody with a red folder because you need to be baptized you need to know Jesus in the pardon of your sins someone needs a church home you need to come fellowship with us you need a pastor who will love on you

    And cover you see someone with a red forward today they’ll be standing here until we get ready to leave how many of you love the Lord today come on you been better better than that as Pastor Jay said he’s heading over to celebrate with rc3 is

    Rc3 at 12:00 so if you can make your way over There let us get ready to pray join the hands of your neighbor when get ready to leave this Place father God we come right now just thanking you for your presence God we thank you for what our eyes have seen and what our ears have heard and so father God we ask right now that you allow the chonic glory to fill this place God we plead the blood of

    Jesus over every soul in this place today and Father God that person that man or that woman that get needs know you in a real special way God we ask right now that they make their way to someone with that red folder God and become a part of the

    Kingdom and again father God as we leave this place whenever you like we ask right now again that you place a special hedge of protection around us until such time we meet again and the people of God said amen you are dismissed

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