#travel #motorcycle #bmw #popular

    Kept you waiting huh?

    In this treat of an episode… yes, I’m still alive. It’s been a long time coming. Hope it’s worth it… NOW SHARE MY VIDEO AND SUBSCRIBE.

    Follow Rob from Moving Pictures Africa:


    I finally got started with the next part of my journey. I left Sydney, rode to perth, shipped to cape town in South Africa… And now this video covers that. Amazing right?
    This episode takes me from the dramas of losing a motorbike at sea, to meeting up with people who make better videos than me, to crossing the tops of mountains, meeting lots of dogs, police, and ending up at the Botswana border… Many more dramas to come!

    This video is part of my second channel. Find the main YouTube channel here:

    But thing is they don’t allow motor bikes cast insght I’m going to ride something like 30,000 miles in I don’t know how many days through a lot of different countries across Australia from Sydney to Perth then from South Africa up through to North Africa into Egypt and then taking

    The back road round through Eastern Europe stopping at several places and eventually Landing up in Plymouth England I’ll be bringing cameras these ones I’ll be going on my my own so there won’t be a cameraman everything will be filmed by me there will also be no support Vehicles I’ll be traveling

    Around the world linking up with myself at the borders but really the motorcycle will be on its Own welcome to Jurassic Park no welcome to South Africa because that’s where I am right now but where’s my bike let me show you thanks to the lovely weather we’re having in Cape Town right now my bike is unable to be unloaded so what to do in

    The meantime well I walked around a bit then I walked around a bit some more contemplated life contemplated life in the Dark shot some things with a pistol visited the definitely not stolen goods Market where they definitely don’t murder old ladies for their teeth shoot some things with shotguns buy some defense contemplate swimming to get your bike off the boat and visit really weird obscure car shows I actually have no idea what is

    Going on here this person’s car made a buzzing noise and then everybody Clapped probably a South African thing unload my bike you bastards I wonder which one of those it is anyway something finally happened today is the day today is the day today the day W motorbiker Collection I don’t know how good it is to see this again now seeing as I finally have the bike and I have some marvelous hair and terrible facial hair growth because I’ve been stuck here for 3 weeks I now have the fun job of putting all of this stuff Into that and that I also got a replacement phone holder because as you may or may not remember mine was executed in Western Australia because it destroyed two of my phones but spoiler for future episodes this one sucks too so firstly what have I learned about my last

    Experience get a phone mount that actually does what it’s supposed to do in theory if it doesn’t work I’m I’m suing and secondly Africa time is a real thing never expect to get anywhere on time anyway let’s go now I’ve been purposely not seeing very much as I’ve been stuck in Cape

    Town for 3 weeks or so and this is because I want to see stuff by bike so I’ve ticked a few boxes I’ve had my first South African beer with a fine gentleman named shul and here’s one of the things that’s quite impressive about Cape Town anywhere you go you can basically look

    South and there’s that monolith looming over you so I’m going to go up there as far as I can which apparently isn’t very far now my plan for leaving Cape Town is something like this Cape of Good Hope because it’s right there so I may as

    Well and then camp in various places up to the Botswana border but before all that I wanted to do Prince Alfred’s pass cuz it looks quite interesting so that’s what I’m going to to Do now who would have guessed that Cape of Good Hope was a tourist hot spot but a loot of people on BMWs showed up seemingly too far away from the nearest Starbucks you’re a bit far from Starbucks I also got my photo taken with a little old Chinese lady I have no idea

    Who she is but she asked for her photo to be taken so I obliged why are you there I don’t think these are the best places to be don’t you think you little weird monkey people Things now in my ever ending quest to try and be sociable I made contact with moving pictures Africa because we watch each other’s videos like school kids that fancy see each other anyway you should check out their channel it’s the same sort of standard as the BBC but without all the

    Scandals and it also results in stunning pictures like this anyway after this got a little bit late found a campsite was wet here’s how the morning went good morning nobody as is tradition Canadian Prince now dipping his arms into the pudding as his tradition it absolutely hammered it

    Down with rain yesterday and I thought I was smart by staying in this place and I had load of water running down here but I decided to get up in the middle of the night and move my boots slightly and by the time I got back they were full of

    Water so today I’ll be learning how to fix my own mistakes from our Lord and savior Charlie Borman brought to you by Kohl’s Crunchy so this bit of road yesterday was like nothing I can really describe it is truly the most slippery thing I’ve ever written on and I’m guessing after yesterday’s rain it’s going to be 10 times worse and now there’s loads of people around to watch me fail I mean already I

    Can feel the front wheel kind of snaking away underneath me if I put on my brakes I’m going on the floor and if I accelerate hard I’m going on the floor so I have to try very hard to not go on the floor and the PO holes don’t really help this is

    Vile and I don’t really feel like deadlifting a 300 plus kilogram bike first thing in the morning I almost guarantee on camera this just looks like a normal road but it ain’t can’t even really describe what this road is made of it’s almost like sponge today’s plan is there and I’m

    Going through George to a place called and then I’m going to go north through Prince Alfred’s pass from there because I looked online and it looks quite good so that’s the plan so let’s teleport There F that one’s a bit scary but the further down you get the worse the road gets now seeing as I’m continuing my journey with extremely soggy boots I decided to do one of the largest mountain passes in the world which is Prince Alfred’s pass but it’s a little bit

    Spectacular you’ll do anything ranging from riding across mountain ridges to riding in the bottom of valleys with waterfalls and other weird Things sure what to expect with this cuz I’ve been riding a along this sort of road for the last 20 km this is actually the best it’s been it’s been like I’ve been riding up mysterious rivers and rocks and it’s been a bit horrible and then suddenly it opens up to This But eventually you come out the other side and as it’s starting to get dark you have to find a place to stay for the night so I chose this Place oh hello Lo well how’s this for a weird turn of events I’ve arrived at my weird little hostel thing and there’s nothing here but dogs so assuming no owners turn up will you settle down both of you your weirdos I’m going to camp in the car

    Park because I don’t really have any other options right now and if someone shows up but if if not Weird now as it would pan out this is one of the most friendly and accommodating places you can ever imagine the owner ended up coming back at around 10: p.m. and was honestly one of the most excellent people I’ve ever met she gave me a load of contacts about

    People who I can meet along the way and places to visit as well as filling me up with food and coffee in the morning now unfortunately Ely when I left on this trip the people of Sudan have decided that they don’t like each other or other people and decided to

    Cause a big political Ruckus this causes problems for my Visas so I have to visit embassies and I’m choosing to go to the one in Petoria and seeing as there isn’t all that much between here and Petoria I’m going to lump this trip over a couple of days and just get straight

    There now somewhere along this route I got pulled over by the police but this wasn’t like being pulled over by the police in Australia I didn’t leave with a fine or any funky colored stickers on my vehicle instead I left with the WhatsApp number of the

    Chief of police because he had a broken down tractor in his village now unfortunately his village was about 400 km in the wrong direction so I said I’d try to help him fix it via WhatsApp here’s how that went just to get you up to speed the tractor had a

    Problem with its power steering pump so this is the power steering pump and this this is given oil from a little Reservoir up here so there are two things that I think could be wrong with this pump well three actually firstly no oil and the other one is that this shaft

    Could be damaged so that so he replied I sent him this there’s nothing returning you can say that the pump is either broken or this shaft is causing the problem he replied with this needless to say he got it fixed but it was nothing to do with any of the

    Communication that we had together good morning nobody I stayed in blem blam last night in a place called Tom’s Place cuz it was Bloody freezing and I didn’t really want to set up a tent anyway I’d better pack that thing and head towards Johannesburg it was also at this point I realized that I needed to service my bike cuz I hadn’t done it since Sydney so if you’re watching Hotel owner thanks for letting me use your garage even though you didn’t know exactly what I was going to use it

    For you would not believe how long it took me to find this and upon my arrival in Petoria this is where I introduce Jeff now me and Jeff had planned to travel together but Jeff is dramatic and Jeff is underprepared Jeff doesn’t have a motorbike yet but he assured me that when I

    Arrived he would have had one by then Jeff didn’t have a bike by then going to say declined so instead we had mincy little coffee beers together and I carried on ahead of him with the assurance that he’d only be a couple of days behind but we’ll get to that later maybe in

    Another episode anyway embassies in Africa are exactly as hopeless as the ones in Australia meaning they only open every second Sunday as long as it’s a leap year and I’ve been waiting in ptor for the last few days for a day that they’re actually open I actually forgot I was making a

    Weird documentary thing this is ptor I’ve been here for about 4 days mostly because it was the weekend and I was trying to for all the embassies to open so I could visit Sudan and Ethiopia because of this horrible delay my um my 30-day Visa is probably going to expire

    Before I get to Ethiopia so I’ve got to renew that one and I went yesterday it’s now Tuesday and I couldn’t do anything yesterday because the 9 to 5 working day does not exist in this country so they work 9 to 12 and I missed that by about

    20 minutes so I’m going to go and try again today good morning can I come in to R you a Visa hey I’m trying to renew a Visa is it possible to come in just to park my bikes and then I can sort this out now I visited two embassies Ethiopia and

    Sudan and I think I was there for a total of 5 minutes to be told visas aren’t given anymore and do it online what a waste of a few days anyway way to the Botswana border so once again I forgot to do a video I forgot to let you know how the

    Embassy thing went and it was exactly as you’d expect by an embassy from my experience anyway I go to the Sudan Embassy and they tell me that the guy is not available to talk to so I’d have to wait a week not prepared to do that I go

    To renew my Ethiopian Visa because thanks to the delays in Cape Town and the Visa are only lasting 30 days it’s pretty much going to expire as soon as I arrive at the border anyway I’m almost at gabaron that’s in Botswana you can see it there that means that this pretty much

    Concludes this episode in South Africa tune in next time for more things that haven’t happened Yet I’m stealing and there’s nothing you can do about it


    1. Excellent effort! Looking fwd to see how you go wjth crossing Ethiopa, also, who helped you with the shipping to Cape Town, and were you happy with the service? Cheers (onward and upward)!

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