Britain’s HARDEST Doorman’s 1000s Of FIGHTS #bareknuckle #martialartist #bouncer

    Geoff Thompson was arguably Britain’s hardest doorman – one of them anyway! His story of enlightenment and redemption is incredible.

    You think you’re strong but you’ve got this power to create you’re just creating monsters I had weapons in every room of my house I had weapons in the car everything I read about was violent everything I wrote about was violent everything I taught was violent I was absolutely and unequivocably

    Entangled in violence and that’s how I created thousands of violent situations everything in my life was violent it was a great lesson Chris because it was saying well why don’t you just do the opposite instead of entangling yourself in violence and creating you know a hell

    On Earth you know why not why not redirect the energy um align all your perceptions go to a higher level of perception and start creating from a place of love and creativity so I went from having weapons in every room in my house to having Bibles or books on philosophy


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