Here are my top 2024 property hotspots, do you know where the best property hotspots are for 2024! Did you know it’s very important to know the best property hotspots so that you can ensure your property investments are in the best possible area. The better the area the batter the cash flow will be! Let me know if the video about finding best property hotspots has helped you!

    APG –

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    2024 is the best year for investment but where are the best locations to be invested first of all why is location so bloody important why don’t I just buy that property at a decent price rent it out and I get a great yield a great return and that’s how a lot of newbie

    Investors invest and that’s because you might be thinking that you make your money from the rent yes the rent pays for the mortgage and pays you a little bit of a drink 100 15 couple hundred quid on a monthly basis but that is not how you get rich through property every

    Single person can get to a millionaire status by investing in property it ain’t through rent great so we’ve covered what it’s not what is it through capital appreciation or Capital Growth what happens is when you buy property properly usually you’re going to use leverage of some kind so you might buy

    It cash and then get a mortgage on it after or you might buy with a mortgage that’s called Leverage so let’s say you put 50 Grand into to a property but you get 125 Grand property from that that’s 50 Grand is going to be the deposit Etc all

    Of that okay so if you’ve got Capital Growth on the value of that property let’s say 5% Capital Growth well that 5% isn’t on your 50 Grand so it’s not 2 and a half Grand a year is 5% on 125,000 which is 6,250 and if you’ve got 6 6,250 on your

    50 Grand you’re making double digit returns on an annual basis in general by the way when I work with my investors we typically will treble somebody’s investment over a 10year period so if somebody’s got a 100 Grand to invest we will turn that into 300,000 over a 10year basis which means

    We are getting them an average combined return over a 10-year basis of 20% a year how the hell do you do that it’s not in cryptocurrency it’s not short-term trading it’s not spread in it’s not some Amazon FBA it is safe as houses bricks and mortar longterm investment so this is where

    Location comes into play cuz it’s all right going the average property in the UK doubles every 10 years or it’s going to be a 7.9% growth on a yearly basis yes those are average stats but think to get to your average you’ve got the players up here you’ve got the players

    Down here and everything in between so how do we allocate these areas up top well I’ve done the analysis and I’ve broken it down to the top three areas in the UK for 2024 I’m going to start with number three out of the number one being my favorite Manchester Manchester’s had

    Some of the largest growth over the last 20 years and if you went there 5 years ago you would have seen cranes absolutely everywhere now where do I think it’s in the cycle and why is it not number one considering if you look at the footsie which is the footsie 100

    The top 100 companies in the UK 80 of them are in Manchester what 80 of them it’s got two billion worth of predicted growth over the next 2 years it has had 330% growth over the in the prices over the last 20 years so why wouldn’t that

    Be my number one well that’s because we’re talking about the past and not the future do I think the growth in Manchester is done no absolutely not however I do believe we have seen the Golden Era already and I think the Golden Era now is in a different

    Location however if you’ve got money to invest I’d probably say if you’ve got 200,000 plus so you can get different types of properties there maybe get a couple Manchester’s going to be a great show it’s got incredible investment prospects the logistics are great as I said the hiring in the area is fantastic

    It’s got one of the biggest employment growths over the last 5 years and a big part of that is because of the 80 of the 100 of the top 100 companies in the UK are based in Manchester so very solid investment my honest opinion is if I

    Could have predicted this 10 years ago maybe 15 years ago Manchester would have been the only place to invest in the UK to have really predictable long-term growth as I’m saying if you’ve just invested in uh Manchester you’re good you’re golden it’s just not as good as

    It could be but that is number three on my list number two is Liverpool that was terrible wasn’t it Liverpool so Liverpool is an amazing area it’s definitely number two on my list um and it is one of the top five powerhouses of the north it’s got incredible yields there ranging from

    About 4 to 9% it’s had some of the strongest yields yields being the rent over the price so it’s a good rental verse property price and it’s also got some really strong Capital Growth prospects there it’s got a lot of investment going on there I think it’s

    The fifth largest metropolitan in the UK and it’s got a lot of investment prospects I also think what it benefits from being relatively close to Manchester is a lot of the downpour if you think about the London effect when London gets too expensive people go to the outskirts but in Manchester the

    Outskirts of Manchester I’m really sorry if you hit from them some of the outskirts of Manchester is an absolute hole all right that was har maybe I was about to say something even more harsh so I’ll just close my mouth however there’s also lovely places if

    You are from outside of that but Liverpool is the next obvious choice for a lot of people and actually it makes a better investment in my opinion if we’re looking at the next 10 years Liverpool would be a better investment than Manchester the final thing I want to say

    About Liverpool is Prince’s doc so it’s had a 5 billion pound development in Liverpool and it’s not so much what the development is but one of the key things things is the long-term developments going on the reason for this is you have to think when there’s that large of a

    Development going on you’ve got infrastructure hospitals schools New Roads everything going into play and so it is reimagining Reinventing the areas that those go into and so it’s it’s pretty much foolproof I I cannot think of a single time there’s been a 5 to 10 year generation plan that’s followed

    Through and property prices haven’t gone up it’s just incredibly rare so if you can be at the start of the cycle where regeneration comes in you are going to be a very happy investor in 10 to 20 years time which brings me to the number one spot and I’m very lucky actually a

    Lot of people will assume it’s because it’s where I live right now no it’s really not I promise you if you go back to well actually I’ve not been on YouTube that long but if you went back five years six years seven years I probably would have been saying

    Manchester as my number one however my number one spot is leads leads and surrounding areas leads is the powerhouse it’s known as the capital of the north it has the largest employment in the whole of the north which is absolutely crazy um there’s more jobs in leads than anywhere else outside of

    London uh that is London’s obviously the real powerhouse here um you’ve got yields going strong WR on there the fastest Capital Growth in the UK over the last 10 years it is the single largest financial center outside of the UK the second largest Legal Center we

    Had Channel 4 moving up here with their headquarters which might seem like a really random thing but it’s not it’s a real big corporate move with thousands of jobs coming with it and actually more more and more companies are coming from London to leads as its next best thing

    But prices at a fraction of what it would cost in London now the big thing is the South Bank development it’s 350 football pitches worth of residential development think about the size of a football pitch and then 350 of those it is billions getting invested into the South Bank development and it’s all

    Build to rent stuffs there’s going to be hospitals Cinemas New Roads they are extending the hold of the city center to give you an idea before this plan got signed off I was buying properties in the South Bank area for 50 60,000 now when it got signed off I was then

    Paying 90 to 100 nowadays I’m paying 100 130 I genuinely believe the 130 Grand properties in this area in 10 years time will be 300 to 350,000 per property I genuinely believe that if you’ve got 50 Grand or more ideally 100 but 50 Grand or more it will

    Be the single best investment area that you ever make now remember with property we’re not investing over the next 6 months or a year I am talking about the next 5 to 10 years if you invest in 2024 in leads it will be the single best investment that I genuinely think you

    Could make anywhere apart from the big speculative crypto bets that could or could not come off now if you are interested in investing and you’re like right I need to make this happen correctly I’ve only got 50 Grand 100 Grand to invest I can’t afford for it to

    Go wrong then that’s actually what my company does for investors so at Spire Property Group we help you build portfolios in the best areas and these aren’t different areas to me by the way they are in the same streets as me the same locations the same properties so

    You can get the best return on your money and if you want to have a chat no obligation whatsoever on how we can actually help you do that put APG in the comments and you want to do that fast because we’ve only got a few spaces at

    Any one time but more importantly you need need to be taken advantage now what is going to happen and you’re already seeing it likely is the mortgage rates are coming down interest rates are going to start coming down and when that happens the flood of demand then comes

    Back in and we’re going to see jacked up prices again like we did in 2020 2021 so I genuinely think we’ve got a six-month window of opportunity in leads right now that we really want to be taken advantage of but put AP in the comments again no doubt some you are

    Going to be thinking oh that’s because you live in leads that’s why you think that no it’s really not Nottingham was on my list a few years ago Manchester was number one for me about six seven years ago and no doubt in 10 years time I’ll be talking about a very different

    Area but those are my top three Manchester Liverpool and Leeds let me know if you think your area should have been in the top three and why I’m more than open for a debate it doesn’t mean I’m spot on all the time it’s just been my analysis you cannot go wrong invested

    In those areas and if you want to get the single best return on your investment leads is the place if you’re new to the channel make sure to hit the Subscribe and the notification Bell I’ve got three videos coming out every single week I want to make sure I’m adding as

    Much value as I can to you if you did get value make sure to destroy that like button invest in yourself invest in your freedom and invest in leads put APG in the comments if you want to have a chat and I’ll see you in the next video


    1. I moved from Surrey to St Helens (next to Liverpool) exactly to buy here where the ROI is much higher than Surrey or London. Liverpool is getting expensive however the town around (like St Helens) is still 20-30% cheaper than Liverpool, sometimes better quality of life + 15-30min commuting by train or car

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