Taking a quick bike ride from the upper east side of manhattan to midtown. We’ll be looking at the historic midtown post office – James Farley Post Office Museum. it was the very first and for long time only 24 hour post office in Manhattan. We’ll also visit the Moynihan train hall with a bunch of its art as well as discussing the history.

    We also might check out the new mta metro train cars! We tried on an earlier stream but only saw the old cars so 2 times the charm?

    ❗We try to check YouTube chat, but sometimes chat fails, if we don’t respond, come over to twitch and let us know chat’s not working❗: https://www.twitch.tv/dinomitetwins
    where you can make us dance, do sound alerts and more.
    Here are all our other socials: https://beacons.ai/dinomitetwins

    ⚠️ Rules:
    We’re so excited to have you here!! Here are some of the rules we have that we need you to follow 🙂
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    🚫 Any racism, sexism, harassment, toxicity, violence, or impersonation comments will not be tolerated. You will be timed out, banned, or reported depending on severity
    🚫 No excessive swearing or sexual innuendos. This is an all-ages/family friendly stream
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    And we’re waiting we’re waiting we’re waiting and we’re waiting and we hope it works okay hi everybody welcome on in if you are new my name is Lexi I am one of the dynamite twins Ally is currently not here today it’s freezing cold and she was on earlier this morning so with that

    In mind I thought I would take us on a little bike ride we’ll be biking down to Penn Station to see some new artwork then we’ll also be going to um see the large post office building it’s one of the most beautiful post offices that

    I’m aware of um and it has kind of a storyed history so we’ll get into that as well that said let me pop you guys onto the bike the bike’s already loaded so we’re running on a meter but hopefully we can said no no no I said no

    No no no you say take me home I said no you said I Said thank you right for the tier one welcome on in everybody um I’m going to have you switch that way that way we can make sure to see the road I’ll put on text to speech hi Mimi hi everybody settings I’ve already taken it out um let’s see one minute text to speech

    Is on oops sorry guys I have to try to put you in the cradle and then we have to try to strap the phone on which I’m a little bit worried about but we will make it work oops so you’re going to just jostle for a little bit can somebody please try

    To check text to speech is it working apparently not giraffic dinosur says good to see everyone I hope everyone is well and having a great day hi Asian gamer says strap Us in for the ride keep your hands says he bike ride moner and Vibes within the

    Vehicle right okay I’m going to have to actually set you down for a minute jtf2 bus says Ah cuz I realized I need to do the clip Wicked Mouse says hey Lexi Boston Asian gamer says boo boo I did not plan ahead Unfortunately Sage BT says Hey Twins and chat melc says bike ride time gilfrey says Monday is almost over thank goodness for the twins actually I can’t seem to get this onto my bike or onto my strap so not sure what to do about that jtf2 bus says she sells seashells by the

    Seashore hey what in here sorry everybody it’s just super tight stream says my boy my be my you be my boy understand that I don’t need you in my life again oh You Be My Bad Boy be my [Applause] green snake 30 says thanks Mr wns thank you wns for that helping to

    Support the says bike as fast as MC run towards streets okay I hope that this is going to be okay the UN says has 100 Mr says at green snake 30 you’re welcome okay 1 minute everybody I have to get the stick out this is just too hard rooy says cho

    Cho one minute Mr wind says bye hype train okay guys I’m going to get the stick out that way we can use this for a little bit MBC says a bumpy ride rooya says hype bike it’s just too hard to do a bike a hype train on a

    Bike but thank you everybody for that I appreciate it so much if you’re new please make sure that you follow and in the meantime ah giraffic dinosaur says Chugga chuga CH hey watch it I’m biking here exactly gy says says did you clean your stain on your sweater no Panama

    Game says sub hypo no I can’t get it out so I’m going to have to try to take it to a cleaner so that’s that’s going to be fun but welcome on in everybody we are going to be heading over to a post office which I’m really excited about it

    Is nasty cold out not a huge fan of that I miss the warm weather but with that in mind the hyp train is currently running so hopefully we get to see some of that soon uh how do I reconnect guys look it’s cold we got to

    We got to put the ear muffs plus the Hat on I can’t do it no anymore we have a little bit of time in the meantime I’m going to adjust my backpack but a I know gilfrey says hopefully your blood gets pumping warm rooy says it’s not cold it’s a Canadian

    Spring the temperature is definitely not 40 green snake 30 says pretty pink yeah thank you yeah right now I’m adjusting my backpack straps if you can tell it’s very very windy Sarah esope says LOL at roas oh oh my gosh Panama gam says up rooy shorts and wind stopper jacket

    Right all right let’s see if I can get this to close now yes so when I was trying to do this before it wouldn’t close cuz I didn’t have my straps loose enough guys get to see how I put it on while the hype train is on and then we will get

    Moving and then hopefully MBC says interesting it’s a wrist drop there are other Contraptions that may work better but Nero A1 says hello Lexi hello welcome on in guys I don’t know where we are with the hype train but if you would like to hop aboard following is free subbing or

    Using butts is not but it does help out the channel Wicked Mouse says how you fairing today Lexi um my hands are and says what’s weather in NYC is it still a cold it’s very very cold actually today combat monkey 13 says hello melc says will Ollie be joining us

    Later or solo again n 81 says windy today mson says it’s super windy here too Wicked Mouse says weather stream look says NYC 63 join us stream says 43 f 38f Sunny dite twin says yes joining 38 anymore it is very cold all right I think the hype train is

    Doneo but please let me know as soon as it is melc says Haw says Coro 101 hi Twins and chat stream says Darth credible hawk has cheered 101y Butler one says hi it was my birthday yesterday Wicked Mouse says one minute left Andreu says what is your plan and program

    For Nick Jensen says my birthday is Saturday already wow Nick if you come in on our birthday um it will be a very busy stream uh we can try to sing to you but we going in and out of3 says single cat lady from can make sure to S to

    You I think I might just gety Butler one says thanks but thank you for getting us to level four hype train I appreciate it a lot oh gosh it is so cold why are we out here so if you guys don’t know what we are doing today I am biking over down

    Towards Pen Station stream says see something you like please clip it clipping helps us make additional content Roy says gloves Andreu says it’s not very audible when the voice is speaking supposed to bebc says someone needs gloves I I have gloves guys I have gloves but I can’t use my

    Gloves when I haveon says Needs hand warmers okay I think we’re going to hop on the on the bike if that’s okay with all of you Crystal cat 73 open the door get on the floor everybody walk the dinosaur open the door get on the floor everybody walk the dinosaur boom boom

    Aalac boom is that from M song it sounds like it’s from a song okay so I’m going to quickly get you guys on onto the strap says hello hi Crystal cat 73 says yes Darth credible hawk says we need to be content with the content Andre says

    Here is my country 53.6 de F capu says Hey stream says we have a Discord join the fun if you’d like Nick Jensen says we are going for a ride Crystal cat 73 says sorry I had to Greg zodic says hi Oli hey chat okay so when I take this bike out

    You’re going to go away for 5 seconds okay so just keep that in Mind look stand up stand up I am [Applause] terrifying Crystal cat 73 says new where you go Cat bubble says at Crystal cat 73 hello Cat bubble says new okay ready guys cat bubble says hi Lexi Crystal cat 73 says at cat Bobble hello okay it is definitely 73 says Heat Wave here at 49f Darth credible hawk says it cat Bobble hi cat IEX B says it looks nice

    There today M hosein says the sound is so loud says b OTE bik OTE B says nonstop rain in La Nick Jensen says and we’re off gilfrey says here goes the E talking bike you’re going to get the Lexi experience today which is probably not the smoothest cat bubble says at Darth

    Credible hot hello retic says I love the E talking bike Crystal cat 73 says F yes clearly it is the bike talking and not the phone cat Bobble says I lowkey love that the basket glows pink I know like it’s on brand for us I’m trying to figure out hey watch it

    I’m biking here if I need to get to Blue 91801 says hey safe travels good vies all the time parking is always kind of a mystery to me my favorite tool that I have at my disposal every day is Mr says a cat bubble last Rally For Me dark credible hawk says Choo Cho cat bble says that Mr wins no problem Crystal cat 73 says if I bike could talk in New York it would Cruise a lot and have anxiety from traffic people in the bike lane were they’re not supposed to beon says got a headlight on the bike M

    Hussein says where are you going or just exercise yeah so we actually going a Darth credible hawkk says yeah so we are actually heading to a new art installation jainet 54 says hi from France Alie is probably going to meet us there and then we’re going to go and look at I

    Don’t know in what order actually we’re probably going to go look at the old post office and kind of talk about the post office cuz it is a very cool installation we’ll take a look at the BL 91801 says salute 73 says I don’t think I want to

    Be a bike in New York over here you get to see Mr says watch it I’m biking here yeah I don’t know I like biking because I can I I feel like I can control my own destiny M says Choo Cho thank you everybody for completing that hype train I really do appreciate

    It I would have stayed there longer but my hands are getting far too cold I think the goal for today is to keep moving and to go inside I know it says it’s 40 it is definitely not with the wind du so we’re going to just keepon says

    This weekend is going to be warmer yes thank God cuz Ali and I have a bunch of really cool events please make sure that you follow if that’s something that you’re interested in Discord will have a bunch of those events listed not all of them we’re going to a popup that we are

    Invited to as influencers I believe we’re going to be doing that on stream we may not be we’ll have to see either way we’re going to take some video for our short Farm content also if you guys missed some of our earlier streams Alie and I have been putting out

    Some clips on Tik Tok um of those there’s an amazing violinist that we put up there dinur says me too that’s why I also love biking I love being able to control my own destiny says did you play Pokemon CM day yesterday blue 91801 says feels like 23° it’s very

    Cold yesterday I felt like I saw that it was still light out at 5:30 and I my head immediately bent to oh my God it’s spring it’s going to be warm soon it’s going to be beautiful and then today crushed those dreams suddenly all of a sudden I was

    Like nope it it’s definitely still winter still winter plus the groundhog has decided there’s going to be more time for it to be spring as well if you haven’t heard that do other countries have things that are similar to the groundhog I think that Texas spe turned off but we’ll see

    Oops is Texas speach off maybe okay well if Texas beach is off guys I will be right back I don’t know why sometimes it turns off but hopefully we’re not doing this whole bike lane stuff but it just gets too like hairy to go around there cuz people

    Go the wrong way and then people will walk in it so we’re going to just take the car Lane for a little bit green snake 30 says keep that watch streak going at aame there we go giraffic dinosaur says it’s still basically winter as well but

    There are some warm days coming up for me well I think there it’s supposed to get progressively warmer but Crystal cat 73 says I am helping make chocolate caramel apple for the Humane Society Wednesday stream love says help the stream retweet dinan’s latest going live tweet okay it’s going to be really bumpy

    Guys just keep that in mind Nick Jensen says can’t wait for spring I mean here’s the thing the consolation prize is that Lunar New Year is in the middle Crystal cat 73 says they are making 3,500 apples this year cat bubble says just a motorcycle in the bike lane Roya says bump bump

    Bump sorry everybody I know this tree is not the best but it’s the fastest way to get where we need to go hey watch it I’m biking here gilfrey says it’s so nice and breezing brisk winter warm weather here cat Bobble says Cobblestone tour win Panama games says atame

    You can see lovely Time Square down this way green lights you guys remember playing red light green light as a kid or Rover Rover Asam says Panama games I wonder if people still play those cat 73 says at least not a gravel road Nick Jensen says yes I do giraffic

    Dinosur says my favorite sound rooya says never played either cat Bobble says we learned it from squid games oh why are there police cars up there well I wonder if they’ve closed the street I can’t tell snake 30 says ring ring I know that’s my favorite when it doesn’t work I get

    Really mad I I use my voice a lot more but people on stream got mad at me because I yelled at people in the bike Lanes the thing is is that when you’re yelling at people in the bike Lanes it’s not really like cuz you’re mad it’s just

    That if they step off there’s no way for you to stop say there’s no for me to weave out of the way so like your voice isn’t an exension of the Bell it just doesn’t sound as nice but then people 11 says evening friends hi welcome on in about what

    They’re talking about let’s see what’s going on over here rooy says they need to learn through pain Space Cat spot says need a bigger Bell so we have to go cat 73 says we played ski soccer in winter when there was snower says hello Lexi gy says it’s

    More of a warning it’s safe thinking yes exactly loud does not always mean mad is what I’m trying to convey loud is sometimes just loud what do we think is going on here are they oh they’re Con Edison I thought they were police people they’re just Conan Edison why is

    Con Edison everywhere lately are they doing an upgrade we Andra says yell at them more LOL cat Bobble says loud means mad got it Tunes 11 says something times you need to be heard Crystal cat 73 says is it feten or vam men it’s a vitamax wicked Mouse says yeah I ring my

    Bell if I see a dangerous situation developing giraffic dinosur says yes loud is just often a warning Rell redo gtn says pull over pull over whoop whoop yeah it’s it’s it’s conoc is I think cat says you can ring my below Nick jenssen says only 42 days and

    I’ll be off to the NYC St Patrick’s Day Parade can’t wait that was super cool are you in it m says cat Bubble Cat bubble says whoop whoop that’s the sound of the police cat bubble says hi Wicked Mouse where Roger says they can’t Edis an

    Eyes have you been seeing on Tik Tok that con has been says watching it giraffic dinosaur says ring my bell ring my bell ding ding cat Bobble says LOL cat Bobble says sorry dude they’ve been sending out these like scratch and sniff stuff just tell you

    What a gas leak smells like I think it’s brilliant but also the worst smelling scratch and sniff ever eBay 357 says hello hello welcome on in friend Crystal cat 73 says ringing dingling cat Bobble says smart J says we woo we woo so a siren goes and like the the police car

    Goes I don’t know if that’s actually what you guys are discussing where rra says someone is definitely collecting those scratch and sniff for a prank I know cat Bobble says they have to add to make I was slightly insulted because it was supposed to be throughout

    NYC and I know I personally did not get one do they not care about my own personal gas hey watch it I’m biking here blurp says Jos I used 15 bits to play a watch and I’m biking here minus Tunes 11 says at cat Bobble thank you

    Foring gy says my friend is asking what I’m watching oh let him Wonder Crystal cat 73 says I once smell a perfume that smell like gas station air fresher I like perfumes are so subjective cuz they smell different on different people also major pet peeve is somebody putting

    On um perfume in the elevator horrible idea there’s no air flow it just is a bad idea cat Bobble says I like the spice must flow cologne I appreciate that you’re all being more quiet cuz you know Space Cat spot says po a wheelie at the next light what I

    Cannot pop a wheelie I don’t know how South towest witch says cap bubble Tunes 11 says it’s styling when you do the elevator spray Kay 357 says I have just mastered using Chopsticks Buble says no it’s even better than that the elevator a Bellows and pushes the scent around Wicked Mouse

    Says a dune perfume cat bubble Crystal cat 73 says shower is the thing to do to not be Stinky cat bubble says at Wicked Mouse yes it’s nice Nick Jensen says be right back got to eat dinner okay um reminder everybody there is a movie in Discord

    Tomorrow it’s going to be turning red please uh check it out if you’re not in Discord we’d love for you to be there put a lot of gtn says two squirts of cologne or perfume is enough no need to make others sick we do have a standard schedule standard schedule is Monday

    Night Saturday and Sunday around 2: and then um an extra day cat Buble says we went to see a corpse flower in Vermont and every time the elevator came down it pushed the corpse stink through the hallway oh no sad about the coral hour though I’ve heard that they’re like

    Really cool to see in person Avatar 300 68 says showers make you less stinky who would have thought cat bubble says it was awesome gilfrey says BRB better to feed all the cats cat bubble says yes I highly recommend it I do not like this corner cuz all the

    Bike people steak out there and it just makes it very hard I hope that the says ramming speed has anyone gone to Zan’s Pizza it always looks cool but I don’t I don’t know um about like if it actually tastes good it says why be a billionaire when you could be a

    Zillionaire well cuz a zillionaire is a lot bigger than a billionaire and I don’t even think I can make say just run them all over hey watch it I’m biking here green snake 30 says no okay so we are good to go now I will say that City bike

    Up are you doing today jtf2 bus says stop being poor how is everyone’s Monday going hopefully it’s going well if you’re making dinner please let me know what you want for dinner Boston Asian gamer says never gets old Space Cat spot says getting a seizure from that Scooter’s

    Lights I know it’s unfortunate I unfortunately there’s just too many people in the bike lanane I can’t 11 says Boston Asian gamer you’re a monster there’s only so much that we can do I mean would you prefer the blue 73 says I get to do my taxes the

    28th I like our calming little pink light on this this one much better but Space Cat spot says no Wicked Mouse says yikes that blue light is bright cat bubble says oh my God that is bright cat bubble says Jesus space cat says blue is just as

    Bad we’re going to try to get around is that better plus I’m sick of missing all the lights so we’re going to try to oh gosh this we really need to redo this B credible hawk says I miss paulini but the biking alert makes her regularly present on stream Tunes say just too

    Bright Wicked Mouse says thank you Lexi cat bubble says did you see the a tree F where she gets hit with the LED headlights where Audra says don’t they know blue light is bad for your eyes South to Twitch says bumpy where says even though I love blue cat Bobble says

    True dark credible hawk redog gtn says Hey Blue Light Special you’re blinding people Space Cat spot says broomstick through the front spokes will fix that Tunes 11 says cat Bobble I did guys don’t say that I will say it’s more important that people are safe so stream says thank you for following Pap

    23 says if you’re new following is free 21763 says good morning from adelade Australia Tunes 11 says a cat bubble never a bad time for a new Skyrim run if evening here my Australian lovely friend oh I really don’t like this oh he’s turning good good good good cat

    Bobble says at Tunes 11 trivial notion says hello hello I don’t actually know what you said Notions but I assume it was hello so we’re saying hello oh wait wait wait wait wait we can we can park here we can park here wa 2,763 says it’s 9.20 I’m here

    Please let me park my bike trivial notion says it had extra o LOL okay guys we’re going to get you off of here oops where Roger says everyone quiet so she forgets to turn us off good luck with that here guys I’ll let you talk a little bit

    Longer while I get the stick out where Roger says LOL Darth credible hawk says I’m not saying a thing I can like not feel my hands very well so we’re going to I think going to go into the uh tun 11 says LOL I think that’s a minimal chance Avatar 368 says

    Lexi hates our voice weno 21, 763 says Tuesday morning I’m in the future who wants the lottery numbers LOL rra says our voice is beautiful oh my gosh I can’t find it my hands are like too cold to Andreu says skyscrapers are very beautiful at view I know right they

    Really are um okay Tunes 11 says can we give our voice a French accent uh I actually don’t know how to do that I mean we could but I’m not 100% sure how how to Wicked Mouse says this looks like a Windows desktop wallpaper doesn’t it though where Roger says we okay

    Guys you’re not going to spin because I have to once Ally arrives I have to take a look at this but in the meantime we’re going to get you on this little stick oops redog gtn says I said o I’m blinded by blue lights settings and goodbye text to speech where say par

    FR I don’t know why that made me think of that song but all right everybody so this is Hudson yards if you guys didn’t realize where we are we’re kind of at the base of 4034 Street oops sorry guys you’re just going to have to see the traffic a little bit

    Um I’m just trying to make sure I don’t forget my gloves because that would be so sad right now did that guy just say halt greetings from salburg hey welcome on in to the channel if you how did you find us if you don’t mind me asking

    Ja hello little French welcome on in um fun fact uh alie’s voice gets more sing songy when she speaks French and mine gets higher uh-oh my hands are too cold I can’t I can’t scroll up in chat one minute all right so guys we are I’m not sure

    Exactly where Ali is hopefully you can let me know in the meantime this is this is the post office that we are going into I found another opening another be really yes that’s exciting so if you guys don’t know robera is kind of the best

    Um the best pizza place yes we do belong together she is catching up with us I believe Lexie sounds like a chipmunk no I don’t oh so I’m on the back side okay so we’ll walk around to meet her wait she’s in Fr another roberes or she’s here by

    Me ask her where she is nope we’re not we are not separated she’s actually on her way I am trying to get to the inside I believe otherwise we can walk to her yes in front of robertas but where is robertas that’s super cool Fai is Joey Rose says nearby so red I

    Don’t actually know where that is so she’s on 34th but she’s closer to Penn Station is that is that what I’m hearing oh no this is like a hide and go seek I’m not a fan guys not a fan also I know it’s a little bit windy she’s at 30 33d

    Okay yes but technically I’m also right by Pen Station depends which some want she’s I’m pretty sure two of the that’s what happening I’m going to try to make it to where I think she is though first though I my legs are pretty tired lately so

    Yeah isn’t it beautiful so we don’t have stars here in New York because there’s too much light pollution but at least we have beautiful beautiful windows that are lit up I will say that during the pandemic New York got so much darker it was just a lot of people left

    The city but then also a lot of buildings didn’t didn’t have corporate releases so they turned all the lights off and it was just beautiful oh no Lexi where am I I’m facing the Empire I will not scare Ally she might scare me no space cat we could do that but here

    Wait we’re going to clean the lens quickly Sor everybody thank you for the follow welcome on in many letters did that help helped a little bit sorry guys just trying to clean off the lens I don’t know if I made it worse but TS I hope for you that you will be

    Able to see this in person one day too clean off the smog I’m trying everybody I’m I’m trying she’s coming to meet well I’m already coming to towards her I’m going down 33rd I know the Empire really is beautiful okay one more shot is that any better maybe it could finally is

    Better yeah it’s better now alli’s at Penn Station thank you Razzle so I there the problem is is there’s multiple entrances to Pen Station so I’m going to go I’m going down here and hopefully she’s over on this side By the time I get there I’m sure she’ll have left that’ll be my luck oh no Allie’s going no tell her to stay still stay still I’m I’m almost sa tell her not to keep moving come back come back to our supp post office the Stars the arti are amazing way I can

    Imagine um when we travel home to Wisconsin the amount of stars we even see there and we’re a part of a city there so it’s not quite the same but we we went camping our whole lives um not our whole lives but like when we were

    Younger and so I remember those star so I can only imagine that’s got to be magical she’s not escaping she’s running away she’s abandoning me no not she’s really not see this is Penn Station so where did she go all right we’re looking for a brightly colored

    Human this alley is see this is the train Hall so that’s where I am I live in Kenosha I know where Kenosha is amazing well she said she’s going to 34th so we’re going to go to 34th I dressed in yellow perfect that’s what that’s what I’m looking for do I see yellow

    Maybe I keep thinking everybody wearing ear Ms is Aly oh my God that’s not the right yellow jacket I went towards the yellow is she on 33rd cuz I can go back o it looks like they’re going to tear down the um they’re going to tear down the

    Walgreens she’s at eighth right now I know false yeah go back she went to the post office okay we’re going to go we’re going to go back I was so excited I saw the Yellow Jacket the problem with having a braid jacket is that you suddenly start looking for only that

    Color you’re going to be really quiet we’re going to be really really quiet whatever to do p oh God yeah you scared me that time you scared me that time yeah there’s Lexie hi everybody there’s the other twin I caught her I caught her everybody you said no

    No no I said no no no no you say take me home I said don’t bury no you said no no no I said no no no no no no no no thank you I know everybody thank you for that sub um I know right Chris it’s cute when we get to dance

    Gy but welcome on everybody so I don’t have any do you have any tips for visiting New York Lexi yes what’s your favorite tip 10 three V first understand if you’re in need New Yorkers will help you they may be rude to you about it like how do you not know

    That but then they will proceed to grab your hand and walk you wherever you need to go so if you need help ask for help people will help you don’t be afraid to do so also make sure you get reservations ahead of time if the restaurant is popular yeah don’t just

    Expect to show up we never do we cuz but we also can go back any day of the week whereas you if you’re traveling might want to plan ahead hey Lexi uh-huh is there like a a black street down the front of your screen [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ]

    Ryy you have to ask them if they see like a little guys do you see a little black uh line down the screen yeah New York New Yorkers are are are nice even though they get a bad WAP right yep it’s just on the app and look

    At guys when uh if you need to know the time the empire state will kind of glitter on the hour on the hour or around the hour so it’s technically 2 minutes past 6:00 but it will kind of glitter which is always kind of cool too it helps you

    Tell the time helps you find a location if you get lost don’t look down look up that’s another tip I have for you all yeah cuz looking up you’ll be able to see more you’ll also be able to see the street size yeah it is kind of like the Eiffel Tower actually you’re

    Right cuz the Eiffel Tower does do the what glittered first Ally I don’t know I don’t know I bet they glittered around the same time yeah maybe don’t forget to follow everybody because it’s for free and it helps out the channel oh I forgot to put the router on Ellie do you want

    Me to put it on really quick do you think we’ll need it or want it maybe I guess okay guys I’m going to set you down I’m G to set you down so I can put the router on okay I’m just setting up also we are currently working on Subs

    So here guys we I’m going to put you up here so this way you can see the building uh I don’t know if all the street signs are blue some of them are green but um I can’t remember where those are do you remember where they have the green street signs instead of

    The blue street sign downtown I think well I think it’s determined by your neighborhood right if if you have a blue like your voting district hey do you think that New York is more beautiful at night or in the morning night yeah it looks more special

    In the night that’s for sure maybe we should just go without it oh here it is I got it do you want to go in the uh the post office first do you want to go in the post office first you think maybe here I’m going to somebody redeemed a 360 spins

    I’m just going to spin slowly here 33rd is not a bad place for a hotel by the way cuz you’re close to like a bunch of the train stations but you’re not up by the crazy craziness of Time Square um there aren’t any rats here I mean there’s rats everywhere in New York

    Let’s be real um so Lexie are you still afraid of doing helicopter ride thank you for theide the one that goes around remember when we have to fundraise for it yeah it’s really expensive it’s really expensive it’s like $200 a person so it’s kind of a lot but we it

    Would be cool considering most of our life lives we get like $20 and then our our twitch streams we get like a little bit more anywhere between1 and $100 but sometimes we don’t get any and sometimes we get Zer so we’d have to kind of partner should we go up

    This way oh they they they I forgot they they got I know they closed off this game St off the stairs by the way Lexi did you see that there’s no Roberto Pizza there look if you turn around it’s going to be right like past here there’s like if you if

    You’re almost at the front and we’re sure that it’s opening and not closing open spring 2024 so then we’ll never have it I feel like that means summer yes we will have it and yes we are right by station oh wow this is completely different than I

    Remember it yes because they did that whole Expansion Project I remember Yeah so this was the first 24hour post office and for the longest time it was the only 24-hour post office look how cool this is my question I love all the Terracotta work Ellie look behind you with the clock look at how beautiful this is I don’t know it’s oh wow Ellie

    Look look at that painting War II and then this one over here Ellie is World War II it’s dedicated in honor of the employees of New York Post Office who plac their lives in the hands of their country in Vindication of right and Justice throughout the world wow

    It’s also very e in this spot most of our content look at the L even just this little stairwell is like I love the little see this is how this is what beautiful design can do for you can create these like moments of just simple beauty right so they didn’t

    Think there was going to be a second one but here’s here’s the thing so World War I was this one this PL and then for World War II are all of these other packs so one two three four of them yeah Ellie they’re correct we need to get the

    Stickers the stickers for when we bubble wrap other streamers what stickers the stickers like the postal stickers oh my God we can mail them not really if you guys don’t know what we’re talking about on one of our streams forgetting for 1,000 on on Twitch and 37,000 on or no 37 35

    35,000 on Tik Tok we ended up bubble wrapping each other yeah thank you for Shar oh my go such a cool ceiling trash can I have so many questions somebody was so sad there overnight wasn’t going to make it out that they had be falling it or or maybe

    One of the little carts that they use for big pack packages ran into it those are notoriously hard to hard to uh navigate wait wait wait I don’t see any laes the new P station area is actually that way but we’re going through the um this way

    First I don’t see any labels what the RF in the ceiling is for though Lexi I don’t all I can think of is France yeah so there’s um the new pieces the new has like really cool art pieces let’s look at the the PO Box Alison the

    New Roberta’s pizza is going to be 5,000 square ft oh my God I am so excited for that at this wow look at it in scale with alley but it does have a lot of really beautiful work on it and then this is one of my favorite

    Parts Ally this is one of my favorites what this the post office box I love seeing them all they had a reclaimed like wall of these yeah at a reclaim shop and it was like $10,000 well cuz the the bronze like the the metal alone would be a lot I will say though

    It’s really hard to get one of these and if you see how these are like letters they’re just for letters so if you have a post office box and you get a package you have to pay more for it which is annoying but if you get one of these you

    Can come in whenever it’s open whereas if you have a post off his box one that’s like actually Four like bigger packages then you can only go when it’s open here’s the little Museum stre was so tiny it it looks like it could could use um a bit of well they

    Should at least just tape that one little portion there New York roared through the 20s and struggled through the 30s in Midtown and fall 2023 or 2024 they said it’s going to be fall ear it said spring on the thing on that big building it said robertas were

    Coming in Spring don’t tell me it’s coming in Fall yeah this is the AL they’re saying that I’m to show you my face it looks pretty much the same as that face over there cuz we’re identical twins wz I think it got pushed out they cuz originally they said it was supposed

    To be 2023 alley that it was open but it must actually be 2024 spring now NYC the NYC emoji and put the letter Emoji that’ll explain what we’re doing today Al do you think they’ve ever had a streamer on a a postage stamp no right I

    Don’t know I feel like who they put on pokem or Valkyrie there’s so many people they can put on there oh RF is Republic of France see that’s what I thought it was why would they have the Republic of France was this an embassy at one point

    I and then I deleted it accidentally in my bra which Wonder Woman do we like best now which Wonder Woman do you like best I kind of like this one the best yeah I like packages still I kind of like the Golden Age yeah Wonder Woman

    The best so nice cuz I guess these ones look more like what we see today I kind of like that one I think it’s the proportion of the eyes to me it’s more like Anime the bigger eyes we’re going to go walk to the new portion right now so we’re going to go

    To the new por which will have the new artwork Bronze Age Bronze Age Bronze Age I don’t remember what that is yeah I don’t so they’re not always new stamps um I think they usually have like see for example this forever stamp is from 2018 I think I think they’re using the

    Stamps just as artwork so they’re they’re not going to be all the ones that they offer the the stamps that they offer are actually usually in like cases this is not a flower store either a flower store no I do think it’s interesting that they’ve turned up a I love this stamp I

    Love this stamp is so cool this was for 2020 oh it’s a rat yep that’s a rat rat I thought I thought it was a cat too but no that’s that’s a rat that’s the most beautiful rat I’ve ever seen yeah operation Santa was here oh that’s cool

    S I don’t know if they actually throw it out I don’t know what they do maybe they read them apparently there are 10 total countries noted oh I didn’t know that I wonder why why though is 10 yeah why though is 10 thank you for that follow Rose

    DMC and thank you for the follow if you want to hear the RAR all you need to do is press that sweet sweet follow on so say that some people read the letters and try to answer back so this is the new M hand train Hall this all used to

    Actually be um this all used to be like offices and things and we actually were up in the offices it was like a a creepy dilapitated like 8 style wood paneled rooms yep and then it overlooked like a courtyard and a roof but it was not being used at

    All and look at how cool it actually looks super light and Airy like I am actually all for this so this is this is the Amtrak station so think think like smaf if you’re in France I don’t that’s the only other one I know besides Amtrak so there were Allie losing

    Connection for whom all of us I don’t know yeah it should just it’s just because t- T-Mobile is a little spotty right now it should be okay Soon should I put us on a mou no because T-Mobile is back well T-Mobile’s jumping all the way around so if we just move from the spot it should be fine yeah so it said each carving section is detailed with a carved national emblem

    Of the coat of arms of 10 members of the Postal Union at the time of the Buildings Construction which were United States United Kingdom German Empire French third Republic Russian Empire king of Italy king of there’s a lot there there’s a lot of different countries yeah I don’t know if it’s

    Getting better if not it’s fine I don’t I don’t know where the actual art pieces were though that I was looking for well we can hopefully find It melie thank you for subscribing huh I think if we leave and walk around we’ll be this is cool in the inside anything yep I didn’t know that we could be on the side I don’t think we we typically don’t walk on the inside look they even have

    Like look we can look down on them ooh o isn’t this a really cool view I love how it’s it has the um the departing trains yep it has the departing trains right there with the old style of sign it’s called The Irish exit alley what’s the Irish exit that’s

    The name of this little bar oh nice do you like this overhead view kind trippy to be honest poem in they said it looks like a zeppelin would depart from here actually I can see it I won’t drop you I mean it would certainly be content though if I dropped

    You but I definitely wouldn’t want to accidentally hit somebody’s head I know if could you imagine somebody yelling like I ordered this I’ll be down in a second thank you so much for letting us know get going then let’s walk out come on this is the call

    ATT yes this is the piece I was looking for thank you for the follow just bear if you want to make the follows happen or the r happen follow us on Twitch so this is supposed to be an upside down version of new New York isn’t that

    Fun you can see all the different spires this is one of the pieces we are looking for there are five pieces but I this is the only one that I was kind of sure where it would be all the other ones I have no idea I know right like

    Especially if you look at these from from every sing you’re going to get something amazing Alexandra look from directly underneath it actually looks like you’re seeing through it but it’s actually just a reflection of the ad right there isn’t that kind of cool super cool

    Uh so this is an art piece map of Manhattan it is actually put on it’s sponsored by the New York art project I can’t I’ll double check what it is but they have all these like schol building and it’s it’s on 34th it’s in the Amtrak station so it literally there there are

    Hundreds of people that walk through here to go to the train Hall and I wonder how many of them actually think to look up I actually saw this when it was first installed and it was before before all of the before all of these shops or anything and just the train

    Hall was first open and I was like wow what is this for this is so cool and then later today oh I today yesterday whenever I was looking at it I saw and it was cool also look how it reflects in the window Lexi so like you almost get like a bunch

    Of different art pieces just based on the reflections as well it frames it within each window Isn’t that cool all right yeah it’s like a skyscraper collage you want gloves I have I have some gloves in here if you want to if you hold this I can put my gloves

    On by the way a lot of people when they leave here they try to get a taxi that way by Madison Square Garden don’t do do it just walk here you’ll get a taxi right here or go to 9th or go to 9th there’s never a line on N but if you go

    By Madison’s for garden good luck thanks for the follow Deli when you follow on Twitch you get a we should go past um Madison Square Gardens again okay watch out there’s a bike on the I don’t care bikes aren’t supposed to be on the sidewalk I

    Know more so if be treed to people around well on 31st between 9th and eight what is Faith I missed it hey how do we feel about the soda being called star I mean Alexandra I somebody convinced me that 7 Up and star like star is the new version of 7even up

    And then I found out it is not but there are separate competing drink so I only dislike star in a way because I did really really well at work and we all thought we were going to get bonuses yeah literally thought they were going to get bonuses this is what we got

    Everybody we got a can of star soda and a sticker that said you a star could you imagine being like oh we’re going to get a bonus or at least we’re going to get like a party and then they’re like here’s a can of soda and a

    Little card that was printed out that said you’re a star no they didn’t even print a card Elliot they didn’t no the sticker said you’re a star my god look it was a nice thought but like we thought we were going it was it though

    Turn to the left um also yes the the yellow the Yellow Cabs can actually be less expensive than Ubers um and lips you just have to check and often times there are a lot more Yellow Cabs so I I tend to take Yellow Cabs unless I’m with Ally cuz Ally has

    Lip oh apparently star used to be Sierra Mist I like Sierra Mist yeah but why did it become Starry because they don’t like branding I don’t know I will say the starry logo is nicer than Sierra Mist I kind of thought about where did Sierra

    Mist go but I didn’t ever I always use 7 up instead so huh we’re going to turn to the right when we get up to the top there they said you can try star for free give And this is the front of the building ell look this is the thing that we can never remember for a stream neither snow nor rain nor heat nor Gloom of night stays these streamers so she’s she’s talking about the um post office like the coral corer modos Coro is from the

    Swift completion of their approved moved rounds from the completion of some sort of streaming contest but you can kind of see up at the top there kind of what each of the each of the windows would would be for the offices yeah so the offices not it is a

    Wind I’m freezing now um I only like the orange Mountain Dew Cod red code red no Code Orange I like Code Orange it’s literally called Code Orange and then I like Baja Blast which is apparently um cated and we didn’t know and somebody on stream bought us a massive Baja Blast and a

    Massive um slushie of Baja Blast and then we couldn’t sleep and we were wondering why oh no thank you look at that lovely trash truck see the trash trucks are exhaust why I feel like every time they’re in the bike lane though like I’m going to

    Get hit and killed by by that know you just got to pay attention so we learned in the midwest they have automatic trash trucks that grab the trash and throw it in the back we were astounding like Al Allie you’re the trash can it picks it up and it throws it in

    The back here which like I have never I mean that is like a new thing for me we’re going to turn this Way get out of my shot trash truck ‘s like no you shall not block my beautiful Empire State Building and Washington it does that too we are in not in New York City I don’t we’re in Midtown put those New York emojis in chat if you have that sweet sweet Dino

    Emote you think they’re going to win yeah I hav I haven’t had I I know they’re not going to win when they’re like oh it’ll be a tough one I had to ask everybody see is feeling very good about this game no but have you noticed all the women are like

    They’re going down we’re going to win but then when we asked the guys like oh it’s a tough one no they haven’t they didn’t say it was a tough time tough one this time around oh that’s true that’s true that’s true they said it was going

    To be a good game but they didn’t say it was going to be a tough one hi Cole hi hi everybody nope not Time Square not yet what is Pitch Black Mountain Dew I’ve never heard of that is Pitch Black oh it’s probably like something like gra

    Probably this has like got something can you can you double check my battery really quick make sure it’s it’s connected all the way because it’s like keep going on and off charging um I might I have a different battery so no just make sure it’s plugged in all the way okay

    Yeah you can take me should I put it in the in out or just the out in out oh okay well yeah that’s the one this is in out and then this is out no I said I said that one okay I think it’s fine now

    Maybe New York New York what a wonderful town yeah I know I know it looks like it would be the French flag everyone I didn’t know there was a steakhouse in there hm we are requesting a battle nope not today if we don’t know you we’re not doing a battle between Dan and

    Marty and us oh who is they said they will be soon but not tonight I don’t think cuz they I don’t know if they’re even bet see we’re we’re going to come up on the the new robertus I have have we ever seen a professional hockey game I don’t think

    So just call right oh I haven’t then I when I was living in Chicago I snuck into a Blackhawks game where are the Admirals are the Admirals hockey Wisconsin I think the Blackhawks are Chicago B on Fridays look at all these wonderful people look at them all oh wow all look

    At look at how many of them are all going to the gym on a Monday Mondays are for walking around Mondays are not for exercising hard you said no no no I said no no no no you say take me home I said no oh my God subing too much thank

    You twins cat Jam Oh I thought he was opening it up just for us where is our bike what do you mean we’re not we’re going to walk rock around bit we we were Lexi was biking to get here with me I wonder when this will be finally

    Completed I feel like 2 years from now I thank you for giting that sub to yito oh yes yes yes we’re both off bikes now we’re just I love this like space structure we should go well we’ll probably lose service but you can see how intensely um like vertical it is to go

    Down through there look at how pretty it looks too I I wonder what these are these for trees Alie maybe oh my gosh they’re for trees look well they yeah oh my goodness but I I there like um there’s so much concrete you have to have like giant Planters where they don’t have

    Enough I think so who knows Ally if they’re on the tree stage maybe by the spring it’ll be completely done yeah I thought so but who knows I feel like they’re always tweaking this now turn around look up R be it’s going to and Anita gelato I

    Know but anito gelato is all over the place there’s way less Roberto favorite pizza chain thank you for those 200 b i w all day twins hug thank you so much look at how pretty this is I know look at how pretty it is choo choo I don’t think it’s a choo

    Choo train yet wiggle wiggle wiggle oh never mind it’s a choo choo train now Alie D oh that’s dumb kid used to say Dune thank you for the 100 bits Crystal we could we could do it this way so that you can see it a thank you for the

    Roses well bear tell hyp Christmas time is really pretty it’s well I mean it’s not really Christmas but but I love all of the RS yeah well this is uh hi kitty kitty KY thank you for the follow UK Neil welcome on if you want to make it go

    Raar on the screen make sure that you click the follow on Twitch and make sure you follow on every other social so that we can dominate the social media world and look at Dune D I love Dune thank you for the 82 bits cat babble look at all these people just heading to

    The game also Discord we will have a movie night yes tomorrow tomorrow is movie night and you’ll get to get to know all of each other better and also us better so we appreciate you all coming on in and you’re right it does look like Vegas

    Because I didn’t think about it cuz it does it does look like Fremont Street oh really I don’t think of it that way yes it is because above remember there’s that overhang and then they have all of the literal like a a screen like this oh uh yeah here I’ll do the Discord

    Link you have 2 minutes and some change to walk on the hype train the other but um it’ll be at 700 p.m. ET it’ll be a great movie oh you’re good have 2 minutes and 15 seconds to hop on the Hy train oh I love this oh the ads change

    So quickly now they have an ad where it’s like it’s across two boards and they’re both getting pasta and I love it 1 minute and 58 seconds chug chug chug chug there’s a sabaro down here yeah this sabaro has been here forever you remark on it every time though as if it

    Shouldn’t exist it shouldn’t exist not I mean I like Saros is not a problem outside of New York I have an intense issue with sabaro being here in New sabaro is on the highway great right borrows in a Midwestern Mall Great away away the thank you Cat

    Babble but in general I like Saros I just think that in New York City you have better Pizza Ally wouldn’t it be great if they put a zip Z line here yes I would 1,000% do a zip line there zipline well it would be like Fremont Street then yeah yeah

    Exactly zaros does it differently but they we also have a better pizza here yeah feel like you know it’s kind of like Pizza Hut is here but it’s not really Pizza it’s fake Pizza it’s cheese sticks you take our idea I’m miss you have four minutes to hop on the hype train four

    Minutes Al and I’ve eaten sabaro too just in the midwest where it seems more acceptable I know the crane gains right yeah we’ll have to go do that a different time I just don’t think they’ll have service there we’ll have to test it come back a different

    Day no so the the Twin Tower memorial is further downtown yes no I don’t is there a pizza place ever other than black wait what are you talking about Crystal there’s there are there are pizza places on almost every block in New New York City Crystal pizza dunin donuts and pizza

    Some more oo look at that cool um that cool coat it looks like lions kind of almost looks like a rug or carpeting Lexi’s just by the way if you’re if you’re in New York the am Metro New York newspaper is free wait no not am Metro no there’s a free one they

    Usually not am Metro there’s another one that’s free I can’t remember there’s one that’s like um there’s one that says 42 on it there’s there’s ones that are like Soho ones those are local like local neighborhood ones and you can find a lot of cool events just listed in

    There you have one 1 minute and 50 seconds to hop on the Hy get your hot dog Ike get your hot dog what do you want me to switch it to yeah yeah yeah we’re going to switch you guys to the stabilized stick cuz it’ll be a little bit nicer for you all

    Unfortunately I couldn’t I couldn’t make my hands function very well after biking can you help open this Yeah thank you for the follow welc on in welcome on in here if you give it to me I’ll okay now you’re going to spin everybody a thank you for the follow this is Consulting bro all right it’s going to spin it’s actually not straight enough it’s got to be completely straight I’ll

    Try to show you how to do it look there you go I got be potatoes Tomatoes lamb tomato Chen hi everybody welcome on in if you’re new I’m Lexi and I’m Val and we are twins we do outdoor IRL here in New York City um we specialize in food

    Events walking tours and we’re going to be doing a lot for Lunar New Year so if you want to do Lunar New Year weekend there’s a ton of different events for Lunar New Year and a bunch of restaurant openings so we’ll be doing that Saturday and Sunday we have other days that we’ll

    Be streaming later this week um thank you so I’ll do your intro for the Raiders after this Be My Bad Boy be my man be my we can love but don’t be my friend you can be my bad boy but understand that I don’t need you in my life again W You Be

    My Bad Boy be my man be my we can love be my friend you can be my b boy but understand that I don’t need you again we do need the though thank you so much for the follow ask liner okay and thank you for the follow as well

    Uh uh uh Dave Dave Dave thank you and Cactus Captain Rob’s Adventures what were you up to a day besides just you know Adventure the universe if you are part of our please check them out make sure you follow them I want to see at least 20

    Follows from you and I will definitely 110% know who didn’t follow I might be bluffing thank you so much for following as well thank you everybody for coming on in So cal thank you for gifting that sub we appreciate you oh my gosh another follow so many announce cutter thank

    You thank you everybody thank you I we got to get across the street take me home I said no you said no no thank you so much for that sub and thank you for the follow hell bit thank you um so we are currently in Midtown we

    Are on 34th Street on our left we have Macy’s The Croc Store store which I never thought would be a destination that I would approve of but they have really cool craft but they have changed in the past 3 years they have like done a 180 and become cool cool

    Including yes but you can also get a lot of like um a lot of what are they called charms charm like specific ones you can only get in New York you can get specific charms and specific models of shoes and this is Macy’s by the way my new friends I found them

    Yesterday look at these distinguished gentlemen um everybody I’m going to pop in Macy’s really quick Lexie is going to take you um I’m going to show you around the corner yeah she’s going to show you around the corner and stuff I will meet up with you again I’m literally just going to the

    Bathroom look at that wow that’s cool I might incorporate something like that in our merch I love that that is so super cool anyway I will be right back is what I’m trying to say make sure you follow a lot while I’m gone so knows she’s still

    Loved Allie is like proof I know aren’t those cool allly and I actually are um we have not been able to put out merch in part because every merch person we’ve tried to collaborate with has said this same thing are you sure are you sure that you

    Want to make merch or do you want to make a fashion line and I think that is a great point we would rather make a fashion line than merch but we know that most of you just want our logo on a black T-shirt but yeah so we we do have I have

    A bunch of um designs that I personally want to make so maybe what we’ll do is we’ll make them and see if you guys want them and if not we’ll just wear them thanks de Ali and I are going to be we have a YouTube channel that is mostly um

    Dancing content um so if you like some of that we have that there otherwise Subs if you if you if you subscribe for the first time if you um commit to getting a new sub I guess if you’re an organic sub you definitely get a dance

    And then if you gift a certain number of Subs then you also get um get dances so if you like the dances that’s that’s a kind of a way to get it um this is kind of cool if you guys didn’t know as Black History Month we are obviously not a

    Part of that Community but we do want to kind of recognize it and celebrate it and Macy’s has done the kind of the same thing they’ve actually had an artist do portraits on these sort of glass panels of different um really important exceptional block people only on the down scares escalator

    Now okay so may do you guys want to see the wooden escalator if you didn’t know the escalator in Macy’s is wooden uh we may have a little bit of lag when we go down there but I think it’s important to kind of show you so let’s let’s head on over

    There here we’ll go on the outside I’m not 100% sure where the wooden escalator is so we are going to have to kind of ask oh why is this so stuck oh wow look what do you have to do in order to get a plaque in Macy’s let’s find a Macy’s

    Employee that can tell us where the escalator is hi where is the wooden escalator perfect okay perfect thank you okay so wooden escalators are kind of a thing because they were shown in Miracle on 34th Street Miracle on 34th Street was here in Macy’s I know it is right it is an amazing plaque so she said that if we go over here the escalator down should be wooden okay this is this is definitely not a wooden escalator I promise it’s cool though if we can find it it’s cool cat do you know where to

    Go Strauss was a Bavarian born American businessman politician and coer of Macy’s oh I didn’t know that I thought there was only one Macy’s okay so clearly not here let’s see just so you feel the formula difference maybe it’s down this way also I know everyone says that these arches

    Are McDonald’s arches they’re not they are supposed to be Hearts I promise you didn’t see it the last time you were there no I was I was hoping you’d be able to tell me where to go maybe it’s down this way well if need be we can ask the guy Where The Down

    Escalator is and ask for very specific instructions yeah so it used to be I think like last year even all of the escalators were wooden but then they changed them out and so now they’ve only kept two it was really Cool see look they’ve even this used to be the one that I knew see how the outside see how the outside is all wood but see that is now metal so we’re going to have to keep looking watch Aly will be completely done and Outside where is the down wooden escalator uh we found it over here the stairs and perfect thank you he said go up the stairs and make a left okay Hi trumpet welcome on in hi EK make did she say left or right I thought I said make or right but it is left yes oh it’s so cool look at it guys it was just hidden see look they’re still beautiful and wooden should we go down

    It but see look it and they make this like beautiful kind of clicking noise that I really love okay we may go down a little bit but I think we should ride down it okay or right down it and then we’ll ride up they also have a massive cool piano down

    Here and Gumball they never replace the gumball so they’ve got to be pretty old oh no I forgot you guys have asss okay but we will hopefully not have them for very long yeah so here’s this big piano that you can actually like step On and then they have these like weird fun house mirrors I don’t love the the fun house murals but I do kind of like that which is kind of fun so they have this like big piano where you can kind of have fun and play I can’t play I’m not very good at

    It I don’t remember it but then the this is the wooden escalator in case you missed It just kind of a fun thing I look good in a fun house mirror I mean you can but I’m glad they kept some of them but I’m I’m also sad they got rid of them at all like they probably are a nightmare to service but I also feel like there’s

    Just something so like magical about the history of them you know know and eventually they will take them out but it’ll be really sad when they do but okay guys we’re going to head out now that we’ve seen the the elevator we’re going to head out I’m

    Going to show you the Lunar New Year cuz just we just because we had a raid we’ll see the Lunar New Year um one and then I’ll talk to Ally and see if she wants to do if she wants to go down to K town to

    Get that fluffy egg there you are look it we found her I was just going to say we had to find you and then we found you did you see the um escalator yes we did what did we think of them Chad what did what well we also found a giant piano it

    Seems like they were more happy with the piano alley really yeah really you like the flashy flashy over over the history how dare how dare you you hi tennis welcome on in hi Jeep hey Jeep did you know that when we were in Wisconsin on stream we saw a jeep that

    Was completely decked out for Christmas they’d made the extra Tire into a wreath and then they had lights and Santa on the roof like an actual guy dressed to Santa sticking out of the top oh do you like those shoes Alie they’re very expensive shoes I don’t like the one oh of course

    They’re Michael yeah they’re Michael Kors Michael have this really like weird halfhazard bad era for like 3 years but now he’s starting to get back into it this still kind of looks like less cool for the price Pig you know yeah oh here thank you for sure mom’s and

    Babies go first you want twitch yeah actually how she how did she know we were on Twitch maybe she saw the backpack no she didn’t see the back I maybe she was a streamer she kind of looks like she could be also guys this year of the dragon the most powerful

    Animal in the Zodiac they changed out the out oh they did you’re right this isn’t the same outfit this isn’t the same outfit wait maybe we’re just in the wrong window Ellie Ellie Ellie Ellie Ellie we always miss it run go run you can do it Yep it’s for seven and then the little owl’s eyes light up you can see they’re green but we always miss it cuz we’re usually here at like 10000 p.m. or something and then it’s like one Bell and it’s done oh wow from far back here

    Al is cool too because you can kind of see the whole Dragon Mhm the eyes have been glowing for over a hundred years so I I my understanding is that lights and light bulbs in the the thing up there right yeah so apparently its eyes have been oops glowing for a 100 years so a lot of the oldest light bulbs are actually at fire

    Stations or their safety lights and I was reading about this and they’re saying that those light bulbs weren’t designed better than other light bulbs it’s just because there were safety bulbs or places in other public areas they never got turned off and it’s actually the turning on and off of light

    Bulbs which make them burn out but they are very different than the light bulbs made nowadays for sure they were made to last versus just be thrown away right since the year 1776 when we were born what I wondered if you were going to catch that actually thinking about my shin I

    Said you said 177 I was like when we were born and she went mm what oh let’s not get hit by a car today if your bulbs lasted forever they can’t sell them to you anymore that’s true Tunes but originally things were like meant to last because they were so

    Expensive but yes the the planned they said the light bulb industry also invented it invented what um obsolescence I don’t know that’s what somebody said LED light bulbs are supposed to last 15,000 hours yeah unless you live here in New York um cuz I know cuz one

    Of my clients they did the wiring maybe wrong they keep telling it’s faulty product but they did their wiring wrong and so they’ve gone through 10 lights and because the lights are LED like they’re actually like hardwire lights you have to get rid of the whole light

    So I don’t know what to say about that that’s a very expensive way what did product say uh the people the people that made it no they we like the people that have made it have sent them multiple lights at this point have they just will pay

    You the money back at this point we don’t want you to keep coming to us no we’re we’re um we’re sending an electrician to check the other electricians work I know wow those are cool they’re little closer to like cowboy boots they’re a little Western for me oh my God wait wait a

    Second hello hi onine and it oh bluish honest I don’t have anything blue right now oh yeah I’ll pull it up I just wanted to see the actual color yeah look at That I love the toe plates the oldest light bulb was at a fire station it didn’t start its life there it was donated to the fire station Wow which one is it yeah but do they have it I don’t know I want to see what the color looks like well I think that’s the black over here black yeah oh I didn’t know they came in Black they’re less interesting in in Black Alley you also have this one Ali is like I don’t want to buy shoes until I try themal I look at it’s okay Lexi wants to leave I can see it in her Facey just go you want no it’s it’s fine I just like look at these so I guess

    These are made off of body adornaments I like these look at see look at how Lexie these are soft I didn’t look give me one second for to come back out oh that’s okay these are these are cuz I got these I we and I ended up R turning them

    Cuz they beat up my heels so badly even with socks yeah that’s going to be a superer leather the blue ones are you’re insisted in is softer oh I mean I love the way these look but it a little while to sof up how do I soften them up we

    Have a wax for them you put the wax all over the outside before you first wear them that’ll do some of the sof oh apparently we were supposed to wax them them for an entire day we live a few hours at time yeah yeah probably yeah

    Now I I was like so excited and then like have the salt ones on the table Alie is like very interested in this I don’t like these ones though no it’s it’s well Aly at this point look at they have a little Valentine’s collection and then 37 I like these ones too these ones are cool I know these are very cool Ally but they’re very expensive go Lexi and I’ll CET up okay are you sure cuz aren’t you going to want me to see the color it’s fine I will okay is it a is it a push oh is

    Push I love we start talking about random stuff on our thing all the time like ancient light bulbs and then the next moment is about shoes ooh this looks good seafood tofu bit those don’t look that great to me I feel like i’ I’ve seen better [Applause]

    Ones so we’re going to keep walking end users actually wanted both bright lights and long life can’t get both only a middle ground if they wanted plal blesscent they would have opted for bright light but short life use oh that’s kind of cool to think About so you know what’s also like kind of interesting in a way so like the whole conversation about the light bulbs right is you want both things but you can only get one so with strawberries right with strawberries they opted for redder strawberries and bigger strawberries but

    They were actually less sweet so the smaller strawberries tended to be more sweet but they felt like larger ones would sell better and so they went for larger ones so you end up getting this weird thing where what people actually want are large sweet strawberries but what they ended up

    Getting was large strawberries and not sweet ones hi welcome on in I Can See Clearly Now strawberries yes exactly strawberries are insanely large and then you also get like the $10 strawberries that they sell at the Japanese store and those are both Perfection like on the outside they look

    Perfect and large and very sweet and that’s where I don’t understand how can Japan get this like perfect strawberry granted it’s like $10 a pack for them like and they’re probably more than that they’re probably like 20 and I I don’t mean like a pack as in like 16 oz

    I mean like five strawberries for $10 um but like how can they do it how come they can make the perfect strawberry in Japan but not here but I need to find Aly oh I found my pen I’ve been looking for my pen all day guys I had to go and

    Ask my cooworker for another pen and look I have one I found it it was in my pocket all day oh I know you don’t care about a pen everyone but this is exciting news my red pen the last red pen in the entire office and now I found

    It they used it their own way with square watermelons too I know right okay Ally said that the shoes are not the same color at all so we are heading back I at that price Japan Japanese proba must have gotten their own see on the plane look they’d be worth it for that just saying it’s relatable to me I actually lost a pen but I have a couple of pens one red and one blue I know

    Right I don’t well see the thing is is I leave my pens on top of my desk because if I don’t leave them on top of my desk people go through my drawer and I’d rather they just get the pen they want but that means I also am like now the

    Free pen store at my work essentially and now they’re always missing I don’t from the pen or from the shoe color because we’re going to check out the shoe because Ally wanted to buy these blue shoes potentially but we were worried that they might not be the right color and it

    Sounds like they’re not the right color came back well they’re definitely L bluish they also are way more comfortable than the other ones they are kind of shiny Allie I’ll think about them you’ll think about them I’m just really mad I didn’t buy them yesterday they’re $50 cheaper well maybe they’ll come maybe

    It’ll come back Alie I know they are still heavy and they do kind of still um flip around she does wearing the thin little ones thin socks I think that’s never going to not happen the thicker socks should not be an issue then no but you would have

    To probably take a band and like add something here to hold it around your ankle if they slip and are that heavy so would you be willing to modify it the blue ones are definitely better than the black ones 100% well but I like the black ones that they don’t have

    Either and I like the big tall ones so I got to think about it cuz I can’t get um are the ones that you don’t have the same style of leather or are they the no one that we don’t have I don’t know if I can get up my ankles are not

    Happy the of the shoe rather than the actual design of the shoe um all of these are technically AUD just because they all the Same oh my god do they make these in not kid shoes oh my God yes un that’s okay I just need to know to look for him look it guys Moon boots yeah exactly be the closest oh no the the thing I don’t even care what it looks like as long as it

    Has no this Stars the stars but thank you man it’s okay I I need to be apparently 12 Again are you going to think about those then Ellie yeah cuz it’s also really hard when yesterday they were $50 cheaper and I just had them in my heart I know and then in the morning it refresh thank you for the follow rayar welcome on in but it’s also hard because I don’t

    Know which ones I would prefer more the black ones or the or the blue yeah well we can think about them at this point cuz they’re not on sale your ear muffs are here but they AR as much oh we’ll talk about it tonight I don’t know how how I feel

    About the clogs alley look look at these Western sandals how do we feel about that welcome on in Buzzy how are You are these horse hair does anyone know I know she dreaming about them oh these are Lunar New Year collection that’s cool who Knew allly is is getting the low down from them wow look at how tall these are oh I don’t know I touched it and now it won’t stay up we go are we heading Out yeah I Know uh at the beautiful Empire oh yeah yeah yeah so the the ones that are for the the dragon were designed by um I think they were designed by a Asian uh designer want to walk through here I think that’s the deal what didn’t do my the sandals are still decent

    Uh so1 1999 part of it is that we got the date wrong on a sale so now the shoes are much more expensive um so like that’s part of it too is we’re a little bit sad because we had to we um like they wouldn’t price match them

    So we return them to get them like at a lower price but by the time we got the return like processed it was no longer on sale anymore more and so Ally thought well maybe I can get these other ones instead cuz they probably work better for me but

    Now they’re not on sale either so it’s just it’s more expensive kind of thing so we have to really think about it cuz like shoes are expensive but unfortunately here in New York we go through so many pairs of shoes Ellie How many pairs of shoes do you think we go

    Through a year I don’t know anymore so usually usually we go through three pairs of boots um cuz we’re walking everywhere like a season so I would say and if you wear if we wear sandals like I think last summer we went through six pairs of

    Sandals a lot of people ask how many like kilometers how many miles do you walk how many steps do you walk but a lot of people don’t ask how many shoes do you go through and I feel like shoes is a better measurement a better measurement because outside of New York

    I feel like a lot of people don’t wear out their shoes they just are no longer fashionable so they stop wearing them yes I hope you get back to New York soon though your flight is very long II and I have not made it to Australia or

    New Zealand yet because of that just make all your shoes out of diamond then they be so heavy though that’s the problem you know who is a little traitor this today cheesy cheesy so Ally came over to say hi to cheese and he immediately sauntered up

    And rubbed all over her and sat on her and made a big show about how much he loved her does he do that to me no no no he does not I fell asleep I legit fell asleep allly fell asleep because she was so comfortable they said the flight well

    How long is the flight is the flight to like Beijing more or less than to Australia I don’t know my geography very well so keep that in mind well it depends what route you go like they said from La it’s probably more like uh from La it’s only 16 hours

    From NYC is probably 20 to 22 exactly that’s really long that’s like you’re losing a whole day when I worked in delivery I broke pairs of shoes in months yeah exactly that’s the thing so we just walk a lot Chee Che last trip from when I left home to head

    To New York in a whoa it was 32 hours was it so it was was it 32 hours because you also had to get to the airport because I feel like we have to get to the airport like for international flights that’s 3 hours early and then if

    You’re in the city and it’s during rush hour it’s going to take at least at least an hour if not 2 hours to get to the airport so that’s like 5 hours right there and then you have the flight so really you’re looking over like a full

    Day the amount of V you to do has gone through 30 ver of shoes a year no so we try to we try to get shoes that are going to last our sandals are not usually that though unfortunately it’s hard to say like I’m going to buy a really expensive pair of

    Sandals somehow I in my mind I’m like yes I can buy an expensive pair of boots somehow that makes more sense to me it’d be cool if you could use shoes this attacks right off so Omni they used to allow you to do that they don’t anymore um they’ve changed a lot about

    How like food you could do half and now you can’t do that anymore you can’t do like offices in the in your apartment anymore so they’ve changed a lot about um taxes which is a bit sad T I’ve never looked at Adventure sandals the problem is is I like are

    Those the ugly sandals no I don’t call them that some people think they’re cool um yeah no uh we’re using like K-pop sandals everybody we are using fashion sand fashion sandals which are not known for being for walking they’re literally called fashion sandals we had a 3-hour delay oh no but

    Also if you get delayed in La if you get delayed in La they have a gaming room they have a gaming room and they also have sleeping pods and um well even if you get in um JFK okay there’s a hotel there and you can get um you can choose

    To have like a sleeping like a layover like a daytime thing and it’s anywhere between 3 and 6 hours that you can rent which is kind of cool too and it’s not too bad I mean it’s still expensive it’s not as cheap as a lounge but it’s like your space and it’s

    Usually like 130 bucks so you can like sleep I mean that would maybe be the smart way to go a lot of stre rors that we know end up getting very durable shoes the thing is is that as as women we tend to get judged a lot more in our

    Fashion how would you feel if we launched our own shoes I don’t know cuz we’d have to make them pretty durable Ally I live out in Farmland shoes tend to last forever because you’re driving everywhere or because they’re like they may be like work boots someone suggested cuz he was a

    Construction guy that we get work boots cuz it lasts forever I see by the way if you guys are new here follow here’s your call to follow it feels like we do it a lot I understand but the average twitch person only stays less than 20 minutes that

    Means that we have a whole new cck of people that could potentially follow La only has sleep pods in the in the international terminal oh well that sucks for you then well I’m sorry monkey I was thinking that if I was going to Australia it wouldn’t matter I love caterpilar safety 3

    Ooh does everyone around you as you walk down the street have to sign a waiver to be on stream no so heck this is public property um we’re also not using it for commercial per purposes so let’s say we decided hey I’m going to use this for an

    Ad or I’m going to use this for like a documentary then it might certain documentaries because it is public it is public property and if you look around like all of like if you see here see that see these over here Lexi too that’s a camera and then do you see these over

    Here also also cameras so you’re getting photographed all the time also New York is a single consent state which we have to explain a lot to people uh we will always be super considerate we’ll always like if we’re going to interview somebody we will always ask but as a

    Single content state if you come up and you approach us we immediately have the right to talk to you and to film with you you have no right to privacy so there’s there’s it’s not assumed privacy so it’s a little bit different for each state but in New York that’s

    How it runs I know you were joking but I I you try to say that too so people know because some people get really um weird about it yeah look at denim is everywhere look at all the denim Ellie also got Frankie her cat a denim jacket I did um and she

    Looked pretty cute in it so Frankie is on Trend yeah Frankie is looking mighty cute that cute but Nico Nico got set and so he took all the jackets and sat on them every single one the little new sweatshirt the den someone and the um outdoor fuzzy like winter jacket he sat

    On them all cuz she looked awfully cold and I was like where’s your where’s your jacket Frankie and she looked over at Nico and I was like Nico what’s going on and I picked him up and he was hiding them underneath him yeah so Frankie has to

    Have jackets because the boys because to give you an idea cheese is is 12 well yeah cheese is 12 12 lb and he’s very very long and so he gets overheated very easily Frankie is only 8 lb um so she tends to be get she might be nine now

    She might be nine now because she’s actually continued growing lengthwise um and head but her head is stay little um so she tends to get cold compared to the boys very fast so we put her in little sweaters cuz otherwise she’ll like get really upset oh I’m glad that you spent an

    Hour I appreciate it we actually heard that some some of you all go on treadmills and walk with us which I think is really cool actually oh my God I thought I saw watch hly it’s just a girl that or a woman that looks like herol ooh biker boots is what we should

    Look for they’re saying like bicycle or like like biker like motorcycle motorcycle my cat is 16 lb look if you have a mun mun can go up to like 22 lb Savas can be 21 savanas are also much bigger too if they’re [Laughter] male oh my gosh okay so we’re just we’re

    We’re quietly looking at the science and that that woman goes oh [ __ ] and I was like is it cuz of the wind or like what as her no she was no she was uh she was on the phone alley I know she was I figured that out

    But I’m surprised they don’t have more people out and about today Allie what I said I’m surprised they don’t have more people out and about but it is actually pretty cold well and it was so nice 2 days ago that’s true um you could also do biking so we

    Bike a lot too but people tend to bike or um do stair steppers which there is a special place in hell for me that has a stair stepper uh I just cannot do that and I know it’s supposed to be good for your for your butt and your legs just cannot

    But yeah so if if you want to work out uh and feel like you’re going someplace wait look to the great I’ve never seen virgils before is that is that new maybe let’s go look at it cuz I don’t recognize that sign we as long as as long as the vet thinks

    It’s okay that’s the main thing we’re not going to jum we are not vets we’re not going to judge you if your cat has a bona donk they said it’s Monday even Garfield Mondays hey hey look G Ramy fish and chips I didn’t need to eat them

    At in Vegas I know they’re here now here all the time no no no no I think this is newer I think it opened last year I like I’m along with you at least I like it in Vegas Bodega for the bodega open until midnight it says it’s a deli but it

    Looks more like a bodega to me oonah will be insane for St Patrick’s Day and then Virgil’s which I don’t even know what it is I feel like we’ve gone past it and just not noticed Al I think they got a new sign I think they got a

    New sign that has now lured you in how giant that well no it doesn’t even look that new maybe I just never noticed it I think we’ve never noticed it I think it’s not new and I’ve just never noticed it before you see something new every day stair steppers have high resistance

    Training but no impact stair sters are better for those who are prone to joint pain oh for the lon um Lon so they actually make my my joint swell well because we aren using the correct mus um they they make my knees swell but we’re also probably not using

    The right muscle Ali night we have this condition and I don’t remember exactly what it’s called but we actually tend to use our our tendons instead of our main muscle group so like be using our core so when now I my leg with this muscle like

    It’s very hard like right now my ankles really hurt and that’s because oh no thank you um so when I like I’ve been walking a lot this weekend so my ankles hurt what really should hurt is like my upper leg and my lower like my main muscle groups if that makes

    Sense by the way don’t forget to follow us on all the socials from but I will keep it in mind also Al you want to see how I do a stair stepper yeah let me look this is the this is the thing yeah you do kind of look like

    You’re in Hell there luy show them show them your facial expression cuz that’s even better that’s me on the stair ster thank you for the follow Colton did you follow specifically for Lexi’s pained face I’m sure if you gift 100 Subs you’ll you’ll make her have a a asthma

    Attack again I I’m not saying you should I’m just saying oh my God that’s the same face that happens when she gets overwhelmed missed a couple comments in you went to the stair stepper Mill once what are you talking about cat like get those sweet sweet s

    Follow but thank you for the follow Colton I appreciate it eating grapes can help reduce swelling I didn’t know that they just told me so when I complained about the fact that my um I was getting shin splints and my knees were swelling from running you know what they said

    They said then just don’t run wow so she she was actually doing a dance so I was trying to say I like those boots a lot I love the Boots this is how you make the magic see how the sausage gets made just got to D but it depends on the angle it’s the angle but you also can’t hear the music cuz we can hear the music and it makes sense but also look it she’s also doing

    Doing a song Too Ally what she’s also doing a song See influencers know to come out on Monday cuz cuz Mondays are going to have less people but still enough people so it doesn’t look dead and it’s so Monday nights are probably your best time to film something in Time Square because

    There’s way less shows going on uh metal and then her metal and she’s singing she’s actually she’s actually singing so maybe she’s her own and I don’t know if she’s doing like a cover or a dance specifically for that but it didn’t sound like her singing but maybe

    She’s doing like a cover that or you know or maybe it’s a part of her band and she’s just you know yeah we don’t know but you can always find something cool going on in Time Square and the nice thing about Monday is there aren’t as many of the

    Jumpers the people that jump like for 2 seconds and then yell around for 45 minutes yeah see look at this Bright Beautiful I can walk through the street this oh he was Ellie he was um he was uh skating yes he was in line I don’t know how he felt comfortable doing

    That Ali is wearing the yellow jacket I’m wearing the heart jacket my name’s Lexie Lexi Al Lexy Aly yes in New York I do also love the rise the Statue of Liberty it’s a great place for a picture what you Ally what average says I’m glad you shared your yellow jacket with Ally

    Lexie that’s my jacket hi merang welcome on was that average yes he can be banned don’t actually ban him though no I’m totally joking thank you for the potatoes hi aric deborra yes uh heck I was walking alone um yesterday I know she Jenny copied yes yes exactly we

    Had it first we had it in December though maybe she bought in December too no she copied us hey you’re allowed to copy C style you are especially you’re allowed to copy style you know good style is for everybody right yeah I actually have one too but it was

    I was colder today so I didn’t wear it yeah this this is this jacket is definitely not as warm oh the ankles just got to be cold the exposed ankles I like her pants go a lot I know want I know all I I just want to eat the

    Same thing over over and over that’s the problem what shall these oh no you want the dim some yeah I do oh right heck I forgot about that I forgot to ask him if he was going to post the pictures or if we could um repost them on our Instagram and give him

    Credit Ally they um a guy when I was on stream yesterday took pictures of me in my jacket oh do you send him to us uh I sent him a message was he trying to get money no no no no he just he just liked how my heart nails matched my heart Jacket look this steps are open you want to go the step yeah yeah yeah yeah what is this from wait so this is Dusty Square not Time Square who the hell is Father Dusty maybe this is maybe I mean I know it’s that dude no but maybe it’s just this portion Aly I know oh look demons like comes out Alie what something for oh he’s to us so uh Demon Slayer alley is in theaters February 23rd oo worth it oh he was a chap oh interesting give you kind of a good overview of New York

    Uhhuh what were you going to say I was just saying that you can get a higher view but I don’t know if it’s any better it might be it matters more when it’s like a a a Tuesday or like even better yet a Thursday or a Friday well then you

    Because there are more people so you have to kind of go up pretty high look at the Mari bands where very cool I wonder they’re going to play can you take a picture please what can you take a picture for them ah I see I see look at Ali beautiful tourist helper

    I I’ll do a 3D spin in just a minute 5 4 3 2 1 oh veral but I do different then you’re going to get okay I you I got to be one okay okay thank you very much oops sorry sorry sorry taking pictures they like trust they’re like Trust us we

    Know I’ll be overwhelmed you think that but you get used to it quickly before I can see their sad faces as they ask somebody else for better pictures Ally was concerned I I think I like looked at like them with like deer in the headlights when they asked

    Me only they look at Ally and they’re like I cannot run her here we’ll Complete the Time Square 360 yes thank you for thanking your gifter Everybody it’s okay I love hearing the songs that people decide to sing oh wow look it Allie allly look super cool wait what yeah for Tik Tok or Instagram Tik Tok sweet what’s what your handle dude Supreme Showtime danc what is it Supreme Showtime danc okay perfect thank you very lucky that kid

    Didn’t dancer perfect so so his handle is supreme show room dancer right is that what he said I couldn’t hear him but he’s on Tik Tock I just love the conglomerate of people like that are here yeah on Mondays Mondays has a weird mix of people but see more more influencers are

    Setting up guys see influencer alley right there can I do those moves no I cannot yes well we could go into house fishing and try to get some food alley water I don’t I didn’t think about it but Alie what there’s a CVS that way though or actually there’s a CVS up so

    We can do you see the there’s one right there star we’re going to ask Starbucks for water if they’re open otherwise we’ll we’ll get a a b bottle from CVS it’s really thirsty in the I’m a dehydrated kind of way right I’m not thirsty like thirsty thirsty I’m just dehydrated okay dehydrated

    Jollies actually like pays like you have to you they don’t really give you water for free you have to pay for Water you can get like yummy pineapple Quenchers water water baby exactly so we’re we’re heading up to Starbucks in the hope that Ally can get a water oh no there people in there there are people in There we’re just grabbing a water maybe they’re done though we’ll have to see I do love these old lights on the Starbucks no no no it’s free water what’s kind of cool is here in New York you can get um like some people will collect these they have different cities

    From across the US and also world like so Paris has one of these that you can get I think I don’t know but they used to have a Brooklyn cup I thought not going to do that cool right and look at they have one for Time Square specifically

    Too I used to have one that was like black and like got gold on it and I I broke it and I’m so sad about it you got your water Ellie watch out watch out watch out what did they ask what were they asking you Alie cup of water cup of water

    I know right oh no cuz I was trying to go through that no we’re just vloggers see the crackheads yet no I mean we live here so so a guy too or person I guess I don’t know what their pronouns are literally through the through that and missed and so it

    Smashed and got water all over the ground making fun of me but whatever we didn’t break anything that person did we didn’t break it they threw it um oh the yeah so when I originally I originally had a Time Square bug he was up he is what we would call Monday en

    Energy Monday energy very special Monday energy in New York is weird it’s just is I’m just happy that I got some like hydration some hydration ooh look at look at them your tricks and do a trick do a trick a it’s behind so you can’t really see

    Why don’t we go on the other side we’ll go on the other side maybe he’ll do a trick you guys wanted me to pop a wheelie I can’t do that but this person definitely can look look look look look yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Oh they’re practicing with the chair yeah thank you I was starting to get too dehydrated for my own good Monday energy we don’t like Monday energy here if you grab that then I can I know right check my phone your phone’s at 43 it’s fine oh perfect

    Good but that’s why you want to like film on Monday energy time cuz there are less people around but you also don’t want to necessarily film because it’s Monday energy abound you know um they moved to LA that’s where they moved they made they’re in like a

    They were you got blocks you got blocks the last time the last thing I heard he was um he moved to LA but I don’t know if he’s there and his um it was his birthday and his wife is pregnant or had her had their baby so he’s got a lot of

    Like he’s got a lot of stuff going on a lot of big stuff going on in his life but somebody actually um commented on it and on one of our video like our dance video that he was in recently yeah and he answered and that was really

    Cool look Silver Surfer yeah look it’s for Silver Surfer I love that character right I think so yeah it is Silver Surfer no he didn’t necessarily remember somebody else commented and I think cuz he’s tagged in the video he also got it or maybe he just checks it every once in

    A while and he answered them which was cool probably he remember members yeah I mean he he was super cool too he’s like one of those people that is willing to like do collaborations with a whole bunch of people you know and like he obviously he does stuff

    With big Brands but he also does it with smaller creators which is really cool too you know she has her I I know I was thinking of that too Alie she must be making travel content what was the guy dressed as I don’t know what what guy I don’t

    Know that’s King Kong that’s King Kong but also look at we can maybe see what she’s singing cuz we’re going to go past her Ally okay she must be a singer she’s got to be a Latin singer here and they’re going to put the put

    The clips over the top look we did find the show guys h no no no no the thing about like uh we we don’t tell people like where we live we like to joke that we live in Time Square cuz we always try to like like if we’re kind

    Of in Midtown we like to at least go go through mid like three Time Square once because it it feels more like um homeing away all the influencers Another Monkey well you have um you have the rest of the Bagles by the way I left him in your Bridge

    Okay someone would have posted on his butt oh did they no no that’s his fan that’s his fan that’s the fan to keep him um to keep him like cool cuz it gets really or not cool blow it up cuz you have to don’t you don’t

    They have to like suck the air in from outside I don’t know but I know that in I know it requires a fan it requires a fan we know that much smothered oh oh wow I love that teddy bear I know it just looks so meh it looks so meh ah

    Look at they look an itty bitty screen it’s kind of fun to see the different styles of of screens that they have in New York cuz they have like the rounded ones they have the 3D ones they have them in all different sizes and in all different places that’s a big bear

    Exactly oh look at the wild life wow that’s cool no no no we’re not going to do that also they have um the fairy that goes It goes from one side to the other and I think it goes to the two different fairies I’ve ever never actually taken it Though heck it’s Monday energy they have a more of a police presence on other days so like on Saturdays Sundays days that people are are more likely to get in trouble stay up that’s and you don’t need the hours anymore remember how I love that man I don’t know than no

    He’s he’s trying to De he’s debating them about how telling them that they don’t need that job Anymore we don’t need that energy you don’t need to you can find a better job see I I like that guy wingman and his friend he’s trying to support friend for not working himself Elmo like a I missed them oh my God no no we’re not going to near go near

    Elmo we’re not going to go near Elmo no I know you all like Elmo I’m glad that you can see him from afar I like Elmo when he’s small and itty bitty but not when his head is lifted above his face with somebody who’s covering their

    Face inside of Almo cuz clearly Elmo ate a Person man she’s got to be cold oh no come off my sweatshirt maybe have to see look it Alie was so concerned that this came off myshirt you should maybe keep it did you see the Panic everyone I was like oh no is he a monster or is Elmo just a muppet a

    Muppet cuz I don’t know if Muppets are technically a monster I need to know for if someone asks me about monsters remember that game and it starts like you have a category like cars or like beverages or food or monsters and like I would start with like a and you have to

    Do B and like keep going like C D whatever I would need to know if Elmo for E counts as a monster well what would you put for a as a monster I don’t know Alison see there isn’t one Monster’s too hard no you could do the name of a monster

    Maybe Alvin the Chipmunk is Alvin the Chipmunk a monster he’s a giant Siz he’s a giantz chipmunk that can talk and S I think that’s Alvin the Chipmunk for a big for bird for bee no you’re going with big bird you’re not going to go with Bigfoot Bigfoot for B cookie monst kabra

    Kabra yes for c d dinosaur dinosaur is not a monster is an extinct animal C is what e is clearly Elmo F Frankenstein Frankenstein yeah well Frankenstein’s monster do you would get on of that technicality Alexandra Frankenstein is the creator of the monster but that’s really the gargoyle

    No wait that is the whole point of the book is that the guy is actually the monster the monster or the person that created the monster without any thought of what would become of the monster I have one for H hinge Hing like the [Laughter] app hinge can be so

    Mean can be crel Hing is unhinged good point true good point they’re saying that A is for Alley what who said that let me look at my chat uh guiler goes with elf yeah you e for Elf would work I using unicorn Al’s already like hop to

    You Q would be impossible quot qu no is a king it’s not a God yes no qu cotal is like the the Mayan he a god snake feather thing it’s a God yeah but it doesn’t matter z z Zeus Zeus is a God again I know that’s

    The thing gods are not moners they are separate what about well M would be the minitar minitar for n m would work Medusa there’s a lot of M’s literally [Laughter] monster yeah it’s cold out and Baby it’s cold out good trees to work too where watching this show called

    Um something edible in the dungeons or delicious in the dungeons delicious in the dunge it comes out on Thursdays I love it and I am so mad they are making it only one at a time because it kills us cuz we want to just watch them all why it’s light it’s Airy it’s

    Fun I mean here’s a thing a lot of these shows they come out one at a time now and it’s like I don’t remember we we to week well it’s like why would you do that to us cocka Tre a fire breathing chicken we can roast him from the inside

    With snakes on its tail Ally is going literal and I’m literally like rotiss inside out you be nice and juicy on the outside and burnt on the inside oh man did you see that this the um Shake Shack now has like a a Korean style burger this is Smash Burger so different

    But yeah I was like that doesn’t look like a Shake Shack to me L internal frame Roy exactly happy birthday that’s a great sentiment I like that I I too am cold well she had a crown on that said happy birth or happy birthday or it’s my

    Birthday I know I know and she said thank you and the other person behind her went I’m cold yeah she looked pretty cold herself didn’t she yeah but you got to was that up there I do not know creepy definitely looks creepy Ally just like this little

    Hcap I I dislike this street right here yeah it’s interesting except for this used to be a big hole in the ground and they used to find kittens there all the time I tried to convince somebody to give me the kitten that they found and they said no they’re going to hand it

    Over to their friend I was like that cat’s going to get loose you got to at least put it in a bag that cat’s trying to rip your eyes out I pick up the cat no problem soever I put him right in the bag I put the I zipped

    The bag shut so it’s just around his like neck so his little head is sticking out and he was not a problem for me hand him back back and then the cat is going ballistic yeah I think I think the cat distribution system was like wrong that

    Time I Meed for the other one that was coming not you but it’s okay if that had happened I wouldn’t have gotten Frankie and Eco you already had pranky and Eco that’s why two weeks after you got Frankie and Nico is the Hulk the mask out of uh Smash Burger

    No so I also feel like Thor could be cuz he’s really good at smashing glasses what do you mean another bam I feel like Thor would like burgers I think so the real question is what would be Thor’s favorite topping I feel like he’d like bacon and spicy cheese very

    True but maybe isn’t he from like a Norse culture technically right yes he’s an alien but like Norse so maybe he’d like a salmon burger instead I don’t think of them eating cows I don’t know why they probably did eat cows but I feel like they could get fish more

    Readily cuz like if they’re in a very snowy Place how are they feeding their cows through the winter you know who are we talking about now the asgardians yes they’re asgardians they have a they have magic okay they have magic I forgot about that don’t cuz you’re getting really

    Low thank you for those five good Subs Allie’s legs are like not working I tried to jump and my legs were like n man you’re not jumping today I like my legs would not jump what happened there a bad things somebody dropped oh they dropped a whole thing of like ice cream maybe

    Syrup oh gosh looks like raspberry syrup chocolate raspberry we can go across Ellie thank you Mr winds I really appreciate it I always wanted to see that one with the try guy Keith oh I forgot about that is it still running I don’t know maybe it might should we

    Got oh man it’s stting to get really cold isn’t it our it wasn’t chocolate it had like I think it was like raspberry or like some kind of like red red syrup better you can call me Frozen if you want to no it hasn’t been weird with

    Work all right we’re cold we’re really really cold everybody so we’re going to head over to Foxy please remember we have a movie in Discord tomorrow 7 p.m. ET 7:00 p.m. so if you don’t know what that is it’s like an hour earlier than right now but if you go to Discord and

    Events it will also show you um what time it is in your time zone oo really cool I see you 60 people get in on the get follow and get it on the raid also if you’re new please follow uh we should be on again I might

    Be on tomorrow morning but I might not otherwise definitely will be on Thursday morning okay by a thank you for that follow you’re the best probably last F oh hell of it thank you did you guys a chees wiggle wiggle wiggle did you guys

    Start a hype train do I have to stop The Raid no no no no no it’s going to raid out anyway and guys um please make sure you say hello to them cuz we’ll be running to get out of the cold she does IRL streaming as well but tonight not

    Not they’re not but um otherwise tomorrow tomorrow we’ll see you in Discord in Discord tomorrow it’s only a stream away come join us for the movie night wow thank you

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