W tym odcinku chciałbym wrócić do tematyki archiwalno – rowerowej i obejrzeć małą kolekcję zdjęć przedstawiających rowerzystów z różnych lat. Najstarsze fotografie pochodzą z końca lat 1930-tych, najnowsze chyba z połowy lat 1970-tych. W niektórych przypadkach podpisy na odwrocie dokumentują miejsca, w których wykonano zdjęcia: Łagiewniki, Mikołów, Miedziana Góra, Gałkówek, Łódź, Knyszyn, Pińczów czy Szczecinek. Przedstawione na fotografiach osoby są anonimowe i w większości najpewniej już nie żyją, a zdjęcia są dziś ich jedynymi pozostawionymi śladami. W paru przypadkach udało mi się zidentyfikować modele rowerów, m.in. rowery ZZR Żabka czy Romet Czajka. Zapraszam was do zabawy w próbę zidentyfikowania pozostałych modeli.

    The photos come from various periods, there are many pre-war photos dated on the back to the late 1930s, 1937/38. However, we will see if we will be able to recognize any more of these bikes together. The first photo I have on display here is of a very elegant gentleman.

    The paint was almost completely worn off and the bike was rusty. It is worth paying attention to the clothes. Here the child is clearly going to school, because he has a beret on his head and this nice, small school bag. This is a nice photo of four elegantly dressed gentlemen,

    Especially here one with a hat and a striped jacket and light trousers in the foreground. I don’t have the stamp brake visible in the photos, although I do have a brake, probably on another bike. Inscription: Knyszyn 1937 or 38. Danka on the left, Hanka on the right.

    Oh, look: I think these photos from the 1970s show something like this Romet Czajka model of a bicycle. Lady in a swimsuit with her bike. Here is a very nice photo: Łagiewniki 1938. And here we have a very nice photo: Mikołów 1938, from the series of photos we saw.

    They both have very nice pants, typical of the fashion of the 1930s. I think most of these people are already dead and this is actually the only testimony that probably remains of them. Hello, I originally really wanted to work today on one of my old German

    Omega vacuum cleaners that you see here on the workbench. I managed to get them not so long ago and I would very, very much like to look through them, look into them, see what engines they have and, above all, whether they work. I don’t know, I haven’t checked it yet.

    But unfortunately, I don’t have as much time this week as I would like to devote to each of these devices. And it is known that the inspection of such a vacuum cleaner takes neither 5 nor 15 minutes.

    You need to disassemble it, look through it very carefully, learn a little about the history of these devices, then assemble it all and, of course, see if the vacuum cleaners work. That’s why I thought that we would discuss each of these vacuum cleaners in the next videos.

    And today, it is no coincidence that there are several old Polish bicycles standing next to me, because I thought that today in this recording we will continue with this archival and bicycle theme. I told you that I would like to stay on the archival and bicycle theme,

    Because in one of the last recordings, or even in the last recording, we watched an old German brochure from the occupation times, devoted to road traffic regulations. And here in this brochure, a quite extensive chapter was related to various regulations for cyclists regarding cycling. And today I would like to show you,

    Or rather watch with you, a collection of old archival bicycle photographs that I bought at various markets. I once bought quite a large part of these photographs at an online auction. Of course, I looked through the photos very briefly, but I would like to take a closer look at them

    And maybe even try to identify some models of the bikes shown here. The photos come from different periods. There are a lot of pre-war photos here, dated on the back to the end of the 1930s, 1937/1938. There are some photographs, judging by the clothes of people and bicycles, from the 1950s,

    I.e. the immediate years shortly after the war. There are some photos from the 1960s, I think. I don’t know, I think the newest photos here in this collection are from around the 70’s. You’ll see how I deduced this. Of course, I don’t know anyone, any of the people depicted in these photos.

    Today it would be said that the GDPR prohibits the publication of images of people without their consent, but I think that the vast majority of these people, especially the older photos, such as this photo from 1938: two girls, not a girl with a boy on bicycles,

    I think that we can safely assume that most of these people are already dead. Some of the people who are shown here as children in photos from around the 1960s or probably the 1950s, judging by these bicycles, may still be alive.

    But even if they perform some important functions today, I don’t think anyone would recognize them if they don’t recognize themselves in these photos. Which would be quite cool, although I don’t think there would be a case where someone would be able to recognize themselves

    Or any of their family or friends in these photos. I think it’s much more likely that someone would somehow be able to recognize some of the places shown here. Especially since some of these photos are signed on the back. We’ll see that later.

    So if you want to have a little fun trying to identify the places that are shown in these photographs, and above all, trying to identify the models of bicycles that we will be looking at here, then of course I invite you to do so.

    I only managed to recognize two or three – I don’t remember – the bicycles shown in these photos, and only in the simplest situations, because you could simply see the inscriptions on these bicycles. However, we will see if we will be able to recognize any more of these bikes together.

    As I told you, these photos are completely disorganized at the moment, although some of them are repeated, some are clearly from the same album because the same people appear in them. I will try to organize them here with you,

    But I think it’s even more fun if we look through these photos at random, from different eras, from different places and with completely different people. So I think that in order not to waste time, let’s just start looking at these photos, and I will try to

    Show you an enlargement each time. I even think that such enlargements may show more details that I cannot recognize here on these tiny prints. The first photo I have out here is of, well, a very elegant gentleman.

    Judging by the clothes, I think it’s from around the 1950s, somewhere the photo was taken outside the city, in the countryside. In the background you can see a house and poplars. There is a meadow here. I don’t know, maybe it’s a garden in front of someone’s house.

    Maybe a photo taken somewhere during a trip – I don’t know – to some meeting that required more elegant clothes. I can’t tell at all in this tiny photo what type of bike is shown here, it probably has some kind of sign on the head tube, but maybe you can see it enlarged.

    On the back of the photo – oh, I didn’t pay attention to that before – there is a date: 1949 and I’m not sure, I think it says Szczecinek… A photo from Szczecinek from 1949. Let’s put them aside here for now.

    The next photo shows a child on a bike that looks a bit like , I don’t know, a Polish Żabka bike, like the one standing next to me, or a Miki bike. Here in this photo I have the impression that there are some,

    I don’t know, stickers on the bicycle frame, perhaps decals with city coats of arms, probably on the head tube, here under the saddle. I think there is also a sticker on the front fender, because I don’t think it’s a typical sign, probably ZZR bikes,

    Especially on the bike’s head tube. But it happened quite often and I often saw old bicycles on which children were sticking decals with the city’s coats of arms. However, I don’t see any inscription here, but I think it may be Żabka’s bike, or

    It may be Miki’s bike. Maybe I’ll also show you a short shot of one of my Miki bikes that I have in my collection. We’ll take a look at the Żabka bike that’s standing next to me on the workbench later.

    For example, this is a Mickey bike, very similar to the Frog, which is standing on my workbench. Perhaps the child in the photo is riding something like this bicycle, except that all these inscriptions have been covered with some city coats of arms.

    This bike is, as you can see, incomplete. The chain cover is missing, the pedals are missing, although I have the pedals, you just need to screw them on here. I recreated Mickey’s inscription from a stencil, the remnants of which were preserved on the frame here. The bike needed to be completely repainted,

    Because the paint was almost completely worn off and the bike was rusty. It still has a few non-original parts, here the steering controls are still non-original, the handlebar grips are missing, the brake handle is missing, the brake is even there. And the saddle is not original.

    It is quite an interesting bike and it will definitely be worth taking a look at it in a separate video. I’m still looking at some details on this bike. You can see that these wires, the rear fender supports, are characteristically bent, which means that

    Someone probably tried to install longer wires here than a 20-inch wheel, for example, and had to bend them a little, a quite common solution. The chain cover is missing. In this photo, I’m not sure, I think there are some side wheels installed, but I’m not entirely sure about that.

    Maybe this bike will also be identified. I have the impression that it is a bike typical of the 1960s, just like Mickey or Frog, like one of the two bikes I have in my collection. I’m putting this photo aside for now, it will probably be repeated.

    Oh, I’ll take a look… No, there’s nothing written on the back of this photo. Next photo: quite an elegant group of cyclists. Judging by the clothes, it was around the turn of the 1940s and 1950s. It’s probably a post-war photo.

    Two women, three men, somewhere on a trip outside the city, near the forest. Unfortunately, there is no date in this photo either and I am not able to recognize what models of bicycles are presented here, especially the bicycle visible practically in the foreground,

    This lady is quite clear, but I cannot tell what kind of bicycle it is. I’m putting the photo aside for now. And here we also have very nice photos of a young gentleman or a young lady on a bicycle,

    Which is probably not a Polish bicycle. Here, pay attention to the front fender: there is a figure on the fender that looks like a jumping – I don’t know – Jaguar or a dog with a wheel like that.

    I’ll try to get on the internet and look for it soon. Maybe I’ll find a logo or a figure mounted on the fenders, but I have the impression that it’s probably not a Polish bike at all.

    There are some stickers here. I am not able to recognize him in this photograph, in this print. Perhaps we will see what is written here if we enlarge it. In the background there is a board with posters and announcements, but they are too blurry. I can’t tell what’s written on them.

    There is actually nothing on the back of the photo except that it is a print on Agfa paper. It could come from somewhere like Germany. Especially since there is a fence that is quite characteristic of Germany (the so-called Jägerzaun), also visible in this photo.

    Well, I don’t know, we’ll try to identify this bike. Nice bike, with those whitewall tires. I think this figure on the front fender can be a big help. I looked for some information about this emblem visible on the bike’s fender.

    I found a practically identical emblem somewhere in a sales offer, probably in the Czech Republic. Such a dog, a greyhound (Windhund in German), jumping over a wheel. I don’t know, the wheel looks more like a motorcycle or car wheel.

    Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a description anywhere of what factory or brand the emblem was. This jumping greyhound appears in the case of many, many companies producing motorcycles, bicycles or cars. If this dog here was jumping over the letter “E” instead of this wheel,

    It would probably be a bicycle from the Express Werke factory, which produced motorcycles and bicycles from the late 1800s to the late 1950s in Germany and later in West Germany after the war. And at the end of the 1950s, Express became part of the Zweirad Union plant in Nuremberg,

    And Zweirad Union, in turn, was part of Auto Union and used a characteristic symbol or emblem of intertwined wheels, which has survived to this day as the symbol of the Audi brand. And I think that if we look at this photo of a child on a bicycle,

    On the seatpost under the saddle we can actually see intertwined wheels, a bit similar to the symbol of Audi or Auto Union cars. I don’t know, I guess so, but there is some similarity between these symbols. However, as I say, I have not found exactly information about which factory

    Or bicycle workshop this greyhound jumping over the wheel is associated with. Of course, there is also a possibility that this old emblem was simply screwed to this bike or to the fender of this bike. I don’t know, but I think one of you will be able to solve this puzzle.

    In any case, I have never encountered such bikes. Another photo in sepia tones, probably from the 1950s. Let’s see… Oh no, even much earlier. On the back there is an inscription: Łagiewniki 1938. And you can see a cyclist on a wide road paved with stones.

    Perhaps during some competition taking place in Łagiewniki in 1938. By the way, you could look on the Internet to see if any such event took place there. Or maybe it’s just a photo from some private ride. For now, I’m also putting this photo aside.

    The next photo shows a young gentleman. By the looks of it, I think it’s from somewhere in the 1960s. With a large touring bike probably packed before a holiday or weekend ride. You can see a backpack, bicycle panniers, and probably a rolled-up sleeping bag.

    I don’t know, maybe it’s some ZZR touring bike. Perhaps you will be able to recognize it. Sort of like a Wagant bike. Unfortunately, there is no signature on the back of the photo. I don’t know where this photo was taken and in what year exactly.

    Another photo: two girls with a bicycle, which is actually only visible from the front, so we won’t see too many details here. And there was a dog leaning on the handlebars of the bike, probably a long-haired dachshund or a dachshund-type mongrel.

    There is no inscription on the back either. There is some photo paper here, I think it says Ridax. However, I have no idea where this photo was taken. Judging by the clothes, it could be from the late 1940s, maybe the 1950s.

    I don’t know if the photo is related to any other photo here in this collection. Once again, a photo of probably the same child that we have already seen , and actually exactly the same shot, only more overexposed. On a bicycle, as I said, resembling Żabka’s bicycle or Mickey’s bicycle.

    But here no further details appear in this photograph. I put these two photos next to each other. A very nice photo of a woman with a child, probably a boy, with such a large bike.

    A man with a rake stands in the back. It’s worth paying attention to the outfits: here the child is clearly going to school, because he has some – I don’t know – beret on his head and this nice, small school bag on his back.

    Unfortunately, there is no date on this photo, but it may even be a pre-war photo or from shortly after the war. Unfortunately, I don’t know where it was made. I also don’t know what model of bike it is, visible here in this photo. I put the photo aside.

    A very nice photo of two girls on old bikes. You can still see the characteristic brakes on both handlebars. On the back of this bike, in the foreground you can see a mesh running from the mudguard.

    And here we have the inscription: Knyszyn 1937 or 1938. Danka on the left, Hanka on the right. Two friends, apparently on some summer, maybe holiday trip to some forests near Knyszyn, not many years before the outbreak of World War II.

    Here we have a photo of a boy on a bicycle a bit similar to the one we have already seen in one of the photos with this earlier child. Probably a bicycle from the 1960s and it will probably be Żabka. We’ll see, because I think this boy

    Is repeated in other photos too, and I think it will be exactly like the bike I have here on the workbench. Unfortunately, there is no signature on the back. The bike is without a chain cover, has preserved fenders, and has a sign on the front frame,

    Probably a ZZR sign – we’ll see, because there should probably be other shots of the same boy on the same bike. This is a nice photo of four gentlemen, elegantly dressed, especially one in the foreground with a hat and a striped jacket and light trousers

    . And with the bike, here you can even see the pump mount and the pump on this bike. It may even be a pre-war photo, maybe from the 1940s or early 1950s, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it was actually a pre-war photo,

    Obviously taken somewhere on a road in the suburbs. You can see houses in the background. But what kind of elegant occasion is this? Maybe sometime at the end of the school year? I have no idea. Anyway, all these gentlemen look quite pleased with themselves. I put the photo aside.

    Exactly, and this is probably one of the newer photos, one of the newer photos in this collection. I think the photo is from around the 1970s. And here you can clearly see the Romet Czajka bike. I think it was around 1974-75.

    Actually, judging by the inscription, this is exactly the same bike as the one that stands here next to my workbench, I will show it to you in a moment. Oh, look… I think that these photos from the 1970s show a model of

    Romet Czajka bicycle more or less similar to the one I have here in the workshop. My bike is missing a few parts, such as the chain cover, but other than that it’s quite nice and functional. And I think that when spring comes, I will make one of my first trips on this bike

    And I will definitely show you a video report from this trip. I’m putting this photo aside for now, because it will probably happen again. Here we also have a boy on a bicycle with rear wheels attached. This young gentleman is clearly in the process of learning to ride, because he probably has

    A bar attached to him to hold behind the saddle. And I think there is no doubt here that it will be a ZZR Żabka bike, because you can see a fragment of the inscription on the frame under the saddle. Here you can see nicely preserved handles for the pump,

    Which is not here. There is a chain cover, there is a ZZR sign on the head tube, and both fenders are nicely preserved. And a photo taken in a market square, here you can see houses, some shops, and men sitting on benches around the market in the background.

    Unfortunately there is no caption on this photo. I think that this bicycle, which can be seen in the photos with a boy riding around a market square in one of the Polish cities, is more or less the same Żabka bike as here on my workbench.

    Of course, this bike is incomplete. As you can see, I don’t have matching mudguards yet, I don’t have the chain cover, I don’t have the stamp brake visible in the photos, although I do have a brake, probably on another bike, but apart from that, this bike is restored with original parts.

    The bike was in very bad condition, it was completely rusty and the paint was torn off. I more or less recreated the varnish based on the remnants of color that I found somewhere on some fragments, especially those hidden somewhere, invisible parts of the frame. I also recreated the Żabka inscription from the template,

    But it seems to me that there are slightly different letter patterns on the inscription that I recreated. But I think I also saw such an inscription on some models of Żabka bikes, so probably at different times slightly different letter patterns were used,

    Especially the letter “A” here in this photo and on my bike. I’m not sure because I can’t see it well in this print, but overall I think this boy rides a bike something like this. Another photo also taken somewhere outside the city. There is no date here, no description of the place.

    A man wearing a suit can be seen riding a bicycle. In the background, something that looks a bit – on the left – like a Ruch kiosk. Here, there is probably some flaw on the negative or on the film that looks so funny,

    But it looks a bit as if a man on this bike was riding in the background of a large flying saucer approaching from beyond the horizon. Well, unfortunately, I think it would be very difficult to determine where this photo was taken and I don’t know what model of bike this cyclist is riding.

    Speaking of cyclists: a very nice pre-war photo from Mikołów in 1938. Here you can see a man on a bicycle on some dirt road, clearly very engaged in riding. Pay attention to the pants and overall outfit of this cyclist.

    And we will come back to this in a moment, because from what I remember, there are several photos from Mikołów from 1938 in this entire collection of photographs. So I put the photo here to have it at hand.

    Here is a photo that may be better visible if enlarged. I can see very little. A woman and a man on a bicycle trip somewhere near the forest. You can see their bikes – a women’s bike and a bike that’s probably more of a road bike type with a drop handlebar.

    Unfortunately, there is neither the place nor the date this photo was taken. There is only the inscription: Agfa Lupex photo paper type. I think I’ve seen these characters in at least one other photo. Here’s a pretty cool photo: a summer trip to a probably small river.

    You can see the flood embankment, a bridge in the background, here somewhere I assume there is a small river flowing below. There are people bathing and there seems to be a motorcycle in the background. And in the foreground there is a lady in a swimsuit

    And beach suit with her bicycle. You may be able to recognize what model of bike this is. The photo – like most in this collection – is unfortunately not signed. I put them aside. Oh, and here’s another photo with Czajka’s bike. We’ve already seen one here.

    Probably some family trip to the forest. This time the photo shows a man with a child. There was a woman with a child here earlier. And here you can see the Czajka inscription on this bike even more clearly.

    And look, this is actually the exact same bike that’s sitting here next to me, next to the workbench. Maybe not the same bike, but the same type of bike. It’s true that my bike is probably in worse condition. It definitely doesn’t have the chain cover you can see in the photo yet.

    I put both of these photos aside because they definitely belong to each other. Here is a very nice photo: Łagiewniki 1938, so we have another photo. Here we had one from Łagiewniki or from Łagiewniki, sorry, apparently from the same trip.

    You can even see that these are photos taken on the same photographic paper. A group of people, a group of hikers with their bikes. Here I have the impression that it is on some bridge, probably next to some small river.

    I have the impression that it was probably written by the same hand as the photos from Mikołów from 1938. It is very possible that this is some kind of joint trip. I’m putting these photos together for now. Oh, and here we have the boy who has appeared before once again.

    Wait, wait, wait… Here, no, it’s probably… No, it’s probably a different one… I wonder if it’s not the same bike. Yes, the boy is dressed differently, I have the impression, but it is probably the same child on the same bicycle, on a Żabka bicycle.

    Here you can see the inscription, very nicely preserved. You can see the pump mounts, you can see the chain cover, you can see the front stamp brake, which is missing on my bike. This photo was taken somewhere, probably in a city park. You can see the truck in the background here.

    Unfortunately, there is no caption here either, but I’m putting it aside with the previous photo. Another photo: a girl with a bicycle, which at first I thought could also be a Czajka or Wigry, but it seems to me that it is some other bicycle that I don’t recognize here.

    The bike has a characteristic lamp at the front and some inscriptions on the head tube, but I don’t see them in this print, maybe you’ll see them if you enlarge them. Here, by the way, you can see the shadow of someone who took this photo on the road.

    I would assume it’s around the 70’s. Unfortunately, there is no signature on the back of the photo. Another photo: a man and a woman with bicycles on some trip. I have the impression that these people… Yes, I have already seen them in one of the photos, so

    They are probably photos… But no, not from the same trip, because the woman is dressed clearly differently. However, I think bicycles are OK. Oh, and here it says Gałkówek 1938. And I even have the impression that it is also the same handwriting that we saw here from these photos

    From the expedition in Łagiewniki and Mikołów. I’m not 100 percent sure about this, but I’m putting these photos together just in case. In any case, it is clear that someone devoted a lot of time to bicycle trips. Gałkówek, Łagiewniki, Mikołów – I have the impression that it is written by the same hand.

    We’ll see… Oh, and here we have the gentleman we’ve already seen: with a truck in the background, Żabka on a bike in some city park. Unfortunately I don’t know where or what year, probably sometime in the 1960s. Here’s a nice photo where the bike can only be seen in the background.

    A boy is standing with a bicycle. It’s clearly winter, some snowmelt, mud, the weather is the same as it was here recently. There is a boy with a bicycle in the background, whom you probably won’t recognize here. In the foreground there is a girl with a dog that doesn’t look particularly happy

    That it had to go outside. The photo is unsigned, unfortunately I don’t know where it was taken. Another photograph, also unsigned: a woman with a large bicycle, with a boy on the trunk. Unfortunately, I don’t know what model of bike it is, but I think there are enough details here

    That some of you will be able to recognize it. Another photo, probably – judging by the outfits of these cyclists – also pre-war. Pay attention to their pants and hats. Here the bicycles are almost invisible, because they are lying on the ground

    In the foreground. There is a pond at the back, and behind the pond you can clearly see the buildings. Unfortunately, the photo is not signed, but I am putting it here among all the photos from the late 1930s, because perhaps they are from the same trip.

    And here is also an unsigned, small photo: a man on a road bike, children in the background. I’m not sure, there’s a woman holding something in her arms, but I can’t see if it’s a dog or just a bag. It looks like it was somewhere in the late 40’s/early 50’s, maybe late 50’s.

    It seems to me that somewhere… But no, I don’t think so, I don’t think it is… Here I see in one of the photos: a man on a bike, but it’s definitely not the same bike and I think it’s someone different, so I can’t assign this photo to any collection.

    And here we have one photo, another signed: Łagiewniki 1938, on the same paper as the photos we have already seen before, from this trip around Łagiewniki in 1938. Here, one of the participants is immortalized in a birch grove. I put these photos together.

    Here we have a bicycle and two boys. A bicycle in front of a field. Here you can even see that the older boy standing and holding a bicycle also has a dog on a leash. And there’s a child on the rack, and I think

    It’s – I think so – it’s the same child and probably the same bike that we’ve already seen in one of the photos, here with the woman holding the handlebar. Here you can also see quite a lot of details of the bike. I think some of you will be able to identify.

    I don’t know, maybe the 70’s, early days. Here is an unsigned photo obviously from some trip. You can see canvas tents in the background. In the foreground, a road bike on the left side and a group of trip participants, probably stopping here and preparing a meal. And the motorcycle

    On the right, a motorcycle with a basket parked next to this camp, is also cool . Unfortunately, the photo is also not signed. A very nice photo of an elegantly dressed young woman in some outfit that would indicate that

    She was going – I don’t know – maybe to church, maybe somewhere – as they used to say – “in the city”. In the background you can even see a thatched cottage with a fence made of boards.

    The woman, however, is dressed very elegantly and has a handbag. And next to it is an elegant bicycle, it even has – I see – a dynamo on the front wheel. I can’t see it, there’s probably something written on the frame head, but I can’t read it. Maybe even a pre-war photo

    , or probably somewhere around the turn of the 1940s and 1950s. On the back we have the stamp of the photographer, probably: Wiktor Kochaniewicz, Pińczów, Rynek 26. I will try to find some information about this photography studio and see if I can find anything else

    On the Internet. The next photo is a large group of people in front of the chapel. I don’t know, maybe it’s some May trip. Unfortunately not signed. At first glance it looks like it’s from around the 1950s.

    Unfortunately, I am not able to recognize any of the types of bicycles that are not very clearly visible here. And here we have a very nice photo: Mikołów 1938, from the series we saw. Also a cyclist in such a jacket, typical pre-war trousers,

    On a road bike somewhere near the forest on some dirt road. Very involved in driving. I see that there is probably a different participant of the same trip, a different person than the one we saw in the earlier photo, although it seems to me that the place is the same. Mikołów 1938.

    Here again the boy, probably with his younger brother on the trunk, somewhere in the countryside. A circular saw can be seen in the background. The bike is quite visible, although there are no inscriptions on it. I am saving the photograph for this collection, from which I already have three similar prints.

    Here is also a photo: Miedziana Góra in 1938, probably from one of those trips by cyclists that we have already seen before. I even think this is the man, judging by the characteristic sweatshirt with a belt that we saw in the earlier photo,

    Although here you can also see the water bottle attached to the handlebar. A trip to Miedziana Góra in 1938. Another rather cool photo: a man, a woman, a child on a bicycle. I can’t quite recognize the type of this bike here. The photo is unsigned and taken somewhere in the suburbs.

    At the back you can see a fence, a house, a dirt road. Probably some spring or at least not here… Yes, I thought it was snow or some mud, I’m not sure. Anyway, you can definitely see the leaves on the trees, but they are still dressed quite warmly, so it’s probably early spring.

    Another photo: Łódź cycling race in 1955. And it is clear that there is a larger event, because there is a larger group or peloton of cyclists here. It would be worth checking whether any traces of the cycling races in Łódź in 1955 have been preserved.

    Here I think I recognize the boy whom we have already seen on the Żabek bike in the previous photos. Anyway, here, if we look at the inscription on the frame, we can see the inscription Żabka very nicely.

    Well, here I am clearly with my mother and maybe an older sister somewhere in the countryside, next to a wooden fence. The next photo is also a cycling race, also signed Łódź 1955. Actually, two photos that I am showing you here.

    A group of cyclists is approaching and here you can also see a whole line of onlookers and fans standing on the side of the road. Unfortunately, even though I have been to Łódź several times, I do not know the city well enough to be able to recognize what kind of

    Two-lane artery entering and leaving the city it may be, but probably the inhabitants of Łódź will be able to tell where these photos were taken. Here is another photo from the same cycling race in Łódź in 1955 and here you can also see a lot of fans and onlookers gathered by the road

    And even here, under the pole, you can see a policeman or someone wearing such a cap, probably regulating the traffic or taking care of the traffic. for safety during the race. Another photo: a man and a woman on a bicycle trip on a dam, probably.

    Unsigned, no date. It may even be a pre-war photo. It seems to me that this is a couple that we have seen here somewhere before, but probably not, because they are dressed completely differently and these bikes are also different than in these photos.

    So this photo probably doesn’t come from any of the collections we’ve seen here before. Oh, and here we already have two familiar cyclists: Mikołów 1938. We have already seen both men: the man in the sweatshirt with this characteristic belt.

    I already have it here, we had it in the earlier photo. And this second cyclist in this characteristic light jacket. They both have very nice trousers typical of the 1930s fashion. And both of them on road bikes, somewhere on a suburban trip

    Near Mikołów in 1938. And one more photo that we have already seen. Oh, I even found them here, but it’s funny, because the photo was taken – I have the impression – from a negative, as if it were a mirror image. In the background, a man with a rake, an elegantly dressed woman

    With her son, probably going to school or returning from school with a school bag, in some kind of beret, with a large, large bicycle. Unfortunately, this photo is also unsigned, I don’t know where and when it was taken. Well, these are probably all the photos from my small photography and cycling collection.

    In some of them we found some clues as to when and where they were made, in others we did not. I am very, very curious whether you will be able to recognize any other models or types of bicycles

    That we saw in these photos. As I said, I only managed to recognize the quite obvious Żabka, which had an inscription on the frame and a Czajka bicycle also with an inscription. However, I don’t know most of these bikes

    , but I think that for people who are more familiar with various old bike models, especially the pre-war ones, which we saw quite clearly in some of these photos from 1938, I think that recognizing these bicycle models will not be a big problem.

    Such a cool little puzzle. If you want, I invite you to play this game of identifying the bicycles and maybe even the places where these photos were taken. And if by some miracle you recognize anyone in these photos, please let me know. I think most of these people are already dead

    And this is actually the only testimony that probably remains of them. Thank you very much for this joint review of old bicycle photos today. I managed to organize these photos a bit. I will make scans of these photos and perhaps share them in some network folder,

    So that you can download them and look at them carefully, or maybe use them somewhere for your collections. However, I really hope that spring weather will come soon and we will be able to actually go on a trip on one of the old bikes, maybe on the Czajka that

    I have here next to the workbench. Well, I’m afraid that unfortunately I won’t be able to go on a trip on this Żabka, unless I find a cyclist of the right size. However, in the next recordings I will try to return to this bicycle and archival topic.

    I have some old user manuals. Maybe I’ll get some more old bicycle photos. So there will definitely be something to watch. And certainly in the next recordings or in one of the subsequent recordings,

    We will deal with these old Omega vacuum cleaners that I showed you here. Besides , I have a lot of these vacuum cleaners to look at and disassemble, and not only vacuum cleaners. So in subsequent recordings we return to this technical topic. Thank you very much for today. Hello and see you soon.


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