Come on z d box are going to be checking the piece D piece of P get on your front break hard now Jim I did try yeah going to oh God look at that Hill down there that’s awesome I was going to stop F on but

    I’ve decided to carry on cuz I see the massive Hill looking H yeah in all fairness on that’s there never oh no oh Duncan’s chucking his boet everyone anyway I got to stop you there we got some Power Band action [Applause] [Applause] here wow all right nice what’s he doing what’s our what’s our duning do I BW his bik up that’s his radiator it’s coming out of this one you know just swap it for a [ __ ] to Smoker why have I just come down that to

    Go that cuz she got the choice of hard hard or extremely hard [ __ ] you just call get that corner sorry B that was close sorry sorry mate that’s all right when you down there and up je when you coming at them trees Woo is I jus In you go he’s [ __ ] good that one nice what did you what yeah he did H he bossed it first time and you [ __ ] 18 times can’t hear what they’ve been saying they’ve been [ __ ] you to hear what been saying we leaving him can’t hey did you get out [ __ ] took the

    Arest route out Yeah w oh [Applause] Oh Good on get more leav all right clear it out Dude pissed it what’s the matter with him [Applause] did you take the pushy roote again I took the [ __ ] I went past where you went I went I come across there well done did you come right up that no I’ve come there There I I [ __ ] see that bit on the ass end of there did you go all the way up the top of that no not that top come out here there that’s I come I thought I a going up bailed scary I going that top

    B come through a form bu a lot but I’m there I’m going back with John put that in my bag I’m going back with John you’re going the hard Way is that all zipped up nice and steady nothing [ __ ] I don’t want no nly [ __ ] now [ __ ] the easiest I’ve ever had it he want the car just put it in your pocket and he’ll think he’s lost it you’ll think he’s lost it he just rode off without the

    [ __ ] K the absolute [ __ ] nipple he’s done one little poxy [ __ ] down he’s just BL he think he’s lost it do you want to put it back put it in there no it zip it don’t don’t oh that’s the ball just rode off without the C the [ __ ] absolute

    Nipple yeah is going to think he’s lost that ke now so we need to play on it call what what you want about you [ __ ] dick that’s bollocks you ready dude well we don’t know where we there’s that bigger lava there that we were smashing

    Up you one tapped it it took me about five six attempts days here’s the rain Scotland bring ding ring ding ding you know right [ __ ] zers on the [ __ ] roof check me back man I love Shing n what’ you reckon to Brock bur bling then dude it’s it’s pretty [ __ ] it’s

    Sick it is it is uh it’s as it goes it’s probably worth the 5our drive yeah it probably is if I’m not not next to Chris though no no it’s is [ __ ] it’s his OU on his body really and he just talks [ __ ] all four hours well continuous [ __ ] ding out of

    His mou yeah and then mouning on top with about his leg room in the middle of the van yeah come talking about pulling the end off it yeah it It’s just sometimes you have to put up with it though though you supposed to take the piss out of people’s riding

    Abilities yeah right then that’s it from The Bling just bling unless we come back Monday for a little shaky one yeah we forgot is still at the van wondering where that key is we we’ve been for an extra play on some Mills got the key you just put we have put it in

    My bag put it you put it in your bag up on the hill and all lost that bloody cake in the bag got nothing in the bag you’re so full of [ __ ] let me have a look you better be where’s his bag check your I

    Can is this his bag here just EMP it empty it all out on the floor [ __ ] he’s P nice easy P when shows off wheel


    1. Zommers…what the actual fu**. You loosed yourself down, you let me down and you let the Banak squad down.
      Sort yourself out man…5 hours for the pussy routes 😂

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