Exploring some of the most beautiful roads in the UK – first up, with a Bank Holiday trip down south to Somerset, taking on the Cheddar Gorge climb and drinking in the surrounding areas like Glasto and Wells – where scenes from Hot Fuzz were filmed. Completely daft of us to forget to put on mudguards.

    Split the video into two parts, with a trip to the Quantocks and a savage 100 climbs climb coming next.

    Video contains some kindly gifted items from partners such as:


    Music from Creative Commons.
    Song Credit: Dream
    Artist: Metre

    Helloooo I am just popping on quickly – you can probably tell this is a completely different day, so once again we have done this in the funniest order. But I was going to get ready to put the video live on YouTube, schedule it all ready for

    Friday and I remembered one of the really helpful comments someone had left saying ‘make sure you introduce yourself’ and I hadn’t done it, so heeeeere I am, I am baaaack so second video. Thank you for stopping by.

    My name is Kate and I run the Instagram handle @pelohun and this is my venture into YouTube so second ever video. The next few clips are basically from our weekend in Somerset. So we went down south just to go and explore some of like, Somerset’s hills and the scenery and

    Just get a change of scene. I know that the UK has got some absolutely gorgeous hidden gems for riding – massive fan of going abroad cycling because the British weather is chaotic at best, but the UK has got some absolutely stunning spots, so as part of our Dragon ride training we went down

    To Somerset to try and find somewhere new to ride, to try a couple of new climbs. So I’ve split this video into two parts – second part coming soon. Which includes us doing one of the top 100 climbs following a lovely comment and a recommendation

    About going to see the Quantocks and going into the Quantocks to ride – we did that in video two and took on what can only be described as an absolute beast of a climb and so yeah that will be in the second part of this two-part series – the ‘Somerset series’.

    But yeah so for this video I’m just showing you a little bit of where we stayed and our first gorgeous ride out. Which sounds like I’m sticking a pun in there, because we did go to Cheddar Gorge and that

    Was that was “Gorge” as I frequently say throughout the video and try not to say, so yeah hope you enjoy. I am now off to go and do a crit race training – cornering, so all the best for me and all

    The best for everyone around me – because I take corners like an absolute cowboy. Thanks so much for being here and as always if you do like what you see really appreciate any likes, comments tips and massively appreciate any subscribes and yeah enjoy, byeee Holiday holidddayyyy holidaaay! We are going to Somerset.

    We’re gonna climb… which climbs are they? Wookey Hole? Did I make that up? Cheddar Gorge. We’re gonna climb Cheddar Gorge and gonna go and stay in a cute little BnB in… Oh I forgot the name of the village, or town. Can you remember that? Batcombe. Bakla? Batcombe. Bat- comb?

    Batcombe. What are you saying? Batcombe. Batcombe. Are you just making up words now? Are you making me sound like… Batcomb. Like I’m saying dirty words? We’ll explain when we get there. Are you just making me say things? Batcombe. We’re going to Batcombe. Feeling ready?

    What a reaction. You didn’t even want to look at the camera. You feeling ready Ise, yeah? Yeah. We’re gonna get soaked. But. Up for it. We’ve had a slow morning – we’ve had coffee in bed, breakfast lunch – it hasn’t quite cleared up yet, but we’re gonna go for it.

    No time like the present. So this is a vibe What a boot. You alright? Yeah I’m good Just had what I think was a wasp fly into my hat. But it’s out. Um. Hang on – I’m not riding through that. No mud guards

    So I was telling you we are on the South Somerset cycleway. Do you think this goes all the way to the Gorge? Cheddar Gorge? We’ll find out! I thought this was meant to be a hilly ride? I feel like they are all gonna come at the end.

    I think that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Another really straight road GLASTONBURY! GLASTONBURY! GLASTONBURY! Cheddar Gorge next. Gorgeous. How many, uh Gorge puns are we gonna make on the way up? How many puns can you make with Gorge? I can’t even think of any. Chedddddarrrr Oh it looks amazing!

    OMG is it 4km? Gorge? Gorge-ous. How was Cheddar Gorge? ABSOLUTELY GORGE-OUS Little spicy boy at the beginning. Over very quick. And then a beautiful long roll. What would you say? Uh, really steep in the middle. The middle? No, not the middle. The start.

    And then it was just a drag Beautiful though. Aside from the boy racers. Are you talking about me? I mean. You did fly off. The lads in the cars – living their best lives Grand Theft Auto style. And it did take me back to Majorca with the goats.

    Couple of cheeky ones. I’d give it. Three out of ten for hardness. Or maybe even two. I’d say. One hand emoji. One hun hand. I’ve got a technique A half pedal WOAHHH It’s very high up It’s getting a bit misty How have the wheels been?

    Really good. Very lightweight. We just really should have put our mudguards on. Because it does look like I have… Crapped your Maap. Crapped my Maap. Is that the pub that he goes in?

    I feel like I’m trying to remember scenes from the film. Are you? And I can’t. Last climb dooooone No we’re not finished. It’s that way. Wrong way Aren’t we going this way? Nope. Well we’ve gotta crack on. We ain’t done climbing. Bye b*tches. Haha, she’s eggy.

    Surely that’s gonna be the last one Almost there. Two KM to go. I’m in the wroooong gearrr. 95k done. YEAH 95k DONE. A very slow 95km. So slow. Oh my bum is so sore. Have you had an accident? That was nice So slow though. That’s alright. Glastonbury: done!

    SO dirty. Sign of a good time.


    1. Hi Kate, have been a follower of yours on Instagram and delighted to see your new YouTube channel. I hope all goes well with it. Liked the comical and down to earth approach. I live in Somerset and totally agree cheddar Gorge is a great spot for cycling, if you don’t mind the hills.

    2. Welcome to YouTube, Kate. As a fellow new YouTube creator, it's great to see more cycling channels starting up and especially a female led one. 

      Great video too. I visited Cheddar Gorge last year and agree that it's incredible for cycling, so you can be forgiven all the 'gorge' puns. 🤣Can't believe you didn't get to the Crown pub though, it's literally just up on the left in the main square as you go past the Swan. Never mind though, all the more excuse to head back there again. 👍

      Looking forward to seeing the rest of the trip. 👌

    3. Hi Kate, I just subscribed as you did one of my favourite rides from long ago. Used to ride the Ceddar Gorge as one of my training loops back in the 60s. I’m from Bristol originally but now in Oz. Miss the place sometimes, enjoyed watching your ride to countryside I used to know well.
      Stay safe on them Pommy roads. Looking forward to your next adventure. 👍

    4. Hey Kate, been following you on insta for a while and loved following your progress as a fellow female lockdown cyclist! Loving the YouTube content now too 👌

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