£78 million being spent on vanity projects in Rotherham. Rotherham is getting an unfair allocation of funding to the rest of Rotherham metropolitan borough, its time for Rother Valley to break away and invest in our own towns.

    So I’m going to do a whole tour of ram Town Center did one after lockdown haven’t been in here for a few years I just want to show you what’s actually happening in ROM if you can like my video follow my YouTube channel and also click on notifications to get any new

    Videos but I thought I’d just show you ram Minster the jeweling the crown in rod and then what I’ll do is I’ll take you on a super f tour of the Hall of ram Town Center so I’m done a video of rotheram town center for a long time last time I

    Came it was actually really overcast so actually back in rotheram town center just to show you the latest on wellgate or Sheffield Road that turns into wellgate and they’re building this new cycle path I think it’s going to go all the way into Sheffield at the

    Moment it just goes to Magna I think the this stage of it’s costing about 9 million pound pay for by South yire Mar Authority completely wasting our money what they should have done is just change the foot pass into dual purpose roads that cyclist and pedestrians could

    Use at the same time just as lot down on a Canal but you can see the New York stadium just there on the left hand side River Dawn just under this bridge area Nice oldfashioned Bridge just here that way takes you down to can [Applause] CL but not the footfall in

    Ram now I’ve actually noticed two cyclist already which is very strange they don’t normally appear but they’re trying to urbanize our town centers and I think they’re going to try and push more and more people into them over time as you can see with what they’re

    Doing I was told by John that there used to be nine pubs along wellgate so he could have quite a pub crawl but there’s not much left anymore but just pay particular attention to the road layout more than anything up here as we get into rodro

    Itself I haven’t got a clue with these rows where you can go and where you can’t go and how are people who don’t come from are them supposed to actually understand where they can and where they can’t drive for anybody who’s already seen me wellgate video you can Skip

    Along to the end of this content but you’re probably going to see it much clearer today so you can see some of the new Paving soon as they have to work on the new Paving they end up putting asheva down and make it look a right mess so much cheaper and

    Quicker and easier in the long term to put tarm Mite down and just make decent time at rows and foot pass but now they’re going to just waste the money somebody was saying oh it’s the government giving them the money to do it well it’s not the government’s money

    In the first place it’s our morning you can see some of the flats starting to appear it’s on a very sort of mini scale to Sheffield I think we’re about 3:00 in a Friday afternoon I noticed the people in rodam today there’s some beautiful buildings still left along west [Applause] [Applause] gate rather than all this ludicrous stuff they’re doing for next Z we should be focusing on a clean modern industry you can’t run a country on service sector alone now somebody was asking me where the New York Tavern was it’s just there in my days at rotheram College

    From 1980 to 84 this area would have been buzzing with people see more accommodation it’s creeping in all over r on a smaller scale to Sheffield but it’s coming the government have all their own priority priorities they’ve unbalanced the economy spend a lot of money on the

    Banking sector back in the 1990s when they should have been redirection in the manufacturing base and now all the north of England the Midlands and whatever a warehous is call center centers and shopping centers out of town shopping centers see some parking down there nice Wellington PB there

    Anything Sheffield can do Bly ROM can do as well we got the Cutler arms just there and benter Rod now I think that was something to do with r Mouse which was the Market Tavern that’s just been knocked down in Sheffield I think the ren Brewer Brewer was at Market Tavern originally

    And the tra also stopped outside there so they uh called it Rod M Market T in sheff and that’s just been knocked down so I’m trying to work out what all that building is behind cuz it looks to me like Council officers now I’m not against

    Ram I think Ram should be its own town center but there somebody who lives in Rin B Council I don’t want to be part of Ren B Council I want to go back to pre-1974 days when wiser decisions were made where I live was keton rural

    District I’d be happy to go back to us being R Valley let Ram be rotheram and let um went withth and dur be went withth and D but let’s go our own separate ways we’ve got a different ideology rather valy voted for a tour because we don’t want these socialist

    Policies not particularly because we want to the touris in we just don’t want this madness that we get from labor while ever we are in RnB Council we’re going to get socialist policies that we don’t don’t want out in R Valley so you can see that big office

    Block like I said I think that’s probably the council somewhere down there is rather police station it’s not a very nice building so I’m not going to dwell on it post office just there you can see the signs here you can startop the video anytime and look at

    Signs I’ll just stop so you can stop it properly and there you can see the same sort of things coming to r shaffield on a a more minuscule scale brma Sheffield are born and bread but I don’t agree with South Sho or Sheffield City region I think each town in South yoria

    Should get its own Potter money and spend it on how it sees fit this was the old Cinema just here on ship Hill have a quick walk up ship Hill my memory shows me right if the elers was up here somewhere I don’t know if it still

    Exists it was a trendy bar in R room at that time now on the skyline if you look at from the other side of ROM you can starting to see the build bike better where the old buildings are being ripped out and the modern buildings are being built but just here

    You could see this star on the skyline and that’s why I came up here just to show it you two beautiful churches up here this area rather is quite nice cuz it’s kept it old more old traditional buildings but you can see those on the skyline

    Last time I came to R room it was for when the actual Women’s World Cup was on and it was pretty damp and drizzly so you seen ROM on a sunny day but you’re not seeing any more people so there’s R town all so of takes you up to morgate there

    And out to rodam it’s quite a nice area of morgate we’re focusing on the Town Center still got the ey house got Cross Keys on this corner as well but that’s Shot Down the Cross Keys you can see the windows are smashed this is for Dave ebony Dave’s got a channel on

    Uh YouTube and he’s PR particularly interested in these lower levels here cuz these look like doorways windows that go much further into the ground something don’t quite add up on that building I’ve been watching videos from America from a guy in Kansas and buildings are actually below floor

    Level one or two stories below floor level so there’s some not quite right there it’s like they built a new civilization on top but there’s still some nice buildings in rotheram we’ll have a look back up the other side when I get to the bottom but the problem is they started

    Destroying rodam in 19 back 1982 they put the most ludicrous oneway system in and that was when it all started to go wrong in rodom as far as I’m concerned look at that beautiful building there on the corner why can’t if we’re going to knock a building down why can’t we build some

    Back like that that’s absolutely fantastic that’s looking back up morgate Street taking you up to morgate if I remember right that’s Corn Law I’m sure that will probably midd and bank I can’t remember now but let’s have a quick walk into this area cuz this area around is quite

    Nice I think this was done up quite a few years ago not this here don’t particular like this but start to see down there but it’s these buildings on these Corners that I particular like but I think they’re going about bringing people into the towns and cities in the

    Wrong way because that’s not the intention you’ll all be ordering from home wherever you live from Amazon and that’s the future of being own little cells so we got another beautiful building there but to me this is a jewel in the crown for rather in the men it’s absolutely

    Gorgeous another Perfect Day same last Friday when I came but this sort of thing is absolutely stunning and I’m so sure so much of this in Rod’s gone that they still got some that just focusing on that cuz uh Dora Vernon she’s got a channel on YouTube and that’ll probably interest

    Her I don’t know if that was neptun as you can see C Center of Rod room we’re just down here on the left which is I’ll pull it well in fact I’ll go a bit further is the Scara so watch the film there in the past and have an organ in there

    Which I think still in there but you can see the build bike better going on in rather so I don’t know if that’s officers flats or whatever it looks like Flats to me but I could be wrong this is more than 1960s type stuff probably another beautiful vision of the

    Minster the reason I’m going down is cuz there’s some really nice old buildings down here but you can see along these boards it’s telling you what’s coming the problem is all the rents will be so high that a lot of businesses just won’t be able to afford them they’ll probably

    Last so long and then the businesses will fold but it was beautiful in the Scara when I went in back in the 197s to watch a film I’m hoping that’s going to get preserved but you can see more building it’s being built back better that’s what they say

    I want to just show you this gorgeous Church on the bridge by the river so you can see the counted just there I don’t know if that’s still a c or not it looks like it what I want to show you here is a little bit of

    ROM this little little chapel on the the bridge is absolutely wonderful looks gorgeous but Dave ebony same I’ll keep mentioning people when it interest Dave Evy is really interested in that he’s got his own theories on it you got the river Dawn another old building you got the train station up

    There for Ram Central you can see the building work going off it’s sort of really starting to gather Pace now in rather the rebuild but I think this was actually built when I was at College in the 1980s this section here more modern area we got the uh interchanged your stuff

    Here that’s the bus in change I’m sort of trying to snake me way around to give you the best for your rather that tast down to Tesco there’s a massive new Tesco in the middle Ram see the multi story there the bus station and I remember the bus station I

    Think goes under multi story as well we’ll go back up into the uh main part of the Town Center but I just want to give you a total f for rather than where it’s progressing since last time I came here now we keep keep getting people on Facebook on the Facebook page about

    Sheffield saying we’ve got in our head that there’s no people in the town centers anymore and there really is well these people don’t come from Sheffield or rather back in the’ 607s eight is when these towns were absolutely thriving with people that just looks like more 1960s buildings going possibly oh I don’t

    Know back up to the Minster again I have done a separate video on the Minster so you can actually pick up on the video on the Minster if you look at RM in the 1950s is a really good video with pictures on YouTube and you’ll just

    See how great RAM used to be like every other Town Center in in the north of England before they start pedestrianized them and forcing people out to them so we’re actually really in the main Town Center I did a post lockdown Video so if you ever watched that you can see how things have changed over the last two or three years in R I can remember there been some really trendy men shops back here in the 1980s when I was in the steel industry and I can’t imagine being able to find any anymore

    I’m just trying to get it while the Sun’s still around cuz we’re getting up towards 4:00 now I think now this used to be CNA just Ste they are doing some work on building a new market in ROM but this is the existing Market stuff here this is another beautiful building in

    Ram Town Hall originally assembly rooms originally this is very beautiful building but notice a similar Paving to Sheffield this takes you down to the bus station just here we’re in the Old Town Hall you can see the shops through here even the fruit and veg shops are

    Short at Moment by the looks of it most of the shop seem to be actually open in here cuz I’m only really OD noticed the odd one sh but you can see that lovely clock sure the traffic used to drive around that before they messed about with the oneway system

    I’m guessing this must be Mark Market Day where it’ll be getting late so they be closing up Now so this is where CNA Was I think they’re spending about3 million on a new market and Library brother and what concerns me like I said I don’t want rmbc let R be Ram let R Valley be R Valley and let went with them D but why should all the investment come into RAM Center there’s

    A council taxpayer in R Valley I never come into Rod this is the odd occasion that’s a quite a splend bar there though on the left hand side of the market area I just want to encapsulate time as best I can so you’ve got Ram College up there we knew it was the

    Arts Place R arts college and the technology was on the right hand side so this was this Ram arts college and you’ve got the market on the left I’ll just show it you like I said the Mark is been knocked down and rebuilt but this college looks very

    Different to the arts college that was here when I was here cuz you could go in the art college for your meal and remember drinking quite a bit in there at Christmas lunchtime or was it in the pub across the road sorry you can see the mark indoor market just

    There I just want to show you down here towards the test Scout you just see how big it is from where you see Tesco used to be the library I don’t know where the library is but the the library I remember in the 80s was being knocked down cuz it was just here

    Got this massive T go you still got the car park we could park on when we come to college you can see the arts college now or what’s rotheram College whether that’s had new faes on it or whether it’s a new build I don’t know you can see the

    Uh side of the market there indoor market but I want to progress as quick as I can so I’ve captured as much as I can I know some people lived in Ram and no longer live here and some people don’t want to come in Ram anymore and I can understand the feeling well

    And that’s no disrespect to Ram cuz I I’ve seen a video from the 50s and RAM was fantastic in the 50s was okay in the 1980s not as good though we get round to the technical college that I went to back in the 1980s from 1980 to

    84 got an hnc in industrial measurement and control for the steel industry you can see some of the shops outside the market it looks like some of those are shut down now but this was a technical college on this side you can see directly in front of me and also to

    The left hand side when I come around was also the Technical College but one thing I noticed when I was in the steel industry we had the big art furnaces on Sheffield Road and it always seemed to rain in R when I was at College I don’t know if it was

    The heat from the furnaces causing it but this Technical College on that side where I went was all sh down it’s still open on this side it says College of Arts and Technology okay that was more technical when I was there than Arts you can see it looks well overgrown now

    And we didn’t have ludic Security on the door when we used to be there we didn’t have ID cards or anything like that I don’t know how we survived I do want to take you back up high straight but I’ll just show you quickly up here last time I came up

    Here I was selling my house and Miss listen to us somewhere up here was somewhere up here take you out to towards Clifton Park if I’m right and Clifton Park’s not what Clifton Park used to be like there’s some nice houses up here I’m just trying to find out if I can

    Find so I thought I’d seen the Civic Theater and I thought I’m so close to it I’ve got to show you the Civic Theater and I used to love coming here as a kid in the Civic Theater it’s just uh get across the road and I can show it

    You so I’m on Catherine Street but you can see Rod Civic Theater very nice in that side there is a kid it’s not a massive place but it’s nice but what I want to particularly point out here is is that Ram’s got a college and just here we have University Center

    Ram so you can see that rods becoming like Sheffield on a a much smaller scale but it’s happening so I don’t know what that’s all about you see CR Center rather them but I think that’s totally a different to Ram College college so let’s get back down into RAM so you can

    See the Min Minster always goes above everything else in Ram but I’m guessing at some stage as the highrises come to Ram might start start to see them men to disappear this corner I’m approaching now with the long high Windows was wh Smith for as long as I can remember

    Well that must have gone a long time ago so another bank as you can see gone I just have a little bit of a walk out here and I just want to show the High Street are it I want to give you a sort of total feel for rather at the Moment still got a loids on the left but we’ll get back to that on the way back so I don’t know if I’ve been in the mail coach at lunchtime when I was at Ren College I suspect I did for a pint and a pie there’s quite a few Independence down there are

    But is anybody from R you can tell me any of the big developments going off in R so I’ll uh come back and fell all this area on the right hand side all looks new to me from what I remember I can see so I can see f is up there which we call let call some else now but like I say this building on the the right looks

    Awful I think it’s actually a car park so wellgate multi story up there tried to think how much it is and I just parked out on Sheffield Road for free I’m sure this will bring back memories to people from R who’s not been in for a long

    Time I’m going to stop at this point and go back in to town just want to give you a glimpse as of the the outter bits that’s Roma International mini market now that looks quite nice up there Clift and bank That it’s just not recognizable as 1980s r on this to me so I don’t know all that Masonic h that’s for D I just want to catch fies in a moment it’s not called fies anymore thought it was behind the town hall somewhere so what we knew as fop

    Is I’m sure it’s now the blue coat if I memory says me right there’s more that’s so it’s job center plus there that looks like more flxible it if I’m right but look at that beautiful Spire that you can see on the headline just there some lovely bits of architecture in

    R so here we are coming to last bit of R before I take you up IE Street seems more thriving down this area with sort of more independent shops which is good to see but again there seems quite a lot of Barbers down here in fact there seems an awful lot of

    Barbers down here and grocery shops but I’m sure there’s some intermingled in between smell something nice coming from mesise which is an alternative sort of shop so we got the Lis bank here I’m sure we got another bank now I used to be with ram College branch of Midland but I don’t

    Know if that’s a branch anymore find out in a minute so where the British sh was was wh Smith and wh Smith were a good start to go in it’s been very run down the last 20 years wh Smith it’s like they never bothered to update the actual

    Stores so it looks like HSBC College branch is still here if that’s what they still call it by noticing you can actually park your car in Middle here this is a bit of a shocker what’s it 30 minutes no return within 3 hours pay it machine oh

    God you can’t do a lot in 30 minutes can you I just a quick walk into the center of here and then what I’ll tell you I straight I just really wanted to give you the best picture I could have rather I think I’ve done a complete tour of Rob

    Today got the main features just not got the park Clifton Park the name I couldn’t remember back there for the Masonic or was D Vernon I’m Pro I’m struggling cuz that’s a sudman name and it just goes out on me head every now and again so we’ll get the last bit done on

    Ice Treet and then I’ll get back down Sheffield Road to my parking just before I get on to High Street and O steer Greenwood shot on Saturday August the 11th must have been 2023 they used to be one at work up as well sad to see these quality shops go off as I

    Straight big is line up there take you up to the uh Minster I’m not used to this car’s actually coming in the middle of raom I just don’t get the plan to me I think all this messing about RADS is just to inconvenience people confus people or they just

    Completely out of their own tree on something whether it’s a power trip but look here this is zero foot4 up here we got snail yard coming on here people are rather will remember better what was there who’s going to afford the rents for these places we’ve created an econ Economy based on

    Debt is this where the actual University comes in that they’ll try and flood it with students at a university and I think it’s these universities have become indoctrination centers when I was uh at that age of G un which I could have done but I chose to do do an apprenticeship because I

    Thought it was better than a degree in those days the elite went to University and they did real degrees but to me 90 95% of people I don’t believe should be going to you know iversity should be in apprenticeships in their own local towns how can businesses

    Survive no footfall up here is there was quite a bit down on that other road with all the little Independence but your businesses are just going to be opening and shutting far too many are just there’s too many what look like little supermarkets selling everything nice shop though there that’s

    Uh not that I’m going to shop in there but that’s a quality shop nice to see on the ice street so that must to be a the jewel as watch makers Etc lovely stuff on it if I just turn around on this corner and I’ll close my video or if you can like

    My video if you can follow me channel if you can actually click notifications so you get the alerts when I do a new video so of being a bit disappointed today to find out that I only get about 50% of what I should do with the actual advertisements and then I’ve just also

    Found out that Google in Ireland take another 23% off me in that I’m just thinking is it worth it trying to make money out a channel but I will keep people informed cuz that’s always been my primary aim to actually inform people show you what their devious little plan

    Is I’ll leave you with a good picture in your mind just here of the men so we can see it’s uh quarter past 3 I the lightning walk around R but I just want to show you absolutely everything it’s well worth coming in and looking at some of these individual

    Buildings still some fantastic looking buildings left in Ram but to me it’s like everywhere else it’s become soulless there’s no art left and they’re building it on a false economy false debt that’s it over and out from rodam in South yoria


    1. The council in Doncaster implemented the same ludicrous one way system at about the same time. Consorted effort between councils to soften up white owned businesses ready for the influx of barber shops and kebab houses and glitzy corner shops and balloon sellers!

    2. It’s getting to the point where we have to ask ourselves why they are spending millions on huge cycle lane infrastructures. My original view was it was all an anti-car agenda. But now i think they are genuinely getting the infrastructure in place for when the majority of people simply can’t afford to drive anymore.

      They are sending us back to the 1930s in terms of transportation and travel. But with a nightmarish digital prison feeling

    3. These councils seem adamant they want to destroy town centres. There’s no other excuse. Even incompetence can be ruled out. I suspect corruption hides behind incompetence, in a Trojan horse fashion.

    4. I am convinced that in 50/60 years time we will have a 100% non functioning society Tim ,Depressing! why do we get it so wrong? digital dystopia is not real life, up to 25 years ago Rotherham was a thriving town sadly it will never recover. it won't be allowed to at least you can still get you're hair and nails done though 🤨

    5. Used to be a great town. Now. Well house next door party all night with very young girls. Girls there through out the day during school hours. Rubbish thrown onto the street. Couple driving about up to 15 times per day speeding meeting people on street corners selling crack. Threatening people. Don't work on benefits with free council house running a tree surgery business from the house back yard through out summer. Council know but it just carries on and on. Nothing you can do about it. I live in fear and nothing I can do


    6. I can't decide which is worse Sheffield or Rotherham. I used to go to Rotherham a lot in the 60s 70s and 80s as an alternative to Sheffield and there were some lovely shops. Some were unique to the town. I used to buy dress material from the open market and it was bustling with life. It's so very, very sad to see what's happening in South Yorkshire. Thanks for the video Tim. It's been a real eye opener!

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