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    Yeah yeah yeah you know how you overthink stuff man and you just say you know what just press the button let’s get going let’s get going lot of news baby we updating frustrating Nick’s news but I’m here for it here to make you feel better in any weather famor perspective

    Respected so accepted Nick rehab that don’t like comment don’t like comio my partner was here he would say it in English but don’t tell him I told you what I’m really saying because he thinks I’m really talking about him and it’s hilarious Nick’s rehab baby um we may have some guest

    Appearances from Nick’s rehab friends and just check on some things here tap in if y’all can there we go next rehab lot of news lot of news lot of news the first thing you see the thumbnail ogan noi ah Jesus Christ can we catch a

    Break can we catch a break seems like we can’t I’m getting more worried I’m getting more and more worried guys I’m getting more more worried OJ naobi ruled out for tomorrow’s game versus the Grizzlies let me just load that up share screen OG and the no be ruled out this is SNY

    Y reporting it not me my sources is uh Google and Twitter right now and some sneaky ones that I will never tell you about because they shall remain anonymous but nor seriousness OJ noobi is listed out for tomorrow’s game versus the Grizzlies he said to miss his fifth straight game with right elbow

    Inflammation uh the Knicks so far the last four games R three and one without OG uh we saw our deficiencies uh against the New York U the New York the LA Lakers get to win a second with towelgate over there trying to use and abuse us as usual using the

    New Yorkers to boost you guys up and and of course you have OJ noobi here who’s his stock has risen because he is a a part of the New York Knicks the New York platform will big you up when when you deserve it um and you see he’s out

    For tomorrow again right elbow inflammation and I’ve been wondering you know has there been has anyone reported anything else besides this like look the last the last I saw from anyone reporting anything was uh I think it was The Daily News but you know the New York Post uses

    Stuff as well and they have o OJ noobi out against this was on the 29th of January uh about a week ago OJ noobi was out against the Hornets with elbow inflammation and all it says here was that he was a late scratch why is it doing

    That he was a late scratch from the Hornets uh from the Mondays 11392 win over the Hornets with an inflame Lan right elbow an injury he aggravated up during the pregame warm-ups so that’s the last time we saw him we knew about the warm-ups and he reated it right that

    I that I found maybe you guys in the chat could tell me otherwise they list him here as a power forward which you know he’s he’s a hybrid over there at at the at the front Court um of course a defensive Revelation since he’s his acquisition last month uh part of the the

    Key New York six game winning streak back then were on a six game winning streak as you guys know the Lakers ended our um nine game winning streak on Saturday and that was tough and it’s going to be tougher going forward with a guy like this who you know he’s he’s the

    Respon of to Anthony Davis in a world like that in a game like that a match up of that magnitude Anthony Davis Defensive Player of the Year you know we were excited to to boost OJ noobi as our defensive player of the year um and get

    Him as close as possible to that Award with the way he’s been able to elevate us he’s the counter to Anthony Davis or anybody else’s number one guy whether you’re number one option on offense or you’re you’re the Bost in the Celtics and you have drew holiday and you’re

    Able to to lock up or give problems to uh to Jaylen Brunson by the way yeah it’s Hollywood Fabian baby these Shades do better with these damn ring lights in my face that’s the real reason why that’s the reason why or the excuse that

    I’m going to use while I got them on but I just love them I got to keep the shades on baby keep the stuner shades on while we while we mourn the uh while we mourn the uh the injuries Julius Rand the OG NOA it’s changing things man it it just really

    Is um yeah that was a New York Post article and it’s it’s if if you think that’s bad having OG out we joked about it the other night on Nick’s rehab or yesterday on on Sundays Nick rehab but we also have an an injury update for the Memphis Grizzlies shout out to the

    Strickland you know they like to tell jokes we always tell jokes about everything hold on second shout out to the street add to the stage why guys is making this more difficult so you see there the Memphis Grizzlies are without Bane Clark laravia John Moran of course

    Victor olad who they just acquired from the Houston Rockets Marcus Z Williams um we got to look into what the deal is with that Sten Adams trade for the Grizzlies maybe it has to do with money but Stephen Adams was like a major a major piece for the Grizzlies and I I I

    Was doubtful about him going to the to the Grizzlies when they acquired him from Oklahoma City I think he was at I didn’t think he would be such a major piece and he was and for them to trade him that’s a a big deal I mean he was

    The guy wanted to fight Shannon sha right he was going to stand between everybody and fight Shannon sharp and along with that he helped them help anchor that team but he’s not there anymore you have 1 2 3 4 five six seven guys out from the Grizzlies two guys are

    Doubtful which is jiren Jackson Jr and uh Xavier Tilman and so that’s nine right and then questionable is Alama uh Kar former uh Chicago bow and New York Nick Derek Rose and Williams so their injury list is is is way worse than ours and you know I think this is why I’m

    Okay with OJ noobi being out another game again uh as I explained yesterday or I sound like a broken record Tom Tibido plays a a football style defensive style of game that’s his that’s his coaching style uh o we need the OJ and the noes of the world and

    More defensive players to to be able to you know replace each other and be interchangeable pieces in a in a lineup like this and we need him as healthy as possible for the playoff run I mean I think I’m not just it’s not just hyperbole anymore you see a whole bunch

    Of people a whole bunch of media members and just basketball fans in general they they’re they’re closer to saying hey this might be uh a championship team so especially fully healthy like it’s just absolutely scary what’s going on over here oh look who it is fleeting thoughts to master himself your mic on

    Let what’s up brother maybe my mic isn’t on hold on oh yeah yeah my mic hold on give me a second flee so I can hear You oh here we go I can hear you fle you ready Le money I’m here brother all right can you hear me I can hear you now F what’s the deal man uh just going through the the next updates jumping right into it you see we

    Got the uh who started the whole shade wave out here fleeing fleing fleeing thoughts out here baby the shades are back on you know how we do it I don’t know if you heard OJ noobi out again five straight games um again it’s the elbow injury something’s going on with that I’m gonna

    Uh just shut your mic off while uh because the background noise I’ll shut that down so we can get the mics in order five straight games oin and OB is out uh with three and one without them what you can’t hear me let me get my headphones and I’m G come back in

    Okay um yeah so five straight game with OJ noobi out like I was telling flee and you saw the Grizzlies you know part of what gives us some sort of um confidence is that they’re just limping towards the Finish Line uh also speaking of injury updates we have this

    Marks this marks this actually marks the eth week that we have been without uh Mitchell Robinson right this is the eighth week that we are out that Mitchell Robinson has been out uh he had ankle surgery back in December Fred Cass reported that on Twitter I I

    Like to give people their props he’s a you know he’s a Nicks reporter basically I forgot who he works for my bad for catch uh Nicks are not practicing today so no official update from Tom Tibido excuse me no official update from Tom Tibido until he speaks to reporters

    Pregame tomorrow so before the Memphis Grizzlies game tomorrow night up until then up until the Memphis Grizzlies pregame that’s when we’ll get or or look for or inquire about Mitchell Robinson’s latest news on his ankle it’s been eight weeks uh the 8 to 10 week period was when he will be would have

    Been re-evaluated so today officially marks that evaluation period major news updates next I was looking at trade updates right and this this is a guy that I I rock with shout out to all B he put me on to my guy um Nick’s Nicks TV Nick’s chat

    Now uh he keeps us just are you ready for New York Knicks basketball to be back if you are I want you to hit that thumbs up icon right now um he gives great great opinions on the Nicks what he what he’s looking forward what he’s looking forward to having with the

    Knicks uh he he seems pretty reasonable this guy Nicks step into Wick Studio the platform you guys haven’t heard of him he’s just uh according to the latest NBA trade rumor the way he laces his his news is amazing I just want definitely want to share him his um his Channel

    With us here so family show you what he got going on in his report rors Leon Rose Tom Tibido and the New York Knicks are looking to make a major trade prior to the NBA trade deadline which is just a couple of days away and that’s why you should subscribe

    To New York Knicks Now by chat sports first I just want to thank everybody that has subscribed to this Channel and joined us on our journey we just crossed over 34,000 so you see got over 34,000 views uh go over there lock in with him just days away from the NBA trade

    Deadline and the question out there is Will Leon Rose make a move to help bolster this roster and give the New York Knicks and Jaylen Brunson a chance to win the NBA title reports are coming out that the Knicks are looking to make a bigger trade than for a guy like Bruce

    Brown this is what Matt Moore of the Action Network had to say quote the Knicks contined to be mentioned as a potential landing spot for Bruce brown but New York has been seeking bigger deals Brown might wind up being the plan b or plan C option for the Knicks an

    Outside Source suggested so when I first saw that my question to myself was what is Leon rose up to and I wonder how much that loss on Saturday against the Los Angeles Lakers kind of changes the immediate future and plans of the trade deadline for the New York Knicks a lot

    Of their problems have gone under under the table and under talked about as the Knicks did win nine in a row they won 15 to 17 prior of the loss but sometimes a loss is a good thing and it shows you kind of the wounds and scars of this

    Team which we know the Knicks still have they need another Creator they need another guy that could score the basketball and on top of this report Leon Rose en Rich Paul AKA CAA Mafia in clutch sport yeah so you know we I always talk about that at nauseum right

    Um CIA and I’ll get into that in a second with towelgate over there they think they’re slick they think they’re slick and they got there the the media member on on ESPN going crazy but we’ll get to that later on with them with them clutch boys you you guys are for sale

    You ain’t fooling me um so yeah CA and and clutch is supposedly created a treaty and that is what should help the Knicks try to go get a Jon Murray and and and Malcolm Brockton as well and don’t forget Zack LaVine has been rumored to

    Come to the Knicks you know LeBron is a clutch Klein we talked about that about him coming to the Knicks as well uh but that’s what setting the tone for a supposed major trade happening before the trade deadline strikes so and that was Matt Moore from Action

    Network who reported it and that’s our guy there uh from Nicks Now by chat sports I forgot that guy’s name but he’s a cool dude uh reporting that we’ll see what happens like I’m not again I want to be patient but my thing is if we’re going to give

    Up that many draft picks the Mel Bridges of course that makes sense and it’s going to feel like home um when you have a Mel Bridges alongside his partner Jaylen Brunson and and and um you know divon chenzo there Josh Hart there that all makes sense and

    It’s all fine and dandy but it might cost you too much why not try to go get I’m gonna always say herb Jones on on the Pelicans who’s like a baby version of of that and maybe we could get him for cheaper not sure because Dave Griffin he’s pretty shrewd just like

    Shawn Marx is over there in Brooklyn those two guys and their respective organizations so um you know with the OG injury taking place it seems like we need that guy Mel Bridges of course is more polished and honed in on who he is and more realized

    On who he is and definitely just a super or or a super comp compliment to an OG noobi and the rest of these Knicks that’s going to be you know uh uh what we what they envisioned you know Paul George and Ka Leonard to be but they

    Were older already you know the injuries added more attrition to them OJ noobi aside from this injury we really didn’t know I mean he has an injury history so he has that working against him but the Mel Bridges he was he’s an Iron Man so you got to compliment him and the Knicks

    And Tom Tibido style of play Mel Bridges adds that along with the fact that you need a bigger body a taller body there can do something because Brunson we saw how he was you know not exposed we we we’ve always known he’s a shorter player he’s a smaller player and doubling him

    Up and and dealing with a smaller player how how NBA defenses professional defenses are going to treat him hey we’ seen it we we already knew this so maybe his partner over there from Villanova can come in there and spell him on offense have him rest a little bit as

    Well he’s not a number one guy per se but again I’m more of a fan of going for these underdogs number two types um guys who who aren’t into being Divas like they they they’re going to be on a mission like these guys want to make history like let’s not like let’s not

    Let’s keep that in mind that’s why the Villanova thing it’s funny and we can make a joke about it but now it’s turned to tide now it sounds like all right it was a joke before but now we’re talking Championship now everything’s so much more realistic so

    Mel Bridges I would think when you talk about a blockbuster deal if you’re saying the Knicks are going to make a blockbuster deal that’s Mel Bridges the jontay Murray type because even Donovan Mitchell at this point it is they are Blockbusters uh Donovan Mitchell is probably the biggest star out of out of

    All those guys um and if we talking about clutch LeBron is the biggest star that’s as Blockbuster as you can get you know there’s no bigger star in the game but that doesn’t seem to be fit the mold of what Leon Rose has been doing right

    Again shout out to all ball OB topping when they let him go traded him away you kind of trim the fat off of what they’re looking for tibo type of guys even as soon as if we’re gonna go back actually getting Kimo Walker the way that they

    That Tom Tibido was like yo this is this is not what I wanted he was very adamant about that that set the tone for the next coming years where say what you want about Tom Tibido he doesn’t come off like some some a schmuck he doesn’t

    Come off like some guy you could talk to any way you want to and the players respect them I know what what the the footage they caught of Obi toppin in the background and he was saying whatever about Tom Tibido they they they come off like they joke around with him and you

    Know Julius Randle I’ve never heard him disrespect Tom Tibido quite the opposite actually so you have these pieces that you want to surround them with and the Blockbuster pieces a blockbuster piece for me is the Mel Bridges herb Jones type straight up Defenders who can who can

    Really switch on on defense fill in for OG while he’s not there and then become a super duper version of what the Knicks can be with OJ noobi herb Jones spelling Jaylen Brunson there so that each possession on offense it it it comes even it becomes even even uh what’s the word

    Uh each possession will become more how would you say not fatal dime but more more explosive like each possession on offense if when you have a defense like that like the Detroit Pistons is like even if we miss you got to score on us so every time we score

    It’s like a bomb like when jayen Brunson scores against the Lakers we didn’t have OG out there but if we did that game would have been we would have been up by 10 points in the in the fourth quarter that and the Lakers would have been behind us and everything like that it

    Changes everything when you have those defensive pieces around a defensive uh style coach d theer 60 65 people in the building what’s going on y’all dude Nick’s rehab has been absolutely killing it lately come on man you see the glasses what’s up with that what was up with the shades

    I watched your guys’ live not live but I watched it today well it went from uh funeral mode to getting you know buried by the Lakers the way that we did um you know exaggerated it I watched the last game so I can actually comment oh let’s go uh well one

    Second one second let me get to um before we get there I was on the the trading block chat and we do have an update from Jake Fisher where do I have my here we go Jake fiser from Yahoo sports let me see Jak fiser from Yahoo

    Sports me scroll down here let me you know what let me add you guys to the to the scroll get you in the feeling of of what we’re doing over here scroll down as the Nicks this is Jake fiser Yahoo sports is saying that the Knicks what will the Knicks

    Do the Knicks have shown legitimate interest in Washington sources said as they examine their options the Knicks appear more interested in Toronto guard Bruce Brown Jr For Whom the Raptors are seeking some return in the range of a first round pick compared compared to Atlanta’s steeper asking price of two

    Picks and then some for Murray it’s become quite become clear that the Knicks hey why we why would you do that it’s become clear that the Knicks aren’t willing to part with Quinton Grimes unless New York is trading the young Swingman for a perceived upgrade sources

    Said as opposed to swapping him for a different back of the rotation piece Grimes continues to have fans in Atlanta and Utah sources said what sources you talking about Jake Fisher what fans quck Grimes his fans in Utah does he have like a what you call a Mormon Hive in

    In in the Salt Lake City Town the jagz roster several players uh most notably Kelly oen and Jordan Clarkson whom the Knicks still have on their radar according to League sources I think that’s that’s okay here the John Murray update too the Hawks despite making the bulk of their roster

    Available have won four games Trey Young from the beginning of the cycle Hogs did not have have to move Murray before the deadline Hawks fans will Sur remember the John Collins years the Lakers for example will be eligible the lack of teams with legitimate firstr ammo to trade before the deadline has been

    Apparent around the league in addition the more stringent salary matching rules for tax teams also seems to be posing greater challenges for for front offices so this is Major the lack of teams with legitimate first round ammo to trade before the deadline has been apparent around the league so

    The so the Atlanta Hawks are pretty much worried about first round draft picks for the jont Murray deal right and salary cap matching because because uh Murray’s making around 20 something million dollars a year which isn’t that crazy but the Lakers are offering a 2029 pick dime don’t you think if in

    2024 in five years I think part of what makes that first round pick unattractive is that the Lakers are so always gung-ho for going after Superstars so it’s like V Atlanta why the hell am I GNA go after your Lakers first round draft pick the

    Knicks got uh we got a Dallas one we got a Detroit one or whatever the hell we got it ain’t just Nick’s draft picks because we we’re trying to be good for the next couple years but that’s why we loaded up on other people’s draft picks similar to

    OKC oh I got to unmute you oh that does that does make sense the Lakers always try to like you know they don’t like being bad at all you know they always want to bring in a new star but who knows you know after LeBron era ends because you know every team LeBron

    Leaves they’re never like good immediately after like they do suck he leaves them high and dry so we’ll see if that happens to the Lakers you know what I mean because when Kobe retired like they accommodated Kobe you know what I’m saying before he retired they let him

    Get paid to thank him for all he had done even though he was hurting the team basically and not really allowing the younger guys to flourish so yeah I mean who knows what it’s going to be like because it looks like LeBron’s gonna retire a Laker but who

    Knows you know he’s unpredictable with in terms of Mo when it comes to moving teams we’ll get to LeBron on the second with his little towel gate and Brian whorse I don’t respect anything they’re doing they they are Reeling I don’t care what how much you worth Rich Paul it

    Still hurts he’s still competitive we’ll get to that later on um the the important piece of course if you’re a Knicks fan um it’s pertaining to quitting Grimes in that in that piece that uh that fisher from from Yahoo sports reported we’re not trying to trade him unless we got we get a

    Legitimate spot a legitimate player who can come in there and not just play out this season we’re talking about future seasons and it makes a lot of sense because quit Grimes and Dante D venzo they spell minutes but they’re essentially kind of the same role and defensively Grimes is is a better

    One-on-one guy but Divan chenzo he can fly around a little bit work off the ball a little bit or weak side a little more and just makes different plays he’s streaky Grimes and D chenzo are both streaky neither want to set Shooters neither one of our Premier Shooters like

    That they’re going to be buddy heish but they have more you know they play with a better IQ than buddy heill especially D Dante D chenzo this season he’s been just flat out amazing so grim and d v chenzel been spelling minutes you got to replace Grimes with somebody who can

    Play that much again remember you gotta he has to go and we we’re looking for someone to play alongside McBride and to replace the IQ RJ Barrett minutes with the second unit that’s what’s ruining us we don’t want to we don’t I don’t think tibs wants to ruin these guys run these

    Guys to the ground and if you trade GRS with somebody that that that can fulfill that role and a slight upgrade especially on offense it changes everything and it shows you it tells you that the Knicks you know what they’re going after the direction they they’re going after and what to

    Improve I’ll give you that uh by the way for NBA star no let’s go with this man let’s go on a lighter note cuz we always worried about the Nicks and and you know what’s going on with with the trades and everything like that all this

    Uh hyperbole or all this uh worry and anxiety kids say everything’s anxiety everything’s anxiety but man and gied broadcasters let’s talk about Mike Breen Walt Frasier 25 years together 25 years together MSG broadcasters a delight Delight for us you see Mike Breen come on man he’s a national a National Treasure out here

    ESN ABC putting him out there he’s been through you know the Mark Jackson Jeff Van Gundy uh tandem a broadcast on ESPN and ABC now he has to go he almost went through the driest spell of all time with dorisburg and Doc Rivers that would have been the most horrendous

    Championship broadcast podcast ever especially when you compare you know being alongside W Clyde Frasier and here’s what Mike Breen had to say being Al about his relationship with World Cloud Frasier you were the one of the most unique and gifted broadcasters in the history of the NBA and for all of us

    It’s been such a privilege to work with you and for me personally to sit by your side all these years has been one of the joys of my life you were the one of the most unique and gifted broadcast wait this was last right when he almost

    Started crying yeah that was last season I remember that that was very touching man because Breen he’s like a Knicks fan from that time you know what I mean so when he was sitting next to Mark and JVG all these years it feels like he’s talking to an equal but when he’s

    Talking to Clyde and he broadcasting he’s like he’s talking to a superior and I think that’s really interesting to see that and I don’t blame him I mean that’s Clyde Frasier he could have said player instead of broadcaster and it still would have been valid so yeah you guys

    Are very spoiled and lucky but I can’t say that were I can’t complain about announcing as an LA Sports Fan because we were blessed with the best in all sports so we had Bob Miller Vince Scully chick Hearn who I never got to see live which sucks um and then Ralph Lawler for

    Us uh so we’re very blessed but yeah BR and Clyde I mean that’s uh maybe the best in the league oh best in the league is but we we just also as Nicks fans we love Fraser being honest in his own cool way he’ll just talk about like he’ll

    Casually mention um what’s the guy UB who was out by getting hit by a bike whatever he whatever he was saying he was on his bike he was just like hey wasn’t this guy just out but hit by a car on a bike he on a bike riding he’s

    Back so soon I wonder what happened with that it’s just so old school casual drop you know drop off some some um some you know real information and he’s from the old school Frasier you know the way he talks about his past the way they respect Willis Reed and you’re right you

    Know Jeff Van guny and of course Mark Jackson uh New York uh pillars um but media wise even they can’t they’re not Mike Breen and they’re not W Clyde Frasier um and of course before Mike Breen it was it was uh Marv Albert Marv Albert is too legendary like I

    Don’t think no disrespect to Chick Hearn and these guys chick Hearn is probably better play by play he’s ill got like chick Hearn is damn near second to none but Marv Albert is too legendary too legendary and Mike breing to follow him up is kind of in insane and do such a

    Great job and again CH never went National Mike Breen is New York and going National so of course respect to to Chick Hearn God bless and him and his family of course um but this is amazing 25 years of these guys definitely got to cherish them and salute them because

    Obviously the older we get we take things for granted I’m seing a lot of people take things for granted they don’t know what 25 years of nothing is you haven’t even you haven’t even wiped your ass for 25 years properly these kids out here let alone call a game for

    25 years that’s amazing so you kids out there you’re spoiled right now W fre is a little bit older that’s why 25 years are so great and I definitely wanted to highlight that I want to highlight this too right here he said earlier about about LeBron what you say ear dime LeBron leaves

    Teams and high and dry when free agency yeah they because they go all out for him and the whole team is built around him and then he leaves everyone’s like look at the record without him like no [ __ ] like you built your whole team around him and he leaves a free agency

    So this I forgot this kid’s name but I think it’s Domo his players choice but he’s also uh like a big LeBron guy and he always goes on goes at Michael Jordan but this is what he had to say about LeBron’s leadership has an issue where

    It’s just like some nights he’s the goat hold on I gotta unmute the site my bad guys I’m G read uh he just LeBron now just LeBron in the bad thing just LeBron is still phenomenal better than 85% of the league but just LeBron goes on the court and

    He’s he pull the Julius Randle He throwing his hands up when the ball’s turned over walking up the court he’s walking off the court 30 seconds before the game start uh uh ends the and not dapping nobody up when he loses he displays a a real sore loser mentality a

    Lot of the times LeBron is a I think personally if LeBron James is the sole leader or he’s the main leader of your team your teams have is being led by a bad leader all Lebron James Championship units have other guys when they’re equally as Leaders or even more of

    Leaders than him that’s when they win I’m not saying he’s never been a leader but when he is the guy that people are saying is the leader of the locker room those teams do not succeed for real he’s a he’s not that great of a leader he a

    Cool leader and LeBron has that issue where it’s just like some kns he’s the goat other kns he’s just LeBron now just LeBron in the bad thing just LeBron is still phenomenal better than 85% of the league but just LeBron goes out on the court and he’s he pull Julius Randle his

    Hands up when the ball is turned over walking up the court he’s walking off the court 30 seconds before the game start uh uh ends not nobody up when he loses he displays a real sore loser mentality a lot of times LeBron is a think personally LeBron James is the

    Sole leader or he’s the main leader of your team you still hear it now I took it off okay my bad I mean I I disagree with him because of this in 2016 who was the Cavs leader besides LeBron I get the Dwayne Wade point in

    The Rondo for the bubble ring but in 2016 that was like all Lebron’s leadership right um was it was it Tristan Thompson Kevin really are we gonna go there like no way right right you’re right I don’t agree honestly I mean I agree with that he has

    Bad body language and some nights he’s LeBron and some nights he’s like not the same LeBron uh that’s more so nowadays but N I wouldn’t say he’s a bad leader and teams all time that were led by him with the so I disagree you know me I’m very quick to get on LeBron

    But I actually disagree yeah but that that’s part of the reason why like as as Nicks fans when they were flirting with the idea that was a huge reason why we were like nah no way we don’t want them over here because you’re going to think unless you’re willing to show sacrifice

    Especially at this stage in your career you guys again you don’t want to believe me he’s a third option everything to do with the fact that he’s 39 years old and he can’t do this two three times a week let alone consistently you after the inseason tournament you can’t rely on

    That and for him not to go okay I’m I can make $50 million next year but if you really want to win I don’t know if winning matters that much even for him like what does it mean to win a championship if it meant that much that

    Much you’re a you’re really a backup role you’re really a backup to the number one option and the number two option A lot of times on the Knicks there isn’t isn’t a real number one number one so you’d be you know a six man to me and and a third option if

    You’re will imagine him going doing what Westbrook did it would just I think everyone will go oh like the grace didn’t do that the Legends weren’t able to you they were forced to do that he’s kind of saying because despite what I’m saying that he’s a third option everyone else

    Thinks he’s a number one number two basically right now so for if for you guys he goes yo check this out I’m gonna be a six-man and I’m gonna go to New York and we’re gonna go win a title what this is brunson’s team this is the Leon

    Rose team they had their own thing going I just want to show that I can win this way there’s more than one way to skin a cat and win a ball game that’s all I’m about then we go damn I know you head like that Papa and

    It changes everything what do you think D why do we keep talking about LeBron going to New York like it’s gonna happen like it’s not gonna happen it’s not gonna happen this year I don’t think LeBron’s going anywhere that was a little bit of smoke I don’t think he’s

    Going anywhere it’s just it’s it’s it’s a logical it’s kind of a waste of time okay thanks for uh any any 90 of you the 94 people in here does any of you think that LeBron James has a chance of being traded to New York this year but forget about being traded to

    New York what I’m saying is is that going going towards what the video this guy said for in the video he said he’s a bad leader and a part of that is you’re not willing to sacrifice your ego cuz I I mean come on now none of us are LeBron

    James and we have our own Egos and we have normal lives and we and look I got my my shades on right now I’m not giving them up right now I look better with them right now my eyes are going crazy I’ve been working like like hell and I’m

    Not doing that so imagine him what he has to give up in his own head what got him to that point right if he were to do that that that is a subconscious signal to anybody who talks about basketball in this way I believe and he’ll give give that up and I

    Think if he wants to come here that’s what he’s going to do you got to come off the bench and I’m making it known Stephen A Smith you’re a [ __ ] we don’t need him if he brings and he goes hey by the way I’m bringing my the big fella

    With me ad wait what now we’re talking about Legacy on another a different level and being strategic about it where it makes sense with the Lakers you rebuilt from nothing as usual and you thought you could be 39 old and pulled us off no way hey guys got on late

    What’s the OG update he’s out for the the Memphis Grizzlies game M3 TV uh M3 TV you would love this dude D M3 TV is a 63 year old man been watching the Lakers uh the Knicks his whole life love this dude this got shows mad love it’s dope

    Yo by the way I just started a playback today so all you guys join my room and Playback where we can watch games live old school games whatever it may be it’s called you got to go to hear put a link in there it’s uh D the dime machine play

    That on playback guys it’s an official partner of the NBA so Fabian will probably be in there a lot you know anybody can be in there Fabian could even start his own thing sometimes his own stream so G post it in here guys everybody sign up to the room we’ll see so Brian

    Wior the the LeBron James Lackey he was talking about uh Lebron and uh I guess being look won’t ask for a trade or be traded by the Lakers which is funny because he’s in New York for the next couple of days the Knicks are RedHot and they wanted to eliminate any

    Thoughts that that is the issue what rich and LeBron want to focus on is what the Lakers can do over this next 108 to 10 days here to get themselves back into the position like they were a year ago when the moves at the trade deadline not

    Just the trades but lineup changes made by Darin ham triggered an incredible second half of the Season not trying to answer questions about emojis what a time to be alive or questions about trade speculation yeah what a time to be alive yeah Lakers Nicks tomorrow night 8:30

    Eastern on ABC the garden will be so that was Brian wior saying that they they won’t you know defending the the the the position of oh we’re not asking for LeBron to be traded and LeBron won’t be traded you know okay but then what’s my thing uh then the towel thing

    Happened where’s that at where my video at with uh Wendy Wind Horse oh it’s right here it’s an article right Boom okay then all of a sudden Your Man Wendy claims LeBron James used Nicks to pressure Lakers into trade for the NBA deadline LeBron James wants the Los Angeles Lakers to be aggressive ahead of Thursday’s NBA trade deadline uh the four time MVP posted on on an omnus

    Hourglass on X for known as Twitter and wior said the towel move see LeBron ring a towel here in particular was done to send a message to the Lakers front office of course he was cognizant and aware that he was putting on a towel that said

    New York Knicks why would he mess with the Knicks because he was using the Knicks as a tool to pressure the Lakers what the hell are you talking about Brian wior what are you talking about like why is it how how is he using

    Us as a tool for what what did what do do you get out of that I I’m maybe I’m lost uh dime because I you know I’m I’m a conspiracy guy what does that mean you’re using the Nicks for for leverage to do what to clearly get a

    Player traded there I guess but do you think he just picked up the towel that was available but oh you know it’s funny you say that Dime dime dropper because because what torian Prince oh had the same towel on yeah it’s just a Nick’s towel that was available like these

    People are insane it’s sending a message everybody makes so much out of everything these days Jesus Christ Tori and Prince had the same towel on and a by the way just so that we we can explain what kind of a lacky Brian Windor is wior LeBron James hey it’s a family show LeBron

    James went to the same high school as Brian wior and Wendy landed his first three jobs because of him before he became renowned in NBA media Brian windhorse was considered the LeBron Whisperer that is I can’t even say that word on on TV LeBron Whisperer for his impressive career covering LeBron Le

    Resume went to the same high school as LeBron James St Vincent St Mary high school though he graduated seven years prior so he was so hyped at 25 years old about this 18yar old guy clearly the next you know the next coming of of uh of you know the next coming of

    Basketball Jesus that he went to go work for the school and cover or at least cover the school and and the rise of LeBron James in high school he covered LeBron’s early career at St vinc and St Mary high school as his first gig landed a job covering the Cleveland Cavaliers

    When LeBron James was drafted landed a job at ESPN covering the Miami Heat when LeBron James went to South Beach and Rose into stardom whorse recently was on the he was on a Jimmy trainer uh episode of Sports Illustrated podcast and he said he tempered the idea that he is LeBron’s closest media

    Confidant um he went to the same High School blah blah he did say in the podcast him and LeBron aren’t actually friends but he developed his relationship with him over the years and was able to gain lots of insight during the conversations in the locker room and hallways as James recognized the

    Aspiring report from his days covering him in high school I say all that to say Braun clutch Sports you guys stink you guys think you don’t have leverage and you got to be very careful trying to pit two big media compan teams like this the Lakers because if you look at that statement

    Don when when Rich Paul says we’re not asking for a trade and LeBron is not being traded that’s a very firm statement how the hell do you know LeBron is not being traded you’re not a you’re not a general manager I’ll tell you how I know that

    Because he already had beef with the Knicks for the last 10 years and he and he had an embargo against Leon Rose in the New York Knicks so why wouldn’t he do that with the Lakers if you dare try to trade LeBron James he has the one up

    In that case unless the teams get together the bus family and the Dolan family and they go yo check this out man player empowerment is officially dead and we’re going to start with you we can we can get rid of clutch Sports we’ll buy them out Leon Rose will buy CA will

    Buy them out the guy that owns Gucci I own CAA and he’s gonna buy out clutch this is what you’re GNA do rich Paul you’re going to walk away gracefully with your $200 million or whatever you’re worth enough is enough for you I believe this could be the beginning of

    The end of clutch Sports how it’s known and going forward unless they call JayZ and have a deal with lvmh to buy out clutch which they can do maybe so LV LVH is a obviously they are competitors to the Gucci family France whatever his name is

    Who bought CA if you call them up to go bu clutch and have an option out there then all of a sudden Rich Paul got leverage but you’re talking about billion dollar companies they’re not going to allow Rich po to keep doing whatever the hell he wants to do they

    Don’t really like him I haven’t heard one good thing about rich Paul in my life no disrespect to him he’s doing his thing we respect his grind but what you did was you went against the grain when you stole LeBron out of C uh CAA and now you’re stuck between a rock

    And a hard place the Lakers if they wanted to restart you can you can flirt with the idea of LeBron going to OKC the Utah Jazz with Anthony Davis and saying you know what let’s hit the restart button and get some of these draft picks back we have nothing we have no Capital

    Because Atlanta’s not going to be the first team to tell you hey you need certain draft picks to come deal with us they’re not gonna be the only team that does that obviously first round picks mean something with the Minnesota timber Wars going from the number eight seed

    Basically a playing they fought him for a playing spot last year to the number one seed this season we’ve seen him go as far as the best defense in the league at times sometimes they look a little suspect but the point is they did all that with all these draft picks so

    Towelgate schow gate torian Prince was not mentioned as part of towelgate get out of here man enough is enough dime demon dropper also real quick I guess I mean I know this this is Nick’s rehab when I touch on a bunch of stuff but um I I am genuinely concerned

    With uh Jordan p I know this is a Nick’s rehab thing guys and we we’ll revisit everything in a second but he’s averaging 12 points two rebounds 3.6 assists and 35.7 at 35.7% shooting in his last eight games um I don’t want to be disrespectful to people but this is like crackhead

    Behavior Uh what the hell happened to you Jordan P like I even flirted with the idea of trying to acquire him and and you know tyus Jones or something but there’s no way you could go after him his confidence is shot he left he obviously left the championship team in

    Golden State the way that he did and he you know he fell out with them obviously got snuffed by Draymond and everything and they’re floundering as well but just to see how much look at Andrew Wiggins who they basically kind of was working alongside uh Jordan P for the last

    Championship with golden state another guy lost his confidence these things are so major when you talk about going after players and learning about them and seeking them out how how do you find these things out how do you how does one like we can’t just read newspaper

    Articles these guys have to go about FBI style damnn near to see like yo what the hell’s going on with Jordan p is he out of his mind and hopefully with the Knicks they find an FBI character to see what the hell’s going on with with OJ

    Noob’s elbow because I don’t know if you guys were in on this guys anybody in the chat anybody who’s listening OJ noobi is out officially against the Memphis Grizzlies once again are you worried five games in a row Julius Randall is out it’s unlike a tibs lineup to not

    Have one of your stars in the game or available when another one of your stars can’t play we’re feeling we’re we’re helping out so far we’ve done well we uh red up the Lakers as best as we could we’ve been beating bad teams I think we’re like 26 and one against Bad teams

    And we have another one coming up with the Memphis Grizzlies who they they seem like they’re tanking for I don’t even know what um a lot of these teams are by the way I don’t know what the hell’s going on but that’s the latest news with

    That uh the second thing was if you go guys want to rewind was Quinton Grimes he’s not going to be traded unless we have a a specific upgrade for a Swingman meaning somebody who could fill in for him and Divan chenzo for that second unit it sounds like specifically and of

    Course you guys know about the clutch thing with with LeBron and them thinking they they’re slick 25 year anniversary of Wal Clyde Frasier and Mike Breen and what else did we cover here donm Mitchell Robinson is officially out eight weeks so tomorrow wait for tomorrow’s game pregame against the

    Memphis Grizzlies Tom Tibido will be updating us with uh the re-evaluation of Mitchell Robinson which is Major of course because we expect him to come off the bench I think we all as Nick fans want him to come off the bench come play off time if he is available

    And if he is we’ll see with this update you know during the reevaluation time let me get to some of these comments before I get out of here all balls in the building he’s with us in spirit and the comments probably not coming back until after the break then right and then you

    Have like nine is it nine days off that I saw Los Nicks what is the issue I don’t know hit the like button y’all listen it’s 113 you people in here followers I don’t call you people that was crazy for me to say3 people in the

    Building uh 105 on all ball TV five on all favorite perspective Channel hit the like button man peace peace you got streamyard yeah my brain from streamyard if you got streamyard I guess we could link up it’s outside you I guess I guess your name is

    Outside you heard no not him I think you talking about LeBron hi what’s going on Edward uh GMS in land Empire to Lakers got nothing to offer their basket is empty they got LeBron and AD to offer they got them trust me the Lakers are thinking about it they they you know

    Genie doesn’t want to do it they like their Stars they like drama too by the way OG out for the season No Way Long Island Sound one stop trying to scare me don’t do that OG is not out for the season I love that you put a question

    Mark there at least you didn’t scare me like some people in my life they like to leave me with messages I’m looking at one in the kitchen at least there was a question mark involved there Danny Barry what’s going on baby just Nicks oldish oh you talking about the which

    One you talking about Nicks for Life Lorenzo don’t want him here yeah we don’t we don’t want him here either bro Off the Bench LeBron to New York Knicks equals NOP nope Edward I like that hey guys got on late what’s the what’s the OG I think we

    Talked about that right uh um M3 TV faan thanks for the love that’s amazing yeah of course man all TV thanks for the shout out no doubt man gotta get you on my show that would be awesome yeah no doubt just uh gotta set the schedule up we going

    Crazy out here getting LeBron means like uh means likely trading Randle that’s fine until you likely lose Lebron after the season to whomever drafts Brony no LeBron no Randall now what do you do we don’t need him we don’t need him and randle’s a Workhorse he’s been here for

    A couple years but the writing is on the wall I think we have to be comfortable with the fact of losing Randall um we we’ obviously the the the up and down relationship with Randall and and it goes back and forth he booed us we booed him and by we I ain’t talking

    About me because I don’t boo my players unless they do something silly um which he did that day because he had no reason booing us when when you’re the one performing bad um but there is an up and down relationship with us there’s also an up and down relationship with Julius

    Randle and CA he dumped them for I believe W is his new home but that is where his agent that was at ca he was he was he left and went to WME so he he rejoined his agent from CAA at WME and now you know remember RJ Barrett did

    That this past summer he left CAA and look where he’s at now OJ noobi had left whatever company and went with CAA I think clutch if I’m not mistaken he left clutch and he went to ca and once that happened they some if not writing on the

    Wall little pencil little pencil on the wall was you know what I mean it wasn’t a spray paint but it was some writing so we have to pay be comfortable with Julius Randall you know possibly leaving man like it’s just is a business do I want

    It to be for LeBron James straight up no if you can finagle or Anthony Davis and and Julius Randle here keep hartstein I would do Mitchell Robinson Julius Randall automatic upgrade you that’s an automatic upgrade the harste come off the bench or spell Anthony Davis mines

    Because a ad doesn’t even like to play the five so if you can keep harsy at the five ad at the four LeBron at the three or have him off the bench or playing alongside O noobi come on man that’s what I would do if they

    Want to do it that way if you don’t want to take that trade LeBron James you know where you could go I ain’t saying it on the air right now LeBron does this passive aggressive stuff every year around this time oh is we got DD in the building that’s right bones get busy

    What’s up bones get busy I see you follow me on Twitter recently you show love appreciate you my brother oh it’s it’s one of the mods bones get busy I can’t see your avatar but I’m thinking you’re you’re a dude that’s Bon What in in his Avatar was bones

    Island oh okay I’m sorry but so we don’t know bones get busy is uh God busy is is a girl or a guy true hard to take when hor seriously he has always been a LeBron apologist more so than a reporter yeah but and everybody see I don’t want everybody to

    Get this Twisted Michael Jordan did the same thing you know people always try to pit like oh you’re a Jordan guy I don’t I never like Michael Jordan growing up never liked him I’m a Knicks fan he would do similar things with the media he didn’t talk to Sports Illustrated so

    He created embargos he knew where his his power was he didn’t talk to his name Sam Smith whatever his name was that made the Jordan Rules book he knew what he was doing he played games with the as well um LeBron just is a little more clumsy with this stuff I compar Jordan

    To The Godfather you know compared to LeBron James he’s more he’s a lot more cleaner um just goes about things less clumsy than LeBron LeBron just talks a little too much and then you got wior there that it’s a different game too Jordan didn’t have to he didn’t he didn’t play

    In the Twitter era where everything can be news and you have to really shut everything down but I believe you know the Kobe Bryant of the world Jordans of the world they just come off as a different kind of way different demeanor lot more intentional um same thing with

    Like a dwade these guys are very intentional with how they the presentation how they go about their business oh that explains Wendy worse than Jordan Rashad Bromance orad Rashad and we really like enamored we were enamored withad Rashad and Michael Jordan bro like we Amar Rashad remember

    He was Felicia Rashad was was his wife she was on a Cosby Show um and he used to come on NBA Inside Stuff Amar Rashad was really cool ain’t nothing cool about Wendy except when he went that was the coolest he’s ever been that’s it but Amad Rashad is a

    Different level CWC tibs be over here over playing guys he’s keep he keeps on being stubborn we ain’t GNA have a starter F let start of five that that seems to be the thing too in playing Bruns in 44 minutes kind of force that’s why I was saying flirting

    With the idea of having forer in there and some some games um but I hate seeing molai Flynn how you say his damn name Flynn it’s Flynn McBride and Brunson they’re none of them are above 6 foot2 Malachi yeah I had enough of him did I hear correctly that clutch Sports is for

    Sale or maybe M3 TV that is a favoring conspiracy clutch Sports is for sale he’s looking for a Way Rich Paul and LeBron know their grasp is coming to an end the Lakers are telling them that they have less and less leverage as the years as the days go by um CAA was

    Purchased for8 billion 8 billion in September they have $18 billion under management $18 billion do that they you know that they broker clutch has 1.8 around there so 10 times less so if they got sold for eight billion how much do you think clutch is really worth maybe

    Around a billion and it’s hard I would think it’s hard to really deal with all that if CA got sold what do you think clutch is dealing with remember CA is a Hollywood agency clutch is trying to be that LeBron is opening up a studio in

    Hollywood they need big bank as much as or you know I don’t know how what is they’re going to do I see them selling that’s what I see tibs is so stubborn Jordan P thought he was a number one is that what the problem

    Was yes it is I gave T TI’s flowers but started leaving guys in for too long and that’s going to mess up uh mess us up when we get in the playoffs we need fresh legs we need guys who can come in there also bro we didn’t have this issue last

    Season I don’t I think we had you know remember with Barrett and IQ you had a guy in the starting lineup who could play with the second unit IQ that could really take up minutes you know we’re really missing those guys as much as um we’ve improved on a balance level um the

    Chemistry level It upgraded since IQ and and uh RJ Barrett departure yeah but we need we need those bodies to to continue the chain the Chain Gang CWC play Topp and brother or Charlie Brown see what these guys have stop waiting to the last minute to adjust you know what Warren you’re right

    Because we’re playing the Memphis Grizzlies tonight why can’t Brunson take the night off like at this point we have we should like limping to the playoffs should not be the goal that should not be the goal we have enough we would be the scariest team healthy at any the playing Team

    Whatever we don’t want to be a playing team because with one game elimination anything can M anything can happen that’s some you know NCAA tournament type of style you don’t want that we should aim to be between one through six we’re we’re actually a game behind the bucks for second

    Place and is and the Cleveland Cavaliers are officially in third place I was a year too late but I’m glad d drop is here looks like boy looks like my prediction before the season is going to be completely true what’s that number one seed Boston number two seed

    Milwaukee I did adjust though and put Philly third after the Harden trade so I guess I was wrong on that my ini original pick was Philly and sixth um and that could easily happen but Miami would have to be fifth but three was Cleveland four was New York

    Then I slaughtered him one down after I had Cleveland over New York the whole time haven’t budged on that how’ you have three Cleveland this year when I said three they were three last year and you had such a problem with that because this is the second year after having

    Experience of going to the playoffs I think a team gets better a young team with experience and they picked up we talked about in the preview you know by the way if you watch that preview some of our answers they aged so well and some aged so badly it’s like such a

    Comedy watch we should watch that on playback with people and just see our takes let’s do it Jesus didn’t expect to see Darion like that so laidback you know Long Island Sound one everyone seems to be just dragging themselves to the allstar break for that vacation recovery

    Time uh just came in can it be Thursday already I have to know what we’re doing Master j3 what’s going on baby uh let’s take our time let’s be patient I’m so worried about OG LeBron is dirt are you all boss cousin har car what’s going on okay come through Shades

    Come on baby we in the building you guys think clay get moved at the deadline I feel like the writing has been on the wall for a while now I think it’s time for them to split and they’re saying and they’re trying to put the pressure on on Steph

    Curry what do you think about that just I’m thinking about that it might be time it might be time for them to split but I don’t think they’re goingon to move him right but why is it it seems like they’re putting they putting it all on

    On on Steph Curry like if he okays it then we’ll trade everybody it’s all on him though like he’s the god of the Warriors now he’s the best player in franchise history I get that but that’s a lot of pressure to put on him especially when Bob Meers

    Left escaped before having to even make that sort of decision shout out to Cameron that’s the first person I ever heard say that that he left so he didn’t have to make that decision so why are you leaving if you know that your general manager who helped create this

    Design this dynasty if he left to not deal with the pressure why would you put that much more pressure on the on your Superstar just drop 60 he doesn’t need that sort of pressure on him that’s your job as a general manager that’s why again I respect Jerry Krauss even though

    He was a bit scummy and they boot him since the early 90s he still stood his ground and he went at Jordan I gotta respect like respect a man like that all right you guys think Cay is more uh and by the Way no because I don’t see Steph Curry if they’re relying on Steph Curry to make that deal then no CWC stands for Charlie Ward’s cousin I’m Charlie Ward’s cousin he played with the patrian oh wow patri starts open them boys in in the 90s Charlie Ward is Charlie Ward was a

    Heisman Trophy winner he tough guy tough guy War I got a question for you bro do you think your your cousin could play in today’s game because I’m not saying he can’t because I don’t know his game well enough but a I always see a lot of

    People that try to [ __ ] on the 90 or crap on the 90s say that Charlie Ward wouldn’t even be in the league today so let me know what you think of that is that disrespectful do they not know ball let me know it’s not disrespect at all

    He would have to be a better shooter but um anybody who played guard in my opinion why can’t they if they’re playing in a tougher era umot Charlie Ward they say he can’t shoot but he’s a big he’s a big guard though is he not I don’t know if he was

    Big let me see Charlie Ward he wasn’t a uh he wasn’t um a knockdown shooter what is he for his career he was 30 36% at one point he shot 40% how many games did he play he’s 6’2 so he played 11 years in the NBA though

    Man you can’t be terrible and play 11 years in the NBA yeah he shot 36% for his career he went up to 37 35 38 38 37 he shot as many as four threes at one point in the 0203 season which is mad surprising on the Knicks they shooting 36% of the

    Field no from the field he shot 40% he shot he shot bad um 42.8% 42.8% he shot 39% from three in 2000 that’s not that’s really good bro he shot 40 why do people make up lies about these players that’s what I understand okay he might not be a knockdown three-point

    Shooter but why do people act like he’s incapable of like even making a three I just don’t understand I hate people relax D no I like it why do we lie about previous players to like to just to demean them to prop up the now why players have existed because we’re

    All human and we all have some sort of agenda and we have an opinion you have an opinion too if they say down Charlie Ward said all now it bring it makes for Content it makes with conversation but hatred and this strength for every like calm down Charlie Ward we’re proving

    Right now could have played in this era if you got M La Flynn on the New York Knicks right now you have all these players I could point to malikai excuse me Malachi Flynn on the Knicks right now get out knock it off and he was a

    Defender and he was tough he was a Heisman Trophy winner not like a football player oh yeah he play football no Heisman Trophy winning quarterback if I’m not mistaken at quarterback we we praise Alan ivson for being a point guard a quarterback and a and a and a

    Shooting guard you gotta praise somebody like Charlie Ward also so he’s not just a normal basketball player like we like that’s what we say about Danny a Danny a played two sports that means like come on he’s showing some sort of physical you know some sort of Intelligence on

    Different levels that’s not easy to perform like that so and he was drafted if I’m not mistaken um Danny Ang was in in in MLB right show um show what’s his name domber time next time n come on some people are going to be biased to it you understand what I’m

    Saying like there’s some people just gonna look at you like we just listed a fact that he shot well from three some people don’t care I’m not here to argue with people like this that’s why I got my own channel I got we we got our own old TV channel I got my

    Own I’ll take your stuff and I’ll repost it and make some content out of it we’re monetized we got super chats we got memberships I work on the patreon I’m work on everything else I’m start the merch again we got playback coming up they want to see us DME that’s what they

    Pay you for you use that as fuel to talk about it and you say look at these morons or these moronic statements and you keep it P keep it pushing don’t be a pansy I like that by the way let me ask you a question so you’re telling me you

    Would you said some people don’t care so you’re telling me you would give them that evidence they be like ah no no like they would just deny it bro you’re not listen me and you that’s why we enjoy talking to each other about basketball correct I’m not going to be uh I don’t

    Need I I need to see what I want to hear what D got to say about this and we could challenge each other at at this on a scientific level everybody ain’t scientist man people are you know we’re we’re social creatures and you and and it tells you it’s telling about you know

    Some things in life basketball Sports can be very religious for people and they become honed in on whatever they believe Bel saw and they go crazy I’m not I’m not going to sit there sometimes it’s entertaining skip look at skip B he made a career out of it television career out

    Of it so it is entertaining and it’s it can become interesting but then there’s another side to it where it’s like that’s why he can’t really hold himself down or hold on a television show by himself because you only want to hear your voice and be an antagonist the

    Whole time and that’s cool and that’s fun for its own excuse me for its own show but it’s not what I want to do you know what I’m saying it’s not what I to do I got dime on here with me because I don’t want to have that kind of

    Conversation it just goes in one place it’s going to be name calling you don’t know what you’re talking about Evolution Evolution you believe in science somehow half of the science project you you just read half the science book and then the other half you just totally throughout

    The window right things can devolve we don’t just just because it it’s going on doesn’t mean that it got better that’s not what evolution necessarily means Evolution means change so people just take things and run with it but I’m not sitting here going to argue about with

    Charlie W play basketball now because it is arguable that he couldn’t because he doesn’t look like these guys that we see today that are outstanding excuse me which is part of the problem just because he doesn’t look like John Morant doesn’t mean he can’t play today some like Mark Jackson they

    Think Mark Jackson couldn’t play today I haven’t heard that one as much because Mark Jackson is such a good passer anyway you know what I mean like yeah his game is totally built for the 90s but he was such a relevant player that I’ve never heard anyone say marckson

    Couldn’t play today although if I talked to more gen Z Bots they probably would Charlie Ward is someone because he’s not as famous as Mark Jackson and all that but as you said like we got guys like Malachi Flynn who’s only good at shooting like you know there there’s

    Guys in the league that like aren’t all that you know what’s so great about Kyle Lowry okay stop Kyle lry is a hard be a Hall of Famer I okay on the cusp of it whatever but my point is is that what makes him great why we love him is that he’s

    Gritty Fenix is gonna kill you in the chat with that comment no no I’m saying Fenix plays that’s no disrespect I’m saying Kyle Lowry could have played in any era yeah I would disagree with that I don’t I you know I don’t do that but what does that to do with Charlie

    Ward there’s nothing spectacular about him it’s straight will grit hard work Focus all s of mamb mentality like with with with Kobe coins right Nike coin SK player great range he’s pretty good at catching shooting off the ball for a point guard he didn’t start off way he

    Didn’t start off that way good in the beginning of his career there was nobody in the Rockets I remember I was like Kyle Lowry okay average NBA player on the Rock is when he started to take off but my point is is that was not good

    Though you know no one cared about them they were weren’t on National Television at all right but he but he he evolved greatly really he evolved to this guy where he’s gonna have a statue in Toronto nobody thought that right so all these guys they’re just seeing they

    Believe in that’s that’s what’s that’s that’s what kills me about them they believe in evolution so much as if if you strip down all of these dudes today they don’t learn any skills same body type what the hell do you think they were in the 2090s they had to work to

    Get to this point they weren’t born out the womb evolved it’s not they we’re not just we’re not evolving through our DNA like that that’s not what’s happening you got someone like wemy had to go play basketball he didn’t just pop out the womb 7 foot6 dribbling a ball like that

    No he had to work on all of that and he was allowed to work on all of that back then you weren’t allowed to work on all of that so again all these factors that are not going to be talked about but it is what it is if they don’t want to like

    Have this kind of conversation then it’s not really it’s not as arguable as as as I don’t know everything is arguable in sports so like uh LeBron James is the is the career scoring leader of all time it’s no longer arguable but can Charlie Ward play today is arguable we can argue

    Both sides and that’s what makes this whole thing enjoyable go Clips go Charlie can actually shoot the three yeah Long Island s knows what he’s talking about confession I secretly root for the Knicks and the Clippers by the way Harmony is a young lady so that kissy that kissy those kissy lips you

    Got on there if you’re interested they are they are from a lady CWC Cavs in front of us by a game we the fourth what kissy lips she had she threw a kiss on on the screen CWC Charlie Ward’s cousin that’s hilarious CWC Charlie Ward’s cousin Cavs

    In front of us by a game with the fourth seed in the East right it’s the caves and the bucks but the Bucks are reeling oh my God there reing dime hold on a second oh we have a Glenn River another another Glen Rivers meltdown and we got the ultimate Glenn Rivers meltdown

    Spokesperson on the air right now dime are you enjoying life the Clippers are hot as can be without the likes of Glenn Doc Rivers and the Milwaukee Bucks for some odd reason decided to hire this man in the middle of the season and they might fire him 10 games later because he looks

    Crazy how are you feeling about this amazing he’s just gonna slowly show how much of a fraud he is and um he somehow got to coach the allstar team like it’s just amazing the the jobs this guy gets like the way he looks into these great jobs he gets to coach the

    Allstar team and he’s one and three and even coach this team to wins like how did we not get Nick nurse to do it like we can’t adjust the rule for this season and let Nick nurse do it or or JB bicker staff or Tibido for God’s sake like come on

    Insane he sucks dude I’m Gonna Save My Glenn for the postseason because it’s gonna be there this is insane I can’t believe I can’t believe he might be out by by by the time we come back from the allstar break that’s just and they’re talking about that was

    A rumor they’re talking about trading Grant Williams for uh Bobby Porter I saw I’m not sure let me see see any updates on that Twitter um BBY Portis okay so that was four hours ago still um Dallas Mavericks and Milwaukee Bucks have discussed a grant Williams Porter swap according to I think the

    Stein line that’s Mark Stein Mavericks the Mavericks and Bucks League sources say have held exploratory discussions on the trade that would swap mil Milwaukee’s Bob rep Porters and newcomer Grant Williams finish up these topics these comments so a Caruso type oh is they is that who they’re comparing Charlie W to maybe

    Yeah Caruso yeah because Caruso is such a um another guy could play in any era right tough and you don’t think he’s that good that guy man oh man if see we get D rozan we got to go after him here’s three draft picks Charlie was a

    Tough-nosed point guard he was the point guard of the 1999 team he also got kind of flipped over by uh our guy and started a crazy fight Charlie W was that dude he shot 41% on three attempts a game in the early 2000s that’s not bad at all your man Chris Charles Chris

    Charles was crazy but uh you know I think he had an alcohol alcohol issue Ward was a solid player perhaps more suited as a backer but he was a smart heady player you just wouldn’t expect 50 points explosive uh offensive exploits from him he was a pass first

    Guard solid Defender Charlie Ward can ball I can I come from a basketball background the Nicks one of my uncle named John Ward he’s from Long Island New York oh that’s that’s dope where’s the merch coming soon Harmony coming soon pause CWC thanks Long Island St sound one

    CWC salute glad you’re okay G I’ll be on Uncle freezy podcast show sometimes oh yeah who’s Uncle freezy bis is not coel but Howard coell is the OG to all this M3 TV we keep a thousand he even had a book that was called I didn’t play

    The game or something like that what was the name of Howard coel’s book is that’s hilarious I know Howard coell even wrote a book but that’s facts what he’s saying how coel I never played the game and that’s such a double uh double on Tandra right I never played the

    Game is it this one no it’s not that one where is it at there we go I never played the game 1985 popular broadcas describes his involvement and recent disillusionment with spectator sports and documents his 32 years as a sports journalist giving revealing accounts whatever whatever but

    How coel is the OG to all this stuff man we got accepted in playback oh there’s a is a accepting process or whatever yeah for onard for the potential pay nice congratulations uh Mark Jackson Mark Jackson would have averaged 10 plus assists today I would think

    So he just remember the thing about him is he would have to adjust and stay slim stay in fit because him and Barkley are the reason why they got rid of that 10-second backd down rule or 5C back down or they they implemented the 5sec backd down rule oh yeah I forget that’s

    Your name chat your chat name let’s go Nick CWC Charlie W got the job done say what I’m going to get you did you read what I said I think so it looks crazy what he’s coaching the East why a trade could save the Bucks in my opinion but it’s going

    To be tough for Doc he what one trade bucks are done bro the Bucks are done what happened last night you know Giannis and Yannis we gotta start talking about him man gotta start talking about him shouldn’t have got your damn coach fired two of them now you could have had Nick

    Nurse might as well like campaign to leave why’ you resign Yiannis silly silly rabbit something stinks about how he got the Bucks job and to coach the All-Star team tip should be coaching perhaps but you getting uh 6968 final score OG is out for how long they’re not

    Saying Jay-Z beers um Tom Tibido will update Us in the pregame of the Memphis PRI to the Memphis Grizzlies game tomorrow night Tuesday coel said stuff he knew went against a popular opinion to get ratings I actually had the honor of having lunch with him once once on third on a Third

    Avenue Restaurant in New York City what Third Avenue restaurant in Manhattan that’s number one number two he said he knew he would would get popular opinion to get ratings but that’s what it again de evolved to right like Stephen A Smith does the same thing you think Stephen A Smith ain’t up

    There knowing what will get ratings you know what I mean like skip Bay does the same thing they actually check what spikes and ratings when they go to the back when they sit in the back they go over all these things they have a team of people doing this Howard coell is the

    Beginning of all this right like he what do with Muhammad Ali and you know all this all these all these TV Antics that he did it was it was so it was so original and it’s closer to the origin of television especially color TV that

    You know it feels like oh this it can’t get any better A lot of nostalgia with that cuz he’s the original um but he did do a lot of what they’re doing now we can’t get get away from that he’s an Entertainer channel name is bluring tears coell knew exactly what he was

    Doing Stephen A Smith and bis copied him thousand per and everybody else did we all do how coel’s the Og man just like Howard Stern is the OG for all this stuff too and he has he has had some how stern was going crazy like really sick

    Resigning OG May no longer be a certainty resigning OG May no longer be a certainty uh n you got to resign him you traded a third round like the politics of it you traded a third a third pick for him RJ Barrett had enough uh value as a trade asset and IQ come

    Combined with IQ they had enough of a trade asset to go and get the likes of a OG his upside is way too crazy you sign OG but now to if we swing back the other way Nick will be 2026 NBA champs love your name if you sing if you can swing

    That statement the other way his value yeah his value drops now when in the go sh right he can’t ask for no Max we have a reason to say uh the hell’s going on with your elbow Nolan Ryan F perspective expected so accepted appreciate uh dime dropper the made drer

    Doing a driveby maybe I shouldn’t say that he’s in LA and flee flee was able to stop by earlier appreciate y’all next rehab all boy was in the building they don’t like comment sub we are 55 away if I’m not mistaken from getting 6500 subscribers please like subscribe share um tell them

    How much you love me with my sunglasses on tell them how much you don’t tell how much you hate my crown on my tooth makes me like like a buck tooth beaver as this commentary told me the other day that was hilar I I was dying for like 10

    Minutes straight he called me a bucktooth Beaver how dare you call me a woodchuck like that I would have smacked you in real life but the point is favorite perspectives in the building and he’s leaving well elbow injuries are not something to be taken lightly I just want to know what the

    Hell’s going on we out of here baby


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