Op onze overwinterreis met de camper bezoeken we El Rocio. Maar dit lijkt niet op wat we dachten….Zitten we wel in het goede dorp?
    Daarna rijden we verder richting Portugal en stranden in Isla Christina
    #Spanje #portugal #overwinteren

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    Hello everyone, welcome back to the new vlog In this vlog we visit el roio el Rio Rio whatever it may be like to eat there we will take a look and yes do we like that or do we not like it at all it is called Central Park by Ry no n no

    R el roio el roio Something is broken again in the camper, the problem of the week, too much water tank and we continue our way towards Portugal, not quite yet, we first make a nice stopover, we are completely happy, just sit back and enjoy this see you all and of course much

    More Go and have a look Have fun watching Just empty and fill and we will be there early again today that is our tactic leave early arrive early then you have a chance of a place there are more who do that You can already see that and we have to drive about 25 hours so we

    ‘ll just wait, we’ll see, but it’s a shame to leave it late with nice weather, we think it’s better to just sit in a spot already. sitting Well we are filling up and then we continue again then we thought we were nice and early but uh the gate doesn’t open and the reception

    Doesn’t open until 10 o’clock and I went back for a moment Now someone else has stood in front of it and watched or who does it Does it doesn’t work either aiii wait wait then but it’s nice to have a fence like that even if it wasn’t eh not ate eh [Music]

    [Music] [Applause] And We are in El roio it has been raining quite a bit and el roio is of course famous. Yes, I don’t know if you know El roio, but it is certainly known for the dirt roads that are there and they still do

    A lot with horses, so eh, we will take a look right away, but you can already see it here see even at the campsite Is everything sand a bit the same theme had to be a little careful with

    Those trees but we are standing we are standing so eh and there was still room guys at least at this campsite Yes I can still see some spots there eh We left uh early Yes of course the barrier is a bit of a hindrance for a while but uh we

    Called the receptionist and then this that uh that sliding gate I say barrier but sliding gate open this one and well we drove over it uh for TWO hours I believe So let’s go and have a look in El Rio,

    It’s all good and the weather isn’t looking great. It’s absolutely great, it’s great, eh, hoppa , nice. We’re going to have some lunch and then we’ll have a look. Well, we’re not going on a bike because I have that. I saw it once in the vlog, it’s

    All sand, so it’s almost impossible to cycle, yes, well, with that new bike, of course, with those wide tires, but eh, no, we’re going for a nice walk. Immediately, but eh, first let’s install further and then you’ll see us later. El

    Rio Well we are on our way to El Rio The leg car hello hi ween El Rock El roio and el roio even have good no asphalt roads only sand so I’m curious I have a quick cap on Yes and you overt and a quick

    Shirt then look I’m completely here I do a bit of blending with the locals fast old fool cap Nowadays I see more and more vloggers with an old fool cap so I have to join in too huh idea Har idea Well let’s see where we come from [Music] come [Music] No dude Hey

    Nice here huh go go go come nice h buddy moi you here like this huh He found the sea isn’t it nice huh that’s what it’s like Or Well we’ve been walking for a while It’s different as if we had us suggested yes, I had suggested a bit of horse carriages and zoo and horses and eh Sven souvenir shops, but only cars bouncing back and forth maybe it will turn out to be

    Nice houses all like that I think that’s very cool Yes and also racks everywhere to tie up horses, but eh, we’ve seen two horses so far, but well, we’re just walking along for a while . Yes, people, here comes one, really a [Music] horse cart Well, the picture is complete, isn’t it a Central? Park van rck Ry no what’s your name no rocroy el roio el roio rro li piece no is in France rro is in France adventurous Look guys more horses They are there but not very [Music] a lot [Music]

    We are back from El roio We’re sitting in the sun That’s all right, but there’s not much to do, it’s nice to see all the beautiful houses and, er, yes, at Pentecost They come here, a million Pilgrims, I have read, I would

    N’t have made it up myself, they come here for the to touch the Holy Virgin Mary, who appeared here once, I believe it was Irish at first, then later he passed by here or something, I don’t know exactly how it works, I can just make a buck here,

    They can make a buck here at the weekend but there is actually no, er, nothing to do, let me put it politely. There are a few restaurants, I think all in all, Six Yes, maybe a little more, but eh, superm you Yes, two two

    Superm, what’s it called again ceria CZ Ria’s So then you can just refueling, but for the rest, there wasn’t much to call Yes, nice to have seen it once and it’s on our route anyway, but I would n’t take a detour for that, but no,

    I’m a neighbor in the area, it’s nice to drop by drive, but you should n’t make it the goal of your holiday, let’s just say, then I liked Gibralta a lot more there. We are now at this campsite, which is quite

    Pricey. Yes, we pay €25 here. Yes per night without electricity. even still, so you’d better do it, yes, I don’t know if that’s possible, just park somewhere, walk around and continue, that’s my tip, yes, just park, you can still zoom out No,

    That’s not possible, park and then eh, whatever your pocket says, walk around and then again because of that eh but yes we didn’t know we are making a virtue out of necessity We are sitting in the sun so eh we are not complaining I have a view of a stork Yes yes

    Windows closed then what to see Hi on that eh electricity ma Oh yes Da he’s choking with guys from the OAS I just heard chattering I’ll zoom in and see, there’s another one, but on all those electricity pylons here there are almost OAS so it’s really a lot to Zen, just a small

    Update I think Marian Oh yes Ad er was just a lucky follower here and his wife’s name is Marian I think if I’m right and I was talking about what is it called El Rio here I don’t know that’s what he called it but we

    Just say El ro We say El roio Rosso actually sounds nice El Rosio but uh we were talking about the fact that there are no souvenir shops and there are a lot of bars and horses And uh so now I explained a bit where it

    Should go so I just got my horse I grabbed my steel horse so I’m going to take a look so I ‘m curious if I can film something eh for you Well we’re back on our bikes in the village it’s a bit busier just turn around and look at the dog

    And they’re just eh drinking beer How Not even a horse, look, that’s great. It turns out to be much bigger than us I think there are many more streets and I found a souvenir shop, one of them but my husband had a lot of souvenir shops so we are going

    To cycle a bit further and we missed this, very large lake full of flamingos and look here , all the shops and horse carts here. let’s have a look, we can’t find anything about it on Google Maps or something, nothing on the map at all, this is very nice, let’s have a

    Look at the horse carts, look, nice church, you can see all the shops, you can see it once in the wrong direction, so guys, if you going to El roio or El Rossio then go towards the lake we didn’t know it either and Ad thanks because eh yes D is beautiful this look

    They are going to spin big head erv Done well I’m glad I went here for a while It’s a beautiful church. I had taken pictures inside and filmed a bit, but it turned out that it wasn’t possible. Yes, I had it late . You can ride a pony and stuff. Yes, we’ll just skip that, I think,

    But eh, there are souvenir shops, so I’ll go for a while. look [Music] there you have olive trees you have olive trees Goddamn this is a train, you know El roio is just really fun, it’s bizarre [Music] huh [Music] so we come to a completely different final conclusion nice to visit

    There are plenty of souvenir shops and eh also restaurants, so not the three or four that we saw, but there were many more. So eh, I would go on the weekend because eh, I heard that there is really nothing to

    Do on Thursday weeks, so on the weekend then is it worth it but what I say I would just stand in the parking lot and visit and continue so in that respect our opinion about eh El Rio roio We just say El [Music] roio really Know all want Run hear [Music] hey Well we haven’t found the spot Yes because it was already there but we have a spot at this camper place eh then we would have been there eh Yesterday we looked at the website and then we could see that we could make a reservation so well shak

    Had checked your spot uh between 6 and 8 me and 8 and 10 and then between 8 and 10 there was still one spot available so we reserved that Yes we normally never do but we are happy that we did it because

    Eh everything is just full here but absolutely eh great place I’m going to take you along I will first show you the view from the entrance to the camper place You don’t have anything yet but I’m going to show it anyway Look It is located

    In a kind of nature reserve. I think you have quite a few mosquitoes here in the summer, but we are not bothered by that now. The access road is a bit steep. But it is doable, no problems. At least you can cycle well there. yes, they call it voie

    Vetten, or eh, just good cycle paths and we are right at the entrance. Take a look, it looks very inviting, but I will skip it for now, a swimming pool. Absolutely great double discharge area, showers, toilets, well, you have to pay for showers separately,

    A euro for 5 euros. minutes, but yes , that’s almost everywhere these days. That’s fine, we’re here for €12. If it’s okay without electricity, we haven’t included that because we don’t need it. We also like that you can choose all that separately, so to speak.

    So if you don’t need it you do n’t have to pay for it Keep it there we from Well I’m going to film our spot here we are. My buddy is waiting for me right there Mazel hello hey we’re not watching that anymore

    Or anything Just paying attention to his ball Today is laundry day the bag is being washed How much does the washing machine cost € 5 €5 can be washed, can hold a lot, can hold a lot, such a professional thing There is really a lot in 45 minutes, it’s absolutely great

    Well here we are, we slept well, every now and then you hear the dog barking I thought it wasn’t too bad last night, actually, I’ve got you you know, but it’s not as bad as eh no as elsewhere Well this is our view look there

    Are some campers in front of course but in the fat one there eh I think that’s where the coast is and a bit in that direction is Portugal because I think we are 5 km from Portugal or something So now I have never

    Been this close to Porugal in my life so close to Porugal maybe when we go cycling we have to take the passport with us when we go cycling Well you can here You seem to be able to cycle very nicely here, we are going to do some shopping today and maybe

    Do a bit of cycling first, we will take a look at the coast, which is nice. I eh and a large, wide spot because eh, I had read in camper contact that the campers camper spots were quite narrow Well it’s not quite narrow it’s

    Just really eh can you turn your whole lee at full tilt Yes now we are quite close to the edge I usually keep it a little further on Yes yesterday with parking It’s all a bit tight, eh, at least it’s tight, isn’t it? Not the place, eh?

    But the parking is tight, but eh, it’s a totally fine place. It’s also a bit of everything here and no, it’s not eh, completely full of Dutch people standing there down there. quite a club but uh Germans French Germans French

    English a lot of English people also known as Sweden Sweden we haven’t seen any Swiss no Italians swit Italians so all kinds of things that’s also nice so eh Well we’re going to enjoy ourselves here we ‘ve made a reservation for three days It

    ‘s going to be nice weather 23 24° I think today so that’s totally fine It’s still early isn’t it Guys there We ‘re still in the Long clothes no people I say it’s getting warm then we’re in the sweater in a

    Long pants I still have to put on my shorts, I can do it in the meantime, I’m already wearing them, look, hey, oh well, here I am , people are asking why we have this winter cover on it, whether the summer

    Cover is broken. No, it’s not broken, the sunscreen. It is located at the bottom of the double floor, but we have the winter blanket on it because it just gets ice cold at night, it just gets to about three degrees or so. So

    Eh, that’s why we use this and during the day we fold it nice and eh, on the hood, so eh. Absolutely great, the problem with the week too much water tank Yes I can’t do it anymore because it has already been repaired the problem but I

    Still want to show you V water tank No you can see it now shows a quarter it gives four steps but it gave full all the time on now And what do we not have now I our technical woman from technician of the

    Week technician of the week she just repaired it No there are four uh feet four staffs are actually in there and they were Probably yes so I have with this cloth I used the miracle cloth to run along the rods, that got rid of something

    And now it’s clean. We had already tried it with, uh, what’s the name of those glow tablets, glow tablets and then shake it while driving, but that didn’t help, so eh well. Fortunately, we can do this through the double bottom. Absolutely great, just a good cleaning

    , so Well, thank you, you’re welcome. Always willing to help, we’ll see about the bill, eh, I’ll send it out [Music] okay, there’s still a little bit of El Rock dirt on it. But they are ready again We’re going to take a lucky walk and then we’ll go to the beach, I’m

    Curious [Music] [Music] We are in the center of What’s your name Isla Christina and we are a bit further Is Christina cycling quite a big church on I’m going to take a look, nice We’re just at the beach, is n’t it nice here , that’s not the case, eh, not bad , it’s completely extinct here, John, I think, eh, ah, look, here he comes 1 2 Go, let’s go, nice , nice, right maie So here it’s really nice Z nice Oh he’s downstairs then

    It ‘s quite big eh think with that Storm last week or something Olden is completely happy I’m going into water you can see by my face if it ‘s cold it’s cold but it doesn’t matter, nice man, so

    Great, just a stopover, let’s have a beer and see if it goes well, every now and then there is one D is the Well, the first of the year, right? But eh, we’re going to have a nice meal, shrimps and eh, something else delicious, enjoy it [ Music] [Music] so

    [Music] we are back from cycling and eh well beautiful surroundings for sure yes yes lucky lucky we are chatting away again beautiful surroundings and eh eh yes few beach bars at the beach We did find one that is fortunately open was, but for the rest, eh, there is

    Little to do at the beach, but the village itself does have eh, plenty of eateries, but eh, the beach is not like that, but it is a beautiful beach and mazo eh, we enjoyed it for a while and we will stay here for a few more days. or two I think Yes,

    Let’s see, maybe a little longer I don’t know because it is Yes, it is beautiful here and the weather is nice, it will be 25°, I walked this week so uh new heat record for the south of Spain Well nice that we are there yes well

    Eh that’s it for this week I hope you eh liked it El roio Yes we thought at first that’s nothing then later I thought it was nice so that eh you were able to see it too And we We are now of course in Isla

    Margarita, I wanted to say Isla Christina. Isla Christina and Da will stay for a few more days, so you will see that in the next vlog and that will be next Sunday at 8 a.m. So I would say see you on Sunday

    Thanks for watching See you next time and if you liked it, big thumbs up Give it a big thumbs up Absolutely great Thanks for watching mael mazzel


    1. hai, die camping bij El Rocio stonden wij ook eens. Toen was het stofdroog maar camping hé, dus er MOEST gemaaid worden. Het leek de Dakar wel, wat een stof. Toen was het de week voor Pinksteren en waren ze druk aan het opbouwen. Je weet niet wat je ziet! Maar ja, eigenlijk is het net niks…. Been there, done that. Goede reis verder.

    2. leuk jullie mooie zonnige plekjes mee te kunnen genieten vanuit het wel frisse Vlaanderen voor de moment
      vraagje; zo te zien op jullie vlog klopt het dat er maar weinig Belgische camperaars de winterperiode doorbrengen in het zuiden.

    3. Een hele aparte plaats om te bezoeken. Wij genieten van jullie avonturen. Altijd veel.informatie in jullie vlog. El Rocio is met een th uitspraak. Als er een i of een e achter staat is het Th. Staat er een a, u of o achter is het een K. Makkelijk Ezels bruggetje staan de klinkers in het woord auto is het een K. (Excuus als je de uitleg vervelend gevonden hebt maar je zei het zoveel in je verhaal😆 ik dacht ik help ff)

    4. Zelf + vele vlogs alles al gezien, maar nee, Zweden, hopelijk komen daar ook nog filmpjes van als 't daar minder koud is.
      Na erg vaak overwinteren, hoe is het daar met insecten, ik haat vliegen en weet dat hor dicht + gordijn erachter ooit nodig was in Denmark. Lego land met kleinkinderen.
      Ga nu op zoek naar oude opnames maar daar nog nieuwe maken, zou het prima vinden.
      Zomers Zweten in Zweden!

    5. Al dat zand voor je huis is nog acceptabel met mooi weer, maar bij regen? Echt …, zou er dan niet graag wonen 😂 En het was er zó rustig 😕 En dannnnn … kregen jullie héle goede info! Wederom kijken —–> en dat is dan toch geweldig om te zien en mee te maken??? Dan is het jullie duren plekje echt wél waard geweest. , want in het zonnetje zitten is ook fijn!🌞Geniet van het mooie weer op jullie nieuwe plek, dichtbij Portugal 😍🤗🤗💞

    6. Wij waren er rond pinsteren afgelopen jaar, en toen was het een drukte van je welste.
      Ook veel popup shopjes bars en gewone winkels.

      Parkeren met camper kan langs het politie bureau aan de doorgaande verharde weg.
      De heilige Maria heb ik over geslagen, maar was wel mooi om al dat goud te zien blinken.

    7. Bedankt luitjes voor het mee kijken die locatie El Rocio gaan we zeker nu zeker langs ( in Faro Portugal Lidl gratis camperplek en vlakbij een gas vulstation en je loopt ook zo het centrum in site code 62364 )
      Nog heel veel plezier en je weet maar nooit
      Gr Sjaak en Liza

    8. De "Zweedse" Bende van 3, alles gooooot mit jullie, zo te zien genieten van het goeie weer !!!
      We zijn een keer met de pinksteren daar geweest het grote bedevaarts feest Romario del Rocia, dan is het echt schuifelen geblazen maar wel mooi om, te zien dan komen er ruim 1 miljoen of net iets meer pelgrims en gewoon vise versa , maar ook veel familieclans met hun eigen klederdracht en versierde wagen met paard(en), daar naar toe en dan is op datr grote pleine voor de kerk een mensen massa maar vooral de optocht met al die versierde wagens en paarden , en de statuur van het maria beeld maar ook andere heilige beelden worden dan meegetoont in deen soort van optocht en al die mensen van mn. Andalusie allemaal iin de feria en feestelijke tracht, mooi en apart om te zien.
      We hebben alleen toen ver moeten lopen omdat het zo druk was en je je camper of wagen bijna nergens kwijt kon dus en wat betreft camper of camping plaats, die moet je dan voor dat weekend al lang van te voren boeken hadden wij ook niet gedaan.
      Je hebt trouwens in heel andalusie in vanaf de pinksten tot aan september veel cristelijke feestdagen en andere feesten die allemaal toch qua mensen en kleding en ook de paarden met karren voorkomen Sevillia en Jerez de frontera zijn ook mooie feesten maar inderdaad nu in de winter is wat minder te beleven. Verder alles goed met jullie, gelukkig geen ernsitge mankementos aan de camper en jea met zo een goede monteur bij je Dick heb je weer geluk ja toch!!!
      Hier is de sneeuw en ijs nu voorgoed weer (voorlopig) weg, bij jullie in Zweden zal het nog wel dik aan zijn, hier een aantal mensen flink de griep of covid of wat dan ook gehad, en zelf voor een paar weken terug nog een ch-kuur beneden naar binnen "geschoten"(mbt blaas) gaat alles weer enigzins vooruit!!
      Hier de"jeugd" verheugd zich op de dwaze dagen , ben ik helemaal geen fan van, hopelijk binnenkort wat beter weer dan weer eens een paar daagjes op pad, beetje hier in de buurt eifel ardennen of in eigen land we zullen zien. Hoe lang blijven jullie nog daar beneden en als jullie toch naar Portgal gaan vergeet dan niet te gaan kijken bij dat andere bekende bedevaartsoord Fatima, is ook de moeite waard zekers op zondag als er de mis gedaan wordt bij goed weer is het dan een komen en gaan, van mensen die op hun knieen als het ware kruipen die hele grote plein over ………..!!1
      Houd hem op de weg en be carefull, blief jesöonk en hot uch jöonk!!
      groetjes Siilvia en Loek, de "volwassen" dames en hun mennekes, en de doggies!!
      Dikke poot an der Mazzel.

    9. Hoi Mazzel en baasjes , met jullie ervaring zou ik willen vragen wat voor lengte jullie aanbevelen van camper voor ruimte maar ook gebruik om in te verblijven en om te rijden bvb in binnenland frankrijk -spanje – en voor langdurige trippen

    10. Hoi Dick en Jacquelien, op jullie plek in El Rocho stonden wij 18 mei t/m 22 mei 2023. Dit was een week voor Pinksteren. Het werd toen al drukker in El Rochio. Met paarden en auto's was het krioelen door de stad. De huisjes werden bewoond en best wel leuk om te zien, Op de camping werden de wegen elke dag met water gesproeid. Het zwembad was ook erg fijn, Wij stonden daar met een caravan. Groetjes Leny en Jos

    11. Erg leuk weer! Vind jullie vlogs wel de mooiste om te kijken. El Roccio wat een leuke plaats! Doet me denken aan vroeger, ik woonde aan een zandweg. We kregen toen ik 12 was in 1986 pas asfalt haha. Enne….die pet staat je goed hoor 😃 Lekker genieten samen ☀️

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