Problems and solutions

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    Oh pancakes good morning welcome to the Vlog I appear to be having one of those weeks this week firstly uh our shower broke down so I’ve now had to resort to having baths instead of showers and uh I don’t think I’ve had a bath for maybe 15

    20 years or so so um that’s all proving to be a bit of an experience and then a couple of days ago I got back from my ride on my gravel bike and I noticed that I broke a spoke on the hunt wheels that I’ve got in the bike and when I was

    Looking a little bit closer at it to try and replace the spoke I then also noticed that the remaining spokes are pulling through the alloy Rim uh and there’s some splits developing and stuff so I would say that that wheel now is pretty much uh unusable and then to add in insult to

    Injury when I was taking photographs of that damage uh to Center Hunt the camera that I was using also broke down so I don’t know what’s in the air whether it’s bad vibes or Bad Karma or what it is but yep I’ve got three things going

    On at the minute the good news though is that I’ve booked an engineer to fix the shower hopefully they will be out soon uh and the wheels from hunt I bought about 18 months 2 years ago so in theory they they have a 3year warranty so

    Hopefully uh I will will be getting a replacement and the camera well I don’t have much Choice I’m going to have to take that to my local camera shop to get repaired fingers crossed it’s not going to take too long or be too expensive fortunately I have more than

    One bike to choose from so I’m not stuck for anything to ride Normally this time of year I’m either riding my gravel bike or my heavy old uh winter bike with the uh the mudu guards but today I thought I’d treat myself to riding my can out and that’s because weather’s not too bad it’s actually quite dry plus i’ I’ve decided to come over to

    Chester to the camera shop and kill two birds with one stone and as it’s 25 km or so and the parking is quite expensive and I’m too tight fisted to pay for the petrol and the parking I thought this would be a good [Applause] idea well that’s the camera dropped off money saved and just the ride home now 25k hour or So Did I say that the roads were dry what an idiot fortunately there’s a little foot Bridge I don’t mind admitting that I was rather pleased with that ride today because it’s actually my Longest Ride of the Year up until now that honor has gone to a ride that I did about a week ago I cycled to a local cafe with a friend of

    Mine and some friends of his and uh we we stopped for refreshments and then then we all cycled back and that ride was 48 km and today was 50 km okay I did have the stop over at Chichester at the camera shop but that was only for about

    10 minutes to drop the camera off and the News there is that the repair is going to take about 3 weeks and it’s going to cost me about £150 or so or $200 Which is less than ideal but unfortunately it’s just one of those things one of the things that made

    The ride today really pleasurable though was riding my Cannondale um the difference between that and my gravel bike and my winter bike is absolute night and day the gravel bike and the winter bike are both fairly heavy and had I ridden the gravel bike it would

    Have been a tough ride if I’d ridden the gravel B the the winter bike though it would have been a real slog back on uh about 4 days ago I rode the winter bike up to our local Village and that it’s only about 7 km there so 7 km back as

    Well uh and it was really really tough going and I wasn’t looking forward to cycling over to Chichester today on that heavy bike but the the canondale is such a pleasure to ride it’s light uh it’s it’s really really comfortable it fits me very well uh the gearing is nice and

    Light and it’s just a beautiful beautiful bike to ride so it’s a couple of days later and there have been some developments firstly an engineer came out yesterday and fixed the shower so that’s fantastic I can go back to having showers again and that’s all fine and dandy the second

    Uh development is that hunt have got back to me about the wheels now let me just be clear about this these wheels I bought with my own money they didn’t send me the wheels or anything like that so this is a proper response to a paid customer with their own customer support

    Now firstly what they’re saying is that they think the problem was caused by Rider weight and between you and me no surprise there being a heavier Rider I was fully expecting um to that that would be the problem with the wheels and secondly they’re saying that potentially

    The problem was caused by uh the tire pressure being too high now I run these wheels at about 90 PSI and they’re suggesting to run them at about 60 PSI that does sound a little little bit low to me but when I get the wheels back I

    Will give it a try and just see how it goes as for the repair they’ve offered me two potential Solutions the first one is that they send me a rim and then I get somebody locally here to do the repair or alternatively I send the whole

    Wheel back to hunt and they do the repairs themselves so I’m happy with either of those Solutions and yeah it’s all been uh very well handled so a massive thank you to hunt for putting all of that together so quickly for me as much as I hate it when things do

    Go wrong I also realize that it’s inevitable that they do and at some point you’re actually going to have to stop sitting around and moaning and moping about it and feeling sorry for yourself and actually get up off your ass and try and do something to make it

    Better and hopefully that’s what I’ve done this week now I know one of the really big problems for many cyclists particularly at this time of year is motivating yourself to get up off the sofa and actually go out for a ride and if you’d like some tips on how to make

    This as simple as possible then click on the video just here


    1. Bummer of a week sir. Glad things worked out and you got a ride in so Id say win-win. Glad to see that Hunt has great customer support and service.

    2. Exactly the same problem I had with my Hunts after 4 months without a broken spoke, cracks around two holes. I was within their weight limit and Hunt supplied a replacement rim and covered the cost of using a local wheelbuilder. I switched wheels immediately to DT which are still running straight and true three years later 🤷‍♂️

    3. nice vlog Leonard – one of those weeks 🙂 it happens in 3s mate, hopfeully it's all sorted by now – the begining of the vlog I felt like saying that you needed a powder monkey ride to sort things out! however, seeing you out on the Cannondale out to Chi looked like it started to all come good! – like another commenter said, give Chris @ Refreshcycles a msg about the wheels – he's a good chap, sorted out my airliners on my trail Hunts – hopefully I don't have issues with them in the long run but good to hear their customer service is good.

    4. A few years ago I had the stove break down at the same time as having a computer problem happening. Made the mistake of not cutting the power feed to the stove before I started inspecting and unscrewing things. It blew up on me exactly like the navigation or helm stations did sometimes on "Star Trek" with a big blast of smoke! But I was just happy I didn't electrocute myself because it happened when my hands were down there inside. As for bikes, I had two spokes break on me on the same rear wheel for the State in the last six months. The first I figured was from a rut I hit. But the second I couldn't figure out at all. As much as I'm prone to jumping curbs at speed as the need arises, I really do try to avoid that now on the State over the pesky wheels. Different rules for the Marin hybrid. Fact is when the State is down over something like that I really miss it. It's become a big part of what I'm doing on bikes with it being a heavy factor in my athletics and what I expect from them.

    5. I looked at Hunt wheels, read tons of reviews and found this to be a common problem. I've suffered the same issue on another set of wheels and didn't want the hassle again. Needless to say, I didn't buy the Hunts. However, I've heard and read that they have a fantastic customer service team and nearly all the cracked wheels had been replaced under warranty.

    6. had exactly the same issue with a set of hunts… spokes came loose, wheel re-trued and rim started to crack arou d the spokes. Hunt replaced rim and rebuilt wheel without question. Eve. Supplied a new fro t rim so the wheels would match (New rear rim was a different profile/depth). Great customer service, but has to be to make up for questionable product quality.

    7. Started riding @ 172kg/27st in 2021, 12,000 miles later (-57kg/8.5st) I have broken 14 wheels, obliterated dozens of tyres (sidewall failure) snapped 15 saddles (inc 2 Brooks), destroyed 9 seatposts, bent endless pedals, cranks and chainrings, snapped chains, liquified hub gears and even bent frames, all on “quality” bikes. I now ride wide-range, hub-gear, high-bar, heavy duty Dutch bikes; bombproof, rustproof, weatherproof, daily comfortable for miles without sore wrists-and the straight back lets you breathe fully-anyone with a proper belly suffers on drop bars. I can go (reliably) all day and also surprise the hell out of carbon riders when I’m in attack mode! Heavy riders are not catered for in bikes or clothing; a subject that badly needs a separate video please Leonard; there are solutions!

    8. Bad news always comes in threes, right? God only knows this 'old wives tale' seems true in my life, at least! You're not being tight fisted Leonard. Government / local councils get too much of our money as it stands and in return basic public services get worse, so I am like you in that I am not prepared to pay shed load for parking as one example, along with 20 mph speed limits, which are now shown to create more town centre congestion than ever, especially when bus/taxi lanes have been implemented, so riding in that empty lane is convenient for us cyclists, but a pain in the proverbial for drivers. Hunt are right, 60 psi at this time of year is appropriate. I run all my tyres at around 60 in winter, because the lower pressure is more comfortable and provides better grip in colder weather on more slippery and unpredictable road surfaces.

    9. You should team up with Greg Doucette and go on a weight loss journey. It could make compelling content for both your channels and be educational for many many people at the same time.

    10. Didn't want to tempt fate but I was the guy remarking on your last video about big lads breaking more parts. And yes, spokes erupting from the rim had just happened to me…

    11. Nice Vid. I bought some Hunt wheels on special a few years back and they shipped them to Australia – the import duty was a sting in the tail. After a couple of months one of the spokes completly broke. I contacted Hunt and they told me to get the wheel fixed locally and send them the invoice and they would reimburse me. All done, all good, and I have not had any other problems. Love my Hunt wheels.

    12. You could try to gently clean contacts on memory card. Same "No card" thing happened to my camera I haven't used for a long time and cleaning helped.

    13. As for wheels I've been eyeing Cycle Clinic for my new wheels but haven't pushed button because of international shipping and taxes. Kinlin rims with decent hubs in my book is a dependable workhorse. Or, as others say, local wheelbuilder.

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