Inside Pompey returns as we’re granted exclusive access to take a look at a day in the life of forward Kusini Yengi.

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    [Applause] morning come on in you just want to talk us through the morning routine what the plan is now uh normally just get out of bed take a shower brush my teeth get dressed and then uh wait for robo to flick me a text saying I’m out the front then I head

    Downstairs and uh we head off the train is just getting ready just talk us through the uh the fit this morning I know if few The Lads like to go for it sometimes are you are you one of them or do you just take it pretty chill a little bit

    Represent pants represent jump box North Face jacket I we’ got a unic t-shirt and then just like Trends Uh cheese omelette cheese and spinach omelette is same every morning or do you like to switch out sometimes I don’t eat breakfast if I’ve eaten too much night before I’m feeling a bit full and I don’t eat breakfast but today will be a cheese omelette if I’m feeling hungry I

    Might have some protein pancakes with some blue blue berries raspberries and yogurt and a little bit of Honey on top yesterday oh oh oh oh I thought you me um now breakfast is done going to head over to the rooms over here and find out

    If we have a team meeting and then um I will judge what I’m going to do based on that probably do some preactivation uh SP my legs on the bike say hello to the boys in the physio room and then uh go from there what did you do yesterday I went

    For and then installed in your house is it what what do they do huh what do they do drill a hole Yeah drill a hole put it like what is it attached to uh Now where’s the electricity coming from the electric met from your house set a bed up as well Bro better hurry it up bad 2 [Applause] minutes go they winding you up over there very good here again exactly the same boys one thing that gets everyone here is when you move off that middle spot you you up up R yes Foxy every time I was passing out to Josh places can’t you hiding I’m not hiding Jack M Jack they of do yeah chees cheese yeah don’t mind it don’t mind it at all actually that’s a mest lunch I’m never going to eat ah Right Cass thanks for inviting us into your home really appreciate you sort of letting us in how’s your day been today yeah it was a good day training as usual coffee after now back at home yeah obviously we saw what happened this morning you obviously going into

    Training with with Robo and you live quite close to to him rean and Chris as well how good is it to be able to go in with them yeah it’s really good I think at the start when Robo come I didn’t have a house yet so we kind of looked

    And tried to find somewhere close to each other so we could come into training together cuz we get along really well and obviously we got that that Aussie connection a little bit so um yeah it’s good to have company to go into training obviously we were following you around for for the whole

    Day we s went for for a coffee after training do you always do that yeah yeah not every day um depends if I if I feel like having a coffee or whatnot but um yeah we do it quite often to be fair it’s good I think go after

    Training have a coffee speak about training or just talk about life with the boys you know we get to bond really well and I think it helps us on the pitch for sure like I feel like you get a better understanding of your teammate and when you have a better

    Understanding it also translate onto the field so yeah enjoy it breaks up the day a bit as well instead of just going to training coming home sitting around at home get to go out and you know just see different environments that’s what I was going to say you must have so much free

    Time as a footballer how else do you spend your time a load of L have mentioned the coffees you go to but as you said you don’t do it every day so how do you sort of spend your time sort of your free time away from the training

    Ground yeah it’s a bit like sometimes you have heaps of free time sometimes you don’t have any free time at all like you know when we’re traveling and stuff like that but like now it’s it’s it’s 400 p.m. already so after you guys leave I’m just going to sit down for a little

    Bit then get ready to start cooking dinner and then eat dinner chill out for a bit and then go back to bed and do the same thing but um I like to break up my day by playing PlayStation sometimes with my mates back home in Australia or

    Sometimes play with the boys from here play a little bit of Call of Duty fortnite FIFA sometimes um spend a lot of time on FaceTime a lot of time on FaceTime with my brother who’s over here in the UK as well especially um and there’s always football on in this

    Country so most of my time spent on this couch just watching football talking to my brother on FaceTime and yeah nice obviously Brothers in the UK but do you have sort of much um contact with those back in Australia still yeah I try to but it’s a bit difficult now with the

    Time difference cuz they have daylight saving in Australia so the time difference got even further now but um on the days off normally when I wake up in the morning they’re calling my phone and asking me to get on PlayStation and things like that so I speak to them a

    Little bit like after lunch I had a quick chat with them um but now they’re all fast asleep so it’s a bit difficult well we’ve just got some photos to run through with you m we got about sort of just 10 or so printed we’re going to

    Take take you through I’m just going to hand them over um got a few questions about each of them um sort of different moments in your pompy career so far been here just first of we’ve been here for almost half a season now how have you found it it’s been great really it’s

    Been everything I expected and even more um I’ve enjoyed it I guess was a well- win start um scoring in the debut straight away so yeah everything kind of I think started really well and it’s just progressed really nicely and I’ve been happy with how everything’s gone

    Yeah let’s crack on with these photos then here’s the first one yeah your first day what do you remember that uh I remember going into the the away change room to do the the photo shoot with you and how small that chain room was and thinking what have I got myself into but

    No um it was it was a great moment um first time seeing fratton park I think you you explained to me like which side was the fratton end and how special it is to the fans and uh how you know it must be feel amazing to to score in that

    End and I’ve been lucky enough to to score a few goals in that end now so yeah it was it was it was a great day that was was from what I remember a whirlwind of a weekend we have Gavin down that day as well announc you both

    On the same weekend and then not even 12 hours after you finished we were heading off to to Spain yeah yeah it was it was a bit bit crazy like I come from hanging out with my friends in Australia in the offseason and doing a bit of training

    And that flying over to the UK doing the photo shoot and then hopping on a team bus not having met any of my teammates other than Gavin at like 5:00 a.m. in the morning and going off to Mya for preseason so it was it was crazy but um

    I think it worked well you know I got to to meet everyone and got to bond with them over that trip so it was great bit daunting to start with I can imagine but how was that week in Spain to sort of boo uh boost your sort of um sort of

    Knowledge of the boys no it was good I think um cuz uh gav was kind of in a similar boat to me cuz he’d just come in uh we were rooming together so I got to spend a bit of time with him at the hotel

    Before we left so I got to know him a little bit so me and him kind of you know navigated our way through through that week together um which was which was good fun but I remember like I didn’t actually realize how many of the

    Boys were in the same position as me cuz we signed so many players this season so I just thought that the whole Squad had been there from last season come to get halfway through the week someone told me that about half the squad was all brand

    New as well so cuz it was a bit awkward like people were kind of a bit hesitant to talk to each other and stuff um but then yeah when I realized that everyone had just really signed then kind of made sense what was the process of like of

    Moving over obviously I remember you came came to FR part that day with with two suitcases was was that it and and you were over in the UK for good now yeah yeah uh literally I had uh packed up my suitcases at uh in Sydney come back to

    Adelaide where I’m from uh spent some time with my mom there in the offseason training my younger brother was with me as well and then uh packed up those same two suitc cases with everything that I thought I needed and come over here and and that was that brilliant right we’ll

    Take you on to the next photo um so we’ve obviously skipped a little bit we’ve spoken about your goal against Bristol Rovers but obviously after that you you suffered an injury in training how tough was that to to cope with first of all yeah it was it was a bit annoying

    Um if anything I think you know I’ve had a few injuries in the past and I think when I was younger I probably didn’t deal with them as well but as you get older and you experience you know different setbacks in your career you understand how to deal with them a lot

    Better so um it wasn’t too too daunting for me it was all right obviously it was a bit annoying that you know I was on such a good run and things were going really well so then to be sidelined for a few weeks was was a bit annoying but I

    Think I overcomed it that brings us on nicely to this photo mhm your first goal back from from your injury against against jilliam how good did it feel to to score that one yeah yeah it’s it’s always you know I’m a striker so scoring

    Goals is what I love to do um and I think scoring that goal you know it gave me a lot of confidence um knowing that like my body’s back and uh I felt good and gave me lot of confidence to to go on next few days and training and next

    Few games that you know my ankles healed and I’m ready to go again so yeah it was a great feeling and you can tell by the expression of mine and Chris’s face that we were delighted yeah let’s talk about that man Chris you two really get along

    Don’t you yeah Chris is a great lad um he’s one of the boys that I connected with really well um from the get-go when I come in you know not too far off in age so um and we have similar interests and stuff like that so yeah we get along

    Quite well quite well he lives not too far away so we spend quite a bit of time together you know coming to training and and things like that we hang out on the days off and stuff like that he’s he’s a great kid and he’s a a great footballer

    As well and I love playing with him obviously you’re coming back from an ankle injury is there almost sort of a bit of hesitance about wanting to sort of give like a Full Burst of a run or or really sort of put yourself into a challenge after you know you’ve just

    Been out for so long you don’t want to put yourself at risk of doing anything again yeah I think for sure anytime you get injured you know it’s kind of playing a little bit in the back of your mind like is it is it ready does it feel

    100% yet um but you kind of just have to to back yourself and back the physios and the work that you’ve done in the gym before you come out onto the pitch and just trust the process and uh the more games the more training sessions that

    You get through and and you tick off the confidence just comes back and now sometimes I forget which ankle I even injured so that’s brilliant I think that brings us on nicely to to this photo because I think from then on things just went up and up for you and and this

    Happened I think this we can let this talk for itself can’t we yeah was my I think this might be the very first training session that I did out there um so yeah it was a little bit nervous um um but also very excited um we didn’t

    Really do much in the training session it was kind of like a light training session cuz i’ just come off a what flying for like one day um back to Australia so yeah it was it was a great moment that’s brilliant I mean we haven’t spoken about it yet I think we

    We sort of identified when you got back that we were going to wait for this to to talk all things Australia how did it feel hearing those words come out of Al’s mouth yeah it was amazing uh dream come true I’d say um definitely something that I’ve been I’ve been

    Looking forward to and uh hoping that I I reached that level one day um yeah my mom sent me a photo also had like a a whiteboard up in my in my bedroom uh back in Australia and one of the things I had on there was to to represent the

    Socceroos in the in the next two years or something like that I’m not sure quite remember when I wrote that up but yeah she sent me a photo after after I debuted and said congratulations youve done it look it’s what you working toward so yeah it was an amazing feeling

    Got these four for you next I think we know exactly what it is yeah debut against Bangladesh how was that yeah it was it was awesome to be fair it’s uh it was actually on a on a field that I’ve played on many times uh not one of my

    Favorite Fields but um yeah it was great it was an amazing moment uh had my family in the stands and uh some of my friends there as well so it was really cool to to to make that debut in front of them nice and we’ve got a last set of

    Photos here we fast forwarded a little bit M Monday night M talk to me how’d you find it amazing uh probably my favorite game my favorite game so far as a pompy player you know it was a big game and uh there was a lot of talk you

    Know in the buildup to the game amongst amongst the squad and and the coaching staff of how important this game is for our season and opportunity to to to stay top of the table and to to create a bit of a gap between us and second uh um and

    They’re they’re a good team they’re a good team I haven’t really watched too much except for you know what I was showed by by the staff and that but you know I know Bolton as a as a big team and a historic team like pompy is so it

    Was a big game and uh I think yeah I spoke about the game before beforehand I love playing in these type of games you know when when the when the the stands are filled and the fans are really passionate um these kind of Al it’s not

    Really a derby but like yeah them big kind of games where there’s something important on the line are games that you know I feel like I thrive in the most so I enjoyed it it was beautiful talk to about that celebration it almost like there was three in one yeah yeah you

    Know when you score goals it’s you get overrun with emotions and uh yeah I’ve I’ve I’m kind of known more so in Australia for for a little bit of a a celebration when I score a goal you know I like to enjoy it and do a little bit

    Of a dance or you know anything that inspires me throughout the week or on the day uh I I keep it in the back of my mind for for when I score so yeah had a little bit of a dance and then a little

    Bit of a slide and a little bit of a kind of Jude Bellingham kind of moment there as well with the fans so yeah it was it was it was amazing I loved it annoyed with Robo not letting you complete the knee slide yeah I think he

    Wanted he wanted me to celebrate with him and then I’ve gone in for the knee slide so but um n it’s it’s all good I think we’ve got something planned for hopefully a go later on down the line I look forward to it yeah now obviously Monday night’s done with and that’s sort

    Of you know you’re able to enjoy that but that’s that’s behind us now full focus on shrew Brey what are you sort of focusing on now you you’ve been in training this week how’s that been how much you looking forward to the next one yeah a lot I think that’s one of the

    Things I love about playing here at pomp especially in England is there there’s that many games you know whether you have a bad game or a good game within a few days the turn around so quick you got another opportunity to to prove yourself or to to back something up so

    I’m really looking forward to this game I think it’s going to be an important game for the team but also for myself you know having such good performance uh against uh Bolton on Monday it’s now an opportunity for me to to back it up and uh to prove that I can

    Do perform like that on a consistent basis so it’s a game that I’m I’m very excited about and and looking forward to set to be a really sort of busy busy couple of weeks how much are you looking forward to it and and what are you sort of expecting from it because obviously

    We’ve got got Shrewsbury we’ve got Wimbledon we’ve got Fleetwood we going into such a busy Christmas period is it is it is it like this over Christmas in Australia what’s it like how do you think it’s going to differ we do continue to play in Australia over Christmas but it’s definitely not as

    Busy and you don’t play the amount of games that we’re going to be playing here so I think it’s it’s a it’s a really good opportunity for us to pick up a lot of points and to you know progress higher in the ladder so it’s I’m looking forward to it but it’s also

    A time where there’s so many games and you know it’s a it’s a festive period where people want to celebrate and have fun with their family and stuff so it’s important that we stay professional and and we look after our bodies and uh make sure we’re doing the right things to to

    Get through this what’s going to be a difficult period on the subject of festivities what are your plans for Christmas and and more so Christmas Day I’m not really sure I haven’t really even thought about that too much um I think we travel on Christmas day so I’ll

    Be traveling but um I might head over to robo’s place and might spend spend some time with him and his family if they’re over have a meal together or I might just stay here by myself and uh talk to my brother on FaceTime I’m not sure

    We’ll see in the moment um but kind of used to it now I did it last year I was I was all by myself during Christmas so it’s not nice but it is what it is it’s it’s part of the job I guess in a way

    And it’s a sacrifice that I have to make for you know what I love to do you going to get around to decorating that Christmas tree anytime so yeah I I need so it’s only just gone up yesterday um so robo’s got one that he’s putting up

    In his house and he’s got all the the glitter and the star and all of that so I’m hopefully he’s got something left over for me to put on my tree it’s a Christmas Christmas tree shopping trip together yesterday was it yeah it was the other day we picked them up not too

    Far away from here um yesterday we bought a stand so we could put it up so yeah got to get around to that brilliant I mean that rounds off everything we can talk about suppose all is left to ask what you got planned for the rest of

    Today uh my friends have been messaging me actually while we’ve been going through this interview um asking me to hop on Playstation so hopefully I’ll get on and play a few games with them before they go to bed but we won’t keep you any longer thanks for having us around

    Really appreciate and uh go and jump on your PlayStation we’ll see you Saturday perfect see you then


    1. As an Aussie who has been following Pompey since 2000 i waas very delighted to see the Yengi signing. He is really underrated in the AU football scene but he looks class and he'll be making waves nationally soon.

    2. Great player, great attitude with the brightest of futures at Pompey. Have a word with your mate Robbo and get him to stay and lets destroy the Championship next season.

    3. Class guy what a player and what a kid we are very lucky to have him at the club he’s gonna do big things for us 🤩 he has to start tomorrow 👍

    4. We need to really look after this guy he's got so much potential he physically a problem for defenders in this league and above and offers more threats potentially then bishop

    5. So not only do we now have the bestest and loudestest fans in world football, we also have the best Australian player in the world, and the bestest behind the scenes videos on YouTube. We have greatest stadium, best fans in world, we are the biggestest club in world football and we have the greatest three word chant in world football. Is there anything we aren’t the bestest at?

    6. Loved watching this guy at Adelaide United where he showed his potential. Was gutted when he left but knew he would go on to do great things. Portsmouth is very lucky to have such a talent and have no doubt he will give their supporters some great memories. Best Wishes Kusini…Us Adelaide boys are very proud..👌

    7. I am a spurs fan but I am a ozzy to all ways support the ozzy boys well done Portsmouth in the championship next season 4 sure killing league 1 well done cobba (coys)

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