Ich bin diesen September über 2700 km mit meinem Pony Buba quer durch Deutschland gefahren; von Kollbrunn über Stuttgart, Hamburg, Nethen, Kiel, Berlin und wieder zurück nach Ramsen. Alles auf eigener Achse, nur dabei, was auf’s Mofa passt (Ersatzteile und Werkzeug ja, an Unterwäsche kann gespart werden!) – und das hier ist der erste Teil des Roadmovies dazu!

    Hier die einzelnen Videos der Tour

    Das grosse Mofarennen von Glemseck 101:

    Die ganze Geschichte vom Pony Buba Reisehobel:

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    Welcome! I’m sitting here on the Buba! I drove 2727 km with this thing. Start in Kollbrunn – arrival in Kollbrunn. Everything on its own axis. In this video you will see how we come up with such an idea, where we were and what happened.

    It will be very funny. It was a really cool tour! Enjoys it! Hello! Oh shit!! Average speed is the most important thing. She can’t bitch. Only the little bell still heard it. Buxtehude! Crap! A moped tour is of course always very exciting. Everything you have with you is back here.

    I want to cover as many kilometers as possible in just a few days of driving. Wheels and wake, visit Helge and Chrischan. Do it and don’t talk! If you don’t try, nothing will ever come of it. Just chatting doesn’t help at all! I would never have experienced that

    If I hadn’t said: let’s just do it now! Clearly – Buba! One could argue about the optics. Whether something is beautiful is in the eye of the beholder. This is probably by far the ugliest automobile in your workshop! I didn’t like this vehicle at all in this condition.

    It was really pretty fucked up with those side guards and checker plate. What is important for a tour of 2500 km? With the entire vehicle together it will weigh around 250 kg. So – a good fork and good brakes. Of course, disc brakes are not allowed.

    But I found that it contributes a lot to security. The front disc brakes were also an absolute dream. Without this I would have been really screwed a few times. Braking down 250 kg is impossible with these stupid drum brakes. In the cities, Berlin etc. it happened a few times

    That the car in front of me slammed on the brakes at full throttle. Then I was able to brake well with the disc brakes. I needed around 110 liters of fuel on the whole tour. Average 3.8 liters/100 km. I could travel at least 160 km on one tank of fuel.

    The treasure chest was worth its weight in gold! Using this device to connect things inside and out was awesome! With the packing net it took 10-15 minutes and everything was packed. Then the saddle over 40! There are old, huge Harley saddles that are 40 cm wide. That was a great choice!

    Totally comfortable and the sitting position could be changed. Then the footrests, footplates! Luckily I made this very stable with 3 mm sheet steel and rubber coated. I was really into these things in the corners. They are now bent at the back. You could really put some weight on it in the corners.

    A large handlebar because large movements can be made with it. The smaller the handlebars, the harder it is to ride. The engine was very powerful, 50 km/h, even more up north. The average speed of the whole tour was around 38 km/h. The engine was always good. I had to replace the clutch once.

    But otherwise the engine was perfect. This is the best driving tricycle. We’ve had a lot of tricycles under our belts, most of them, especially those with 1 wheel drive, are an absolute disaster. The most important things were ignition, tires and cable pulls. Plus the tool to be able to change everything.

    There wasn’t much space. The space for the spare parts was at the bottom at a height of 15 cm over almost the entire area. I had Rako boxes with me. Two small boxes filled with spare parts and the large box for my personal belongings.

    Inside were 5 pairs of socks, 5 pairs of underpants, 3 t-shirts and 2 shirts. You can wash again. Less is more. Hello, we’re picking up the helmet! I am very excited! What happened in your sick brain? Oh, you shit! You are the toughest! That looks like real.

    This helmet is of course totally awesome. It became my absolute favorite piece. He looks so hot and so stupid at the same time. This quiff caused a lot of laughs. When I removed it, something similar appeared below. Great upon great! I find it very nice when people can laugh at me.

    Now finished chatting. You definitely want to see something. The start was September 1st, Friday morning at 8:00 a.m. towards Glemseck . Now it starts. Enjoys it! Well now? It’s just before 8 a.m. You two are at the start, but someone is missing. We are ready! He’s still coming.

    I was looking for the razor. You know that – but vice versa! Keep mentioning that. We found our Chrigel again. Here we go! It’s still a bit early – but things are going really well! – You’re happy, aren’t you? – I’m really happy!! What do you say to our vehicle now?

    … no matter what, we only do nice things… I knew that would come! It turned out really cool! I admit that. When this tricycle was driven in here… you saw it… When I started here, it was said: We only do nice things! That’s nice too! It is different and will still be beautiful.

    It turned out really cool! – Can I go back down now? – Jump down! Something will definitely break. 1st stage! I’m so excited. He means well! See you later! Bye! I only just made it to Windisch. Then the big drama began with Komoot. Here’s a quick update.

    I’ve been on the road for an hour and now I notice that I don’t really have the Komoot under control. We had tested it. But somehow it doesn’t work to share the live location. Unfortunately it didn’t work like it did before.

    There were a lot of followers there, but only one could follow live. It was only possible for 3 people. At 10 a.m. I really wanted to leave and it went really well. Buba is running great, the weather is wonderful! I’m really happy! We’ll see each other soon. Glemseck – I’m on the way!

    I was even able to take a look at the workshop of two cool guys. They waited for me for a long time because the damn Komoot didn’t work. I drove with them for a bit and saw a really cool workshop. They then accompanied me for a while afterwards.

    On the way I suddenly thought the carburettor was clogged and the ignition stopped. He started to stutter. That was the moment when I realized that I could only reduce the 9 liter tank to 7 liters. Somehow the reserve didn’t work. Maybe because of the pressure? To this day I don’t know why.

    The reserve simply doesn’t work. I had already changed the nozzles and checked the ignition. Until I realized that the little fuel in the tank was simply not enough. So I knew from day one that I would only need 6 – 7 liters. Otherwise it will start to stutter and stop running.

    That was the only problem. Afterwards he drove through wonderfully. Continue to Stuttgart and Glemseck. I arrived at around 6:30 p.m. There was a really cool event there! I arrived and was immediately given a banana. So that I had something in my stomach. Simply fantastic. The boys were expecting me. The stand was ready.

    Really beautiful with great weather. I was looking forward to the moped race on Sunday. You can’t imagine a more wonderful start! The hairstyle lasted! That was really fun and really cool! 5.5 hours pure driving time for 187 km. Completely relaxed. Trashboy you see, the helmet has proven itself! Everything stands like a one!

    Buba is totally comfortable and runs silky smooth. Always close to 50 km/h, but consistently strong. Not a single breakdown! This is how it should continue! Is there beer anywhere here? Do you want a banana for that? By the way – the videos are always linked. Take it in!

    There is a bombastically awesome video from Glemseck! Here you can see the details of the whole tour. But you can watch all the other videos separately. They have been appearing in series over the last few weeks. All those doors! There you are! – Are you ready? – Hot!

    We know Patch from a project Luzie that we were allowed to build for him. The wild dog said: I’ll go with you to Hamburg. With his 45 km/h scooter. So it could be true. I’m looking forward to not being alone for a while. In 2 days we drove around 680 km.

    Stuttgart to Hamburg. Buxtehude lies slightly west of it. That was really far. Once we drove 12 hours and once even 14 hours. From Monday to Tuesday we spent the night somewhere outside on a hill. We made a small fire. It’s burning! We quickly grilled something. After a day like that you’re just exhausted.

    Good morning! We survived the night wonderfully out here. It was cool, around 10°C. Now we’ll pack and then we’ll move on. The next 300 km! – Are you ready? – Yes, sure! We got up at 6 a.m. because we had to move on. We actually made it to Buxtehude by evening!

    We drove completely crazy from Stuttgart to Hamburg, Buxtehude. Without a single breakdown! Greetings from Buxtehude! We made it! Look back there! It’s awesome. Today we covered 312 kilometers in 7.5 hours! Always full throttle. After Hanover things got really crazy! Always straight ahead. Average was 41 km/hr. Patch, I congratulate you! Dito! Awesome guy!

    Not a single breakdown! We spent the night outside without a tent, it was really bitterly cold. Well, bitterly cold… That was the second stage with the destination to Helge Thomsen. 680 kilometers in 2 days. That was really cool! Helge! You seriously haven’t made it this far!

    Is it always so hot up north where you live? When hot guys come – yes. No shit – own axis or what? Is the engine even warm or did you pull it here? Caught! Great! You have company with you. Did he need reinforcements? Well, the way it drives! Nothing broke at all!

    No accidents in this traffic! We also follow the traffic rules. – Always! Steady! – You??? The Buba can fly. Already on the first day – so much. With all 3 tires! Only the little bell could be heard! Yes, it was wild. The rubber coating here is worth its weight in gold!

    You can really grab hold of it and lean into it. Then you can get around the curves easily. We wanted to maintain an average speed. That was the most important thing. She can’t bitch! On the one hand, it’s already crooked. This part is already crooked from standing on it while cornering.

    After all, it is a 3 mm steel sheet! A sticker is missing at the back. “Just press hard on the gas and Sigg has fun with Buba.” 3 wheels – usually either this is in the air or that. Today it was really crazy! The entire rear was in the air, the front tire.

    Nicely kept straight. You can do it! There was a bump in the ground because of a root. You didn’t mention that we overtook a tractor with a long trailer. The oncoming traffic was still a long way away…. Sigg, there’s a Porsche coming up ahead!!

    Maybe it would be nice if we drove over to the right again. On Monday evening I drove wrong again. There’s another way. A way!!! A meadow, soaking wet!! Steep as hell! But it looked cool. The entire rear end is downhill and Sigg is still hard on the gas.

    Do you remember the buckle on the left side? We drive under the motorway bridge at top speed and then I think: Shit, there’s gravel all over it! At that moment the Vespa pulls over to the left, towards the wall. I’m like, OK, let’s kick the wall.

    The buckle was gone, but the Vespa ran straight again! When we got through, I thought: my pants are dry! Sigg didn’t notice anything because he was busy playing. The top speed has to be right. And that patch back there pulled off one stunt after another! But – accident-free!!

    That’s exactly how it will continue. It’s only 850 kilometers. At least 1600 km are still missing. Now I won’t have you with me in case the hat gets lost. He also brought me the sunglasses. Then the stuff is just gone. Like the oil tank cap. That would have been bad.

    Someone has to look after you! Many people have already tried this! Thanks for the ride! Splendid! This is how it will work. Another pillow – and bang – done!


    1. Du fährst und schaffst in einer ganz eigenen Liga. Das ist unvergleichlich – das hat es vor Dir und wird es nach Dir nicht wieder geben. Ich verneige mich andächtig – und der hat Spass dabei, soviel Spass, kann es Schöneres geben 🚲🚲🚲

    2. Mensch, was ist denn das für eine Sprache ?
      Ich verstehe überhaupt nichts, was heisst schon Sprache, das hört sich eher an, wie eine Halskrankheit ! Also bei uns draussen, im grossen Kanton, da reden wir viel gepflegter !
      Cum, nei, chasch esoh wiitermache, s' isch numä än Gpass gsii, gäll. 😉

    3. Warum sieht man nie etwas mit einem Motom oder einem Alpino? Wir waren in unseren jungen Jahren viel unterwegs mit solchen. Riviera und mehr.Also was Ihr macht ist nicht unbedingt einmalig oder neu erfunden.
      HP. 4:20

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