3 epic days in Hossegor, France. Hossegor is just a few miles north of Biarritz in the south west of France. We got there on a cheap flight with Ryanair from Dublin. It was awesome to soak up the French heat. We also attended the Christian Surfers Gathering which happens ever 3 or 4 years, we’ll cover that hopefully in one of our next videos. Hope you enjoyed this video. God is good, all the time:)

    I don’t know Mason ho Stuart’s going to talk to Mason ho so this is the best thing about France you get barrels on the sand close to the beach it’s 6ot it’s offshore it’s day one and this is the French Dream the question with France is are you going to

    Get Closeouts or virals or this looks pretty epic come search the cliff some more dude that’s the dream there oh my God Hawaii nice to meet you guys nice to meet you toet lovely to meet you as well so we live right by the cliffs we live

    In the dream spot right there that’s my other dream besides the North Shore yeah that’s the dream see you guys soon man hopefully you make it c one I will 100% so that’s that’s the classic thing here we go we’re at L gravier it’s 6t this our first day and we just landed

    It’s sunny it’s offshore it’s October and uh oh man this is Paradise so it’s 6′ today this is L gravier it’s the most crowded uh surf spot the best surf spot in the whole Coastline so it’ll be an epic challenge to just try and get a

    Single wave out there and uh we just met Mason ho Mason’s one of the most famous Surfers in the world where is he I’m sure Hawaii he’s from Hawaii the NorthShore aahu so it’s nice invite him to aliens come surf Cliff but yeah we’re going to surf here we’re going to start

    Here today and the question is can you get a wave out here this place is stacked with 48y old we not 48y old 48 pros from all over the world and so yeah can you get a wave or is it just impossible and so today we’re going to

    Look at we’re going to try and get the five best ways in France in oore France in one day woo Mason ho live who else will we meet here we met Dane Reynolds this morning as well we were too shy to say Stuart was like we should have said we should have

    Chatted to him Stuart said we should have talk to him about Jesus all right was all right okay guys it’s got AIT wind than oh my goodness oh French sand hard to beat it Gold Dust woo oh look at this Set anyone going any takers walk down here watch what happen Hey it’s John yeah just go through and he Ping On a wave now yeah I I do spend a lot of time like I could spend a lot of time just even Setting That’s a go I Think Done going Now [Applause] W Oh wow that’s sick crowded out there it’s super hard to get a wave I paddled for a guy’s wave he was probably local he didn’t like it he told me to exit so I just moved down the beach yeah right at the end down

    Here so he told told me to get out of here I just moved down the beach it so beautiful so beautiful just to see um France it’s sunny it’s oore legra is pumping guy getting the barrel but yeah and I got four solid cloth outs

    Stoked and uh I got the mini hair wash bar Barrel at the end so Stoke major Stoke so great to be in France Stuart are you happy 2 a I don’t know how much footage I’ve got but I’m happy yeah don’t worry about the footage I had a I had a croissant all Right you speak the English no English no not very good The show it’s not expensive not Yes You good Dart are we allowed to start now this is but this is not from this man’s friends what’s your name sir Johan Johan yeah yeah I’m John nice to meet you you come from the yeah the no just arrived yesterday just three days three days yeah this is

    Definitely one of the best things about a surf trip to France the crossons main street of oigo and um they even had decaf coffee I was I was afraid to ask for decaf coffee in France how much was that John it was only 580 for four like

    Two giant Pano raisins pan of chocolate and a cross that’s crazy cheap tell tell Hugo that hinch prices are tell you the hinch prices have escalated over the past years well on the cross on and coffee front well the coffees weren’t cheap on the cross9 for for 9 for three coffees

    That’s still cheap in the hinch yeah but on the uh the hinch the hinch doesn’t win o the go wins right when it comes to the crossons and the Pano chocolate and the prices prices this is kunu and it must be one of the best ways

    On the coast here if Mason Ho’s out there that was Mason hoe right I don’t know I think so is that Josh guys is that Josh Joshy that is Joshy I think Josh congratulations on your bong advert yeah thanks you stoked yeah for sure so stuck unreal man George you’re a

    Proud Dad I am yeah ah he’s pretty good it’s it’s worth the E worth the effort huh yeah yeah well done Josh you’re ripping out here with Dane Reynolds Mason clay Stephanie Gilmore what size is this Josh 51 when we came here in Spring 51 M sick I mean France been epic it’s

    Pumping every day yeah hot I mean before you came it was 37° two days in the row I mean for October 37° the same like back home you know when when waves are pumping in one day you get probably more good waves you know than here for a

    Month but but um the everything around this you know it’s the lifestyle the lifestyle and get Bo High action High action John Wow oh Yeah one of your hands take It I’m I’m kind Of Oh I she Boose Where’s Stuart we lost Stuart well it was just epic the end of day one you get a few little left-handers and um something really cool happened today um I was when I was surfing like gravier this morning I paddled for this local guy’s wave and uh

    He let me know he wasn’t impressed and so um afterwards it turned out that he he left his tail right on the beach and uh so I I went up to him I said Hey listen I’m I’m very sorry paron and uh he turned around and he said to me yeah

    Yeah no problem Hey listen I forgive you and we ended up chatting I ended up talking to him inviting him to Ireland but it was so nice the fact that he forgave me uh you know I was I was padding for his W he wasn’t was so good

    And for Christianity the essence of Christianity is about forgiveness that uh Jesus made a way for us to be forgiven everything we’ve ever done for our our past to be cleared and Jesus told the parable about about forgiveness it’s one it’s in Matthew 18 it’s a beautiful Parable and basically the

    Story went that this guy he owed a great debt but his boss turned around he begged for forgiveness his boss forgave him his huge but then the next day or a few days later he went out and a friend o owed him the guy who had been forgiven

    Everything his friend owed him a small amount of money and he did not forgive his friend so the big boss came around and said like hey how why didn’t you forgive having been forgiven so much and the reason the Christian can so easily forgive people cuz forgiveness can be

    Super hard for many people but the reason I can forgive everybody all the time continuously it’s because my big debt has been paid when Jesus Christ died on the cross I am forgiven my past is wiped clean and so that’s how uh forgiveness is is is made possible for

    Myself and so that’s the good news that God wants to forgive us our our our debt you look at this grains of sand on this beach in France and that’s what our our sin our the the wrong stuff we’ve done spoken thought there as numerous as the

    Grains of sand possibly right in this beach but Jesus tears them all and uh but it was so beautiful that my French friend met him on the beach I apologized and he said no no no problem and uh we had a nice chat so it was beautiful and

    Um day one in France has ended well we got a few tiny little leanders it was a reminded me a little bit about surfing in the hinch and um surf gravier got lots of clothes outs so let’s see what happens tomorrow it’s a new day and uh

    It’s been so great to surf in a gravier and I hope Stuart showed up he doesn’t surve too Often yes I’ve managed to get to my feet once I made it off um but I the rof took me all the way down I said it was a young man’s game a young man’s game but it keeps you kind of FO that guy ring over [Applause] There yeah we’re in cabon I remember Surfin got a long right-hander I used to have a yellow board when I was 19 I got a long rander off here gets good you still have yellow board how about is it the same board let’s get some how about I’ve

    Never eaten in the nice restaurants here though so fish restaurant Thanes okay and then water oh yeah yeah yeah Bome entrepreneur this morning we are in Gabon just slightly south of oor and um so the surf we were hoping the surf would be a bit bigger today but opportunity to Surf a new beach and uh kabon is a very famous Town great

    Seafood amazing food and so we’re going to surf this bank today and the the beautiful thing about surfing this place is that these Incredible World War II bunkers I’m going to surf with Shannon anley and um Shannon’s from South Africa but lives in Norway he just great surf coach so time

    To hit the surf I keep open Mind looking the open night open night I’m losing my The now it’s I’m looking for the hey keep on looking for to keep me up night I’m yeah that’s it we’re in the car park at leenon just north of hore and uh 30 years ago I used to come here and this is one of the first surf trips I ever

    It’s just coming down here sunshine I remember looking at the guys in the camper van and the the dreadlocks and the the lifestyle and going wow that’s the Ultimate He You It’s great to be in leenon in France in October sunshine in the morning time there’s never any wind it’s always offshore and then then the sun rises up over the sandunes at at 8:00 in the morning and you just start to get sun on your face you know when Jesus was was on

    On Earth he had this title one of his titles was he said I am the light of the world then Jesus turns around and he says to his followers this privilege and responsibility and he says you are the light of the world and then he said he

    Compares it to a city on a hill like Rio de Janeiro or a city up on a hill everyone could see it that’s what Jesus wants and then he says don’t put it under a basket but put it on a stand the idea of light is that it illuminates in

    The darkness nobody knows where they’re going but when the light shin sign people can see guidance and which way to go so then Jesus says in Matthew 5:16 so let your light shine amongst men that people will see your good deeds and glorify your father in Heaven so Jesus

    Tells his followers to shine and the contrast it’s the distinctive instead of Darkness to shine you know Jesus went on to talk about salt that we are to be salty and to be the flavor the thing that preserves and so that’s what Jesus’s encouragement is is that we so

    Let your light shine amongst men that people will see your good deeds and glorify your father in Heaven it’s not about our light it’s him living in us it’s the light of Jesus uh shining from Earth and vessels God bless from leenon in Leon Le Pen on was really good this is estos it’s one of the best waves for sure top five uh in oie gor FR and but we messed up yesterday we ended up from the to the surf was pumping it was offshore it’s good to get good information I felt we

    Went on the wrong information we went on a goose chick we went up north we were told there’s a bank up there secret spot we got drawn away and uh we ended up surfing that left last night what the angry angry local told me to go home he

    Said he said where you from I said I’m from Ireland he says go home you have good waves welcome to France peacemakers peacemakers see what’s that verse that Jesus said um blessed are the peacemakers for they will inherit the kingdom of yeah and it’s uh it’s interesting like it’s an

    Interesting verse on localism isn’t it it’s like localism is like no this is my territory and Jesus says blessed are the peacemakers for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven in that Generous Heart that Jesus gives us um so so today it’s onshore estano this is an amazing representation

    Of how epic estano is there’s a beautiful left here but we’re we’re just going to go surf the most atrocious onshore wave and just get wet and burn off the sweat all Right [Applause] He A [Applause] found


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